Article Writing

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(5 MARKS 120-150 WORDS)

Value Points:
• Word Limit:120-150
• Max marks:5 (Format:1, Content:3, Expression:1)
• A suitable title must be given.
• Under the heading, the writer’s name must be written.
• The article must be written in at least 3 paragraphs.
• If the topic is controversial and asks for an opinion, students must give
arguments to support one aspect of it and not offer a compromise. Examples /
statistical figures must be given to support a student’s viewpoint.
• If articles pertain to current topics / problems, students should include the
following points:
a. Examples / statistical figures comparing the past with the present situation must
be given to highlight the problem
b. Reasons for the situation / problem existing
c. Effects of such a situation
d. Possible Solutions / Remedial measures to rectify the situation

By: Ashok Singhal

A new menace has recently gripped the roads of the country- that of sudden, mostly
unprovoked attacks on motorists and pedestrians by other motorists. What is most
worrying is that road rage, as this phenomenon is called by our press, is no longer a
collection of sporadic, isolated incidents but an increasingly common and regular
occurrence. This is evident by the number of cases that have been reported on the
topic. Here, the immediate incident sparking off the anger is often extremely trivial. A
recent case in Hyderabad where a parking attendant was mowed down because he
asked for Rs. 10 is a case in point.

There are various reasons for this. The foremost is the strain of modern life. In today’s
fast-paced world, most working people often lead high-pressure lives facing tight
schedules. The stress caused as a result of this, when coupled with the chaotic
condition of traffic in most cities, often makes for a lethal combination. Another factor
that is relevant here is the notion that most people, especially those with ‘contacts’,
are a law unto themselves. Traffic laws are often flagrantly violated by celebrities-
cricketers, politicians and their children, and cinema stars.

This has resulted in aggressive and violent behaviour on the roads. Sometimes, the
violence that is sparked off turns fatal. Therefore, this menace has to be combated at
various levels. At the law-enforcement level, the police have to be made more vigilant.
Punishments for incidents of road-rage, as well as infringement of traffic laws, have to
be made more severe. Secondly, the traffic situation in cities must be regulated better.
Also, people must learn to cope with their stress. In this regard, stress-busters like
meditation and Yoga would be useful. It is to be hoped that urgent steps are taken by
all sections of society to fight against this worrisome trend.

By: Sreela Singh

Delhi has become notorious for its crime rate. Robberies in the daytime, murders of
senior citizens in crowded colonies and kidnappings from main roads. This is in
addition to pickpocketing, eve teasing and hit and run cases rampant in all areas. With
the police dragging its feet in catching the wrongdoers and the courts’ lackadaisical
attitude in passing judgement, criminals are encouraged to continue their nefarious
activities. Matters are not helped when highly placed officials and politicians use their
influence to protect the guilty.

The contrast between the wealthy and the underprivileged is growing, and with the
open display of wealth of the former, the latter feel crime is the shortest way to achieve
the same goals. Movies romanticise the bad and the ugly side of life, adding fuel to
the already growing fire. People themselves break laws by not verifying their servants
or tenants or by turning a blind eye to wrongdoings. All these factors have led to the
high rate of criminal activity.

The city is acquiring a bad reputation. Where once only selected areas were
considered unsafe, now the whole city is under attack. The government needs to take
strict action against recalcitrant police officers and those who block the course of
justice. Judgement in criminal cases must be swift and harsh. People must realise that
they also have the responsibility of keeping crime at bay. It is only when everyone
works together that we can make Delhi a worthwhile place to live in.

Women Empowerment in India is a Myth

In a country where Goddesses are worshipped it is indeed ironic that women are still
considered to be the weaker sex. The premium placed on the birth of a boy is
everywhere to be seen. The prejudice against the girl child still exists and so the girl
starts life on an unequal footing, that is if she is allowed to live! Female foeticide and
infanticide are still the order of the day with many not even living their first breath.

The reasons for these are not far to seek. Our society is still a male-dominated,
patriarchal society where the women are suppressed and exploited. Girls are deprived
of their right to education. They are not sent to school, made to stay at home to help
with the household chores. Those who rise above the confines of society to carve a
niche for themselves have to work doubly hard to prove themselves at the workplace.
Women are not given the respect due to them. Crimes and offences against women
are rising at a great pace.
Even though we have so many examples of women who have excelled in their
respective fields and risen to high posts, our ex-President being a case in point, and
the number of women heads of MNCs being on the rise, the fact remains that at the
grassroots level female empowerment in India remains a myth.

However, all is not lost. Government legislation can ensure women’s progress. A
number of schemes started by the government like the Ladli scheme, preference for
girl child during admissions, women’s reservation in Parliament and Panchayat level,
can turn the myth to fact.

PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT ( 5 Marks 120-150 Words)

1. You recently read in the newspaper regarding the contamination of bottled
drinking water. Write an article expressing your views for the newspaper.
2. You are extremely disturbed by the growing crimes against the elderly people
in your city. Write an article commenting on the reasons for such crimes and
how one can prevent them.
3. This has been a year of natural disasters all over the world. Write an article
commenting on the havoc they create and the steps which can be taken to
reduce the destruction caused.
4. Delhi has been facing a shortage of water and electricity this year. Write an
article on the problems faced by the citizens of Delhi due to this, reasons for
the shortage and the steps needed to overcome the problem.
5. Write an article on the stranglehold of corruption in our country and its negative
influence on the citizens and the growth and development of the nation.
6. Write an article on the leaking of exam papers and the detrimental effect of such
actions on the individual and society.
7. There is poor care provided for the elderly in India. Increasingly the elderly live
alone and in great distress. Write an article on this problem giving the public
perception and suggesting what steps need to be taken to combat the
8. Teenagers today are increasingly getting addicted to the latest gadgets such
as cell phones and computers. Write an article on whether you feel that
technology is ruling teenagers today and discuss if this is having an adverse
impact on them.
9. You are Nikita, a student of class XII. You decide to write an article on ‘Impact
of OTT Platforms on Youth’ for your school magazine. You may use the cues
given below along with your own ideas to compose this article.

• easy to access
• violent and brutal scenes
• teens’ addiction to OTT
• insomnia

• censor for OTT
• time limitation
• choice of content
• parental monitoring

10. Write an article on the hazards of using chemicals and pesticides on crops.
11. The Sustainable Development Goals offer a blueprint to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,
including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental
degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to
leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030. You are
Savita/Subhash of Class XII. Write an article for your School magazine titled ‘
Sustainable Development the need of the hour’.You may use the following cues
along with your own ideas to compose this article.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and India's Progress
• Committed to achieving the SDGs set by the United Nations
• Poverty alleviation
• Education and healthcare
• Gender Equality
• Environmental sustainability
• Other ways to accelerate progress

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