Thesis Statements

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Thesis Statements

Philosophy of the Human Person

Second Semester SY 2023-2024

Thesis Statements

Instruction: You are expected to know the concepts related to each statement (refer to our class discussions
and the powerpoint presentations). The assumption is that your answers are fundamentally
correct. The basis of your grade will be the depth (lalim) and comprehensiveness (lawak) of
your understanding. Your ability to generate insights from the statements by relating to real life
situations is also expected. Choose 3 statements to work on.

1. To be human is to be rational and free. The ability of the human person to think and choose allows
him/her to experience his/her own disproportionate nature. (from discussions on the Terrain of Being

2. To philosophize means to search for meaning and philosophy is understood as the person’s intellectual
search for the ultimate meaning of human existence. Human life is perceived as great paradox, an
incomprehensible contradiction and a dreadful tragedy: There is no freedom to be born but to some extent
there is freedom to die. (from discussions on the Terrain of Being Human)

3. There are realities we need to experience in its “immediacy” that is, without any insulated thinking.
Feeling is a legitimate starting point of engaging oneself with reality, as this eventually will trigger
introspection. This allows movement from wonder to worldview, from questions to meaning, from
feeling to thinking and from earning a living to making life worth living. (from discussions on the Terrain
of Being Human)

4. The Human Person is condemned to be free. S/he is not defined by a fixed essence but rather free to
constitute his/her essence, as s/he exists. Given this, the human person is absolutely free (denial of
God’s Existence and Hell is the Other) but absolutely responsible. (Cover all the elements of Sartre’s

5. To exist is to stand out. This means to rise above “mob mentality” or “crowd mentality” The most
authentic is personal existence, the rest are inauthentic. The journey to full authenticity is a journey in
the different stages of human existence. (Cover all the elements of Kierkegaard’s philosophy).

6. To exist is to co-exist. It is a communion with the other that requires disponibilite, sustained by creative
fidelity and navigating between problem and mystery with in the context of “being” and “having”. (Cover
all the elements of Marcel’s Creativity Fidelity).

7. Many people live their lives not knowing who they really are because of their limited environment. They
allow their environment and people around them to shape how they THINK, ACT and LIVE their lives.
The task of philosophy and the Philosophy of the Human Person is to anchor back the ultimate ground of
being human: Solitude. The whole discipline of philosophizing leads to the very depth of what it means
to fully human. (Terrain of the Human Person)

8. The Human Person reaches his/her wholeness in death. In death, the individual loses his/her
potentiality for being, s/he loses his ‘there.’ There is no more outstanding in the human person
everything is finished, settled for him/her. S/He is no longer being there. (Phenomenology of Death)

9. While Sartre had a negative view of the other, Levinas situated the Other as the central ethical
consideration in relationships. The real essence of the human person is to be responsible for the other as
articulated by and in the Face. (Last Lecture)

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