Zksoftware Fingerprint Identification System: Technical Manual For Lower Communication Protocol

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ZKSoftware Fingerprint Identification System

Technical manual for lower communication protocol



Date: June, 2008

Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.1

1 2 LOWER COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL (PREFACE) ......................................................................................... 1 COMMUNICATION METHOD: .................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 3 PHYSICAL CONNECTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 NETWORK PART .......................................................................................................................................... 1 STRUCTURE DEFINITION OF DATA COMMUNICATION PACKET ...................................................................... 1 Structure definition of data communication header ................................................................................... 1 Structure definition of data communication packet ................................................................................... 2 DATA COMMUNICATION EXAMPLE .............................................................................................................. 2

COMMAND, RESPONSE AND DATA STRUCTURE................................................................................................ 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 DEFINITION TABLE OF COMMAND CHARACTER ........................................................................................... 3 DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION OF COMMAND CHARACTER .................................................................... 5 DATA STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 9

REAL-TIME EVENT.................................................................................................................................................... 12

1 Lower communication protocol (preface)

This manual describes how to communicate with ZKSoftware identification machine. It assists user in developing DEMO program on the basis of SDK provided by ZKSoftware. The manual has introduced lower communication method and described the structure of communication packet. For the involved command character, data structure and response, there is specific description.

2 Communication method:
2.1 Physical connection
u RS232\RS485 Communicate through RS232/RS485.

2.2 Network part

u UDP In the machine, there is a UDP Server at 4370 port for monitoring. Data transmission and reception can be done through UDP protocol. There is few data in the machine. The maximum information read is fingerprint template, which is usually 600 bytes. u others There is WebServer built-in some machines. It can communicate through Http. Secondly, some machines can support SOAP interface and communicate through SOAP protocol. Different machines may have different functions. This information is only for reference.

2.3 Structure definition of data communication packet

2.3.1 Structure definition of data communication header
typedef struct _CmdHdr_{ Unsigned short Command, CheckSum, SessionID, ReplyID; }TCmdHeader, *PCmdHeader; Explanation: Command: Command character CheckSum: Check sum (including header and data).Algorithm: accumulate the whole packet on the basis of unsigned short. It exceeds 2147483648 (long 4 bytes), take the value 2 bytes lower for further accumulation. Take bitwise inverse of the accumulated value, and then change it to unsigned short (2 bytes) to get the check sum.
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1

SessionID: Session ID. It is the only one the mark a connection. There is machine allocated and returned when the machine is in connection. ReplyID: ReplyID. It is the only one to mark the sent command at present. It is an accumulated value used for identifying command. That is, from the beginning of connection, ReplyID of every command is different.

2.3.2 Structure definition of data communication packet

Data communication structure: header+data to be sent. The data packet responded by the machine has the same structure with this packet. Than is, command character (2bytes)+check sum (2bytes) + session ID (2bytes) +a data packet with corresponding number (2bytes).The sent packet and the received packet are symmetrical.

2.4 Data communication example

Take connection request for example: Low-level part: Create socket: Initialize header: TCmdHeader. Command = CMD_CONNECT; TCmdHeader. Checksum = 0; TCmdHeader. SessionID = 0 TCmdHeader. ReplyID = 1 Data buf length is 0. Calculate check sum: CheckSum = 64534. Socket sends command. sock.SendTo(buffer, len, 0, endPointDst) Buffer is data packet: header+data. Len is data packet length. 0 is the mark of socket. endPointDst is destination IP address and port. Wait for machines disposal. Socket receives data packet. Judge command character TCmdHeader. Whether Command is CMD_ACK_OK., if it is, the command will be executed successfully. Machine: Check whether there is data packet received all along. If there is data packet received, deal with the data packet: Judge whether the obtained session is null and the command character chdr->Command is not CMD_CONNECT. Then the disposal fails. If the session is obtained, set chdr->CheckSumc as 0 and chdr->Command as CMD_ACK_OK. Judge whether it is connected to request command. If it is, session will be created. The data packet responsed by machine has the same structure with this packet.Header chdr. Among them, session->SessionID (send to Lowlevel successfully) is 52060, chdr->SessionID = session->SessionID, and chdr->CheckSum is 11474 by algorithm. The header at the moment: TCmdHeader. Command = CMD_ACK_OK;
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2

TCmdHeader. CheckSum = 11474; TCmdHeader. SessionID = 52060 TCmdHeader. ReplyID = 1 Send data packet to Lowlevel.Part length of data is 0.

3 Command, response and data structure

3.1 Definition table of command character

Definition table of command character Command CMD_CONNECT CMD_EXIT CMD_ENABLEDEVICE CMD_DISABLEDEVICE CMD_RESTART CMD_POWEROFF CMD_SLEEP CMD_RESUME CMD_CAPTUREFINGER CMD_TEST_TEMP CMD_CAPTUREIMAGE CMD_REFRESHDATA CMD_REFRESHOPTION CMD_TESTVOICE CMD_GET_VERSION CMD_CHANGE_SPEED CMD_AUTH CMD_PREPARE_DATA CMD_DATA CMD_FREE_DATA Value 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1009 1011 1012 1013 1014 1017 1100 1101 1102 1500 1501 1502 description Connection request Disconnect Enable machine in normal work state Disable machine in work state, display in the work on LCD Restart machine Power off Enable machine in sleep Awake sleeping machine (not support at present) Capture fingerprint image Test whether a fingerprint exists Capture all image Refresh data in the machine Refresh configuration parameter Play voice Get firmware version Change transmission speed Connection authorization Prepare to transmit data send a data packet Free buffer memory Read a data in machine Upload user information (from PC to terminal) Read a fingerprint template or all data Upload a fingerprint template Read a configuration parameter in the machine Set machine configuration parameter Read all attendance record Clear data

Command character of connection and device


Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 50 57

Clear attendance log Delete some user delete a fingerprint template Clear administrator Read user subgroup Set user subgroup Read user time zone setting Write user time zone setting Read group time zone setting write group time zone setting Read time zone setting Write time zone setting Read unlocking combination Write unlocking combination unlock Recover access control setting as default state Delete all attendance log in the machine Read management record Get machine state, such as user record and so on Enable machine in normal work state Enable machine in verification state Start to enroll a user, enable machine in enrolling user state Enable machine in waiting for command CMD_STARTENROLL for detailed information. Get machine state Write LCD Clear LCD subtitle (clear screen) Get user PIN length Upload SMS Download SMS Delete SMS Set user SMS Delete user SMS Get door state Write Mifare card Read Mifare card Clear Mifare card Get machine time Set machine time Register event

Command character of access control





Related command character of Mifare Card

Command character of real-time event: CMD_REG_EVENT 500

Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


1 (1<<1) (1<<2) (1<<3) (1<<4) (1<<5) (1<<7) (1<<8) (1<<9) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0xffff 0xfffd 0xfffc 0xfffb

Pass real-time verification Press fingerprint at the real time (return data type sign at the real time) Enroll user at the real time Enroll fingerprint at the real time Press button at the real time Unlock at the real time Verify fingerprint at the real time Extract fingerprint feature at the real time Alarm signal Returned value after successful execution Returned value after failed execution Return value Registered event occurred Unauthorized connection Unknown command Command error /* Not Initialized */

Related command character returned by machine

Data (attendance log, fingerprint and so on) type sign: Command FCT_ATTLOG FCT_WORKCODE FCT_FINGERTMP FCT_OPLOG FCT_USER FCT_SMS FCT_UDATA Value (U8)1 (U8)8 (U8)2 (U8)4 (U8)5 (U8)6 (U8)7 description Attendance record WorkCode Fingerprint data Operation log User record SMS User SMS

3.2 Description and explanation of command character

u CMD_CONNECT This command is used to connect with machine. If it is successful, return CMD_ACK_OK.Send every data on the basis of packet structure. If there is password set in the machine, machine will return not connected authorized command after successful execution. Therefore, it is necessary to send connection password to complete the connection. Refer to connection authorized command for detailed information. u CMD_EXIT Disconnect u CMD_ENABLEDEVICE Enable machine in normal working state. Usually, the peripheral device (keyboard, LCD, sensor) will be screened during communication, and this command is to make the peripheral devices in normal working state.
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 5

u CMD_DISABLEDEVICE Screen peripheral keyboard, LCD, and sensor. If the execution is successful, work will be displayed on LCD. u CMD_CAPTUREFINGER\ CMD_CAPTUREIMAGE Sensor captures image.ZEM500A4F4+and so onserial products dont support this function. The replied data is bitmap original row data. For the sending data amount is large during capturing bitmap, the terminal machine sends a special packet firstly whose front 4 byte storage will receive the total length of data and the next 4 byte will store the size of every packet. Of course, the size of the last packet may be less than or equal to the specified size and every packet size wont exceed 1Kbytes. When reading some large data (fingerprint template and attendance record), usually data sign will be added to the data to indicate the data type to be read. When capturing non-complete image, the front 4 byte of packet data is set as 500 (to capture part image). If image of user-defined size is needed to be captured, input 4 byte width value from the first idle byte of data part. For the image is proportional, the height transmission can be ignored. Send complete image and the received data (without head) should be 640*180, or the front 4 byte will store bitmap DPI, the next 4 byte will store bitmap width and byte 812 will store bitmap height. u CMD_TEST_TEMP Test whether the fingerprint template is existed. Data part will send some fingerprint template, if the fingerprint exists, return CMD_ACK_OK and data part is returned with user PIN.PIN byte count is determined by user PIN byte supported by machine. u CMD_REFRESHDATA Refresh data in the machine, mainly completing data synchronization, refreshing fingerprint library and so on. Usually, this command is executed after large data is uploaded. u CMD_REFRESHOPTION Refresh machine configuration and inform firmware to guide configuration again, such as setting machine ID, baud rate, and time and so on. u CMD_TESTVOICE Play voice. Play voice according to voice address and length (only support ZEM100, for ZEM100 adopts language chip). The front 2 byte of packet data part separately sends address and length. Index can also be used to play fixed voice. u CMD_CHANGE_SPEED Change data transmission speed.0 means reducing the speed and 1 means increasing speed. u CMD_AUTH Connection authorization. If there is communication password set in the machine, it is necessary to send communication password to start verification during connection. u CMD_PREPARE_DATA Inform the machine to send data (PCDevice), or machine is to send data (PCDevice).Length of data to be sent is to be input in the front 4 byte. The machine will create a buffer to receive data to be sent on the basis of session ID after it receives the command. After the command is executed successfully, use CMD_DATA to send data. When data is sent successfully, CMD_FREE_DATA can be sent to machine to free buffering area. This process is usually used during data recovery, firmware upgrade and other data communications. Of course, after the data is sent, it is necessary to inform the machine what function the data has. u CMD_DB_RRQ Read all data in the machine. The data is sent in firmware defined structure. (Refer to firmware structure definition for specific structure.) Send the data in large amount (refer to fingerprint bitmap capture command description). The data requested to be sent is decided by the first byte of packet data part. If the first byte is filled with attendance data sign, then all attendance logs can be read. Notice: All read large data command must follow the above method, such as attendance record, user, fingerprint
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 6

and so on. For other read large data command, there wont be specific description. u CMD_USER_WRQ Upload user information. Except for over-large data transmission, there is user information, fingerprint template, access control privilege and so on. Fill in packet data part in the form of data structure. After data transmission, the machine can return data according to execution. u CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ The command can be used to read a users fingerprint template. Specified user PIN (2Bytes) and fingerprint index (09) are needed to be input into packet data part. Data part specifies 1byte data type and read some special data. u CMD_USERTEMP_WRQ Upload a users fingerprint template. Refer to firmware data structure for packet data transmission. Notice: The premise to upload fingerprint template successfully is that the user must exist and the corresponding user must be empty. u CMD_OPTIONS_RRQ Read some configuration parameter value in the machine. Configuration item is needed to be input in packet data part. Return the configuration value after successfully execution. u CMD_OPTIONS_WRQ Set parameter. It is necessary to input configuration item in packet data part. u CMD_ATTLOG_RRQ Read all attendance logs (refer to related description of read large data). The command with the only function is used to read attendance logs. u CMD_CLEAR_DATA Clear some data. If there is no data type specified, delete all data, or delete the specified data. u CMD_CLEAR_ATTLOG Delete the attendance record u CMD_DELETE_USER Delete some user Input user PIN (2bytes) in packet data part. u CMD_DELETE_USERTEMP Delete a fingerprint template of user. Input user PIN (2bytes) in the front 2 bytes of packet data part and fingerprint ID (09) in the third byte. u CMD_CLEAR_ADMIN Clear administrator u CMD_USERGRP_RRQ Read user subgroup. Operate ZKSoftware access control device (F4, F4+, A6 and so on). Input user PIN (2bytes) in the front 2 bytes of packet data part. u CMD_USERGRP_WRQ Set user subgroup. Input user PIN (2bytes) in the front 4 bytes of packet data part and group number in the next 4 byte. u CMD_USERTZ_RRQ Read time zone used by user. Input user PIN (2bytes) in packet data part. The first 4 byte of returned data is user PIN. And the next 12 bytes are three time zone numbers. Every number occupies 4 bytes. u CMD_USERTZ_WRQ Set time zone used by user. Input time zone using count in the first 4 bytes of packet data. Only 3 time zones can be set at present. Therefore, 3 is input. The next 12 bytes are three time zone numbers. Every number occupies 4 bytes. u CMD_GRPTZ_RRQ Read group time zone. Refer to read user time zone for the function. Group time zone function is similar to that of user time zone. Therefore, there is no further description.
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 7

u CMD_TZ_RRQ\ CMD_TZ_WRQ Read time zone setting. Input time zone number in the first 4 byte of packet data part. 50 time groups can be supported by access control device at most. Every time zone period is week. The setting format of everyday time zone is 24 hours. For example: 09091616 is the time zone of some day, which means the valid time zone is from 09:09 to 16:16 of the day. The whole time zone takes week as its unit, arraying in everyday time zone. The time zone is started from Sunday. u CMD_ULG_RRQ\ CMD_ULG_WRQ Read group unlocking combination setting. Return order number, namely group combination setting. 5 groups and 10 unlocking combination can be support by access control device. The returned combination is separated by :.And write combination is also separated by :.Send or receive combination information input in packet data part. u CMD_UNLOCK Unlocking command. Inform access control device to unlock the door. Set unlock delay in the first 4 bytes of packet data part. u CMD_GET_FREE_SIZES No u CMD_ENABLE_CLOCK Set LCD dot (twinkling :). 0 means stop twinkling and 1 means start twinkling. After successful execution, the firmware will render LCD. u CMD_STARTVERIFY Enable machine in verification state. If user PIN (2bytes) is filled in packet, verifying user will be started and the machine will remind user to press fingerprint. If there is no user PIN sent, the machine will recover to the normal verification state. u CMD_STARTENROLL Enable machine in enrollment state. Fill the first 2 bytes with user PIN (2bytes), and fingerprint number in the next 2 bytes. After successful execution, LCD will remind user to press finger and start enrollment. Notice: Before enrollment setting, it is necessary to send CMD_CANCELCAPTURE to enter enrollment state. After enrollment, CMD_STARTVERIFY can be used to recover normal verification state. u CMD_STATE_RRQ No u CMD_WRITE_LCD The command character will be displayed on LCD. The first 2 bytes of packet data part will send row value to be displayed and the third byte is set as 0. Then the character to be sent will be input in the following bytes. It can be used together with CMD_CLEAR_LCD. u CMD_GET_PINWIDTH Obtain user PIN length. Usually the PIN is 5 bits or more than 5 bits. u CMD_SMS_WRQ Upload SMSFill in the packet part according to SMS structure. Refer to data structure description. u CMD_SMS_RRQ Download SMS. Input number of SMS to be downloaded in the first 2 bytes of packet data part and return SMS structure. Notice: Only machine supporting SMS can support this command (for example A6). u CMD_DELETE_SMS Delete some SMS. Input SMS number (2bytes) in packet data part. u CMD_UDATA_WRQ Set user SMS Fill packet data part according to user SMU structure. u CMD_DELETE_UDATA Delete some SMS of user. Input user SMS data to be deleted according to SMS structure in packet data part.
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 8

u CMD_WRITE_MIFARE Inform machine to write Mifare card. Only machine with Mifare card reader can support this function. Fill in the first 4 bytes of packet data part with user PIN and the following 12 bytes with template information. Among the 12 bytes, the first and the second bytes are filled with template length and the third byte is filled with template index (corresponding to a fingerprint of user). The first three bytes cannot be empty and must be with template. 4 fingerprint templates can be written once. The later 9 bytes are filled with length of other three fingerprints and index. The following structure can be referred: bytes | [1-2bytes (length of fingerprint template 1), the third byte (fingerprint index) ], [4-6.] | user PIN 4 bytes | fingerprint template information 12 bytes | 1-4 fingerprint template | u CMD_GET_TIME Get machine time. Return 4 bytes time value filled in packet data part. Time value is user-defined code. The coding mode is as the following: (year%100 *12*31 + ((mouth - 1)*31 + day - 1)*(24*60*60) + (hour*60 + minutes)*60 + second Decoding can . be done based on this mode. u CMD_REG_EVENT Register real-time event. If the event is registered, the machine will send data (user pass verification, press keyboard and so on) to all successful connector at the real time.

3.3 Data structure

The data structure in packet sending and receiving data has been defined and it is the same with that of data structure in firmware. Please refer to the following: u user data structure Use the following data structure before firmware version is 5.04, aligning in 1 byte. typedef struct _UserOld_{ U16 PIN; U8 Privilege; // privilege, 0---common user, 1registrar, 2administrator, 3super administrator char Password[5]; char Name[8]; }TUserOld, *PUserOld; After Version 5.04, user data structure is as the following, aligning in 1 byte. typedef struct _User_{ U16 PIN; // user PIN in machine U8 Privilege; // for 07 bit, 000common user, 001registrar, 110administrator, 111super administrator, the last bit of privilege byte is 0, which means user is valid (1 means invalid). 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 0

// // char Password[5]; // password char Name[8]; // user name U8 Card[5]; Card number, used for saving corresponding ID card number U8 Group; Group where user is U16 TimeZones; // time zone and bit sign usable for user
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 9

U32 PIN2; // 32 bit user PIN 2 }TUser, *PUser; Notice: Before version 5.04, machine only supports 5 bits code. In order to support multi-bit user code, new user data structure is defined after version 5.04, namely the later 9 bits code machine. During communication, many places in the front will remind sending 2 bytes for user PIN, namely U16 PIN. U16 PINs in other places are the same. u Fingerprint template structure typedef struct _Template_{ U16 Size; //fingerprint template length U16 PIN; // corresponding to PIN in user data structure char FingerID; // fingerprint index char Valid; // fingerprint is valid or invalid char *Template; //fingerprint template }TTemplate, *PTemplate; u Attendance log structure The following is non-extended attendance log structure, namely the attendance log is compressed for storage. typedef struct _AttLog_{ Int PIN; //U16 PIN, user number char verified;// verifying method time_t time_second; //tiem, time code is user-defined time code. char status; // attendance state }TAttLog, *PAttLog; Notice: Only read command can be used to read all attendance logs. Attendance log can be compressed in long or short mode. The compressing method (if char *Buffer is being read now, the hand will be at the first byte) is: the first 2 bytes are used for storing user PIN (U 16 PIN), the front three bits of the third byte are used for storing verifying state. The fourth and fifth bits are to store verifying method. The sixth bit is to store short and long time sign. If it is short time format, time value is the last two bits of the third byte and the third byte plus the recent long time value (therefore, time format is stored as the misregistration value of the former long time value). Then decode it according to time coding mode (refer to user-defined coding mode) to get the correct time. The following are extended attendance log structure typedef struct _ExtendAttLog_{ U32 PIN; time_t time_second; // here is integrity time BYTE status; BYTE verified; BYTE reserved[2]; // temporarily is useless. U32 workcode; }TExtendAttLog, *PExtendAttLog; If data storing format is extended mode, read attendance log according to the structure. u SMS structure typedef struct _SMS_{ U8 Tag; // type, public SMS, non-public SMS U16 ID; // data content sign, 0 means the record is invalid. U16 ValidMinutes; // valid minute count, 0=forever U16 Reserved; U32 StartTime; //start time U8 Content[MAX_SMS_CONTENT_SIZE+1]; // SMS content, MAX_SMS_CONTENT_SIZE=60 }TSms, *PSms;
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 10

User short message data structure typedef struct _UData_{ U16 PIN; // 0 means invalid record. U16 SMSID; // SMS ID }TUData, *PUData; u Management data structure typedef struct _OPLog_{ U16 Admin; //administrator number BYTE OP; // operation type time_t time_second; // time, complete timeDecode it according to the above user-defined method. U16 Users[4]; //User[0], operated user PINUser[1], operating result, 1succeed, 0--fail //User[2], User[3] is useless. }TOPLog, *POPLog; Operating type is as the following: Value description 0 power on 1 power off 2 verification fail 3 dismantle machine 4 enter menu 5 modify setting 6 register fingerprint backup 7 add password 8 enroll HID card 9 delete user. 10 delete fingerprint 11 delete password 12 delete RF card 13 clear data 14 create MF card 15 enroll MF card 16 register MF card 17 delete MFcard registration 18 clear MF card content 19 move the registered data to the card 20 copy the data in card to offline fingerprint sensor 21 set offline fingerprint sensor time 22 reset factory 23 delete attendance log (out and in) 24 clear administrator privilege 25 modify access control group setting 26 modify user access control setting 27 modify access control time zone 28 modify unlocking combination setting 29 unlocking 30 enroll user
Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


4 Real-time event
When the event is registered in the machine, the machine will send related information to the connector at the real time. When CMD_REG_EVENT from machine is received, the related information can be analyzed according to different data type. In the packet, SessionID indicate event type. Refer to the following: related information will be input in data part of the received packet. Session ID will be changed after real-time news is received. CMD_ACK_OK u EF_ATTLOG The following is the meaning of data part: 12 byte: user PIN, the high 4 bits of the fourth byte: whether it is valid, low 4 bits: attendance state, the third byte: verifying method, the following 6 bytes is: second/minute/hour/day/monthyear. Year is misregistration value based on year 2000. u EF_ENROLLUSER When a user is enrolled, the machine returns the data at the real time. 2 bytes user PIN can be got by data part of packet. u EF_BUTTON Return pressed button value. u EF_VERIFY Return user PIN. u EF_FPFTR Return fraction upon fingerprint verification. u EF_ALARM The length of returned data part is 4. the first byte is 55:dismantle alarm, the first byte is 53:out-go button. The length of returned data part is 8. the first byte is 54: open and close the door. The length of returned data part is 12. the front 2 bytes is 0Xffff: duress alarm. The seventh and the eighth bytes are alarm type. The fifth and sixth bytes are duress fingerprint number. Byte 912 are verification method.

Stand alone development for ZKEMSDK,Reversion 6.1 Copyright 2005-2008 ZKSoftware Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


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