PET (B1) Listening Test 07

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PET (B1) Listening Test 07

Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 When does John offer to come?

2 What did the woman enjoy doing at the party?

3 What will the weather be like in the morning?

4 What time does the tour of the hospital start?

5 What isn’t the daughter having for her birthday?

6 What size shirt does the man want?

7 What are the police checking for next week?

Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 You will hear two friends talking about a film.
What does the woman say about it?
A It’s only suitable for young people.
B The director doesn’t usually make action films.
C It has already been on TV.
9 You will hear two friends talking about someone the woman lives with.
They think it would be a good idea
A to ask him to leave.
B to remind him to do the washing-up.
C to leave him a note of things to do.
10 You will hear a woman telling a friend about a holiday she is going on.
How does she feel about it?
A She is worried it might be expensive.
B She doesn’t think she will be lonely.
C She doesn’t like doing long walks.
11 You will hear two friends talking about meeting a relation at the airport.
To help the person find him, the man has decided
A to take a sign.
B to wear something colourful.
C to email her when she arrives.
12 You will hear two friends talking about getting to the train station.
The man thinks
A the bus will take a long time.
B a taxi is too expensive.
C the train will be late.
13 You will hear two friends talking about a new laptop.
What does the man say about the old one?
A He took it to work for a while.
B It was slow to start.
C It stopped working.

Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a
number or a date or a time.
You will hear a radio presenter called Erica talking about how we can help the environment.

How to help the environment

Remember that when we’re (14) ……………….. . we always have the choice to buy
something somewhere else.

Take (15) ……………….. with you the next time you go shopping.

Recycle unwanted things by giving them to (16) ………………..

See how you might be able to help with (17) ……………….. problems where you live.

Ask your friends to help you clear rubbish and litter from (18) ……………….. and streets in
your area.

Try car-sharing with your (19) ……………….. if you work in the same area.

Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear an interview with a woman called Sally Wainwright, who recently started singing
20 Sally explained that
A people kept telling her to try something different.
B she didn’t enjoy art classes.
C she had never been to a singing class.
21 Sally wanted to sing because
A her husband wanted her to.
B her mother told her she would love it.
C she didn’t want to feel embarrassed about singing.
22 What does Sally say she likes about the group?
A The people are very kind.
B You don’t need to show you can sing well to join.
C You only sing on your own if you want to.
23 What does Sally say about the first session?
A She had problems with her car.
B She felt better after talking with the organiser.
C She was asked to stand at the back.
24 Since she has been singing with the group
A Sally now sings with her children.
B Sally has achieved all her goals.
C Sally is more confident about singing on her own.
25 What does Sally say about singing?
A It can make you physically stronger.
B She is sure it is good for her health.
C She ends a session feeling cheerful.
PET (B1) Listening Test 14
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What time does reception open?

2 When is the best month to plant the seeds?

3 Where did the man buy his shirt?

4 How much is one adult ticket to the football match?

5 What is it that needs replacing?

6 Where does the man want his wife to come?

7 When is Janine’s birthday?

Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 You will hear two friends talking about a sales assistant.
The woman thinks
A he knew when to ask for help.
B he hasn’t been working in the shop for long.
C he is likely to become manager there.
9 You will hear two friends talking about saving for when they retire.
The man thinks
A people retire too soon.
B younger people don’t care.
C people should start saving as early as possible.
10 You will hear a husband and wife talking about a holiday.
The woman says
A she would like to go somewhere they’ve visited before.
B it’s cheaper to book online.
C she would like to go with friends.
11 You will hear two friends talking about the local library.
The man says
A families don’t take their children to libraries.
B people should have more books at home.
C if a library closes it is unlikely to be replaced.
12 You will hear two friends talking about doing a presentation.
What is the woman worried about?
A The technology might not work.
B She is worried about feeling too nervous.
C She isn’t sure of what to say.
13 You will hear two friends talking about working from home.
The man says
A it’s difficult to concentrate.
B he is more efficient.
C he misses talking to people.

Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a
number or a date or a time.
You will hear a radio presenter called Erica talking about how we can help the environment.

Your First Week at University

Make sure you bring information about your course and (14) ………………..

Tell someone if you find anything that is (15) ………………..

The first place to meet new people is the (16) ………………..

Clubs and societies are a great way to meet people who are studying (17) ………………..

Avoid signing up for more than (18) ……………….. groups.

Register with the (19) ……………….. soon after you arrive.

Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear an interview with a woman called Carrie Lewis, who is talking about her
reasons for travelling.
20 What does Carrie say about her reasons for having long holidays?
A They have interrupted her career.
B She might not be able to have them when she has a family.
C If it were possible she would travel for longer.
21 Carrie says she can afford a long holiday partly because
A she finds work before she goes travelling.
B she shares the cost with other people.
C she avoids spending too much on accommodation.
22 What does Carrie say about jobs?
A It’s not difficult to find work in a restaurant.
B You have to start work early.
C She once worked in a hotel.
23 Carrie explained that this year
A she had been offered a job.
B she couldn’t find a job in the French cities.
C she wrote to a few restaurants while she was in France.
24 What does Carrie say about the family restaurant?
A nobody in the family spoke English.
B one of the children employed her.
C they had English-speaking customers.
25 Why was the job perfect for Carrie?
A The family had a boat she could use.
B It gave her time to travel.
C She could sometimes work on Sunday.

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