An NFA or NDFA, like a DFA, is a state machine made up of states and transitions that can
accept or reject a finite string. We already know that Deterministic Finite Automata and Non-
Deterministic Finite Automata are the two types of Finite Automata Machines. In addition, we
must use circles to represent states and directed arrows to represent transitions, just like a DFA.
But what's the distinction?
Since NFAs have fewer constraints than DFAs, they can make complex Automata easier to
understand and depict in a diagram. We can define the non-deterministic finite automaton as a
finite automaton variant with two characteristics:
However, the above said features do not give NFA any additional power. When it comes to
power, NFA and DFA are equatable.
Due to the above additional features, NFA has a different transition function, rest is the same as
One thing to keep in mind is that in NFA if any path for an input string leads to a final state, the
input string is accepted. As shown in the above excerpt, there are different paths for the input
string "00" inside the preceding NFA. Since one of the paths leads to a final state, the above
NFA accepts "00."
The formal definition of NFA, like that of DFA, is: (Q, 𝚺, δ, q0, F), where
Formal definition of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata
The only difference between an NFA and a DFA in terms of formal definition is that an NFA
requires to include the empty string (ε) in the delta function along with the other symbols.
Constructing NFA for a given string is easier than constructing DFA for that particular string. In
other words, NFA can reduce the complexities of the mathematical work needed to establish
many important properties in computation theory. NFAs, for example, make it much easier to
prove regular language closure properties than DFA
Yes, you are thinking right. This Non-Deterministic Finite Automata accepts any binary string
that contains 00 or 11 as a substring.
Here is the required NFA. from the question, it's clear that the condition only lies in the ending of
the string, i,e, it should only end with 101. The starting string does not matter. So we are
passing the string 0,1 in the starting state and after that 1, 0, 1 is passed to the coming states.
What Is the Difference Between FA And NFA? Are They Opposite To Each Other?
FA stands for finite automata, whereas NFA stands for non-deterministic finite automata. In FA,
each letter of the alphabet must have a transition from each state. As a result, the number of
transitions in FA must be equivalent to (number of states * number of alphabet letters). A letter
from a state may go through more than one transition in NFA. Finally, every FA is an NFA,
whereas every NFA may or may not be an FA.
To conclude, we talked about non-deterministic finite automata. We also learned about the
fundamental differences between NFA and DFA. We mentioned the importance of non-
deterministic finite automata. And in which condition, any string is accepted by NFA. Finally, we
looked at the major differences between NFA and DFA in aspects of detailing.