Learning From Experience SEZs Southern-Africa 2021

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WIDER Working Paper 2021/124

Learning from experience: Special Economic

Zones in Southern Africa

Neva Makgetla*

July 2021
Abstract: Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have become common across Southern Africa in the
past 20 years. In line with experiences in the rest of the world, they have had at best marginal
success. Their essential premise is that it should be more efficient and effective to establish an
enclave with world-class administration and infrastructure than to address cross-cutting blockages
to growth. In East Asia, this approach was able to build on a broader national industrialization
trajectory. In Southern Africa, by contrast, it has proved unable to offset the main constraints on
investment. These centre on deep inequality both within and between countries, which leads to
continual contestation over economic measures and limited domestic demand, combined with
mining dependency, which reduces the scope for substantial linkages through local suppliers or
downstream manufacturers. As a result, the SEZs face uncertain and slow regulatory
environments, are often unable to deliver on their promises of improved infrastructure and
financial incentives, and do little to promote broader industrialization across the region. The case
of SEZs underscores the need to develop effective methodologies to test whether policy solutions
developed in very different circumstances are viable in Southern Africa. The paper suggests that
such a methodology must start with an explicit identification of the problem to be solved and its
causes. That lays the basis for evaluating policy options, including those tried abroad, using a theory
of change and impact assessments that take into account the differentiated benefits and costs for
different stakeholders.
Key words: Special Economic Zones, Southern Africa, industrialization, growth, inequality
JEL classification: O14, O18, O25, N17
Acknowledgements: The author thanks Saul Levin for insightful comments.

* Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS), Pretoria, South Africa, [email protected]
This study has been prepared within the UNU-WIDER project Southern Africa—Towards Inclusive Economic Development
Copyright © UNU-WIDER 2021
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ISSN 1798-7237 ISBN 978-92-9267-064-1
Typescript prepared by Merl Storr.
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1 Introduction

Over the past 20 years, Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have proliferated across Southern Africa,
despite warnings from multilateral agencies that there have been ‘relatively few successful zone
programmes’ (World Bank 2020 :160; see also UNCTAD 2019) and research suggesting that SEZs
rarely accelerate national growth (Frick et al. 2018). In the event, SEZs in Southern Africa have
had at best marginal success, with limited visible value add, and in many cases largely vacant sites.
This outcome has resulted primarily from the specifics of the economic structures and political
economy of the region. This paper reviews the factors behind the shortfalls of SEZs in more detail.
It has benefited from earlier research published by UNU-WIDER (Adu-Gyamfi et al. 2020; Dube
et al. 2020; Karambakuwa et al. 2020; Phiri and Manchishi 2020).

The next section describes the extent of SEZs in Southern Africa and their outcomes, drawing in
part on earlier WIDER research with a framework for a more systematic evaluation of impacts.
Section 3 develops a research agenda for analysing factors behind these outcomes, derived from a
formal theory of change. Section 4 applies the resulting research agenda to evaluate the core
obstacles to successful SEZs in Southern Africa. Section 5 reviews the implications for the
evolution of SEZs in the region. The final section suggests some policy and methodological

The analysis here suggests that SEZs in Southern Africa have largely failed because they have
sought to establish industrial enclaves with a separate world-class administration and
infrastructure, rather than addressing the fundamental obstacles to industrialization in the region.
The main blockages are the unusually deep inequalities both within and between countries,
combined with heavy dependence on mining exports and comparatively stunted manufacturing.
As a result, in contrast to East Asia, Southern African SEZs have been unable to leverage a broader
national and regional industrialization trajectory with strong social and political support. Instead,
they have faced continual contestation around their aims and resourcing, and have ended up
importing most intermediate inputs. From this perspective, the multiple design failures and
operational weaknesses of SEZs in Southern Africa are not the root cause of their failure. Instead,
these failures and weaknesses are themselves a consequence of mining dependency and
postcolonial divisions.
Analysis of SEZs in Southern Africa underscores the need to reflect on how to learn from other
countries’ experiences. Successful programmes in other regions may generate new ideas. But they
need to be reviewed to see if they in fact address national priorities, and if the measures proposed
are the best choice, or even feasible, given Southern African realities. The challenge is not to ask
how Southern African countries can copy other countries better, but rather how they can adapt
new ideas from overseas to their own, very different, needs and conditions. From this standpoint,
the theory of change and impact assessment developed here provide a research agenda for
evaluating the potential of SEZs to support industrialization in a specific context.

2 SEZs in Southern Africa

SEZs can be defined as ‘all forms of geographically delineated locations functioning with separate
administrative, regulatory, and fiscal regimes in the rest of the country’ that aim at achieving
specific economic aims (Karambakuwa et al. 2020: 1). By this definition, the term covers a range
of programmes, including free trade zones (FTZs) and export processing zones (EPZs), that add

dedicated administrative structures and incentives to the provision of infrastructure through
industrial parks. They generally start with serviced sites, then add some combination of other
incentives, usually lower taxes and/or import duties plus some relaxation of national regulations,
for instance around licensing requirements and exchange controls. Outside of Southern Africa,
these incentives may extend to labour laws or pollution. Many SEZs also provide housing and
facilities for management. In a few cases, including in Namibia and Zimbabwe, governments have
designated individual companies as SEZs, making them eligible for incentives without investing in
a specific location.

All SEZs effectively promise to create a micro-economy where investors will enjoy better
administration and infrastructure than in the rest of the country. For both government and
business, that provides a tempting alternative to the much larger task of improving the investment
environment at the national level. Beyond that, the developmental aims and functions of individual
SEZs often remain poorly defined. They typically include some combination of leveraging
agglomeration effects, 1 experimenting with less onerous policy requirements, incentivizing new
investment, promoting exports, supporting new industrial clusters, and increasing beneficiation of
agricultural or mineral raw materials.

Most Southern African countries legislated SEZs between 1995 and 2010. Table 1 provides an
overview as of 2021. Since none of the countries has published regular or consolidated national
progress reports, the information may not be complete.

The anticipated impacts and attendant costs and risks of SEZs can be summed up using the socio-
economic impact assessment system methodology developed to evaluate laws and regulations for
the cabinet in South Africa (Table 2). The methodology distinguishes the impacts on the main
stakeholders, which frequently diverge. The main anticipated benefits for national development
centre on higher overall investment; agglomeration and cluster effects, where synergies arise from
locating producers near each other; and in some cases, establishment of a new pole of growth in a
less developed region. The costs for the state arise from the diversion of resources to the SEZs in
the form of infrastructure, incentives for new investors, and in some cases subsidies for operating
agencies. If SEZs fail to perform as hoped, then these allocations may lead to pushback. In the
deeply inequitable societies of Southern Africa, it has proved particularly difficult to justify any
programmes to support big formal business in the absence of visible benefits in the form of jobs
and spillovers for small local business.
Table 1: Designation of SEZs and fiscal incentives in Southern Africa

Country Designation and numbers Fiscal incentives

Angola 1 public SEZ, the Zona Económica Especial As SEZ: tax- and duty-free exports and imports;
Luanda-Bengo, transformed into an FTZ in provision for case-by-case incentives.
2021 by a new law. As FTZ from 2021: income tax at between 8%
Operated by Sonangol, with 76 mostly state- and 15%; capital gains tax at 5%; no property
owned factories. Government plans to privatize tax or tariffs on imports or exports.
Sonangol itself plus 51 companies in the SEZ Relaxed exchange controls.
by 2022.

A concept from urban planning that refers to the benefits of proximity for companies, which enables the development
of local economies of scale and network effects around knowledge, skills and hiring, infrastructure, regulatory
frameworks, licensing, etc.

Botswana 8 designated SEZs, but only 2 operational as of Incentives only for 100% export businesses
2020 (both in Gaborone). using local raw materials.
Act passed in 2015, but regulations (and 5% tax for first 10 years, thereafter 10%; no
therefore incentives) only finalized in 2019. VAT or duties on imports and exports; no
1 designated in each town plus 2 in villages; property tax for 5 years; no exchange controls.
mostly mixed, but 1 for mining and 2 for agro-
Lesotho 1 launched; Lesotho National Development To be determined.
Corporation already operated 4 industrial sites.
Sole operational SEZ business as of 2021
produces medical cannabis.
Contracted research to design implementation
and legal framework.
Malawi Bill still underway as of 2021; expect to start To be determined.
implementation in 2022, with 4 sites initially
identified, and land for 1 acquired.
From 1995, Malawi granted EPZ status to
individual producers, but only if 100%
Mozambique Both SEZs and Industrial Free Zones. 3 years tax-free, then 50% tax reduction for 6
5 in operation. years, followed by 25% reduction for another 5
Government agencies and Swiss-Mozambican years.
investors jointly operate the largest, in Maputo. Inputs and equipment for exports (not domestic
sales) VAT and duty-free.
Namibia Planned to replace EPZs with SEZs early in Until 2020, complete tax relief for companies for
2022. EPZs can be individual companies as the life of the project.
well as industrial parks. Shift to SEZs to introduce a more stringent
Apparently only Walvis Bay was a designated dispensation from early 2022, after the
EPZ, but government also developed 5 European Union threatened sanctions for
industrial parks near international trade routes. running a tax haven.
As of 2020, 19 companies benefited from EPZs,
largely diamond-cutting firms but also a copper
refinery, a zinc refinery, and auto assembly.
South 11 designated, of which 7 operational; 1 15% income tax (compared with 28% normal
Africa pending. rate) and accelerated depreciation for building
Operational SEZs mostly centred on ports or costs, but not for alcohol, arms, or tobacco.
airports. VAT and customs relief.
Employment tax incentive with no age limit
(outside SEZs, incentive is only for employing
younger workers).
Swaziland SEZ Act passed in 2018. No income tax for first 20 years, then 5%; no
2 designated sites: Royal Science and tax or duties on inputs and equipment.
Technology Park and main airport. Exemption from exchange controls.
Zambia 6 SEZs (known as multifacility economic zones) 2006–18, 5 years tax-free; duty-free capital
designated, of which 3 operational, plus 2 goods imports; accelerated depreciation.
industrial parks; plan to establish at least 1 in In 2018, eliminated income tax holiday; in 2020,
every province. began process to revise incentives.
Of 3 operational SEZs, 1 state-owned (in
Lusaka) and 2 operated by private Chinese
interests (1 in Chambishi for mining and
refining, the other in Lusaka).
Zimbabwe 6 public zones, 1 private zone, and 5 factories. No duties on imported capital equipment, or on
Factories established prior to designation imports of raw materials not produced in
(Afrochine Smelting in ferrochrome; Arcadia Zimbabwe.
Lithium; Varun Beverages; Trade Kings Tax holiday for first 5 years, thereafter 15%.
Zimbabwe, detergent manufacturer; Vislink Zero-rated capital gains tax.
Investments, medical manufacturer).
Private SEZ is Nkonyeni Agricultural Hub SEZ,
run by an agro-processing company.

Source: author’s compilation based on data from Bobos-Radu (2021), Brandt (2020), Da Cruz (2020), Deloitte
(2020), DTIC (2021), Dube et al. (2020), Esteve and Curme (2020), eSwatini (2021), Government of Angola
(2015), Msulu (2021), National Treasury of South Africa (2020), Schlettwein (2020), and SEZA Botswana (2021).

Table 2: Anticipated benefits, costs, and risks for SEZ stakeholders

Stakeholder Benefits Costs Risks Comments

Investors in SEZs Incentives, Need to locate in Incentives and/or Relocating existing
infrastructure, and SEZ or get state infrastructure do not lines from other
one-stop shop designation of materialize, or industrial sites
enable profitable individual factory.
remain inadequate reduces investor
operation without Start-up costs. to outweigh national risks without actually
having to address Fees for services problems such as increasing
national and rent (cost andelectricity load- investment,
shortcomings in nature vary shedding. production, or
infrastructure and depending on Service fees employment, if
regulations. scheme). escalate as authorities permit it.
Benefits from operating company
agglomeration and has effective
possibly clusters. monopoly.
Normal start-up
effects do not
Workers at SEZs Formal employment Need to move near No housing available Reduced pay and
opportunities. SEZ or pay for near SEZ and protections for labour
Career mobility as commute. expensive are harder to
SEZ labour market Regulations may commutes. maintain in deeply
develops. depress pay and/or New employers fail. unequal postcolonial
protections around SEZs attract capital- societies and where
health, dismissals, or intensive projects SEZ employment
discrimination (but that generate few grows slowly.
not in Southern jobs.
Africa to date). Internal labour
market remains
SEZ operators Government funding. Investment and Unable to attract
Fees and rents from labour to develop viable investors.
investors. and maintain sites. State does not
Access to land to Cost of marketing to provide expected
develop. investors. services (tax
State support for incentives, easier
tenants (e.g., licensing,
licensing, infrastructure).
infrastructure). Government grants
are unreliable or
Communities outside Multipliers from SEZ Diversion of SEZs do not deliver Relaxing pollution
SEZs increase incomes resources anticipated boost to regulations just
and opportunities. (government national growth or externalizes costs,
SEZs generate net capacity and funds, jobs directly or making it more
increase in land) to SEZs, at indirectly, even in the difficult to evaluate
government least for start-up. long run. success.
revenues, enabling SEZs subsidize Costs to state Need to avoid
improvements in competitors with exceed benefits. subsiding companies
services outside non-SEZ Relaxation of rules that have domestic
zones. businesses. on pollution means competitors.
actual costs
outweigh benefits.

Governments Increased tax Cost of incentives Operators prove Need defined risk
revenues as and at least initial incompetent or management to
economic growth infrastructure corrupt. avoid sinking
accelerates based investment. SEZs fail to stimulate resources into
on growing Transfers to growth as hopeless schemes.
investment plus operators. anticipated. In unequal
agglomeration and Land for sites. Efforts to establish postcolonial
cluster effects. Reorganization of new industrial hubs societies, need to
Improved spatial licensing and lead to white demonstrate that
location of industry. infrastructure elephants. programmes to
Hive off work of provision to prioritize Resentment of support formal
maintaining site and SEZ investors (often prioritization of business ultimately
attracting investors not actually achieved services for formal benefit citizens;
to an independent in Southern Africa). business while otherwise, not
operator, even if it is citizens go without. politically sustainable
state-owned. Anger and litigation in the longer run.
User fees and over relaxation of
rentals from SEZ environmental and
businesses and/or labour protections.
Improved political
and social support
as economy thrives.

Source: author’s compilation.

In practice, it has been virtually impossible to separate out the return on SEZs compared with
other large-scale state investments in economic infrastructure. SEZs are essentially industrial parks
with benefits (World Bank 2020). The unanswerable question has been how much those benefits—
primarily some combination of a dedicated operator, relaxed regulations, and tax holidays—
increase new investment and agglomeration effects compared with traditional industrial sites.
Internationally, research has found that SEZs generally do not grow faster than the economies in
which they are embedded. That finding suggests that their value add is often limited (Frick et al.
2018). In particular, it indicates that the success of SEZs in East Asia reflects, rather than drives,
industrialization there.

Multilateral and academic research, including the 2020 WIDER papers, and stakeholders have
uniformly pointed to practical shortcomings in Southern African SEZs. As Table 1 indicates,
designated sites often do not actually open for business even years after they are proclaimed. Once
operational, many sites have high vacancy rates, indicating that investment lags behind
expectations. The sole SEZ in Angola cost the state US$80 million for infrastructure in the 2010s,
but in 2018, according to local labour unions, almost none of the companies on-site was actually
operating (Jornal de Angola 2018). An SEZ in Zambia cost US$230 million from 2010 to 2018,
and attracted projects worth US$245 million in the same period. By 2040, it is expected to cost the
state US$1.2 billion (Phiri and Manchishi 2020). Zambia abruptly eliminated income tax incentives
for SEZs in 2018 on the grounds that the costs to the fiscus outweighed the benefits. In Namibia,
the government concluded in 2020 that ‘the zero tax holiday [on SEZ projects] did not yield the
desired outcomes in terms of attracting new investments and creating jobs but instead resulted in
a loss to government in revenue collection’ (Schlettwein 2020: 2).

Two SEZs in Southern Africa ended up attracting environmentally unfriendly industries from
countries that had stricter regulations. In Namibia, a copper refinery designated as an SEZ used
imported concentrates from Zambia and from Bulgaria, where the owner had stopped refining
because of stricter pollution laws. The European Union labelled Namibia a tax haven because of
its generous concessions to SEZs, presumably spurred in part by this case. The project was
extraordinarily large for Namibia. In 2019, refined bulk copper comprised around a quarter of its
goods exports, while copper ores and concentrates accounted for a fifth of its imports. Namibia

contributes 10 per cent of global exports of refined copper, compared with only 0.03 per cent for
other goods (Makgetla 2021a). In South Africa, the designated but not yet operational Musina
Makhado SEZ includes a 3.5-gigawatt coal-fuelled plant. If constructed, the plant’s capacity will
equal around ten per cent of South Africa’s national grid, but it will go entirely to fuel metals
beneficiation in the SEZ. The plant was not included in the national integrated resource plan for
energy, which foresaw only very small investments in coal plants. It would make it far harder for
South Africa to reach its emissions targets over the next 20 years. As of 2021, the project has not
obtained the necessary environmental approvals. Musina Makhado is the only South African SEZ
entirely owned and designed by private investors (from China) (Makgetla 2021b).

While case studies have suggested that Southern African SEZs have not met expectations, a
consolidated analysis has proved impossible. Most governments do not provide progress reports.
When they do, they typically only describe outputs, usually the number and value of projects on-
site, and the direct employment generated. None publishes consistent updates regarding the cost
of incentives and infrastructure to the state, the occupation rates, or how much tenants pay for
services. UNCTAD (2019) notes similar obstacles to monitoring SEZs worldwide (see also World
Bank 2020).

The South African SEZs, the largest and best equipped in the region, illustrate both the failure of
SEZs to drive economic growth as hoped, and the difficulties facing any effort at a cost-benefit
analysis. On the one hand, the SEZs have attracted significant sums in investment, reported at
ZAR17 billion as of 2021 by the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (DTIC). That
equals 0.6 per cent of total private investment from 2016 to 2021, and 2.8 per cent of
manufacturing investment. On the other hand, it is virtually impossible to figure out how much
the government has spent on them, because a variety of agencies provide their funding. It is also
unclear how much of the investment the SEZs attract would have occurred in any case. In at least
some instances, they have merely relocated producers from older industrial sites (Altbeker et al.

At the most abstract level, increased spending on SEZs in South Africa clearly has not secured
rapid growth in manufacturing value added or employment. Funding for SEZs almost tripled
between 2014, when the SEZs formally replaced the earlier Industrial Development Zones (IDZs),
and 2017, before falling back by around half. In constant 2020 ZAR (deflated with the consumer
price index), transfers to SEZs rose from ZAR600 million in 2013–14 to ZAR1.7 billion in 2017–
18, then declined to ZAR1.4 billion in 2019–20. They fell to ZAR1.1 billion in 2020–21, when the
pandemic led to reallocation across the budget. These figures understate the actual subsidies to the
SEZs, since provinces also provided substantial transfers—well over ZAR500 million a year in the
case of the Eastern Cape—and investors benefited from tax incentives and in some cases reduced
tariffs for infrastructure. Despite these expenditures, both manufacturing value added and national
formal employment had stagnated even before the pandemic downturn, as Figure 1 shows. Value
added in manufacturing climbed only 0.7 per cent over the entire period from 2013 to 2019, and
manufacturing employment shrank by 3.7 per cent.

As of 2021, one SEZ, Coega, accounts for over half of all private investment in South African
SEZs; the East London IDZ (ELIDZ) contributes another 20 per cent. Both of these sites centre
on ports in the Eastern Cape province, and are anchored by South Africa’s world-class auto
assembly industry. A third SEZ, the Dube TradePort in KwaZulu Natal province, claims ten per
cent of all investments attracted to SEZs (calculated based on data from DTIC (2021)).

Figure 1: Indices of DTIC spending on SEZs, manufacturing value added, and formal manufacturing employment,

220 dtic transfers
2013 = 100

200 to SEZ (a)

180 manufacturing
140 employment (b)







Note: (a) deflated with March consumer price index. (b) Formal employment only; average of four quarters for the
Source: author’s calculations based on data from National Treasury of South Africa (2021) and StatsSA (2021a,

Figure 2: Operating costs, subsidies, and pre-tax surpluses for Coega, ELIDZ, and Dube TradePort, 2019–20

from the dti from province

1 000
400 422

200 60 215
100 152 159 173
60 59 2
grants (a)

revenue (b)

surplus (c)


revenue (b)

surplus (c)


revenue (b)

surplus (c)



Coega Dube TP ELIDZ

Note: (a) Coega accumulated unspent grant funds of ZAR876 million in 2020, ZAR450 million in 2019, and
ZAR390 million in 2018. ELIDZ had ZAR574 million in 2020, down from ZAR1.16 billion a year earlier. The
accumulated funds were essentially DTIC grants for multiyear infrastructure projects. The differences in
accounting practices for the annual budget and operating companies’ annual reports make it difficult, however, to
track the extent of national support. (b) Rentals and services. (c) Before tax.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from operating companies’ annual reports for 2019–20.

All three leading SEZs rely heavily on transfers from their provincial governments to cover their
operating costs. Without those transfers, each would run a substantial deficit, as Figure 2 shows.
The transfers, however, are only reported in the operating agencies’ separate annual reports and,
without much detail, in provincial budgets. The DTIC publishes its total transfers to SEZs, but
not a breakdown for each site, and the National Treasury does not detail the value of SEZ tax
relief. None of these sources details concessionary rates on electricity and water, which some local
governments provide (Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury 2020).

None of the South African SEZs faced major allegations of corruption in the 2010s, even as big-
ticket scandals engulfed other state-owned companies. They did, however, have intriguingly
divergent cost structures. In particular, remuneration equalled half of total expenditure at Coega,
a third at ELIDZ, and a quarter at Dube TradePort. At Coega, the average pay for executives came
to almost ZAR4 million in 2020, or over twice as much as a director general of a national
department. Other employees averaged ZAR500,000 a year, compared with an average for formal
private property management and consulting employees of under ZAR200,000 a year in 2019.
ELIDZ paid its executives an average of ZAR3.5 million a year—still far above their public-service
peers—while other employees averaged ZAR766,000 a year. At Dube TradePort, the CEO
received ZAR2.5 million, and the average employee ZAR600,000. Both ELIDZ and Coega
imposed freezes on executive pay in 2019–20. 2

In sum, in Southern Africa as elsewhere, SEZs have not visibly accelerated growth or
industrialization. Assessing their value add has proved difficult, however, because most do not
provide audited reports on their anticipated impacts, especially around agglomeration and cluster
effects and spatial development. Moreover, virtually no country provides a complete overview of
the costs to the state of SEZ infrastructure, incentives, and operators.

3 An analytical framework

Despite the information shortcomings, it is clear that SEZs in Southern Africa have failed to match
up to the (admittedly often over-optimistic) expectations that they will drive industrialization. Two
methodological approaches emerge to understand the shortfall.

One approach, adopted by virtually all of the WIDER papers on SEZs, argues that Southern
African countries have not copied the Asian model closely enough to ensure success. In this view,
the challenge is to analyse the success factors or best practices that have underpinned Asian SEZs
and replicate them more consistently in Southern Africa. By extension, failures are ultimately due
to inadequate policy will or capacity, rather than conditions in the domestic or global economy.

This methodology is burdened by a tendency to exaggerate the importance and success of SEZs
in the rest of the Global South. Studies have inevitably argued that Africa is lagging behind, often
emphasizing that fewer than 250 SEZs are in Africa, and 35 in Southern Africa, compared with
over 5,000 globally. In fact, however, both Africa as a whole and Southern Africa as a region hold
a higher share in the SEZs outside of Asia than their share in the gross domestic product (GDP)
of non-Asian developing economies. Four out of five SEZs are in Asia, with almost half in China

For Coega and ELIDZ, calculated based on data from EC (2020); for Dube TradePort, calculated based on data
from Dube TradePort (2020). Average pay in formal private property management and consulting calculated based
on data from StatsSA (2019).

alone. Excluding Asia, Africa holds a third of all SEZs in developing economies, and Southern
Africa alone houses one in 20 (calculated based on data from UNCTAD (2019) and IMF (2021)).

An alternative methodology would analyse the factors behind the failure of SEZs in a more open-
ended way. From this standpoint, the experience of other countries can generate policy options,
but those ideas still have to be tested against local evidence. Specifically, it is critical to demonstrate
that the policy targets a priority local problem, and that it provides an appropriate and feasible
solution given local conditions. To use a medical metaphor, aspirin is a marvellously successful
medication in many circumstances, but it will not help much if you have a broken ankle, or if your
headache results from out-of-control blood pressure.

Developing a formal theory of change assists in identifying where social and economic realities
may make it undesirable or impossible to replicate a policy that has succeeded elsewhere. The
theory of change lays out the logical chain of causality from the initiation of a policy to its ultimate
successful impact. That effectively points to the prerequisites for the policy to succeed, and by
extension the risks of failure where those preconditions do not exist. In effect, it generates a set of
hypotheses about where an option might go wrong because the preconditions for its success do
not exist.

Table 3 lays out a formal theory of change for SEZs. In the process, it provides a research agenda
to identify factors that might undermine SEZ success, taking into account both the economic and
social contexts, and the capacity of public and private actors.
Table 3: A theory of change for SEZs

Step Prerequisites Risks

SEZs identified as a way to attract Broad agreement within the state Disagreement about priority socio-
desired new investments (specific and between key constituencies on economic aims (e.g., exports vs job
aims vary). value of SEZs and on broad aims. creation; industrialization vs
expansion in mining), especially in
highly unequal and divided
postcolonial societies, making it
impossible to build broad, durable
support for SEZs.
Legal basis established and Agreement within government that Lack of consensus across
resources allocated for SEZs are a priority for development government leads to inadequate or
infrastructure and incentives. strategy. unreliable resourcing and support.
Fiscal constraints limit funding.
Systems established in government Authority clarified and adequately Implementation systems are not
to approve sites and operators and capacitated and resourced. established or adequately
allocate resources. resourced (typically due to lack of
agreement within government,
leading to continual delays and
Incentives remain vague or
Infrastructure agencies do not or
cannot prioritize SEZs (e.g., where
faced with crisis shortfalls in
electricity or water supply).
Viable plans with site and operator Criteria for viability reflect clear aims Aims of SEZs are unclear or
approved, with necessary for SEZs, and are applied contested, leading to approval of
infrastructure and other incentives. consistently to proposals. unsustainable projects and
Public and/or private operators find inconsistent support.
proposition attractive and feasible. SEZs are approved even if they are
not viable, for instance where they
are distant from inputs, markets, or
infrastructure, or where costs to
investors are excessive.

Plans are heavily contested by
stakeholders, for instance due to
emissions or location, leading to
long delays.
Incompetent operators are
Infrastructure and incentives Authority able to secure cooperation Infrastructure agencies do not
provided. across the state (infrastructure, prioritize supply to SEZ over other
regulatory, taxation). demands, leading to delays and
Operators are efficient and high costs, or to interruptions in
effective, so they can leverage state services such as water and
support to attract and sustain electricity.
investors. SEZ user fees are too high to attract
Authorities do not provide incentives
even where included in the law
(e.g., treasury does not process tax
relief; no functional one-stop shop).
Operators are incompetent.
Investors begin new production. Favourable economic conditions. Projects turn out not to be viable
Investors are reasonably because economic conditions
competent. change or investors are
Operators maintain supportive incompetent.
ecosystem. Projects are relocated from
elsewhere, rather than generating
new production.
Operators charge excessive fees or
fail to provide adequate support.
Production agglomeration in SEZs Production is sustained over time. Projects fail despite supports due to
and multipliers based on linkages to Agglomeration effects achieved unfavourable economic conditions
local suppliers or downstream (e.g., labour skilling and mobility, or poor company management.
producers lead to faster and more clusters, joint marketing). SEZs not structured to support
diverse national industrialization. Sufficient degree of local agglomeration effects, e.g.,
procurement and/or exports and/or inadequate labour market
downstream demand to support information systems or highly
broader growth. diverse companies that do not have
Projects are not linked in to local
economies except for direct
employment and infrastructure, so
limited multiplier effects.
Increased growth, job creation, and Investment in SEZs initiates broader Projects fail.
diversification. diversification and job creation Projects are highly capital-intensive
across the country. with few local linkages, limiting both
direct job creation and multiplier
Resources diverted to SEZs at cost
of other producers, so benefits
cancelled out by decline in other
Incentives cut into tax base,
constraining infrastructure and
services for the rest of the
economy, making it less attractive
for investors over the long run.
Relaxed emissions requirements for
SEZs lead to export barriers in the
medium to long run.

Source: author’s compilation.

4 The context for SEZs in Southern Africa

Southern Africa is characterized by unusually deep inequalities both within and between countries,
dependency on mining exports with comparatively stunted manufacturing, and small national
economies that are distant from leading global trade routes. These broad structural challenges lead
to comparatively slow growth across the region except during international commodity upswings.
Unless they are addressed systematically, the region cannot hope to copy East Asia’s success in
industrialization. In these circumstances, SEZs across Southern Africa remain enclaves, providing
only very limited stimulus to broader growth.

As noted, international studies show that SEZs rarely grow faster than their host economies (Frick
et al. 2018). From 1995 to 2018, the Southern African economy expanded more slowly than the
rest of the Global South, even excluding China. It grew less than 120 per cent over this period,
while other developing economies outside of China grew 140 per cent. The Chinese economy
multiplied sevenfold. As Figure 3 indicates, lower-income economies in Southern Africa grew
faster than their peers, but upper-middle-income economies (essentially South Africa plus Namibia
and Botswana) lagged. In the continental Southern African Development Community (SADC),
which includes the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as well as the United Republic of
Tanzania, lower-income economies generated 15 per cent of the regional GDP, compared with
only two per cent in the rest of the Global South.
Figure 3: Average growth rates by income group in continental SADC compared with other developing
economies excluding China, 1995–2018

1995 to 2002 2002 to 2011 2011 to 2014 2014 to 2018 1995 to 2018

5% 5.0%
4.6% 4.7%

3% 2.8%



SADC (a) Other SADC (b) Other SADC (c) Other ex
Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income

Note: (a) DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. (b) Angola, eSwatini, Lesotho, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
(c) Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa; South Africa accounted for over 90% of value added in this group.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from World Bank (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin
(2020), with permission.

SEZs in Southern Africa are hampered by unusually deep inequalities both within and between
countries, a key difference from East Asia. From a political-economic standpoint, these inequalities
mean that economic measures have sharply divergent implications for different stakeholders—
formal businesses, workers, the urban jobless, and rural communities, among others. As a result,

every economic project, including SEZs, faces bitter contestation. This makes it hard to secure
consistent policy support and resourcing. Inequalities also limit regional and domestic demand for
mass-produced manufactures, which historically initiated industrialization in Asia.

In the 2010s, the average Gini coefficient in the continental SADC (weighted by population size)
was 0.48. It was 0.38 for other developing economies that reported a figure for the Gini, excluding
China. Internationally, just 13 countries reported a Gini coefficient that exceeded 0.50. Seven of
them were in Southern Africa. This finding should not, however, be overinterpreted. Many of the
most unequal economies did not report a Gini at all, including most Middle Eastern petro-
economies. Angola, Southern Africa’s sole petro-state, reported a Gini of just over 0.4, which
seemed improbable given the extraordinarily inequitable division of petroleum rents (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Gini coefficients in continental SADC compared with other countries by income level, 2007–17 (latest
available figures)

0.60 Zambia
Mozambique Namibia
eSwatini Botswana
DRC Angola
0.40 Tanzania





low income lower middle income upper middle income

Source: author’s calculations based on data from World Bank (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin
(2020), with permission.

Southern Africa also has unusually deep inequalities between countries. Almost six out of ten
residents in the continental SADC live in low-income economies, compared with just over a tenth
in the rest of the Global South. Yet the upper-middle-income economies, dominated by South
Africa, contribute close to two thirds of the regional GDP (Figure 5).

Low incomes and deep inequalities across the SADC constrain regional demand and make it more
difficult to upgrade logistics for both regional and global exports. In Asia, countries and companies
can build on synergies with neighbours to expand industries and trade routes, including
extraordinarily advanced and efficient telecommunications and transport to the Global North. In
Southern Africa, both internal and trade infrastructure remain comparatively weak. That reduces
the attractions of SEZs for investors interested in entering global or regional value chains.

Figure 5: Share of population and GDP by income level in SADC compared with other developing countries, 2018

20% 26% 63% 62%
70% 63%

60% Upper middle income

21% 36% Lower middle income
10% 15%
11% Low income
0% 2%

Continental Other Continental Other

SADC developing SADC developing
Population GDP

Source: author’s calculations based on data from World Bank (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin
(2020), with permission.

In addition, domestic markets are limited because colonial rule divided Southern Africa into
comparatively small countries. In 2018, the continental SADC had 12 member states with a joint
population of 316 million and a GDP of US$700 billion. The average country had 25 million
residents, around half as many as other developing economies excluding China. Only the DRC,
South Africa, and Tanzania had over 50 million citizens; Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and
eSwatini had fewer than three million apiece. Low incomes per person further narrow markets in
Southern Africa. The average GDP in the continental SADC is only around a fifth the size of the
average in the rest of the Global South outside of China (calculated based on data from World
Bank (2019)).

South Africa is a partial exception. In 2018, both its population and its GDP were over twice the
average for upper-middle-income economies, excluding China. It contributed around a fifth of the
population and half of the GDP of the continental SADC. But its dominance reflected the small
size of the regional market, which reduced its dynamism in the long run. In the late 2010s, South
Africa’s GDP per person was four times that of its neighbours, and seven times that of the
continental SADC as a whole. In Brazil, Russia, India, and China—the other countries aligned
with South Africa in the BRICS association of regional centres—the ratio of GDP per person to
neighbouring economies was under two (calculated based on data from World Bank (2021)).
Global manufacturing companies often relocate to the Global South at least in part to access new
markets. By extension, limited regional demand makes the South African SEZs relatively

A further challenge for SEZs in Southern Africa arises from the region’s unusually strong
dependence on mining exports and its limited manufacturing capacity. On the one hand, this
situation means that SEZs effectively compete with the needs of the much more established
mining value chain for infrastructure funding, including electricity and transport, as well as
incentives. On the other, it limits the pool of established local manufacturers able to supply

intermediate inputs to SEZ investors. The result is smaller local linkages and reduced multiplier
effects for both production and jobs.

Figure 6 underscores the dependency of Southern Africa on commodity exports compared with
the rest of the Global South, especially Asia. South Africa is the region’s most industrialized
economy, but the mining value chain remains its most important link to international markets.
Mining and refining contribute less than a tenth of South Africa’s GDP and under a 20th of its
formal employment, but around half of its exports. Dependence on mining is even more
pronounced in most other Southern African countries, with the exception of eSwatini, Lesotho,
and Malawi. Overall, 95 per cent of exports from the continental SADC excluding South Africa
comprise commodities, with 85 per cent from mining (and over 95 per cent for Angola and
Botswana). For the rest of the Global South, manufacturing accounts for over half of exports, and
mining for less than a third. For Asia, manufactured exports climb to over 80 per cent. That well-
developed manufacturing base supports strong local small and medium producers, appropriate
infrastructure, and experienced workers, all of which provide a strong platform for SEZ growth.

As Figure 7 shows, Southern Africa’s dependence on mining has intensified since 2000, driven in
part by the international metals price boom that lasted from 2002 to 2011. The only exceptions
are two small countries, eSwatini and Lesotho. Historically, eSwatini depended on sugar
plantations. In the 2010s, it moved into production of downstream chemicals, mostly regional
exports of soft-drink syrup. Since the early 2000s, Lesotho, which accounts for one per cent of the
region’s exports, has specialized in clothing sales to the United States (leveraging tariff-free status
under the African Growth and Opportunities Act) and South Africa. In contrast, the historically
agricultural economy of Mozambique shifted heavily into mining exports in the 2000s, with a
similar although less pronounced move in Zimbabwe.
Figure 6: Exports from continental SADC compared with exports from China and other developing economies by
region, 2018

100% 5% 40% 49% 64% 91%

90% 35%
51% 33% manufactures (a)
ores and metals (a)
30% 13% 8% fuels (b)
20% 14% 20% agricultural products
10% 14% 4%
8% 7%
SADC ex SA SA Americas Asian China
developing developing
ex China

Note: (a) manufacturing excludes basic foodstuffs, which are included under agriculture, and iron and steel
products, which are included in ores and metals. (b) Mostly oil and gas outside of South Africa, and coal for
South Africa.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from UNCTAD (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin (2020),
with permission.

Figure 7: Structure of exports by continental SADC economies, 2000 and 2018

agricultural fuels ores/metals (incl steel) clothing other manufactures (a)










Ang Moz Botswana Zimbabwe Malawi Zambia Namibia eSwatini SA Lesotho

Note: (a) foodstuffs are included under agricultural exports, and steel under ores and metals. (b) Sugar-based
chemicals are included under agricultural.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from UNCTAD (2019).

Southern Africa’s dependence on mining means that its growth rate, and by extension the fortunes
of its SEZs, tends to track international metals and fuel prices. Increasingly, those prices have been
deeply cyclical as relaxed monetary policies in the Global North foster speculation. In constant US
dollar terms, they hit a 30-year high in 2011 before falling by between 50 per cent and 75 per cent,
leading to economic stagnation across the region especially from 2015. Angola, Namibia, South
Africa, and Zimbabwe were already in recession in 2019, before the pandemic. In 2020, as global
monetary policy slackened to counter the COVID-19 depression, metals prices recovered to near-
2011 levels. That has assisted the region’s recovery from the pandemic downturn. Petroleum and
diamond prices have been slower to rebound, however, which has pressured imports and budgets
in both Angola and Botswana (Makgetla 2021a).

As Figure 8 shows, the 2002–11 boom in metals and fuel prices boosted economic growth across
Southern Africa by around one per cent a year. Low- and lower-middle-income economies saw
the greatest benefit in terms of GDP growth. Because of the region’s mining economy, the impact
of the upswing in metals prices in this period was greater than in the rest of the Global South.

Southern African manufacturing lags particularly far behind for final consumer products outside
of food—notably clothing, appliances, and plastics (Figure 9). These industries were the mainstays
of early industrialization in Asia. They ensured that manufacturing growth there generated
employment on a mass scale, which in turn sustained broad social and political support for
industrialization policies, including SEZs. In contrast, Southern Africa’s main manufactured
exports outside of the mining and agricultural value chain are fully assembled autos and capital
goods, produced in South Africa. These goods are mostly manufactured by subsidiaries of
international companies using primarily imported components. As a result, even when
manufacturing expands, it creates only limited employment and opportunities for small businesses.
That in turn makes it difficult to sustain broad support for programmes such as SEZs that focus
on high-end formal manufacturing.

Figure 8: Growth during commodity boom (2002–11), and before and after it (1995–2002 and 2011–18), in
continental SADC compared with Global South (excluding China) by income group

during commodity boom (2002 to 2011)

before and after boom (1995 to 2002 and 2011 to 2018)
SADC (a) Other SADC Other SADC (c) Other SADC Other
(b) ex China ex China
Low income Lower middle Upper middle Total
income income

Note: (a) DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. (b) Angola, eSwatini, Lesotho, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
(c) Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa; South Africa accounted for over 90% of value added in this group.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from World Bank (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin
(2020), with permission.

Figure 9: Manufactures by type as percentage of total exports from continental SADC compared with developing
countries in other regions, 2018
























other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

other SADC (a)
Other Africa

auto capital goods agro-based basic chemicals electronics other clothing (b)
manufactures chemicals (c)
Note: merchandise trade matrix—product groups, exports in thousands of US dollars, annual. SA: South Africa.
(a) Continental SADC excluding South Africa and Angola. (b) Clothing, textiles, footwear, and leather.
(c) Pharmaceuticals, plastics, and other downstream chemicals.
Source: author’s calculations based on data from UNCTAD (2019). Reproduced from Makgetla and Levin (2020),
with permission.

In short, Southern Africa has faced a range of structural obstacles to national and regional
industrialization that did not exist in Asia. SEZs have aimed not to overcome these systemic
blockages directly, but to circumvent them in designated areas. At best, they have functioned as
enclaves, with only limited multiplier effects. At worst, they have ended up as white elephants,
with high vacancy rates and underused infrastructure.

5 Impacts on SEZ policies

The structure of Southern African economies has affected SEZ programmes in two main ways.
First, deep inequalities have led to continual contestation over their aims and resourcing. That has
translated into unrealistic and sometimes contradictory expectations, paired with inconsistent
implementation and funding. It has also opened a space for some companies to lobby for SEZ
incentives for investments that maintain dependence on mining rather than fostering
diversification, as in Musina Makhado in South Africa. Second, the limited depth of manufacturing
capacity across Southern Africa has constrained the pool of local input suppliers and downstream
manufacturers. As a result, SEZs have generated fairly small multiplier effects for both the
economy and employment.

The situation in South Africa exemplifies the impact of social and economic divides and the
associated lobbying by industries, provinces, and businesses. The Special Economic Zones Act of
2014 provides an exhaustive list of objectives for SEZs, ranging from facilitating industrialization
and innovation to encouraging beneficiation to regional development and support for small
businesses (SA 2014). When lawmakers list every possible aim in an act, it usually means they are
unable to agree on priorities. Structurally, the SEZ programme in the DTIC is located in the
regional development branch, with performance indicators clustered around ‘increased and
enhanced instruments for spatial development of targeted regions and economic transformation’
(DTIC 2021: 73). As of 2020, the DTIC aimed to locate two SEZs in every province, presumably
in the name of equality rather than economic logic (Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry
2020). The population of South Africa’s provinces ranges from 1.1 million in the Northern Cape
to 12.3 million Gauteng. Meanwhile, the DTIC’s budget states that SEZs aim not at addressing
spatial inequalities, but at facilitating ‘the transformation of the economy to promote industrial
development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation’ (National Treasury of South
Africa 2021: 795).

Most Southern African countries experience a similar tension between using SEZs to promote
competitive clusters and export industries, and using them as hubs for rural development.
Colonialism and apartheid entrenched deep spatial inequalities across the region, and SEZs have
seemed like one way to provide redress. In most countries, municipalities or provinces have
lobbied for SEZs in the hope of kickstarting local industry or least leveraging national funds (Dube
TradePort 2020; Select Committee 2021). According to the World Bank, however, SEZs are not
helpful for developing ‘lagging’ regions that require high levels of expenditure to catch up on
infrastructure and administrative systems (World Bank 2020).

Debates have also emerged around how much to spend on SEZs, whether through infrastructure,
incentives, or building institutional capacity. Governments across the region have often promised
more than they have delivered. In Zimbabwe in 2020, investors said they had not received the
promised tax incentives (Adu-Gyamfi et al. 2020). As noted, Zambia abruptly cancelled most tax
subsidies in 2018, and Namibia cut them back in 2020. Both Botswana and South Africa only
gazetted the regulations enabling tax cuts for SEZs around five years after passing the acts to
establish them.

The regional electricity shortage has underscored the difficulties around prioritizing SEZs over
other sites. According to the World Bank (2020), a survey found that reliable electricity was critical
for company decisions on investment locations. Yet SEZs across Southern Africa faced regular
load-shedding by national grids in the late 2010s (Phiri and Manchishi 2020). In effect, states are
not willing to prioritize the SEZs to the extent of exempting them from load-shedding, which
would effectively increase the burden on the rest of the economy or on households.

Similar inconsistencies and debates have emerged around regulatory concessions. Businesses
frequently lobby for more relaxed requirements on labour, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions,
and local (or in South Africa, Black) ownership. In effect, they seek to use the SEZs to carve out
exemptions from government efforts to generate more sustainable and equitable economies
(Altbeker 2021; Karambakuwa et al. 2020). As of 2021, no SEZ in the region has agreed to these
concessions, although the Musina Makhado SEZ would need a concession on emissions to
proceed as originally planned.

Alignment across state agencies has also proved hard to achieve. Businesses often find that, even
where the SEZ legislation requires the establishment of one-stop shops to facilitate all forms of
licensing and permits, they never actually materialize. In Zambia, SEZs have suffered from, among
other things, a ‘fragmented incentive framework [and] institutional coordination failures’ (Phiri
and Manchishi 2020: 2). In South Africa, ELIDZ has listed as two of its greatest challenges getting
the national state-owned utility, Eskom, to finalize power purchase agreements with its investors
in renewable energy, and an about-face on support for aquaculture by development finance
institutions (Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury 2020). The DTIC itself has said the main risks to
SEZs are the lack of alignment across government and the need to comply with environmental
requirements, which it blames equally on ‘influencers and NGOs [sic]’ and the national department
for environmental affairs (DTIC 2021: 147).

The inability to set clear priorities for SEZs in itself undermines a core selling point: that they will
effectively outsource government functions and prioritize resources for formal businesses in
situations where the state is overburdened, fragmented, and often corrupt. Instead of operating in
splendid isolation, however, the SEZs risk deepening contradictions and deadlocks within the
state. In effect, they encourage powerful fractions of both the state and business to establish
enclaves for growth as an alternative to resolving the systemic blockages and inequalities that have
slowed growth across Southern Africa.

A second challenge emerges from the near-absence of local capacity to manufacture intermediate
inputs. Except where they beneficiate agricultural or mining commodities, investors in Southern
African SEZs often end up importing most or even all of their inputs. This trend is reinforced by
the reduction of import duties on inputs and capital goods, at least for export production, in SEZs
across the region (Adu-Gyamfi et al. 2020). Simultaneously, most Southern African governments
have sought to encourage local procurement by SEZ investors, although often not very effectively.
Zambian policy calls for SEZ tenants to procure 35 per cent of their inputs locally, but the
guidelines are not enforced (Phiri and Manchishi 2020).

The auto industry epitomizes the difficulties around encouraging local procurement by SEZ
investors. Arguably, it forms the linchpin of the SEZ programme in South Africa, providing
anchor tenants for Coega, ELIDZ, and the newly designated Tshwane Automotive SEZ. In
addition, in 2021 the Durban TradePort established a satellite site for an auto components cluster
on the far side of eThekwini. In addition to support from the SEZ programme, the auto companies
enjoyed dedicated rail and port facilities from the state-owned company Transnet, and large tax
subsidies. As a result of these supports, some of which dated back to the 1950s, auto became a
key export for South Africa in the 2000s. In 2019, it contributed almost 15 per cent of all South

African goods exports. It was the country’s only substantial manufactured export outside of the
mining and agricultural value chains.

Despite its dynamism, the South African auto industry has done little to stimulate economic
diversification. In 2019, it accounted for only around 0.9 per cent of the GDP and 0.8 per cent of
formal employment (around 100,000 workers) (calculated based on data from Quantec (2021)). As
of 2021, all advanced components, from transmission trains to computers, were imported. Local
suppliers only provided structural inputs such as windows, wheels, catalytic converters, and
fenders. As a result, the industry’s success has not translated into broader industrialization, in stark
contrast to the experience of the Global North in the 1920s and 1930s. Efforts to promote local
production of intermediate inputs have run up against the dominant global companies’ interest in
keeping advanced knowledge and production in their home countries.

6 Policy implications

Southern Africa faces high barriers to industrialization, notably deep inequalities combined with
heavy dependency on mining exports and stunted manufacturing. SEZs have done little to address
these structural challenges. Instead, they have sought to create separate sites with world-class
administration and infrastructure combined with low tax rates. In theory, they could generate
spillovers in the form of expertise and institutional capacity. In practice, however, in Southern
Africa at best they have ended up as efficient enclaves with very few multiplier effects in the rest
of the economy. At worst, they have reduced government tax revenues and poured money into
industrial sites with sparse new investment to show in return. In the process, they have risked
diverting governments away from efforts to address systematic national constraints on economic

SEZs would support industrialization in the region more effectively if they focused narrowly on
supporting diversification through new clusters with substantial local and regional linkages. That
would mean moving away from promoting investment and exports across the board. Such a
strategy would, however, require far more discipline about accepting investors, as well as requiring
substantial expertise and time.

The discourse on SEZs also underscores the need to strengthen methodologies to generate
practical policies for Southern Africa. Academic research can explore solutions from other
countries in the name of identifying best practice or sharing innovations. Policy makers, however,
must start by identifying problems that require resolution, and diagnosing their causes. Only then
can they begin to explore whether experiences in other countries might be relevant. The resulting
policy options still have to be evaluated for their viability and appropriateness, not just imported
in the name of best practice.


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