Contract of Lease Building

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This CONTRACT OF LEASE made and executed in Tagaytay City, this

day of
2024, by and between:

__________________, of legal age, married, Filipino Citizen and a resident

of __________________________, hereinafter called the LESSOR;
___________________, of legal age, Filipino Citizen, with residence
and postal address at ____________________________, hereinafter
called the LESSEE;


That the LESSOR hereby leases unto the LESSEE

(___________________) and the latter hereby accepts in lease a
commercial space with an area of _________________ square
meters located at _________________________

1. This lease agreement is effective for a duration of two (2) years,

commencing on ____________________, and terminating on
_________________. As compensation for the lease of the
aforementioned premises, the LESSEE shall remit the sum of
______________________________ monthly. Upon execution of this
contract, the LESSEE shall provide an upfront payment equivalent
to TWELVE (12) months' rent, totaling to TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO
THOUSAND PESOS (P252,000.00) with no VAT included.
The twelve-month cash advance will cover the period from
__________, to February 19, 2026. During the initial year from
March 20, 2024, to February 20, 2025, the LESSEE shall pay a
monthly rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P21,000.00)
net payable, with no VAT included. The LESSOR will shoulder
the VAT. The LESSEE's total net payable is (P504,000.00) for 24

2. Renewal of this lease agreement shall be made every 24 months.

However, the escalation of rent shall be made every ten (10) years
from date of execution of this agreement.

3. The LESSEE hereby expressly agrees and warrants that the

leased premises shall be used by them exclusively for the
following purposes, to wit: ______________, and the said
LESSEE is hereby strictly prohibited from using said premises
for any other purposes or business without the prior written
consent of the LESSOR;

4. The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublease, assign,

transfer, convey, mortgage or in any war encumber his right of
lease over the leased premises or any portion thereof under
any circumstances whatsoever; any contract that may be
made in violation of this clause shall be null and void. It is
expressly understood and agreed by the parties that the
personal character of the LESSEE as herein below represented
and the nature of the occupancy of the leased premises as
above restricted, constitute and are the special consideration
and inducement for the granting of this lease by the LESSOR;
consequently, any violation, direct or indirect, of any of the
stipulations hereof shall be automatically and unequivocally
terminated this contract of lease from
the time such violation occurs;

5. The LESSEE hereby expressly acknowledges that the leased

premises ringwood a tenantable condition and agrees to keep
the same in such good and tenantable condition. Any provision
of law, present of future, or any stipulations this agreement to
the contrary notwithstanding, the LESSEE hereby agreed binds
himself to undertake at his exclusive expense, all repairs,
necessary or otherwise, such as may be required to maintain
the same in good state of repair. Itis expressly agreed and
understood, however, that the LESSEE shall not start or proceed
with and repair work now in any case introduce improvements
or make any alterations in the leased premises without the prior
written consent and approval of the LESSOR; and the parties
agree that all improvements or alterations of whatsoever nature
such as may be made thereon shall, upon completion thereof,
form integral parts of the leased premises and shall not be
moved there from but shall belong to and become the exclusive
property of theLESSOR, without any right on the part of LESSEE
to the reimbursement of the cost or value thereof;

6. The LESSEE shall pay for and defray at his exclusive expense,
the consumption of water, electric light, telephone or other
utility services in the leased premises; all repairs in the utility
system therein shall be made by the LESSOR but for the
exclusive account of the LESSEE;

7. The LESSEE shall not paint, make alteration or changes in the

electrical or plumbing installations within the leased premises,
without the prior consent of the LESSOR;

8. The LESSEE shall not claim any loss or damage on account of

necessary work that the LESSOR may order to be done in the
building, and which any way may interrupt his use if the
premises leased;

9. The LESSEE shall comply with any and all laws, ordinances,
regulations or orders of the National or City Government
authorities arising from or regarding the use, occupation and
sanitation of the leased premises. Failure to comply with
sidlaws, ordinances, regulations or orders shall be at the
exclusive risk and expense of said LESSEE;

10. The LESSEE shall not bring into or store in the leases
premises, any flammable or explosive goods or materials nor
any articles which may expose the leased premises to fire or
increase the fire hazard of the building or increase the rate of
insurance of the building, or nor other article which the LESSOR
may prohibit; theLESSOR shall not do or cause to be do be done
any act or thing which will likewise increase the fire hazard or
fire insurance of the building. The LESSEE shall not use the
corridors and patios of the building except as passageway go in
and out of the lease premises;

11. The LESSEE shall comply with all sanitary rules and
safety regulations which may be promulgated from time to
time by the LESSOR and shall keep and maintain the leased
premises in clean and sanitary condition and dispose of all
rubbish only thru means and places indicated by the
LESSOR for the purpose;
12. The LESSEE expressly agrees to strictly abide by all the
regulations which may be given by the LESSOR from time to
time for the tenants of the building in general.

13. The LESSOR or duly authorized representatives shall have

the right to inspect the leased premises at any reasonable hour
of the day;

14. The LESSEE shall not put up, paint or inscribe any
signboard in or outside the leased premises nor in any portion
of the property of the LESSOR, without the previous written
consent of the latter;

15. The LESSEE shall be responsible at all times for all acts
done by this agent, employees and other persons entering
the leased premises in so far as the enforcement of the
provisions of this contact is concerned. Any damage or injury to
the leased premises due to the fault of the LESSEE, his
agents, employees, and/or servants or other third person who
may have gained access to the leased premises shall be
repaired promptly by the LESSES at its exclusive expense. The
LESSOR, however, shall not be responsible for any loss or
damage whichtheLESSEE may sustain in the premises, due to
any cause whatsoever;

16. The LESSEE shall not permit or give consent to any other
person or entity uses, holds office or is otherwise established at
the premises leased or any part thereof, and only the name and
nomenclature as written in this Contract of Lease shall be placed
in the building directory and advertised at the top of the main
door of premises leased after a previous written approval of the
LESSOR. No sign or advertisement may be placed in the leased
premises other than at the place here in before indicated;

17. The LESSOR shall not be liable for the presence of bugs,
vermin, ants, anay or insects, if any, in the leased premises.
The LESSOR shall not be liable for the failure of water supply
and/or electric current;

18. The LESSOR shall not be responsible for any articles

delivered or left to any of its employees;

19. The LESSEE is responsible for using the property properly

and not causing any damage to them beyond normal wear
and tear. However, if the lessee makes improvements to the
property during the lease term, they cannot remove those
improvements at the end of the lease. Destroying any part of
the property would be a breach of contract and could result in
legal action against the lessee;

20. If the rental herein stipulated, or any part thereof, at any

time, shall be in arrears or unpaid, or if the tenant shall at any
time fails or neglect to perform or comply with any of the
covenants, conditions, agreements, or restrictions stipulated, or
the tenant shall become bankrupt or insolvent or shall
compound with his credits, then and in any of such above cases,
this lease contract shall become automatically terminated and
the said premises shall be vacated peacefully by the LESSEE for
the LESSOR to hold and enjoy henceforth asif these presents
have not been made, and it shall be lawful for the LESSOR or
any person or persons duly authorized in his behalf, without any
formal notice of demand, to and upon said leased premises, or
any part thereof without prejudice on the part of the LESSOR to
exercise any or all rights from the contract of lease and those
given by the law. And upon such cancellation of the contract
ofLESSEE hereby grants to the LESSOR the legal right to enter,
and take possession of the leases premises as through the term
of this Leased Contract has expired;

21. The LESSEE, at the expiration of the term of the lease or

cancellation of this lease as herein provided, will promptly
deliver the said premises to the LESSOR in as good and
tenantable condition, in all respects, as the same nowhere,
reasonable wear and tear expected, devoid of compliance on
the part of the LESSEE with the terms of this clause will give the
LESSOR the right at its option, to refuse to accept the delivery
of the premises and to compel the LESSEE to pay rent therefore
at the same time of rental as herein provided,
plus50%additional sum as penalty, until the LESSEE shall have
complied with the terms hereof, this same penalty shall likewise
be imposed in case the LESSEE shall refuse to leave the leased
premises after his right to lease has expired terminated for any
reasons whatsoever;

22. Deposit I the leased premises of a note to vacate the

premises shall constitute due and sufficient notice to the
LESSEE as provided by law. Upon the expiration of the term of
this lease ore earlier termination thereof as above provided,
the LESSEE hereby expressly authorizes in advance the
LESSOR to enter the leased premises, remove all personal
property that may be found in the leased premises and
deposit the same in a bodega, and LESSEE chooses to
exercise this action in lieu of the right in favor of the LESSOR
under paragraph 18 of this contract;

23. If said premises be not surrendered at the end of the

term, the LESSEEshall be responsible to the LESSOR for all
damages which the LESSOR shall suffer by reason thereof
and will indemnify the LESSOR against all claims made by
any succeeding tenants against the LESSOR resulting from
delay by the LESSOR indelivering possession of the premises
to such succeeding tenant, insofar as such delay is
occasioned by failure of the LESSEE to surrender the

24. The LESSEE hereby expressly recognized the absolute right

of the LESSOR to sell the leased premises, and in the vent of
sale, this contract of lease shall be deemed ipso facto cancelled
and the right of said LESSEE to occupy the premises considered
automatically terminated;
25. The failure of the LESSOR to insist upon a strict
performance of any of the terms, conditions, and covenants
hereof shall not be deemed or relinquishment of waiver of any
right or remedy that the said LESSOR may have, nor shall it be
construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of
their terms, conditions, and covenants herein contained, which
shall be deemed in full force and effect. No waiver by the
LESSOR shall be deemed to have been made
unless expressed in writing and signed by the LESSOR;

26. The lease agreement supersedes and renders void any

and all agreements and undertakings, oral and /or written,
previously entered between the parties covering the property
herein leased, and this agreement may not hereafter be
modified or altered except by instrument in writing duly
signed by the parties hereto;

27. After termination of the lease contract, with all the

covenants / stipulations herein above contained, the same
may be renewed subject to negotiation of any and / or all
the conditions or stipulations herein contained;

28. Late fee and allocation of payments. In the event that any
rent payment required to be paid by the LESSEE is not paid IN
shall pay to LESSOR, in addition to such payment of other
charges due hereunder, a penalty fee in the amount of 10%OF
MONTHLY RENT AMOUNT for every succeeding months where
payment is delayed. All future payments will be allocated first
to any outstanding balances other than rent. Any remaining
monies will be allocated lastly to any rent balance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this

contract of lease this day of 2024.




) S.S.
BEFORE ME, personal appeared:
Name CTC/ID Number Date/Place Issued

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who

executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the
same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument, consisting of six (6) pages, including the page on

which this acknowledgement is written has been signed on each and
every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and
sealed with my notarial seal.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Doc. No. ;
Page No. ;
Series of 2024.

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