1. Electric Current
Electric current is the electrical energy flowing in an electric circuit. It flows from the positive
terminal to the negative terminal.
2. Electric Circuit
An electric circuit is a continuous conducting path for electric current. It consists of a source of
current (electric cell) and other circuit elements such as lamp, conducting wires, switch etc.
3. Battery
Combination of two or more cells which are connected in series such that positive terminal of one
cell is joined to the negative terminal of another, is called a battery.
Battery Symbol
4. Switch
A device used to open or close a circuit is called an electric switch. It is also called a key.
7. Potential Difference
• Potential difference is the difference in energy between two points in a circuit that enables
the current to flow.
• The positive terminal of a battery is at a higher potential than the negative terminal.
• When an electric current passes through an electric conductor/wire, it gets heated up. This
is called the heating effect of electric current.
• Electric irons, room heaters, electric ovens, water heaters, etc., use the heating effect of
current to work.
• The greater the resistance offered by the conductor/wire, the greater would be the heat
9. Does every conductor heat up when an electric current is passed through it? What does the
amount of heat depend on? Name the conductor normally used in heating appliances?
• Yes, every conductor heats up when electric current is passed through it. Heating is caused
by the resistance offered by the conductor/wire to the current flowing through it.
• The amount of heat produced in a wire depends on its material, length and thickness.
• Nichrome is used in heating appliances as it offers high resistance to the flow of current.
• MCB is a switch that automatically stops the current in a circuit if the current in it exceeds
the safe limit.
• It is commonly used instead of or in addition to fuses.
• MCBs work on magnetic effect of electric current.
• Where an electric current passes through a wire, it behaves like a magnet. This is the
magnetic effect of the electric current.
• Hans Christian Oersted was the first person to notice the magnetic effect of the electric
• This effect is utilised in making electromagnets, electric bells, telephone instruments, etc.
13. Solenoid