Mansci Finals Reviewer
Mansci Finals Reviewer
Mansci Finals Reviewer
Sales Forecast
Forecasting Methods
Month Actual
Jan (1) 200
Feb (2) 300
Mar (3) 200
Apr (4) 400
May (5) 500
Jun (6) 600
Jul (7) -
Moving Average
Week Demand
1 125
2 175
3 150
4 150
5 10
Summer Class | Management Science
Moving Average Example data has both linear trend and seasonal pattern. This method
Assume n=2 is also called Holt-Winters exponential smoothing.
t Where:
i =1
Sample Problem
[ ]
|( e t )|
Double Exponential Smoothing
Actual De-
cast et |(e t )| et
×100 %
This method is also called exponential smoothing. Holt's Dt
trend corrected or second-order exponential smoothing.
1 63 68
This method is used for forecasting the time series when
2 59 65
the data has a linear trend and no seasonal pattern. The
3 54 61
primary idea behind double exponential smoothing is to
4 65 59
introduce a term to take into account the possibility of a
series showing some form of trend. This slope component
Here are what need to do:
is itself updated through exponential smoothing.
Triple Exponential Smoothing Step 1: Calculate the error as e t =Dt−F t (the differ-
ence between the actual demand and the forecast) for
In this method, exponential smoothing applied three times. any period t and enter the values in the table above.
This method is used for forecasting the time series when the
Summer Class | Management Science
Step 2: Calculate the absolute value of the errors calcu- Time consuming and expen-
Easy to understand
lated in step 1 [i.e., |(e t )|], and enter the values in the ta- sive
Provide only estimates or
ble above. Flexible
Step 3: Calculate the squared error (i.e., et ) for each pe- Convenient
Does not guarantee an opti-
mal solution
riod and enter the values in the table above.
Step 4: Calculate ¿ for each period and enter the value
Monte Carlo Simulation
under its column in the table above.
[ ]
Monte Carlo Simulation – is a technique for selecting num-
|( e t )| bers randomly from a probability distribution (i.e., “sampling”)
Actual De-
cast et |(e t )| et
×100 % for use in a trial (run by a computer) of a simulation. The
Dt Monte Carlo technique is not a type of simulation model but
1 63 68 -5 5 25 7.94% rather a mathematical process used within a simulation.
2 59 65 -6 6 36 10.17%
3 54 61 -7 7 49 12.96% a mathematical technique that generates the range of
4 65 59 6 6 36 9.23% possible outcomes for an uncertain event
Monte Carlo Simulation Technique: The more you sample,
Solution: the more accurate the sampling range and better estima-
Calculation for Accuracy measure:
True Random Numbers – produced only through physical
MAD = The average of what we calculated in step 2 (i.e., process e.g. spinning the wheel
the average of all the absolute error values) =
Pseudorandom Numbers – computer-generated using nu-
(5+6 +7+6) 24
= =6 merical technique
4 4
MSE = The average of what we calculated in step 3 (i.e., History
the average of all the squared error values) =
(25+36 +49+36) 146 named by Hungarian mathematician John Von Neumann
= =36.5 (working with bombs during World War II)
4 4 Monte Carlo Simulation’s name was derived from a casino
MAPE = The average of what we calculated in step 4 = place in Monaco.
Advantage Disadvantage
1. PortaCom Project
Summer Class | Management Science
Profit=( $ 249−Direct labor cost per unit−Pa r ts cost per unit )( Demand )−$ 1,000 ,00 0
C 1 = direct labor cost per unit
C 2 = parts cost per unit
x = first year demand
the profit model for the first year can be written as follows:
B. Worst-Case Scenario
Profit=( 249−C1 −C2 ) x−1,000 , 00 0
Using the what-if approach to risk analysis, we selected values
Profit=( 249−C1 −C2 ) x−1,000 , 00 0
for direct labor cost per unit (c1), parts cost per unit (c2) and Profit=( 249−4 7−10 0 ) (1 , 500)−1,000 , 00 0
first-year demand (x), and then calculated the resulting profit.
To generate such values, we must know the probability distri- Profit=$ 710,000
bution for each variable.
So, the worst-case scenario leads to a projected loss of
Flowchart for the PortaCom Simulation $847,000.
Direct Labor Cost per
Unit What-If Analysis
$43 0.1 Worst Best
$44 0.2 Direct Labor Cost/Unit $47 $43
$45 0.4 Parts Cost/Unit $100 $80
$46 0.2 First Year Demand (Units) 1,500 28,500
$47 0.1
Estimate First Year Probabil-
C. Best-Case Scenario
For example:
A. In Terms of Labor Costs If RAND() function generates the random number
0.7005, the Excel function shown in equation (12.4)
Random number intervals for generating values of direct labor will provide a first-year demand of 17,366 units.
cost per unit
Direct Labor Probabil- Interval of Random If RAND() generates the random number 0.3204,
Cost per Unit ity Cost ($) equation (12.4) will provide a first-year demand of
$43 0.1 0.0 but less than 0.1 12,900.
$44 0.2 0.1 but less than 0.3
$45 0.4 0.3 but less than 0.7 Random generation of 10 values for first-year demand
$46 0.2 0.7 but less than 0.9 Direct Labor Cost
Trial Random Number
$47 0.1 0.9 but less than 1.0 ($)
1 0.7005 17,366
An interval of random numbers is assigned to each possi- 2 0.3204 12,900
ble value of the direct labor cost in such a fashion that 3 0.8968 20,686
the probability of generating a random number in the in- 4 0.1804 10,888
terval is equal to the probability of the corresponding di- 5 0.4346 14,259
rect labor cost. 6 0.9605 22,904
7 0.5646 15,732
Random generation of 10 values for the direct labor cost per 8 0.7334 17,804
unit 9 0.0216 5,902
Direct Labor Cost 10 0.3218 12,918
Trial Random Number
1 0.6983 45 Note: Random numbers less than 0.5 generate first-
2 0.0082 43 year demand values below the mean and that random
3 0.6799 45 numbers greater than 0.5 generate first year demand
4 0.8898 46 values greater than the mean.
5 0.6515 45
6 0.3976 45 Running The Simulation Model
7 0.0642 43
8 0.0377 43
Running the simulation model means implementing the se-
9 0.5739 45
quence of logical and mathematical operations described in
10 0.5827 45
the flowchart:
Clearly with only ten trials we cannot simulate the labor
Flowchart of the PortaCom Simulation
cost probability distribution accurately. But if we were to
repeat these trials a sufficiently large number of times
then we would be able to accurately simulate this distri-
Gross Profit:
Gross profit per unit × unit sold
Shortage Cost:
Shortage cost per unit ×(D−Q)
Net Profit: Gross Profit −Shoratge Cost
First-Year demand: x=17,366 If monthly demand is less than the replenishment level, an in-
ventory holding cost of $15 is charged for each unit that is not
And with the profit equation: sold. However, if monthly demand is greater than the replen-
ishment level, a stock-out occurs and a shortage cost is in-
Profit=( 249−C1 −C2 ) x−1,000,000 curred. Because Butler assigns a goodwill cost of $30 for each
customer turned away, a shortage cost of $30 is charged for
each unit of demand that cannot be satisfied. Management
we obtain: would like to use a simulation model to determine the average
monthly net profit resulting from using a particular replenish-
Profit=(249−45−86.25)(17 366)−1,000,000 ment level. The company assigns a replenishment level of
Profit=$ 1,044,847
For Month 1
Here is the summary of results for ten trials:
Demand = 92
Gross Profit:
Gross profit per unit × unit sold
Holding Cost:
Holding cost per unit ×(Q−D)
Net Profit: Gross Profit −Holding Cost
Gross Profit: $ 50 ×92=$ 4,600
Holding Cost: $ 15 × ( 100−92 )=$ 120
Net Profit: $ 4,600−$ 120=$ 4,480
For Month 2
Note: Clearly with only ten trials, we cannot expect to repli-
Demand = 120
cate the decision problem accurately. A much larger num-
ber of trials is needed to allow the results to better ap-
Gross Profit:
proximate to the probability distributions we have used. To
do this we need to use computer-based simulation. Gross profit per unit × unit sold
Shortage Cost:
2. Inventory Simulation Shortage cost per unit ×(D−Q)
Inventory Simulation describes how simulation can be used to
Net Profit: Gross Profit −Shortage Cost
establish an inventory policy for a product that has an uncer-
tain demand. Gross Profit: $ 50 ×100=$ 5 , 0 00
Replenishment Level (Q) – refers to the point at which
Shortage Cost: $ 30 × ( 1 20−100 ) =$ 60 0
inventory or stock is replenished to maintain a steady Net Profit: $ 5 , 0 00−$ 600=$ 4 , 4 0 0
supply and avoid stockouts
Demand – generated through the use of an excel func- For Month 3
¿ NORMINV ¿ Demand = 80
Holding Cost – refers to the costs associated with hold-
Gross Profit:
ing or carrying a given level of inventory
Shortage Cost – the cost of having a shortage and not Gross profit per unit × unit sold
being able to meet demand from stock Holding Cost:
Case 1: D ≤ Q
Holding cost per unit ×(Q−D)
Net Profit: Gross Profit −Holding Cost
When demand is less than or equal to the replenishment level
(D ≤ Q), D units are sold, and an inventory holding cost is in- Gross Profit: $ 50 ×80=$ 4 , 0 00
curred for each of the Q - D units that remain in inventory.
Holding Cost: $ 15 × ( 100−80 )=$ 30 0
Gross Profit: Net Profit: $ 4 ,0 00−$ 30 0=$ 3 , 77 0
Gross profit per unit × unit sold
Holding Cost: For Month 4
Holding cost per unit ×(Q−D) Demand = 110
Summer Class | Management Science