9 English Poetry SWIFT Assessment

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Year 9 English – Poetry Analysis

TEACHER: Mr Visser, Mrs Prins and Ms Riggall

Purpose: To explore and analyze a poem and its contained poetic techniques.

Task Description: Each Student is provided a range of protest poems (below) and
must pick one to complete a swift analysis. They will then write an analytical
essay of 400 – 500 words using the swift analysis.

These options will give them the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of
different aspects of the course content and/ or offer them different ways of
demonstrating their understanding and skill development.

Part 1: Poem selection

Select a poem from the list below:
 Australian Air - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rydKJcHH4M
 I am NOT Black, You’re NOT white - https://youtu.be/q0qD2K2RWkc
 the hill we climb, Amanda Gorman.
 Can we Autocorrect Humanity? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 Plastic Planet - https://youtu.be/gveL2kSy9eo
 We lived happily during the war -
 Caged Bird- https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48989/caged-bird
 Dulce et Decorum Est -

*You may opt to find your own protest poem. Be sure to get permission from Mr
Visser before your analysis.
Year 9 English – Poetry Analysis

Part 2- SWIFT Analysis

You will need to print out the transcript for your poem and annotate on it using
different colours to conduct a swift analysis.

This SWIFT analysis will be used to write your analytical essay. Your analytical essay should
cover the questions below:

-How is the poem organized/ structured? (Visually, what do you see?
-Does it have interesting features? (e.g., spacing, indentation or use of
punctuation, dashes, question marks, exclamation marks, etc.).
-Does it use Stanzas? Lines?
-How does the poem use Rhyme and Rhyme Schemes?

- What sound devices are being used?
- Does the poem have a regular (slow/fast) rhythm?
- What is the effect of this on the meaning and mood?
-What specific word does the poet use to elicit emotion? To what effect?
-How would you describe the poet’s use of words – vivid, striking, effective, simple,
colourless or predictable positive or negative? Is the language appropriate to the
subject matter/topic?
-What images does the poet paint with words? Think vivid language that appeals
to the senses! (What images come to mind?)
-How would you describe the poet’s use of similes, metaphors, personification or
symbols in the poem? Do they help to convey the poem’s meaning and mood?
-How does the figurative language affect and enhance the poem?

-What is the poet’s purpose or motive for writing this – what message/s does
he/she want to communicate?

-What is the poet's attitude toward the subject?
-What is the predominant emotion, or mood, of the poem? Does the mood change
during the poem?
-What emotions or feelings does the poet seek to evoke in the reader / listener?
Year 9 English – Poetry Analysis

The structure of your essay should be as follows:

1) Provide some background information about the poet.
2) State the name of your chosen poem and that you will analyse the poem’s structure,
word choice, imagery, figurative language and theme.

SWIFT Analysis Paragraphs: This should be five short paragraphs.

1) Outline the focus of your paragraph. E.g. Firstly, the poem contains many vivid
examples of imagery.
2) Provide a quote from the poem that relates to your topic.
3) Explain how this quote is an example of your topic (structure, word choice, imagery,
figurative language, theme or tone).

1) Summarise what you discussed.
2) End with a call to action: what should readers do in light of the theme and message
of your chosen poem?

Word Count: 400 – 500

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