Corujeira Gallo 09 PH D

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A thesis submitted to

The University of Birmingham

for the degree of


School of Metallurgy and Materials

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

The University of Birmingham

January 2009
University of Birmingham Research Archive
e-theses repository

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Low temperature plasma surface engineering has proved to be a useful method for increasing the

hardness and wear resistance of austenitic stainless steel without reducing the corrosion resistance of

this alloy. Plasma carburising is of particular interest as it produces a thicker hardened layer than

plasma nitriding, and an equivalent improvement in the tribological and corrosion performance of the

base material.

In this project, the novel active screen (AS) plasma technique was used to carburise austenitic stainless

steel AISI 316. The layers of carbon expanded austenite obtained after active screen treatments were

compared with the one produced by conventional direct current (DC) plasma treatments. The hardening

and wear resistance produced by AS and DC plasma carburising were equivalent. With regard to

corrosion, the AS treated material performed better than its DC counterpart as a consequence of the

improved surface quality achieved with the former.

The mechanism of AS carburising was comparatively studied with its AS nitriding counterpart. Different

experimental arrangements and two plasma diagnostic techniques were used for this purpose: optical

emission spectroscopy and electrostatic probes. The evidence shows that AS nitriding relies on the

deposition of iron nitrides and the active species in the plasma to produce hardening, whilst AS

carburising relies on plasma activation and moderate ion bombardment.

Finally, the working principles of AS plasma furnaces are discussed with regard to the generation of

additional charged particles and their electrostatic confinement.


In first place, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. T. Bell and Dr. H. Dong for giving me the
chance to develop this project in the Surface Engineering Group. I also want to thank Dr. E. Forlerer,
from Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA-CAC), for her continuous assistance and

I would like to extend my appreciation to the following institutions, which made vital financial
contributions to this research project: Roberto Rocca Education Programme, Alßan Programme
(scholarship E05M060379AR), The University of Birmingham, and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

I must acknowledge the help I received from members of the Centre for Electron Microscopy, specially
Ms. M.Q. Chu and Dr. Y.Y. Tse, and also Dr. J. Bowen and Dr. X. Y. Li, for their help with different
microscopy techniques. I am also grateful to Dr. V. R. Machavaram, Dr. L. Wang and Prof. G. F.
Fernando, whose assistance was very important for the development of the optical fibre probe; and I am
enormously thankful to Prof. N. Braithwaite, from the Open University, for his valuable discussions and
advice on electrostatic plasma diagnostic techniques.

It would be unfair not to mention here the constant help and support I received from all the academic
community in Metallurgy and Materials, especially from research fellows, technicians and colleagues.
This project would simply not have been possible without them; and I want to thank Mr. M. T.
Cunningham in particular for keeping an eye on, virtually, every daily issue.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family and friends, for their joy in the
moments of success and their support in the difficult times.



1. Stainless steel 3
1.1. Introduction, history and development 3
1.2. Classification 5
1.2.1. Martensitic stainless steels 6
1.2.2. Controlled transformation and precipitation hardening stainless steels 8
1.2.3. Ferritic stainless steels 9
1.2.4. Duplex stainless steels 10
1.2.5. Austenitic stainless steels 11
1.3. Metallurgical aspects and properties of ASS – AISI 316 12
1.3.1. Martensite 13
1.3.2. Carbides 15
1.3.3. Intermetallics 17
1.4. Corrosion properties of AISI 316 18
1.5. Tribological properties of AISI 316 22
2. Surface engineering 27
2.1. Introduction and basic concepts 27
2.2. Thermochemical and diffusion surface engineering treatments 29
2.3. Low temperature thermochemical surface engineering of austenitic stainless steels 31
2.3.1. Rationale of low temperature treatments 31
2.3.2. Metallurgical aspects of expanded austenite 32
2.3.3. Properties and applications of expanded austenite 35
2.4. Common processes to produce expanded austenite 37
2.5. Plasma surface engineering 38
2.6. Active screen plasma technology 41
3. Fundamentals of plasma physics 44
3.1. Plasma 44
3.2. Electric breakdown 46
3.3. Structure of the glow discharge 47
3.4. Plasma diagnostics 49
3.4.1. Optical emission spectroscopy 50
3.4.2. Electric probes 53


1. Sample preparation 57
1.1. AISI 316 coupon samples 57
1.2. Friction force samples 58
1.3. Corrosion samples 58
1.4. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) samples 58
1.5. Residual stresses (RS) bending thin disc samples 59
1.6. Other samples 60
2. Surface engineering plasma treatments: experimental procedures 60
3. Characterisation techniques 62
3.1. Hardness 62
3.2. Roughness 63
3.3. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) 63
3.4. X-ray diffraction (XRD) 63
3.5. Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES) 63
3.6. Optical microscopy (OM) 63
3.7. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 64
3.8. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) 64
3.9. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) 64
3.10. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 64
4. Tribological properties: experimental procedures 65
4.1. Wear tests 65
4.2. Friction tests 66
5. Corrosion behaviour: experimental procedures 66
5.1. Corrosion tests in boiling acid solution 66
5.2. Corrosion tests in acid at room temperature 68
6. Plasma diagnostics – experimental procedures 68
6.1. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) 68
6.2. Ion flux probe (IFP) 70

1. Processing 73
2. Characterisation of plasma carburised AISI 316 75
3. Study of the mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering 78
4. Tribological properties 81
5. Corrosion behaviour 86
6. Plasma diagnostics – Optical emission spectroscopy 90
7. Plasma diagnostics – Ion flux probe 92


1. Active screen processing conditions 94
2. Carbon expanded austenite 97
2.1. Layer growth kinetics 97
2.2. Microstructure evolution 99
2.3. Residual stresses 102
3. Tribological properties 106
3.1. Wear of AISI 316 untreated substrate 106
3.2. Tribological properties of the expanded austenite layer 108
4. Corrosion behaviour 111
4.1. Corrosion behaviour of AISI 316 untreated substrate in different acid solutions 111
4.2. Corrosion behaviour of carbon expanded austenite: outmost layer 112
4.3. Defects in the expanded austenite layer 114
4.4. Effect of deformation and precipitation of carbides 116
5. Plasma diagnostics: optical emission spectroscopy (OES) 118
5.1. Plasma chemistry 118
5.2. Emission intensity maps 119
6. Plasma diagnostics: Ion flux probe (IFP) 121
7. Mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering 124
7.1. Active screen plasma nitriding (ASPN) 124
7.2. Active screen plasma carburising (ASPC) 128






Appendix A 258
Appendix B 263
Appendix C 267
List of tables

Table 2.3-1: Typical commercial austenitic stainless steels compositions

Table 2.3-2: Tentative list of precipitates significant to austenitic stainless steels
Table 3.1-1: Commercial specification and chemical composition of the samples
Table 3.2-1: DC carburising and nitriding treatment conditions
Table 3.2-2: Active screen plasma carburising assessed treatment conditions
Table 3.2-3: Active screen plasma nitriding assessed treatment conditions
Table 3.2-4: Active screen mechanisms: assessed treatment conditions
Table 3.3-1: Instrumented hardness settings
Table 3.3-2: Stylus profilometer settings for different measurements
Table 3.3-3: AFM settings
Table 3.3-4: XRD settings
Table 3.3-5: SEM and EBSD camera settings for crystal orientation maps
Table 3.4-1: Composition and properties of WC-Co binder bearing balls used for wear and friction tests
Table 3.6-1: Optronic Labs OL 730-9Q reflex telescope - Technical specifications
Table 3.6-2: Jobin Yvon Triax 180 monochromator - Technical specifications
Table 3.6-3: Jobin Yvon Spectrum ONE detector and CCD3000 controller unit specifications
Table 3.6-4: OES calibration conditions
Table 4.1-1: Constants of equations (4.1-1) to (4.1-3) depending on the gas mixture
Table 4.1-2: ASPC layer thickness (GDOES) after treatment under different conditions
Table 4.1-3: ASPN layer thickness (SEM) after treatment under different conditions
Table 4.1-4: Mean residual stresses measured from the bending of thin discs after ASPC
Table 4.2-1: Instrumented indentation results from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC samples
Table 4.3-1: Roughness measured on Cu samples after treatment under different conditions
Table 4.4-1: Assessed conditions and summary of pin-on-disc wear results
Table 4.4-2: Composition of wear debris (EDX) for AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Table 4.4-3: Summary of results obtained on the wear debris
Table 4.4-4: Summary of friction results
Table 4.5-1: Corrosion factor for corrosion tests in boiling 16% H2SO4 with CuSO4 for 20 hours
Table 5.1-1: Electric parameters in DC and AS furnaces under similar discharge conditions
Table 5.2-1: Carbon diffusivity calculated from different treatment conditions
Table 5.2-2: Lattice expansion measured on EA from the XRD peak shift
Table 5.2-3: Parameters used for estimation of residual stresses from the instrumented indentation test
Table 5.5-1: Bond enthalpies
List of figures and illustrations

Figure 2.1.1-1: Historical evolution of materials and their relative importance

Figure 2.1.1-2: Young’s modulus - Strength materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.1-3: Fracture toughness – Young’s modulus materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.1-4: Strength - Density materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.1-5: Strength - Relative cost materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.1-6: Corrosion resistance materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.2-1: Schaeffler diagram for stainless steel classification
Figure 2.1.3-1: Fe-Cr-Ni ternary phase diagram
Figure 2.1.3-2: Schematics of Ms and Md for martensitic transformation in ASS
Figure 2.1.3-3: Stress induced martensitic transformation of ASS at different temperatures
Figure 2.1.3-4: Solubility of carbon in austenitic stainless steel 18/8
Figure 2.1.3-5: Reference carbide precipitation sequence
Figure 2.1.3-6: Ageing times for phase precipitation in AISI 316 at 550ºC and 600ºC
Figure 2.1.4-1: Schematics of polarisation curve of ASS in sulphuric acid
Figure 2.1.4-2: Effect of alloying elements on the polarisation curve of ASS
Figure 2.1.4-3: Metallurgical features detrimental to the corrosion resistance of ASS
Figure 2.1.5-1: Wear resistance materials selection chart
Figure 2.1.5-2: Wear rate transitions
Figure 2.1.5-3: Transfer of material between interacting asperities and deformation of the subsurface
Figure 2.2.2-1: Schematic of the stress and mechanical strength diagram for a cross section of a surface
engineered component between the neutral axis and the surface
Figure 2.2.2-2: Typical thickness obtained with surface engineering processes
Figure 2.2.2-3: Energy content - Strength chart for different materials
Figure 2.2.2-1: Schematic representation of the reaction steps in gas carburising
Figure 2.2.3-1: Metal-metal oxide equilibrium curves in hydrogen atmospheres
Figure 2.2.3-2: Threshold Temperature-time curves to produce precipitation free microstructures upon plasma
nitriding (PN) and plasma carburising (PC) on AISI 316
Figure 2.2.3-3: GDOES composition depth profile of AISI 316 plasma carburised and plasma nitrided
Figure 2.2.5-1: Current - Voltage characteristic curve for DC plasma
Figure 2.2.6-1: DC and AS furnaces for plasma carburising (DCPC and ASPC)
Figure 2.3.1-1: Maxwell electron energy distribution function – up: most probable velocity, ū: average velocity,
ueff: r.m.s. velocity
Figure 2.3.1-2: Typical Pashen curve
Figure 2.3.3-1: Structure of the glow discharge
Figure 2.3.4-1: Diagram of electronic, vibrational and rotational energy levels of a molecule
Figure 2.3.4-2: Typical OES equipment
Figure 2.3.4-3: Typical electric probes – (a) plane, (b) cylindrical, (c) spherical
Figure 2.3.4-4: Typical current voltage curve obtained with an electric probe
Figure 2.3.4-5: Ion flux probe
Figure 3.1.3-1: Schematics of corrosion samples
Figure 3.2.1-1: (a) Klöckner Ionon DC furnace and (b) Plasma Metal active screen industrial unit
Figure 3.2.1-2: (a) DC, (b) AS and (c) FP arrangements inside a conventional DC plasma furnace used to study
the mechanisms of active screen plasma treatments.
Figure 3.2.1-3: DC, AS and FP arrangements inside a conventional DC plasma furnace used to study the
mechanisms of active screen plasma treatments.
Figure 3.2.1-4: Fish bone diagram of the treatment conditions involved
Figure 3.4-1: Schematics of the pin-on-disc apparatus used for wear and friction tests
Figure 3.5-1: Schematics of the apparatus used for immersion corrosion in boiling acid solutions
Figure 3.6-1: Experimental arrangement used for OES (telescope) and IOES (optical fibre probe)
Figure 3.6-2: DC and AS experimental arrangements used for IFP measurements
Figure 4.1-1: ASPC processing conditions on the work table
Figure 4.1-2: ASPN processing conditions on the work table
Figure 4.1-3: Samples in a DC conventional treatment, showing arcing on a dirty or rusty specimen, and
hollow cathode effect on a sample with a blind hole.
Figure 4.1-4: Surface damage by process instabilities in DC conventional treatments
Figure 4.1-5: Layer thickness (size of the bubble) superimposed on the map of treatment conditions for ASPC
and ASPN
Figure 4.1-6: Typical profile of the thin discs used for the assessment of residual stresses
Figure 4.2-1: Optical micrographs of the same area before and after plasma carburising
Figure 4.2-2: EBSD crystal orientation maps of the same area before and after plasma carburising
Figure 4.2-3: GDOES composition-depth profiles for different treatment times: (A) 1 hour, (B) 3 hours and (C)
6 hours
Figure 4.2-4: Typical cross section micrograph of an AISI 316 plasma carburised specimen
Figure 4.2-5: SEM micrographs of DCPC and ASPC treated samples
Figure 4.2-6: AFM images of DCPC and ASPC treated samples
Figure 4.2-7: TEM micrograph and diffraction pattern (amorphous) of the oxide layer on DCPC and ASPC
Figure 4.2-8: TEM micrograph and ring electron diffraction pattern on a plasma carburised specimen
Figure 4.2-9: Electron diffraction pattern of the carbon expanded austenite on a plasma carburised specimen
Figure 4.2-10: XRD pattern obtained on DCPC and ASPC, and austenite reference pattern
Figure 4.2-11: Lattice parameter ahkl vs cosθ.cotθ of expanded austenite and AISI 316 UT
Figure 4.2-12: GDOES composition-depth profile of DCPC and ASPC treated samples
Figure 4.2-13: Load bearing capacity (LBC) of DCPC and ASPC treated samples
Figure 4.2-14: Cracks inside a low-force (500g) Vickers indentation on a DCPC sample
Figure 4.2-15: Instrumented hardness on AISI 316 untreated and ASPC treated samples
Figure 4.3-1: Appearance of the samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding, carburising and
nitrogen enhanced carburising atmospheres
Figure 4.3-3: GDOES composition-depth profiles of samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in
nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres
Figure 4.3-4: Load bearing capacity (LBC) of samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding,
carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres
Figure 4.3-5: Optical micrograph of a hardness indent on one AISI316 sample after ASPN
Figure 4.3-6: Vickers microhardness tests on different parts of the AISI 304 stripe specimens treated in an AS
arrangement with big holes in the mesh
Figure 4.3-7: Optical micrographs of the deposition layer on ASPN, ASPC and ASPCN copper samples
Figure 4.3-8: Morphology of AS nitrided, carburised and N2 enhanced carburised samples observed under
Figure 4.3-9: XRD patterns of copper samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding, carburising
and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres
Figure 4.3-10: ASPC and ASPN treated glass slides
Figure 4.3-11: XRD peaks of the deposition layer on ASPN treated glass slides
Figure 4.3-12: Micrograph and EDX spectrum of the mesh material used in the AS experiments
Figure 4.3-13: Micrograph and EDX spectrum of the mesh material used in the AS industrial unit
Figure 4.4-1: Typical appearance of the wear tracks on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-2: Appearance of the WC-Co ball worn against AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-3: Measured worn volume after pin-on-disc test
Figure 4.4-4: SEM images of the wear tracks on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-5: EDX maps on the wear track left on AISI 316 PC worn against WC-Co ball
Figure 4.4-6: EDX maps on the wear track left on AISI 316 PC worn against WC-Co ball
Figure 4.4-7: SEM images of the wear scars on WC-Co balls worn against AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-8: SEM images of the material accumulated at the trailing edge of the wear scar left on WC-Co
balls worn against AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-9: EDX map of the wear scar left on the WC-Co ball worn AISI 316 UT
Figure 4.4-10: EDX map of the wear scar left on the WC-Co ball worn against AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-11: Wear debris from untreated and carburised AISI 316 respectively
Figure 4.4-12: SEM BSE micrograph of wear debris from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-13: Electron diffraction patterns on wear debris from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 4.4-14: TEM micrograph of wear debris from AISI 316 PC and the EDX spectrum
Figure 4.4-15: XRD pattern of the deformed material on the wear track of AISI 316 UT
Figure 4.4-16: Hardness profile measured on the cross section of one AISI 316 UT sample worn against WC-Co
Figure 4.4-17: SEM cross section image of the wear track of AISI 316 UT worn against WC-Co
Figure 4.4-18: EBSD crystal orientation maps of the distorted layer, and martensite phase map on the cross
section of the wear track of one AISI 316 UT specimen.
Figure 4.4-19: EBSD orientation maps on cross sections of one AISI 316 PC specimen: wear track and treated
Figure 4.4-20: Coefficients of friction obtained from different material pairs
Figure 4.5-1: Immersion corrosion test in H2SO4 16% solution at room temperature for 120 h - AISI 316: Attack
on a MnS inclusion; ASPC: deposition layer of carbides pealing off
Figure 4.5-2: Surface appearance of AISI 316, DCPC 400, ASPC 125 and ASPC 030 specimens corroded in
boiling H2SO4 16% solution
Figure 4.5-3: Cross section of AISI 316 UT and PC specimens exposed to boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h
Figure 4.5-4: Cross section of a PC specimen exposed to boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h - Localised attack
on MnS inclusions
Figure 4.5-5: Cross section of a PC specimen corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h - Localised
attack on slip bands
Figure 4.5-6: Plan view of a PC specimen immersed in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 15 h - Localised attack
on grain boundaries
Figure 4.5-7: Cross section of a PC specimen corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h - Corrosion
progressing through grain boundaries of the AISI 316 substrate once the EA layer had been
Figure 4.5-8: Rod samples used for corrosion tests in boiling H2SO4 16% solution
Figure 4.5-9: Mass loss specimens after immersion corrosion test in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 20 h
Figure 4.5-10: Coupon samples exposed to boiling H2SO4 16% solution with CuSO4 for 20 h
Figure 4.5-11: Optical micrographs of specimens corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution with CuSO4 for 20 h
Figure 4.5-12: SEM micrograph of pits coalescing at the intersection of slip bands with a grain boundary, and
AFM image of the attack on slip bands and formation of ditch grain boundary
Figure 4.5-13: SEM micrograph of a ditch type grain boundary and EDX Carbon line scan on a similar boundary
Figure 4.5-14: SEM micrographs of samples corroded in boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 h
Figure 4.5-15: AFM image of localised corrosion at grain boundaries and cross section data - Sample DCPC
400 after immersion corrosion test in boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 hours
Figure 4.5-16: Localised attack on samples exposed to boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 hours
Figure 4.5-17: Corrosion rates for specimens immersed in boiling HNO3 20% solution for different periods of
Figure 4.6-1: Low and high resolution spectra for plasma carburising
Figure 4.6-2: Low and high resolution spectra for nitrogen enhanced plasma carburising
Figure 4.6-3: Low and high resolution spectra for plasma nitriding
Figure 4.6-4: Simplified emission intensity map obtained for ASPN
Figure 4.6-5: Summary of the OES intensity maps obtained under ASPC and ASPN treatment conditions
Figure 4.6-6: Correlation between OES emission intensity and the electric parameters of the furnace under
ASPC and ASPN treatment conditions
Figure 4.7-1: Oscillations in the floating potential measured with the IFP under DC and AS arrangements
inside a DC furnace.
Figure 4.7-2: Floating potential and ion flux measured under DC and AS experimental arrangements inside a
DC furnace, in carburising and nitriding gas mixtures
Figure 4.7.3: Oscillations observed in the FP of the IFP inside the AS industrial unit
Figure 4.7-4: Average FP measured with the IFP under different ASPC and ASPN conditions
Figure 4.7-5: IFP drain curves obtained at floating potential in ASPC and ASPN conditions
Figure 4.7-6: Ion flux calculated from the drain curves of the IFP in ASPC and ASPN conditions
Figure 5.1-1: I-V electric curves obtained for ASPC and ASPN at different gas pressures
Figure 5.1-2: Bias set point and real bias power applied for ASPC and ASPN conditions
Figure 5.1-3: Bias current vs bias set point for ASPC and ASPN
Figure 5.1-4: Worktable power for different ASPC and ASPN treatment conditions (bias levels and pressures)
Figure 5.1-5: Characteristic I-V curves for ASPC and ASPN with E/p as bubble size
Figure 5.2.1: Layer thickness vs treatment time
Figure 5.2-2: EBSD pattern quality - Carbon concentration at plateau (GDOES carbon profile)
Figure 5.2-3: Optical micrograph on a plasma carburised specimen
Figure 5.2-4: XRD pole figures obtained on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC
Figure 5.2-5: AFM image of a grain with activated crossed slip systems and cross section profiles
Figure 5.2-6: AFM plane view of PC samples and crystal mimic obtained from EBSD COMs
Figure 5.2-7: Misorientation measured by EBSD on the same area of the sample before and after plasma
Figure 5.2-8: EBSD crystal orientation (normal direction) before and after PC respectively
Figure 5.2-9: CSL Σ3 grain boundaries before and after PC respectively
Figure 5.2-10: Distribution of residual stress: average, triangular, GDOES and strain hardened profiles
Figure 5.2-11: Hardness profiles calculated from LBC and Knoop hardness profile
Figure 5.2-12: Estimation of residual stresses from instrumented indentation tests
Figure 5.3.1-1: SE image of the cross section of a wear track on AISI 316 UT with EBSD COM superimposed
and inverse pole figure obtained from that same area of the sample
Figure 5.3.1-2: Signs of accumulated plastic strain (3 steps of deformation) at the edge of the wear track of AISI
316 UT, and schematics of the deformation in the subsurface region.
Figure 5.3.2-1: Failure of the layer of carbides at the edge of a wear track on AISI 316 PC
Figure 5.3.2-2: Smooth surface of the underlying EA layer, and protective oxide layer formed during sliding wear
Figure 5.3.2-3: Genesis of the protective oxide layer on a PC specimen
Figure 5.3.2-4: Detachment of WC particles from the counterpart ball
Figure 5.3.2-5: Morphology of the protective oxide layer on a PC specimen under AFM
Figure 5.3.2-6: Crack propagation along the original deformation morphology in the protective oxide layer
Figure 5.3.2-7: Process of detachment of wear debris from the protective oxide layer. SEM image and
Figure 5.3.2-8: Cracks on a thick portion of the protective oxide layer
Figure 5.4.1-1: Corrosion potential of ASS in different acid solutions vs saturated calomel electrode
Figure 5.4.2-1: SEM micrograph and chemical composition according to EDX of material pealed off from a PC
sample at early stages of a corrosion test in boiling sulphuric acid
Figure 5.4.2-2: XPS spectrum obtained from the surface of an ASPC sample
Figure 5.4.3-1: Schematics of the corrosion mechanisms observed on carbon expanded austenite
Figure 5.4.3-2: Morphology of specimens corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution with CuSO4
Figure 5.4.4-1: Inverse pole figures obtained by EBSD on the same area of the sample before and after PC
Figure 5.4.4-2: Fraction number of special grain boundaries before and after PC
Figure 5.4.4-3: Edge effect revealed by microhardness measurements across the surface of a DCPC
Figure 5.5.2-1: Optical emission spectra collected at different gas pressures in a 75% N2- 25% H2 gas mixture
Figure 5.7.1-1: Morphology of the deposition layer under different ASPN treatment conditions
Figure 5.7.1-2: Deposition layer on grains with different crystallographic orientations
Figure 5.7.1-3: Sputtering and redeposition model for DC and AS plasma nitriding
Figure 5.7.1-4: Deposition layer on a glass slide treated in an AS arrangement with an AISI 304 mesh
Figure 5.7.1-5: Deposition layer (EDX) vs expanded austenite layer thickness (GDOES)
Figure 5.7.1-6: Detachment of the deposition layer of iron nitrides AS plasma nitrided at floating potential
Figure 5.7.2-1: TEM micrograph of the deposited particles and EDP
Figure 5.7.2-2: SEM micrograph and XRD pattern from carbide film deposited on the walls of the AS furnace
List of abbreviations and acronyms

AFM Atomic Force Microscopy

AS Active Screen
ASP Active Screen Plasma
ASPC Active Screen Plasma Carburising
ASPCN Active Screen Plasma Nitrogen enhanced Carburising
ASPN Active Screen Plasma Nitriding
ASS Austenitic Stainless Steel
BS British Standards
BSE Back Scattered Electron (imaging)
CCD Charge - Coupled Device
CF Corrosion Factor
COF Coefficient of Friction
COM Crystal Orientation Map
CSL Coincident Site Lattice
CVD Chemical Vapour Deposition
DC Direct Current
DCPC Direct Current Plasma Carburising
DCPCN Direct Current Plasma Nitrogen enhanced Carburising
DCPN Direct Current Plasma Nitriding
EA Expanded Austenite
EBSD Electron Back Scattered Diffraction
EDP Electron Diffraction Pattern
EDX Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy
EEDF Electron Energy Distribution Function
fcc face centred cubic
FEG Field Emission Gun
FP Floating Potential
GDOES Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy
IFP Ion Flux Probe
LBC Load Bearing Capacity
LTE Local Thermal Equilibrium
MS Martensitic transformation Start temperature
MF Martensitic transformation Finish temperature
OES Optical Emission Spectroscopy
OM Optical Microscopy
PC Plasma Carburising
PE Para - Equilibrium
PIPS Precision Ion Polishing System
PMT Photo Multiplier Tube
PN Plasma Nitriding
PSE Plasma Surface Engineering
PVD Physical Vapour Deposition
RS Residual Stresses
SE Surface Engineering
SEI Secondary Electron Image
SEM Secondary Electron Microscopy
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
UT Un-Treated substrate material (in reference to AISI 316)
XRD X-Ray Diffraction

Austenitic stainless steels are commonly selected because of their high corrosion resistance, which is

the main advantage of these alloys. On the other hand, low hardness and wear resistance are usually

mentioned among their downsides. Surface engineering processes have been traditionally used to

improve these aspects. Furthermore, thermochemical treatments conducted at low temperature are a

valuable method to improve the tribological performance of austenitic stainless steel, without affecting

the corrosion behaviour of this alloy. This is achieved by the formation of a supersaturated solution of

carbon or nitrogen in austenite, usually called expanded austenite, which confers significant hardening,

increased tribological performance, and corrosion resistance comparable or even superior to the

untreated substrate.

Several processes can be used to produce the so called expanded austenite layers. The evidence

indicates that plasma treatments outperform the conventional gas processes in terms of operative costs

and environmental friendliness. DC plasma thermochemical treatment is a well-established technology,

although some intrinsic defects of this technique, such as edge effects, hollow cathode effects and

arcing, have blighted their industrial potential. To this end, a novel active screen plasma technique has

shown its potential to solve the problems of DC plasma treatments. The benefits are principally related

with a considerable improvement in the surface quality and the uniformity of the diffusion layer.

Whilst most of the work on active screen has been focused on nitriding, very little work has been

conducted on active screen plasma carburising. The latter treatments are of interest because they

produce thicker layers of expanded austenite, with a smoother gradient of chemical composition and

mechanical properties. Thus, carbon expanded austenite shows hardening effect, wear resistance and

Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1

corrosion resistance comparable to nitrogen expanded austenite, but with increased layer thickness and

additional load bearing capacity. Moreover, the better surface quality obtained with active screen

plasma carburising, compared with the DC plasma technique, yields greater improvement in the

performance of the substrate.

Even though the effectiveness of the active screen plasma technology is a fact, the mechanisms

involved in this treatment remain unclear. This makes it difficult to optimise the processing conditions,

and it also generates some scepticism among the potential users. Therefore, the present work has been

directed at developing active screen plasma carburising (ASPC) technology to enhance the corrosion

and wear properties of austenitic stainless steel. The scientific and technological objectives of the

present project are the following:

ƒ To explore the feasibility of active screen plasma carburising of AISI 316 austenitic stainless

steel, to form carbon expanded austenite.

ƒ To study the effect of different treatment parameters (i.e. pressure, gas composition and

bias) on the ASPC process and optimise it.

ƒ To conduct systematic characterisation on ASPC treated materials.

ƒ To assess the wear and corrosion properties of the ASPC treated AISI 316 austenitic

stainless steel.

ƒ To develop and use plasma diagnostic techniques to evaluate the active species in ASP and

advance the scientific understanding of carbon mass transfer and carburising mechanism

involved in ASPC.

Chapter 1: Introduction Page 2


1. Stainless steel

1.1. Introduction, history and development

There is no doubt that the field of materials engineering is now developing faster than at any other time

in the history of mankind, and that the rate of innovation continues to accelerate. The diagram in figure

2.1.1-1 summarises the historical evolution of the different classes of materials [1]. The increasing

number of choices of materials provides a better coverage of the applications’ demands, but this also

represents a great challenge for design engineers to select the optimum one.

The difficulties associated with the selection of engineering materials have been addressed by Ashby in

his book Materials selection in mechanical design. The use of indices based on the materials properties,

relevant for a given application, helps in the identification of the most convenient class of materials.

Furthermore, by plotting these indexes in so called materials selection charts, the range of applicability

for each material class becomes evident. Some of these charts will be used here as a reference frame

for the material of interest to this thesis, i.e. austenitic stainless steel.

With regard to physical and mechanical properties, it is possible to say, from the charts displayed in

figures 2.1.1-2 to 2.1.1-4, that steel covers a wide range of strength values, with a high level of stiffness

and toughness, only penalised by its high density. In addition to this, figure 2.1.1-5 shows that the

relative cost of steel is low compared to other engineering alloys, although this chart is not updated and

the information is not as reliable as the other three charts.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 3

In any case, it is this combination of good mechanical properties and low cost which makes steel an

extremely valuable material for engineering applications, and stainless steel inherits these general

properties, to some extent. However, it is its high corrosion resistance that makes stainless steel unique.

As it can be seen from the materials selection chart in figure 2.1.1-6, stainless steel shows excellent

corrosion resistance in a wide range of harsh environments, putting it ahead of other engineering alloys.

For over a hundred years, several scientists (including Berthier, Baur, Hadfield, Osmond, Faraday and

Stodart) had collected evidence regarding the corrosion properties of iron-chromium alloys, but it was

not until early in the 20th century that the commercial potential of such material became evident [2, 3].

Harry Brearley is usually referred to as the inventor of a ferritic Fe - 13% Cr alloy firstly called “rustless

steel”, which subsequently became “stainless steel”. Although the discovery of the alloy is disputed by

Strauss, Maurer and Monnartz, Brearley was undoubtedly the first one to identify an application and to

commercialise stainless steel products, in the form of cutlery. In Germany, Maurer and Strauss

developed, in parallel, an austenitic alloy of Fe-Cr-Ni, which was soon applied in the food and chemical

industries, in Europe and in the United States.

From then onwards, the development of stainless steel was very fast, impelled by the great number of

industrial and domestic applications. Significant work was conducted to research and develop ferritic,

martensitic and the well known austenitic alloys with a number of different alloying elements. In all

cases, high chromium contents in excess of 10% are required to form a stable passive oxide film on the

surface and exert the characteristic resistance to corroding agents [4].

There is no doubt that the distinct property of stainless steels is their corrosion resistance. As it is usual

in engineering applications, this property is attained at the expense of other factors, such as hardness,

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 4

strength, toughness, weldability, formability, creep resistance, etc. Consequently much of the work done

on stainless steel has been focused on improvements of these other mechanical, engineering and

manufacturing characteristics [5].

An impressive level of refinement has been achieved in the metallurgical practices to produce stainless

steel with a wide range of properties. In the next section, stainless steels of different compositions and

phases will be introduced, and a summary of their advantages, disadvantages and applications will be


1.2. Classification

Stainless steels are usually classified according to their phase constitution, i.e. martensitic, ferritic,

austenitic or duplex. The stability of these phases is dictated by the alloying elements, which can be

separated in two main groups: α forming elements and γ forming elements [6]. Two main constituents of

stainless steels, chromium and nickel, head each group, and it is customary to express the contribution

made by all the elements in the alloy as chromium equivalent and nickel equivalent according to the

following equations:

%Cr ⋅ equivalent = (Cr ) + 2 ⋅ (Si ) + 1.5 ⋅ (Mo) + 5 ⋅ (V ) + 5.5 ⋅ ( Al ) + 1.75(Nb) + 1.5(Ti ) + 0.75(W ) (2.1-1)

% Ni ⋅ equivalent = (Ni ) + (Co ) + 0.5 ⋅ (Mn ) + 0.3 ⋅ (Cu ) + 25 ⋅ (N ) + 30 ⋅ (C ) (2.1-2)

where the element symbols between brackets represent the alloy composition expressed as mass

fraction (wt%).

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 5

By plotting these two parameters, the Schaeffler diagram shown in figure 2.1.2-1 is obtained, which

gives a rough but generally good map of the phases that can be expected for a given alloy composition

and, consequently, its mechanical properties. In this way, it is possible to see that high chromium

equivalents render martensitic and ferritic structures, while high nickel equivalents stabilise the

austenitic phase. Notwithstanding, the design of the alloy composition is a rather more complicated

matter which involves both technical and economical factors. It is usually intended to produce the best

possible material for a given application at the lowest possible cost and, as it is the case for most

engineering alloys, heat treatments play an important role in this regard.

It is important to mention that other phases, intermetallic compounds, carbides and nitrides are

commonly found in the Fe-Cr-Ni system with addition of other alloying elements, e.g. Ti, V, Mo, Co, Mn,

Al, Nb, C, N. Although present in only small fractions, these secondary phases can significantly affect

the metallurgical characteristics, corrosion properties and mechanical properties of stainless steels.

Some of them will be briefly introduced in the following sections.

In what follows, each one of the generic categories of stainless steel will be examined in some further


1.2.1. Martensitic stainless steels [5-8]

These alloys typically contain 12% to 17% Cr and 0.1% to 1.0% C with additions of other alloying

elements such as Mo, V, Nb, Al and Cu. The austenitic structure, which is stable over 1050ºC,

undergoes full martensitic transformation on cooling, producing components with high strength and

hardness, but also low toughness. Therefore, it is necessary to temper these alloys at the highest

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 6

possible temperature in order to obtain a good combination of mechanical properties, namely strength,

toughness and ductility.

Alloying elements such as Mo, W, V and Nb are of interest to increase the tempering resistance by

secondary hardening reactions, which increase the strength but also reduce the toughness and the

resistance to stress corrosion. In addition, their tendency to retain δ ferrite has to be balanced by

austenite forming elements. The allowable amount of C and N is limited because these elements

significantly reduce the toughness, so that Ni, Co, Mn and Cu have to be used, thus increasing the cost

of the alloy. In addition, this introduces another detrimental effect since the MS - MF temperature range is

depressed, thus a small fraction of austenite can be retained at grain boundaries and subsequently

transformed to martensite during tempering, causing distortion and embrittlement. The austenite forming

elements also lower the AC1 temperature, and consequently limit the range of tempering conditions.

This rather delicate balance between alloying elements acquires one more degree of complexity when

considering the precipitation hardening effects associated with additions of Ti, Al, Cu and Mo. The

precipitation of intermetallic compounds provides an alternative hardening and strengthening

mechanism, independent of the carbon content. The strength and ductility can usually be tailored by

changing the tempering temperature, although some large intermetallic particles (Fe2Mo) and secondary

phases (Cr rich α’-phase, Fe-Cr-Mo χ-phase) can form on over-ageing, leading to severe embrittlement.

In summary, the advantage of martensitic stainless steels is their high strength and high hardness, but

this is achieved at expense of the corrosion resistance. The applications include tools, gears, shafts,

valves, bearings, engine and wear resistant parts in chemical and petrochemical industries,

hydroelectric power generation and aeronautic applications.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 7

1.2.2. Controlled transformation and precipitation hardening stainless steels [5, 6, 8]

Martensitic stainless steel components were found to be difficult to produce in the fully hardened

condition, and complex shapes could not be heat treated without severe distortions. Therefore, there

was a requirement for a stainless steel with a preliminary austenitic structure to permit good formability,

which could subsequently undergo martensitic transformation and produce precipitation hardening,

keeping a high tempering and corrosion resistance. It is not difficult to recognise the metallurgical

challenges associated with such requirements.

In order to fulfil the specifications, the alloy requires low C content and 16% to 19% Cr, balanced with

austenite forming elements (typically 4% to 7% Ni and/or Mn) to reduce the tendency to form δ ferrite,

but keeping MS high enough to allow martensitic transformation when necessary. The alloy composition

to produce the right balance between δ ferrite and MS is critical. Furthermore, Mo and V are added for

tempering resistance and Ti, Al, Cu and Co to induce precipitation hardening.

The martensitic transformation can be induced by refrigeration (sub-zero heat treatment) or by a primary

ageing treatment to precipitate M23C6 and control the amount of C in solution, available for the

martensitic transformation (increase in MS). Cold working is an alternative way, though not usually relied

upon because the transformation is not uniform. Although achievable, the accurate adjustment of the MS

- MF temperature range is difficult and requires stringent control of the alloy composition, with an

obvious impact in the economical viability. Therefore, most of these alloys are manufactured in the fully

transformable and precipitation hardened condition.

The applications are very limited and include the skin of high speed rockets and aircraft, high strength

stainless fasteners, wire and cables.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 8

1.2.3. Ferritic stainless steels [5-8]

As their name indicates, these are ferritic alloys up to the melting point, containing 17% to 26% Cr, and

only a small fraction of austenite forms at high temperature depending on the amount of other alloying

elements, mainly C and N. The ferritic structure is stronger than the austenitic one, and the absence of

Ni in their composition represents a significant advantage over the austenitic counterparts in terms of

cost, although they are penalised in corrosion resistance, formability and toughness.

The occurrence of Fe-Cr σ-phase, Fe-Cr-Mo χ-phase and Cr rich α’-phase is of importance in ferritic

stainless steel and can lead to some embrittlement phenomena. Care should also be taken to avoid

embrittlement by martensitic transformation of the retained austenite present at grain boundaries in

alloys with high content of austenite forming elements. Moreover, alloys containing Ni, Co, Mo, Ti, Al

additions precipitate β-phase intermetallic compounds, which together with carbides (M23C6 and M7C3)

and nitrides (M2N) reduce the toughness. This list of embrittlement effects explains why ferritic stainless

steels exhibit ductile to brittle transition temperature, and puts into evidence one of the main weak points

of these alloys: their low toughness.

On the other hand, the same mechanisms that reduce ductility also produce strengthening, so ferritic

stainless steels are superior to the austenitic ones in terms of yield and ultimate stresses. The stacking

fault energy is higher, thus ferritic stainless steels have low work hardening rate, which reduces the flow

stresses upon forming but affects the uniform strain and stretch formability. On hot rolling, a problematic

crystallographic texture called roping develops and, while being very ductile, ferritic stainless steels are

also soft and can get easily marked.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 9

The corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steels is appropriate in mild corrosive environments,

although in the most severe conditions they do not perform as well as their austenitic counterparts.

Addition of molybdenum increases their corrosion resistance, and stabilisation with Ti and Nb helps to

avoid grain boundary attack due to precipitation of chromium carbides. Perhaps one of the greatest

advantages offered by ferritic stainless steels is their high resistance to stress corrosion cracking,

making them interesting for applications in chemical plants.

Ferritic stainless steels are increasingly displacing austenitic stainless steels in the less demanding

applications, mainly because of economic reasons. Efforts have been made to improve their weldability

and toughness, and thus increase the range of applications, which is for the moment focused on indoor

stainless applications.

1.2.4. Duplex stainless steels [5-9]

Duplex stainless steels were developed in an attempt to fuse in one material the positive aspects of

austenitic and ferritic alloys. Therefore, they are constituted by a ferritic-austenitic or ferritic-martensitic

duplex structure with a typical composition of 18% to 30% Cr, relatively low Ni content and some

additions of Mo, Nb and Ti. The reduction in the amount of Ni provides some cost reduction over the

austenitic stainless steels, while having superior yield and ultimate stresses, and resistance to corrosion

and pitting that compares favourably with the austenitic benchmark alloy.

The presence of ferrite and the induced reduction in the grain size of austenite increases the strength.

Moreover, the austenite undergoes martensitic transformation upon deformation, increasing the strength

to even higher levels than the pure ferritic structures. This is achieved without a significant reduction in

toughness, which is somewhere between the austenitic and ferritic alloys. The physical and mechanical

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 10

properties can be widely tailored by changing the volume fraction of each phase, which at the same time

depends on the alloy composition and processing conditions.

The relatively high occurrence of secondary phases is perhaps the weakness of duplex stainless steels,

and several embrittlement effects have been reported in the temperature range 300ºC - 1000ºC, related

to Fe-Cr-Mo σ and χ-phases, Fe-Mo-N π-phase, and some degree of partitioning of alloying elements

between the austenitic and ferritic phases. Nevertheless, appropriate heat treatments and cooling rates

seem to be successful in avoiding or minimising these effects.

The applications of these alloys are expanding and, due to their high corrosion resistance and good

mechanical properties, include: chemical, petrochemical, oil, wood pulp, pharmaceutical, textile and

nuclear industries.

1.2.5. Austenitic stainless steels [4-8, 10, 11]

Austenitic stainless steel (ASS) is undoubtedly the most widely used, and currently accounts for 70% to

80% of the stainless steel world production volume, with its emblematic 18/8 composition, i.e. 18% Cr

and 8% Ni. ASS typically contains 18% to 25% Cr and 8% to 20% Ni, making them fully austenitic and

consequently non-magnetic, although martensitic phase transformation may occur during deformation.

Additions of Mo and other alloying elements further increase its outstanding resistance to general and

pitting corrosion, and it is this property that makes it unique, not so its mechanical properties, which are


In general, austenitic stainless steel is the first choice in the most severe corrosive conditions. The C

content of these alloys is usually kept at very low levels to avoid precipitation of Cr23C6 carbides at grain

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 11

boundaries, which significantly reduce their corrosion resistance. Ti and Nb can also be added to

produce the so called stabilised grades. The high Ni and Mo contents make ASS an expensive material,

although its relative cost compares favourably with other non-ferrous alloys, e.g. Ni or Ti based alloys.

Some attempts have been made to use Mn, Cu and N to replace Ni in the alloy composition with some

degree of success, although the corrosion resistance is inferior to the traditional Ni alloyed ASS.

To complete the selection grid, ASS is tough and shows no ductile-brittle transition temperature, it is

easily weldable and, having a low yield stress, it exhibits high ductility and is especially suitable for

stretch forming. Nevertheless, its low resistance to stress corrosion cracking, low ultimate stress and

low hardness pose some limitations in its applications.

Being the subject of this research project, the metallurgical aspects, corrosion properties and wear

resistance of ASS, and of AISI 316 in particular, will be discussed in further detail in the following


1.3. Metallurgical aspects and properties of ASS – AISI 316

The Fe-Ni-Cr ternary phase diagram is the basis for the study of ASS. Additions of Ni and other

austenite stabilising elements expand the γ loop and, with sufficiently large amounts, make the

austenitic structure stable (or metastable) up to room temperature [12]. In general, the effect of alloying

elements depends on the composition of the material to which they are added, and that is the case of

chromium in ASS. Being an α stabilising element, chromium tends to shrink the γ loop, although in the

presence of Ni it retards the γ → α transformation. From the ternary phase diagram in figure 2.1.3-1, it

is possible to conclude that the 18% Cr - 8% Ni composition minimises the amount of Ni for a fully

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 12

austenitic structure [4, 13]. This basic 18/8 composition is subsequently modified to obtain the properties

of interest.

The typical chemical compositions of commercial ASS alloys are shown in table 2.3-1. Differences in

composition and processing conditions have a profound effect in the type and volume fraction of the

secondary phases present in the alloy and, consequently, in their physical and mechanical properties

[14]. A detailed and comprehensive description of the secondary phases observed in ASS is out of the

scope of this review and only the ones most significant to the material under study (i.e. AISI 316) will be

discussed, namely: martensite, carbides and intermetallic phases (σ, χ and Laves phases) [15].

1.3.1. Martensite

By calculating the Cr and Ni equivalents with equations (2.1-1) and (2.1-2), and making use of the

Schaeffler diagram in figure 2.1.2-1, it is evident that the basic 18/8 composition of ASS is on the border

line of the pure austenitic structure domain [5]. The Ni content of these ASS is only enough to reduce

MS to just below room temperature, and substantial martensitic transformation takes place if the material

is cooled to sufficiently low temperatures [4]. The MS temperature is determined by the chemical

composition of the alloy and the following equation can be used as a reference [6]:

M S [ o C ] = 502 − 810(C ) − 1230(N ) − 13(Mn) − 30(Ni ) − 12(Cr ) − 54(Cu ) − 6(Mo ) (2.1-3)

where the element symbols between brackets represent the alloy composition expressed as mass

fraction (wt%).

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 13

It is interesting to note that all the alloying elements have the same effect: reduce MS and thus stabilise

the austenite against martensitic transformation [16]; the effect of Ni being twofold: it stabilises the

austenitic structure and lowers the MS temperature [5]. In this way, AISI 316 exhibits higher stability to

martensitic transformation, compared to the basic 18/8 AISI 304 [17]. However, the γ (fcc) structure is

said to be metastable at room temperature and martensitic phase transformation can occur on plastic

deformation at temperatures even higher than MS [16].

To explain this phenomenon it is useful to recall the thermodynamic basics of the phase transformation:

in order to happen, the transformation has to reduce the free energy of the system and, at the same

time, sufficient energy must be given for the system to initiate the transformation (activation threshold).

The schematics in figure 2.1.3-2 illustrates these principles, so that if TO is the equilibrium temperature

for the γ and α phases, the transformation will occur spontaneously below MS since the thermal energy

at that point is enough to mount the activation threshold ΔGth. Between TO and MS, the γ phase is not

thermodynamically stable, but the thermal energy is insufficient to initiate the transformation. It is in this

region that the transformation can be activated by plastic deformation, taking the name of strain induced

martensitic transformation [16, 18]. Hence, a reference temperature Md30 can be estimated, from the

alloy composition, using the following equation [6]:

M d 30 [ o C ] = 497 − 462(C + N ) − 9.2(Si ) − 8.1(Mn ) − 13.7(Cr ) − 20(Ni ) − 18.5(Mo ) (2.1-4)

where Md30 is the temperature at which 50% martensite is obtained under a true strain of 0.3, and the

element symbols between brackets represent the alloy composition expressed as mass fraction (wt%).

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 14

Figure 2.1.3-3 shows the strain induced martensitic transformation, for a given ASS alloy composition,

as a function of the temperature and the strain [18]. This behaviour was found to be the result of the

competition of two deformation modes. At low temperatures, no slip takes place and all the deformation

is due to martensitic transformation, whilst at higher temperatures, slip becomes dominant and the

martensitic transformation decreases [16].

The inset of martensite has a marked effect in the corrosion and mechanical properties of AISI 316, and

some of these effects will be mentioned in following sections.

1.3.2. Carbides

Carbides and, to lesser extent, nitrides have attracted particular attention in high alloy steels, and ASS

is no exception. The mechanical properties and corrosion performance of ASS are significantly affected

by precipitation of carbides and nitrides, being beneficial at times, but catastrophic in some other cases

[6]. The effect of these phases is very much dependent on their composition, stoichiometry, morphology

and precipitation sites [19]; whilst the kinetics of precipitation is mainly governed by the availability of

carbon, nitrogen and carbide/nitride forming elements in the alloy, together with some energetic

considerations related to diffusion [20, 21].

As it is evident from figure 2.1.3-4, the solubility of carbon in austenite is reduced by the chromium

content, to about 0.05% in the case of the 18/8 ASS [4]. Therefore, carbon contents in the order of

0.05% or higher will remain in solution in the austenitic structure only if the material is solution treated

and quenched. However, during heat treatments or slow cooling in the temperature range 550ºC -

800ºC, precipitation of carbides takes place. Below 500ºC, precipitation is hindered by the low mobility

of substitutional elements [22].

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 15

The most common carbides in ASS are of the type M23C6, although other carbides also precipitate

according to the reference sequence presented in figure 2.1.3-5. The letter M accounts for transition

elements (e.g. Fe, Cr, Ni, W, Mo) and carbides of mixed composition are usually found, depending on

the temperature of the ageing treatment and the composition of the alloy [5]. However, the chromium

carbide has received special attention because of its implications for the corrosion properties of ASS,

and will be discussed in one of the following sections.

The M23C6 carbide is fcc in structure, with a lattice parameter about three times that of austenite, and

grows with a cube on cube orientation relationship [23]:

{100}γ || {100}M23C6

<010>γ || <010>M23C6

Regarding location, carbides are prone to follow the precipitation sequence: random grain boundaries,

non-coherent twin boundaries, coherent twin boundaries and, finally, intragranular dislocations [19, 20,

23]. This phenomenon puts into evidence the existence of a carbon content threshold and an energy

threshold inversely proportional to the interfacial energy of the grain boundary [24].

Upon long ageing treatments, cellular precipitates can form at grain boundaries, together with MC1-X and

M6C carbides [5, 23, 25]. Although they are important for the mechanical properties of ASS, and

particularly to its creep resistance, these precipitates are of no significant relevance to this particular

project and thus will not be treated in detail.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 16

1.3.3. Intermetallics

A number of intermetallic compounds may precipitate in ASS, depending on the alloy composition,

during relatively long ageing heat treatments [15]. These usually involve some degree of partition of

alloying elements, and thus affect the mechanical and corrosion properties. Table 2.3-2 lists some of the

most common phases, and figure 2.1.3-6 shows some experimental observations on the time-to-

precipitation in ASS at 550ºC - 600ºC. The formation and evolution of these secondary phases have

been extensively discussed and remain disputed, although evidence indicates that the presence of δ

ferrite has a strong effect in their occurrence and that they nucleate and grow faster through a

collaborative-eutectoid reaction [26].

The Fe-Cr σ-phase is, perhaps, the most studied intermetallic phase in ASS, and has negative effects in

toughness and corrosion resistance [15]. Increasing contents of Cr, Mo and Si are known to ease

precipitation of σ-phase and the presence of δ ferrite, being richer than austenite in these alloying

elements, provides nucleation sites. Furthermore, the diffusion rate of Cr and Mo is significantly higher

in ferrite than in austenite, thus requiring shorter times and lower temperatures for precipitation of σ-

phase to occur. At the same time, the solubility of carbon in σ-phase is very low, so that this phase

usually precipitates in carbon impoverished regions, i.e. after precipitation of M23C6 carbides [27].

According to calculations done by Sourmail and Bhadeshia [28], the precipitation of σ-phase is more

difficult than M23C6 carbides, and is consequently restricted to high energy sites in the microstructure.

The (η) Fe2M Laves phase (where M usually represents Mo, Nb or Ti) is a hexagonal intermetallic

compound found in minor volume fractions in ASS, and exhibits similar precipitation kinetics to σ-phase,

although there is no general agreement on the temperatures and times required for this precipitation to

take place [25]. Laves phase has been reported as a transient phase, preceding the formation of M6C

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 17

carbides [23]. Retained δ ferrite hinders the formation of Laves phase, and the latter shows some

competitive interaction with σ-phase and also χ-phase [26].

χ-phase is a Fe-Cr-Mo intermetallic compound that may precipitate in ASS in minor quantities and after

longer soaking times at relatively high temperatures, typically over 750ºC [23]. Its formation is related to

the presence of M23C6 carbides and δ ferrite in the primary microstructure [29], and it is mainly found in

AISI 316 at high ageing temperatures.

Other precipitates, although of importance to the properties and applications of ASS, have not been

mentioned in this section because of their low incidence in this particular study, and they will be

introduced at a later stage only when necessary. Some examples are: G-phase silicide, Z-phase

carbide, nitrides, phosphides, sulphides, copper and nickel containing intermetallics.

The following section deals with the corrosion properties of ASS, and relates some of the metallurgical

features here presented with their iconic corrosion resistance.

1.4. Corrosion properties of AISI 316

The corrosion resistance is the most important property for ASS, and these alloys were designed and

are usually selected for service under mild to severe operating conditions. A suitable grade of stainless

steel will generally serve well for many years, but the selection of the wrong grade or heat treatment can

lead to catastrophic failures [30]. This is because ASS owe their corrosion resistance to the formation of

a passive film at the surface, which isolates and protects the bulk material from the corrosive

environment. The nature of the passive film is dynamic, and dissolution and repair take place

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 18

continuously, although under especial conditions this protective layer may be destroyed, leading to

severe corrosion [2, 31].

The existence and protective role of this oxide film was first proposed by Faraday, but confirmation had

to wait for many years until a suitable method was developed to isolate it and to study it [32-34]. From

then onwards, much research work has been conducted on the nature of this passive layer, and the

properties that different alloying elements impart to it, given that the electronic properties of the film are

believed to play an important role on its stability through ion and electron transport reactions [35, 36]. To

this end, the fundamental explanation is still a matter of dispute, but it is widely accepted that the

availability of oxygen is crucial for the formation of the passive film; chromium is the main and most

important constituent, although minor additions of other alloying elements also have an important effect.

The content of chromium is critical to provide the steel with corrosion resistance, and the minimum

amount required is a function of the operating conditions, namely the type of acid, its concentration and

temperature. As a general rule, the onset of a passive film is found at chromium contents in the order of

12% [37], although 17% to 20% is usually required to impart passivity to ASS in many corrosive

environments [2, 31]. In any case, higher chromium contents do not always improve corrosion

resistance, and the opposite trend may be observed in some acids, for example sulphuric and


The effect of nickel in the corrosion properties of ASS depends on the presence and quantity of other

alloying elements, as some kind of synergistic effect with chromium has been suggested [2]. For the

particular amounts and proportions found in ASS, nickel is reported to promote repassivation and

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 19

increase the corrosion resistance in reducing and mineral acids, while having a weak but beneficial

effect on pitting corrosion [2, 31, 38].

Additions of molybdenum produce a marked improvement in the resistance of ASS against reducing

acids, pitting and crevice corrosion [2, 31]. Even though molybdenum is not an integral part of the

passive Cr-rich film, it was found to stabilise it, particularly in the presence of chlorides [36]. On the

other hand, ASS with large amounts of this alloying element are prone to segregation and precipitation

of secondary phases and, consequently its use is limited to moderate contents [39].

Nitrogen is beneficial in reducing the segregation of Mo-containing phases and providing further

resistance to pitting corrosion [31]. Silicon, vanadium, tungsten and copper are respectively found to

provide some beneficial effects to ASS under different service conditions [38]. Figures 2.1.4-1 and 2.1.4-

2 show the schematics of the polarisation curve of ASS in sulphuric acid and the effects of different

alloying elements on it.

The corrosion resistance of ASS is defined not only by the content and proportion of alloying elements,

but also by the way in which these elements are dispersed in the microstructure. In this way,

segregation and precipitation of secondary phases play a very important role in determining the form of

corrosion, i.e. general corrosion or some localised attack of the kind of pitting, crevice, intergranular

corrosion, or even galvanic corrosion [31].

Perhaps the most important phenomenon for the corrosion resistance of ASS, and one that has taken

much attention from researchers, is the precipitation of chromium carbides of the form M23C6. The

negative effect is not a product of the carbide itself, but of the depletion of chromium in the area

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 20

surrounding the precipitate, where corrosion takes place in a very rapid way [40, 41]. This phenomenon

is usually referred to as sensitisation and may lead to intergranular corrosion and, ultimately, to the

complete failure of the component in service.

In order to avoid sensitisation, the carbon content of ASS is kept at the lowest possible level, at expense

of the mechanical properties, and other alloying elements (Ti, Nb) might also be added as stabilisers,

i.e. to combine with the remaining carbon and form MC carbides instead of the harmful Cr23C6 [2, 38]. At

the same time, heat treatments or slow cooling in the temperature range 550ºC - 800ºC should also be


Precipitation of carbides has also been found to depend on the crystallography of grain boundaries, with

random grain boundaries being more prone to precipitate carbides and also some other secondary

phases, as opposed to the coherent twin boundaries [19, 20, 42]. This is a result of the high number of

atoms common to both grains of the coherent twin boundary, which reduces the energy of the boundary

[43]. More recent studies have reported some correlation between the crystallographic texture [44] and

also the type, distribution and connectivity of grain boundaries [45, 46], with the corrosion behaviour of

the alloy.

These models make use of the theory of Coincident Site Lattice (CSL), which classifies the grain

boundaries according to the misorientation of the neighbouring grains and, consequently, according to

the fraction of coincident atoms between neighbouring lattices [47]. This is usually expressed as the

reciprocal density of coincident sites Σ, and boundaries with high fraction of coincident sites, i.e. low Σ

number, are believed to exhibit special properties [48]. In the case of alloys of low stacking fault energy,

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 21

Σ3 twin boundaries are the simplest and most prominent ones because of their high number fraction

and length fraction [47, 49].

A grain boundary can be defined by five parameters or, in other words it can be said to have five

degrees of freedom: 3 account for the crystallographic relationship between neighbouring lattices and 2

define the plane orientation of the grain boundary [49]. Therefore, the CSL model is not restrictive

enough inasmuch as it fails to account for the plane orientation of the grain boundary [48, 50].

Consequently, a coincident site relationship between neighbouring lattices does not always imply a

coincident site boundary or special boundary [43]. Nevertheless, the CSL theory is useful to categorise

grain boundaries in view of the relative difficulty to define all five degrees of freedom [50].

Finally, the presence of deformation slip bands and also MnS inclusions in the microstructure can

reduce the corrosion performance of ASS [38]. The latter inclusions are reported to be favourable sites

for pitting. Generally speaking, every discontinuity or weak point in the passive film will be susceptible to

corrosion (figure 2.1.4-3).

H. Brearly, known as the father of stainless steel, used to be called the inventor of the knife that would

not cut. This rather anecdotal comment on the difficulties found in keeping stainless steel knives sharp

is timely when introducing one not so positive aspect of these alloys: their low hardness and wear


1.5. Tribological properties of AISI 316

As opposed to corrosion, the wear properties of ASS are moderate, and it is fair to say that ASS are not

usually selected because of their tribological performance (figure 2.1.5-1). However, it is sometimes

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 22

difficult to completely avoid sliding or tribological interactions of some kind during service [51, 52].

Furthermore, ASS could be selected because of their corrosion resistance or their non-magnetic nature,

at the expense of the wear performance. In any case, the wear properties of ASS are of interest in order

to select the material correctly and predict its failure.

The phenomenon of wear involves several material properties (e.g. strength, hardness, toughness,

thermal conductivity) and also the operating conditions (e.g. contact geometry, load, sliding speed,

temperature). Therefore, it can be said that wear poses a problem with a relatively high level of

complexity. The models and theories proposed in the literature are usually limited to a relatively small

range of materials and conditions, and the diversity of theories and terminology can be misleading.

For the sake of clarity, and at the expense of accuracy, the different wear mechanisms will be

introduced by using the wear map shown in figure 2.1.5-2 [53-55]. The normalised pressure and

normalised velocity are respectively defined as:

~ F
F= (2.1-5)
An ⋅ H

v ⋅ ro
v~ = (2.1-6)

where F is the applied load, An is the contact area, H is the material hardness, v is the sliding velocity, ro

is the radius of the contact area and a is the thermal diffusivity. The range of conditions relevant to this

project is that of medium-low velocity and medium-high load (i.e. top left quarter of the map in figure

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 23

The wear of ASS has been studied by a number of authors, under different testing conditions [52, 56-

61]. There is a good degree of coincidence in the experimental results and observations, although not

so with regard to the fundamental explanation of the wear mechanisms. In general, the poor tribological

properties of ASS are associated with damage by galling or seizing [56], especially at high loads and

low sliding speeds, so that it can be said that wear of severe nature takes place by adhesion [62, 63].

In this wear mode, junctions are formed between the sliding elements, at the interacting asperities, and

subsequently deformed until rupture occurs, producing very rough wear tracks [64]. In this way, material

is transferred from one of the contacting surfaces to its counterpart throughout sliding (figure 2.1.5-3).

Furthermore, plastic flow is not confined to the interacting asperities but it extends towards the

subsurface. This leads to the nucleation of cracks, which propagate parallel to the surface and are

ultimately responsible for the detachment of plate like wear debris particles of large size, through a

mechanism called delamination wear [65].

At low temperatures, below Md, the strain produced at the surface and subsurface of ASS sliders is

sufficient to induce martensitic phase transformation, and it is well established that the formation of

martensite has a significant effect in the wear phenomenon [52, 56, 57, 66]. The thickness of the work

hardened and martensite layer depend on the material and the sliding conditions, namely load and

sliding speed.

Some opposing effects have been reported for this hardened layer, based on two different mechanisms.

On the one hand, martensite is said to increase the hardness of the substrate and, consequently, its

wear resistance [57, 62, 67]. On the contrary, other authors have reported that the austenitic substrate,

even after work hardening, is not strong enough to support the hard but brittle martensite surface layer,

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 24

leading to a high rate of fracture and formation of abrasive debris particles [56]. In such a scenario, the

resilience and toughness of the material are of significant importance, and the ratio of hardness to

elastic modulus has been reported to be a more appropriate index than the mere hardness, to rank the

wear resistance [68, 69]. Best tribological performances have been reported for combinations of high

surface hardness and relatively low elastic modulus, to reduce the tendency to plastic deformation and

reduce the mismatch of properties, while keeping deformation within the elastic range.

Mild wear conditions are found at some higher sliding speeds and lower loads, as can be seen in the

wear map in figure 2.1.5-2. The reduced wear rates are associated with the formation of a flat and

smooth protective oxide layer on the surface [57-60], and the onset of a mechanism called oxidational

wear [63]. A competition is established between the removal of the oxide layer through abrasion or

flaking; and the reaction and passivation of the fresh metal surfaces exposed to the environment [70].

The former depends mainly on the load, whilst the latter is a function of the temperature and,

consequently, the sliding speed. Under the right sliding conditions, a thin and tough oxide layer covers

the surface uniformly and exerts good resistance to wear [57].

The ductility and resilience of the oxide layer are important to accommodate the deformation of the

substrate [63]. In addition, the hardness and the elastic properties of the underlying material are critical

to provide the necessary support to the layer of oxide. Under stable oxidational wear conditions, the

oxide layer grows up to a critical thickness, at which it becomes unstable, and it finally flakes off by the

propagation of fatigue cracks.

The stoichiometry of the oxide depends on the environment and the temperature of formation, i.e. the

temperature at the sliding asperities, and its effect on the wear phenomenon is of significance [58]. At

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 25

low temperatures, below 300ºC, α-Fe2O3 forms, whilst at temperatures between 450ºC and 600ºC Fe3O4

becomes stable and over 600ºC FeO is found [71]; in the presence of moisture, these oxides may also

form hydroxides [60, 72]. Once again, there are some controversial reports on the effect that each

specific type of oxide has over wear rates and friction, but oxides are generally associated with mild

wear regimes and detachment of fine debris particles [57, 59].

With regard to friction force, coefficients in the range 0.4 to 0.7 have usually been reported for a wide

range of sliding conditions. An average coefficient of friction of 0.5 can be considered with fairly ample

agreement [56, 60], although some variations and fluctuations in the friction force have also been

mentioned [52]. The fluctuating nature of the friction force is well known [73], and it has been associated

with the interaction of surface asperities [74], wear mode transitions, and formation, trapping and

detachment of large wear debris particles [75]. It is interesting to note that discontinuities in the plastic

deformation at the subsurface, such as twinning and phase transformations, would also yield

fluctuations and variations in friction [56].

This succinct summary of the tribological properties of ASS was intended to provide a reference frame

and introduce the basic principles of wear and friction under dry sliding in air. It is clear that the poor

tribological performance of ASS represents a serious limitation for many applications, which demand

excellent corrosion and wear resistance. Other stainless steels or non-ferrous alloys will continue to

develop and might fill part of this gap, although this is usually achieved at the expense of toughness,

corrosion resistance, ferromagnetism or cost. Surface engineering offers an alternative way to improve

the tribological properties of ASS at the surface level, while keeping the traditional benefits of this


Chapter 2: Literature review Page 26

2. Surface engineering

2.1. Introduction and basic concepts

The wide use of surface treatments and coatings to combat wear was foreseen many years ago, based

on the fact that the mere use of wear resistant bulk materials can be inappropriate and expensive [76,

77]. Furthermore, the increasing level of understanding of the importance of the surface properties and

surface condition to the most common failure modes, i.e. wear, fatigue and corrosion, led to the

recognition of surface engineering (SE) as a key technological area [78-80].

Several definitions have been proposed, usually implying the application of processes or treatments to

deliberately modify the surface of engineering components, in order to attain adequate material

properties for a given application, thus providing a cost effective enhancement in performance [81, 82].

This definition involves the concept of fitness-for-purpose [83] and it is generally accepted that SE can

offer benefits such as [84]:

ƒ Enhanced functional performance and higher productivity

ƒ Use of cheaper substrate materials

ƒ Provide flexibility to match substrate and surface properties for a particular application

It is of paramount importance to consider both the surface and the substrate when designing or

selecting a SE treatment, as it has been pointed out by many authors [76-78, 82, 83]. The concentrated

loads developed during the contact and slide of rough surfaces are of significance in tribological

applications [85]. The strength of the substrate and the thickness of the coating or hardened layer define

the load bearing capacity and fatigue response of the system, as shown in figure 2.2.1-1 [86-88]. A

complete understanding of the behaviour of the substrate/surface system under the operating conditions

is, thus, crucial.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 27

SE can be described as an old and well known practice [83], and some examples of instructions for

tempering and case hardening of metal weapons and tools have been quoted in the literature, dating

back to 1400 BC [81]. The innovative aspect of SE is the design approach, and the increasing

awareness of the importance of the surface properties and the surface condition to the performance of

the interacting surfaces [78, 84]. In view of the increasingly demanding operating conditions and the

requests to reduce production costs, many industrial sectors have turned their eyes to SE, making this a

blooming area of technology.

The variety of SE treatments can be appreciated in figure 2.2.1-2. The ever wider range of options, and

the absence of a comprehensive system for selection constitutes a great challenge for design engineers

and the choice of a particular treatment is usually based on previous empirical experience rather than

on a detailed or analytical study [76, 78, 89]. For the purpose of this review, the SE treatments will be

classified, very broadly, into three groups [90]:

ƒ Those which coat the substrate: PVD, CVD, thermal spraying, etc.

ƒ Those which modify only the structure of the substrate: induction hardening, flame hardening

and shot peening.

ƒ Those which modify the chemical composition and the structure of the substrate:

thermochemical, ion implantation, etc.

The ones of significance to this project are the thermochemical or diffusion hardening processes, and

they will be treated in further detail in the next section.

Finally, the environmental impact of SE must be taken into account, in view of the increasingly stringent

regulations, if not for our own sake. If the energy content of one particular material is taken as a

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 28

measure of its environmental friendliness (figure 2.2.1-3), it is evident that any additional process

applied to it would increase its environmental footprint. However, if the increase in performance is

significant enough, the trend is reversed. SE treatments can increase the life span of the components,

reduce their size and weight, decrease energy losses associated with friction, minimise or even

eliminate the use of polluting lubricating oils, among other environmental benefits [91].

2.2. Thermochemical and diffusion surface engineering treatments

Thermochemical treatments, sometimes referred to as case hardening or cementation, are based on the

modification of the chemical composition of the substrate material. These treatments can be succeeded

by a change in the structure through heat treatment. The formal definition available in BS EN

10052:1994 reads as follows [92]:

Thermochemical treatment: Heat treatment carried out in a medium suitably chosen to produce

a change in the chemical composition of the base metal by exchange with the medium.

In the case of diffusion treatment, the definition in that same standard is:

Diffusion treatment: Heat treatment or operation intended to cause the diffusion towards the

interior of the ferrous product of elements previously introduced into the surface (for example,

following carburising, boriding or nitriding).

From these definitions it becomes clear that two main factors will govern the process, namely: the

exchange or absorption reaction with the medium, and the diffusion in the metal [93]. As it is illustrated

in figure 2.2.2-1, the medium will determine the way in which the diffusing elements are delivered to the

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 29

metal surface. A number of different media are available (solid, liquid, gas and plasma), and a detailed

account of the media used for carburising will be given in a following section.

Once in the metal, the transport of the absorbed substance takes place by diffusion, and follows Fick’s


J = −D (2.2-1)

∂C ∂ 2C
=D 2 (2.2-2)
∂t ∂x

where J is the flux of diffusing substance, D is the diffusion coefficient, and ∂C/∂x is the concentration

gradient [93, 94]. Therefore, the transport of the substance in solution is driven by its concentration

gradient and the diffusion coefficient which, at the same time, depends on the temperature, the chemical

composition and phase structure of the substrate. For a given alloy, kept at constant temperature in a

medium with a consistent concentration of the substance of interest, the case depth will only depend on

the time, according to equation (9):

x = a (Dt )
1/ 2
= Kt 1 / 2 (2.2-3)

where x is the case depth, a is a constant, D is the element diffusivity, t is the treatment time and K is a

factor determined by a and D [93]. Higher treatment temperatures yield the same case depth in shorter

time, although there are technical limitations related with life of the furnaces, and metallurgical

considerations regarding the side effects of keeping the substrate material at high temperatures [94].

Consequently, diffusion treatments are slower when compared to other surface deposition techniques

[77], and treatments as long as 72 hours are common practice in industry. On the other hand,

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 30

thermochemical treatments produce smooth case-core interfaces, which are beneficial for not only the

wear and fatigue performance, but also the load bearing capacity [95].

The next section focuses on the application of thermochemical treatments on austenitic stainless steel


2.3. Low temperature thermochemical surface engineering of austenitic stainless steels

2.3.1. Rationale of low temperature treatments

As it has been mentioned in a previous section, the chemical composition of ASS makes them fully

austenitic up to room temperature, and thus no phase transformation hardening takes place upon

quenching. Consequently, SE treatments are an interesting alternative way to increase the surface

hardness and improve the wear resistance. However, SE of ASS has traditionally been considered bad

practice [30], as it poses two main problems: the passive oxide film and the precipitation of chromium

carbides [96].

The passive chromium oxide film on ASS is stable under a wide range of conditions (figure 2.2.3-1) and

isolates the substrate from the environment. This effect has been of interest for ASS components

exposed to carburising gas mixtures, either in service [97, 98] or for SE purposes [99]. In the latter case,

the oxide layer impairs diffusion of the hardening elements and, consequently, needs to be removed by

applying some sort of surface activation process prior to the SE treatment [100, 101].

Furthermore, traditional SE treatments are conducted at high temperatures, around 500ºC - 600ºC in

the case of nitriding, and 900ºC - 1000ºC for carburising [102, 103]. At these temperatures, and with

increasing availability of nitrogen and carbon from the hardening medium, profuse precipitation of

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 31

chromium nitrides and carbides occurs, leading to a marked deterioration of the corrosion resistance of

ASS. However, low temperature SE diffusion treatments with nitrogen and/or carbon have been

reported to increase the surface hardness without affecting or even improving the corrosion resistance

[103, 104].

It is nowadays widely accepted that hard, wear and corrosion resistant surface layers can be produced

on ASS by means low temperature nitriding and/or carburising in a number of different media (salt bath,

gas or plasma), each medium having its own strengths and weaknesses [105]. In order to retain the

corrosion resistance of ASS, these processes are typically conducted at temperatures below 450ºC and

500ºC, for nitriding and carburising respectively (figure 2.2.3-2). The result is a layer of precipitation free

austenite, supersaturated with nitrogen and/or carbon, which is usually referred to as S-phase or

expanded austenite (EA) [105-109].

2.3.2. Metallurgical aspects of expanded austenite

There is general agreement in the literature regarding the thickness and the composition of EA layers.

Maximum thicknesses in the order of 20 μm and 50 μm have been reported for nitriding and carburising

respectively [107], with 20 at.% to 30 at.% of N and 5 at.% to 12 at.% of C correspondingly [109]. In the

case of nitriding, the layer shows a steep gradient in composition (figure 2.2.3-3), with the associated

abrupt change in properties, whilst the composition depth profile for the carburised layer is smoother

[96, 105, 109]. The deviation of the carbon-depth profile in figure 2.2.3-3 compared to the typical profile

shown in figure 2.2.2-1 is attributed to a variation of the diffusion coefficient with the carbon content


Chapter 2: Literature review Page 32

On the other hand, there has been a strong disagreement with regard to the crystallographic structure of

these carbon and nitrogen supersaturated layers [111-115]. The contradiction arises from a genuine

difficulty in the identification of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, ascribed to the lattice strains and

high density of crystallographic defects intrinsic to this layer of material. To this end, it is generally

accepted that the so called S-phase is an integral part of the substrate with crystalline structure [111,

114]. The evidence indicates that this layer is single-phased, with the same fcc crystal structure of the

parent austenite, although distorted as a result of a high content of interstitial elements in solution [112,

116]. Nevertheless other crystal structures have not been completely disregarded.

With regard to alloying elements, chromium has been considered crucial for the formation of EA, due to

the very high chemical affinity with carbon and nitrogen [101, 106, 109, 117]. Therefore, interstitial C

and N show a high probability to stay in the octahedral interstices of the fcc lattice, surrounding Cr

substitutional atoms, which form trap sites of potential energy [101]. Molybdenum also seems to be

beneficial to the kinetics of carburising, by delaying the precipitation of chromium carbides and thus

allowing higher treatment temperatures [118], and by expanding the octahedral interstices in the fcc

lattice [119].

From the thermodynamic point of view, EA is metastable and it will decompose into the stable austenite

and carbide or nitride phases upon heat treatment [106, 108, 116, 120]. The incubation time for

decomposition is temperature dependent, and nitrogen EA decays faster than carbon EA (figure 2.2.3-

2), so that for prolonged service time, maximum operating temperatures in the order of 200ºC and

300ºC should be considered respectively. This metastable equilibrium or paraequilibrium is based on

the fact that at the low temperatures at which the treatment is conducted, carbon and nitrogen exhibit

diffusion rates significantly higher than the almost immobile substitutional elements, Cr and Ni. Under

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 33

such conditions, the precipitation of carbides and nitrides is suppressed, or delayed until large amounts

of carbon and nitrogen are in solution [110, 117].

Detailed studies and observations with transmission electron microscopes (TEM) have revealed the

precipitation of fine nitrides and needle-like carbides, especially in the outmost layer or close to

structural defects in the microstructure [116, 121, 122]. Calculations of the volume misfit indicate that

the strain energy associated with the precipitation of carbides contributes to keep the carbon in solution,

although at high levels of supersaturation and expansion of the austenite cell, this energy barrier is

significantly reduced [123].

The reported nitrides were of the MN type, while the carbides were of the M5C2 χ-kind (where M stands

for metal and is most commonly Cr). In both cases, precipitation seems to follow a very specific and

consistent orientation relationship with the austenitic phase [116, 121]:

{001}γ || {001}CrN

<001>γ || <001>CrN

{111}γ || {001}M5C2

<211>γ || <010>M5C2

Moreover, composition studies conducted on a scanning transmission electron microscope showed

partitioning between the carbide and the austenitic phase of not only carbon, but nickel as well [123].

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 34

Summarising, the precipitation of nitrides or carbides takes place only after a relatively high level of

supersaturation and expansion of the austenite has been reached, thus reducing the volume misfit

strain energy barrier [123]. At the same time, the observed orientation relationship enables precipitation

of needle-like carbides with highly coherent interfaces, minimising the long range transport of misfit

dislocations and substitutional elements, mainly nickel.

2.3.3. Properties and applications of expanded austenite

Tensile tests have shown only minor differences between the untreated and treated ASS, some of the

differences arising from the thermal cycle rather than the SE treatment itself [110, 124]. These

differences can be summarised as a small reduction in the yield strength and in ductility, with a minor

increase in the ultimate strength and elastic modulus; and they were attributed to the existence of high

compressive residual stresses on the treated layer, and to a strain ageing effect produced at the

treatment temperature.

The high compressive residual stresses present on the EA layers predicted obvious increases in the

fatigue life and, in general, improvements of about 25% have been reported [125]. This is the result of a

change in the failure mode, as the hard EA layer suppresses the alternating slip deformation at the

surface [110, 124]. Consequently, the crack initiation site moves inwards, to the interface between the

substrate and the EA layer, which can be explained by the strength-applied stress diagram in figure

2.2.1-1 [126]. It must also be noted that a minor increase in the notch sensitivity has also been reported

for the low temperature carburised ASS [127].

The improvement in wear resistance is perhaps the most outstanding feature of EA. The degree of

improvement depends on the sliding conditions, but volume losses between one and two orders of

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 35

magnitude lower than the untreated ASS are commonly reported for dry sliding [96, 125]. This

improvement is attributed to the increased surface hardness, with a typical ratio 4:1 compared to the

untreated ASS [128]. The EA layer prevents the surface from undergoing plastic deformation, and

changes the wear mechanism from adhesion and abrasion, to a mild oxidational wear regime [128,

129]. However, under heavier loads, deformation of the subsurface occurs and leads to catastrophic

failure, through propagation of subsurface cracks and spallation of the EA layer [130]. In this way, the

carbon EA layers, being thicker and tougher than their nitrogen counterparts, show some advantage.

With regard to corrosion, the results vary significantly depending on the testing conditions. Surprisingly,

most researchers found that low temperature nitriding and/or carburising do not harm the corrosion

resistance of ASS, or even improve it. No conclusive explanation has been found for this improved

corrosion behaviour, although it is clear that the benefit stands as long as nitrogen and carbon remain in

solution and EA is free of precipitates [120]. In NaCl solutions, it is generally reported that EA remains

passive under similar or wider range of potential compared to the untreated ASS, carbon EA showing a

marginal advantage over nitrogen EA [96, 131, 132]. Similar or slightly higher initial current densities

have usually been measured on EA, together with the absence of pitting potential, in contrast to what is

usual for ASS [96, 125, 133]. Regarding repassivation, the evidence indicates that the passive film heals

slower on EA than on ASS [132, 134].

This attractive combination of properties has caught the attention of both research and industrial fields,

which is reflected in an increasing number of technical papers, reports, patents and processes. The

applications include hydraulic pump components, valves, ball bearings, ferrules, etc. [135-143]. In the

next section, some common processes to produce EA on ASS will be presented.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 36

2.4. Common processes to produce expanded austenite

As it was previously mentioned, there are a number of different media capable of delivering carbon or

nitrogen to enrich the surface of steel components, although not all of them are suitable for treating ASS

or producing EA. Methods such as pack carburising and salt bath carburising or nitriding strongly

depend on temperature to control the process driving reactions, and their effectiveness is low at the

temperatures required to produce EA (T < 500ºC), especially in the case of carburising [88, 93].

Moreover, they have been widely superseded by gas media because of technical and environmental


Gas carburising with endothermic gas is, nowadays, the dominating carburising technology [144] and it

has been successfully employed to produce EA [145, 146]. The main chemical reactions are as follows

[93, 94]:

CH 4 ↔ (C ) + 2H 2 (2.2-4)

2CO ↔ (C ) + CO2 (2.2-5)

CO + H 2 ↔ (C ) + H 2O (2.2-6)

whilst the atmosphere control reactions are:

CO 2 + H 2 ↔ H 2O + CO (2.2-7)

CO 2 + CH 4 ↔ 2CO + 2H 2 (2.2-8)

H 2O + CH 4 ↔ CO + 3H 2 (2.2-9)

The carburising potential of the atmosphere (KC) is usually controlled by reaction (2.2-6) according to

the following equation:

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 37

p CO p H 2
KC = (2.2-10)
p H 2O

where pCO, pH2 and pH2O are the partial pressures of each of the gases involved in the reaction.

There is some degree of secrecy about the available commercial processes to produce EA, but the vast

majority of them are based on gaseous atmospheres containing CO [135, 145, 147]. The results are

satisfactory, and the only drawback of these processes is the need for a prior surface activation to

remove the passive oxide film, which is usually accomplished by using halogenated gases [100, 147,

148]. The low working pressures associated with vacuum carburising are known to remove the oxide

layer from the treated components, although they require high temperatures to do so (900ºC to 1100ºC)

and to activate the process reactions, i.e. thermal decomposition of the hydrocarbon gas under the

catalytic effect of the hot steel surface [93, 149-152]. Another alternative is plasma SE, which removes

the passive oxide film from the surface of ASS components through the sputtering action of highly active

species present in the plasma [88]. Being the subject of this project, they will be treated in further detail

in the next section.

2.5. Plasma surface engineering

Plasma surface engineering (PSE) is based on the abnormal glow discharge phenomenon that takes

place on parts subjected to cathodic potential (several hundred volts), while being immersed in a low-

pressure gas atmosphere (rough-medium vacuum) [153-157] (figure 2.2.5-1). Active species (i.e.

excited or ionised atoms and molecules) are generated within the plasma and accelerated towards the

cathodic worktable, where the parts to be treated are placed. While most of the energy involved in this

process is released in the form of heat, a small part of it allows nitrogen and/or carbon species to be

transferred to the solid state, through mechanisms that remain unclear.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 38

It is custom to compare this plasma technology with gas or vacuum diffusion processes, although in

PSE the reactions are under electric control, and the conventional equations to calculate the potential of

the atmosphere do not entirely hold [152, 158]. The number of process variables increases:

temperature, time, gas composition, pressure and flow rate, voltage, current, boost-diffusion cycle time

and ratio, just to mention some. This larger number of relatively independent variables makes it more

difficult to control and optimise the treatment, but also permits a higher degree of freedom when

selecting the processing conditions.

As previously stated, the process variables are not completely independent of each other, and their

interactions are of significant importance. The gas pressure affects the mean free path of the active

species in the plasma [159, 160], and their kinetic energy is proportional to the acceleration produced in

the cathode fall, i.e. the applied voltage [154, 155]. These two variables define, to some extent, the

interaction between plasma and substrate, and the relative importance of some of the phenomena that

take place during the process: sputtering, edge effect and ion implantation [161].

Plasma nitriding (PN) is usually performed in N2-H2 gas mixtures or NH3. On the other hand, CH4-H2

mixtures are mainly used for plasma carburising (PC) purposes, although other carbon containing

gases have proved to be useful in some cases [162]. The dilution of the gas is one of the variables that

determine the flux of C or N transfer into the solid state, i.e. the rate of saturation of the surface [163].

Hydrogen additions are convenient for surface depassivation, especially when treating ASS. Moreover,

the hydrogen content of the gas mixture also increases the tolerance of the process to possible air

leaks in the chamber [164]. Small amounts of argon might be added to increase the sputtering effect

and for surface activation [165].

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 39

The sputtering phenomenon is a very efficient heating mechanism, and it depends on the voltage and

current density, the gas mixture and gas pressure, and even the shape of the components [166]. For

treatments conducted at temperatures below 570ºC, sputtering can be the only source of heat, whilst

additional heating is often required or convenient for higher temperatures [155, 167]. This is because in

order to reach high temperatures by means of sputtering only, very high electric potentials are required,

making the process unstable (arcing transition). However, it was found that much lower power densities

are required for the activation of the treatment reactions, while the temperature can be reached using

electric resistors, cathodic heaters or hollow cathodes [168, 169].

Decoupling temperature from electric plasma activation gives more freedom in the selection of the

treatment conditions and better process stability and control [170-172]. Even though the activation

provided by plasma during PSE is obviously responsible for the high rates of carbon and nitrogen mass

transfer to the surface of the sample, the mechanisms involved are still not clear, and the models

proposed in the literature have been severely disputed. Once the surface content reaches the

saturation limit, the diffusion of N and C into the bulk material is a function of temperature, time and

chemical driving force [163]. Depending on these three parameters, the final thickness of the alloyed

layer and concentration gradient of the diffusing elements can vary from a few micrometers up to

several hundreds of micrometers.

Direct current (DC) glow discharge thermochemical processes experienced a rapid uptake in industry in

the 1970s and 1980s [161]. The advantages over conventional thermochemical treatments include:

shorter cycle times, higher energy efficiency, lower gas consumption and environmental friendliness,

just to mention some [156, 163, 170, 173, 174]. However, the higher equipment costs, the lack of

thorough understanding of the process and such intrinsic problems of DC glow discharge plasma as

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 40

arcing, hollow cathode and edge effects were found to be difficult to solve, and thus a further spread of

this technology has virtually stopped.

Moreover, the homogeneity of the temperature within the chamber was not satisfactory for some

applications. Different methods were attempted in order to improve this aspect, making use of external

heat sources like electric resistors or cathodic heaters [168]. These are metal sheets or meshes,

subjected to cathodic potential, which are heated by the ionic bombardment and radiate heat to the rest

of the chamber, thus heating the colder parts of the workload. A further improvement of this concept,

together with the idea of post discharge plasma, became a novel plasma technology in 1999, named

active screen. Active screen plasma (ASP) shows great potential to overcome the problems associated

with DC plasma technology [175].

2.6. Active screen plasma technology

Among the plasma processes alternative to the DC technique, ASP is of particular interest due to the

simplicity and effectiveness of its concept. In a conventional DC furnace, the worktable is negatively

biased with respect to the wall of the chamber, which is earthed and plays the role of the anode in the

electric circuit. If no supplementary heating elements are used, the workload needs to be subjected to

relatively high electric potentials, in order to reach the treatment temperature by means of sputtering.

The high electric potentials applied imply that the working condition moves closer to the arcing transition

point in figure 2.2.5-1, and renders the treatment unstable, especially when the components are not

completely free of grease, oxide scale or any other contaminant.

Moreover, components with complex geometries and of different sizes may not be heated uniformly,

because of the distortion of the electric field in proximity of sharp edges [176]. The distortion of the

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 41

electric field affects the plasma and the plasma surface interactions, such as ionisation and sputtering,

so that parts with small radius of curvature treated in DC furnaces are prone to the so called edge

effect. The local temperatures developed at the edges can be much higher than in the rest of the

component, causing changes in metallurgical structure and mechanical properties.

At the same time, hollow cathodes are the third type of defects frequently encountered in DC plasma

treatments, and blind holes or dense work loads are vulnerable to this effect [169]. Hollow cathodes

take place when two surfaces exposed to the plasma are separated by a certain distance, depending

on the gas mixture, pressure and applied potential. These process variables define the thickness of the

plasma sheath, as it will be explained in the next section. The overlapping of the plasma sheaths

produces a peculiar electric field that traps electrons, which oscillate between the cathodic surfaces,

increasing the ionisation events and producing a local increase in current density, with the consequent

increase in temperature.

In the case of the active screen technology, the workload is surrounded by a mesh, which plays the role

of the cathode (figure 2.2.6-1). The purpose of the mesh or active screen is twofold [177]:

ƒ It radiates heat to the work load: the cage, being the cathode of the circuit, it is subjected to

severe sputtering that increases its temperature; heat is thus transmitted to the workload by

radiation and, to a lesser extent, by convection.

ƒ It generates active species, principally excited neutral atoms and molecules, which are believed

to be important for the treatment.

The worktable is electrically insulated, or subjected to a low negative bias to ease the flow of active

species to the components [175]. In this way, sputtering does not take place on the surface of the

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 42

sample but on the mesh, and the workload is heated by radiation from the screen so that the

temperature is more uniform and stable. Thereby, defects associated with direct exposure of the

workload to highly negative potentials are reduced or eliminated. In practice, the AS technique has

proved to be less sensitive to grease and rust on the treated parts [178]. From the aesthetic point of

view, better surface qualities can be obtained, with complete absence of edge effects [179]. Finally, the

local increases in temperature are reduced, producing more even hardening effects and properties


Apart from its technological importance, AS has raised the unresolved issue of the nitriding and

carburising mechanisms. Much work has been done on AS plasma nitriding (ASPN) in laboratory scale

units, and it was concluded that the principal mass transfer mechanism involved sputtering of iron from

the mesh, reaction of the iron atoms or particles with the active nitrogen in the plasma, and deposition

of the iron nitrides on the worktable with subsequent decomposition and diffusion of free nitrogen [181-

183]. However, the experience on industrial scale units has shown that other mechanisms and effects

must be involved in the process [184, 185]. Furthermore, little work has been conducted up to date on

active screen plasma carburising (ASPC).

It is evident that the mechanisms of plasma treatments pose a difficult challenge, which involves not

only metallurgical aspects but also plasma-surface interactions and plasma physics. Therefore, the next

section will introduce some basic but useful concepts of plasma physics and the plasma diagnostic


Chapter 2: Literature review Page 43

3. Fundamentals of plasma physics

3.1. Plasma

Plasma is usually known as the fourth state of matter and its inception requires a significant amount of

energy, enough to break some atoms and molecules down into positive and negative particles, i.e. ions

and electrons [186]. The amount of charged particles is balanced, so that the system remains

electrically neutral. Contrary to the other phase changes, the transition of matter to the plasma state

takes place gradually over a wide range of conditions, leading to different degrees of ionisation [187].

The energy required to ionise a gas can be applied to the system in the form of heat, although this is

impractical due to the extremely high temperatures involved [188]. On the other hand, cold plasma can

be produced by means of electric discharges, radio frequencies or microwave excitation of gases.

The study of electric discharges through gases dates back to the 18th century and involves famous

researchers such as Faraday, Crookes, Thomson, Langmuir and Stark, just to mention some [186].

Although gases are good insulators under standard atmospheric conditions, they undergo ionisation

when a strong electric field is applied, thus becoming electrically conductive [189]. A small fraction of

charged particles from cosmic or natural radiation is normally present in the system. These particles are

accelerated by the electric field and acquire sufficient energy to collide inelastically with gas molecules,

ripping electrons or attaching to them to form positive and negative ions, respectively. Direct electron

impacts can also excite the molecules to energy levels higher than the ground state but below the

ionisation threshold.

Relatively few collisions occur in a cold plasma formed at low pressure, thus the system is not in local

thermal equilibrium (LTE) [187]. This means that some highly energetic (fast or hot) particles coexist

with others significantly less energetic (slow or cold) ones. The non-LTE is one of the most attractive

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 44

aspects of cold plasma and allows physico-chemical phenomena to take place in a wide range of

conditions, far from equilibrium, depending on the gas composition, pressure, electromagnetic field,

configuration and temporal behaviour of the discharge or excitation method.

Electrons are significantly lighter than neutral molecules or ions and, consequently, they are highly

mobile. They respond faster than ions to fluctuations in electric and magnetic fields, and acquire higher

energies. Even though most applications rely on the kinetics of ions, electrons are the primary agents in

a plasma and their energy distribution is of significant importance [187, 190]. The energy or velocity of

electrons is usually described by a Maxwellian distribution of the form:

⎛ me ⎞ 2 2 ⎛ m v2 ⎞
f (v ) = 4πne ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ v exp⎜⎜ − e ⎟⎟dv (2.3-1)
⎝ 2πk BTe ⎠ ⎝ 2k BTe ⎠

where f(v) is the velocity distribution function according to Maxwell, ne is the electron density, me is the

electron mass, kB is the Boltzmann constant, Te is the characteristic electron temperature and v is the

velocity [190]. Equation (2.3-1) represents a distribution where most electrons (bulk) have relatively low

energies, whilst there is a small fraction (tail) of highly energetic electrons (figure 2.3.1-1).

The density of electrons, or other charged particles, is commonly described by the Boltzmann equation:

⎛ e ⋅φ ⎞
ne = n0 exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.3-2)
⎝ k BTe ⎠

where ne is the electron density in any position of potential Φ, n0 is the electron density at a point of zero

potential, e is the elementary charge, Φ is the potential at the position of interest, kB is the Boltzmann

constant and Te is the electron temperature [191].

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 45

3.2. Electric breakdown

The electric brakedown of a gas at low pressure involves several steps, as it can be seen from figure

2.2.5-1. In the first regime, the gas is a good insulator and only the charged particles from background

radiation carry a very small current [192]. When increasing the voltage, the current increases mainly

through acceleration of these charged particles, until a saturation value is reached, depending on the

gas composition and the pressure. If the voltage is raised further, the electrons gain sufficient energy to

collide with the gas molecules inelastically, producing more electrons in an avalanche effect. This

phenomenon defines the beginning of the Townsend discharges.

If the voltage is increased further, breakdown occurs and the current increases whilst the voltage can be

reduced markedly. The electric breakdown of a gas is an irreversible process. The ion bombardment on

the work table releases secondary electrons [190, 192], which subsequently multiply through the

forementioned avalanche effect, thus increasing the availability of charge carriers considerably. This

stage receives the name of normal glow discharge, due to the luminous phenomenon observed on the

cathode (emission of light from the decay of excited and ionised atoms or molecules). The current

density remains constant and any increase in current is a consequence of an increase in the area

fraction of the cathode covered by the glow discharge [193].

Once the cathode is completely covered by the glow, a new discharge regime begins, named abnormal

glow discharge. This is characterised by an increase in voltage with increasing current, the latter being a

consequence of a higher current density as the whole surface of the cathode is already involved in the

discharge [192, 193]. It is in this regime that PSE treatments are conducted, thus ensuring that all the

surface of the cathode (i.e. all the components) are exposed to the glow and to the plasma-surface

interactions. The selection of the current density, within the abnormal glow discharge range, depends on

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 46

the contribution ion bombardment makes to heating the cathode, and is limited by the onset of electric

arcs. Arcing involves thermal emission of electrons from hot areas of the cathode, most frequently sharp

asperities, although it also occurs on non-conductive pollution or dirt by the accumulation of electric

charge [189, 190].

According to Paschen’s law, for a given gas and electrode material, the breakdown voltage is a function

of the pressure p and the distance between the electrodes L [192]. This correlation is illustrated in figure

2.3.1-2. On the left side of the minimum point (pL < pLmin), low pressure insulation occurs as a result of

the low density of gas molecules and low frequency of ionising collision; whilst on the right side of the

minimum point (pLmin < pL) high pressure insulation is a consequence of the higher energy losses

experienced by electrons and ions in frequent collisions, mainly with neutral gas molecules [189]. Thus

pLmin can be understood as the combination of pressure and distance between electrodes that yields the

highest probability of ionisation and the largest amount of charge carriers.

3.3. Structure of the glow discharge

When a direct current (DC) glow discharge forms between two electrodes, the potential difference is

concentrated close to the cathode, and several different regions are observed (figure 2.3.3-1) [187]. The

first region in front of the cathode is the Aston dark space, a thin layer with a high density of electrons

and very strong electric field, where electrons are still being accelerated and have not yet reached

energy levels high enough to produce inelastic collisions with atoms and molecules, thus making this

region appear dark [157]. Immediately next to the Aston dark space is the cathode glow, with a relatively

high density of ions and, in some cases, excited atoms sputtered from the cathode, which account for

the observed glow. The following is a relatively dark region called cathode dark space, although it is also

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 47

referred to as Crookes or Hittorf dark space. The electric field is moderate, and the space charge

becomes positive as a consequence of the higher concentration of ions.

These regions are not always distinguishable and, in some cases, one of them may mask the others

[157, 192]. In general, the space between the cathode surface and the end of the cathode dark space is

called cathode region or sheath [187]. The difference in potential is mostly concentrated in this part of

the discharge, and the thickness of the sheath will adjust itself to pLmin, following Pashen’s law [157].

The electrons are accelerated across the sheath and acquire energy levels high enough as to excite

and ionise gas molecules in the neighbouring area, called the negative glow, or even beyond.

The negative glow is relatively thick compared to the sheath, and is the brightest region of the

discharge. Because of the high density of ions, the negative glow has a positive space charge, and the

electric field in this region is relatively weak. The glow is more intense on the cathode side, where

electrons are energetic enough to produce excitation and ionisation, and fades away towards the anode

as the electrons slow down due to frequent collisions [157, 187]. The drop in the energy of electrons

reduces the ionisation and excitation events and gives rise to another region, called Faraday dark

space. The space charge in this region is small and the electric field is slightly negative.

The remaining space between the electrodes corresponds to a region of uniform glow called the positive

column [157]. If the distance between electrodes is increased, the positive column lengthens while all

the rest of the regions remain unchanged [192]. The electric field in the positive column is slightly

negative and uniform to lead the electrons towards the anode, and the space charge can be considered

quasi-neutral [187, 194]. Approaching the anode, a luminous region may be seen, called the anode

glow, and immediately next to it a dark zone named anode dark space or anode sheath. The latter is the

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 48

result of the accumulation of electrons from the positive column next to anode, giving this region a

characteristic negative space charge [157].

This brief summary on DC glow discharges serves as an introduction to the plasma diagnostic

techniques of interest to this project, namely optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and electric probes,

which will be explained in the following sections.

3.4. Plasma diagnostics

Plasma diagnostic techniques are of vital importance for the understanding, control and optimisation of

plasma processes [195]. The working principles are varied (optic, electric or magnetic) and the

information they obtain is often complementary, so that it is interesting to use more than one technique

at the same time. The local disruption produced by the probes is critical and, although the devices and

working principles are sometimes quite simple, the analysis of the signal usually raises difficulties [196].

The plasma parameters of significance to PSE processes can be summarised as follows [197]:

ƒ Electron density and electron energy distribution (electron temperature)

ƒ Type, density and energy of active species, i.e. ions, excited atoms and/or molecules.

ƒ Electromagnetic fields, which define the movement, spatial distribution, and time response of

the charged particles within the plasma.

Plasma diagnostic techniques have long been used to further understand the physics of plasma [198,

199]. In addition, once the underlying principles are known, they can also be used to provide real time

information about the process, and to feed control systems [171, 200, 201]. Optical emission

spectroscopy (OES) together with electric probes or collectors, are possibly the most extended plasma

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 49

diagnostic techniques. These methods are of importance to the present project and their basics will be

briefly introduced in the next sections.

3.4.1. Optical emission spectroscopy

As it was stated in a previous section, inelastic collisions take place within the plasma, mainly through

direct electron impact, producing ionisation and excitation of the gas atoms and molecules [194]:

efast + M → M + + eslow
− −
+ eslow (2.3-3)

− −
efast + M → M * +eslow (2.3-4)

where M is an atom or molecule and the superscripts + and * indicate the ionised and excited conditions

respectively, e stands for electron and the subscripts slow and fast indicate the energy of the particle. It

is evident that both M+ and M* are at higher energy levels than the atom or molecule at its ground state,

i.e. its normal equilibrium condition. The energetic species M+ and M* have relatively short lifetimes and

they experience decay processes, which frequently involve the emission of a photon to release the

surplus energy [202]:

M * → M + hυ (2.3-5)

where hν is the energy of the emitted photon, being h the Planck constant and v the frequency of the

photon. It is known from the atomic theory that the electron configuration and electronic energy levels

are quantised, i.e. they do not assume any value, but certain allowed energy states [203].

Consequently, if the atomic and molecular energy states are quantised, the energy involved in their

transitions must also be quantised; and this is the case of spontaneous emission, so that the energy of

the photon hv is quantised [131]:

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 50

ΔE = E k − E i = hv (2.3-6)

where Ek is the energy level associated with the energetic states M* or M+, and Ei is the energy level at

the ground state M, whilst hv is the energy of the emitted photon.

In this way, each decay transition emits a photon with certain energy, i.e. at one particular frequency,

giving rise to an emission pattern or spectrum, which can be used to identify the emitting species.

Moreover, the intensity of every emission line is proportional to the number of molecules at each energy

level, and the emission intensity has been used to correlate changes in the dominant ground state with

a treatment parameter [197]. However, quantitative information and absolute concentrations are difficult

or impossible to infer by this method.

The emission lines observed in atomic spectroscopy are due to the electronic transitions, i.e. changes in

the electronic configuration of the excited atoms. In addition to this, polyatomic molecules show a more

complex and finer structure, with different vibrational and rotational energy levels as a result of the

relative movement of the atomic nuclei in the molecule [202]. Although interactions between electronic,

vibrational and rotational energy levels exist, the energy difference is so large that, according to the

Born-Oppenheimer approximation, each level can be considered separately and superimposed to the

others, as shown in figure 2.3.4-1 and represented by the following equation [204]:

ΔE = ΔE E + ΔEV + ΔE R (2.3-7)

where EE, EV and ER are the electronic, vibrational and rotational energy levels respectively.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 51

The emission lines are not sharp but diffuse, and usually called bands. The uncertainty principle

proposed by Heisenberg indicates that each transition involves a slightly different energy, thus emitting

photons at slightly different frequencies, which account for a natural line broadening [202]. The natural

line width is insignificant compared to the effect of Lorentz and Doppler broadening. The former is a

consequence of the collision of emitting species with other particles and the latter is associated with the

motion of the species while emitting light [131]. Moreover, the experimental broadening of the

equipment used to collect and analyse the light is often dominant.

The kit for spectroscopic observations typically includes an input optic device (telescope, collimator, or

optical fibres), which gathers light (figure 2.3.4-2). Optical fibres are frequently used to feed the light into

a monochromator, a polychromator or any similar equipment [205], where entrance slits or apertures

define the throughput and bandpass of the system [206]. The light is thus focused onto a wavelength

dispersing element, such as a grating or a prism, and a narrow range of wavelengths is reflected onto a

detector, such as a silicon photodiode or a PMT [207]. The collected spectrum shows the intensity of the

signal as a function of the wavelength, wavenumber or any equivalent scale.

OES is a popular diagnostic technique due to its simplicity, and also because it causes no disruption to

the plasma. It provides useful information on the type and, to some extent, the population of active

species in the plasma. High temperature optical fibres yield good spatial resolution, and have been used

in optical pyrometers to collect light from specific areas of interest [208, 209]. Although valuable, the

information obtained with OES is rather incomplete, and electric probes are necessary to obtain

evidence on the energy and density of electrons [197]. This will be discussed in the next section.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 52

3.4.2. Electric probes

In order to understand the information obtained from electric probe devices, it is useful to make some

brief comments on the electric potential and mobility of charged particles in the plasma. It must be said

that negative ions and double ionisation events are very scarce in the type of plasma of interest to this

project, so that only electrons will be considered as negative charge carriers, and singly ionised atoms

and/or molecules as positive charge carriers [191]. Moreover, the probability of electron-ion

recombination in the volume (equation 2.3-8), i.e. the reverse of electron impact ionisation (equation

2.3-3), is rendered low by the necessary energy and momentum exchange among three particles [194]:

eslow −
+ eslow + M + → M + efast


where M stands for atom or molecule and e for electron, while the fast and slow subscript indicates the

energy or temperature of the particle. Volume recombination events are particularly unusual in gases at

low pressure, thus most of the recombination processes occur at the wall of the vessel that confines the

plasma, the latter acting as a third body.

As it was mentioned in a previous section, the potential between the electrodes is not evenly distributed,

but it is related with the density of charged particles, according to Poisson’s equation [210]:

d 2φ 4πe
= (ne − ni ) (2.3-9)
dx 2 ε0

where Φ is the potential function, x is the distance from the cathode, e is the elementary charge, ne and

ni are the density of electrons and ions respectively and ε0 is the permittivity of the free space. In the

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 53

field free space within the plasma, where quasi-neutrality is maintained, the onset of a space charge by

accumulation of ions is rapidly compensated and levelled by the highly mobile thermal electrons [191].

The accumulation of charges in the area surrounding the electrodes, the walls or any other foreign body

immersed in the plasma, produces a shield that confines the perturbation to a distance λD, according to

the Debye’s equation [194]:

ε 0 k BTe
λD ≈ (2.3-10)
ni e 2

where λD is the distance of the perturbation or Debye length, ε0 is the permittivity of the free space, kB is

the Boltzmann constant, Te is the electron temperature, ni is the ion density and e is the elementary


The flow of ions and electrons is governed by diffusion and by the electric field drift, according to the

following equation [194]:

Γ = −D + nμE (2.3-11)

Where Γ is the flux of charges, D is the diffusion coefficient, n is the density of charges, x is the distance

from the cathode, μ is the mobility of the charged particles and E is the electric field.

The flux of positive and negative charges out of the system must remain balanced in order to maintain

its electric neutrality. Moreover, if an insulated electrode is immersed in the plasma, the same amount of

positive and negative charges should arrive at its surface, so that no net flow of charges takes place

[211]. However, as the electrons are highly mobile compared to the ions, the flux of electrons to any

neutral surface exposed to the plasma would be larger than the flux of ions. Consequently, any foreign

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 54

body immersed in the plasma must develop a shield of negative potential in order to repel some of the

electrons, and thus balance the flow of negative and positive charges. This potential is called floating

potential, and depends on the type of gas, the pressure, and the electric discharge parameters.

Electric or electrostatic probes, frequently called Langmuir probes or collectors, are electrodes of known

area and defined shape (figure 2.3.4-3), usually made of tungsten, molybdenum or graphite, and

supported by an insulating ceramic or glass holder [196, 198]. The probes are immersed in the plasma

and electrically biased, sweeping a range of electric potential with respect to the plasma [212]. The I - U

curve is recorded and, providing the experimental settings and conditions are carefully selected and the

correct model is used to evaluate the signal, it gives valuable information on the characteristic energy

and density of electrons and ions [213].

Figure 2.3.4-4 shows the typical curve of a Langmuir probe. When the electrode is negatively biased,

the electrons are repelled and only ions are allowed to arrive at the surface of the probe [211]. If the

negative charge is not excessive, the ion flux is independent of the applied voltage, and it can be

measured from this part of the curve, called ion saturation region. On the contrary, when the probe is

positively biased, only electrons are allowed to reach the surface of the probe, thus the electron density

can be calculated. This part of the curve is called electron saturation region [196]. Between these two

extreme cases, the net flow of charge combines both electrons and ions, and the transition points give

information on the electron and ion temperatures, Te and Ti.

To this end, an improved version of the planar Langmuir probe or collector was designed to reduce the

effect of deposition or pollution on the effective area of the electrode [214, 215]. The working principle is

illustrated in figure 2.3.4-5. A capacitor is connected in series with the probe, and it is negatively biased,

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 55

or self-biased in case a radio frequency power supply is used [215-217]. The excitation or bias is then

interrupted and the capacitor is left to discharge by the arrival of positive charges from the plasma, i.e.

ions. The drain curve of the capacitor is recorded and gives very similar information to the ion saturation

region of a conventional Langmuir probe, according to the following equation:

C⋅ = [Γi − Γe ] ⋅ eA (2.3-12)

where C is the capacity connected to the probe, V is the potential across the capacitor, t is the time, Γi

and Γe are the flux of ions and electrons respectively, e is the elementary charge and A the effective

area of the probe.

This method is simple, and yields information with minimum signal post-processing. However, care

should be exercised to avoid edge effects on the probe, and to apply the right level of bias to produce

ion saturation, but not to disrupt the plasma conditions.

Chapter 2: Literature review Page 56


1. Sample preparation

1.1. AISI 316 coupon samples

Coupon samples were cut from AISI 316 hot rolled bars (composition shown in table 3.1-1), using a high

precision Struers Accutom-5 cutting machine, fitted with SiC cutting discs. The final dimensions of the

samples were 25.4 mm in diameter and 6 mm in thickness. Both faces of the samples were wet ground

with SiC grinding paper of grit #120 until flat, and one face was ground further up to grit #1200. Samples

were then washed with soapy water and cotton, degreased with acetone in an ultrasonic bath for 10

minutes and dried with hot air.

Some samples were mirror polished with diamond pastes (6 μm and 1 μm) and colloidal silica

suspension, on a Struers DAP-7 automatic polisher. The cleaning procedure after polishing was

identical to the one described before.

Cross sections were cut from the samples with SiC cutting discs on a Struers Accutom-5 cutting

machine, nickel plated when necessary, and mounted on conductive bakelite using MetPrep PA30 or

Opal 400 mounting presses. The grinding, polishing and cleaning procedures were equivalent to the

ones described before.

Whenever it was required, the microstructure was developed by means of an etching solution of

composition 25 ml H2O, 25 ml HNO3 and 50 ml HCl. The sample of interest was immersed in the

solution at room temperature for a few tens of seconds, and immediately rinsed with water and dried

with hot air.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 57

Small AISI 316 coupon samples, 2 mm in thickness and 10 mm in diameter were prepared for EBSD

studies. The sample preparation procedure was equivalent to the one described before, with a careful

final polishing with colloidal silica to obtain a smooth and stress-free surface.

1.2. Friction force samples

These samples were cut from an AISI 316 bar, 4½ inches (114.3 mm) in diameter, using an automatic

cutting saw. Both faces were finely machined until flat and one face was wet ground with SiC grinding

paper up to grit #1200. The final dimensions of the samples were: 114 mm in diameter and 12 mm in

thickness, with a 16 mm through hole at its centre for holding purposes. The cleaning procedure after

grinding was equivalent to the one described before.

1.3. Corrosion samples

Samples were produced from an AISI 316 bar, 10 mm in diameter, for immersion corrosion

experiments. Rods 50 mm long were cut and an effective area 40 mm long and 8 mm in diameter was

finely machined and dry ground with SiC emery paper up to grit #1200. A flange at one end of the rod

(10 mm long and 10 mm in diameter) remained as rolled and was used for holding purposes (figure

3.1.3-1). These samples were subjected to the standard cleaning and degreasing procedures already


1.4. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) samples

Coupon samples were cut and back thinned with SiC grinding paper until less than 200 μm thick,

leaving the treated surface untouched. Discs 3 mm in diameter were punched and further back thinned

with emery paper, until they were between 50 μm and 80 μm in thickness. Dimpling was conducted from

the back side of the sample in a South Bay Technology 515CE precision dimpling machine, using a

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 58

brass tool and 6 μm diamond paste with a 25 g load at a rotation speed of 140 rpm (14.66 s-1), reaching

a final thickness in the order of 10 μm to 20 μm.

Finally, the samples were mounted on copper discs, using a hot melt adhesive, and ion milled in a

Gatan 691 Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS) until perforation occurred. The two Ar guns were set

at angles between 8º and 10º to ion mill the sample from a single side, i.e. the side opposite to the

surface treated layer. The ion current was between 8 μA and 14 μA at 4 keV, and the sample was

constantly rotated. Under these conditions, perforation happened within 2 hours. Samples were then

removed from the holder and the remaining hot melt adhesive was cleaned using acetone.

Some powder samples and wear debris were also prepared for TEM observation. The sample

preparation was, in these cases, very simple and consisted only in adding methanol to the glass

container where the samples were kept. A pipette was then used to select particles of suitable size,

which were deposited on a copper grid holder, 3 mm in diameter.

1.5. Residual Stresses (RS) bending thin disc samples

Thin discs, 25.4 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in thickness, were cut from AISI 316 bars under carefully

controlled conditions, in order to obtain flat and parallel surfaces. Both sides of the discs were wet

ground with SiC paper, on a flat glass surface, up to grit #1200, and vibration polished with 6 μm

diamond paste for several hours (approximately 12 hours), until no traces of the grinding marks could be

observed. The previously described cleaning and degreasing procedures were applied and care was

taken to avoid stresses that could bend the discs. Finally, the discs were identified and their thickness,

roughness and flatness (in different directions) were measured in order to select the most suitable ones

for the assessment of the residual stresses developed during the surface engineering treatment.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 59

1.6. Other samples:

The sample preparation methods here explained cover most of the types of samples of significance to

this project. Some other kinds of samples of different materials were eventually used: pure iron stripes,

AISI 304 stripes, glass slides, copper coupons, just to mention some. The sample preparation

procedures used in all these cases were very similar to the ones previously explained, and the

particularities of each case will be explained when necessary.

2. Surface engineering plasma treatments: experimental procedures

Three different plasma furnaces were used for surface engineering treatments (figure 3.2.1-1):

ƒ DC Klöckner Ionon 40 kVA unit for plasma carburising in DC and AS experimental arrangements

ƒ DC Klöckner Ionon 60 kVA unit for plasma nitriding in DC and AS experimental arrangements

ƒ AS Plasma Metal 75 kVA + 15 kVA industrial scale unit for AS plasma nitriding and carburising

The instrumentation was different for each furnace although, in general, it included mass flow meters to

control the gas mixture and gas flow, two pressure gauges of different kinds (Penning, Pirani or

Bourdon) to measure gas pressure, two K-type thermocouples protected by ceramic sheaths, and a

pyrometer for verification (KIU-PM350).

With regard to the procedure for plasma treatments, it could be generally described as follows:

The samples to be treated were cleaned and placed on the work table inside the furnace. In some

cases, a special holder or rig was required to keep the samples in position, for mechanical masking or to

produce the desired arrangement inside the chamber. Once the samples were in place, a vacuum

cleaner was used to remove dust particles that could have been deposited on the surface.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 60

The chamber was then lowered and the ventilation valve closed. The cooling water began to circulate

and the vacuum pump was turned on to evacuate the furnace, up to a vacuum level in the order of 1 Pa.

Pure hydrogen gas was then fed into the chamber, and the main power supply was turned on to start

the plasma.

During the initial stage, the electric power (current and voltage) and the gas pressure in the chamber

were increased in steps, as a function of the temperature and the stability of the treatment (onset of

arcing), and the limit of the heating stage was usually set at 300ºC. From this point onwards, the gas fed

into the furnace was not pure H2 any more, but the gas mixture selected for the treatment, i.e. N2-H2 for

nitriding and CH4-H2 for carburising, or CH4-H2-N2 for nitrogen enhanced carburising. All the remaining

treatment conditions were automatically adjusted until the set point values could be reached

(temperature, pressure, gas composition and bias†) and these set point values were kept stable

throughout the duration of the treatment.

Once the treatment had finished, the feeding gas valve was closed and the chamber was evacuated.

The samples were left to cool down, under the residual treatment gas pressure, until below 80ºC. The

furnace was then ventilated and opened to remove the samples from the chamber. It was a normal

practice to clean the samples with soapy water and cotton immediately after the treatment, and this will

be considered the case unless otherwise mentioned.

The principal variables studied here were pressure and bias, although some other treatment conditions

were also assessed, with regard to gas composition (N2 enhanced carburising), treatment time and also

active screen treatments with different arrangements (figures 3.2.1-2 and 3.2.1-3). The process

Bias, as a set point, only applies to the active screen furnace and not to DC furnaces.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 61

temperature, although of paramount importance for the diffusion treatment, has been already thoroughly

studied, and it has been found to be limited by metallurgical aspects of the AISI 316 alloy, namely the

formation conditions of expanded austenite and precipitation of secondary phases.

Therefore it was the objective of this study to optimise the plasma treatment conditions for a given

treatment temperature in order to produce a thick and uniform expanded austenite layer on AISI 316

samples free from surface defects, such as edge effects and arcing damage; and to increase the

understanding of the mechanisms of active screen treatments, and the main variables involved in the

process (tables 3.2-1 to 3.2-4 and figure 3.2.1-4).

3. Characterisation techniques

3.1. Hardness

Low force hardness and micro hardness tests were conducted in a Mitutoyo MVK-H1 durometer fitted

with Vickers or Knoop indenters. The load range was 10 g – 1000 g and calibration block #EP9716400

(757.3 HMV0.3) was used to check the condition of the equipment before each measurement. The

reported values are the average of at least six significative measurements and standards BS EN ISO

6507-1, 6507-2, 4516 and 4970 were taken as reference for these tests.

A Micro Materials nanotest system was used to conduct instrumented hardness tests and assess the

mechanical properties of the outmost layer of treated samples (BS EN ISO 14577-1 and 14577-4). Eight

indentations were conducted in each case under the testing conditions shown in table 3.3-1.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 62

3.2. Roughness

Roughness measurements were conducted in a KozakaLab Surfcorder SE1700 stylus profilometer.

Standards BS EN ISO 4287 and 1134-1 were taken as reference for these measurements. Different

pick up settings were selected depending on the objective of the measurement (table 3.3-2).

3.3. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Contact mode atomic force microscopy was conducted in a Digital Instruments Dimension 3100

nanoscope, using Veeco NanoScope V.5.12r3 software and Veeco NP gold coated silicon nitride

probes (table 3.3-3).

3.4. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

A Philips X’Pert diffractometer was used to obtain the X-ray diffraction patterns (table 3.3-4). The

identification of the diffraction peaks was achieved by comparison with an XRD pattern database

PANalytical X’Pert HighScore 1.0d.

3.5. Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES)

A Leco GDS-750 unit was used to obtain the composition-depth profiles of plasma surface treated

samples. The method and measurement programme were calibrated using standard blocks of known

composition, according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

3.6. Optical Microscopy (OM)

Optical metallographic observations were conducted in a Leica Leitz DMRX microscope equipped with a

CCD camera for digital image acquisition.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 63

3.7. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Different scanning electron microscopes were used throughout the project, and for different purposes,

depending on their strengths and availability:

ƒ Philips XL30 – LaB6 filament (SEI, BSE, EDX)

ƒ Jeol 6300 – W filament (SEI, BSE)

ƒ Jeol 6060 – W filament (SEI, BSE, EDX)

ƒ Jeol 7000 – Field Emission Gun (SEI, BSE, EDX, EBSD)

3.8. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX)

Oxford Instruments Inca EDX detectors were used in all cases, controlled by means of Inca Energy

software. The internal calibration standards were considered valid for the purpose of this project and

only Ni or Co standards were used to correct the position of those reference peaks. The microscope

settings were optimised for the analysis (acceleration voltage, spot size, working distance, etc.)

3.9. Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD)

Crystallographic orientation maps (COMs) were obtained on a Jeol 7000 FEG SEM fitted with an Oxford

Instruments Inca Crystal Mk1 EBSD camera, at the general conditions listed in table 3.3-5. All the data

were collected and analysed using Oxford Instruments Inca Crystal software for EBSD.

3.10. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Two transmission electron microscopes were used in this project:

ƒ Philips CM20 - LaB6 filament

ƒ FEI Tecnai F20 – FEG (EDX)

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 64

The micrographs and electron diffraction patterns (EDP) were obtained on Kodak SO-163 electron

image film (3 ¼ in x 4 in), developed and digitalised with 300 dpi resolution.

4. Tribological properties: experimental procedures

4.1. Wear tests

A custom-made pin-on-disc wear testing apparatus was used to assess the wear resistance of treated

and untreated samples (figure 3.4-1), and standard ASTM G99-05 was taken as a reference. Coupon

samples, 25.4 mm in diameter and 6 mm in thickness with a surface finishing of SiC paper grit #1200,

were rotated on a horizontal plane and worn against a steady WC-Co binder ball, 8 mm in diameter

(table 3.4-1). The tests were conducted under dry conditions in laboratory air at room temperature; the

relative humidity and room temperature were recorded for each test. The tests were 4.5 hours long, the

applied load was 10 N (Hertzian contact stress 1.6 GPa) and the sliding speed 0.031 m/s, giving a total

number of cycles of 17550 (for the coupon) or a sliding distance of 500 m (for the pin).

The matching surfaces were degreased with acetone, mounted on their respective holders and wiped

again with a clean cloth with acetone, to remove any contaminants from their surfaces. The tribological

couple was gently put into contact, and the load was applied 1 minute before sliding began. After the

test, the samples were carefully removed from their respective holders and observed. The wear debris

was collected for inspection and tested with a magnet. The profile of the wear track left on the tested

samples was measured at not less than 6 different positions, by means of a KozakaLab Surfcorder

SE1700 stylus profilometer (table 3.3-2). The obtained profile was integrated for the whole wear track

and the total worn volume could be thus calculated.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 65

4.2. Friction tests

The friction tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc custom-made machine, equipped with a 100 lb

(45.36 kg) load cell and digital data acquisition card. Standard ASTM G115-04 was considered as a

reference in this case. The AISI 316 discs, 114 mm in diameter and a surface finishing of SiC paper grit

#1200, were mounted and rotated on a horizontal plane against a stationary 8 mm ball made of WC-Co,

AISI 316 untreated or AISI 316 plasma carburised. Tests were conducted under dry conditions in

laboratory air at room temperature, applying a load of 10 N and a sliding speed of 0.05 m/s. Several

tests were conducted on each disc, so that the rotation speed was adjusted according to the diameter of

the wear track in order to keep the sliding speed constant.

The matching surfaces were degreased with acetone and gently put into contact. The data collection

started when the load was applied, 15 seconds before sliding began, and continued throughout the 10

minutes duration of the test, at a frequency of 1 data point per second. After the test, the samples were

separated, removed from their holders and inspected. The wear debris was also collected and tested

with a magnet.

5. Corrosion behaviour: experimental procedures

5.1. Corrosion tests in boiling acid solution

Immersion corrosion tests in different boiling acid solutions were conducted to assess the corrosion

resistance of treated and untreated AISI 316 samples. The equipment consisted of a hot plate as heat

source, a 1 litre volume cylindrical flask where the boiling acid and the samples were kept, a flask lid

connected to a water coil condenser, and a vapour trap (figure 3.5-1).

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 66

To reveal the corrosion resistance of the tested samples under different conditions, various aqueous

solutions were used following British Standards BS EN ISO 3651-1 and BS EN ISO 3651-2:

ƒ 16% mass fraction H2SO4

ƒ 16% mass fraction H2SO4 with 100 g/l CuSO4 (BS 3651-2 Method A)

ƒ 40% mass fraction H2SO4 with 25 g/l Fe2(SO4)3 5H2O (BS 3651-2 Method C)

ƒ 20% mass fraction HNO3

The exposure times to the boiling acid varied from one hour up to 240 hours, the latter conducted in five

periods of 48 hours each.

The samples to be tested were ultrasonically cleaned in acetone and weighed. The coupon samples

were placed on glass Petri dishes to hold them and keep them separated from one another, and they

were immersed in the acid solution at room temperature. The specimens were placed on top of copper

coupons when copper contact was required (BS 3651-2 Method A). In the case of the rod cylindrical

samples, an especial holder was designed and manufactured to hang the samples leaving only their

effective area in contact with the acid.

Once the samples were placed in the flask, the solution was stirred with a magnetic follower, and heated

up to its boiling point (record was kept of the heating time), and kept boiling for the entire testing time.

Once the test had finished, the heat source was disconnected and the samples were immediately

removed from the boiling solution, rinsed with water and ultrasonically cleaned with acetone. Mass loss

measurements were thus conducted in an Avery Berkel analytical balance, with 0.1 mg accuracy.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 67

5.2. Corrosion tests in acid at room temperature

These tests were conducted only with a 16% mass fraction H2SO4 aqueous solution at room

temperature and only on coupon samples. The polished samples were masked with fast drying acrylic

lacquer before being immersed in the acid solution for 120 hours at room temperature. After the test, the

samples were removed from the acid, rinsed with water and cleaned with soapy water and acetone to

remove the lacquer.

6. Plasma diagnostics – experimental procedures

6.1. Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES)

OES spectra were first collected from outside the furnace, through a sight port window, using an

Optronic Lab OL730Q telescope (table 3.6-1). The telescope was placed 80 cm away from the window

and focused on the mesh of the active screen furnace, which resulted in a minimum source diameter of

20 mm approximately (figure 3.6-1). A cylindrical cone was made with white photographic cardboard

panel, its internal surface being covered with an opaque black liner, and placed between the furnace

and the telescope to reduce the stray light from reflections or other light sources. The use of such a

cone also helped to align the telescope and to keep the measuring distance constant.

A 1000 µm core fibre optic cable fed the light into a Jobin Yvon Triax 180 spectrometer, with a 190 mm

focal length and f/3.9 entrance aperture ratio (table 3.6-2). The optical arrangement consisted of

entrance and exit slits, collimating and focusing mirrors, and a grating turret in a cross Czerny-Turner

configuration. The turret was provided with two diffraction gratings, 150 and 1200 groves per millimetre,

for collection of low and high resolution spectra respectively. The low resolution grating allowed a

wavelength range of 1000 nm, while the high resolution grating admitted a total range of 0 nm to 1400

nm in steps of 100 nm. It must be mentioned that no signal could be collected below 250 nm, due to

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 68

absorption by the input optics and the air. The 1200 gr/mm grating yielded a spectral dispersion of 3.53

nm/mm and a spectral resolution of 0.3 nm at 500 nm.

A Jobin Yvon Spectrum ONE CCD thermoelectrically cooled detector head was used to measure the

light intensity at different wavelengths. In all cases, sufficient time was given for the detector to reach

the operating temperature before data collection (1 hour approximately). The CCD chip had a sensor

array 1024 pixels wide and 256 pixels high, no binning was applied and a flush cycle was run before

data acquisition, to reduce the noise. Data collection was controlled by a Jobin Yvon CCD-3000 unit, 16

bit ADC limit and 166 kHz conversion speed (table 3.6-3). The controller unit was operated from a PC

using SpectraMax software for Windows.

The automated entrance and exit slits were kept at the same width for optimum throughput. The

selected slit width was generally 0.04 mm for the measurements conducted with the telescope, and 0.08

mm for the spectra acquired with the optical fibre probe (method described below). The weaker signal

obtained with the optical fibres was counterbalanced by the increased slit width, i.e. increased bandpass

and throughput, although this also had an impact on the spectral resolution.

The system was calibrated, before each set of measurements, using the mercury green emission peak

at 546.074 nm (NIST online database, Pearse and Gaydon reference book) from a commercial

fluorescent lamp. In all cases, the Optronic Lab telescope was used to collect light from the lamp, and a

calibration accuracy of ±0.005 nm was usually attained. The manufacturer’s recommendations were

followed to calibrate the spectrometer, and the conditions used are listed in table 3.6-4.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 69

The positioning accuracy was found to be well within the ±0.3 nm pledged by the manufacturer, and the

instrument calibration was not severely affected for one set of measurements, on condition that the

grating turret was not rotated to change the dispersing element. Nonetheless, all the spectra were

collected in the direction of increasing wavelength to minimise errors associated with clearances in the

driving mechanism of rotation of the grating turret.

The collection of light from inside the furnace, or intrusive OES (IOES), was achieved by using high

temperature resistant SiO2 optical fibres, 100 / 110 µm core diameter, numerical aperture 0.22 and UV-

Visible wavelength range (figure 3.6-1). A feedthrough was designed and manufactured to allow one

single fibre to have one end inside the furnace and exposed to the plasma, and the other end plugged

into the same Triax 180 spectrometer described before, by means of standard SMA connector (see

appendix A for construction details).

These types of measurements were only conducted in the active screen unit and consisted of the

standard heating stage, until the treatment conditions were reached. Next, spectra were collected

sequentially under different treatment conditions, allowing sufficient time for the work table bias to reach

stable values before each spectrum was acquired. Finally, an emission intensity map was produced with

each set of measurements and each map was produced twice for verification purposes.

6.2. Ion Flux Probe (IFP)

A planar electric probe, similar to a planar Langmuir collector, was built to measure the characteristic

parameters of the plasma in both DC and AS furnaces (refer to appendix B for construction details).

Before each measurement, the active surfaces of the probe were polished with colloidal silica, cleaned

with soapy water, ultrasonically cleaned with acetone and dried with hot air. The probe was then

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 70

mounted inside the chamber and connected with the measuring circuit placed outside the chamber, by

means of a standard electrical feedthrough. All ceramic insulators were wet ground and washed before

each experiment to eliminate the layer of conductive material deposited on them. Finally, the insulation

and continuity were checked before each measurement.

A low noise Instek GPS-6010 DC power supply with variable output voltage (0 V to 60 V) was used to

bias the probe. A Pico 2202 digital oscilloscope and 250 MHz oscilloscope probe, with an impedance of

50 MΩ and a X10 attenuation power, were used to acquire the drain curve of the tantalum capacitors

connected in series with the probe (UMAX = 63 V, C = 4.7 μF). The oscilloscope was connected to the

USB port of a PC and the signal was monitored and stored in the hard drive of a PC using PicoScope

5.15.6 (32 bit) data collection software.

The experiments in the DC furnaces consisted of a standard heating stage until the selected treatment

conditions were reached, followed by the data collection (approximately 1 hour) and the final cooling

down cycle. Two measurements for each condition were conducted, including DC and AS

arrangements, with standard carburising (CH4-H2) and nitriding (N2-H2) atmospheres, keeping

temperature and pressure unchanged (figure 3.6-2).

The measurements conducted in the AS furnace consisted of the usual heating stage, followed by data

collection in each of the treatment conditions of interest. A set of measurements in all the range of

selected conditions demanded up to twelve hours, as it was necessary to wait for the furnace conditions

to stabilise before collecting data. The whole range of conditions was divided into two parts, so that the

insulating paper could be changed and the ceramic spacers cleaned. Several curves were collected for

each condition, and the whole range of conditions was assessed up to three times.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 71

The method of measurement consisted of charging the capacitor using the DC power supply, and

subsequently connecting the capacitor to the probe with the active surface exposed to the plasma. The

electric charge stored in the capacitor was such that the probe was biased to a potential some tens of

volts more negative than its floating potential. This negative charge repelled electrons and, in some

conditions, was enough to produce the so called ion saturation curve.

Under this condition, all the electrons were repelled and only the positive ions were allowed to reach the

probe surface. Therefore, the drain curve of the capacitor provided information on the flow of positive

ions to the probe. Once the negative potential dropped to low enough values, the high energy electrons

managed to surmount the retarding potential and reached the surface of the probe. The arrival of both

positive and negative charges to the probe produced a change in the discharge rate of the capacitor.

Chapter 3: Experimental procedures Page 72


1. Processing

AISI 316 samples were plasma treated in conventional DC furnaces, and these samples were adopted

as bench markers for the treatments carried out in the active screen industrial scale unit. Different

treatment conditions were explored in this AS furnace, in both nitriding and carburising atmospheres. As

a first approach, it must be said that AS processes had to be conducted under different conditions from

their DC counterparts (mainly, lower gas pressures), in order to obtain equivalent results. Furthermore,

the working conditions used for ASPC and ASPN also differed, particularly with regard to the bias level

(figures 4.1-1 and 4.1-2).

In these graphs, the bias is expressed in power units (kVA) for simplicity although, as it will be shown

later, only by reporting both the electric potential and the current density can the conditions on the

worktable be unambiguously defined. For one given power set point, the gas mixture and gas pressure

determine, to a great extent, the combination of current density and electric potential on the worktable.

The following equations were found to fit the data points with reasonable accuracy:

p = C ⋅ P −k3 (4.1-1)

C = k 1e − k 2 i (4.1-2)

1 ⎛ p ⋅ P k3 ⎞
i=− ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (4.1-3)
k2 ⎝ k1 ⎠

where i is the current in Amperes, p is the pressure in Pascals, P is the power applied on the work table

in kVA and k1, k2 and k3 are constants, for which values depend on the gas mixture (table 4.1-1).

Chapter 4: Results Page 73

A saturation limit is reached at low pressure and with high enough applied power, so that any further

increase in the bias set point will not alter the actual parameters of the electric discharge. Under these

conditions, the current density is self limited, and the electric potential is frequently very high (ca 900 V).

If the gas pressure is increased, larger current densities can be drawn, and these are associated with

lower electric potentials on the worktable. Furthermore, edge effects occur on samples treated above

some current density threshold, so that the applied bias should be kept below a certain limit in order to

retain the benefits of the AS method.

AS treatments conducted within the range of effective conditions, shown in figures 4.1-1 and 4.1-2, were

less susceptible to process instabilities, and produced samples with homogeneous surface appearance.

However, inadequate processing conditions also rendered AS treated samples inhomogeneous in

morphology and properties. Figure 4.1-3 illustrates the arcing, hollow cathode and edge effects

frequently observed on a DC worktable. At the same time, the damage these effects produce on treated

components is apparent from figure 4.1-4, which also shows the comparatively improved surface quality

obtained with AS.

Further studies within the range of effective treatment conditions revealed differences between the

samples, particularly with regard to layer thickness. Figure 4.1-5 shows the layer thickness, measured

from GDOES nitrogen or carbon composition profiles, as the size of the bubble superimposed on the

map of treatment conditions presented before. It is evident from this figure that the optimum treatment

conditions lay in the low pressure and moderate bias level for ASPC, and even lower pressure and bias

level for ASPN. The layer thickness measured in each case is presented in tables 4.1-2 and 4.1-3, as a

function of the pressure and the bias level set point.

Chapter 4: Results Page 74

Therefore, it is within this region of effective treatment conditions that most of the work on

characterisation, wear and corrosion properties was conducted. The ASPC condition for maximum layer

thickness was found at 125 Pa and 15% bias, while the parameters for minimum incidence of edge

effect were 30 Pa and 5% bias. Samples treated under these two conditions were studied in particular

and the results will be presented in the following sections.

However, it is timely to mention here that some differences in the mean residual stresses (RS) were

evident from the bending of the ASPC treated thin discs. Figure 4.1-6 shows the typical profile of the RS

discs, before and after treatment, collected with a stylus profilometer. The classic Stoney’s formula and

some modified formulas proposed by other authors were used to calculate the mean stress in the

treated layer. The results show that the compressive residual stresses increased with the bias level and

layer thickness (table 4.1-4). Although these results are by no means accurate, they are of use to reveal

differences between the treatment conditions and to understand the behaviour of the samples in other


2. Characterisation of plasma carburised AISI 316

AISI 316 samples plasma carburised in a DC furnace were adopted as bench markers for the

treatments carried out under active screen arrangements. All the plasma carburising processes were

conducted within the range of optimised conditions mentioned in the previous section. DC and AS

treated samples showed the typical features and properties reported for carbon expanded austenite, as

it will be shown in what follows.

Observation under the optical microscope revealed some changes in the microstructure after plasma

carburising. The treated samples showed clear grain contrast due to slip bands, which appeared at

Chapter 4: Results Page 75

different orientations depending on the activated slip systems (figure 4.2-1). The slip bands can be

clearly seen in the crystal orientation maps (COMs) obtained with EBSD on the same area of the

sample before and after plasma carburising (figure 4.2-2). The EBSD pattern quality deteriorates after

the plasma diffusion treatment, and this seems to be related with the high density of defects introduced

into the crystal structure. The density of defects increases progressively as the layer grows with

treatment time (figure 4.2-3)

The typical appearance of the treated layer can be seen from the cross section micrograph in figure 4.2-

4. It consists of a white featureless layer which, in contrast to the substrate, is not affected by the

etchant. This higher resistance to the etching agent can be considered as a first rough indication of

some degree of increase in the corrosion resistance of the treated material.

With regard to morphology, a significant difference between DCPC and ASPC could be observed under

SEM and AFM. Figure 4.2-5 shows the SEM high magnification micrographs, where some irregular

morphology is seen on the surface of a DCPC sample, compared to the uniform appearance of the

ASPC sample. This aspect was confirmed by AFM, as illustrated in figure 4.2-6, where the DCPC

sample exhibits an uneven surface morphology in contrast to its ASPC counterpart.

The TEM studies conducted on the outmost layer of treated specimens revealed a slightly thicker oxide

layer on the ASPC sample compared to the DCPC one (figure 4.2-7). A layer of particles was found to

cover all the surface, and the typical morphology is shown in figure 4.2-8, together with the ring electron

diffraction pattern (EDP) obtained on that same area. The particle size was between 25 nm and 30 nm

for DCPC and between 30 nm and 40 nm for ASPC, whilst the indexing matched some iron and

Chapter 4: Results Page 76

chromium carbides of composition Fe3C, Fe2C5 and Cr23C6 in both cases. Figure 4.2-9 shows the fcc

diffraction pattern corresponding to austenite, which was obtained from the underlying material.

The XRD peaks shown in figure 4.2-10 were obtained from DCPC and ASPC samples and correlate

with the austenite stick pattern in both cases. Only one additional diffraction peak of low intensity was

found at 39.55º, which could be attributed to Hägg Carbide of composition Fe5C2. The peaks are sharp

with a slightly asymmetric pseudo Voigt profile, and they exhibit order dependent widening compared to

the untreated material. However, the reflections are shifted to lower angles, and the shifting varies with

the 2θ angle. The analysis of this shifting and the calculated lattice parameters indicate that DCPC and

ASPC produce the same degree of carbon supersaturation and lattice expansion (figure 4.2-11).

Figure 4.2-12 shows the typical GDOES composition-depth profiles for carbon, corresponding to DCPC

and ASPC treated samples. As it is evident from this graph, there is a high degree of correlation

between both curves in what concerns to the degree of carbon supersaturation, the composition profile,

and also the layer thickness. A drop in carbon content is seen within the first 1 μm of the ASPC sample,

which was found to match a small nitrogen peak. The active screen industrial scale unit was used for

both plasma nitriding and plasma carburising, and it was not possible to remove all traces of nitrogen,

even after several hours of consecutive carburising treatments.

With regard to hardness, figure 4.2-13 shows the Vickers microhardness values obtained on DCPC and

ASPC samples using different loads, which serve as an indication of the load bearing capacity (LBC) of

the treated layer. Once again there is a significant degree of correlation between both techniques. The

ASPC samples showed some higher values at low indentation loads (25 g) which can be explained by

Chapter 4: Results Page 77

the nitrogen content of this outmost layer, and the slightly higher carbon content. On the other hand, the

hardness of ASPC at 100 g indentation load was marginally lower than their DCPC counterparts.

The hardness values obtained with higher loads were virtually the same. However, some cracks were

found inside and around the indentations conducted on DCPC specimens (figure 4.2-14). These cracks

appeared at indentation loads higher than 500 g and are not considered as a failure of the treated layer,

although they are an indication of a slight reduction in ductility.

The instrumented hardness tests conducted on AISI 316 untreated and plasma carburised samples

confirmed a considerable increase in hardness and a small rise in the elastic modulus of the material

after the plasma diffusion treatment. The curves in figure 4.2-15 illustrate the applied load against the

displacement of the indentor, and the main results are summarised in table 4.2-1.

3. Study of the mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering

The set of experiments described in table 3.2-4 was conducted in order to understand the mechanisms

involved in ASPC and the differences between the ASPC and the ASPN treatments. For the purpose of

this assessment, ASPN was considered the yardstick for ASPC, as the former has been studied and

discussed in further detail than the latter.

In first place, it must be said that the samples subjected to floating potential (i.e. arrangement C in figure

3.2.1-2) showed no hardening effect, and no signs of diffusion of carbon or nitrogen could be identified.

Even though this evidence is of significance for the understanding of the mechanisms involved in active

screen treatments, no further details will be given, since all the characterisation was identical to the

untreated AISI 316 substrate.

Chapter 4: Results Page 78

On the other hand, DC and AS treated samples showed some hardening effect, although the results

were dissimilar (arrangements A and B in figure 3.2.1-2). As the first approach, all DC treated samples,

i.e. DCPN, DCPC and DCPCN, showed the characteristic edge effect; the ASPN and ASPCN samples

had a very uniform surface appearance, whilst the ASPC sample exhibited a patchy morphology, which

resembled the shape of the mesh used as active screen in this experiment (figure 4.3-1).

The XRD peaks shown in figure 4.3-2, for AISI 316 samples treated under different conditions, indicate

that austenite is the only phase in all cases. However, the characteristic shifting and widening of the

diffraction peaks of expanded austenite vary for each case. The shifting and widening is clearly seen

after nitriding treatments (both DCPN and ASPN), whereas these effects are weaker on DCPC and

DCPCN specimens, and almost no shifting or widening can be seen on ASPC and ASPCN samples.

The GDOES composition-depth profiles, obtained from this same set of samples, indicate the typical

results after DC treatments: nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising (figure 4.3-3). On the

other hand, a significantly different response is once again evident after AS treatments. ASPN shows a

similar nitrogen profile to DCPN, although the penetration depth was shallower; a similar result is

observed for ASPCN, but the treated layer was significantly thinner in this case; finally the composition

profile obtained from ASPC samples evidences very shallow carbon diffusion.

The LBC, assessed by means of Vickers microhardness at different indentation loads, confirmed the

GDOES data (figure 4.3-4). The hardness values obtained for the nitrided test pieces were very high at

low loads, and decreased rapidly at higher loads, with the onset of cracks around the indents (figure 4.3-

5). On the other hand, the DCPC samples gave lower hardness values, with a gradual reduction, typical

of the carbon diffusion profile; whilst its ASPC counterpart indicated little hardening effect. A similar

Chapter 4: Results Page 79

trend was observed on the DCPCN and ASPCN specimens, although the hardness results obtained on

DCPCN show a plateau region, which also fits the GDOES composition profile.

As part of this set of experiments, AISI 304 stripes were treated in AS arrangements using a mesh with

large holes, 25.4 mm in diameter. The hardness measurements conducted on these test pieces are

shown in figure 4.3-6, and indicate an apparent difference between the areas uncovered (holes) and the

areas covered by the cage in the case of nitriding. On the contrary, no differences are seen for

carburising and N2 enhanced carburising, in which virtually no hardening took place.

The roughness measurements performed on treated coupons showed some differences, as it can be

seen from table 4.3-1, with DC treated samples showing consistently higher roughness values than their

AS equals. A closer observation of AS treated specimens put into evidence the existence of a layer of

deposited material on them. This was obvious on the copper coupons, some of which exhibited a silver

colour after the treatment (figure 4.3-7).

SEM and AFM detailed studies showed a morphology analogous to the one described in the previous

section, with particles of different sizes depending on the treatment conditions. In general, the ASPN

samples appeared to be covered by a layer of fine particles, 50 nm to 100 nm in diameter, while the

ASPC and ASPCN treated specimens showed a much coarser and irregular structure (figure 4.3-8).

The use of glass slides and copper substrates produced enough contrast with the deposition layer as to

allow for some degree of identification of the present phases with XRD. Figure 4.3-9 shows the data

collected from copper coupons and, in all cases, they show a perfect match with the peaks of the Cu

standard. However, two small additional peaks at 41.69º and 44.89º can be seen after AS treatments,

which could be attributed to FexN and (Fe, Cr)xCy respectively.

Chapter 4: Results Page 80

In the case of the glass slides, the deposition layer formed after ASPC and ASPCN was dusty, and did

not resist the cleaning procedure, whilst the deposition produced by ASPN was surprisingly coherent

and adherent (figure 4.3-10). The latter was analysed by means of XRD, and the diffraction peaks

matched several FexN compounds, and showed good agreement with the FeN pattern (figure 4.3-11).

This finding is of relevance for the understanding of the mechanisms of active screen plasma surface

engineering and will be discussed in the next chapter.

Finally, the mesh used for the experiments on the mechanisms of active screen plasma surface

engineering was observed under the SEM and analysed by EDX to confirm its composition. The results

proved that the mesh used for these experiments was AISI 304, and the typical micrograph and EDX

spectrum are shown in figure 4.3-12. A similar analysis was conducted on the mesh of the AS industrial

unit, and this was found to be made of low carbon steel (figure 4.3-13). In both cases, the deposited

material found on the samples exhibits some interesting correlation with the material of the mesh.

4. Tribological properties

The wear resistance of AISI 316 untreated (UT), DC plasma carburised (DCPC) and active screen

plasma carburised under two conditions (ASPC 125 Pa – 15% bias and ASPC 30 Pa – 5% bias) were

compared. The treatment conditions selected for this assessment followed the same rationale

mentioned in the section on processing, i.e. conditions of maximum layer thickness and minimum

incidence of edge effect, respectively. Table 4.4-1 summarises the obtained results.

The appearance of the coupon samples after the wear tests evidences the difference in the wear

response of the two materials (figure 4.4-1). The same is observed in the pictures of the counterpart

WC-Co balls, in figure 4.4-2. It is also worth mentioning that a significant amount of wear debris was

Chapter 4: Results Page 81

produced during the wear test of the untreated material, in contrast with the very small amount found

after the test in the case of all the treated samples. These three aspects of the wear tests will be

described in further detail in what follows.

The measured wear volume indicated a marked improvement of all treated samples over the untreated

AISI 316 substrate (figure 4.4-3). The worn volume of the expanded austenite was more than two orders

of magnitude lower than that of the untreated AISI 316. On the other hand, no significant difference

could be appreciated between the DCPC and the ASPC treated samples. All the treated samples

exhibited wear properties typical for carbon expanded austenite.

A closer observation of the wear tracks under SEM revealed differences in morphology. The untreated

AISI 316 suffered from abrasive and adhesive wear, while the treated samples developed a protective

oxide layer. The difference in morphology can be appreciated in figure 4.4-4, and the composition of the

oxide layer is evident from the EDX maps in figures 4.4-5 and 4.4-6. The layer is mainly formed by iron

and chromium oxide, but some tungsten is also present (table 4.4-2). The latter evidences the transfer

of material from the counterpart ball, and the formation of the so called third body during sliding. It is

also interesting to note that nickel does not seem to follow the same pattern as chromium and iron.

Regarding the counterpart material, the size and shape of the wear scars on the WC-Co balls matched

the width of the wear tracks left on coupon samples (figures 4.4-2 and 4.4-7). Detailed studies of the

morphology and composition, under the SEM, revealed accumulation of material at the trailing edge

(figure 4.4-8). This is more evident in the ball worn against the plasma carburised material. However,

the SEM pictures and the EDX composition maps (figures 4.4-9 and 4.4-10) indicate that the amount of

Chapter 4: Results Page 82

material transferred from the coupon sample onto the counterpart ball is larger in the case of the

untreated AISI 316. This is a clear evidence of severe adhesive wear of the untreated material.

The WC-Co balls worn against untreated AISI 316 showed a significant amount of iron and chromium

on the wear scar. The oxygen signal was also strong, as the tests were conducted in laboratory air, and

the high pressures and temperatures developed in the contact spots favoured oxidation (figure 4.4-9).

On the other hand, the WC-Co balls worn against expanded austenite only displayed minor traces of

iron oxide on the wear scar, and a small amount of material accumulated at the trailing edge (figure 4.4-

10). It is evident that less material is transferred from the coupon sample onto the counterpart ball in this


With regard to the wear debris, obvious differences were found once again between the treated and the

untreated specimens. The latter produced a significant amount of black debris during the sliding wear,

and a simple test with a magnet revealed it responded to the magnetic field. Under the OM, the particles

were 20 μm to 30 μm in size and metallic shiny (figure 4.4-11). The wear tests conducted on plasma

carburised material produced small amounts of reddish-brown debris. This time, the particles were

mostly non-magnetic, and only a few responded weakly to the magnetic field. OM observations showed

the particles had a mean size of 10 μm with a plate-liked shape (figure 4.4-11).

The wear debris was observed under SEM and TEM in order to study their morphology and identify their

nature. In both cases, the debris was found to be a conglomerate of smaller particles, but the particles

were finer in the case of the plasma carburised material than in the untreated AISI 316 (figure 4.4-12).

The ring electron diffraction patterns indicated possible martensite and magnetite matches for the

untreated material (figure 4.4-13). This is in agreement with the appearance and magnetic properties

Chapter 4: Results Page 83

observed in the particles. On the other hand, the AISI 316 PC gave a possible haematite match, which

once again correlates with the previous observations. However, an oxide of mixed nature must be

present in this case, as the EDX spectrum exhibits the unequivocal presence of other alloying elements

(figure 4.4-14). Table 4.4-3 summarises the findings on wear debris.

XRD was used to identify the phases present in the wear track of AISI 316 specimens. The intensity of

the reflection shown in figure 4.4-15 is not considerable, but it fits the martensite pattern. In addition to

this, microhardness measurements conducted on the wear track gave an average hardness of 560

HMV0.01, which is significantly harder than the austenitic substrate. The hardness profile conducted on

the cross section of the wear track clearly shows the hardening effect and, possibly, martensitic phase

transformation (figure 4.4-16). Strain induced phase transformation is likely taking into account the

severe deformation observed in the subsurface of the untreated material (figure 4.4-17).

EBSD phase and crystal orientation mapping gave some further evidence on the extent of the

deformation and martensitic transformation. Figure 4.4-18 shows a similar SEM cross section image

(without etching), and the EBSD map for austenite and martensite. These images show a 15 μm thick

layer in which strain induced martensitic phase transformation took place, to some extent. Plastic

deformation is evident up to a depth of 60 μm, and some degree of work hardening is also assumed to

be associated with this phenomenon.

The study here presented indicates that work hardening took place during the wear tests of untreated

AISI 316 against WC-Co. Moreover, evidence of strain induced martensitic transformation was found by

means of TEM, XRD, EBSD and microhardness.

Chapter 4: Results Page 84

On the other hand, the same study conducted on the plasma carburised material yielded very different

results. The electron diffraction pattern obtained with TEM did not match the martensite pattern; the

XRD studies only showed reflections corresponding to austenite; and the microhardness profile

conducted on the cross section was identical to a normal plasma carburised specimen. Only the EBSD

orientation maps showed some evidence of deformation close to the surface (figure 4.4-19). However,

this deformation was attributed not only to the shear stress of the wear test, but also to the distortion

introduced by the carburising process itself.

The graphs in figure 4.4-20 show the friction signals obtained during sliding tests under similar

conditions to the wear tests reported before. The results are summarised in table 4.4-4.

The AISI 316 UT couple (UT vs UT) produced an average coefficient of friction of 0.6 with fluctuations,

in agreement with the literature. A large amount of wear debris was released during the tests, which was

metallic in appearance, and magnetic. The WC-Co ball (UT vs WC) yielded lower friction coefficients,

and left some stick-slip markings on the wear track and no significant debris; whilst the PC ball sliding

on AISI 316 (UT vs PC) showed an intermediate behaviour in all these aspects. In general, the

coefficient of friction clearly peaked when sliding started (μstatic), and subsequently decreased

asymptotically to its steady sliding value (μdynamic).

The friction signal for the AISI 316 untreated ball sliding against a PC disc (PC vs UT) exhibits

significant instabilities with very high friction peaks. The peaks in the friction force correlated with

intense noise during the test, and a considerable amount of black magnetic debris was produced. Both

the WC and the PC balls sliding on PC discs (WC vs PC and PC vs PC) yielded lower coefficients of

friction and produced small amounts of reddish brown wear debris, mainly non-magnetic (only some

Chapter 4: Results Page 85

particles responded to the magnet). The friction force displayed a relative maximum at the beginning of

these tests, followed by a period of low friction and a final increase up to the final steady friction

coefficient, which was higher than the initial relative maximum (μstatic < μdynamic).

5. Corrosion behaviour

The initial immersion corrosion tests conducted in a sulphuric acid solution (16% mass fraction) at room

temperature produced very little corrosion in all the test pieces. The AISI 316 samples were found to

change the appearance to a tarnished grey colour after only 10 minutes of exposure to the acid, while

the PC samples retained their metallic shine throughout the experiment. OM and SEM observations of

the corroded specimens revealed intense corrosion on MnS inclusions in the AISI 316 coupons, and

failure of the outmost deposited layer of carbides in their ASPC equals (figure 4.5-1). The test was

repeated with PC samples polished after treatment, on which no deposition layer remained, and no

significant features or morphology could be observed in this case.

The tests conducted at boiling temperature in the same sulphuric acid solution (16% mass fraction)

revealed clear differences between the specimens, as can be seen from figure 4.5-2. Corrosion was

catastrophic on AISI 316, while the layer of EA was left virtually intact. The edges of DCPC 400 and

ASPC 125 test pieces showed some contrast with the rest of the surface area, associated with some

degree of edge effect. On the other hand, the ASPC 030 sample showed a very uniform surface

appearance. The cross sections in figure 4.5-3 illustrate the different behaviour of the AISI 316 UT and

AISI 316 PC (EA).

Detailed observation under SEM revealed some localised corrosion on the EA layer. The attack was

particularly intense on MnS inclusions and, once the substrate was exposed, cavities of considerable

Chapter 4: Results Page 86

size were formed in the subsurface (figure 4.5-4). Some localised attack was also detected on slip

bands, even in the early stages of the tests, although corrosion progressed slowly and the layer was still

unbreached after 20 hours of exposure to this corrosive solution (figure 4.5-5). Finally, the grain

boundaries were found to be vulnerable to localised corrosion, and this type of attack was clearly

identified on samples exposed for 15 hours or longer periods of time (figure 4.5-6).

With regard to the preferential corrosion on slip bands and grain boundaries, it must be mentioned that

these were observed more frequently on DCPC 400 and ASPC 125 samples than in the ASPC 030

ones, which were actually free from intergranular corrosion. In all cases, corrosion was more intense

close to the edges of the samples, where the density of slip bands was higher and the grain boundaries

appeared to be weaker. Once the layer of EA was breached, preferential dissolution of the substrate

took place rapidly creating large subsurface pits, with some grain boundaries failing first (figure 4.5-7).

The tests performed on cylindrical specimens yielded similar results, with catastrophic corrosion of the

AISI 316 substrate and mild corrosion of the treated samples, which took place, mainly, through defects

in the EA layer (figure 4.5-8). The AISI 316 samples turned black after only a few minutes immersed in

the corrosive solution, and a considerable amount of gas bubbles formed on their surface, which was

attributed to the cathodic evolution of hydrogen. On the other hand, the PC samples retained their

metallic appearance, although they became dull after the test. The evolution of hydrogen was not so

profuse in these last cases.

The localised attack at the centre of the rods is noteworthy, and was attributed to the presence of MnS

stringers; while the extended damage towards the edges of specimen DCPC 400 was believed to be a

consequence of stronger edge effects produced by these treatment conditions. Finally, this tests also

Chapter 4: Results Page 87

provided quantitative data in the form of the average mass losses (3 samples per condition), which are

shown in figure 4.5-9. The mass losses of all PC specimens were between 4 and 6 times lower than

their untreated AISI 316 counterparts.

Corrosion tests conducted in H2SO4 16% solution with addition of CuSO4 while in contact with metallic

copper, produced very little corrosion of the AISI 316 substrate, though some degree of attack was

found on defects of the EA layer. In this solution, the evolution of hydrogen was replaced by the

cathodic reduction of copper ions, and no gas bubbles were seen to form on the surface of the test

pieces. As it can be seen in figure 4.5-10, the edges of the specimens were more susceptible to

localised corrosion, especially in the case of specimens DCPC 400 and ASPC 125, whereas their ASPC

030 and AISI 316 counterparts displayed very homogeneous appearances.

Closer observation with OM revealed preferential attack on slip bands in all the treated samples (figure

4.5-11). However, grains with higher density of slip bands were more severely attacked, so that

corrosion was more extensive on DCPC 400 specimens, followed by ASPC 125 and ASPC 030. With

regard to grain boundaries, even though no grains were dislodged and no severe intergranular corrosion

was observed, some ditch type grain boundaries were seen on coupons DCPC 400 and ASPC 125; the

edges of the samples were particularly vulnerable to this type of attack.

SEM and AFM studies of the corroded grain boundaries revealed they were the result of the

coalescence of pits at the intersection of the slip bands with those grain boundaries, to form a

continuous trench (figure 4.5-12). Moreover, EDX composition line scans provided some evidence of

carbon enrichment in the area surrounding the trench, although this is not conclusive as no correlation

could be found with carbide forming elements, particularly chromium (figure 4.5-13).

Chapter 4: Results Page 88

The gravimetric tests conducted on the test pieces corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% with CuSO4 indicate

very low mass losses, two orders of magnitude lower than the values reported for H2SO4 16% solution.

Even though the figures are not conclusive, the corrosion factors in table 4.5-1 show a trend that is

helpful to understand the results and rank the treatments according to their corrosion resistance.

Two other corrosive solutions were adopted in order to assess the susceptibility of the grain boundaries

of the PC samples to localised attack: sulphuric acid 40% solution with iron sulphate, and nitric acid

20% solution. The former test was conducted for 24 hours and produced a very similar attack to the one

observed with copper sulphate. Corrosion was more intense on defects in the EA layer, mainly slip

bands, and some pits coalesced to produce more severe localised attack and form some ditch grain

boundaries. The edge effect was revealed in the case of DCPC 400 and ASPC 125, while the ASPC

030 and AISI 316 exhibited a very even morphology.

In the case of nitric acid, the test was conducted for a total of 240 hours, in 5 periods of 48 hours in

which the solution was renewed. The appearance of these samples differed slightly from previous tests,

principally with regard to the attack on grain boundaries. As it can be seen from figure 4.5-14, the

untreated AISI 316 suffered some mild attack and only the grain boundaries were developed after the

test. On the other hand, all PC samples exhibited localised corrosion on slip bands and pits, which were

larger and more numerous on the DCPC 400 specimens, followed by the ASPC 125 and the ASPC 030.

No grains were dislodged during the test, but ditch type grain boundaries were clearly observed under

AFM, having a depth of, at least, 0.8 μm (figure 4.5-15). In these cases, the grain boundaries had the

appearance of a continuos trench surrounding full grains, and no traces of primitive pits could be

identified. Some severe localised corrosion was found in PC samples, which was attributed to the

Chapter 4: Results Page 89

presence of inclusions (figure 4.5-16). This type of attack was clearly present in all cases and, although

it was not generalised, the depth of the pits was enough to be taken into consideration as a failure mode

of the EA layer. In contrast, the corrosion rates calculated from gravimetric measurements indicate that

the corrosion rate of the PC samples becomes comparable to the one of AISI 316 untreated substrate,

after an initial period of high dissolution (figure 4.5-17).

6. Plasma diagnostics – Optical emission spectroscopy

The OES spectra collected with the telescope through the sight port of the furnaces were useful to

identify the most common active species involved in electric discharges through different gas mixtures,

i.e. CH4–H2, CH4–N2–H2 and N2–H2. The spectra in figures 4.6-1 to 4.6-3 show some of the differences.

The signals collected through the sight port for DC and AS experimental arrangements were virtually

identical, although the emission intensity was slightly higher in the AS setting, due to the hollow

cathodes formed on the mesh.

In the case of plasma carburising (CH4–H2), the spectrum was very scarce in peaks, and only the

atomic hydrogen Balmer series could be seen. The Hα at 656.125 nm dominated this wavelength range,

and only some weak H2 and CH+ peaks completed the spectrum. For the nitrogen enhanced plasma

carburising (CH4–N2–H2), the addition of only 1% N2 changed the shape of the spectra in a considerable

way, and the CN (violet system) and N2+ (first negative system) bands were clearly present, although

the Hα line remained to be the most intense. Finally, the spectra for plasma nitriding were dominated by

the N2+ (first negative system) bands which, under some conditions, were even more intense than the

Hα emission line. Some NH, hydrogen and nitrogen peaks completed the spectra.

Chapter 4: Results Page 90

The study of OES emission spectra under different active screen conditions was found difficult to

conduct with this experimental arrangement, i.e. from outside the furnace. When measurements were

done through the sight port, the telescope was focused on the active screen itself (the mesh), which is

designed to form hollow cathodes. These hollow cathodes changed their position, quantity and intensity

depending on the treatment conditions and, as a result, they also made the collected OES signal erratic.

In conclusion, no clear correlation could be observed between these emission spectra and the AS

treatment conditions.

The optical fibres used to probe the AS industrial unit yielded optical signal directly from the worktable,

which was found to vary consistently with the treatment conditions, although this was achieved at

expense of signal intensity and signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, only the strongest emission lines and

bands could be used for this purpose, and the Hα and Hβ peaks of the Balmer series at 656.125 nm and

486.003 nm respectively, were selected in the case of plasma carburising‡, whilst the N2+ emission band

at 391.44 nm was chosen for the assessment of plasma nitriding. The emission intensity was recorded,

for each gas mixture, at different working pressures and bias levels, and the information was

consolidated in graphs of the kind shown in figure 4.6-4.

The OES maps thus obtained exhibit increasing intensity with increasing level of bias, and this intensity

is higher in the low pressure region. As it was mentioned in a previous section, low working pressures

imposed a limitation on the level of bias and, consequently, on the emission intensity. Increasing the gas

pressure allowed a further increase in the applied bias, and the emission intensity responded

accordingly. However, this was true only until some pressure threshold was reached, and the relative

maximum in emission intensity was found to agree with the conditions identified for maximum layer

‡ The use of the H emission lines was justified because atomic hydrogen is a by-product of the decomposition of the

methane molecule and trials showed some sensitivity of peaks in the Balmer series to the amount of CH4 in the gas mixture.
Nevertheless, the identification of clear and strong carbon containing species would of course be of interest.

Chapter 4: Results Page 91

thickness. Once the pressure threshold was exceeded, the emission intensity fell even for very high

levels of bias; this point was found at higher pressures for ASPC than for ASPN (figure 4.6-5).

The optical signal was plotted against different electric parameters and some trends were revealed,

depending on the gas pressure and the gas mixture (figure 4.6-6). The emission intensity plotted as a

function of the bias voltage showed some quadratic trend at high pressure, while the data points

obtained at low pressure deviated from this line. Both ASPC and ASPN exhibited very similar responses

to the electric potential of the worktable. The emission intensity was found to vary linearly with the

electric current, although the slope was affected by the gas pressure and, furthermore, a clear breaking

point was found in ASPN, whereas this was not visible for ASPC. Finally, the emission intensity showed

considerable correlation with the bias power applied on the work table, with slight changes in slope for

ASPC and a clear breaking point for ASPN.

7. Plasma diagnostics – Ion flux probe

The use of the IFP under AS arrangements inside a DC furnace indicated a strong electrostatic coupling

with the active screen electric input. This was concluded from the oscillations in the floating potential

(FP) of the electrostatic probe, which perfectly matched the electric input characteristics of each furnace

(figure 4.7-1); while the same experiments conducted in conventional DC arrangements showed only

background noise on the FP electric signal. Figure 4.7-2 shows the differences in FP between the DC

and AS arrangements, which was seen to depend on the gas mixture and gas pressure used for the

experiment. In addition, the flux of ions was measured and the obtained results indicate appreciably

higher values in the case of the AS setting, although it must be said that these figures bare considerable


Chapter 4: Results Page 92

A similar type of analysis was conducted inside the AS industrial unit, and the oscillation in the FP of the

electrostatic probe was once again in agreement with the power input of the furnace (figure 4.7-3). The

average value of the FP was also found to vary with the treatment conditions, shifting to more negative

values with increasing bias and pressure (figure 4.7-4). However, a limitation imposed on the applied

bias was once again found at low gas pressure, and the FP values were observed to remain constant or

even decrease slightly once this bias saturation level was reached. Unfortunately, only a reduced range

of treatment conditions could be assessed because of limitations in the probe and the measuring circuit.

An attempt was made to calculate the ion flux from the drain curve of the capacitor of the IFP measuring

circuit. Figure 4.7-5 shows the drain curves obtained with the worktable under floating potential for

ASPC and ASPN at different gas pressures. The different responses were clear, and the capacitor was

drained several times faster in the low pressure range, indicating a higher rate of arrival of positive

charges onto the effective surface area of the probe. Some measurements were also conducted under

normal treatment conditions, although the range was seriously restricted by limitations of the probe and

the measuring circuit, and the errors make these figures unreliable. In general, it can be said that the

calculated ion fluxes increased with bias and decreased with gas pressure (figure 4.7-6).

Chapter 4: Results Page 93


1. Active screen processing conditions

The current-voltage characteristic curves obtained in the AS furnace indicate a non-linear relationship

typical of abnormal glow discharges, with the current density increasing more rapidly at higher

pressures (figure 5.1-1) [190, 192]. The two constraints found in the operating conditions, namely the

onset of edge effects and the current saturation, are relatively well known phenomena.

The edge effect is a result of the local increase in the electric field, and the consequent higher ionisation

rate and higher current density [218]. This obviously declines when lower electric potentials are applied,

although it has also been reported that low pressure discharges are less sensitive to concentration of

electric field on sharp edges [219].

The current saturation can be attributed to a low density of charge carriers and to technical limitations of

the power supply. In the plasma, the density of electrons is approximately the same as the density of

ions (ne ≈ n+), and the current density can be expressed as [220]:

j = en e μ e E = σE (5.1-1)

where j is the current density, e is the elementary charge, ne is the electron density, μe is the electron

mobility, σ is the conductivity of the weakly ionised gas, and E is the electric field. The value of E is

defined by the potential delivered by the power supply (UMAX = 926 V for the AS furnace) and the

distance between the electrodes in the furnace, which impose the first limitation.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 94

The conductivity of the ionised gas (σ) is a function of the density of charged particles and,

consequently, of the frequency of ionising collisions. A coefficient α is widely used to express the

number of ionising collisions undergone by one electron in a 1 cm trajectory along the electric field E.

This is defined by the following equation [220]:

⎛ B ⎞
α ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
= Ae ⎝ E/p⎠ (5.1-2)

where α is Townsend first ionisation coefficient, p is the gas pressure, A and B are gas constants and E

is the electric field between the electrodes. A reduction in the pressure increases the E / p ratio and the

mean energy acquired by electrons between collisions, but it also reduces the probability of collision

with gas molecules, which defines the second constraint for equation 5.1-1.

Equation 5.1-2 resembles the experimental relation 4.1-2. Even though no clear physical meaning could

be attributed to each one of the constants, term C seems to account for the avalanche effect, while the

term on power P varies as σE (equation 4.1-1).

With regard to the bias, it is interesting to note that the real applied power differed from the bias set

point (figure 5.1-2). The deviations were considerable and erratic, although it can be said that at low

pressures there was a trend towards higher power levels than the set point, while at high pressures the

tendency was inverted. The data points for bias current, plotted against bias set point, lay in a straight

line, so that the control system is believed to calculate the bias from the current measured on the work

table (figure 5.1-3). This deviation is not considered to be of fundamental importance as long as it is

considered in the analysis.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 95

No meaningful correlation could be found between the bias set point or the bias current and the

optimum treatment conditions at 125 Pa and 15% bias for ASPC, and 75 Pa and 10% bias for ASPN.

However, the applied power exhibits a very similar trend and the optimised treatment conditions

correspond to maxima in the applied power (figure 5.1-4). This is not surprising taking into account that

the electron density increases with the applied power [221]. At low pressure, the bias current saturates

and the power is thus limited, but higher power can be applied at moderate pressures. For current

densities low enough to avoid edge effects, the maximum applied power corresponds to the optimum


The optimised conditions for ASPC and ASPN also show some qualitative agreement with the Paschen

curves reported for pure H2§ and 25% N2 – 75% H2 [220, 222]. Pure H2 breaks down at higher

potentials and values of p·L (pressure x distance between electrodes) compared to the 25% N2 – 75%

H2 mixture. Furthermore, the ratio pLH2 / pLN2-H2 from the cited references gives an average value of

1.46, while the ratio of optimum pressures for this project pASPC / pASPN yields 1.66, which is in

reasonable agreement. This is a rather speculative interpretation, although it seems sensible to think of

the optimum working conditions found in this project as those closest to the point of highest ionisation

efficiency, i.e. the minimum in the Paschen curve [189].

Unfortunately, the full Paschen curves could not be obtained in the present project, thus only very

general conclusions can be drawn. In view of the experimental evidence, the curves are expected to

show a minimum breakdown potential in the region of the optimum treatment conditions reported here,

while they would be shifted to lower potentials and lower p·L values compared to the conventional DC

discharges, due to the additional influx of electrons from the metallic mesh of the AS furnace [223, 224].

§ The 3% CH4 content of the gas mixture used for ASPC does not significantly affect the plasma physicochemistry, so that it

will be considered as pure H2 for the purpose of this analysis.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 96

In this regard, a comparison of the discharge parameters in DC and AS furnaces, making use of the

similarity relations [157], indicated the presence of additional charge carriers [190], i.e. the AS furnace

draws larger current and power than the DC furnace for similar discharge conditions (table 5.1-1).

Finally, figure 5.1-5 shows the same I-V characteristic curves of figure 5.1-1, but this time it includes the

value of E / p, represented in the size of the bubble. It is clear from this graph that electrons acquire

significantly larger energies in the low pressure side of the range of assessed conditions, which

accounts for the increased efficiency of the plasma treatment observed in this same pressure region.

2. Carbon expanded austenite

2.1. Layer growth kinetics

The results obtained by means of DCPC and ASPC showed substantial agreement in terms of layer

thickness, although differences were found depending on the ASPC treatment conditions (table 4.1-2).

An estimation of the carbon diffusivity was obtained making use of the following equation:

x = a(Dt )
1/ 2
= Kt 1 / 2 (5.2-1)

where x is the layer thickness, a is a constant, D is the carbon diffusivity, t is the treatment time, and K is

the product of a and D. The obtained values are listed in table 5.2-1 and they are in substantial

agreement with the values reported in the literature [118, 119, 225].

The measurements of layer thickness conducted after different treatment times gave some information

regarding the growth kinetics, as it is illustrated in figure 5.2-1. The data points obtained in this project

are plotted together with those reported by Y. Sun [118] and M. Tsujikawa et al. [119, 225]. The former

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 97

reported a linear dependence of layer thickness with the square root of time (equation 5.2.2) and

interpreted it as a proof of the dominance of atomic diffusion mechanism.

x = 3.80 + 5.95 ⋅ t 1 / 2 (5.2-2)

On the other hand, the data reported by Tsujikawa et al. [119, 225] show a quadratic dependence of

layer thickness with the square root of time, which agrees with the data points obtained in this project.

This trend has also been identified by other authors [226, 227] who attributed the deviation to the

sputtering of substrate material by highly energetic ions from the plasma.

One additional outcome of these assumptions is the existence of some incubation time for the layer

growth. The linear dependence reported by Sun has a non-zero ordinate at origin, which was

considered to be the consequence of adding methane to the gas mixture during the heating stage. In

contrast, the quadratic dependence found in this project, and also reported by Tsujikawa, indicates

some time will elapse before the layer starts growing, and this feature is of significance in order to

understand the mechanisms involved in the treatment.

To this end, it is generally accepted that expanded austenite forms under a metastable equilibrium of

carbon in austenite, sometimes referred to as paraequilibrium (PE) [110, 122, 147]. Leaving aside some

discussion on terminology [228-230], paraequilibrium can be defined as a kinetically constrained

equilibrium, in which the substitutional atoms are virtually immobile in front of the interstitial atoms [231,

232]. Other authors have interpreted PE as a complete trapping of interstitials in the substitutional lattice

[233] and, in the particular case of expanded austenite, the chromium content of the alloy seems to play

a fundamental role in trapping C and N interstitials [101].

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 98

Other trapping mechanisms of interstitial elements have been reported, which include interaction with

crystal defects [234]. Maalekian et al. [235] have recently studied the influence of a heavily dislocated

crystal structure on the distribution of carbon in martensitic steel, and Heure et al. [236] conducted

internal friction studies on ASS gas carburised at low temperature and concluded that the obtained

results were consistent with multicarbon interstitial-vacancy complexes. In the present study, COMs

were obtained on the same areas of a sample after different treatment times. Figure 5.2-2 shows the

average EBSD pattern quality and the carbon content from GDOES profiles, obtained after each

treatment. The pattern quality is sensitive to defects in the crystal structure [237] and a qualitative

correlation can be seen, although this evidence is not solid enough to draw conclusions.

2.2. Microstructure evolution

With regard to the microstructure, comparative studies conducted on AISI 316 after DCPC and ASPC

showed equivalent results. Figure 4.2-1 illustrates the change observed on the microstructure of AISI

316 after PC. The presence of slip bands has been previously reported [135, 238-240] and it is a clear

indication of plastic deformation of the surface layer under the high compressive stresses developed

upon the expansion of the austenite lattice. Contrary to what Xu et al. have reported [241], very short

incubation times were necessary in the present case, and slip lines were found in AISI 316 samples

after only 1 hour of plasma carburising treatment at 450ºC. The density of slip bands and the height of

the steps were observed to increase with treatment time.

The strain is obviously unevenly distributed, and depends on the crystallographic orientation of the

grains, relative to the stress plane [242]. In this way, some grains show no signs of deformation, while

others show one or two sets of parallel slip lines, i.e. one or two slip systems have been activated.

Moreover, a higher density of slip bands is seen close to the grain boundaries, whereas the central

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 99

region of the grain remains relatively unaffected (figure 5.2-3). This is the result of the stress

concentration and generation of dislocations at certain regions of the microstructure [243-245].

The rotation of the crystallographic structure upon plastic deformation is known to affect the texture of

ASS [246] and the anisotropic strain produced during plasma or ion beam surface treatments has been

found to produce rotation of the crystallographic planes of single crystal and polycrystalline samples

[247-249]. Several authors conducted XRD texture studies on plasma nitrided samples, and reported

differences in the pole figures obtained before and after the surface treatment [113, 250, 251]. Figure

5.2-4 shows the results obtained on PC samples in this project, which show good agreement with the

results reported by Mändl et al. [250].

The crystallographic structure of carbon and nitrogen EA has been extensively studied by means of

TEM and XRD, and there is a significant body of literature and discussion in this regard [106, 111, 114-

116, 252]. TEM studies provide extremely useful but also very localised information, and in the case of

XRD it is difficult to establish the individual contribution of different effects (residual stresses,

dislocations or stacking faults) [112, 114]. Therefore, an attempt was made to use EBSD and AFM to

provide complementary information on the microstructure of EA.

The slip bands in figure 5.2-5 exhibit some 40 nm steps, which are considerably larger than the 10 nm

limit reported for approximately 45% deformation in a similar material under tension [253]. The number

of emerged crystallographic planes can be estimated taking into account the relationship:

r r
h = nz ⋅ b (5.2-3)

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 100

r r
where h is the height of the step, n is the number of planes, z is the vector normal to the surface and b

the Burgers vector for the dislocations. Computations for the most common steps, about 30 nm in

height, yielded some 100 planes. Slipping was assumed to take place mainly along the {111} <110>

path, as this is known to be the main slip system in AISI 316 [242, 245, 246, 253].

The deformation mechanism proposed in [253] implies that the balance between the internal friction

necessary to move dislocations and the external applied stress (or the local stress field at a given stress

raising point) is reached at maximum deformation steps of 10 nm, equivalent to 52 emerging

dislocations. Consequently, if a direct comparison is considered valid, larger stress levels must have

been reached in the present project or the additional amount of dislocations generated by the plasma

diffusion treatment changed the equilibrium point.

The slip system activated in each grain, by the compressive plane stress developed during PC, depends

on the crystallographic orientation, as it can be seen in figure 5.2-6. Grains with one of the {111} planes

parallel to the surface are more prone to cross slip, although the angle of cross slip in some grains

indicate that sliding could have taken place on {100} or {110} planes, when their orientation was

suitable. The domains formed on cross slip, i.e. the chessboard like sub-grain arrangement [245], would

play a role of significance in the distortion and broadening of the XRD peaks, and could eventually

develop a deformation texture [246]. Although the inverse pole figures obtained with EBSD showed

some changes after the PC treatment, no consistent trend was observed.

The sub-grain structures are clearly visible after plasma carburising, and some sub-grain boundaries

can be seen from the line scans shown in figure 5.2-7. Moreover, the misorientation map also exhibits

signs of distortion (figure 5.2-8), and the grains with high density of slip bands also show large levels of

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 101

misorientation within the grain. It is speculated here that the small domains formed by cross slip rotate

upon deformation and they are thus responsible for the misorientation observed within the grains [246].

The AFM scans also indicate that these domains do not remain plane, but they are tilted during sliding

(figure 5.2-5). The changes in the colour orientation code of the EBSD COMs (sample normal direction)

indicate rotation of the crystallographic planes. Although attempts were made to quantify this rotation,

the results were not consistent.

The orientation relationship of grain boundaries was also affected by the plastic deformation, and the

change in Σ3 CSL grain boundaries is illustrated in figure 5.2-9. The degradation of CSL grain

boundaries with increasing strain has also been reported in [245], and it was found to be a consequence

of the rotation of the crystallographic planes away from the original CSL orientation relationship. Some

CSL were seen to degrade faster, presumably because those grains were suitably oriented for

deformation and rotation. However, this trend extended rapidly towards all the microstructure and grain

boundaries at longer treatment times and, consequently, larger strains.

2.3. Residual stresses (RS)

The assessment of residual stresses developed on AISI 316 PC samples has long been attempted, as it

has a considerable influence on the performance of this material. Several methods have been used to

measure residual stresses, and XRD is among the most accepted ones. Unfortunately, it was not

possible to use the XRD d-sin2ψ technique in this project, so alternative methods were used. However,

some comments will be made with regard to the XRD results obtained in the θ-2θ geometry.

After plasma carburising, the XRD austenite peaks were found to be consistently shifted to lower 2θ

angles and broadened, the latter effect increased with the reflection order. There exist a number of

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 102

different causes which could be responsible for these effects, and the determination of their individual

contributions usually involves some assumptions [249, 254]. Stacking faults and microstrains are

thought to be the main reasons for the peak broadening [107, 112], together with a reduction in the size

of the diffracting domains as a result of the considerable plastic deformation undergone during PC [255,

256]. The peaks are broadened very nearly symmetrically, so that twin faults seem to play only a minor

role [257-259].

The peak shifting can be associated with the high density of dislocations, twins and stacking faults, and

also with the level of residual elastic strains, i.e. residual stresses [107, 114, 257-259]. It is once again

difficult to separate the contribution made by each of these effects, but the XRD diffraction peaks (figure

4.2-10) and the plot of ahkl vs cosθ·cotθ (figure 4.2-11) are consistent with an uneven lattice expansion

(table 5.2-2) and the presence of high compressive residual stresses [107, 112, 114]. An attempt was

made to estimate the residual stress by using the method proposed by Wagner et al. [259]. This method

uses second order reflections to separate the contribution made by stacking faults and residual stresses

to the peak shifting. Thereby, the maximum residual stress estimated in this way was -1.98 GPa (refer

to Appendix C for details on this calculation).

The XRD measurements of residual stresses conducted by Sun et al. [254] on carbon EA yielded

average values in the order of -0.3 GPa to -1.5 GPa within the layer, with maximum compressive

residual stresses at the surface between -1.5 GPa and -3.5 GPa. These values were compared with the

maximum compressive residual stress from the expansion produced by the carbon content of EA,

calculated to be as high as -10 GPa, and plastic deformation was proposed to account for the partial

relaxation of such enormous residual stresses.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 103

In this project, modified Stoney’s formulas were used to calculate the residual stresses developed

during PC, from the curvature of thin discs. Calculations yielded values of compressive residual stresses

in the order -0.4 GPa to -0.8 GPa, which are in considerable agreement with the average residual

stresses reported in [254]. The theory of thin plates and shells [260-262] was used to analyse the

bending discs further (refer to appendix C for details on these calculations). The average residual stress

obtained was -0.770 GPa, which is very close to the value obtained with the Stoney’s formula.

However, this calculation assumes a constant residual stress profile within the EA layer, which is far

from the real case. If the stress distribution is approximated by a triangular distribution (figure 5.2-10),

and reducing the moments to the layer-core interface, it yields a value of residual stresses at the surface

of -1.155 GPa. Furthermore, this triangular distribution of residual stresses is still fictitious. If the

hardening effect is considered to be a function of the carbon content of the EA, it is thus sensible to

assume that the residual stresses profile will be similar to the carbon-depth profile obtained from

GDOES. Figure 5.2-10 shows the distribution which, for the same input data used previously, gives a

maximum residual stress at the surface of -1.22 GPa.

These levels of stress are obviously higher than the yield stress of AISI 316 (240 MPa) so that a

significant degree of strain hardening must have taken place. It would be thus reasonable to presume

that the residual stresses are distributed according to the strain hardened profile [263]. Microhardness

tests are sensitive to residual strain [264, 265] and indentations conducted at different loads provide

information from different layers of material, depending on the penetration depth. The ratio of

indentation diagonal (D) to penetration depth (h) can be estimated to be approximately 7:1 [266]; and

empirical evaluations have shown that the contribution made by the first layers of underlying material up

to a depth equal to 3·h accounts for the 44% of the measured hardness [267].

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 104

Figure 5.2-11 shows hardness profiles calculated from LBC Vickers microhardness experiments,

considering the hardness values represent a layer of material equal to 1, 2 and 3 times the indentation

depth h. The hardness profile vs 3h is in reasonable agreement with the Knoop hardness profiles,

except for the outmost layer, where errors are known to increase for hardness measurements

conducted on cross sections. Considering a distribution of residual stresses equivalent to the curve

hardness vs 3h, the maximum compressive stress at the surface is found to be -1.61 GPa, in order to

produce the same bending moment as in the previous cases (figure 5.2-10).

The values of residual stresses obtained with this method are in surprisingly good agreement with the

ones measured by XRD. However, it must be said that the former method is expected to yield lower

values than the latter. The reason for this is that the bending discs give information about the residual

stresses of the first kind or macrostresses, whereas XRD measures microstresses [268].

Finally, the curves obtained by instrumented indentations will be briefly discussed from the point of view

of the residual stresses present on the samples. The indentations are affected by the presence of

residual elastic stresses and residual plastic strains, especially in the case of a material that work

hardens [269-271], and the shifting of the curves obtained from EA are consistent with the presence of

high compressive residual stresses (figure 4.2-15).

Unfortunately, the methodology used to estimate the residual stresses usually requires imaging the

indentation marks, and also the determination of some experimental coefficients, which could not be

done during this project. However, an attempt was made to calculate the residual stresses following the

methodology proposed in [272]. This method assumes the elastic response of the material is not

affected by the residual stresses, and so the shadowed area in figure 5.2-12 would represent the elastic

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 105

energy contribution of the residual stresses. Making use of some geometrical considerations with regard

to the indentor, the residual stresses can be calculated as follows:

P1 − P2
σ residual = (5.2-4)
2π tan 2 αh 2

where P1, P2 and h are obtained from figure 5.2-12 and α is an experimental coefficient. Substituting the

values in table 5.2-3, one obtains a residual stress of -9.57 GPa. This compares favourably with the

maximum theoretical stress of -10 GPa calculated by Sun et al. from the carbon content of EA, although

such a high level of stress is highly unlikely. The coefficient α could be a source of error, as this is

experimentally determined and the same value of α as in [272] was used in this calculation, without

further consideration. The method could thus yield some interesting results, although further

consideration of the experimental constants is necessary.

3. Tribological properties

3.1. Wear of AISI 316 untreated substrate

The evidence obtained on AISI 316 samples agrees with the results reported in the literature [52, 56, 57,

60, 61]. The rough appearance of the wear track (figure 4.4-4), the large size, shape and metallic nature

of the debris (figure 4.4-11) [273], the occurrence of strain induced martensitic transformation (figure

4.4-15) and the severe plastic deformation of the subsurface (figure 4.4-17) are all signs of severe wear

[274]. The plastic deformation of the subsurface and the formation of a fine microstructure in the

severely distorted layer of material are characteristic features of this wear regime. Moreover, the EBSD

COM revealed that this layer of material develops a strong deformation texture showing {111} or {100}

planes parallel to the surface (figure 5.3.1-1) [275, 276]

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 106

According to the theory of adhesive wear, the plastic flow of the subsurface is a result of the adhesion

between asperities at the sliding surfaces [62]. At the same time, some loose particles may become

embedded in one of the surfaces, and produce deformation and abrasion on the opposite surface [277].

The theory of adhesive wear is useful to explain such phenomena as subsurface deformation, transfer

of material to the counterpart slider and friction. However, this theory has been extensively challenged

because it fails to elucidate the mechanism of detachment of wear particles [274].

The theory of delamination has been developed to describe wear under conditions of subsurface plastic

flow [65, 278], and accounts for the formation of plate like wear debris particles, similar to the ones

found in this project [75]. The theory predicts the formation of subsurface voids, which would coalesce to

form cracks and, ultimately, to detach metallic debris particles. Although this theory has been

extensively used to analyse wear of metals [75, 274, 275, 279], other authors have questioned its

fundamentals, i.e. the nucleation of cracks in a region of the substrate which is essentially subjected to

high compressive stresses [280, 281]. These same authors proposed an alternative mechanism of wear

known as ratchetting.

According to the ratchetting wear mechanism, the fractures nucleated in the substrate are of ductile

nature, as a result of the severe plastic strain imposed by sliding. If the loads are low and the yield point

of the material is not exceeded, i.e. within the elastic range, the failure mechanism is most probably one

of high cycle fatigue [281]. On the contrary, if the yield threshold is exceeded, plastic deformation takes

place and accumulates in the subsurface region after each loading cycle. Consequently, the total strain

accumulated in the subsurface, after a number of loading cycles, exceeds the strain produced by each

individual loading cycle [280, 282] (figure 5.3.1-2). The latter scenario would lead to failure through a low

cycle fatigue mechanism, called ratchetting wear [281].

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 107

In both cases, i.e. delamination and ratchetting, the plastic flow accumulated in the subsurface plays a

fundamental role in the wear process. The understanding of the wear mechanisms of AISI 316 helps to

identify the cause of the significant increase in wear resistance observed after low temperature plasma

carburising. This will be further discussed in the following section.

3.2. Tribological properties of the expanded austenite layer

The plasma carburised specimens showed a significant improvement in tribological performance when

compared with the untreated AISI 316 (figures 4.4-1 and 4.4-3). Moreover, clear evidence of oxidational

wear mechanism was obtained from the appearance of the wear track (figures 4.4-4 to 4.4-6), the

appearance of the wear debris particles (figures 4.4-11 and 4.4-12) and their nature (figures 4.4-13 and


Close observation of the wear tracks produced on PC specimens showed brittle failure of the outmost

layer of carbides (figure 5.3.2-1). This was very clear on samples with a thin EA layer, in which the brittle

carbide layer had very little or no support from the substrate [283]. On the other hand, the failure of the

outmost layer of carbides is not so clearly seen on specimens with thick EA layers. The carbides are

obviously removed upon wear, as the EA layer exhibits a very smooth surface with no signs of the

original particulate morphology (figure 5.3.2-2), but no evidence of spalling could be found on the sides

of the wear track. This can be attributed to the support provided by the underlying EA. In any case, the

outmost layer of deposited carbides does not seem to play a significant role in the wear resistance of


It is important to note that very little plastic strain is seen in the subsurface of worn PC specimens (figure

4.4-19). The deformation is mainly elastic, and plastic strain is only confined to the surface. The ratio of

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 108

elastic modulus to hardness (table 4.2-1) reflects this change, as it dropped from 105.75 for the

untreated substrate to 20.48 for the plasma carburised layer. Therefore, according to the theory of

ratchetting, the failure mode would change from low cycle fatigue (ratchetting) to high cycle fatigue

[281]. The predominance of this wear mode depends on contact mechanics considerations [85], namely

the normal load, the friction force and the roughness of the sliding surfaces. The maximum load a

specimen can bear without undergoing plastic deformation is a function of the EA layer thickness, and

failure of plasma carburised components has been reported at high loads, induced by the plastic

deformation of the underlying substrate material [129, 130].

In the case of a thick enough EA layer, or a low enough normal load, the stresses developed in the

subsurface are within the elastic range, and the wear process is limited to the surface of the specimen,

where a layer of oxide forms. The formation of this layer of oxides on the tribosurface is an indication of

a mild wear mode, which is commonly called oxidational wear [284]. The flow of heat is of significant

importance to this wear mechanism, as it defines the formation of the oxide layer. Additionally, different

types of oxide will be stable depending on the flash temperature, i.e. the temperature developed at the

contacting asperities [63]. In this way, haematite (α-Fe2O3) is reported to be the stable oxide at

temperatures below 300ºC, whereas magnetite (Fe3O4) is stable between 450ºC and 600ºC [58, 71,

284]. Regardless of the type of oxide, oxidational wear is a mechanism of mild wear.

The formation of the layer of oxide is thus of interest, in view of its relevance to the wear process, and

figure 5.3.2-3 shows the genesis of this layer. In the first place, small fragments are deformed under the

stress developed during sliding. It is important to note that these fragments may include WC particles

pulled out from the counterpart ball, as a result of the abrasion of the Co binder (figure 5.3.2-4) [285].

The fragments are subsequently compacted, to form a coherent layer, although the morphology of the

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 109

original particles is still visible on the oxide glaze (figure 5.3.2-5). Moreover, some fractures propagate

along the original deformation lines, as it is shown in figure 5.3.2-6. The development of fractures

perpendicular to the sliding direction is the first step in the detachment mechanism. The schematic in

figure 5.3.2-7 shows the different steps of nucleation and propagation of cracks until the final

detachment of wear fragments.

These observations are in agreement with the literature on wear of EA [128] and also with the

oxidational wear mechanism proposed in [59, 63, 284]. Furthermore, the layer of oxide, i.e. the

existence of a layer of material which is different from the original materials involved in the wear

process, is usually mentioned in the specialised literature as the third body. A further development of the

third body concept in tribological systems has been presented in [286] and involves a state of

equilibrium between competing mechanisms of detachment of particles from the surfaces and ejection

of particles from the contact region. In this way, the protective oxide layer is thought to grow up to a

critical thickness at which it becomes unstable and brakes.

Figure 5.3.2-8 illustrates the effect of the oxide layer thickness. Even though previous illustrations

clearly showed oxide particles underwent deformation during sliding, the thick oxide glaze was found to

fracture, in a way that resembled a brittle solid [274]. Consequently, the tough and thin oxide layer

seems to grow throughout the sliding process until a relatively thick oxide glaze forms, which finally fails

under the sliding asperities in a brittle manner. The role of the supporting layer must not be overseen,

and the mechanical properties of the underlying EA are of fundamental importance to support the

protective oxide layer, which would otherwise fail.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 110

Therefore, the function of the layer of expanded austenite in the wear mechanism is, at least, twofold: it

reduces the plastic deformation of the subsurface and confines it to the surface, and it provides a

convenient support to the protective layer of oxides. Moreover, if a wear mechanism of abrasion or

microabrasion is taken into consideration, a third function can be added to the protective role of the EA

layer. In this case, the hardness ratio of the abrasive particles to the sliding surface is of importance

[129]. The principal abrasive particles in the system are Fe3O4 or α-Fe2O3 oxides (400-750 HV) [72,

274]. Thus, the cause of improvement becomes apparent as the hardness of the sliding surface is

increased from 200 HV to 800-900 HV, which is comparable or even higher than the abrasive particles.

With regard to friction, the interpretation of the friction force and friction coefficient is not unequivocal

and, additionally, there is a large scatter in the friction data reported in the literature for EA [141, 287-

290]. The results obtained in this project are in reasonable agreement with those reported in [128], i.e.

the EA layer exhibits some higher coefficient of friction compared to the untreated AISI 316 substrate.

This is consistent with the presence of a layer of rhombohedral α-Fe2O3 oxide, which is hard and

abrasive when compared to the more ductile cubic oxides, Fe3O4 and FeO [72, 291]. In addition, the

coefficient of friction increases with sliding distance until it reaches its steady state value, which could be

interpreted as an increase of the contact area upon the growth of the oxide layer [292]. Once the steady

condition is reached, the noise in the friction signal is a result of deformation processes, debris

detachment and debris ejection events [56].

4. Corrosion behaviour

4.1. Corrosion behaviour of AISI 316 untreated substrate in different acid solutions

The resistance of AISI 316 to sulphuric acid solutions is limited, and it mainly depends on the

temperature and concentration of acid in solution [30, 31, 37, 293]. In the particular case of the 16%

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 111

sulphuric acid solution at room temperature, the corrosion rate of this alloy is nil or very low, and the

attack is only concentrated on weak points in the microstructure, especially MnS stringers (figure 4.5-1)

[38]. However, on increasing the temperature of the solution up to its boiling point, the rapid evolution of

hydrogen makes AISI 316 active and severe corrosion occurs (figures 4.5-3 and 4.5-8) [2].

Addition of oxidising agents, such as Fe3+ and Cu2+ cations, substitute hydrogen in the cathodic

reactions, and consequently stabilise the passive film. This extends the range of corrosion resistance of

ASS to higher temperatures or higher acid concentrations [31]. From the electrochemical point of view,

the potential of stainless steel in these sulphuric acid solutions, with respect to a saturated calomel

electrode, has been reported to change accordingly (figure 5.4.1-1) [2, 37].

With regard to nitric acid, AISI 316 is generally passive under a wide range of conditions [37]. However,

highly oxidising solutions can produce transpassive corrosion, which is particularly intense at grain

boundaries (figure. 4.5-14) [294]. This type of attack develops sensitised grain boundaries, although it

also affects unsensitised boundaries to a lesser extent [2, 295].

4.2. Corrosion behaviour of carbon expanded austenite: outmost layer

The PC samples exposed to sulphuric acid 16% solution at room temperature exhibited very little

corrosion, and only the outmost layer of material was found to fail (figure 4.5-1). This early stage of

corrosion was confirmed during the tests conducted at boiling temperature, in which some material was

found to peal off the surface of the samples after only a few minutes of exposure. SEM and TEM studies

showed that the recovered fragments were of a similar nature to the outmost layer of material previously

studied (figure 5.4.2-1). The XPS analysis of this outmost layer yielded C, Cr, O and Fe peaks (figure

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 112

5.4.2-2), in agreement with the literature [36, 296]. Unfortunately, extensive use of XPS was not

possible during this project.

Further experiments conducted with polished samples, in sulphuric acid solution at room temperature,

showed good corrosion resistance in all cases. This clearly indicates that the corrosion resistance is not

a result of the deposition layer of carbides, nor of a thicker oxide layer formed upon plasma treatment

(figure 4.2-7). In a similar way as it was reported in [297], the primitive oxide layer was removed after

only a few minutes of exposure to the boiling solution of sulphuric acid. Thus, the carbon expanded

austenite was found to be corrosion resistant itself, and the passive film must have been formed, in-situ,

during the test.

The corrosion resistance of carbon, nitrogen and carbon-nitrogen expanded austenite has been

reported at length [96, 125, 132-134, 298-304]. Most of the evidence is in the form of polarisation curves

obtained in NaCl solutions and, in general, authors report:

ƒ A shift of the corrosion potential in the noble direction

ƒ Extended range for passivity

ƒ Complete suppression of pitting, even at very high anodic potentials

ƒ In some cases or under some conditions, considerably lower current densities

This description is in agreement with the results obtained in this project for corrosion in boiling sulphuric

acid solutions, namely: reduced evolution of hydrogen, extended range of passivity and lower corrosion

rates. However, the underlying passivation mechanism is still an open question.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 113

An electrochemical study of surface modified ASS with nitrogen and carbon reported benefits in terms of

corrosion resistance, but the experimental details are sparse [305]. The reported mechanism of

dissolution of nitrogen and alkalisation can not explain the good response of the carburising layers [306]

cited in [307]. More recent studies have proposed different mechanisms of passivation, including salt

passive films [308, 309], hydrated oxides [307], modification of the semiconductor characteristics of the

passive film [303] or even the same corrosion mechanism as in the untreated substrate [304].

Unfortunately this remains unclear.

4.3. Defects in the expanded austenite layer [310]

In reducing solutions, under cathodic potentials (figure 5.4.1-1), the improvement in corrosion resistance

is significant. The evolution of hydrogen is not so readily observed after immersion, and the expanded

austenite clearly shows a wider window of passivity, when compared to the untreated AISI 316

substrate (figure 4.5-8 and 4.5-9). The improvement is limited by the susceptibility of EA layers to

localised corrosion on weak points of their structure (figures 4.5-4 to 4.5-6). These are clearly developed

in more oxidising environments, such as sulphuric acid solutions with Fe3+ and Cu2+ additions, and also

in nitric acid solutions (figures 4.5-11 and 4.5-14). The latter solutions shift the potential of ASS in the

anodic direction and render it passive, so that very mild or negligible general corrosion of the grain

surface occurs, whilst the dissolution of susceptible areas is accelerated, thus increasing contrast [295].

Elongated MnS stringers reaching the surface are known to diminish the corrosion resistance of surface

alloyed ASS [142], and the attack progresses very rapidly after immersion in the boiling sulphuric acid

solution (figure 4.5-4). The presence of slip bands evidences plastic deformation taking place during the

treatment as a result of very high compressive stresses developed by the expansion of the austenite

[238]. These defects, together with some susceptible grain boundaries, are preferential sites for

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 114

precipitation of carbides (see next section) and they provide channels for the corrosive medium to reach

the substrate, where subsurface pits are formed (figures 4.5-5 and 4.5-6) [311].

Consequently, it can be said that corrosion of PC specimens is controlled by the density of defects in

the expanded austenite layer. Figure 5.4.3-1 shows a schematic of the failure modes observed on

treated samples. The most intense attack takes place on MnS inclusions, but localised corrosion also

occurs on slip bands and grain boundaries. Corrosion progresses at a continuous rate, depending on

the type of defect, until the substrate material is exposed. At this stage, a rapid anodic dissolution of the

substrate takes place and subsurface pits of significant size are formed. In areas where the density of

defects is high, the subsurface pits coalesce and the expanded austenite layer flakes off. In applications

involving corrosion-wear, the formation of cavities in the subsurface layer would significantly affect the

performance of the components [312, 313].

The density of slip bands and of susceptible grain boundaries is higher at the edges than in the central

area of the specimens (figure 5.4.3-2). Furthermore, the density of these defects increases with the

applied power (i.e. ASPC 030, ASPC 125 and DCPC 400 in increasing order). This is attributable to the

strong plasma-surface interactions developed on sharp edges, and the associated local increase in

current density and temperature. The bias levels, thus the power and current densities, selected for

each ASPC treatment account for the observed differences in corrosion performance. In this way, low

bias levels produce uniform surface morphologies on the treated samples and, consequently, a more

even and predictable corrosion behaviour is observed. On the other hand, high bias levels and,

ultimately, DCPC produce edge effects, and the consequent uneven or localised corrosion.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 115

4.4. Effect of deformation and precipitation of carbides

The slip bands observed on the PC samples are non-equivocal evidence of plastic deformation taking

place during the treatment, presumably due to the high residual stresses developed upon the expansion

of the austenite unit cell. The dislocation walls so formed can become subgrain boundaries (figure 5.2-7)

[245]. Moreover, due to the constraints imposed by the neighbouring grains, plastic deformation usually

implies some degree of rotation of the crystallographic planes, as it has been reported in deformation

studies conducted in ASS [242], and also for EA [247-249]. This rotation has a significant effect on the

type of grain boundaries and can, eventually, lead to the development of a deformation texture [245,

246]. Finally, precipitation of carbides is also affected by deformation structures and grain boundary

characteristics [20, 24, 314]. All these features —namely crystallographic texture, grain boundary

characteristics and precipitation of carbides— have a marked effect on the corrosion properties of ASS

and will be discussed below.

The effect of crystallographic texture on the corrosion resistance of ASS was reported in [44], where

closely packed crystallographic planes were found to favour the formation of the passive film, and

reduce the amount of sites for localised corrosion, with the consequent increase in corrosion resistance.

In this project, even though deformation took place, no significant deformation texture seems to have

developed (figure 5.4.4-1). The changes in the inverse pole figures obtained on untreated AISI 316 and

on PC showed no consistent trend, so that texture can not be considered to contribute significantly to

the corrosion resistance of EA. Furthermore, the quantity of favourable sites for localised corrosion is

greatly increased in EA layers.

With regard to the grain boundaries, several studies have recently reported improvements in corrosion

resistance of ASS through an increase in the number fraction of special grain boundaries and a

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 116

reduction in the connectivity of random grain boundaries [45, 46, 315]. However, the trend observed in

this project is towards a degradation of CSL orientation grain boundaries (figure 5.4.4-2), which are

converted into stepped boundaries as reported in [245]. This supports the results reported in [316],

where an increase in corrosion resistance was obtained by increasing the frequency of random grain

boundaries. The postulated mechanism is related to the flux of chromium and the precipitation of

carbides of small size only, which will be discussed in what follows.

Precipitation of chromium carbides is of significant importance to the corrosion resistance of ASS since

it produces a depletion of chromium in the surrounding areas, and the consequent weakening of the

passive film. This process is mainly dependent on the diffusion of chromium and, consequently, on

temperature [314], thus sharp corners are more susceptible to exhibit precipitates due to the edge effect

developed on them (figure 5.4.4-3). However, the deformation structures have been found to play an

important role in carbide precipitation and the high energy grain boundary ledges produced on

intersection of grain boundaries with slip bands, or even the intersection of two slip bands seem to offer

favourable sites for precipitates [19, 314, 317, 318]. Moreover, recent studies have reported early

stages of precipitation at temperatures as low as 250ºC [319]. With regard to carbon expanded

austenite, precipitation of small needles of M5C2 carbides have been reported to be favoured at

crystallographic defects, where diffusion of substitutional elements (mainly Cr and Ni) requires minimum

energy [121, 123].

In this project, evidence of carbides has been obtained by means of XRD, TEM (figure 4.2-8) and EDX

(figure 4.5-13). Furthermore, the selective attack observed in corrosion experiments is consistent with

the type of sensitisation reported in [320] associated with precipitation at deformation structures. Given

the high carbon content of the EA, the presence of favourable sites renders precipitation of carbides

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 117

highly probable [20, 24]. However, the low temperature at which the treatment is conducted only allows

short range diffusion of substitutional elements, so that the chromium depletion is of a local nature, thus

severe intergranular corrosion is avoided.

5. Plasma diagnostics: Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES)

5.1. Plasma chemistry

The spectra in figures 4.6-1 to 4.6-3 show the typical optical emission peaks obtained for gas mixtures

corresponding to nitriding, carburising and nitrogen enhanced carburising. Although the existence of N

and C containing species is essential for these surface treatments, the presence of other species —

either as pollutants, as by-products of a primary reaction, or as intentional additions to the gas mixture—

can have a non-trivial effect in the physicochemistry of plasma. Some of these reactions are considered

of importance for the interpretation of the OES results obtained in this project and will be discussed in

the following paragraphs.

Plasma nitriding in N2-H2 and in N2-H2-Ar gas mixtures have been extensively studied and a large

amount of evidence has been gathered [165, 321-327]. The effect of Ar and H in depassivation and

surface activation is usually highlighted. In the case of Ar, this is achieved through increased sputtering

power of the gas mixture, whereas H increases the chemical etching of O species. Moreover, the

dissociation of N2 is increased with small additions of H2 (less than 1%), which was attributed to the

strong interaction (population and depopulation) between vibrational levels of both molecular gases

[328-331]. The electric parameters of the discharge also vary with increasing H2 content of the gas

mixture, and a minimum in discharge impedance is found around 75% N2 − 25% H2.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 118

In the case of carburising, there is significantly less information available [332], although the CH4-H2 and

CH4-H2-Ar plasmas have been extensively studied for deposition of diamond-like carbon [333-338]. In

these studies, atomic H has been clearly identified as a by-product of the decomposition of the CH4

molecule. In addition, a role of significance has been assigned to atomic H in the dissociation of CH4

[336, 337]. Depending on the gas pressure and gas temperature, dehydrogenation of methane by H

atoms competes or even dominates over electron impact dissociation.

The hydrogen abstraction efficiencies of CO and OH have been reported to be even higher than atomic

H [338, 339]. Bearing in mind these same principles, and due to technical limitations to do experiments

with other gases (CO, CO2 or O2), small additions of N2 were used. Contrary to what could be expected

from the dissociation enthalpies listed in table 5.5-1 [340], a strong interaction between N and C is

evident from the relatively high activity of CN groups in figure 4.6-2. The interaction between C and N to

form CN species has also been reported in [341], and this mechanism would involve a chemical driving

force, similar to the one reported in [339] for dissociation of CH4 with small additions of CO. This result

highlights the importance of chemical interaction between the species present in the plasma phase.

5.2. Emission intensity maps

The emission intensity maps obtained by means of the optical fibre probe yielded good information on

the plasma under different treatment conditions (figure 4.6-5). The selection of the emission bands used

for the purpose of the emission intensity maps was very much influenced by the signal-to-noise ratio.

However, there are good reasons to correlate these bands with the N and C activity in the plasma. In

the case of nitriding, transition N2+ (B2Σu+ − X2Σg+) is usually the most intense, with a band head at

391.44 nm [342, 343]. Moreover, this so called first negative system of N2 has been related to

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 119

vibrational metastable states [344], which are believed to play a significant role in the stepwise

dissociation of molecular nitrogen, in view of the high energy required for direct dissociation [345, 346].

The emission intensity is known to increase with the electron density (ne) and the electron temperature

(Te) and, as a consequence, the emission intensity increases with the power (figure 4.6-6) [347]. The

electron temperature is particularly important, assuming that ionisation takes place mainly through

single collisions with energetic electrons. However, for a molecular gas, and in particular for N2, step

ionisation from excited levels must also be considered [348-351]. An example of stepwise excitation

proceeds as follows:

e − + N 2 ( X ) → e − + e − + N 2+ ( X ) (5.5-1)

e − + N 2+ ( X ) → e − + N 2+ (B ) (5.5-2)

where X indicates the ground state and B the excited state, and this or similar mechanisms would be of

importance at high electron densities and low electron temperatures. This is believed to be the case at

the high pressure range assessed in this project (P > 250 Pa), where the electron temperature has been

reported to drop due to the increasing number of collisions, and the electron energy distribution function

shows a significantly smaller high energy tail [222, 352-356].

Figure 5.5.2-1 illustrates the relative increase in the emission intensity of the nitrogen first negative

system, with respect to the hydrogen Balmer series, at increasing gas pressure in ASPN conditions.

Considering the energy required for direct electron impact excitation of Hα and N2+ are 12.74 eV [346]

and 18.5 eV [357] respectively, it seems plausible that, in the high pressure range, the N2+ is being

populated through stepwise ionisation, which lowers the energy threshold to 10.5 eV [357]. Moreover,

these changes in the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and the ionisation processes with gas

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 120

pressure could also account for the different trends observed in the emission intensity with respect to

discharge electric parameters (figure 4.6-6).

In the case of ASPC, the absence of intense peaks corresponding to C containing species limits the

analysis to the hydrogen Balmer series. As it was mentioned in section 5.1 of this chapter, atomic

hydrogen is not only a by-product of the decomposition of the methane molecule, but it also plays an

active role in the dehydrogenation of CHX groups. Therefore, its study could be considered to represent,

to some extent, the C activity in the plasma. Nevertheless, the study of CHX emission peaks in the

vacuum UV region of the spectrum, or in absorption, would be of interest [358].

The intensity maps obtained under carburising atmospheres (figure 4.6-5) exhibit one interesting

feature: in the low pressure region, the emission intensity was found to increase with the applied bias up

to a maximum value, near the current saturation region, followed by a marginal decrease on further

increasing the bias. This was contrary to the expectations, as higher applied power was supposed to

yield higher emission intensity. The trend was initially considered an experimental error, but the same

phenomenon was observed on repetition of the experiment in CH4-H2 gas mixtures, although it was not

so evident or not observable at all, in N2-H2. A possible explanation for this phenomenon became

apparent from the results of the ion flux probe, discussed in the next section.

6. Plasma diagnostics: Ion flux probe (IFP)

The flux of ions measured in the AS industrial furnace under both nitriding and carburising atmospheres

shows the same trend, i.e. the ion flow increases with the bias level, and decreases with gas pressure

(figures 4.7-5 and 4.7-6). The effect of bias seems self-evident, as an increase in the negative potential

applied to the worktable increases the electric field, thus the ion drift. In the case of pressure, two

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 121

different effects merge together: the reduction in the ion mobility on increasing pressure, and the

changes in the EEDF which affect the production of ions, as discussed in the previous section [220].

The trend followed by the floating potential of the probe (i.e. the potential at which equal number of

electrons and ions arrive at the probe, thus yielding zero net current) is noteworthy. The floating

potential initially dropped to more negative values when bias was applied, followed by a reverse in the

trend on further increasing the bias, and this behaviour was clearer in CH4-H2 than in N2-H2 gas

mixtures (figure 4.7-4). Although the phenomenon was initially considered an artefact, its resemblance

to the OES observations raised doubts.

On further analysing the OES and IFP signals and the electric parameters of the AS furnaces during the

experiments, it was found that the reduction in emission intensity and the shifting of the floating potential

to more positive values, correlated with considerable reductions in the power applied to the mesh of the

AS furnace. This reduction was imposed by the automatic control system of the furnace in order to keep

the temperature stable, to compensate for the increasing power applied on the worktable. In view of

these observations, the cathodic mesh in the AS furnace could be considered an additional source of

electrons, similar to the triode discharges reported in [359-361].

With regard to the measurements conducted with the electric probe in DC and AS experimental

arrangements inside a conventional DC furnace, similar trends were observed: the AS arrangement

produced larger ion fluxes, and changed the floating potential (figure 4.7-2). However, the latter varied

depending on the gas mixture. For the carburising atmosphere, the floating potential dropped to more

negative values, whereas under nitriding atmospheres the potential shifted in the positive direction.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 122

Considering that the same gas mixture, the same gas pressure, and the same electric discharge

parameters were applied in both the DC and the AS experiments, the electron temperature is thought to

remain constant. Therefore, the differences may be attributed to an increase in the electron density,

which is, once again, consistent with the results reported for triode discharges [359-361]. In the

particular case of nitrogen containing atmospheres, higher electron densities would render step

ionisation processes more profuse, thus increasing the density of ions and shifting the floating potential

to more positive values (i.e. less negative floating potentials are required to balance the flow of electrons

and ions).

However, there is an additional factor that should be considered in the case of an AS furnace, namely

the geometry of the cathodic mesh. The mesh in an AS arrangement is negatively biased and it

surrounds the workload, so that there is an electric field which tends to confine electrons within the

operative volume of the furnace. This concept is by no means new, and there is a large body of

literature on the electrostatic confinement of plasma in a variety of ways, and using different electrode

arrangements [221, 223, 362-367].

A considerable increase in the plasma density is reported by confining charged particles, as the path of

electrons from the cathode to the anode is extended due to reflections on the cathodic surfaces [223,

362]. The confinement effect is restricted to the low energy electrons (slow or cold electrons), whilst the

high energy electrons (fast or hot electrons) would escape the trapping electric field [366]. The

dimension and the geometry of the chamber are of significant importance in this regard. Furthermore,

the confinement is consistently reported to be more effective in the low pressure range [221, 363, 365],

in which the negative glow extends to fill the whole volume within the confining field.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 123

The creation of a uniform negative glow throughout the operating volume of the furnace is of interest

because it is in this region of the gas discharge where the active species are produced. Therefore, the

high electron density developed inside the mesh of an active screen furnace facilitates the creation of

active species. Furthermore, the electron density has already been proposed as a parameter to predict

and control the carbon potential of the plasma [171]. Consequently, the parameters of the electric

discharge affect the chemistry of the gas (increase activity through ionisation), and this, at the same

time, affects the parameters of the electric discharge (changes in EEDF observed in molecular gases).

As a result, both parameters should be considered together [368].

It is thus proposed that the AS arrangement contributes to the creation of additional primary electrons

and confinement of charged particles within the operative volume of the chamber, yielding plasma

conditions more suitable for nitriding and carburising. The electric parameters applied on the workload

can be thus controlled independently to produce the required degree of ion bombardment on the

components [359-361, 369].

7. Mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering

It is convenient to begin the discussion on the mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering

by talking about nitriding, as this has been more extensively studied than carburising. The evidence

found in the former will be comparatively discussed with respect to the latter.

7.1. Active screen plasma nitriding (ASPN)

One of the most interesting findings of the experiments on the mechanisms of active screen plasma

surface engineering is the layer of material deposited on the ASPN treated samples (figure 4.3-7). This

deposition layer covered the AS plasma nitrided specimens with a morphology that depended on the

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 124

treatment conditions and the crystallographic orientation (figures 5.7.1-1 and 5.7.1-2) [370]. The glass

slides were especially useful for XRD studies (figures 4.3-10), and the pattern shows a very clear

coincidence with FeXN nitrides and a remarkable correlation with FeN (figure 4.3-11). This experimental

finding is of significance considering that the deposition layer has been deemed in the literature as one

of the fundamental mechanisms of active screen plasma nitriding [181-183].

The sputtering and redeposition mechanism was first proposed by Kölbel and has been supported and

reviewed by several authors ever since [154, 159, 160, 371, 372]. The model attributes the nitriding

mechanism to iron atoms which are sputtered from the specimen, and subsequently react with the

nitrogen in the plasma. Unstable FeN nitrides would thus be redeposited on the specimen surface, and

would decay into lower Fe2-3N and Fe4N nitrides, releasing nitrogen atoms free to diffuse (figure 5.7.1-

3). In the case of active screen plasma nitriding, the mesh was proposed to be the source of sputtered

iron atoms [181-183], in view of the absence of ion bombardment or sputtering on specimens treated at

floating potential [179].

Further evidence on the importance of the transferred material is apparent from the results obtained

under an AS arrangement using a mesh with big holes. In the case of ASPN, the area of the sample

covered by the mesh exhibited significant hardening effect, while the area under the hole showed little

signs of nitriding (figure 4.3-6). The appearance of both areas of the sample is very similar, and only a

minor change in the metallic shine is observed, the area covered by deposited material being dull grey,

whereas the area under the hole retained its metallic shine. In terms of composition, the EDX analysis of

the deposited material revealed alloying elements such as Cr and Ni in addition to Fe (figure 5.7.1-4), in

agreement with the composition of the AISI 304 mesh (figure 4.3-12).

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 125

Sputtering of material from the mesh and its subsequent deposition on the treated specimens has been

extensively discussed and reported in the literature on active screen plasma nitriding [180, 373-376]. To

this end, and given the evidence produced during this project, sputtering and deposition is an irrefutable

fact, although its relevance for the treatment is still an open question, and it has been seriously

confronted [185, 377]. The results obtained in this project indicate that the treatment conditions for the

thickest deposition layer of iron nitride differ from those ones for the thickest layer of nitrogen expanded

austenite (figure 5.7.1-5). Indeed, the very concept of active screen plasma nitriding was not developed

on the theory of sputtering and redeposition, but on the post-discharge nitriding, i.e. the generation of

active species on the mesh and their transfer to the worktable through a carefully designed gas flow


From the experience gathered in this project, the contribution made by the gas flow to the transfer of

active species from the mesh towards the worktable is arguable. This is evident considering that

experiments conducted inside DC furnaces have been widely successful without introducing any special

modifications in the gas flow [180-183, 374, 378]. Furthermore, experimental arrangements with plate

lids, which severely restrict gas flow, have produced similar or even better results than those with mesh

lids [182, 378]. In addition, the distance active species can travel as such, is limited due to their

considerably short lifetimes. This was observed in the experiments conducted without a lid in [182] and

also in the experiments conducted in this project using a mesh with big holes, in which the hardening

effect was limited to regions of the specimens lying in proximity to the active screen mesh (figure 4.3-6).

Consequently, the post-discharge mechanism seems to be limited to relatively small scales and, in fact,

it has been found difficult to produce satisfactory hardening in large scale active screen units without

applying some level of bias on the treated components [184, 185, 377, 379]. Nevertheless, the

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 126

relevance of the mesh as a source of active species deserves further attention. In this project, the

efficiency of the plasma treatment showed a substantial degree of correlation with the optical emission

intensity of active species. At the same time, the emission intensity was affected by the electric

discharge conditions on the mesh. Consequently, the influence of the mesh on the treatment becomes

apparent, and it is here proposed that the role played by the mesh in an AS furnace is threefold: it

radiates heat, it is an additional source of electrons in a similar way to a triode discharge; and it confines

electrons within the operative volume of the furnace.

These last two roles of the mesh in an AS furnace are not mutually exclusive, but synergetic. The

beneficial effect of an additional source of electrons has been reported in experiments conducted in

triode discharges [359-361] and was discussed in a previous section. However, it has also been noted

that the plasma density is not uniform in these arrangements [380]. On the contrary, the geometrical

arrangement of active screen furnaces produces an even distribution of electrons around the workload.

Furthermore, under suitable conditions, the confining negative electric field generated by the mesh

would also contribute to produce a higher electron density and more uniform distribution of electrons

and, as a consequence, a more uniform plasma density [223, 362, 363].

The theory is consistent with the results obtained in this project, and those ones reported in the literature

on active screen [185], triode discharges [359, 360] and electrostatic confinement of plasmas [223, 362,

363]. The additional electrons provided by the mesh allow operating the furnace at lower pressures, at

which the electrostatic confinement is also more effective. The higher electron density implies an

increased number of collisions with gas molecules, which will eventually lead to a larger number of

active species and a higher plasma density. This can finally be translated into an increased plasma

reactivity and nitriding power.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 127

A final comment should be made on the need to apply bias in large scale active screen units [184, 185,

379]. This issue recalls the ancient discussion on the effect of ions versus the role of neutrals in plasma

nitriding [381-383]. The equipment used in this project did not allow for a complete decoupling of the

voltage and current discharge characteristics of the worktable, which are related with the ion energy and

ion flux. Therefore, the results are not conclusive, although there is a clear increase in the hardening

effect and the EA layer thickness with both increased voltage and current, i.e. with increased applied


Even though it was possible to nitride samples at floating potential, this condition did not produce the

thickest layer of EA. Furthermore, the adhesion of the deposition layer was not satisfactory and the layer

of iron nitrides was found to peel off in some regions (figure 5.7.1-6). It can be thus concluded that a

small level of bias is not only desirable, but also necessary to optimise the treatment conditions. The

deposition layer seems to be beneficial, but it is not the only mechanism operating in ASPN treatments.

The evidence indicates that the active species in the plasma are of fundamental importance to control

the nitriding potential. Therefore, the optimisation of the treatment would require uncoupling the plasma

generation and heat source from the treated components [361, 380], and carefully selecting the

discharge conditions applied on the worktable, in order to favour the plasma-surface interactions, which

are of complex nature [323].

7.2. Active screen plasma carburising (ASPC)

The results obtained for AS plasma carburising indicate similar trends to AS plasma nitriding, although

the operating mechanisms are clearly different (figure 4.3-10). The first significant distinction observed is

the complete absence of a coherent and dense deposition layer. The glass slides treated in ASPC

conditions only exhibited some fine powder on their surfaces which, according to the EDP obtained in

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 128

TEM studies, was identified as Fe3C (figure 5.7.2-1). Further characterisation of this material was only

possible from the deposition film grown on the walls of the furnace —i.e. on the anodic walls lying some

100 mm in front of the cathodic mesh— after several consecutive carburising treatments. The

morphology is obviously coarser (figure 5.7.2-2), but it is clearly formed by conglomeration of smaller

particles, and the XRD result indicates a very good correlation with the Fe3C pattern.

A thin layer of carbides was found on ASPC treated AISI 316 samples (figure 4.2-8), and it has been

reported in the literature [384]. However, the role of these carbides in the mechanism of plasma

carburising treatments seems to be negligible. Therefore, plasma carburising seems to arise as a result

of the step decomposition of the methane molecule according to the following reactions [163, 385]:

e − + CH 4 → CH 3+ + H + 2e − (5.7-1)

e − + CH 3 → CH 2+ + H + 2e − (5.7-2)

e − + CH 2 → CH + + H + 2e − (5.7-3)

e − + CH → C + + H + 2e − (5.7-4)

The ions would thus be adsorbed at the cathodic surface and would release C atoms free to diffuse into

the bulk material. The fact that CH and C ions or excited species were not abundant in the OES spectra,

collected during the ASPC treatments, leads to the assumption that CHX species with x > 1 would be

responsible for the hardening effect. This assumption implies that a significant amount of hydrogen is

adsorbed with the carbon, which was suggested in [386] and confirmed in [387].

The quantity of reports on plasma carburising is sparse, although there is a high degree of agreement in

the evidence. In general, the carburising is attributed to reactions under electric control, which

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 129

emphasises the importance of plasma activation and plasma reactivity [155, 332, 388]. A direct

correlation between ions and excited species, and the carbon mass flow has been established;

moreover, the electron density has been proposed as a convenient variable to control the carbon

potential of the plasma [171]. All this evidence is in favour of the model proposed for AS plasma surface

engineering, in which higher electron densities would increase the number of collisions and the plasma


However, this explanation is not completely satisfactory in view of the difficulty to produce hardening on

samples left at floating potential. This was initially thought to be a consequence of the presence of

passivating oxide at the surface of AISI 316 specimens. Therefore, some experiments were conducted

applying a surface activation stage at the beginning of the treatment, consisting of bombardment of the

surface with argon ions, but the results were equally negative. Furthermore, the high hydrogen content

of the gas mixture is supposed to chemically etch the oxides formed on stainless steel samples, and to

increase the tolerance of the treatment to residual oxygen gas [388]. Nevertheless, the results were

negative in all the attempts, thus it can be concluded that the application of bias is essential for ASPC.

The equipment used in this project did not allow for an independent selection of potential and current,

but the hardening effect was found to increase with both, i.e. with the applied power.

This need for ion bombardment to produce hardening in H2-CH4 gas mixtures does not weaken the

potential benefits offered by the AS technique. The uncoupling of the plasma and heat sources from the

treated components, provides an additional degree of freedom to optimise the treatment. Furthermore,

the possibility to increase the electron density, the plasma density and the plasma uniformity within the

operative volume of the furnace, is clearly an interesting feature of AS. Finally, the transfer of material

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 130

from the mesh onto the worktable was negligible in the case of ASPC, compared to ASPN. This

discards the sputtering and redeposition as a main mechanism for ASPC.

Chapter 5: Interpretation and discussion Page 131


The evidence produced throughout this project and the discussion presented in the last chapter can be

summarised as follows:

I. Active screen plasma processing:

1. It is possible to generate carbon expanded austenite in austenitic stainless steel using active

screen plasma technique.

2. Based on systematic experimental work, effective AS processing windows have been identified to

produce carbon and nitrogen expanded austenite equivalent to conventional DC treatments.

3. Optimal treatment conditions for maximum layer thickness and no incidence of edge effect were

identified at 125 Pa and 15% bias for ASPC, and 75 Pa and 10% bias for ASPN.

4. The surface quality of active screen treated samples could be significantly improved compared to

the DC counterparts. Defects such as edge effects, hollow cathodes and arcing were minimised

or eliminated.

II. Characterisation of carbon expanded austenite produced on AISI 316:

5. The layer of carbon expanded austenite produced in the active screen furnace was equivalent to

the one obtained in DC furnaces in terms of layer thickness, composition, phase constitution and

hardness. Improved surface quality was consistently obtained under the right AS treatment


6. The microstructure of the treated material was severely deformed and distorted. Degradation of

the CSL boundaries took place, with a trend towards a randomisation of the grain boundaries.

Chapter 6: Summary and conclusions Page 132

7. The residual stresses developed in the plasma carburised layers were measured and the

maximum compressive residual stresses were calculated to be in the order of -1.6 GPa. Residual

stresses were found to increase with the ion bombardment and the layer thickness.

III. Tribological properties of carbon expanded austenite:

8. Under the conditions assessed in this project, plasma carburised AISI 316 exhibited a resistance

to wear two orders of magnitude higher than the untreated material.

9. The dominant wear mechanisms were found to be changed from severe adhesive and

delamination wear for the untreated AISI 316, to mild oxidational wear for the plasma carburised


10. The carbon expanded austenite can avoid subsurface plastic deformation, increase resistance to

abrasion by hard particles or asperities, and provide support to the protective oxide layer.

11. The coefficient of friction exhibited by carbon expanded austenite was higher than the untreated

AISI 316 under the sliding conditions used in this project.

IV. Corrosion behaviour of carbon expanded austenite:

12. Plasma carburised AISI 316 showed higher corrosion resistance than the untreated AISI 316 in

boiling 16% sulphuric acid solutions. Furthermore, active screen plasma carburising produced

greater improvement than DC treatments through the elimination of edge effects.

13. The outer layer of carbides played no protective role against corrosion, but it failed shortly after

being immersed in acid solutions. The improved corrosion resistance was attributed to the carbon

expanded austenite itself.

Chapter 6: Summary and conclusions Page 133

14. The failure of the carbon expanded austenite in a corrosive environment was defect controlled.

The weak points of the microstructures include: MnS inclusions, deformation slip bands and grain

boundaries. Sharp edges were particularly susceptible areas to develop the latter two defects.

V. Plasma diagnostic techniques:

15. Optical emission spectroscopy, in the UV-visible range, was a valuable technique to identify

active species in N2-H2 gas mixtures, although it was severely limited in the case of diluted CH4-

H2 atmospheres.

16. The emission intensity of nitrogen ionic species and hydrogen atomic species showed a

considerable correlation with the treatment effectiveness. Therefore, the intensity maps obtained

with the optical fibre probe were useful to identify the optimum range of treatment conditions.

17. The interpretation of the ion flux probe signal indicates that the plasma inside an active screen

furnace was considerably affected by the electric parameters applied on the cathodic mesh. The

flow of ions increased with increasing bias and decreased with increasing gas pressure.

VI. Mechanisms of active screen plasma surface engineering:

18. Sputtering and redeposition was found to be a mechanism of significance for active screen

plasma nitriding, although the active plasma species and some moderated ion bombardment

were necessary for treatment optimisation.

19. Ion bombardment was a necessary condition for active screen plasma carburising. The activation

provided by the plasma was of importance for the decomposition of methane, whereas sputtering

and redeposition played no role in this case.

20. The role of the cathodic mesh in an active screen furnace seems threefold: it radiates heat, it is

an additional source of electrons in a similar way to a triode discharge; and it confines low energy

Chapter 6: Summary and conclusions Page 134

electrons within the operative volume of the furnace in a manner that resembles an electrostatic

confinement of the plasma.

Chapter 6: Summary and conclusions Page 135


The present project contributed to the understanding of active screen plasma processing, the

characterisation of carbon expanded austenite, its tribological properties and corrosion behaviour.

Evidence was produced on the mechanisms involved in the active screen plasma treatments, and the

diagnostic techniques allowed some basic characterisation of the plasma. From the results obtained in

this project, the following topics are suggested for future studies:

ƒ The metallic mesh of AS furnaces may be replaced by other electrode arrangements, which

could be equally or even more effective in producing additional electrons and plasma

confinement, and show further flexibility and simplicity, e.g. segmented hollow cathodes.

ƒ Plasma diagnostic with optical fibre assisted OES and electric probes provide useful and

complementary information about the plasma. Further improvements of these techniques would

be valuable, for example to produce spatial distribution maps of active species, electron density

and electron temperature inside the AS furnace.

Chapter 7: Proposals for future work Page 136


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Table 2.3-1: Typical commercial ASS compositions [4]

Composition [wt%]
AISI type
301 302 304 310 316 321 347
C 0.15 max 0.08 max 0.08 max 0.25 max 0.08 max 0.08 max 0.08 max
N 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Cr 16-18 17-19 18-20 24-26 16-18 17-19 17-19
Ni 6-8 8-10 8-12 19-22 10-14 9-12 9-13
Mo 2-4
Ti 5x %C
Nb 10x %C
Mn 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

Table 2.3-2: Tentative list of precipitates significant to ASS [23]

Precipitate Structure Parameters [nm] Composition
NbC fcc a = 0.447 NbC
NbN fcc a = 0.440 NbN
TiC fcc a = 0.433 TiC
TiN fcc a = 0.424 TiN
Z phase tetragonal a = 0.3037, c = 0.7391 CrNbN
M23C6 fcc a = 1.057 – 1.068 Cr16Fe5Mo2C6 (e.g.)
M6C diamond cubic a = 1.062 – 1.128 (FeCr)2 1Mo3C, Fe3Nb3C, M6S
σ phase tetragonal A = 0.880, c = 0.454 Fe – Ni – Cr – Mo
Laves phase hexagonal a = 0.473, c = 0.772 Fe2Mo, Fe2Nb
χ phase bcc a = 0.8807 – 0.8878 Fe36Cr12Mo10
G phase fcc a = 1.12 Ni16Nb6Si7, Ni16Ti6Si7

Tables Page 163

Table 3.1-1: Commercial specification and chemical composition of the samples
Element C Cr Fe Mn Mo N Ni S P Si
Commercial 0.08 16.00 balance
2.00 2.00 0.10 10.00 0.03 0.04 0.75
specification max 18.00 max 3.00 max 14.00 max max max
Samples 0.06 17.20 66.90 1.30 2.20 - 11.70 0.014 0.026 0.60

Table 3.2-1: DC carburising and nitriding treatment conditions

Gas composition
Treatment Temperature time Pressure
H2 N2 CH4
DC Nitriding 400ºC 10 h 75% 25% - 500 Pa
DC Carburising 450ºC 10 h 97% - 3% 500 Pa

Table 3.2-2: ASPC assessed treatment conditions

T = 450°C Pressure range [Pa]
t = 10 h
Gas = H2-3%CH4 30 80 125 250 400
0 • • •
5 • • • • •
Bias 10 • • •
[%] 15 • • • • •
20 • •
25 • •

Applied ⋅ power [ kVA]

Bias[%] = ⋅ 100

Tables Page 164

Table 3.2-3: ASPN assessed treatment conditions
T = 400°C Pressure range [Pa]
t = 10 h
Gas = H2-25%N2 30 75 100 125 150 250
0 •
Bias level
5 •
10 • • • • •

Applied ⋅ power [ kVA]

Bias[%] = ⋅ 100

Table 3.2-4: Active screen mechanisms: assessed treatment conditions

T = 450°C / 420°C Pressure range [Pa]
P = 400 Pa
t = 10 h DC FP ASsh ASbh

Carburising • • • •

N2 enhanced
• • • •
Nitriding • • • •

Notation: DC - Direct Current; FP - Floating Potential; ASsh - Active Screen mesh with small holes
(Ø= 8mm); ASbh – Active Screen mesh with large holes (Ø= 25.4mm)

Table 3.3-1: Instrumented hardness settings

Variable Value
Type of experiment Depth vs. Load
Type of indentor Berkovich pyramid
Initial load 0.01 mN
Maximum load 200.00 mN
Loading rate 5 mN/s
Dwell at maximum load 5s
Displacement between indents x=25 μm, y=15 μm
Thermal drift correction Enabled

Tables Page 165

Table 3.3-2: Stylus profilometer settings for different measurements
Parameter Roughness Wear track RS bending discs
Filter Gaussian 2CR 2CR
λc 0.8 mm 2.5 mm 0.8 mm
E length / S length 5.0 mm 2.5 mm 25.0 mm
R speed = M speed 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Standard ISO / BS ANSI / JIS 82 ANSI / JIS 82
Data Ra / Ry / Rz PPFL PPFL
Tip radius 2 μm 2 μm 2 μm

Table 3.3-3: AFM settings

Height 2.5 μm - 3.5 μm
Front and side angles 35º
Tip radius 20 nm
Material Silicon nitride
Top layer Au (60 nm)
Shape Triangular
Length 180 μm
Width 33 μm
Elastic constant 0.12 N/m

Table 3.3-4: XRD settings

Variable Value
Scan – Detector arrangement θ - 2θ
Step size [2θ] 0.02º
Scan step time [s] 1.00 s
Scan type Continuous
Anode material Cu
Generator settings 40 kV, 40 mA
Used wavelength (Kα1) 1.540 Å

Tables Page 166

Table 3.3-5: SEM and EBSD camera settings for COM
Acceleration Voltage 20 kV
OL Aperture 3
Probe current 110 μA (12)
Working distance 15 mm
Tilt angle 70º

Crystal map size 512 pixels x 512 pixels
EBSD Camera
Acquisition mode Live
Sensitivity High
Integration time* 54 ms
Video gain* 8
Average frames 10
Smooth filter size 11 x 11
Background correction Division
Solver set up
Minimum indexed bands 4
Maximum solution error 5
Depth of search for solution Optimum
Hough resolution High accuracy
Filter size 9 (Def)
Detect minimum number of bands 5
Hough radius 48
Min relative intensity 0.10
Reflective planes 37
Texture {001} <110>

* The values here reported are approximate as these parameters are sample
sensitive, and were altered in each case.

Tables Page 167

Table 3.4-1: Composition and properties of WC-Co binder bearing balls used for wear and friction tests
Tungsten Carbide 93 - 95%
Cobalt 5 - 7%
Typical properties
Hardness 90.5 - 91.5 HRA
Transverse Rupture Strength @ 20°C 2600 N/mm2
Fracture Toughness Kc @ 20°C 12 MN/m1/2
Compressive Strength @ 20°C 6200 N/mm2
Poisson’s Ratio 0.22
Magnetic Properties Slightly Magnetic

Table 3.6-1: Optronic Labs OL 730-9Q reflex telescope - Technical specifications

Variable Value
Lens type Fused silica
Focal length 203 mm
Clear aperture Φ = 60 mm
Focus (nominal) 85 cm to ∞
Field of view apertures 1.5, 3 and 5 mm
Field of view at ∞ (nominal) 0.5º, 1.0º and 1.5º
Minimum source diameter @ 85 cm 20 mm approximately
Wavelength range 250 nm - 2500 nm

Tables Page 168

Table 3.6-2: Jobin Yvon Triax 180 monochromator - Technical specifications
Variable Value
Focal length 190 mm
Entrance aperture ratio f / 3.9
Grating size 50 mm x 50 mm
Image magnification at exit 1.00
Scanning range* 0 nm - 1400 nm
Spectral dispersion* 3.53 nm / mm
Spectral resolution* 0.3 nm @ 500 nm
Wavelength positioning accuracy + / - 0.3 nm
Wavelength repeatability 0.06 nm
Wavelength drive step size* 0.06 nm

*with 1200 gr/mm grating

Table 3.6-3: Jobin Yvon Spectrum ONE detector and CCD 3000 controller unit specifications
Variable Value
Detector type CCD
Sensor array 1024 pixels x 256 pixels
Cooling method Thermoelectric (Peltier)
Operating temperature -30ºC
ADC limit 16 bit
Controller speed 166 kHz

Table 3.6-4: OES calibration conditions

Variable Value
Integration time 0.1 s
Slit width 0.013 mm
Grating 1200 gr/mm
Dark offset CCD correction Enabled

Tables Page 169

Table 4.1-1: Constants of equations (4.1-1) to (4.1-3) depending on the gas mixture
Gas mixture k1 k2 k3
3% CH4 - 97% H2 89.04 0.3182 1.45
25% N2 - 75% H2 82.22 0.3357 1.72

Table 4.1-2: ASPC layer thickness (GDOES) after treatment under different conditions
ASPC Pressure [Pa]
T = 450ºC, t = 10 h
3%CH4 – 97%H2 30 80 125 250 400
0 0.5 μm 0.5 μm 0.5 μm
5 14.0 μm 16.5 μm 2.0 μm 0.5 μm
Bias level 10 14.0 μm 17.0 μm 9.0 μm
[%] 15 14.0 μm 16.0 μm 20.0 μm 13.0 μm 0.75 μm
20 14.0 μm 16.0 μm
25 14.0 μm 18.0 μm

Applied ⋅ power [ kVA]

Bias[%] = ⋅ 100

Table 4.1-3: ASPN layer thickness (SEM) after treatment under different conditions
ASPN Pressure [Pa]
T = 400ºC, t = 10 h
25%N2 – 75%H2 30 75 100 125 150 250
0 6.2 μm
Bias level
5 6.5 μm
10 6.6 μm 5.8 μm 5.2 μm 5.4 μm 5.0 μm

Applied ⋅ power [ kVA]

Bias[%] = ⋅ 100

Tables Page 170

Table 4.1-4: Mean residual stresses measured from the bending of thin discs after ASPC

Layer Disc Maximum Radius of

Condition Stoney [BS] Mèzin et al Wang et al
thickness thickness Deflection curvature
P030B05 14 μm 515 μm 45 μm 1.7921 m -0.489 GPa -0.533 GPa -0.311 GPa
P125B15 20 μm 530 μm 90 μm 0.8962 m -0.725 GPa -0.815 GPa -0.485 GPa

Note: Refer to appendix C for details on these calculations

Table 4.2-1: Instrumented indentation results from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC samples
Maximum depth [nm] Plastic depth [nm] Hardness [GPa] Elastic Modulus [GPa]
Sample E/H
Average Std. dev. Average Std. dev. Average Std. dev. Average Std. dev.
AISI 316 2,156.97 41.79 2,093.27 42.68 1.95 0.08 206.22 6.64 105.75
ASPC 1,030.46 23.96 881.72 23.77 10.54 0.59 215.91 11.97 20.48

Table 4.3-1: Roughness measured on Cu samples after treatment under different conditions
Ra [um] DC AS
Nitriding 0.310 μm 0.139 μm
Carburising 0.232 μm 0.187 μm
N2 enhanced carburising 0.234 μm 0.175 μm

Table 4.4-1: Assessed conditions and summary of pin-on-disc wear results

Theoretical Measured
Sample label Pressure Bias Roughness Hardness
worn volume* worn volume
AISI 316 N/A N/A 0.0801 μm 200.20 HMV0.025 3.1924 mm3 2.7130 mm3
DCPC 400 400 Pa N/A 0.0837 μm 837.37 HMV0.025 0.0075 mm3 0.0052 mm3
ASPC 125 125 Pa 15% 0.0772 μm 866.54 HMV0.025 0.0150 mm3 0.0059 mm3
ASPC 030 30 Pa 5% 0.0716 μm 857.05 HMV0.025 0.0120 mm3 0.0054 mm3

*Note: the theoretical worn volume was calculated, assuming that no significant wear of the pin took place,
using the following equation:
⎡ ⎤
( )
⎛ d ⎞ ⎛d ⎞
V = 2πR ⎢r 2 sin −1 ⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟ 4r 2 − d 2 2 ⎥
⎣ ⎝ 2r ⎠ ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎦

Tables Page 171

Table 4.4-2: Composition of wear debris (EDX) for AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Element AISI 316
(oxide layer)
C [wt%] 7.4 1.5
O [wt%] 39.2 43.0
Cr [wt%] 9.7 10.0
Mn [wt%] 0.9 0.8
Fe [wt%] 35.8 34.0
Co [wt%] 0.4 0.2
Ni [wt%] 5.7 6.2
Mo [wt%] 0.7 0.6
W [wt%] 0.2 3.7

Table 4.4-3: Summary of results obtained on the wear debris

Wear debris Colour Size Magnetic Possible phases
AISI 316 PC Red / Orange < 20 μm No α-Fe2O3 Haematite
Fe3O4 Magnetite
AISI 316 UT Black > 20 μm Yes
C0.05Fe1.95 Martensite

Table 4.4-4: Summary of friction results

Hardness Roughness Average coefficient of friction
[HMV0.05] Ra [μm] AISI 316 ball WC-Co ball ASPC ball
AISI 316 UT 311.3 0.292 0.61 0.40 0.55
ASPC 837.7 0.278 1.06 0.63 0.80

Tables Page 172

Table 4.5-1: Corrosion factor for corrosion tests in boiling 16% H2SO4 with CuSO4 for 20 hours
Samples Corrosion factor*
DCPC 400 5.14
ASPC 125 4.29
ASPC 030 3.67

*Note: the corrosion factor was calculated according to the following equation:
ΔM treated
CF =

Table 5.1-1: Electric parameters in DC and AS furnaces under similar discharge conditions
Furnace Pressure Current Voltage Power
DC 400 Pa 5.0 A 550 V 2.75 kVA
AS 150 Pa 6.0 A 540 V 3.24 kVA
DC 125 Pa 2.0 A 800 V 1.60 kVA
AS 50 Pa 2.2 A 896 V 1.97 kVA

Table 5.2-1: Carbon diffusivity calculated from different treatment conditions

Treatment Carbon diffusivity K

450ºC – 3%CH4 [cm2 / s]
DCPC 1.11 · 10-10
ASPC P125B15 1.11 · 10-10
ASPC P030B05 5.44 · 10-11

x = a(Dt )
1/ 2
= Kt 1 / 2

Tables Page 173

Table 5.2-2: Lattice expansion measured on EA from the XRD peak shift
hkl EA lattice expansion
111 2.34%
200 3.32%
220 2.53%
311 3.02%
222 2.61%

Table 5.2-3: Parameters used for estimation of residual stresses from the instrumented indentation test
Variable Symbol Value
Maximum applied load P1 200 mN
Load at intersection point B P2 40 mN
Experimental constant α 65.3º
Depth of residual indentation h 750 nm

*Note: Refer to figure 5.2-12 for details on the variables

Table 5.5-1: Bond enthalpies [kJ / mol] [340]

H 436
C 412 348 (i)
612 (ii)
518 (a)
N 388 305 (i) 163 (i)
613 (ii) 409 (ii)
890 (iii) 945 (iii)
O 463 360 (i) 146 (i)
743 (ii) 497 (ii)

Reference: (i) single bond, (ii) double bond, (iii) triple bond, (a) aromatic

Tables Page 174


Figure 2.1.1-1: Historical evolution of materials and their relative importance [1]

Figure 2.1.1-2: Young’s modulus - Strength materials selection chart [1]

Figures and illustrations Page 175

Figure 2.1.1-3: Fracture toughness – Young’s modulus materials selection chart [1]

Figure 2.1.1-4: Strength - Density materials selection chart [1]

Figures and illustrations Page 176

Figure 2.1.1-5: Strength - Relative cost materials selection chart [1]

Figures and illustrations Page 177

Figure 2.1.1-6: Corrosion resistance materials selection chart [1]

Figures and illustrations Page 178

A = austenite; M = martensite; δF = delta ferrite

Figure 2.1.2-1: Schaeffler diagram for stainless steel classification [5]

Figure 2.1.3-1: Fe-Cr-Ni ternary phase diagram [13]

Figures and illustrations Page 179

Figure 2.1.3-2: Schematics of Ms and Md for martensitic transformation in ASS [18]

Figure 2.1.3-3: Stress induced martensitic transformation of ASS at different temperatures [16]

Figures and illustrations Page 180

Figure 2.1.3-4: Solubility of carbon in austenitic stainless steel 18/8 [37]

Figure 2.1.3-5: Reference carbide precipitation sequence [22]

Figures and illustrations Page 181

Phase / Precipitation site Precipitation / Dissolution

Laves phase intergranular

Laves phase at grain boundaries

Sigma phase at grain boundaries

Sigma and Laves phases in ferrite

M23C6 carbides at grain boundaries

10 h 100 h 1000 h 10,000 h 100,000 h

Figure 2.1.3-6: Ageing times for phase precipitation in AISI 316 at 550ºC and 600ºC [26]

Figure 2.1.4-1: Schematics of polarisation curve of ASS in sulphuric acid [38]

Figures and illustrations Page 182

Figure 2.1.4-2: Effect of alloying elements on the polarisation curve of ASS [38]

Figure 2.1.4-3: Metallurgical features detrimental to the corrosion resistance of ASS [38]

Figures and illustrations Page 183

Figure 2.1.5-1: Wear resistance materials selection chart [1]

Figure 2.1.5-2: Wear rate transitions [55]

Figures and illustrations Page 184

Normal load

Interacting asperities
Sliding direction

Normal load

Transferred material
Sliding direction

Figure 2.1.5-3: Transfer of material between interacting asperities and deformation of the

Figure 2.2.1-1: Schematic of the stress and mechanical strength diagram for a cross section of
a surface engineered component between the neutral axis and the surface [88]

Figures and illustrations Page 185

Figure 2.2.1-2: Typical thickness obtained with surface engineering processes [81]

Figure 2.2.1-3: Energy content vs strength chart for different materials [1]

Figures and illustrations Page 186

Figure 2.2.2-1: Schematic representation of the reaction steps in gas carburising [94]

Figures and illustrations Page 187

Figure 2.2.3-1: Metal-metal oxide equilibrium curves in hydrogen atmospheres [151]

Figures and illustrations Page 188

Figure 2.2.3-2: Threshold Temperature-time curves to produce precipitation free
microstructures upon plasma nitriding (PN) and plasma carburising (PC) on AISI 316 [105]

Figure 2.2.3-3: GDOES composition depth profile of AISI 316 plasma carburised and nitrided

Figures and illustrations Page 189


Townsend regime

Breakdown voltage
VB Corona E
Glow to arc transition
Potential, U [V]


High intensity
I arcs
Saturation G
regime F' F
A Low intensity J
Normal glow Abnormal glow arcs
Background ionisation

10 -10 10 -8 10 -6 10 -4 10 -2 1 100 1,000

Current, I [A]

Figure 2.2.5-1: Current - voltage characteristic curve for DC plasma [157]

Vessel Vessel

Active Screen

Worktable Worktable

Earth power supply Earth
Main power
Main power

Figure 2.2.6-1: DC and AS furnaces for plasma carburising (DCPC and ASPC)

Figures and illustrations Page 190

Figure 2.3.1-1: Maxwell electron energy distribution function – up: most probable velocity, ū:
average velocity, ueff: r.m.s. velocity [189]

Figure 2.3.1-2: Typical Pashen curve [224]

Figures and illustrations Page 191

Figure 2.3.3-1: Structure of the glow discharge [157]

Figures and illustrations Page 192

Figure 2.3.4-1: Diagram of electronic, vibrational and rotational energy levels of a molecule

Figure 2.3.4-2: Typical OES equipment [205]

Figures and illustrations Page 193

Figure 2.3.4-3: Typical electric probes – (a) plane, (b) cylindrical, (c) spherical [212]

Figure 2.3.4-4: typical current voltage curve obtained with an electric probe [157]

Figures and illustrations Page 194

Figure 2.3.4-5: Ion flux probe [215]

Figure 3.1.3-1: Schematics of corrosion samples

Figures and illustrations Page 195

(a) (b)

Figure 3.2.1-1: (a) Klöckner Ionon DC furnace and (b) Plasma Metal active screen industrial unit

(a) DC arrangement (b) AS arrangement

at floating potential (c) Floating potential
Chamber (+) Chamber (+) Chamber (+)

Active screen (-)

Cathodic (-) Floating Floating

Main work table (-) Main work table (-) Main work table (-)

Figure 3.2.1-2: (a) DC, (b) AS and (c) FP arrangements inside a conventional DC plasma furnace
used to study the mechanisms of active screen plasma treatments.

Figures and illustrations Page 196

ASsh ASbh


Figure 3.2.1-3: DC, ASsh, ASbh, and FP arrangements inside a conventional DC plasma furnace
used to study the mechanisms of active screen plasma treatments.
DC: direct current; AS: active screen; FP: floating potential; ASsh: AS mesh with small holes (Ø = 8 mm),
ASbh: AS mesh with large holes (Ø = 25.4 mm)

Figure 3.2.1-4: Fish bone diagram of the treatment conditions involved

Figures and illustrations Page 197

Horizontal rotation axis
Friction force measuring axis

Pin holder
Vertical rotation axis
Applied load

Friction disc sample

Couterpart ball
Sample rotation axis

Figure 3.4-1: Schematics of the pin-on-disc apparatus used for wear and friction tests

Coil condenser
Cooling water inlet

Cylindrical flask

Boiling acid solution

Sample holder

Cylindrical corrosion sample

Hot plate

Figure 3.5-1: Schematics of the apparatus used for immersion corrosion in boiling acid solutions

Figures and illustrations Page 198

Figure 3.6-1: Experimental arrangement used for OES (telescope) and IOES (optical fibre probe)

DC arrangement AS arrangement

Chamber (+) Chamber (+)

Active screen (-)

Probe Probe

Work table (-) Work table (-)

Figure 3.6-2: DC and AS experimental arrangements used for IFP measurements

Figures and illustrations Page 199

Figure 4.1-1: ASPC processing conditions on the work table

Figure 4.1-2: ASPN processing conditions on the work table

Figures and illustrations Page 200

hollow cathode arcing

Figure 4.1-3: Samples in a DC conventional treatment, showing arcing on a dirty or rusty

specimen, and hollow cathode effect on a sample with a blind hole.
An Active Screen experimental arrangement is also seen on the left side of the same picture.


arcing edge effect hollow cathode


Figure 4.1-4: Surface damage by process instabilities in DC conventional treatments

Figures and illustrations Page 201

Figure 4.1-5: Layer thickness (size of the bubble) superimposed on the map of treatment conditions
for ASPC and ASPN

Figure 4.1-6: Typical profile of the thin discs used for the assessment of residual stresses

Figures and illustrations Page 202

AISI 316 Untreated AISI 316 plasma carburised

Figure 4.2-1: Optical micrographs of the same area before and after plasma carburising

AISI 316 Untreated AISI 316 plasma carburised

Figure 4.2-2: EBSD Crystal Orientation Maps of the same area before and after plasma

Figure 4.2-3: GDOES composition-depth profiles for different treatment times:

(A) 1 hour, (B) 3 hours and (C) 6 hours

Figures and illustrations Page 203

Figure 4.2-4: Typical cross section micrograph of an AISI 316 plasma carburised specimen


Figure 4.2-5: SEM micrographs of DCPC and ASPC treated samples

Figure 4.2-6: AFM images of DCPC and ASPC treated samples

Figures and illustrations Page 204

Oxide layer

Oxide layer

Figure 4.2-7: TEM micrograph and diffraction pattern (amorphous) of the oxide layer on DCPC
and ASPC samples (top view)

Figure 4.2-8: TEM micrograph and ring electron diffraction pattern on a plasma carburised specimen

Figures and illustrations Page 205

Figure 4.2-9: Electron diffraction pattern of the carbon expanded austenite on a plasma
carburised specimen

Figure 4.2-10: XRD pattern obtained on DCPC and ASPC, and austenite reference pattern

Figures and illustrations Page 206

Extrapolation function cosθ.cotθ

Figure 4.2-11: Lattice parameter ahkl vs cosθ.cotθ of expanded austenite and AISI 316 UT

Figure 4.2-12: GDOES composition-depth profile of DCPC and ASPC treated samples

Figures and illustrations Page 207

Figure 4.2-13: Load bearing capacity (LBC) of DCPC and ASPC treated samples

Figure 4.2-14: Cracks inside a low-force (500g) Vickers indentation on a DCPC sample

Figures and illustrations Page 208

Figure 4.2-15: Instrumented hardness on AISI 316 untreated and ASPC treated samples

Figure 4.3-1: Appearance of the samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding,
carburising and nitrogen enhanced carburising atmospheres

Figures and illustrations Page 209

Figure 4.3-2: XRD patterns of AISI 316 treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres

Figures and illustrations Page 210

Figure 4.3-3: GDOES composition-depth profiles of samples treated under DC and AS
arrangements in nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres

Figures and illustrations Page 211

Figure 4.3-4: Load bearing capacity (LBC) of samples treated under DC and AS arrangements
in nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres

Figures and illustrations Page 212

Figure 4.3-5: Optical micrograph of a hardness indent on one AISI316 sample after ASPN

Figure 4.3-6: Vickers microhardness tests on different parts of the AISI304 stripe specimens
treated in an AS arrangement with big holes in the mesh
AS: Active screen, PN: plasma nitriding, PC: plasma carburising, PCN: nitrogen enhanced carburising, H: hole area

Figures and illustrations Page 213


Figure 4.3-7: Optical micrographs of the deposition layer on ASPN, ASPC and ASPCN copper




Figure 4.3-8: Morphology of AS nitrided, carburised and N2 enhanced carburised samples observed under

Figures and illustrations Page 214

Figure 4.3-9: XRD patterns of copper samples treated under DC and AS arrangements in nitriding, carburising and N2 enhanced carburising atmospheres

Figures and illustrations Page 215


Figure 4.3-10: ASPC and ASPN treated glass slides

Figure 4.3-11: XRD peaks of the deposition layer on ASPN treated glass slides

Figures and illustrations Page 216

AISI 304 mesh for AS
experiments inside
the DC furnace

Figure 4.3-12: Micrograph and EDX spectrum of the mesh material used in the AS experimental
settings inside DC furnaces.

Low carbon steel

mesh installed in
the AS furnace

Figure 4.3-13: Micrograph and EDX spectrum of the mesh material used in the AS industrial unit

Figures and illustrations Page 217


Figure 4.4-1: Typical appearance of the wear tracks on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC


Figure 4.4-2: Appearance of the WC-Co ball worn against AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Figure 4.4-3: Measured worn volume after pin-on-disc test

Figures and illustrations Page 218



Figure 4.4-4: SEM images of the wear tracks on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Cr Fe

Ni O W

Figure 4.4-5: EDX maps on the wear track left on AISI 316 PC worn against WC-Co ball

Figures and illustrations Page 219

Figure 4.4-6: EDX maps on the wear track left on AISI 316 PC worn against WC-Co ball

WC-Co vs AISI 316 UT WC-Co vs AISI 316 PC

Figure 4.4-7: SEM images of the wear scars of WC-Co balls worn against AISI 316 UT and

WC-Co vs AISI 316 UT WC-Co vs AISI 316 PC

Figure 4.4-8: SEM images of the material accumulated at the trailing edge of the wear scar of
WC-Co balls worn against AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Figures and illustrations Page 220

Cr Fe

O W Co

Figure 4.4-9: EDX mapping of the wear scar left on the WC-Co ball worn AISI 316 UT

Fe O

Figure 4.4-10: EDX map of the wear scar left on the WC-Co ball worn against AISI 316 PC


Figure 4.4-11: Wear debris from untreated and carburised AISI 316 respectively

Figures and illustrations Page 221


Figure 4.4-12: SEM BSE micrograph of wear debris from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Figure 4.4-13: Electron diffraction patterns on wear debris from AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Figure 4.4-14: TEM micrograph of wear debris from AISI 316 PC and the EDX spectrum

Figures and illustrations Page 222

Figure 4.4-15: XRD pattern of the deformed material on the wear track of AISI 316 UT

Figure 4.4-16: Hardness profile measured on the cross section of one AISI 316 UT sample
worn against WC-Co

Figures and illustrations Page 223

Sliding direction

Figure 4.4-17: SEM cross section image of the wear track of AISI 316 UT worn against WC-Co

Crystal orientation Misorientation Phase map - martensite

Figure 4.4-18: EBSD crystal orientation maps of the distorted layer, and martensite phase map on
the cross section of the wear track of one AISI 316 UT specimen
The arrow indicates the sliding direction

Cross section on treated layer

Cross section on wear track

Figure 4.4-19: EBSD crystal orientation maps on cross sections of an AISI 316 PC specimen
The arrow indicates the sliding direction

Figures and illustrations Page 224

Figure 4.4-20: Coefficients of friction obtained from different material pairs

Figures and illustrations Page 225


Figure 4.5-1: Immersion corrosion test in H2SO4 16% solution at room temperature for 120 h
AISI 316 – Attack on a MnS inclusion; ASPC – Deposition layer of carbides pealing off

AISI 316 DCPC 400

ASPC 125 ASPC 030

Figure 4.5-2: Surface appearance of AISI 316, DCPC 400 , ASPC 125 and ASPC 030
specimens corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution


Figure 4.5-3: Cross section of AISI 316 UT and PC specimens exposed to boiling H2SO4 16%
solution for 1 hour

Figures and illustrations Page 226

Figure 4.5-4: Cross section of a PC specimen exposed to boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h
Localised attack on MnS inclusions

Figure 4.5-5: Cross section of a PC specimen corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h
Localised attack on slip bands

Figures and illustrations Page 227

Figure 4.5-6: Plan view of a PC specimen immersed in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 15 h
Localised attack on grain boundaries

Figure 4.5-7: Cross section of a PC specimen corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution for 1 h
Corrosion progressing through grain boundaries of the AISI316 substrate once the EA layer
had been penetrated

Figures and illustrations Page 228


AISI 316




Figure 4.5-8: Rod samples used for corrosion tests in boiling H2SO4 16% solution

Figure 4.5-9: Mass loss specimens after immersion corrosion test in boiling H2SO4 16%
solution for 20 hours

Figures and illustrations Page 229

AISI 316 DCPC 400

ASPC 125 ASPC 030

Figure 4.5-10: Coupon samples exposed to boiling H2SO4 16% solution with CuSO4 for 20 h

Figure 4.5-11: Optical micrographs of specimens corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution with
CuSO4 for 20 h

Figure 4.5-12: SEM micrograph of pits coalescing at the intersection of slip bands with a grain
boundary, and AFM image of the attack on slip bands and formation of ditch grain boundary

Figures and illustrations Page 230

EDX line scan
for carbon

Figure 4.5-13: SEM micrograph of a ditch type grain boundary and EDX Carbon line scan on a
similar boundary

Figure 4.5-14: SEM micrographs of samples corroded in boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 hours

Figures and illustrations Page 231

Figure 4.5-15: AFM image of localised corrosion at grain boundaries and cross section data.
Sample DCPC 400 after immersion corrosion test in boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 hours

Figure 4.5-16: Localised attack on samples exposed to boiling HNO3 20% solution for 240 h

Figure 4.5-17: Corrosion rates in boiling HNO3 20% solution for different periods of time

Figures and illustrations Page 232

Carburising Nitrogen enhanced carburising Nitriding

Figure 4.6-1: Low and high resolution spectra Figure 4.6-2: Low and high resolution spectra for Figure 4.6-3: Low and high resolution spectra for
for plasma carburising nitrogen enhanced plasma carburising plasma nitriding

Figures and illustrations Page 233

Figure 4.6-4: Simplified emission intensity map obtained for ASPN

Figure 4.6-5: Summary of the OES intensity maps obtained under ASPC and ASPN treatment

Figures and illustrations Page 234

Figure 4.6-6: Correlation between OES emission intensity and the electric parameters of the furnace under ASPC and ASPN treatment

Figures and illustrations Page 235

Figure 4.7-1: Oscillations in the floating potential measured with the IFP under DC and AS
arrangements inside a DC furnace.

Figure 4.7-2: Floating potential and ion flux measured under DC and AS experimental
arrangements inside a DC furnace, in carburising and nitriding gas mixtures

Figure 4.7.3: Oscillations observed in the FP of the IFP inside the AS industrial unit

Figures and illustrations Page 236

Figure 4.7-4: Average FP measured with the IFP under different ASPC and ASPN conditions

Figure 4.7-5: IFP drain curves obtained at floating potential in ASPC and ASPN conditions

Figure 4.7-6: Ion flux calculated from the drain curves of the IFP in ASPC and ASPN conditions

Figures and illustrations Page 237

Figure 5.1-1: I-V electric curves obtained for ASPC and ASPN at different gas pressures

Figure 5.1-2: Bias set point and real bias power applied for ASPC and ASPN conditions

Figure 5.1-3: Bias current vs bias set point for ASPC and ASPN

Figures and illustrations Page 238

Figure 5.1-4: Worktable power for different ASPC and ASPN treatment conditions (bias levels and

Figure 5.1-5: Characteristic I-V curves for ASPC and ASPN with E/p as bubble size

Figures and illustrations Page 239

Figure 5.2.1: Layer thickness vs treatment time

Figure 5.2-2: EBSD pattern quality vs carbon concentration at plateau (GDOES carbon profile)

Figures and illustrations Page 240

Figure 5.2-3: Optical micrograph on a plasma carburised specimen


Figure 5.2-4: XRD pole figures obtained on AISI 316 UT and AISI 316 PC

Figures and illustrations Page 241

Figure 5.2-5: AFM image of a grain with activated crossed slip systems and cross section profiles

Figure 5.2-6: AFM plane view of PC samples and crystal mimic obtained from EBSD COMs

Figures and illustrations Page 242



Figure 5.2-7: Misorientation measured by EBSD on the same area of the sample before and after
plasma carburising


Figure 5.2-8: EBSD crystal orientation (normal direction) before and after PC respectively


Figure 5.2-9: CSL Σ3 grain boundaries before and after PC respectively

Figures and illustrations Page 243

Figure 5.2-10: Distribution of residual stress: average, triangular, GDOES and strain hardened

Figure 5.2-11: Hardness profiles calculated from LBC and Knoop hardness profile

Figure 5.2-12: Estimation of residual stresses from instrumented indentation tests according to

Figures and illustrations Page 244

Figure 5.3.1-1: SE image of the cross section of a wear track on AISI 316 UT with EBSD COM
superimposed and inverse pole figure obtained from that same area of the sample

Figure 5.3.1-2: Signs of accumulated plastic strain (3 steps of deformation) at the edge of the
wear track of AISI 316 UT, and schematics of the deformation in the subsurface region.

Figures and illustrations Page 245

Figure 5.3.2-1: Failure of the layer of carbides at the edge of a wear track on AISI 316 PC

Figure 5.3.2-2: Smooth surface of the underlying EA layer, and protective oxide layer formed
during sliding wear

Figures and illustrations Page 246

1 2

3 4

Figure 5.3.2-3: Genesis of the protective oxide layer on a PC specimen

Figure 5.3.2-4: Detachment of WC particles from the counterpart ball

Figures and illustrations Page 247

Figure 5.3.2-5: Morphology of the protective oxide layer on a PC specimen under AFM

Figure 5.3.2-6: Crack propagation along the original deformation morphology in the protective
oxide layer

Figures and illustrations Page 248

2- Propagation of cracks 3- Propagation and
parallel to the sliding intersection of cracks 4- Detachment of wear
1- Nucleation of cracks direction (cutting action of debris particles
perpendicular to the sliding asperities and residual
direction stresses)

Figure 5.3.2-7: Process of detachment of wear debris from the protective oxide layer. SEM
image and schematics

Figure 5.3.2-8: Cracks on a thick portion of the protective oxide layer

Figures and illustrations Page 249

Figure 5.4.1-1: Corrosion potential of ASS in different acid solutions vs saturated calomel
electrode [2]

Element Weight %
C 19.1
O 7.7
S 0.3
Cr 17.0
Mn 1.2
Fe 48.0
Ni 1.4
Cu 3.1
Mo 2.2

Figure 5.4.2-1: SEM micrograph and chemical composition according to EDX of material pealed
off from a PC sample at early stages of a corrosion test in boiling sulphuric acid

Figure 5.4.2-2: XPS spectrum obtained from the surface of an ASPC sample

Figures and illustrations Page 250

Figure 5.4.3-1: Schematics of the corrosion mechanisms observed on carbon expanded austenite

Figures and illustrations Page 251

Figure 5.4.3-2: Morphology of specimens corroded in boiling H2SO4 16% solution with CuSO4



Figure 5.4.4-1: Inverse pole figures obtained by EBSD on the same area of the sample before
and after PC

Figures and illustrations Page 252

Σ number

Figure 5.4.4-2: Fraction number of special grain boundaries before and after PC

Figure 5.4.4-3: Edge effect revealed by microhardness measurements across the surface of a
DCPC sample

Figures and illustrations Page 253

Figure 5.5.2-1: Optical emission spectra collected at different gas pressures in a 75% N2 - 25% H2
gas mixture

ASPN 30 Pa - 0% Bias ASPN 125 Pa - 10% Bias

Figure 5.7.1-1: Morphology of the deposition layer under different ASPN treatment conditions

Figure 5.7.1-2: Deposition layer on grains with different crystallographic orientations

Figures and illustrations Page 254

Figure 5.7.1-3: Sputtering and redeposition model for DC [154] and AS plasma nitriding

SEM image Fe

Cr Ni

Figure 5.7.1-4: Deposition layer on a glass slide treated in an AS arrangement with an AISI 304

Figures and illustrations Page 255

Figure 5.7.1-5: Deposition layer (EDX) vs expanded austenite layer thickness (GDOES)

Figure 5.7.1-6: Detachment of the deposition layer of iron nitrides AS plasma nitrided at floating

Figures and illustrations Page 256

Figure 5.7.2-1: TEM micrograph of the deposited particles and EDP

Figure 5.7.2-2: SEM micrograph and XRD pattern from carbide film deposited on the walls of
the AS furnace

Figures and illustrations Page 257

Appendix A: OES optical fibre probe construction details
The spectra collected with the telescope were useful to identify the active species present in the plasma,
although no clear trend could be found when comparing the emission intensities at different treatment
conditions. This can be explained considering that the mesh of the active screen furnace is designed to
form hollow cathodes in different ways, depending on the treatment conditions. The existence of hollow
cathodes in the field of view could not be avoided nor kept constant, and the emission intensity was
significantly affected by them. Furthermore, it did not represent the conditions on the work table.
Therefore, collection of light from the worktable, in the proximity of the samples or components was
considered of interest.

Aomolin Ltd UV-Vis silica optical fibre of core diameter 100/110 μm (NA 0.22) was selected for the
construction of the probe. The fibre was cut into 5 m long strings, and four strings were threaded
together through the stainless steel shell. A bundle of four optical fibres was necessary in order to
increase the intensity of the signal, which was otherwise too weak, especially when the high resolution
grating was used, i.e. with larger spectral dispersion. This method was good enough for the purpose of
the current work, although alignment was problematic, and probes made with single fibres of larger core
diameter could be useful for future applications.

The shell of the feedthrough was made of a stainless steel tube, with a quick fit type flange on one end,
which allowed an easy attachment to any of the standard instrumentation ports of the furnace (figure
A.1). An insulating and temperature resistant ceramic adhesive, Aremco Ceramcast 586 (ZrSiO4), was
used to fill the gap between the optical fibres and the stainless steel tube, and the feedthrough was
cured in an oven following the thermal cycle suggested by the supplier (table A-1). Finally, the outer side
of the feed through was sealed with an epoxy resin to reduce the leaks and not to affect the quality of
the vacuum in the furnace.

The optical fibre feedthrough was then installed in the active screen furnace and the fibres were placed
on top of ceramic insulators. It is worth noting that if the optical fibres are subjected to the cathodic
potential of the work table during the treatment, severe arcing takes place, with the associated instability
of the process and risk of permanent damage or destruction of the optical fibres.

The polymeric buffer coating of the fibres did not resist the operating conditions, but a layer of metallic
material was deposited on the fibres after only a few hours of exposure to the plasma. This metallic

Appendix A Page 258

coating was found to protect the fibres, making them tougher, and also contributed to block stray light
from other parts of the plasma volume inside the furnace. Therefore, light was only collected from a
small area in front of the open end of the fibres, achieving a spatial resolution much higher than with the

An insulating ceramic tube was used to aim the bundle of fibres in the direction of interest and to reduce
deposition of sputtered material on their open ends. Nonetheless, deposition still blocked the fibres after
several hours of exposure to the plasma and, as a result, it was necessary to cleave the fibres before
each experiment, and to shorten the data collection time as much as possible in order to get intense and
comparable signals.

The other ends of the optical fibres were stripped from the buffer polymer coating, cleaved and fitted
with an SMA connector, to feed the signal into the Triax 180 spectrometer.

For the assessment of the transmission efficiency before and after exposure to the plasma environment,
their respective transmission efficiencies, in the range 200 nm to 1100 nm, were recorded and
compared. The exposed and unexposed optical fibres were fitted with Bullet bare fibre connectors and
plugged into an Ocean Optics HL-2000-FHSA halogen light source (table A-2) and an Ocean Optics
HR2000 high resolution miniature fibre optics spectrometer (table A-3).

Analysis of potential sources of error [1]

In order to confirm the validity of the collected signal, some of the probable sources of error were
assessed. In first place, the effect of the plasma on the transmission efficiency of the optical fibres was
considered. A deposition layer of, mainly, iron nitride covered a large proportion of the surface of the
optical fibres exposed to the plasma (figure A-2), and the effect of this layer of material on the
transmission efficiency was uncertain. Therefore, the transmission spectra of optical fibres exposed and
unexposed to the plasma were compared. No significant difference was observed between the two
transmission spectra (figure A-3), which indicated that the fibres were in good condition even after
several tens of hours exposed to the N2 - H2 and CH4 - H2 plasma atmospheres.

In addition, the deposition layer was found to coat the open end of the optical fibres after only a few
hours of exposure to the plasma, and this coating hindered light from being collected. For this reason,

Appendix A Page 259

the fibres had to be cleaved before each set of measurements. However, the cleavage mode of the
fibres was of importance: whilst a clean cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis produced the highest
collection efficiency, a rough end significantly reduced the collected signal. Consequently, the cleavage
mode was studied, and it was found that the optical fibres exposed to plasma were most frequently
cleaved at 90º from their longitudinal axis (figure A-4). Furthermore, a poor condition of the open ends of
the fibres could be identified and avoided before the experiment.


Figure A-1: Dimensions of the stainless steel shell for optical fibre feedthroughs

Figure A-2: Deposition layer observed on an optical fibre exposed to the plasma in an AS

Appendix A Page 260

Figure A-3: Transmission spectra of optical fibres exposed and unexposed to the plasma

Figure A-4: Cleavage mode of optical fibres exposed to the plasma

Table A-1: Aremco Ceramcast 586 curing cycle

Type Temperature Time
Air Room 8 hours (minimum)
Oven 200ºF (90ºC) 2 to 4 hours
Oven 250ºF (120ºC) 3 hours

Appendix A Page 261

Table A-2: Ocean Optics Halogen light source HL-2000-FHSA – Technical specifications
Variable Value
HL-2000-FHSA Includes filter holder, attenuator and shutter
Output 7 watts
Output to bulb 1.4 A @ 5 VDC
Wavelength range 360 nm-2 µm
Stability 0.5%
Drift <0.3% per hour
Time to stabilise ~5 minutes
Bulb colour temperature 2,960 K

Table A-3: Ocean Optics HR2000 high resolution fibre optic spectrometer - Technical specifications
Variable Value
Detector Sony ILX511 linear CCD array
Detector Range 200 nm -1100 nm
Pixel size 14 µm x 200 µm
Optical bench f/4, 101 mm focal length
Gratings Choose from 13 different gratings
Pixel elements 2048
Entrance Aperture 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200 µm wide slits or fibre (no slit)
Order-sorting filters Installed longpass and bandpass filters
Stray Light <0.05% at 600 nm; <0.10% at 435 nm
Dynamic Range 2 x 108 (system); 2000:1 for a single scan
Fibre Optic Connector SMA 905 to single-strand optical fibre 0.22 NA)
Data Transfer Rate Full scans into memory every 13 ms
Integration Time 3 ms to 65 s

Appendix A Page 262

Appendix B: Ion Flux Probe (IFP) construction details
OES is a very useful technique to provide information on the active species involved in the plasma.
However, the information it yields is incomplete as it comes only from excited species, while no direct
evidence is obtained from the electrons, which are the primary agents in the plasma. This kind of
information can be obtained from electric probes, and it was thus the intention in this project to develop
and use an electric probe as a complementary method for the OES plasma diagnostic technique.

A planar electric probe was made of copper, with a central disc as the actual probe and two guarding
rings surrounding it (figure B-1). The guarding rings were meant to avoid edging effects on the central
disc, making the sheath in front of it flat and even. The surface area of the central disc and the inner
guarding ring are the same, while the exposed area of the outer guarding ring is twice as large (figure B-
2). They were finely turned and the active surfaces were wet ground with silicon carbide grinding paper,
and polished with activated colloidal silica.

The isolation between the central disc and the guarding rings was achieved using DuPont Nomex
Aramid paper type 410 (table B-1). This type of temperature resistant insulating paper was found
convenient in view of its thermal resistance, dielectric and mechanical properties and low cost. From two
to four layers of 0.25 mm thick insulating paper were used in all cases and new insulating sheets and
washers were used for each experiment. The paper was found to resist the treatment conditions here
studied, but its use is not recommended for longer periods of time or higher temperatures.

The central disc was silver soldered to a copper wire and connected with the measuring circuit, through
a standard electric feedthrough, by means of gold coated pin connectors (figure B-3). The guarding
rings were not connected to the measuring circuit due to a technical inconvenient, and remained at
floating potential during the experiments.

The probe was mounted on ceramic insulating tubes, to support it and insulate it from the high cathodic
potential of the work table (up to 900 V DC). Two ceramic tubes were attached together by means of
steel bolts, which also played the role of spacers for copper wires to be connected to the probe (figure
B-1). To avoid deposition of conductive material on the live parts of the measuring circuit, the copper
wire was insulated with ceramic beads throughout its length, and it was also guided inside an insulating

Appendix B Page 263

ceramic tube until the proximity of the probe. All the ceramic insulating tubes had to be wet ground and
washed before each experiment to eliminate the layer of conductive material deposited on them.

Regarding the measuring circuit, tantalum capacitors were selected in view of their low electric charge
leak rate in air, allowing retention of charge for longer times. The 63 V and 4.7 μF tantalum capacitors
were connected to a 60 V DC power supply with a 10 Ω resistor in series. Heavy duty toggle switches
were used for the connection and disconnection of the probe and the power supply. Finally, high speed
0.8 A fuses were used to protect the measuring circuit in case of electric fault, and the operating panel
was conveniently earthed.

A low noise Instek GPS-6010 DC power supply with variable output voltage (0 V to 60 V) was
connected to charge the capacitors and, subsequently, to bias the probe (table B-2). A Pico 2202 digital
oscilloscope and 250 MHz oscilloscope probe, with an impedance of 50 MΩ and an attenuation power
of 10, were used to acquire the drain curve of the tantalum capacitors (table B-3). The oscilloscope was
connected to the USB port of a PC and the signal was monitored and stored in the hard drive of a PC
using PicoScope 5.15.6 (32 bit) data collection software.

Insulating paper
Inner guarding ring

Ceramic insulator Insulating paper

Detail A Outer guarding ring

Probe wire
Ceramic insulator Ceramic insulator

Work table

Detail A

Figure B-1: Schematics and constructive details of the IFP

Appendix B Page 264

Central disc Inner guarding ring Outer guarding disc

Ø25.6 Ø40





Ø5 Ø19.4 Ø30

Figure B-2: IFP - Dimensions of the central disc, inner and outer guarding rings

0.93 1.57 1.57 0.53 0.43 0.032 0.25 [in]
23.6 39.9 39.9 13.5 11.0 0.81 6.3 [mm]

Figure B-3: Lesker EFT0043038A feedthrough – Stainless steel KF25 flange, 4 copper pins

Table B-1: DuPont Nomex Aramid Insulation paper type 410 – Technical specifications
Variable Value
Nominal thickness 0.25 mm
Dielectric strength (AC rapid raise) 32 kV/mm
Dielectric Strength (full wave impulse) 63 kV/mm
Dielectric constant at 60 Hz 2.7
Dissipation factor at 60 Hz 6

Appendix B Page 265

Table B-2: Instek GPS-6010 DC power supply – Technical specifications
Constant Voltage Operation
Line Regulation 0.01% +3 mV
0.01% +3 mV (rating current 3 A)
Load Regulation
0.01% +5 mV (rating current >3 A)
0.5 mVrms 5 Hz ~ 1 MHz (rating current 3 A)
Ripple and Noise
1 mVrms 5 Hz ~ 1 MHz (rating current >3 A)
Recovery Time 100 µs (50% load change, minimum load 0.5 A)
Output Range GPS-6010: 0 V to 60 V, continuously adjustable
Constant Current Operation
Line Regulation 0.2% +3 mA
Load Regulation 0.2% +3 mA
Ripple Current 3 mArms
GPS-6010: 0 A to 1 A, continuously adjustable
Output Range
(HI/LO range switchable)
Analogue voltmeter and analogue ammeter
Meter Type
2.5 class
Chassis and Terminal 20 MW or above (500 V DC)

Table B-3: Pico 2202 digital oscilloscope – Technical specifications

Vertical selection (signal axis)
Bandwidth 5 MHz
Channels 2
Resolution 8 bits
Enhanced resolution 12 bits
Dynamic range 48 dB
Accuracy 3%
±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±200 mV, ±500 mV,
Input ranges
±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±20 V
Input characteristics 1 MΩ 20 pF
Overload protection ±100 V on single output
Input type Single ended BNC connector
Input coupling AC or DC (software controlled)
Horizontal selection (time axis)
Sampling rate 40 MS/s (1 GS/s ETS)
Record length 8,000 samples
500 ns, 1 μs, 2 μs, 5 μs… up to
Time ranges
50 s, 100 s, 200 s per division
Time base accuracy 0.0001 with 3 ps jitter

Appendix B Page 266

Appendix C: Residual stresses formulas

Stoney’s formula according to British Standard DD 1071-11:2005 [2]:

1 E S d S2 1
σ0 = − (C.1)
6 1 − ν S δ EA R

where σ0 is the mean value of residual stress through the thickness of the layer, ES is the elastic
modulus of the substrate, νS is Poisson’s ratio of the substrate, dS and δEA are the thickness of the
substrate and the layer of expanded austenite respectively, and R is the radius of curvature of the disc
measured after the treatment (figure C-1).

Modified Stoney’s formula proposed by A. Mézin [3]:

1 E S d S2 1 ⎡ ⎛ E EA (1 − ν S ) ⎞ δ EA ⎤
σ0 = − ⎢1 + ⎜ 4 − 1⎟ ⎥ (C.2)
6 (1 − ν S ) δ EA R ⎣ ⎜⎝ E S (1 − ν EA ) ⎟⎠ d S ⎦

where the first part of this formula is equivalent to the Stoney’s formula described above, and the term
between brackets is the proposed correction. Subscripts S and EA account for substrate (AISI 316) and
expanded austenite respectively. The elastic modulus of EA was obtained from the instrumented
hardness tests and the Poisson’s ratio was considered equal to the untreated substrate.

Modified Stoney’s formula proposed by Q. Wang et al. [4]:

1 E S d S2 ⎛ δ EA ⎞
σ0 = − ⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (C.3)
6 R δ EA ⎜⎝ dS ⎠

where the symbols have the same physical meaning as explained for the previous formulas.

Appendix C Page 267

XRD method proposed by Wagner et al. [5]:
The following expression was proposed to relate the stacking fault probability and the residual stress to
the results obtained in a Bragg-Bentano geometry:

a hkl = a 0 + a 0G hkl ⋅ α + a 0 (S1 )hkl σ + m ⋅ cos θ cot θ (C.4)

where ahkl is the lattice parameter measured from the XRD data, a0 is the lattice parameter of the
annealed specimen, Ghkl is the fault parameter (table C-1), α is the stacking fault probability, S1 is the
elastic constant (table C-1), σ is the residual stress, m is the slope of the line in figure 4.2-11 and the
value of cosθ·cotθ corresponding to ahkl, which is the extrapolation function used in the same graph.

The second order reflections allow distinguishing both effects, namely the stacking fault and the residual
stress, by making use of the following equation:

Δa hkl = a hkl − a hkl

= a 0Ghkl ⋅ α + a 0 (S1 )hkl σ − (a app − a 0 ) (C.5)

where the superscript app refers to the apparent lattice parameter from the extrapolation of the trend
line in figure 4.2-11 to cosθ·cotθ value of zero. For reflections (111) and (222), the second and third
terms on the right side of the equation are equal so that this relation can be derived:

Δa111 − Δa 222
= −0.0518 ⋅ α (C.6)

The value of α can be obtained from equation C.6 and inserted in equation C.4, which allows calculating
the residual stress (table C-2)

Theory of thin plates and shells [6]:

Considering a thin plate as the one shown in figure C-1, and under the hypothesis of plane stress, i.e.
biaxial isotropic residual stresses:
σz = 0 (C.7)

σ x = σ y = σ (z ) (C.8)

Appendix C Page 268

The forces in the discs are balanced, but a bending moment is associated with the compressive residual
stresses present in the EA layer. Consequently, the forces and moments per unit width can be obtained
f x = f y = ∫ σ ( z ) ⋅ dz = 0 (C.9)

⎛ d⎞
m x , m y = ∫ σ ( z ) ⋅ ⎜ z − ⎟dz ≠ 0 (C.10)
0 ⎝ 2⎠

where fx, fy and mx, my are the forces and moments per unit width respectively and d is the thickness of
the disc.

On condition that the displacements associated with the bending of the discs are small compared to
their thickness, and that the cross sections of the discs remain plane and rotate only with respect to the
neutral axes, the theory of pure bending of plates applies, and the strains ε can be defined as:
σx σy
εx = −ν (C.11)
σy σx
εy = −ν (C.12)

where E is the Young’s modulus and ν is Poisson’s ratio. The bending moments per unit width can thus
be defined as:
Ed 3 ⎛1 1⎞
mx = ⋅ ⎜ −ν ⎟ (C.13)
12 1 − ν 2 ) ⎜r
⎝ x r y ⎟⎠

Ed 3 ⎛1 1⎞
my = ⋅ ⎜ −ν ⎟ (C.14)
12 1 − ν 2 ) ⎜r
⎝ y r x ⎟⎠

And in this particular case, the disc is bent into a sphere sector, so that both radii of curvature are equal:
1 1
= = −ϕ ⇒ m x = m y (C.15)
rx ry

If we now consider the mean compressive residual stresses as the external load responsible for the
bending of the disc:

Appendix C Page 269

⎛δ + d ⎞ Ed 3 1
σ avg δ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟= ⋅ (C.16)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 12 ⋅ (1 − ν ) r

where σavg is the average residual stress, δ is the EA layer thickness, and replacing the values listed in
table C-3, σavg is found to be -0.770 GPa (sample ASPC P125B15).

If the stress distribution is approximated by a triangular distribution, and reducing the moments to the
layer core interface it is obtained:

⎛ δ ⎞ ⎛2 ⎞ ⎛δ ⎞
⎜ σ surf ⎟ ⋅ ⎜ δ ⎟ = (σ avg δ ) ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ (C.17)
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝3 ⎠ ⎝2⎠
σ surf = σ avg (C.18)

Using the previous calculated values, equation C.18 yields σsurf = -1.155 GPa. A similar procedure is
followed to calculate the residual stress profiles from GDOES carbon distribution and LBC strain
hardening, yielding maximum residual stresses of -1.22 GPa and -1.61 GPa respectively.

Figure C-1: Schematics of the thin discs used for the assessment of residual stresses (cross
section): δ - expanded austenite layer thickness; d - disc thickness

Appendix C Page 270

Table C-1: Fault parameters and elastic constants for different reflections [7]
hkl Ghlk x 102 (S1)hlk x 105
111 -3.45 -0.97 kg/mm2
200 +6.89 -2.97 kg/mm2
220 -3.45 -1.47 kg/mm2
311 +1.25 -2.03 kg/mm2
222 +1.73 -0.97 kg/mm2

Table C-2: Data used for the calculation of the residual stress on sample ASPC P125B15

hkl ahkl aapp a0 α m cosθ·cotθ σ

111 3.678 Å 3.6929 Å 2.39

3.68679 Å 0.0602 0.00255 Å 1.98 GPa
222 3.685 Å 3.6884 Å 0.65

Table C-3: Parameters used for the calculation of residual stresses from the bending of thin discs
Parameter Symbol Value
Young’s modulus E 205 GPa
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.305
Disc thickness d 530 μm
Layer thickness δ 20 μm
Radius of curvature r 0.8962 m

Appendix C Page 271

List of references for appendices A, B and C

1. Corujeira Gallo, S., Machavaram, V. R., Fernando, G. F. and Dong, H.: Probing active screen
plasma using high-temperature optical fibre assisted OES method, PSE 2008 (2008) Garmisch-
Partenkirchen, Germany,

2. British Standard DD CEN/TS 1071-11:2005, 2005, "Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of

test for ceramic coatings", BSI, London,

3. Mezin, A.: Coating internal stress measurement through the curvature method: A geometry-
based criterion delimiting the relevance of Stoney's formula, Surface and Coatings Technology
(2006) 200, 18-19, 5259-5267

4. Wang, Q., Ishikawa, H., Nakano, S., Ogiso, H. and Akedo, J.: Curvature-based residual stress
measurement for ion-implanted stainless-steel sheet, Vacuum (2004) 75, 3, 225-229

5. Wagner, C. N. J., Baisseau, J. P. and Aqua, E. N.: X-Ray diffraction study of plastically
deformed copper, Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME (1965) 233, 7, 1280-1286

6. Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger: Theory of plates and shells, 2nd Ed. (1959) London,
McGraw Hill

7. Sun, Y., Li, X. Y. and Bell, T.: X-ray diffraction characterisation of low temperature plasma
nitrided austenitic stainless steels, Journal of Materials Science (1999) 34, 19, 4793-4802

Appendices Page 272

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