Odev - 8th GR Winter Worksheet

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1.Choose the best word (A, B or C) to complete the text.

Be screen safe
There are plenty of reasons why you should (1) __________ the amount of time you spend on
screens. First of all, there are the (2) __________ effects they can have on your eyes. Then, too
much screen time can stop you from (3) _________ progress with your studies. It can also affect
your sleep.
Technology is a great part of your lives, but we need to be (4) ___________ in the way we use it.
So, how much screen time is (5) _________? It’s a good idea to (6) ________ the experts’ advice
and limit it as much as possible. (7) ________ your best to find other activities to do – get some
fresh air, read a book or meet up with a friend. And remember that you should (8) _______ off all
electronics an hour or more before bed.

1 A fix B switch C limit

2 A admirable B terrible C advisable
3 A making B doing C taking
4 A sensible B identifiable C reversible
5 A accessible B reasonable C believable
6 A take B come C make
7 A Take B Make C Do
8 A upload B post C turn
2. Read the school announcement and choose the correct words.

After-school clubs
Last year’s after-school clubs were a great success. We (1) managed / succeeded to run 12
different clubs and they were very popular with students. This year, we’re adding three new clubs,
so you’ll always have an answer when someone asks ‘What did you get (2) out / up to last night?’
Do you want to get fi t or (3) build / carry up your muscles? We’ve got two new sports for you to try
– badminton and hockey. (4) Achieving / Beating your opponent isn’t the aim. These are just for
fun and to keep you (5) active / useful! For (6) playful / creative students, there’s the arts and
crafts club, where you can try drawing and much more! Why not join the film club? Every Friday, we
show a popular fi lm of particular interest to teenagers. Can you think of a better way to relax after a
(7) thankful / stressful week? Bring your own popcorn! So, how do you (8) go / get about joining?

3. Complete the sentences with the noun form of the words in brackets.
1 The biggest ______________ with my essays is that I forget to check my spelling. (weak)
2 He’s not a very good singer. I don’t understand his _______________ . (popular)
3 There’s not enough _______________ in his films. He needs to do something different.
4 In my opinion, health and ________________ are more important than being rich. (happy)
5 ________________ is important if you want to direct films. (create)
6 There was a lot of _______________ in the room. Everyone was doing something. (active)
7 We need to raise _______________ of the problems animals face. (aware)
8 James was well known for his sense of humour and _______________. (clever)

4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words you
do not need.

covered | fed | full | intention | need | regardless | solution | tired

1 I’m ___________ up with the noise here – it keeps me awake at night.

2 I don’t think there’s a __________ to this problem.
3 We still prefer living in the city, __________ of the problems.
4 Tonia’s walls are __________ with posters.
5 Keith wants to live in this town for ever – he has no _________ of moving away.

5. Write one word in each gap. The first letter has been given.
1 My hobby is b _______________ I love to write about my travels.
2 My friends are really into s _____________ n ______________ - they’re always online
3 We play a lot of b___________ g ___________ in the winter – in the summer we usually
go out more.
4 Computer p ______________ is what I enjoy most. I would like to design my own games
one day.
5 I got into p_______________ at eight years old when my dad bought me my first camera.
6 P ______________ is a really relaxing hobby. I sometimes do pictures of my friends.
7 I do a lot of o___________ g____________ . I play against people from all over the world.
8 M____________ b___________ is the healthiest hobby to have. It’s great fun and it keeps
you fit!

6. Choose the correct words.

I was playing tennis when I fell and hurt my leg. It was really painful so I decided to see the
doctor. As I sat (1) anxious / anxiously in the waiting room, I was really worried that it
was broken. There was also a terrible (2) fever / bruise on my knee. The doctor said it
was a (3) sprain / virus and that I should rest my leg as much as possible. He advised (4)
against / to doing any exercise for a week. That first night, I kept getting (5) cuts / cramp
in my leg. On the second day, I still couldn’t walk without pain. After a few more days, I
was feeling a little more (6) comfortably / comfortable but I wasn’t very strong. After a
week, I could walk, but not (7) easy / easily, so I mostly lay on the sofa and watched TV.
In the last few days, I’ve felt (8) surprisingly / surprising good. There’s nothing wrong
with me now, except that I think I’m addicted (9) to / in television!

7. Complete the sentences using words from the box.

admire | confide | forgive | get | gossip | lose | make | share

1 It’s not nice to _____________ about other people but most of us do it sometimes.
2 I really _____________ my grandma for all the things she’s managed to do with her life.
3 A best friend is someone you can ______________ in.
4 Shy people don’t find it easy to ____________ new friends.
5 When you move to a different area, it’s easy to ____________ touch with people.
6 If my friend does something I don’t like, I usually ___________ her after a few days.
7 I’m not sure I trust anyone enough to _______________ all my secrets with them.
8 The person I _____________ on best with is my friend, Frankie.

1.Put the verbs into the correct tense, present simple or continuous.
1 Don’t switch the TV off. I _______________ it. (watch)
2 You look bored. _____________ to play a video game with me? (you / want)
3 I _______________ of changing my mobile but I can’t decide which one to buy. (think)
4 What ______________? Please don’t touch my laptop! (you / do)
5 Look Sally, I ______________ our holiday photos on Facebook. (post)

2. Choose the best answer to complete the text.

My favourite gadget is my mobile phone. I (1) _____________ I could live without it. I like
always being able to contact my friends. Sometimes I (2) ______________ a text message,
other times I prefer (3) ______________ a voice message. I don’t often call, because my
friends may be in class. I also use applications. The ones I use most frequently are Facebook
and Instagram but I also use one to learn English vocabulary. At the moment, I (4)
_______________ one which edits my videos. I admit (5) ________________ a lot of time
playing games too but I am not as bad as my brother who plays video games all night. Look!
Someone (6) ________________ me a message! Sorry, I have to go!

1 A am not believing B don’t believe

2 A send B ’m sending
3 A leave B to leave
4 A use B ’m using
5 A to wasting B waste
6 A sends B is sending

3. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text.

Fernando (1) ____________ to the UK from Mexico three years ago. While he (2)
_____________ for a student flat, he stayed with a host family. He (3) _____________
having his meals so early. His host family usually (4) _____________ dinner at 7 o’clock. In
Mexico, his family (5) _______________ often eat at 10 o’clock or later! He travelled to
school by bike every day although it was strange cycling on the left as in Mexico he (6)
_____________driving on the right. One day, when he (7) _______________ to school he
forgot and almost (8) ________________ an accident.

1 A was coming B come C came

2 A was looking B used to look C use to look
3 A didn’t used to B used to C wasn’t used to
4 A were having B had C use to have
5 A would B was used C used
6 A would B used to C was used to
7 A used to cycle B was cycling C would cycle
8 A was having B would have C had
4. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to fill each gap.

Tim: Gran? (1) ____________ this area very different from when you were younger?
Gran: Oh yes. The city centre (2) ____________ completely over the last fifty years.
People used to live in the suburbs and came into the centre by car to work. But the cost of
petrol (3) __________ and people want to live in the city, so this (4) ___________ to the
construction of tower blocks. They’re really ugly, (5) ____________
Tim: Yes, but they have great views, (6) _____________ And a lot of people live in them. I
(7) ___________ about cities at school this week and one tower block can attract lots of
new business to an area. So it’s not all bad.

1 A Has B How C Is
2 A have been changing B has changed C is changed
3 A has increased B did increase C was coming
4 A has been leading B has led C is leading
5 A are they? B aren’t they? C don’t they?
6 A haven’t they? B don’t they? C no?
7 A ’ve been learning B learning C was learn

5. Choose the correct words.

1 If you have to go to the dentist often, you are / will be probably eating too many sweets.
2 You shouldn’t eat strawberries if you are / were allergic to them.
3 I won’t go out tonight unless / if I can get rid of my headache.
4 If I got cramp in the swimming pool, I will / would stop swimming.
5 You can eat some fast food, as long as you eat / ate healthy food most of the time.
6. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text.

Rapping in the park

Last year I went to London to study English during the summer. I (1) ___________ studying
for two weeks when I realised that I (2) ____________ any English friends. (3) ___________
that in my own country I was quite sociable, I found it hard to be confident and funny in
English. One day, after we (4) _____________ our English class, one of my classmates
suggested that we go to the park. In the park, we started playing football and after we (5)
___________ for about ten minutes, two English teenagers, Dana and Rob, came to join us.
When we (6) _____________ we started chatting and I discovered that Rob liked rapping. I
performed a Spanish rap and he rapped in English. Then we did a freestyle rap together in
both languages. (7) ______________ it didn’t make much sense, it was funny and everybody
thought it was brilliant. Since I returned home, we haven’t lost touch and have still remained
good friends (8) ______________ the distance.

1 A was been B had been C am
2 A didn’t make B haven’t made C hadn’t made
3 A In spite of the fact B Despite C Even though
4 A have had B had had C were had
5 A had been playing B had playing C have played
6 A had been finishing B did finish C had finished
7 A Although B Despite C In spite of
8 A however B although C despite

1.Read the text.

The history of vaccination

In the 18th century, a serious and frightening disease called smallpox was very common and
many people died from it. It was caused by a virus and was extremely contagious during the
first weeks of the infection. Symptoms of the disease included a fever, headache, backache,
severe fatigue, a rash and a very high temperature. If people survived, they were left with
awful scars on their body. People at that time also suffered from a milder disease called
cowpox which they caught from cows.
Edward Jenner was born in 1749. He was an English country doctor who had studied nature
and his natural surroundings since childhood. He had always been fascinated by the
traditional tale that milkmaids could not get smallpox. He believed that there was a
connection between the fact that milkmaids only got a weak version of smallpox – the non-
life-threatening cowpox – but did not get smallpox itself. A milkmaid who caught cowpox got
blisters on her hands and Jenner concluded that it must be the pus in the blisters that
somehow protected the milkmaids. Jenner was convinced that the cowpox infection had
protected these people in some way.
In 1796, Jenner decided to test out his theory. He did an experiment on a young boy called
James Phipps. He introduced the cowpox infection into a cut on the boy’s arm. Phipps
became ill with cowpox for a while and then recovered. Later, Jenner infected Phipps with
smallpox and waited. Phipps never caught smallpox because the cowpox had protected him.
This was the first example of vaccination, and indeed the word comes from the Latin ‘vacca’
which means cow. So successful was this discovery that the government banned any
treatment for smallpox other than Jenner’s.
Jenner’s discovery has made an enormous difference to the health of the world. Nowadays,
people are vaccinated against many illnesses, such as tuberculosis, measles and mumps.
After a worldwide vaccination programme by the World Health Organisation (WHO), smallpox
was finally eradicated in 1980. The WHO then recommended that all countries stop
vaccinating for smallpox.

A.Answer the questions.
1 Why was smallpox such a common disease?
2 In the 18th century, how did people catch cowpox?
3 What did Edward Jenner notice about people who worked with cows?
4 How did Jenner perform the first vaccination?
5 What is the origin of the word ‘vaccination’?
6 How was smallpox eradicated in 1980?
B.Read the fact file and complete the text.

In the 18th century, (1) ____________ was a very serious and contagious disease. Edward
(2) ____________ was a young doctor and he noticed something important: people who had
a similar disease, (3) _____________, never caught smallpox. Cowpox wasn’t as dangerous
as smallpox, so in (4) _____________, Jenner did an experiment. He infected a young boy
called (5) _____________ Phipps with cowpox. James was ill but he quickly recovered.
Then, Jenner infected Phipps with (6) _____________. He waited for a long time, but Phipps
never caught (7) ___________. He was protected. This was the first example of (8)

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