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IELTS Recent Mock Tests

Volume 3
Listening Practice Test 4

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Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Example Answer

•Type of job required: part-time

Position Available Details

Duty: to provide 2 service

Working hours: 3
Requirement: receive 4 without pay

Day off: one day a week (request in advance)

Requirements: clean and valid license

six-year experience

Working hours: 6

Duty: to take employers

to and from work

to collect the 7

to pick up the children

Day off: 8

Working hours: 17.30-22.30

Duty: to sell and dispense tickets

Cashier in a 9 to provide refreshments

to take 10

Day off: Mondays

Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

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11 The host families will

A earn a big money.

B receive no pay.

C receive stable pay.

12 What is the guest expected to overcome when suffering from culture shock?

A loneliness

B difficulty to make friends

C language barriers

13 What can the guests do if they want to become familiar with host families?

A talk about personal interests

B clean their rooms

C cook together

14 What’s likely to happen to the guests in the long run?

A They will enhance cultural understanding.

B They will gain overseas experience.

C They will know more people from different countries.

Questions 15-20
Complete the flow-chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Visit the website and contact the advisor

Keep in touch with the 15

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Provide two photos, one for the host family, and the other for 16

Send in some documents to confirm your 17

Receive 18 within 7 working days

Have a(n) 19 in London

Pay the extra fee for a fast-track service

Receive a written 20

Questions 21-26
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21 What kind of research method does the professor recommend?

A interview

B observation

C questionnaire

22 What is the project based on?

A a study they did before in Australia

B a similar angle someone has done before

C an Australian study

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23 What does the professor advise Douglas to do about the formation of the focus

A streng then the group in size

B reduce the number of children in each group

C build more than 3 groups

24 To do the project best, the professor suggests the students

A interview various people or sectors.

B not be too ambitious.

C work hard enough.

25 To gather data, the professor asks Jane

A to replace other people’s advice.

B to simplify the textbook.

C to practice using the date table.

26 The reason why Douglas hasn’t read enough reference books is that

A he doesn’t have enough time.

B he thinks there are too many books to read.

C he hasn’t spent time in the library.

Questions 27-30
What do the students decide about the following parts of the project?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 27-30.

A Jane will do

B Douglas will do

C They will do together

final report

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sheet preparation



Questions 31-36
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

‘Graphical symbol’

• includes the logographs in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and ancient Chinese pictograms

• found in Africa, the Americas, and Oceania

• still has something to do with 31 use today

Ancient graphic writing systems

• Researchers obtain a wide range of 32 about past civilisations.

- Rosetta Stone was found in 1799 when members of Napoleon’s expedition got to Egypt.

- Frenchman Jean-François Champollion determined the phonetic values of the symbols in


• In those symbols, 33 are used to depict various meanings.

Camera obscura

• 34 helps people understand history better.

• Some charities will 35 many endangered species.

• A camera was tied to one 36 of a bird.

Questions 37-40
Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

More 37 will be included in the future with the development of


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Companies would like to invest a lot to advertise in 38 .

Designing appealing 39 is used as a way of effective branding.

Graphic writing systems are of great importance in the subject of 40

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Part 1: Question 1 - 10

1 receptionist 2 (quality) customer

3 early mornings 4 training

5 driver 6 flexible

7 grocery shopping 8 weekends

9 cinema 10 bookings

Part 2: Question 11 - 20

11 C 12 B

13 A 14 A

15 registration office 16 (own) records

17 identity 18 acknowledgement

19 interview 20 decision

Part 3: Question 21 - 30

21 A 22 C

23 B 24 B
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25 C 26 A

27 C 28 B

29 A 30 C

Part 4: Question 31 - 40

31 commercial 32 knowledge

33 lines 34 Photography

35 advertise 36 foot

37 objects 38 newspapers

39 packaging 40 mathematics/math/maths

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Audio Script:

Manager: Hi there, welcome to the Job Centre. How can I help?

Lauren: Good morning, I’m here to enquire as to whether you have any jobs available at the

Manager: Yes, we have several available. What kind of job is it that you’re looking for?

Lauren: Well, um, I’ll take any Example part-time jobs I can get. I’m really strapped for cash
at the moment.

Manager: Okay, bear with me while I have a browse on our system. [Pause] Here we are. We
have three vacancies at the moment, all involving quite different roles.

Lauren: That sounds promising. What are they?

Manager: The rst one is for a post as a Q1 receptionist. It says here that experience in
reception or general administration is preferred, but not essential. Have you worked on a
reception desk previously?

Lauren: No, I haven’t. I had a baby quite young, and so I have very little work experience.
Could you tell me a few more details?

Manager: Yes, of course. The job will be to mainly provide Q2 quality customer service both
over the phone and in person. When customers are waiting you will be expected to provide
them with refreshments and ensure they have a first-rate experience.

Lauren: I think I could manage that, and I’m a very friendly person!

Manager: That’s great.

Lauren: Do you have any information about the hours involved?

Manager: It says here that you will be expected to work several Q3 early mornings, 4 days a

Lauren: Any other requirements?

Manager: Yeah, you’ll have to go through a couple of weeks of unpaid Q4 training before
qualifying for the post.

Lauren: Hmm, I don’t know if I would be able to fully commit to that. Did you say it’s 4 days
per week?

Manager: Yeah, it says here 4 days a week, with another day off per week when requested in
advance. It also explicitly states that at least one of your working days must fall on a weekend.

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Lauren: I’ll have to think about that and talk to my babysitter.

Lauren: Are there any other roles beginning later in the day?

Manager: Yes, there’s an advertisement here for a Q5 driver. It says you’ll need a clean and
valid UK driver’s license, with absolutely no exception.

Lauren: No problems there. I passed my test first time and have never received any points.

Manager: It also explicitly states that you must be over twenty- ve and have been driving for
at least six years.

Lauren: That sounds quite exciting. Is there any more information?

Manager: Yep, it says here that working hours are Q6 flexible, and the employers are happy
to work within your personal schedule since they employ multiple drivers.

Lauren: That’s great.

Manager: The employers ask for a commitment to either mornings 5 days per week, evenings
5 days per week, or three full working days per week.

Lauren: I’m sure I can handle all that without a problem.

Manager: As well as driving the employers to and from work, they will ask you to perform
various duties on their behalf, such as collecting the Q7 grocery shopping, and picking their
children up from school.

Lauren: Do they need me to work a day on the weekend as well?

Manager: No, it says here that they only require you to work on weekdays, not
Q8 weekends.

Lauren: That sounds interesting.

Manager: Okay, there’s only one more left, another customer service-related post. It looks like
it requires you to work short hours, quite late at night, so it might not be suitable for you. Do
you want to hear about it anyway?

Lauren: Yeah, can’t do any harm.

Manager: Okay, so it’s a post for a cashier in a Q9 cinema in the centre of town. I’m sure
you’ve been to the cinema a few times, so you can guess what kind of role it would be. They’re
quite short and late shifts, between 17.30 and 22.30 most nights, with slightly longer shifts on
Friday and Saturday nights.

Lauren: Mmm, can you tell me what the job involves?

Manager: Yes, sure. It says that you’ll be required to sell and dispense tickets, and provide
refreshments. Also, they ask that you be quick on the computers since you’ll also need to take
Q10 bookings over the phone, but you’ll receive basic training for that.
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Lauren: Do they need me to work weekdays as well?

Manager: Well, it says here that if you request at least a fortnight in advance, they will grant
you a day off on Mondays, but never on a weekend.

Lauren: Mmm. I’ll think it over and let you know later. Thanks for all your help.

Thank you all for coming to my talk this evening. It’s nice to see so many people in the
audience. For those of you who don’t know very much about

‘Connection’, let me start by giving you some background information about it.

‘Connection’ is a British organisation that facilitates homestays all over the globe. This
organisation prides itself on matching tens of thousands of host families with guests every
single year, allowing travellers to discover a country’s culture in a way like no other. Homestays
are ideal for both travellers and homeowners, enabling inter-cultural exchanges and the
development of life-long friendships, while providing travellers with often
discounted accommodation costs, and Q11 host families with a steady income from the
comfort of their own homes. The homestay experience is particularly popular with university
exchange students looking for a more genuine insight into their country of choice, and an
unrivalled opportunity to develop their language skills. The homestay experience is truly unique
and once-in-a-lifetime, and one that you will likely remember for the rest of your lives. It is
important to note, however, that some people will find it difficult to adapt to the new
country, with many enduring what is known as ‘culture shock’. Connection’s advice for those
suffering from culture shock, is to Q12 go out and make as many friends as possible, no matter
how difficult you may find it. Friends are guaranteed to help you feel more integrated as part of
the local society, and show you some great places to hang out. At first, it might seem extremely
challenging to overcome the language barrier between you and your host family; however, you
will find that you quickly overcome this and develop a very close and almost
familial relationship. Many of our travellers have suggested that Q13 they have
found discussing their hobbies and other interests with their host families is the best way to
overcome any barriers, since you are more than likely to find something you share in common.
For example, you might find that you are both passionate about football, and end up playing in
the local field every week. One of our guests undertaking a homestay in a rural area of the UK
told us that she and her host now take a Tai Chi class together upon a hilltop at sunrise, calling
the experience ‘absolutely breathtaking’. After the first few weeks, Q14 you will find your
understanding of the people around you and their culture deepens by leaps and bounds, and
you will soon become one of the locals. Our hosts, in over 140 countries, turn a location into a
culture, time into experience and strangers into friends.

So how can you find out about applying for a homestay? The best way would be to visit
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Connection’s website,, and contact one of their friendly advisors for more
information. Once you have confirmed your interest in the service, Q15 we would strongly
advise that you remain in close contact with the registration office, which will send you several
emails keeping you up-to-date with potential matches in your country of choice. Once
registered, Connection will require you to send various documents, and will act as
an intermediary between you and the host family prior to final confirmation and payment.
During this stage, Connection will ask you to Q16 provide two photos, one for the host family,
and the other for our own records. Please ensure that you sign the back of each photo. Due to
the nature of the service Connection provides, security is an absolute must, and they will ask
you to Q17 send in photocopies of your passport, birth certificate, and a bank statement as
confirmation of your identity. On receipt of these documents, the official process will begin and
your bank account will be debited for the initial deposit of £200. If you haven’t Q18 received
any acknowledgement confirming receipt of these documents from us within seven working
days, please contact the main office. As I mentioned before, due to the nature of the
organisation, Connection operates a meticulous screening process, and Q19 all applicants
will undergo an interview in our head office in London, with exceptions made in extreme
circumstances. After your interview, it may take us several weeks to carry out the decision
process, so please be patient with us. If you would like a fast-track service, please indicate this
on your application and we will notify you of the additional charges. Finally, once we have come
to a result about your application, Q20 you will receive a decision in the post. If you do not
receive an offer of placement, we will refund your deposit within 7 working days.

Professor: For next week, I’d like you to undertake a piece of research in preparation for
writing your final essay. In order to gain top marks, you must include a range of primary,
secondary, and tertiary sources. Are there any questions?

Douglas: Yes, Professor, I have a question. We haven’t yet covered how to undertake this sort
of research in much depth, and I’m a little unsure of what you want us to do. In telling us to
include primary sources, do you mean you want us to design and distribute a questionnaire,
analysing the results?

Professor: You could design a questionnaire, but you’ll soon find that distributing a
questionnaire on such a large scale is somewhat troublesome. We couldn’t possibly expect you
to do it effectively as an individual university student without the necessary resources. No,
ideally I would like you to form one or two focus groups, and Q21 interview them. This will
provide you with a more qualitative approach. If your strengths lie in mathematics, please by all
means take a more quantitative approach, but this will be more strenuous and time consuming,
and isn’t entirely necessary for the purpose of this study.

Jane: Professor, you haven’t told us what our project is about. Do we get to choose our own
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topic based on the previous study?

Professor: No, I’m afraid not. This will be a strictly Q22 Australian study; however, you can
choose which angle you’d like to take, so long as it remains within the realm of anthropology.
Does anyone have any questions specifically about the formation of the focus groups? I’ve had
several emails about this, and I’d like to address it now.

Douglas: My study is related to growing up in Australia, and the question of nature versus
nurture. I’ve gathered more than two hundred school children who would be happy to
participate in a focus group. Do you think we’ll need to include that many participants in a
focus group?

Professor: Blimey, Douglas, well done for finding that many willing children, but you definitely
don’t need that many for the study you’re going to undertake. I’d say you need no more than
five children per group, and no more than three groups, so fifteen children altogether. Q23 You
definitely need to control the group size in order to generate a meaningful dialogue.

Douglas: OK, if it’s useful, I’ll try and do it...

Professor: I appreciate your enthusiasm for the project, but there are plenty of different ways
to gather data, and I’m sure that if you look hard enough, you’ll find someone who has
conducted almost the exact same research in the past. My advice for you is Q24 don’t be
too ambitious, and try to include as much information about various people or sectors.

Jane: For those who haven’t ever collected original data before, what do you suggest we do?

Professor: I would suggest that you read accounts from other people who have undertaken
such research to see what advice they can give. I would also encourage you to read Chapter
Eight in the course textbook, which should give you a good introduction to collecting data.
Moreover, you should Q25 try to practice using the data table provided in your course
handbook. By now you should have read at least six or seven books giving quite detailed
instruction on how to go about collecting data.

Douglas: Professor, I don’t know about everyone else, but I m having trouble reading the
books. Q26 I had a really big assignment for another course and I’ve been spending all my
time on that. Jane, have you read all the books the professor mentioned?

Jane: Well, my trouble is getting hold of the books. I’ve been to the library several times, but
all the books are out.

Professor: Sounds like you should have started borrowing books a bit earlier.

Jane: Yes, I should have. But I got several ones from my friend a couple of days ago. I just
skimmed through them, and don’t remember a lot of the information.

Jane: But now let’s look at these things. We’ll need to start thinking about which ones we’ll
definitely want to do for the project.

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Douglas: Okay. The first one here is the final report.

Jane: If you like, Q27 we can work together on the research and data-collection side of the
project, and doing the final write-up?

Douglas: Cool. That sounds good. I’m not sure how much I’d be able to contribute considering
I haven’t had a chance to read the course material. Q28 But I should be able to prepare some
sheets and a list of questions that can be used during the focus group sessions.

Jane: That sounds appropriate. I think so too.

Douglas: Do you think we’ll need to write a letter to send to the participants, telling them the
time and place for the interviews?

Jane: Positive. Q29 I can take care of that.

Douglas: Well, that’s great.

Jane: I should also include a document for them to sign saying that they’re happy to be voice-

Douglas: Oh yes, of course. I forgot about the transcript. Q30 That’ll likely be a big job, so
let’s do half each, I’ll do one of the groups and you can do the other. Okay?

Jane: Sounds like a plan!

Good morning everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the graphical symbol. A graphic symbol
is a written symbol that is used to represent speech, such as those used in the Greek alphabet.
The term ‘graphic symbol’ encompasses anything from the logographs used in Egyptian
hieroglyphic writing, to ancient Chinese pictograms. Early symbols were based on pictographs
and ideograms before they were developed into logographic writing systems. These
systems are still in use in some non-literate cultures in Africa, the Americas, and Oceania.
Indeed, elements of pictography are still found in modern Chinese characters, and it is often an
interesting exercise to trace the origins of some Chinese characters. Pictographs remain in
common Q31 commercial use today as signs, instructions, or statistical diagrams. Road signs
and public toilet signs, and even at-pack assembly instructions utilising pictures are
considered pictographic.

Ancient graphic writing systems provide researchers with a wealth of Q32 knowledge about
past civilisations. In 1799, one of the most important historical discoveries was made by
accident when members of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt found a stone in Rosetta that
exhibited three different scripts. The stone, now known as the Rosetta Stone, was studied in
signi cant depth by scholars, and was rst deciphered by Frenchman Jean-François
Champollion in 1822. He was able to correctly determine the phonetic values of the symbols,

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and later research has con rmed his ndings. In many of these symbols, Q33 lines are used to
portray a multitude of meanings, and knowledge and understanding of these lines holds the
key to comprehension of graphic writing systems.

A key moment in the history of communication was the invention of the camera obscura, or
camera. Although the concept can be traced back to the fifth century

B.C. Chinese philosopher Mo Ti, the rst photographic image was ultimately created in 1826 by
Joseph Nicephore Niepce. Q34 Photography, as it was later known, enables researchers to
piece together and better understand history. Today, photography forms a huge part of
everyday life and most publications contain a vast number of photographs. Photography is
used in advertising, and is now becoming a way to increase awareness of existing world
issues. For example, animal welfare charities are increasingly using photography
t o Q35 adver tise animals that are at high risk of endangerment. Charity workers
are sometimes own to far- ung locations to document the suffering endured by high-risk
animals in an attempt to raise human awareness of their consumption activities, and how they
impact others. One recent high pro le campaign was undertaken by attaching a camera to the
Q36 foot of a bird, in order to obtain photographs of the animals in their natural habitats, and
understand how often they come into contact with human waste. A soon-to-be-released
documentary about the suffering of animals on Midway Island shows the full extent to
which human consumption is harming animals thousands of miles away from us.

As photography continues to progress, with the use of drones now becoming somewhat
commonplace, we should expect more and more Q37 objects to be included in the future,
expanding the horizon of photography ever further. Indeed, the downward pressure on
traditional media prices means that media companies are being forced to get creative on how
to make a pro t. Many have found that the answer to this lies in advertising, and companies
are now willing to devote a large portion of their budgets to advertising in
Q38 newspapers. By the same token, marketing has become an essential part of a
company’s business model, often meaning the success or failure of a company. As a
result, much time and money has been pumped into the development of effective branding,
with attractive Q39 packaging playing a large role in this. However, many governments are
now seen to be cracking down on marketing and packaging in an attempt to protect consumers
from being misled. In particular, tobacco companies are now subject to ever increasing
regulation. For example, in the United Kingdom, legislation is soon to pass preventing any form
of branding or differentiation on cigarette packaging in efforts to curb the harmful effects
of smoking.

Finally, one must not forget the fundamental role that graphic writing systems have had to play
in Q40 mathematics. Graphs, icons, and diagrams often form the very basis of these branches
of academia. Indeed, one needs to look no further than chemistry’s periodic table to see a
perfect example of graphic writing systems in use today.

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