Bio Mcqs

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Bio Many Past paper Qs will Cover:

☞Number of bones – 206

☞Number of muscles – 639

☞Number of kidneys – 2

☞Number of milk teeth – 20

☞Number of ribs – 24 (12 pairs)

☞Number of chambers in the heart – 4

☞Largest artery – Aorta

☞Normal Blood pressure – 120 – 80

☞Ph of blood – 7.4

☞Number of vertebrae in the spine – 33

☞Number of vertebrae in the Neck – 7

☞No of bones in middle Ear – 6

☞Number of bones in Face – 14

☞Number of bones in Skull – 22

☞Number of bones in Chest – 25

☞Number of bones in Arms – 6

☞Number of bones in each human middle ear 3

☞Number of muscles in the human arm – 72

☞Number of pumps in heart – 2

☞Largest organ – Skin

☞Largest gland – Liver

☞Smallest cell – Blood cell

☞Biggest cell – Egg cell (ovum)

☞Smallest bone – Stapes

☞First transplanted organ – Heart

☞Average length of small intestine – 7 m

☞Average length of large intestine – 1.5 m

☞Average weight of new born baby – 2.6 kg.

☞Pulse rate in one minute – 72 times

☞Body Temperature – 36.9o C (98.4o F)

☞Average blood volume – 4 – 5 liters

☞Average life of RBC – 120 days

☞Pregnancy period – 280 days

☞Number of bones in human foot – 33

☞Number of bones in each wrist – 8

☞Number of bones in hand – 27

☞Largest endocrine gland – Thyroid

☞Largest lymphatic organ – Spleen

☞Largest cell – Nerve cell

☞Largest part of brain – Cerebrum

☞Largest & strongest bone – Femur

☞Smallest muscle – Stapedius (Middle ear )

☞Number of chromosomes in human cell – 46 (23 pairs)

☞Number of bones in New born body – 300

☞Largest muscle – Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)


1) Red color of carrot and tomato is due to:

✍ anthocyanin

2) P.H of human blood is

✍ 7.4

3) Largest organ inside human body is:

✍ Liver

4) Largest organ of human body is:

✍ skin

5) What is cellulose:

✍ Carbohydrates

6) The smallest of all human cells are:

✍ RBCs

7) No of bones in human body is:

✍ 206

8) Smallest unit of life is:

✍ Cell

9) Red blood cells have no:

✍ Nucleus

10) White blood cells are also known as:

✍ Leucocytes

11) Red blood cells are also known as:

✍ Erythrocytes

12) Life appeared on earth about:

✍ 3 billion years ago

13) When earth was formed its atomsphere were composed of:

✍ Water vapour, ammonia and Methane

14) Biochemical organ of life is discovered by:

✍ Oparin

15) Group of cells are termed as:

✍ Tissue

16) Kingdom fungi are known as:

✍ Decomposer

17) Which cell organelles not participate in cell division:

✍ Ribosomes

18) Longest bone in human body is:

✍ Femur

19) Shortest bone in human body is:

✍ Stapes

20) Most important food is derived from:

✍ Fruits

21) After human most intelligent mammal is:

✍ Dolphins

22) Prokaryot doesn’t possess:

✍ Nucleus

23) Eukaryot has a:

✍ Nucleus

24) In bacterial cell………… not found:

✍ Golgi apparatus

25) …………….Is found in plant cell while in animal cell it is absent.

✍ Cell wall

26) Jelly like structure found inside the cell are reffered as.

✍ Cytoplasm

27) Which part of cell makes proteins:

✍ Ribosomes

28) Most important stimulant in tea leaves:

✍ Caffeine

29) First cloned sheep was discovered by:

✍ Dolly

30) Which part of cells process packages and export proteins.

✍ Golgi apparatus

31) Colored part of eye is called

✍ Iris

32) Tubes that carry away blood from heart is called:

✍ Arteries

33) Tiny bumps on tongue is called is:

✍ Taste buds

34) Black part of eye is termed as:

✍ Pupil
35) ………….Tubes carry blood towards heart

✍ Veins

36) Chromosomes consists of:

✍ DNA and Proteins

37) Poison of honey bee is:

✍ Acidic

38) Apple is rich in:

✍ Iron

39) Longest nerve is

✍ Sciatic


Femur is the largest bone.

Stapes(ear bone) is the smallest bone.

Humerus(arm bone) is called laughing bone.

Clavicle(shoulder bone) is called loving bone.

Oesteology is the study of bones.

Adult has 206 bones

Baby has 300 bones

Man has 360 joints

Hyoid(throat bone) is only jointless bone.

Neck 7 bones

Hand 27 bones

Foot 26 bones
Vertebral column 33 bones.

Liver is the largest gland

pancreas is the 2nd largest gland.

Pineal is the smallest gland.

Aorta is the largest Artery.

Vena cava is the largest vein.

Cardaic muscles found in Heart.

Heart never rest till death.

After the death human brain works till minutes.

Skull 8 bones

Blood is formed in bone marrow.

Cardiology is the study of heart.

Spleen is called graveyard.

Clavicle is also beauti bone in females!

Pancrease is also called double gland!

peneal gland is also called as primative eye!

Tochelear_Nerve Study shows that peneal gland was supplied by trochlear nerve … Cn 4.

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