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(Scientific Society, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India)
Phone: +91-40-27265587, 27267006 Fax: +91-40-27261658 Web: www.cmet.gov.in

No. C-MET/HD/SP-41/DGSET/10/2019-20/11620 Date:11.02.2020

Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Hyderabad invites Tenders
against Tender No. C-MET/HD/SP-41/DGSET/10/2019-20/11620, dated 11.02.2020.
Closing Date/Time 13.03.2020 at 17:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their
original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.


Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 200 KVA Diesel Generator Set.

Tender Type : OPEN TENDER

Pre-Bid Meeting : 26.02.2020 from 16:00 – 17:00 Hrs.
Closing time : 13.03.2020 at 17:00 Hrs.

Note: Bidders who downloaded tender documents from our web site shall send
an email to [email protected] immediately giving the tender reference
number, date of downloading, your full address and contact details. This will help
us post any corrigendum or addendum to the tender taken place after the bidder
downloaded it. Addendum/corrigendum will be posted in our website as well as in
CPP portal only. It will also be sent to bidder who had informed after downloading of
the document from our website.

Pre-Bid Meeting:

The Pre-bid tender meeting will be held on date & time and specified above in the
Laboratory premises. Interested firms are requested to attend the pre-bid meeting
and inform their attendance to the e-mail id: [email protected]. The
clarifications/queries, if any in this regard, should reach the lab on or before
22.02.2020 at 17:00 Hrs to discuss the same in the pre-bid meeting.


(i) The Technical bid & Financial bid should be in separate sealed covers
(ii) The quotation should be submitted in the enclosed format only.
(iii) The Enquiry Letter No. & date should be clearly indicated in the quotation,
otherwise quotation will be rejected.
(iv) Firms or their authorized representatives are requested to attend the opening of
Technical bids on 17.03.2020 at 12:00 hours. If there is any delay in opening of
technical bids will be intimated to the bidder.
(v) These details are also available in our website: http://www.cmet.gov.in & CPP
(vi) The offer should be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of

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(vii) C-MET is registered under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
(DSIR) and eligible for concessional GST rates @ 5% for Research Institutions as
per Notification No 45/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 14.11.2017 and
Notification No. 10/2018-Integrated tax (Rate) dated 25.01.2018. The requisite
certificate for availing concessional GST Rate along with documents will be

3. Bid Security Declaration: The bidder has to sign a Bid Security

declaration accepting that if the bidder withdraw or modify its bid during the period of
validity i. e., not less than 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the bid due date or if
the bidder is awarded the contract and fail to sign the contract or to submit a
performance security before the deadline defined in the request for bid documents,
the bidder will be suspended for participation in the tendering process for the tenders
of C-MET, Hyderabad for a period of one year from the bid due date of this tender.
The bid securing declaration shall be submitted as per format (Format for Bid
Security Declaration).


(i) Sealing and Marking of Bids

(i) The Bidders shall seal the two envelopes in separate inner envelopes,
duly marking the envelopes as Technical Bid and Commercial Bid.
Tender Reference No. and name and address of the Bidder should be
marked on each of Technical Bid Envelope and Commercial Bid
Envelope. These two envelopes should be placed inside an outer
envelope. The outer envelope shall be sealed and indicate Tender
Reference No. and name and the name and address of the bidder.
(ii) The inner and outer envelopes shall be addressed to the Administrative
Officer, Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology, IDA Phase-III,
Cherlapally, HCL (Post), Hyderabad-500 051, Telangana State, INDIA.
(iii) The inner envelope shall also indicate the name and address of the
Bidder to be returned unopened in case it is declared “LATE”.
(iv) If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as specified, C-MET will
assume no responsibility for Bid’s misplacement of premature opening.
(v) E-mail, FAX bids will be rejected.


During evaluation of bids, C-MET, at its discretion, may ask the Bidder for
clarifications of its bid. The request for clarifications and the responses shall be
in writing and no change in prices or substance of the bid shall be sought,
offered or permitted. However, no post bid clarification at the initiative of the
bidder shall be entertained.
5. Deadline for Submission of Bids

(i) Bids must be received by C-MET at its address mentioned above not
later than 17:00 Hrs. on 13.03.2020. Bids may be sent through
courier/speed post or dropped in the Tender Box available in the
Laboratory. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids

Page 2 of 44
being declared as a Holiday for C-MET, the bids will be received upto the
appointed time on the next working day.
(ii) C-MET may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids
by amending the tender document, in which case all rights and
obligations C-MET and Bidders will thereafter be subject to the deadline
as extended.

6. Late Bids

Any bid inadvertently received by C-MET after the deadline for submission of
bids prescribed by C-MET, will not be considered and returned unopened to the

7. Contacting C-MET

No Bidder shall contact C-MET, Hyderabad on any matter relating to its bid,
from the time of the bid opening to the time of contract is awarded. If he
wishes to bring additional information to the notice of C-MET, it should do so in
writing. C-MET reserves its right as to whether such additional information
should be considered or otherwise.

Any effort by a Bidder to influence C-MET in its decision on bid evaluation, bid
comparison or contract award shall result in disqualification of the Bidders Bid.


A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify
Administrative Officer
Cherlapally, HCL (Post),
Hyderabad-500 051
Tel No.:+91-40 27265587 / 27267006
Fax: +91-40-27261658



Delivery Period

The System should be supplied within 4 (Four) Weeks from the date of placing
Purchase Order.

LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: – The delivery period quoted should be realistic.

The delivery period so quoted and mentioned in the order is the essence of
the order/contract. In case of delay in delivery of material as per the

Page 3 of 44
delivery schedule, Liquidated Damage @ 0.5% per week or part thereof on
the undelivered portion subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value
shall be levied. Wherever, installation and commissioning is also involved,
the supply will be deemed to have been completed only when the entire
stores is supplied, installed and accepted.


 Within 21 days of receipt of the notification of award/PO, the Supplier shall

furnish Performance Security (PS) [also known as Bank Guarantee] in the
amount specified in the purchase order. It is an option to the Purchaser either
to submit single Bank Guarantee/FD etc as detailed to cover both supply,
installation and commissioning (as indicated in PO/WO) and warranty/extended
warranty period or two BGs one each to cover supply and warrant/extended
warranty separately. The validity shall be as stipulated in PO plus 60 days.

 The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the Purchaser as

compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's failure to complete its
obligations under the Contract.

 The Performance Security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees for the offers
received for supplies within India and denominated in the currency of the
contract in the case of offers received for supply from foreign countries or in
equivalent Indian Rupees in case the Performance Security is submitted by the
Indian Agent.

 In the case of imports, the PS may be submitted either by the principal or by the
Indian agent and, in the case of purchases from indigenous sources, the PS may
be submitted by either the manufacturer or their authorized dealer/bidder.

 The Performance security shall be in one of the following forms: (a) A Bank
guarantee or stand-by Letter of Credit issued by a Nationalized/ Scheduled bank
located in India or a foreign bank with preferably its operating branch in India in
the form provided in the bidding documents. Or (b) A Banker’s cheque or
Account Payee demand draft in favour of the purchaser. Or, (c) A Fixed Deposit
Receipt pledged in favour of the Purchaser.

 The performance security will be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to

the Supplier not later than 60 days following the date of completion of the
Supplier's performance obligations, including any warranty/extended warranty
obligations, unless specified otherwise, without levy of any interest.

 In the event of any contract amendment, the supplier shall, within 21 days of
receipt of such amendment, furnish the amendment to the performance
security, rendering the same valid for the duration of the contract, as amended
for further period of 60 days thereafter.

 The performance security must be received within 21 days. However, the

Purchaser has the powers to extend the time frame for submission of
Performance Security (PS). Even after extension of time, if the PS is not
received, the contract is liable to be cancelled provided that the purchaser, on
being satisfied that it is not a case of cartelization and the integrity of the

Page 4 of 44
procurement process has been maintained, may, for cogent reasons, offer the
next successful bidder an opportunity to match the financial bid of the first
successful bidder, and if the offer is accepted, award the contract to the next
successful bidder at the price bid of the first successful bidder.

 Whenever, the bidder chooses to submit the Performance Security in the form of
Bank Guarantee, then he should advise the banker issuing the Bank Guarantee
to immediately send by Registered Post (A.D.) an unstamped duplicate copy of
the Guarantee directly to the Purchaser with a covering letter to compare with
the original BG for the correctness, genuineness, etc.


Our standard payment term is 100% payment within 30 days against receipt,
installation, commissioning, training and acceptance of material in good condition by
NEFT/RTGS subject to submission of BG for 10% of basic cost covering warranty
period including extended warranty period. However, in deserving cases it will be
considered as per Rule 172 (1) of GFR-2017 by the competent authority.

Special Condition: The stipulated delivery date for completion of all activities to be
performed by the supplier under contractual obligations i.e., supply of
equipment/machinery and erecting & commissioning including all the civil, electrical
works, if any under the contract.

S. Description
1 The tenderer shall quote the rate by taking into account all the existing
statutory duties/taxes up to the date of opening of tender and provide details
in respect of this break up at the time of tendering. Any New Import or
revision in the duties, taxes during the original currency of the contract will
be to the purchasers account subject to production of Govt. notification and
documentary evidence. This will also be applicable for the relevant quantity
supplied during the extended delivery period, if such extension is on
purchase’s account. However, if the extension of delivery period is on account
of failure of supplier, no compensation shall be made towards upward revision
or imposition of any new taxes. Any benefit on account of downward revision
of duty either in original Delivery Period or during extended Delivery Period
shall be passed on by the supplier to C-MET.


S. Description
1 Statutory Variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and
duties by State/Central Governments in respect of the items stipulated in
the contract (and not the raw materials thereof), within the original delivery
period stipulated in the contract, or last unconditionally extended delivery
period shall be to C-MET’s account. Only such variation shall be admissible
which takes place after the submission of bid. No claim on account of
statutory variation in respect of existing tax/duty will be accepted unless the
tenderer has clearly indicated in his offer the rate of tax/duty considered in

Page 5 of 44
his quoted rate. No claim on account of statutory variation shall be
admissible on account of misclassification by the supplier/contractor.

12. Standard Governing Conditions

S. Description
1 Tenderers must accept the C-MET conditions of contract, Instructions to
the Tenderers, General Conditions and Special conditions of contract


S. Description Confirmation
No. Required
1 The tenderer must have supplied the same or similar YES
items/Equipments to other organizations and documentary
evidence must be furnished alongwith their offer evidencing
the execution of such Purchase Orders. Tenderer's with
past performance of satisfactory execution of contracts
before the date of tender opening as mentioned above for
the supply of the subject or similar items in last three (3)
years from date of tender opening may be considered as
responsive to C-MET requirements for placement of regular

14. (i) The Tenderer shall furnish along with his offer the details of past
performance of the machines, same or similar to those offered in the tender in the
following proforma during the last 3 years:

S. Name of Name of Purchase Delivery Actual Whether

No. Machine customer Order due date of customer’s
No. & Dt. date as delivery certificate in
per PO respect of past
performance of
the machine is
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(ii) Certificates from the customers to whom such machines have been
supplied in the past, regarding performance of the machines shall be enclosed
with the above information failing which the offer shall not be considered.
Certificates from Central/State Govt. Departments & Public Sector
Undertaking only shall be accepted, and performance from at least two such
customers should be submitted. Same/Similar refers to function and capacity
within reasonable range.

(iii) If the tenderer is not a manufacturer, but only an agent/trader, a

certificate from the manufacturer authorizing him as agent shall be attached
with the offer failing which the offer shall not be considered.

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(iv) The tenderer shall submit with his offer particulars plant and machinery
installed at his works as well as equipment for ensuring quality control and
inspection. Details like make, capacity, quality, horse power of all plant and
machinery shall be given. In case of an agent/dealer, the above details of
their principal manufacturer shall be given.

(v) The tenderer shall submit with his offer details of man-power available
with him showing the designation, no. of men, qualification & experience
separately for each section like management, shop floor, inspection and quality
control etc.,

(vi) C-MET has the option to verify the above information by physical
inspection or otherwise by any authorized representative of C-MET at any time.


a) In case where the consignees are more (say more than 4 or so), Tenderers are
required to quota for the FOR station of dispatch prices with an average freight
for all consignees, which will be added to FOR station for dispatch price to get
FOR destination prices.

b) In case where the consignees are 4 or less, Tenderers are required to quota
FOR station of dispatch price with an actual freight for each individual
consignee, which will be added to FOR station for dispatch price to get FOR
destination prices for each individual consignee.


In the event of contractors failure to have commissioned by the time or times

respectively specified in the letter of acceptance or contract, purchaser shall levy
Liquidated damages for the delay:

S. No. Description Confirmation Required

1 200 KVA DG Set Technical Specifications YES
is to be read before quoting



S. No. Description Confirmation

1 Please enter the percentage of local content in the
material being offered. Please enter 0 or fully
imported item, and 100 for fully indigenous items.
The definition and calculation of local content shall
be in accordance with the Make in India policy as
incorporated in the tender conditions.

Page 7 of 44

1 Technical Bid Documents should be serially arranged as per CHECK

LIST WITH PAGE NUMBERING. This will be opened
on 17.03.2020 at 12:00 hours
2 Commercial Bid Should contain only Price Bid. Date of opening of Price bid
(Price Bid) will be informed to those whose bid technically qualified.


Specifications conforming to the requirement or better than that, Past Performance,

Financial Soundness, Technical Competence, Total Cost and Organizational Capability
of the Tenderer to provide installation, commissioning, after sale service and spare
parts supply shall be some of the crucial parameters for pre-qualification of


On finding inadequate response to Tender Notice or if the Prices quoted are

substantially high and negotiations with the Tenderer's have not resulted in any
positive response C-MET may not accept and Re-tender.

In case cartel is suspected, re-tendering will normally be resorted to.


C-MET requires that the bidders/suppliers/contractors under this tender, observe the
highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts.
In pursuance of this policy, the following is defined for the purposes of this provision,
the terms set forth as follows:

a) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of

anything of value to influence the action of the public official in the
procurement process or in contract execution and

b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to

influence a procurement process or an execution of a contract to the
detriment of C-MET, and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to
or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-
competitive levels and to deprive C-MET of the benefits of the free and open

C-MET Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended
for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
contract in question.

C-MET will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time to
be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in
corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.

Page 8 of 44

In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document, the interpretation of the Director, C-MET shall be final and binding on all



C-MET shall have the right to issue addenda to tender documents to clarify, amend,
modify, supplement or delete any of the conditions, clauses or delete any of the
conditions clauses or items stated therein. Each addendum so issued shall form part
of ORIGINAL INVITATION TO THE TENDER. Addendum/corrigendum will be
posted in our website as well as in CPP portal only.


The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, penalty or
termination for default, if and to the extent that, its delay in performance or other
failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force

For purposes of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of
the Supplier and not involving the Supplier’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable.
Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the Purchaser either in its
sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes.

If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify C-MET in writing
of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by C-MET in
writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the Supply as far
as it is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the Force Majeure.

C-MET reserves the right to cancel the order without any liability in case the
stores/goods/equipments is not supplied within the stipulated period and for non-
fulfillment of specifications.

Any dispute between the parties on the purchase would be settled by arbitration. The
Place of arbitration proceedings shall be at the place decided by C-MET. Applicable
laws shall be laws of Union of India.

Page 9 of 44

S. Description Confirmation
No. Required
1 All conditions shall be as per tender document
2 The bidder confirms that Rates and other financial terms
quoted in relevant columns of financial bid will only be
ruling terms for acceptance, and such terms quoted
anywhere else should be ignored. [Denial of this condition
not recommended]
3 The bidder agrees to supply the tendered stores at the
rates quoted by him in accordance with C-MET conditions
of Contract and [OR] Special Conditions and [OR] other
Conditions specified/attached with the tender
4 Pre-despatch Inspection - By nominated
C-MET official at Destination
5 In case the date of bid opening falls on a gazette holiday
or is subsequently declared as such, the bids will be
opened on the next working date at the appointed time


S. Description Confirmation
No. Required
1 Taxes/Duties
1. Tenderer should clearly indicate Basic rate and
applicable rate of GST & HSN Code
2. Tenderer's should ensure that they are GST compliant
and their quoted tax structure/rates are as per GST
3. In case the successful tenderer is not liable to be
registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act, C-
MET shall deduct the applicable GST from his/their
bills under reverse charge mechanism [RCM] and
deposit the same to the concerned tax authority
4. While submitting offer, it shall be the responsibility of
the bidder to ensure that they quote correct GST rate
and HSN Code.
5. Wherever the successful bidder invoices the goods at
GST rate or HSN Code which is different from that
incorporated in the Purchase Order, payment shall be
made as per GST rate which is lower of GST rate
incorporated in the Purchase Order or billed.
6. Any amendment to GST rate or HSN Code in the
contract shall be as per the contractual conditions and
statutory amendments in the quoted GST rate and
HSN Code.
7. Vendor is informed that he/she would be required to
adjust his/her basic price to the extent required by
higher tax billed as per invoice to match the all

Page 10 of 44
inclusive price as mentioned in the Purchase Order.
2 Bidders are requested to refer Special Conditions of
Contract while submitting their offers


S. No. Document Name Document Description

1 Technical Specifications 200 KVA Diesel Generator Set


S. No. Description
1 Validity of the Offer: No deviation from the offer validity period
stipulated in the tender is permitted
2 Payment Terms: No deviation from the Payment Terms stipulated in
the tender is permitted.

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Technical Specifications of 200 KVA Diesel Generator Set

The Scope of this specification covers Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of diesel engine driven generating set of rating specified in the Bill of
Quantities together with accessories, as per specifications.

STANDARD: ISO3046/BS: 5514


The engine generator system and accessories described herein shall be fully capable
of operation as specified in the following environmental conditions:
 Maximum ambient Temperature : 40 deg. C

 Humidity: 85%

The Diesel Engine generator set shall be capable of producing the power specified in
the Bill of Quantities at 0.8 power factor continuously for standby applications at the
ambient conditions. Rated voltage 415 volts; voltage regulated should be less than
1%; voltage adjustment of ±5%.


The engine shall be of standard design of the original manufacturers. It should be 4

stroke cycles, water cooled, naturally aspirated/ turbo charged (as per manufacturer
standard), diesel engine developing suitable BHP for giving a power rating as per
ISO 8528- Part-1 in KVA at the load terminals of alternator at 1500 rpm at actual
site conditions.
The engine shall be capable for delivering specified Prime Power rating at variable
loads for PF of 0.8 lag. The engine shall have 10% overload capacity for one hour in
any period of 12 hours continuous run. Fuel consumption of the engine generator
shall be substantiated by means of manufacturer’s published curves. The engine
shall accept full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of signal to start.

The engine shall conform to ISO 3046/ BS 5514 amended up to date.

Engine Instrumentation:

The engine shall be provided with Electronic or hydraulic governor as per

manufacture’s standard to control the engine speed within 5 % of its rated speed
under all conditions of load up to full load. The governor shall be set to maintain the
rated speed of the generator at maximum load of the generator.

i) Engine instrumentation shall include the following;

 Lube oil pressure gauge
 Lube oil temperature gauge

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 Water pressure gauge
 Water temperature gauge
 Tachometer
 Hour meter
ii) The instrumentation panel shall be mounted on the engine.
iii) Air cleaner (dry/ oil bath type) as per manufacturer standard,
iv) A electronic governor to maintain engine speed at all conditions of load
v) Suitable self-starter for 12 V/ 24 V DC
vi) Daily fuel service tank of minimum capacity from 250-500 Ltr, fabricated from
M.S. sheet with inlet, outlet connections air vent tap, drain plug and level
indicator (gauge) M.S. fuel piping from tank to engine with valves, unions,
reducers, flexible hose connection and floor mounting pedestals, twin fuel
filters and fuel injectors. The location of the tank shall depend on standard
manufacturers design.
vii) Battery charging alternator unit and voltage regulator, suitable for starting
batteries, battery racks with interconnecting leads and terminals.
viii) Necessary gear driven oil pump for lubricating oil, priming of engine bearing
as well as fuel systems as per manufacturer recommendations.
ix) Naturally aspirated/ turbo charger (as per manufacturer standard)
x) Lubrication oil cooler
xi) Lubrication oil filters with replaceable elements
xii) Crank case heater as per manufacturer recommendations
xiii) Fuel injection: Engine should have suitable fuel injection system in order to
achieve low fuel consumption
xiv) Fuel control solenoid
xv) Fuel pump with engine speed adjustment
xvi) Engine Control Panel: fitted and having digital display for following:
(a) Start/stop key switch. (f) Battery charging indication
(b) Lube oil pressure indication (g) Low lub. Oil trip indication
(c) Water temp. indication (h) High water temp. indication
(d) RPM indication (i) Over speed indication.
(e) Engine Hours indications
xvii) Any other item not included/ specified but is a standard design of the

Battery starting system:

The battery systems of each generator set shall consist of Lead Acid batteries/ Sealed
Maintenance Free (SMF) and an automatic constant voltage charger unit for the
engine starting motor and control circuit of the diesel generator sets.
The capacity of the batteries shall be sufficient for the starting requirements.
The batteries and automatic charger unit shall be installed be side generator control
panel devices and alarm indicator lamps.

Engine cooling system:

 Coolant should be used mixed with additive (in suitable proportion) as per
recommendation of OEM /Manufacturer for various engine models.
 The engine cooling system shall be radiator water cooled system. Radiator fan
flow should be free from any obstruction.

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 For radiator cooled DG Set, proper room ventilation should be planned at the
time of construction of DG room.
 Remote Radiator can be used in case of basement installation where fresh air
may not be available. The proper location of remote radiator is very essential
for the successful and efficient operation of remote radiator. In this the
cooling media is ambient air.

Air intake and exhaust system:

 An air cleaner / silencer shall be furnished as recommended by the engine
manufacturer. Air cleaners shall be dry type with replaceable elements.
 Engine exhaust outlets shall be coupled to the exhaust silencer(s) by means
of an adequately sized section of stainless steel corrugated flex, and shall
decrease the exhaust noise level to 70-75 dB (A scale) measured at 1 Mtr.
away from exhaust end Flex. The exhaust pipe shall be covered by glass wool
with 50 mm thickness, and density in range of 25 -35 kg/m3.

Electronic governor of class A1/A2 for capacity 200 KVA, as per ISO 3046/ BS
5514 with actuator shall be provided as per standard design of manufacturer.
Governor shall be a self contained unit capable of monitoring speed.

Frequency variation

The engine speed shall be so maintained that frequency variation at constant load
including no load shall remain within a band of 1% of rated frequency.

Fuel system
It shall be fed through engine driven fuel pump. A replaceable element of fuel filter
shall be suitably located to permit easy servicing. The daily service tank shall be
complete with necessary supports, gauges, connecting pipe work etc. In case of Top
Mounted tanks, non return valves are must in fuel supply and return line of specified
value. Pipe sealant should be used for sealing for all connections. No Teflon tape to
be used. If piping length is more than 10 meters, detail engineering is required in
consultation with OEM/ Manufacturers.

Lubricating Oil System

Forced feed Lube Oil system shall be employed for positive lubrication. Necessary
lube oil filters shall be provided. It shall be so designed that when the engine starts
after a long shut down lubrication failure does not occur. Necessary priming pump
for the lub. oil circuit as per recommendation of manufacturer shall be installed,
located suitably for convenient servicing. This pump shall be normally automatically
operative on AC/ DC supply available with the set.

Starting System

This shall comprise of necessary set of heavy duty batteries 12V/ 24V DC (as per
manufacturer standard), and suitable starter motors, axial type gear to match with
the toothed ring on the fly wheel. A timer in the control panel to protect the starter
motor from excessively long cranking runs shall be suitably integrated with the
engine protection system and shall be included within the scope of the work. Battery

Page 14 of 44
capacity shall be suitable for meeting the needs of starting system (as three attempt
starting), as well as the requirements of control panel, indications and auxiliaries
such as priming pump as applicable etc.

Battery Charger

The battery charger shall be suitable to charge required numbers of batteries at 12V/
24 volts complete with, transformer, rectifier, charge rate selector switch, indicating
ammeter & voltmeter etc. Connections between the battery charger & batteries shall
be provided with suitable copper leads with lugs etc.

Common Bed Plate

Engine and alternator shall be directly coupled or coupled by means of flexoplate/

flexible coupling as per manufacturer standard design and both units shall be mounted
on a common bed plate together with all auxiliaries to ensure perfect alignment of
engine and alternator with minimum vibrations. The bed plate shall be suitable for
installation on suitable anti-vibration mounting system.

Piping Work
MS piping of adequate size shall be used for lube oil, exhaust and fuel oil piping. The
pipe work shall be inclusive of all fittings and accessories such as valves, bends,
reducers, elbows, flanges, flexible connections necessary hard ware etc,. The
installation shall cover clamps, supports, hangers etc, as are necessary for
completing the work. Welding/brazing shall be permitted in the installation. However
the work shall be sectionalized with flanged connections as are necessary for easy
isolation. All MS pipe shall be heavy class. For measurement purposes the length of
run shall include all the accessories and fittings excluding valves / silencer. Those
runs forming part of factory assembly on the engine shall however be excluded.

The alternator shall be Self excited, screen protected, self regulated, brush less,
double bearing construction conforming to specifications given below: -

i. Rated voltage : 415 volts

ii. Rated KVA : 200 kVA under site conditions

iii. Rated power factor : 0.8

iv. No. Of phases : 3

v. Frequency: 50Hz.

vi. Percentage regulation : +/- 5%

vii. Type of excitation : Brushless, Self-regulated and separately Excited

viii. Insulation class : Class H

ix. Type of enclosure : Screen protected drip proof – IP23

x. Type of AVR: Electronic

xi. Wave form : Less than 3% deviation

Page 15 of 44
xii. Overload duration/capacity : 10% for one hour in every 12 hours of
continuous use

xiii. Frequency variation: As defined by the Engine Governor (+/- 1% )

xiv. Voltage regulation: Less than 1% (max 1 %)

xv. Voltage adjustment : ±5%

xvi. Type of Bearing and Lubrication arrangement: Anti-friction bearings
with Grease lubrication
xvii. Standard: IS 4722 & IEC:34 as amended upto date.


Type of Control Panel: AMF Control Panel with IP rating of IP 53/54

The electronic Microprocessor based AMF module shall contain the following Control
and monitoring features.
- Automatic/manual start-stop engine control with programmable safety Shutdowns
and associated flashing LED indicators for low oil pressure, High coolant
temperature, over speed, over crank /rest Periods
- Cycle cranking adjustable.
- Cool down timer.
- Energized to run or shut shown fuel control system.
- The control panel shall have metering and measuring features like,
 Total real power
 Total reactive power
 % of rated power
 Power factor (average)
 Total energy output
 Real power each phase
 Total apparent power
 Power factor each phase
 Total reactive energy output
 Phase selector switch
 Auto starts / stops control
 Cycle crank and cool down timer
 Digital DC Voltmeter
 Tachometer, Hour meter
 Emergency stop push button
 Engine control switch for 6
 Auto, Start / run, off / reset, stop
 Engine speed adjust potentiometer
 Voltage adjust potentiometer
 Digital oil pressure and water temp gauge
 Shutoffs with visual indicators for:
 Low oil pressure
 High water temperature
 Over speed
 Over crank
 Low coolant level
 System diagnostic codes
 Programmable protective relays

Page 16 of 44
- LCD digital readout for Engine oil pressure, Coolant temperature, Engine RPM,
System DC volts, Engine running hours, Generator AC volts, AC Amps and

- Engine control switch

- Ammeter voltmeter phase selector switch.

- Emergency stop push button.

- Voltage adjustable potential meter.

- Speed adjust potential meter.

- Protective relay functions.

 Over voltage

 Under voltage

 Over frequency

 Under frequency

 Over current

 Reverse power

- The scope also includes all necessary components which are required for full
filament of the system for Auto start, Auto synchronization and load sharing.

a. Engine –Greaves Power/ CUMMINS/KOEL Green/ JCB or Equivalent
b. Alternator - STAMFORD/CGL/MECCALTE/KOEL Green or Equivalent
c. Control Fuses - GE CONTROLS/SIEMENS/C & S
f. Battery – Approving type


Components shall be assembled in factory over the trailer foundation prepared from
other agencies.
The necessary fuel and exhaust piping shall be installed as per Bill of quantity. While,
the fuel piping shall be carried out using medium gauge (class B) MS Pipes, and
Approved makes of fittings, the exhaust piping shall be fabricated out of Medium
gauge pipes of required diameter. The exhaust gas line shall be insulated up to height
2.5M above the floor level. The pressure loss through Exhaust system does not
exceed the value recommended by the manufacturer. Silencers in the
exhaust system to maintain the external noise level specified by the

The D.G. set shall be installed over the Anti-vibration mounts and the alignment shall
be carried out. The alignment shall be well within the limits specified by the
manufacturer. The installation of cabling and earthing up to the control panel shall be
carried out and this shall comply with the statutory requirements. Any
improvement/Modification called for the electrical inspectorate shall be carried out.

Page 17 of 44
After the assembly the unit shall be tested in the present of the client. The following
tests shall be conducted on the engine and alternator.
a) Full load test for 8 hours
b) Over loading test on engine as per standards
c) Fuel & Oil consumption checks
d) Determining efficiency
e) Meager test on alternator
f) Checking regulation
g) Testing of control wiring.
h) Any other tests as may be required to satisfy the Owner/Electrical inspectorate
of the performance of the Unit.

Page 18 of 44
(in the company letter head)

Documents to be submitted along with the bids

S No Description Yes/No Page No

1 Covering/introduction letter from the Firm
referring to C-MET’s tender enquiry No and date
towards participation in the tender.

2 Details of EMD ( Bid Security declaration)

3 Acceptance of terms & conditions of tender


4 Signed copy of tender enquiry

5 Price Reasonability Certificate

6 Bid form and Price schedule with commercial

7 Previous experience details alongwith documents
like PO/WO etc. (not more than 3 years old)
8 Undertaking and declaration

9 Technical compliance statement with/without


10 Technical brochure of the Product offered or


11 GST Registration certificate or No

12 Bank details for NEFT/RTGS

13 Warranty

Documents to be submitted alongwith Commercial bids

(Separate sealed cover)

S No Description Page No
1 Bid form and Price schedule with commercial terms

Page 19 of 44
(in the company letter head)


1 Name of the supplied/party/firm

2 Name of the authorized


3 Communication address

4 Telephone Nos.

5 Mobile Nos.

6 Fax and e-mail address

7 Web address

8 Bank details for payment through


9 Name of Bank


Account No



Cancelled cheque for verification of

above details

Signature of Tenderer________________________


Business Address________________________

Seal of the Tenderer_________________________

Page 20 of 44
(in the company letter head)


{01.01.2017 to 31.12.2019}

S. Name of Name, Purchase Delivery due Actual Date of

No. System address, e- Order No. date as per date of installation
mail and & Dt. PO delivery and
mobile no. commissioning
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Signature of Tenderer __________________


Seal of the tenderer______________________



Page 21 of 44
(in the company letter head)


The following are the particulars about the Product offered:


S No Description Product details

1 Model/Make/Part No

2 Year of launch of the model/Make

3 Year of manufacturer of the

model/make now offered to C-MET

4 No of 200 KVA DG Set of the model India

now offered to C-MET were sold
during last 1 year upto 31.12.2019 Hyderabad

5 Feedback (if any) from the end user
of the Product on model supplied

6 Any other information supplier would

like to offer about the Product

Signature of Tenderer________________________


Business Address________________________

Seal of the Tenderer_________________________



NOTE: 1) Where there is no deviation, the statement should be returned duly signed
with an endorsement indicating “No Deviations”.

Page 22 of 44
(in the company letter head)


It is certified that the rates quoted ____________________ are not more than

as charged to other Govt. /PSU’s for similar supplies made in recent past. Copies of

the supply orders received from other Govt/PSU’s are enclosed alongwith the

technical bid.

Signature of Tenderer________________________


Business Address________________________

Seal of the Tenderer_________________________



Page 23 of 44

(in the company letter head)


I/We having our office at ______________________________ declare

that I/we have never been blacklisted by any State Government/Central
Government or any State/Central PSU.

2. I/We, ____________________________________ hereby declare that the

particulars furnished by me/us in this offer are true to the best of my/our
knowledge and I/We understand and accept that, if at any stage the
information furnished by me/us are found to be incorrect or false, I/We
am/are liable for disqualification from this tender and also liable for any penal
action that may arise due to the above, besides being black listed.

3. I/We hereby accept to

provide warranty/ guarantee and Free Service for a period of minimum one year
from the date of supply/ installation of the materials.

4. I/We _____________________________________________________ of
_________________________________ hereby agree on the acceptance of
this tender by Director, C-MET to __________________________, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of contract and at the rates or price
specified in financial bid.

5. This is also certified that the rates quoted in the financial bid are not more
than the rates charged from any other Institution/Department/ Organization
in the last six months. No Other charges would be payable by the Institute.

6. I/We ______________________ have gone through the terms and

conditions and will abide by them as laid down above. I hereby undertake
that the information provided above and elsewhere in the tender is true and
the tender is liable to rejection if the same is found to be false or the
information is found to have been suppressed by me.

Name & Signature of the Supplier/Contractor/

Authorized signatory with Official stamp/seal

Page 24 of 44
(in the company letter head)


The Administrative Officer
Hyderabad 500 051

Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender.

Tender Reference No. _________________________ dated ____________

Name of the Tender/Work:


I/We have downloaded/obtained the tender document(s) for the above

mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ for the web site(s) namely:

as per your advertisement, given in the mentioned website(s)/enquiry letter.

2. I/we hereby certify that I/we have read the entire terms & conditions of the
tender documents from Page No. ______ to ______ (including all documents like
Annexure(s), schedules(s), etc.) which form part of the contract agreement and
I/We shall abide hereby by the terms/conditions/clauses contained therein.

3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/organization

too have all been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.

4. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above

mentioned tender document (s)/Corrigendum(s) in its totally/entirely.

5. In case any provisos of this tender are found violated, then your
Department/Organizations shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be
at liberty to reject this tender/bid including the forfeiture of the full said earnest
money deposit absolutely.

Yours faithfully,

Name & Signature of the Supplier/Contractor/

Authorized signatory with Official stamp/seal

Page 25 of 44
(in the company letter head)


Tender Reference No. : ENQ. NO.: C-MET/HD/SP-41/DGSET/10/2019-20/

11620, Date : 11.02.2020



Sl. Description HSN/SN Qty. Amount(

Freight charges
Installation charges
Taxable value

(Rupees ____________________________________________________ only)

Signature of Tenderer __________________


Seal of the Tenderer___________________



Page 26 of 44
(in the company letter head)


Tender Reference No. : ENQ. NO.: C-MET/HD/SP-41/DGSET/10/2019-20/

11620, Date : 11.02.2020



Sl. Description C-MET Terms Accepted / Remarks

No. Not Accepted
1 Payment 100% payment within 30 days
Terms against receipt, installation,
commissioning, training and
acceptance of material in good
condition by NEFT/RTGS subject to
submission of BG for 10% of basic
cost covering warranty period
including extended warranty period
2 Bid Validity 120 days
3 Delivery Within 4 weeks from the date of
Schedule placing PO
4 Place of C-MET, Hyderabad
5 Warranty System supplied shall be covered
under a warranty period of not less
than 24 months from the date of
receipt of the material at our sites
with extended warranty of 36 more
6 Any other relevant information

Signature of Tenderer __________________


Seal of the Tenderer___________________



Page 27 of 44

(in the company letter head)

Technical compliance statement in r/o 200 KVA DIESEL GENERATOR SET


DESCRIPTION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1 No. of
outdoor type 200 kVA DG set including all accessories as per the
detailed specifications


DESCRIPTION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Standard: The Diesel Engine shall be of ‘Generator set’
application type & shall generally confirm to ISO 3046 / BS
5514 / IS 4722 with amendments respectively.
Nominal Rated Capacity of 200 KVA
No of Phase : Three Phase
Rating: The Diesel Engine generator set shall be capable of
producing the power specified in the Bill of Quantities at 0.8
power factor continuously for standby applications at the
ambient conditions. Rated voltage 415 volts; voltage regulated
should be less than 1%; voltage adjustment of ±5%
The engine generator system and accessories described herein

Page 28 of 44
shall be fully capable of operation at i) maximum ambient
temperature of 40 0C and 85% of humidity.
The engine shall have Cold starting capability up to 0 deg. C
and shall have capability to start directly to RUN speed (1500
RPM) without any interim warm up speed (Idle speed). Smart
starting control system to be provided.
AMF control panel
Electronic type of governer
Liquid type of Engine cooling


DESCRIPTION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
An air cleaner / silencer shall be furnished as recommended by
the engine manufacturer. Air cleaners shall be dry type with
replaceable elements.
Engine exhaust outlets shall be coupled to the exhaust
silencer(s) by means of an adequately sized section of stainless
steel corrugated flex, and shall decrease the exhaust noise
level to 70-75 dB (A scale) measured at 1 Mtr. away from
exhaust end Flex. The exhaust pipe shall be covered by glass
wool with 50 mm thickness, and density in range of 25 -35
Shall be suitable for housing 200 kVA model engine with 200
kVA Alternator with adopter box for Differential CT mounting
and terminations of Power Cables.
Designed to have optimum serviceability
Fuel filling arrangement inside the enclosure

Page 29 of 44
Powder coating of all parts to withstand extreme environment
Fluid drains for lube oil and fuel
Govt. Approval details to be furnished
High quality noise absorbant and fire-retardant grade acoustic
insulation material complying to IS 8183


DESCRIPTION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
The diesel engine & alternator shall be perfectly aligned &
assembled on sturdily fabricated adequately machined integral
base frame made out of high quality MS channels. The base
frame shall be provided with lifting facility & predrilled
foundation holes for installation on anti-vibration mounting
(AVM pads).

The general operating parameters of each generator set are to be monitored using the state-of-the-art
technology. It shall have the facility like monitoring, metering and controlling of DG set with PC interface facility.
The unit shall be environmentally sealed; solid state and microprocessor based and shall have following minimum
Features Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms

Type of Control Panel: AMF Control Panel with IP

rating of IP 53/54
 Make/Model of the power command control PCC: PCC
3100 or Upgraded version

Page 30 of 44
Features Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
 Automatic/manual start-stop engine control with
programmable safety Shutdowns and associated flashing
LED indicators for low oil pressure, High coolant
temperature, over speed, over crank /rest Periods
 Cycle cranking adjustable.

 Cool down timer.

 Energized to run or shut shown fuel control system.

 Digital governing, voltage regulation, synchronizing and

load sharing controls
 Make/Model of the power command control PCC: PCC
3100 or Upgraded version with following metering
and measuring features like,
 Total real power
 Total reactive power
 % of rated power
 Power factor (average)
 Total energy output
 Real power each phase
 Total apparent power
 Power factor each phase
 Total reactive energy output
 Phase selector switch
 Auto starts / stops control
 Cycle crank and cool down timer
 Digital DC Voltmeter
 Tachometer, Hour meter
 Emergency stop push button

Page 31 of 44
Features Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
 Engine control switch Auto, Start / run, off / reset,
 Engine speed adjust potentiometer
 Voltage adjust potentiometer
 Digital oil pressure and water temp gauge
 Shutoffs with visual indicators for Low oil pressure,
High water temperature, Over speed, Over crank, Low
coolant level
 Programmable protective relays

 Quality assurance to ISO

 Dust, water and Oil resistant
 Key type Mode switch

Accurate digital display of engine parameters

Digital Display of engine parameters Compliance Deviation, if any, to be Remarks
whether “YES” indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Battery voltage
Coolant temperature
Lube oil pressure
Engine speed
Engine running hours
Exhaust temperature
AC Volts / Line to line & Line to Neutral
AC Amps - 3 phase
KW / KWH, PF and frequency
%age governing and regulation (site settable)

Page 32 of 44
Diagnostic and engine protections
Diagnostic and engine protections Compliance Deviation, if any, to be Remarks
whether “YES” indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
High coolant temperature (trip/alarm)
Over speed (trip/alarm)
Low oil pressure (trip)
Battery Over/Under/Weak Volts
Fail to start/crank,
Sensor failure
Low coolant level (trip/alarm)

Alternator protections
Alternator protections Compliance Deviation, if any, to be Remarks
whether “YES” indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Over load / Over current / Short Circuit current
Over and Under voltage
Over and Under Frequency
Earth Fault
Reverse Power
Loss of field/Excitation

Page 33 of 44
Facilities Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Manual Scan
Remote start / stop
Panel lights
Emergency Stop Push Button


DESCRIPTION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Mode of starting: by electrical-12V/ 24V DC (as per
manufacturer standard) motor powered by Starting
Batteries (as per manufacturer standard).
Type: 12V/ 24V DC Hi pulse (latest model) makes for
generator application.
Batteries have to be charged by the inbuilt
charger/External charger.

The battery systems of each generator set shall consist

of Lead Acid batteries/ Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF)
and an automatic constant voltage charger unit for the
engine starting motor and control circuit of the diesel
generator sets.

Page 34 of 44

External Fuel Tank Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Tank shall have inlet & outlet pipe connections with inlet
and outlet ball valves, filling cap drain plug, level
indication, level sensor & floor mounting pedestal. It
shall be fed through engine driven fuel pump. A
replaceable element of fuel filter shall be suitably
located to permit easy servicing. The daily service tank
shall be complete with necessary supports, gauges,
connecting pipe work etc. In case of Top Mounted tanks,
non return valves are must in fuel supply and return line
of specified value. Pipe sealant should be used for
sealing for all connections. No Teflon tape to be used. If
piping length is more than 10 meters, detail engineering
is required in consultation with OEM/ Manufacturers. 50-
mm space clearance shall be left at top of the tank for
oil expansion and contraction.


Sl. No DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Greaves Power/
1. Engine model (preferred make) CUMMINS/KOEL Green/
JCB or Equivalent
2. Rating at 0.8 p.f. 50 Hz 200 kVA
3. Engine RPM at rated Power 1500 rpm

Page 35 of 44
Sl. No DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
256 bhp; Suitable to
MOEF certified Gross Engine Brake deliver required
horsepower (BHP). alternator output of 200
Output Voltage and Frequency (V 415 V, 50 Hz
5. and Hz)

Rated RPM of Engine 1500

7. Type of cooling liquid
Overload capacity for one hour for 10
8. every 11 hour continuous running
at full load (%)
Specific fuel consumption ≤ 210-214
10. Engine power (KWm) > 180
11. Type of Engine cooling Liquid cooling
12. Type of Governer Electronic
Turbo charged after
13. Aspiration Of Engine
Max. Over speed allowed (trip set 1600 to 1650 rpm
14. at)
BS5514 /ISO3046 or
Reference Standard For the
15. latest
Vibration level (With & without Max 250 microns
AVM) (amplitude)
6 in-line
17. Number of Cylinders (nos)

Page 36 of 44
Sl. No DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
18. Number of strokes
A1/A2 for capacity 200
19. Class of Governer KVA, as per ISO 3046/
BS 5514
12 V/24 V
20. Starting voltage
250-500 litres, 8 Hr
21. Fuel capacity operation
Required as per
22. Naturally aspirated/ turbo charger manufacturer standard
Required as per
23. Air cleaner (dry/ oil bath type) manufacturer standard
Necessary gear driven oil pump Required as per
for lubricating oil, priming of manufacturer
24. engine bearing as well as fuel recommendations
Required as per
25. Crank case heater manufacturer
Engine should have
suitable fuel injection
system in order to
26. Fuel injection achieve low fuel

Conformity of engine with respect Required as per CPCB

27. to gas emission and noise norms

Page 37 of 44
Compliance Deviation, if any, Remarks
whether “YES” to be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous
1. Make (preferred) TE/KOEL Green or
2. Model To suit our spec
3. Rated voltage 415 volts
4. Rating of AC generator (KVA) 200
5. Power factor of AC generator 0.8
Typical Alternator Efficiency at
6. rated power factor at 75 % of full >93
7. Type
PMG with digital PCC

8. No. Of phases 3

9. Frequency 50 Hz

10. Compliance of alternator IS:13364

11. Enclosure IP23

12. Voltage regulation (Max) ±1%

13. Class of insulation H class

Page 38 of 44
Compliance Deviation, if any, Remarks
whether “YES” to be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous

14. Percentage regulation +/- 5%

i) Space Heaters for
ii) Winding
15. Accessories &
Temperature sensors
with scanner

16. Type of AVR Electronic

17. Wave form Less than 3% deviation

10% for one hour in

Overload duration/capacity
18. every 12 hours of
continuous use
19. Speed 1500 RPM
Less than or equal to 25
20. Unbalance load

Page 39 of 44
Earthing system Compliance Deviation, if any, Remarks
whether “YES” to be indicated
OR “NO” in unambiguous
1. Copper Electrode Maintenance Free Earthing system for neutral as
per IS: - Providing Two number of maintenance free copper electrode
earthing with Dual pipe-Flat technology of electrode made up of 50 mm dia
3Mtr. long 2mm thick copper tube as outer shell and copper tube of 40 mm
dia 3Mtr. long 2 mm thick as inner shell and also with terminal flat of 32x6mm
3.1Mtr. Length copper flat with 2nos. of 12 mm dia holes for strip
interconnections and the entire annual space of electrode shall be filled with
highly conductive crystalline compound, top & bottom sealed with copper plate
and also supply and providing of all other materials, necessary tools as
required also providing suitable size earth pit including excavation and
refilling of earth for installing this entire electrode in ground.
2. GI Electrode Maintenance Free Earthing system for body: - Providing
Two number of maintenance free GI electrode Earthing with Dual pipe-Flat
technology of electrode made up of 2Mtr long, 50 mm dia outer GI pipe, 25
mm dia inner GI pipe, terminal flat of 30 x 10/ 12 x 12mm, the entire
construction processed with Hot Dip Galvanization, outer surface upto 100
microns, and all inner surface up to 300 microns and the flat with 2nos. of 12
mm dia holes for strip interconnections.


Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous terms
Exhaust piping along with support structure should be provided as
per CPWD norms

Page 40 of 44
Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks
whether “YES” OR be indicated in
“NO” unambiguous terms
System supplied shall be covered under a warranty period of not
less than 24 months from the date of receipt of the material at
our sites with extended warranty of 36 more months.


Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” OR be indicated in
“NO” unambiguous
Components shall be assembled in factory over the trailer foundation
prepared from other agencies.
The necessary fuel and exhaust piping shall be installed as per Bill of
quantity. While, the fuel piping shall be carried out using medium
gauge (class B) MS Pipes, and Approved makes of fittings, the
exhaust piping shall be fabricated out of Medium gauge pipes of
required diameter. The exhaust gas line shall be insulated up to
height 2.5M above the floor level. The pressure loss through
Exhaust system does not exceed the value recommended by
the manufacturer. Silencers in the exhaust system to maintain
the external noise level specified by the manufacturer.
The D.G. set shall be installed over the Anti-vibration mounts and the
alignment shall be carried out. The alignment shall be well within the
limits specified by the manufacturer. The installation of cabling and
earthing up to the control panel shall be carried out and this shall
comply with the statutory requirements. Any improvement/
Modification called for the electrical inspectorate shall be carried out.

Page 41 of 44

Compliance Deviation, if any, to Remarks

whether “YES” be indicated in
OR “NO” unambiguous
1. Pre delivery inspection (PDI)
2. The following tests shall be conducted on the engine
and alternator.
i) Full load test for 8 hours
j) Over loading test on engine as per standards
k) Fuel & Oil consumption checks
l) Determining efficiency
m) Meager test on alternator
n) Checking regulation
o) Testing of control wiring.

p) Any other tests as may be required to satisfy the

Owner/Electrical inspectorate of the performance of
the Unit.

Signature of Tenderer ________________________

Business Address________________________
Place: Seal of the tenderer______________________

Page 42 of 44
(in the company letter head)


I hereby submit a declaration that the bid submitted by the undersigned,

on behalf of the bidder. [Name of the bidder], either sole or in JV, shall not be
withdrawn or modified during the period of validity i. e., not less than 120 (one
hundred twenty) days from the bid due date.

I, on behalf of the bidder, [Name of the bidder], also accept the fact that
in case the bid is withdrawn or modified during the period of its validity or if we
fail to sign the contract in case the tender is awarded to us or we fail to submit a
performance security before the deadline defined in clause 9 of the Tender
Document, then [Name of the bidder] will be suspended for participation in the
tendering process for the tenders of C-MET, Hyderabad for a period of one year
from the bid due date of this tender.

(Signature of the authorized signatory)

Official Seal


Page 43 of 44


The Administrative Officer

Cherlapally, HCL Post
Hyderabad – 500 051

WHEREAS _____________________________ (Name and address of the

supplier) (Hereinafter called “the supplier”) has undertaken, in pursuance of
contract no________________________ dated _____________ to supply
(description of goods and services) (herein after called “the contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the
supplier shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial
bank recognized by you for the sum specified therein as security for compliance
with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to

you, on behalf of the supplier, up to a total of. ________________________
(Amount of the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay you,
upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the
contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of
(amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show
grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the
supplier before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the

terms of the contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract
documents which may be made between you and the supplier shall in any way
release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of
any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall be valid up to …….. (In words) months from the date of
Notification of Award i.e up to ----------- (indicate date)

(Signature with date of the authorized officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch

Page 44 of 44

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