(Eng) BSED 2 - OCC Depart Exam

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SY 2021 – 2022

Test Booklet Control No. ________

I. General Education:
1. The oldest University in the Philippines founded by the Dominicans in 1611 is.
a. Ateneo de Manila
b. San Juan de Letran
c. San Ignacio
d. Santo Tomas

2. He was the First Muslim Senator of the Philippines.

a. Santanina Tillah Rasul
b. Hadji Butu Abdul Bagui
c. Salipada Pendatun
d. Hoffer Mangudadatu

3. Filipinization a Policy that was started by Gov. Taft. That is meant to make Filipinos
accept American Sovereignty. This is described as the policy of....
a. Introducing American culture
b. gradual substitution of American officials with Filipinos
c. allowing Filipinos to display the Philippine flag
d. encourages Filipinos to promote Filipino product

4. The Japanese successful invasion of the Philippines was climaxed by the surrender
of the joint Fil-Am forces in May 6, 1942 in
a. Bataan
b. Capas
C. Corregidor
d. Manila

5. He was the leader and founder Communist China.

a. Mao Ze-dong
b. Chang Kai-shek
c. Sun Yat-sen
d. Chou En-lai

6. What is the average of 0.6, 6.6, 0.4, and 2.4?

a. 1 b. 10 c. 2 ½ d. 2 e.12

7. What is the sum of √ 12 + √ 27 ?

a. √ 29 b. 5 √ 3 c. 3 √ 5 d. 13√ 3 e. 7√ 3

8. Find 65% of 75
a. 4.87 b. 488 c. 48.75 d. 487.50 e. 48.80

9. ₱25.00 is 20% of what number?

a. ₱1,250 b. ₱125.00 c. ₱128.50 d.₱120.00 e. ₱500

10. 12 is 125% of what number?

a. 9.6 b. 8 c. 9 d.10 e. 8.6
11. What percent of 16 is 40?
a. 2.5% b. 2500% c. ¼ d. 250% e. 25%

12. 1 ¼ subtracted from its reciprocal is?

a. 9/20 b. 45 c. 2.25 d. 9/20 e. 1/5

13. What is the ratio of ¼ to 3/5?

a. 1:3 b. 3:20 c. 5:12 d. 3:4 e. 5:4

14. What is the difference between √ 150 and √ 54?

a. 3√ 6 b. 16√ 6 c. √ 96 d. 6 2 e. 2√ 6

15. Write 3.4 % as a fraction?

3.4 3.4 .34 .34 34
a. b. c. d. e.
100 1000 100 1000 100

16. Aking _________ ang pinya upang matikman mo.

a. papatalupan c. ipinatalop
b. patatalupan d. tatalupan

17. Ang koponang De La Salle at koponang Ateneo ay ______ sa basketball.

a. magsinhusay c. magsinghusay
b. magsin-husay d. magsing-husay

18. Magkasama sa rally sa Mendiola ____ Marlon at Lita.

a. kila c. sina
b. sila d. kina

19. _____ bagong proyektong pabahay ang Sangguniang Panglungsod para sa

a. Mayroon c. May
b. Mag-isang d. Pag-iisang

20. Nagdiwang ang buong paaralan dahil nakamit ni Joselitro Ramos ang ____
a. ika-isang c. Pang-unang
b. unang d. pang-isang

21. Which of the following approaches is a sound principle in guidance?

a. It is prescriptive rather than suggestive
b. It is preventive rather than cure
c. It is focused on the problem rather than on the student client
d. It is curative rather than preventive

22. Aside from knowing the causes why students drop out of school, what should the
counsellor do to make follow up service functional?
a. informs their parents
b. advises student not to drop out
c. conducts an exit interview and rank the reasons based on gravity
d. conducts surprise visits to their homes
23. Moral value is difficult to teach among students. What would be an effective method
to teach this concept?
a. provides a model
b. reads stories with moral values
c. sets rules at the beginning of the school year
d. imposes positive measures for every rule violated

24. The following guidance activities which fall under career guidance is
a. study groups
b. aptitude testing
c. peer counselling
d. placement

25. A teacher may effectively help the student develop a positive attitude towards work
a. role modeling
b. behavior discussion
c. class recitations on values
d. value analysis

26. Blood cells and plasma factors are important:

a. Immune defense c. external defenses
b. Invaders d. internal defenses

27. A spinal nerve is:

a. motor nerve c. neuron
b. sensory nerve d. mixed nerve

28. The anterior pituitary stimulates the:

a. motor coordination c. sense reception
b. consciousness d. homeostasis

29. What do all methods of birth control have in common?

a. They all use some device
b. They are all expensive
c. They interrupt love making
d. They prevent the egg from coming in contact with the sperm

30. Pregnancy begins:

a. upon successful implantation
b. during the follicular phase
c. when the egg is fertilized
d. when ovulation occurs

31. The fact that many insects are now immune to DDT is an example of:
a. natural selection
b. genetic drift
c. geographical isolation
d. translocation
32. The nutrient glucose is useful to the body:
a. to prevent goiter
b. as a source of energy
c. active reabsorption
d. during the process of respiration

33. Radiant energy is covered into chemical energy during:

a. oxidation c. respiration
d. glycolysis d. photosynthesis

34. Which of the following is not a form of vegetative reproduction?

a. Regeneration c. Spore formation
b. Budding d. Vegetation by runners

35. Nitrogenous waste are produced by the metabolism of:

a. fats c. proteins
b. carbohydrates d. starches

36. After having listened to his lecture, I _______ really interested to learn how to
conduct action research.
a. am c. is
b. was d. were

37. The student was ________ to explain his side after a heated encounter with a
a. allowed c. allow
b. allowing d. allows

38. Keeping up ________ the fashion drains one’s pocket.

a. to c. in
b. with d. for

39. Please ______ your sister on which course to take in college.

a. advice c. advise
b. advices d. advises

40. The teenage girl didn’t listen to her mother’s_______.

a. advice c. advise
b. advices d. advises
II. Professional Education
1. For quality professional development, teachers must consider the NCBTS, which are
the established standards for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by the
acronym NCTBS?
a. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
b. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
c. National Competency Basic Teacher Standards
d. National Competency Basic Teaching Standards
2. You are very much interested in quality professional development program for
teachers. What characteristics should you look for?
a. Depends on the availability of funds
b. Prescribed by top educational leaders
c. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs
d. Required for renewal of professional license
3. How do you know a program for teachers’ professional development that meets high
standard from one that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers
a. Get Promoted
b. Get intrinsically motivated to grow continuously
c. Earn MA units for ranking purposes
d. Put themselves far above their students
4. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does the statement imply about quality
personal and professional development for teachers?
a. The teacher is able to teach his/her students
b. The teacher learns from his/her students.
c. It is continuing
d. None of them

5. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which

measure must be implemented?
I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.
a. I and III c. I only
b. II only d. II and III
6. Societal change requires continually deep-seated questions about “good” living.
Which of these did Socrates recognize as the greatest of the human virtues?
a. Moral wisdom c. Courage
b. Fair justice d. Piety
7. Which competencies are expected of BEED and BSED graduates?
I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking
II. Principled understanding of the learning processes
III. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.
IV. Acting as an agent of change.
a. II and IV c. I, II, III, IV
b. I, II, III d. I and III
8. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and relevant teacher development
a. Lifelong learning
b. Focus on the non-performers
c. Capacity building of educational community
d. Mentoring of experts who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning
9. Teachers are required to make an Individual Plan for professional Development
(IPPD). This is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a “lifelong learner.” The
NCBTS provides the steps for __________ assessment in making the IPPD.
a. need c. self
b. collegial d. peer
10. To ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and professional development,
what tool/instrument was developed by the DepEd for self-assessment?
a. TSNA c. KSA

11. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning
the ______ training of teachers.
a. preservice c. school-based
b. post-service d. division-based
12. The result of the LET revealed the low performance of the future teachers. In April
2010 only 15% of the BEED and 25% of BSED graduates passed. What do the results
a. More training be given to BEED students
b. Review existing teacher education curriculum vis-s-vis TOS
c. Determine the specialization of BSE graduates
d. Implement selective admission in TEIS
13. The Domain on Social Regard for learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher’s
actions and demonstrating value for learning. Which are the indicators for these
I. Model the value of punctuality
II. Consider the influence of teacher’s behavior on learners
III. Use cooperative learning activities
IV. Communicate higher learning expectations
a. III and IV c. I and III
b. I and II d. II and IV
14. The new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST) is _______.
a. knowledge-based c. competency-based
b. practiced-based d. self-based
15. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST?
a. non-supportive c. rewarding
b. innovative d. self-directed
16. Which are the job-embedded requirements for teachers and so must continuously
develop themselves in these aspects?
I. Maintains updated pupil/students school records
II. Conducts action research
III. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders
IV. Channels and guide learners
a. I, II, III c. II, III, IV
b. I, II, III, IV d. I, III, IV
17. The teacher performance results provide continual______ to professional
a. support c. guidance
b. feedback d. assessment
18. Which two competencies are demonstrated and practiced during the field study and
Practice Teaching courses?
I. Teaching Assistance
II. Grading learner’s performance
III. Interpersonal relationship
IV. Materials development
a. I and III c. I and II
b. III and IV d. II and IV
19. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will enable him/her to look at
problems as opportunities?
I. Addressing Problems as fast as possible
II. Remaining alert to the possibility
III. Foster sense of accomplishment
IV. Promote sense of belonging
a. I, II, III c. I, III, IV
b. II, III, IV d. I, II, IV
20. As professional teacher you must be good at interactive communication. What does
interactive communication include?
I. Person-to-person e-mail correspondence
II. Interaction through simulations and models
III. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat rooms
IV. Group interaction in virtual learning space or audio communications
a. I and II c. I, II, and III
b. II and III d. I, II, III and IV
21. In a knowledge-based society, teachers must be capable of effective
communication. What does effective communication involve?
I. Teaming, collaboration and interactive communication
II. Interpersonal skills and personal responsibility
III. Social and civic responsibility
IV. Adaptability and self-direction

a. I only c. I, II, and III

b. II only d. I, II, III and IV
22. International educators propose a definition of the term global competence. What is
the MOST appropriate characteristic of a globally competent individual?
a. Having an open mind while actively seeking to understand norms and work
effectively outside one’s environment.
b. Ability to become familiar with new culture and work environment
c. Having the intercultural facility of effective two-way communication
d. Having the professional competence to speak a foreign language.
23. Which of the following may generate interpersonal relationships in the work
a. Learning new skills
b. Challenging the best
c. Off-site respites
d. Dance Festival
24. What practices developed interpersonal sensitivity?
I. Communicate programs/projects to stakeholders
II. Give positive criticisms based on guidelines
III. Communicate concerns/issues for improvement
IV. Tell teachers to attend professional development
a. III, II, IV c. II, III, IV
b. I, II, III d. I, III, IV
25. The NCBTS domain on Social Regard for Learning focuses on which indicators?
I. Demonstrates punctuality
II. Maintains appropriate appearance
III. Communicates higher learning expectations.
IV. Makes use of various learning experiences
V. Is careful about the effect of one’s behavior on learners
a. I, II, V c. I, II, IV, V
b. I, III, IV d. II, III, IV, V
26. Which NCBTS domain creates situations that encourage learners to use high
order thinking skills (HOTS)?
a. Diversity of Learner c. Learning Environment
b. Curriculum d. Community Linkages
27. Which one describes one responsibility of a teacher in a school dominated by
Indigenous’ (IP) children?
I. Point out the negative elements of their cultures to help them improve.
II. Help them realized the positive elements of their culture and make them feel proud
about them.
III. Teach basic concepts in the context of the IP culture.
IV. Show them other peoples’ cultures.
a. I, II, III and IV c. II, III and IV
b. I, III, and IV d. I, II, and III
28. In an era of knowledge explosion, what is supposed to be every teacher’s most
important responsibility to maximize children’s learning?
I. Teach learners the skills on how to learn.
II. Teach learners information only
III. Teach learners how to evaluate information
a. I and III c. I and II
b. I only d. III only
29. As a community leader, which one may a teacher NOT do?
a. Solicits donation from philanthropists in the community
b. Plays an active part in the activities of the community
c. Supports effort of the community to improve their status in life
d. Makes herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by
community politics
30. As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do?
I. She uses instructional time wisely
II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of discipline.
III. She puts to use available and appropriate materials
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students so she can meet her goals.
a. I and III c. I, II, and III
b. II, III, and IV d. I, II, III and IV
31. Alvin Toffler said: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot
read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. “Based on this
statement, what are the important responsibilities of the teacher?
I. To enable learners to adapt to change
II. To teach learners the basics
III. To equip them with skills to learn
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I and III d. I, II and III
32. In the midst of a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the
responsibility of the teacher?
I. Safe
II. Gender-biased
III. Secure
a. I and III c. I and II
b. I, II and III d. II only
33. The professional teacher is not “the sage on stage” but “the guide from the side.”
This implies that teachers _________.
a. act as facilitators of learning
b. serve dispensers of knowledge
c. project an “Almighty-Omniscient” image
d. cling to their power to impose rules
34. A teacher is said to be a “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the
nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” Which practice
makes him/her fulfill such obligation?
a. Use interactive teaching strategies.
b. Use the latest educational technology
c. Observe continuing professional education
d. Study the life of Filipino heroes
35. It is the responsibility of every teacher to undergo annual medical check-up in the
interest of the ___.
I. teacher
II. school and community
III. learner
a. I and II c. I, II and III
b. I only d. III only
36. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely
affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with
a. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in
activities for the betterment of communities.
b. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full-time job.

c. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials.

d. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly
37. Teacher Paz does NOT personally agree with one school policy. What is her
professional responsibility?
a. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it.
b. Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy
even if she does NOT personally agree.
c. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience
she cannot agree
d. Lead a campaign against its abolition.
38. In the context of constructivist learning transaction, the teacher as facilitator of
learning engages in an instruction that is______.
a. flexible and creative
b. understanding and independent
c. formative and summative democratic and independent
d. None of them
39. Global students learn with short burst of energy. To maintain concentration, they
a. frequent reminder that they need to concentrate
b. frequent and intermittent breaks
c. short and easy reading materials
d. music while studying
40. Which two statements BEST describe a global teacher?
I. Thinks and acts both locally and globally
II. Believes in education for sustainable development
III. Wants to work abroad
IV. Desires to live abroad
a. II and IV c. I only
b. I and II d. III only

III. Major/Specialization
1. Which of the following BEST describes syntactic ambiguity? It refers to___________

A. words having the same meaning

B. phrases which have the same meaning
C. words which have more than one meaning
D. phrases which have more than one meaning

2. Which word pair exemplifies hyponymy?

A. Pasta-spaghetti
B. Beauty-pulchritude
C. Fly (insect)-fly (zipper)
D. Benevolent-malevolent

3. Since she wasn't able to get tickets for the first day of the concert, she availed herself
of the ones for the second day. (ones-tickets) What kind of linguistic reference is
exemplified in the given sentence?
A. Anaphora
B. Coreference
C. Deixis
D. Entailment

4. Which of the following pairs of antonyms is a gradable pair?

A. Dead-alive
B. Fast-slow
C. Happy-sad
D. Hot cold

5. Some senior high school students almost failed the exam in English. What is the
sense property in the given statement?

A. Analytic
B. Contradictory
C. Synthetic
D. Thematic

6. The phrase Filipino literature instructor could mean "an instructor who teaches
Philippine literature" or "a literature instructor who came from the Philippines." This case
is an example of which ambiguity?

A. Grammatical ambiguity
B. Lexical ambiguity
C. Structural ambiguity
D. Syntactic ambiguity

7. Conversational Maxims are the cornerstone of HP Grice's account of linguistic

pragmatics of communication. Which maxim states that one should not make his/her
contribution more informative than is required?

A. Maxim of Manner
B. Maxim of Quality
C. Maxim of Quantity
D. Maxim of Relevance

8. Which conversational maxim is violated in the given example?

Speaker A: How do you do today?
Speaker B. Oh well, you know, Same old me.

A. Maxim of Manner
B. Maxim of Quality
C. Maxim of Quantity
D. Maxim of Relevance

9. In a basketball event, only the officiating referee can call out infractions of rules and
decide penalties. Anyone else can shout a foul' but only the referee has the official
word. Which felicity condition is evident in the given speech act?
A. Essential condition
B. Preparatory condition
C. Propositional content condition
D. Sincerity condition

10. All of the following describe an indirect speech act EXCEPT_________

A. it is mainly used by people in connection with maintaining politeness

B. it is the evident when the syntactic form of utterance matches the illocutionary
C. it is an utterance in which one speech act is performed indirectly by
performing another
D. it is the lack of direct connection between the form of utterance and the
intended meaning

11. Which of the following describes the appropriate illocutionary force in the given
Librarian: (points to a signage saying 'Observe silence") Can't you read?
Students: Sorry, Ma'am,

A. The librarian is telling the students to read the signage

B. The librarian is telling the students that they are foolish.
C. The librarian is telling the students to stop conversing in loud voices
D. The librarian is asking whether the students are illiterate or otherwise.

12. After a lesson on writing a problem-solution paragraph, Teacher Anton tells the
students to write a paragraph in the problem-solution pattern on water service
interruption. Which communicative approach to language teaching is exemplified in the
given situation?

A. Content-based approach
B. Participatory approach
C. Task-based approach
D. Whole language approach

13. Which instruction shows the application of the content-based approach to language

A. Teacher April uses mind maps to activate students' background knowledge on

B. Teacher Jay teaches his students the mnemonic to remember the order in
which adjectives should appear.
C. Teacher Beth dims the lights in the classroom and plays classical music as
she reads a poem to her literature students.
D. Teacher Sheila uses a text on the Presidents of the Philippines through history
to teach the past tense form of verbs,

14. All of the following are cognitive strategies in language teaching

A. context clues
B. drills
C. visualization techniques
D. word association

15. What process in language learning is evident in the statement below?

Archie: I called Mom and I asked her if she eated already.

A. Habit formation
B. Hypothesis testing
C. Overgeneralization
D. Simplification

16. Who among the following teachers has a teaching practice that is compatible with
the humanistic approach?

A. Teacher Kelly who assesses the language learners" motivations in learning

B. Teacher Apple who integrates topics from other subjects in the language
C. Teacher Leslie who emphasizes on good pronunciation and lessened
grammatical errors
D. Teacher Karen who assesses the immediate communicative needs of the
language learner

17. Which approach in language teaching is also termed mim-mem method for its
dependence on mimicry and memorization for language acquisition?

A. Audiolingual approach
B. Direct approach
C. Grammar - translation approach
D. Structural approach

18. Teacher Abby wants to teach her students the four basic sentence functions through
games where they are to move and do challenges. Which approach in language
teaching will Teacher Abby most likely apply?

A Community Language Learning

B. Silent Way
C. Suggestopedia
D. Total Physical Response

19. According to Stephen Krashen’s Natural Order Hypothesis, which are the first
grammatical morphemes that are acquired by an average second language learner of

A. Irregular past tense form of verb

B. Auxiliary form of verb and articles (a and the)
C. Regular past tense, possessives, and singular form of verb
D. Progressive form of verb, plural form of noun, and copula (“to be”)
20. Which hypothesis deals with the consideration of the language learners’ motivation,
self-confidence, and anxiety in second language learning?

A. Acquisition Learning Hypothesis

B. Affective Filter Hypothesis
C. Input Hypothesis
D. Monitor Hypothesis

21. Given below are metacognitive strategies that a language learner may use when
he/she is beginning to learn a new language. Which is the EXCEPTION?

A. A learner engages in fewer conversations with speakers of his or her mother

B. A learner monitors and assesses his/her own progress in learning the target
C. A learner reflects on which approaches to working out grammatical rules are
more effective.
D. A learner plans how to remember new words encountered in conversations
with native speakers of the target language.

22. In accordance with the schema theory, which of the following is a schema in
reading? Schema is used to____________

A. Make a distinction between facts and opinions in a text

B. Make corrections about the morphological errors in a text
C. Anticipate, infer, and create judgments and decisions about the text
D. enhance the learner’s knowledge about the deep structure of grammar in the text

23. Which of the following is an objective of the Grammar - Translation Method in

language teaching? It is to learn the target language

A. through drills and repetition

B. in order to read its literature
C. by engaging in authentic language use
D. through natural communication rather than formal grammar study

24. All of the following are summaries of the second language acquisition theory
formulated by Stephen Krashen EXCEPT

A. acquisition is more important in learning

B. low or weak affective filter is required to allow language input
C. age is a definite predictor of second language rate or attainment
D. language acquisition requires comprehensible input containing i+l structures

25. Audiolingual method: tape recorder and audiovisual equipment: ______________

gesture, mime, visual aids, wall charts, and Cuisenaire rods
A community language learning
B. silent way
C task-based approach
D. total physical response
26. Which of the following is an example of a well-written behavioral objective in
language teaching?
A. The learner demonstrates respect for cultural diversity.
B. The learner identifies the different communicative strategies
C. The learner makes a distinction among the different communication models.
D. The learner makes use of the comparison-contrast pattern by writing a
paragraph on the similarities and differences among the features of several
social media platforms.

27. Given below are purposes of a Dialogue journal. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. It develops language learners theoretical thinking
B. It may enhance writing skills in the target language.
C. It enables teachers to gain information about the value of a language course.
D. It enables language learners to build relationships with native speakers the
target language.

28. Beth is conversing with April who has difficulty in understanding English. Beth
makes sure that April understands what she is saying and makes up for communication
breakdowns by accompanying her speech with appropriate gestures and body
movement. Which aspect of communicative competence is evident in the given

A. Discourse competence
B. Grammatical competence
C. Sociolinguistic competence
D. Strategic competence

29. Who among the following language learners exemplifies sociolinguistic

A. Edward who knows how to respond to different people depending on the
communicative situation
B. Mynah who knows how to nominate as well as terminate a conversation done
in her second language
C. Adolfo who is able to pronounce words in the second language with near
native like competence
D. Leah who makes sure that the words she is using are comprehensible to the
language learner she is talking to

30. BICS: skills needed in everyday, social face-to-face interactions; CALP:

A. skills needed in interpersonal communication

B. skills used in informal settings to build relationships
C. skills used in the classroom in various content areas
D. skills needed to perform tasks beyond the school setting

31. All of the following teachers incorporated language activities that promote CALP and

A. Teacher John who held book reviews in her class

B. Teacher Marie who conducted classroom debates
C. Teacher Tristan who conducted error analysis on learner’s outputs
D. Teacher Maridel who gave her students the chance to become "teacher of the

32. Teacher Eddie is planning to incorporate minimal pair drills in his language class. All
of the following could be Teacher Eddie’s learning objective

A. to explain how sounds differ

B. to communicate sounds in each pair
C. to identify which pairs are homophones
D. to distinguish between sounds in each pair

33. Teacher Aljon adheres to a teaching methodology where the language learners are
not allowed to use their mother tongue. Given below are possible teaching
methodologies that Teacher Aljon uses. Which is the EXCEPTION?

A. Audiolingual Method
B. Community Language Learning
C. Direct Method
D. Silent Way

34. According to Stephen Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis, second language

learners with increased_________ have low levels of _________and experience high
levels of _________
A. affective filters, anxiety, self-confidence
B. Affective filters, self-confidence, anxiety
C. anxiety, affective filters, self-confidence
D. Self-confidence, anxiety, affective filters

35. Which among the four general orientations of modern second language approaches
emphasizes on teaching grammatical and syntactic elements of the second language in

A. Affective
B. Cognitive
C. Functional
D. Structural

36. The reading approach is primarily executed for the fulfillment of practical and
academic objectives. Which among the following does NOT adhere to the approach?

A. Development of reading skills is of prime importance.

B. Pronunciation and conversational skills are not emphasized.
C. Widening the vocabulary in the target language is imperative.
D. Culture is considered the most important aspect in language learning

37. In the past, grammar was considered solely ___________. This means that it is set
to maintain linguistic excellence; as such, it relies on what grammarians believe to be
A. Descriptive
B. Pedagogical
C. Prescriptive
D. D. Transformational

38. Given below are several language teaching principles. Which one does NOT view
the language teacher as facilitator of learning?

A. Communicative Language Teaching

B. Grammar – translation method
C. Natural Approach
D. Silent Way

39. Which of the following language teaching principles also entails how students’
feelings should be dealt with?

A. Audiolingual method
B. Direct method
C. Grammar – translation method
D. Suggestopedia

40. Total Physical Response: Comprehension precedes production; Communicative

Language Teaching: ______________

A. Oral before written

B. Function over form
C. Vocabulary over grammar
D. Explicit but minimal grammar

-E N D-

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