CHN Bag Technique

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Republic of the Philippines


Virac, Catanduanes

NAME:______________________________ YEAR LEVEL/BLOCK/GROUP:_____________________

DATE OF EXPOSURE (SHIFT):________________________________ Score: ____________________


5 EXCELLENT Performs the expected behaviour in a consistent and independent manner

without guidelines and supervision.
4 VERY SATISFACTORY Performs the expected behaviour in a consistent and independent manner
requiring minimal guidance and supervision.
3 SATISFACTORY Performs the expected behaviour most of the time requiring moderate
guidelines and supervision.
2 FAIR Performs the expected behaviour from time to time requiring moderate
guidance and supervision.
1 POOR Fails to perform the expected behaviour even under close supervision.

DIRECTIONS: Rate the student’s performance by checking the appropriate box. Refer to Criteria for Rating for
the descriptive meaning of the number in each column.

BAG TECHNIQUE- is a tool by which the nurse, during her visit will enable her to perform a nursing procedure
with ease and deftness, to save time and effort, with the end view of rendering effective nursing care to clients.

Principles of bag technique

1. Performing the bag technique will minimize, if not prevent the spread of any infection.
2. It saves time and effort in the performance of nursing procedures.
3. The bag technique should show the effectiveness of total care given to an individual or family.
4. The bag technique can be performed in a variety of ways depending on the agency’s policy, the
home situation, or as long as principles of avoiding transfer of infection is always observed

Contents of the public health bag

1. Paper lining 14. Cord clamp
2. Extra paper for making waste bag 15. Micropore plaster
3. Plastic/ linen lining 16. Tape measures
4. Apron 17. 1 pair of sterile gloves
5. Hand towel in plastic bag 18. Solutions of
6. Soap in a soap dish a. Betadine
7. Thermometer (digital) b. Zephiran Solution
8. 2 pairs scissors (1 surgical and 1 bandage) c. Spirit of ammonia
9. 2 pairs of forceps (1 curved and 1 straight) d. Acetic acid
10. Syringes (3 ml and 5 ml) e. 70% alcohol
11. Hypodermic needle (g. 19, 22, 23 and 25) f. Hydrogen Peroxide
12. Sterile dressing g. Benedict’s solution
13. Cotton balls (dry and wet cotton)

Note: Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope are carried separately.

Important points to consider in the use of the bag

1. The bag should contain all the necessary articles, supplies and equipment that will be used to answer
emergency needs.
2. The bag and its contents should be cleaned very often, the supplies replaced, and ready for use anytime.
3. The bag and its contents should be well protected from contact with any article in the patient’s home.
Consider the bag and its contents clean and sterile, while articles that belong to the patients as dirty and
4. The arrangement of the contents of the bag should be the one most convenient to the user, to facilitate
efficiency and avoid confusion.
5. Hand washing is done as frequently as the situation calls for, helps in minimizing or avoiding contamination of
the bag and its contents.
6. The bag when used for a communicable case should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before keeping
and re-using.
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes

PROCEDURE 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks
1.Upon arrival at the client’s home, greet, introduce self and state the
purpose of visit.
2.Place the bag on the table or any flat surface lined with a paper lining.
The clean side must be out and the folded part, touching the table.
Put the bag’s handle or strap beneath the bag.
3.Ask for a basin of water or a glass of water if faucet is not available.
Place these outside the work area.
4.Open the bag, take the linen/plastic lining and spread over the work
field or area. The paper lining, clean side out (folded part out).
5.Take out the hand towel, soap dish and apron then place them at one
corner of the work area (within the confines of the linen/plastic
6.Do hand washing. Wipe to dry with towel.
7.Put on apron right side out and wrong side with crease touching the
body, sliding the head into the neck strap. Neatly tie the straps at the
8.Put out the things most needed for the specific case (e.g.,
thermometer, cotton ball, waste paper bag) and place them at one
corner of the work area.
9.Place waste paper bag outside of work area.
10. Close the bag.
11. Proceed to the specific nursing care or treatment.
12. After completing nursing care or treatment, clean and alcoholize
reusable items used.
13. Do hand washing again.
14. Open the bag and return all the articles in their proper places.
15. Discard disposable materials to a proper container
16. Remove apron, folding it away from the body, with the soiled side
folded inwards, and the clean side out. Place it in the bag.
17. Fold the linen/plastic lining, clean; place it in the bag and close the
18. Make post-visit conference on matters relevant to health care,
provide health teaching, taking anecdotal notes preparatory to final
19. Document the procedure and other relevant data.
20. Make appointment for the next visit (either home or clinic), taking
note of the date, time and purpose.
TOTAL (20X 5= 100)


Student’s Signature

Prepared by:


Clinical Instructor

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