Elife 80891 v1
Elife 80891 v1
Elife 80891 v1
Yet, how biofilms emerge and the exact condi-
trip to the dentist is seldom fun, but it
is often necessary to remove the sticky, tions that trigger their formation remain a topic
slimy deposits (or biofilms) that adhere to of intense research. In general, motile and biofilm
our teeth and gums. These structures are formed lifestyles are studied separately, making it diffi-
by bacteria that have adopted a static lifestyle in cult to predict with certainty whether a species of
the moist and warm environment of our mouths. bacteria will form a biofilm under certain condi-
In fact, biofilms are common in a range of natural, tions. Now, in eLife, Sujit Datta and colleagues at
clinical, and industrial settings, where they can be Princeton University – including Jenna Moore-Ott
dangerous for our health or contaminate equip- as first author – report having developed a unified
ments (Davey and O’Toole, 2000; Hall-Stoodley framework that can examine both states simulta-
et al., 2004). neously (Moore-Ott et al., 2022).
In general, bacteria can either exist in a mobile, The team developed a series of equations that
‘planktonic’ state where they freely disperse and describe the transition from planktonic state to
explore their environment for nutrients, or stay biofilm under a range of parameters covering all
statically as ‘biofilms’, a communal state where possible conditions. The resulting model, which
the cells share resources and are protected from describes the behavior of the cells, is governed
harmful conditions (Adler, 1966). What triggers by two main factors: nutrient consumption and
bacteria to transition from a mobile state to a bacterial dispersion in the motile state. Both
biofilm lifestyle depends on how each species parameters focus on the competition between
responds to certain environmental conditions. bacterial dispersion and the production of auto-
The factors include nutrient availability, produc- inducer molecules.
tion of certain chemical triggers as well as cellular Based on the model, Moore-Ott et al. predict
parameters - such as bacterial concentration, two conditions where the concentration of auto-
proliferation rate, or diffusing behavior (Berg, inducers remains under the threshold required
Copyright Pradeep and Arratia. 2018). for biofilm formation. In the first case, nutrients
This article is distributed under the Overall, however, the switch to (immo- are consumed at such a high rate that the autoin-
terms of the Creative Commons ducers are produced (by bacteria) in limited quan-
bile) biofilm formation is controlled by bacte-
Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use and redistribution
rial dispersion (which is dependent on nutrient tities; there is simply not enough autoinducer
provided that the original author and levels), and it occurs when the concentration of ‘production’ time. In the second case, bacteria
source are credited. bacterial molecules known as autoinducers goes diffuse and therefore disperse at increased levels
Figure 1. Visual representation of the model for biofilm formation. Bacteria can exist in two different states: a
motile state in which they can disperse freely around their environment (top), and an immobile state in which they
live together in static as a biofilm (bottom). The red gradient in the biofilm box indicates to which extent bacterial
density is increasing in the biofilm from left to right alongside rising nutrient concentrations (grey gradient). The
motile bacteria move towards increasing nutrient concentration to the right. The concentration of autodiffusers
(molecules produced by bacteria which trigger biofilm formation; blue gradient), is highest close to the biofilm and
decreases further away.
(possibly because of environmental conditions), For example, the framework assumes that biofilm
limiting the accumulation of the autoinducers in formation and the production of autoinducers
one location. in a nutrient-dependent fashion are irrevers-
In addition, Moore-Ott et al. also pinpointed a ible, two assumptions which can be relaxed for
third factor the ratio between the time it takes for certain species of bacteria (Bridges and Bassler,
nutrients to be consumed and for autoinducer to 2019). In addition, more complex elements
be produced, which affects how fast the biofilm could be added to tailor the framework to a
forms and how large they become. For instance,
specific system, such as incorporating how the
a larger ratio between these two timescales
biofilm is spatially organized, inputting the role
results in the biofilm proliferating, while a smaller
of secondary signaling molecules which fine-tune
ratio slows down the formation of the biofilm.
the impact of autoinducers, or acknowledging
Overall, the combination of these three param-
how individual cells may respond differently to
eters – nutrient consumption, bacterial disper-
sion, and ratio of consumption to production signals (Bhattacharjee et al., 2022; Jenal et al.,
time scale – determine which lifestyle a specific 2017; Nadezhdin et al., 2020). Nevertheless,
species adopts, and at what concentration. this work represents an important step forward in
While nutrient consumption and bacte- our quantitative understanding of biofilm forma-
rial dispersion vary between different species tion, which in turn will help us in both fighting
of bacteria and across environments, they are and harnessing biofilms, which can be useful in
quantifiable through experiments. This means wound healing, bioremediation, or functional
that the model provides a unique general frame- materials production.
work that can be used to predict which state a
given bacterial species will adopt under specific Shravan Pradeep is in the Department of Earth and
circumstances. Environmental Sciences University of Pennsylvania,
Further work should aim to refine the model Philadelphia, United States
so it can become closer to real life conditions. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7483-2385