Moses CV

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Name: Moses Odhiambo Otieno

Mobile: +254707386538

E-mail: [email protected]

License number: 434263

Nationality: Kenyan

Address: P.O. BOX 6779-40100 Kisumu

Religion: Christianity

Language: English, Kiswahili


 To promote better understanding of health, preventive, curative and rehabilitative

medical services to patients and clients.

 To use my knowledge and practical experience and skills to achieve organizational and
facility goals.


2021 - 2024: Diploma in community health nursing (KRCHN) - Kenya Medical Training College.

2016 - 2019: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) – Chianda Boys High School – (B-)

2007 -–2015: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)- Nyamasaria Primary School –

March 2021 – January 2024: Clinical rotation.
Rotations in hospitals listed were done in between my admission to completion of training.
District Experience 6 Weeks ----Rongo Sub-County Hospital, Migori.
 Sharing of health messages to the community, ordering and receiving of drugs to
including vaccines
 MCH and outreach services
 Working with multidisciplinary like district health management team (DHMT),
community development, agriculture and veterinary, probation and children’s officer
 Keep track and updated records of the stock
 Guidance and counselling on HIV/AIDS transmission, prevention and drug compliance
 Health counselling on family planning services Consultation, dispensing of medication
and management of minor complications at the clinic level
 Handle emergencies and refer for further management
 Vaccination, nutrition and health education on prevention of polio, measles and other
under five diseases
 Writing monthly report
Rural Experience 6 Weeks ---- Lwala Community Alliance Hospital
 Mother Child health services
 Family planning
 Working with community health worker
 Assessing and evaluating, planning and implementing nursing interventions patient’s
outcome Providing health services such as triaging, drug administration, immunization
and family planning, health education and counselling to patients
 Facilitating patient admissions and initiating discharge plans
 Maintaining clients records on care and health conditions
 Ensuring safe and tidy clinical environment, Identifying and management of minor
outpatient conditions
 Successfully conducted school health programmes and home visits.
 Attained a 10% increase above the average uptake of health services through outreach
services and community health education.
Psychiatry 4 Weeks ----Siaya county Teaching and Referral Hospital
 Mental assessment of patients during admission
 Drugs administration
 Facilitation of discharge
 Facilitation of occupational therapy and group therapy
Accident and Emergency 4 Weeks ---Kisumu County Referral Hospital
 Triaging of patients on arrival -Identified, prioritized and managed patients based on
their degree of urgency.
 Participated in implementation of resuscitative interventions i.e. administration of
emergency drugs.
 Prepared patients for minor theatre procedures i.e. suture cuts
 Spearheaded Continuous Medical Education and sharing of healthy messages in
outpatient clinics. Documentation and record keeping
 Participating in resuscitation of patients
 Aseptic technique; wound dressing
New Born Unit 8 weeks –Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital(JOOTRH)
 Participated in the admission process, referral and discharge for babies at risk.
 Developed individualized nursing care plans in management of babies with special
 Achieved patient safety through calculation of dosages, correct administration of drugs
and observation of infection prevention measures.
 Drugs admission and care of new born, feeding, top tailing, vital observation and caring
of the incubators
Maternity Ward 12 Weeks ---- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital
 History taking and admission
 Participated in the provision of utmost care to pregnant women through routine
antenatal visit assessments, provision of prophylaxis treatment and individual birth plan
development (IBP).
 Collaborated with interdisciplinary health care teams in identification and management
of women with minor and major complications in pregnancy
 Conducted comprehensive patient assessment of women in labour and postnatal.
 Identified and managed patients with obstetric emergencies in labour and complications
of puerperium.
 Ensured exemplary care through management and monitoring of women in 1st,2nd and
3rd stage of labour by use of partograph.
 Successfully conducted safe deliveries and participated in provision of targeted maternal
newborn care in the first 24-48 hours postnatally.
 Care of mothers in all stages of labour
 Conducting deliveries discharge
 Documentation and Maintenance of relevant records
Paediatric Ward 8 Weeks –Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital
 Care of sick children both with medical and surgical condition
 Enhance parental involvement in the care of sick children
 Sharing health message to parents and guardians
Surgical Ward 10 Weeks---Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital
 Participate in drugs administration ✓Pre-operative and post- operative case
 Conducted episodic patient assessment, admission, referral and discharge of patients.
Developed individualized plan of care for patients under medical –surgical procedures in
a 24 -hour health facility.
 Played a role as a nursing student ward manager in ward management activities
Planning, Acquisition and appropriate use of resources, Staff evaluation and guidance,
decision making and management of ward emergencies.
 Ensured continuity of patient care through report writing and handing over during shifts.
 Aseptic technique
 Sharing health messages
MCH 12 Weeks -----Kisumu County Referral Hospital
 Care of patients with general medical conditions
 Isolation and barrier nursing to enhance infection control
 Drug administration Mother Child Health and Family Planning
 Antenatal care services
 Immunization
 Cold chain management
 Family planning services
 Triaging sick children
 Sharing of health message
Theatre Department 4 weeks -----Kisumu County Referral Hospital
 Performed specific roles and duties of a circulating nurse and a scrub nurse during
surgical procedures.
 Participated in infection and prevention activities.
 Received and handed over patients to the ward nurse.
Ward Management-Kisumu County Referral Hospital- 8weeks
Medical Ward- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTH)
Gynaecological ward-4weeks---Kisumu County Referral Hospital
Duties and Responsibilities;
 Performing physical exams and health histories before making critical decisions
 Providing health promotion, counseling and education.
 Administer Medication and other personalized interventions,
 Coordinate care in collaboration with a wide array of health care professionals.

 Equipment Usage: I have proficiency in using equipment like; Oxygen
concentrators, Cardiac monitor, Nebulizer, Resuscitation equipment, Central
venous catheters, Suction machine, CPAP.
 Basic Computer Skills: Email, Electronic Patient Records
 Team work: I can work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team.
 Management: I can manage hospital resources well, organize work and
coordinate shifts as well as monitor standards of care.


 Assessing patient and client and establishing health care needs.
 Planning and implementing care intervention based on patients or clients health needs.
 Facilitating patient admission and initiating discharge plans.
 Administering prescribed medication and medical treatment competently as directed by
a physician.
 Evaluating patient care needs, prioritized treatment.
 Implementing and evaluating patient response to care.
 Providing high quality safe nursing care to patients and clients in reference to national
and hospital guidelines, policies and standard operating procedures.
 Ensuring clean and safe environment for staff, patients and visitors.
 Maintaining patient records properly.
 Diagnosis and treatment of minor illness and referral of patient for further
 Administration of drugs, vaccines and contraceptives.
 Conducting delivery and resuscitation of newborns with complications.
 Teaching and mentoring other staffs.


 Socializing,

 Making new friends

 Reading journals, books


NAME Profession Contact

Rachael Nyangi Sub-county public health +254722936932

nurse, Rongo. [email protected]

Carren siele Head of Nursing services, +254723947443

Lwala community Alliance


Andrew G. Malit Nursing Lecturer, Deputy +254720925049

principal, Kisumu KMTC

[email protected]

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