Reviewer Lesson 1

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REVIEWER Selected Response – Matching Type,

Multiple Choice, True or False

Constructed Response – essay, short
PRINCIPLES IN ASSESSING answer, problem solving
Test Format
What is assessment?
Objective Format – enumeration,
- Latin word “assidere” which multiple choice
means “to beside another”
- It provides for a more bias-free
- refers to the process gathering,
describing or quantifying
information about performance. Subjective format – essay
- defined both as a product and a
- Allows for a less objective means
of scoring
Assessment as a product
- The process of assigning value to
- Instrument (e.g, set of questions the performance or achievement
or tasks) of a learner based on specified
- behavior, unique performance, criteria or standards.
- or a product from a student.
Assessment as a process
Different types and
- Collection, interpretation
modes of assessment in
Measurement learning.
- quantifying the degree
- Assigning numbers
Types of Assessment
- Placement Assessment
Types of Measurement:
- Diagnostic Assessment
Norm-Referenced Test -compared with - Formative Assessment
other students. - Summative Assessment
Criterion-referenced Test -with respect
to some particular criterion or
standard. Placement Assessment

Evaluation - entry performance of students.

- usually done at the beginning of
- A process of making judgements. the school year.
Test Purpose/s:
- Instruments designed to measure - To determine the prerequisite
any characteristics, quality, ability, skills, degree of mastery and the
knowledge or skills. best mode of learning.
- Items in the area it is designed to
measure. Diagnostic Assessment

Test Responses - identifies the strengths and

- given before instruction and is -Performance Assessment
usually done right after seeing -Portfolio Assessment
signs of learning problems.

- to determine the level of
competence pf the students;
- to identify the students who have
already knowledge about the
- to determine the cause of
learning problems.
Formative Assessment
- monitor the learning process
- reinforces successful learning
- provides feedback immediately to
both student and teacher
regarding the success and
failures of learning;
- identify the learning errors that is
in need of corrections; and
- Provide the information to the
teacher for modifying instruction
to improve learning.

Summative Assessment
- Determine the learner’s mastery
of content or attainment of
learning outcomes.
- Usually given at the end of a
course or unit.

- certify student mastery
- provide information for judging
appropriateness of the
instructional objectives
- determine the effectiveness of

Modes of Assessment
-Traditional Assessment

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