Research Paper

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Multi-Terrain Navigation Robot

Students VIII Semester B.E(Electronics & Telecommunications)

Hansal Borase, Chetan Channe, Munjesh Kadam

Mrs. Seema Bhalgaonkar, Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department

Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Engineering, Pune- 411005 Maharashtra, India

Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Engineering, Pune-411005 MH, India


Abstract- A robot is a type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no
human intervention and with speed and precision. The six most common types of robots are
autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), automated guided vehicles (AGVs), robotic arms, Humanoid
robots, and hybrids. With the need of tomorrow, we have attempted to develop all terrain robot for
future applications, in the present fundamental knowledge aesthetic view, environmental
conclusions are focused at a large extent, this project aims at developing a mobile robot (rover) with
intended applications on multi-terrain to help in exploration in various terrains and environments.
The robot's control system is implemented using a Raspberry Pi, which communicates with the
sensors and controls the robot's motors. Overall, the multi-terrain navigation and surveillance robot
presented in this paper represents a significant step forward in the development of autonomous
outdoor robots

Key words: Multi-terrain robot, Raspberry Pi, Obstacle Detection.


Multi-Terrain robots are mobile robotic systems which have enhanced drive mechanism and control
system, for applications in rough topographies. This project is the first phase of a bottom-up plan
for developing a rugged autonomous robotic system for navigating different rough terrains. This
includes the design (i.e., mechanism and control), manufacturing, and field testing. we aim to
design the mechanical structures and 3D models of this robot, as an actively suspended 4-wheeled
These robots typically utilize a combination of sensors, including cameras, and other environmental
sensors, to navigate their surroundings and collect data. Some common applications of multi-terrain
robots include search and rescue missions in disaster zones, military operations, areas where human
reach is not possible or which maybe hazardous for human beings, and industrial applications.
These robots can be equipped with a variety of tools and attachments, such as arms and
manipulators, to perform tasks such as debris removal or sample collection.

~A Survey of Multi-Robot Systems for Search and Rescue Operations by Antonios Gasteratos and
Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos (2013): The survey paper reviews the research on multi-robot systems for
search and rescue operations. The authors discuss various challenges and opportunities for multi-
robot systems in this domain, including task allocation, communication, and localization.

~Survey of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning and Collision Avoidance Systems by Abhijit
Kurute and Balasubramanian Raman (2019): The survey paper provides an overview of path
planning and collision avoidance techniques for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The authors
discussed the advantages and limitations of each technique and provide recommendations for future

~ A Survey of Perception Systems for Autonomous Ground Vehicles by Jungwon Kim, Inhyeok
Kim, and Jihong Lee (2019): The survey paper reviews the research on perception systems for
autonomous ground vehicles. The authors discuss various sensors used in perception systems,
including cameras, LIDAR, and radar. They also discuss the challenges and opportunities of
perception systems for autonomous ground vehicles.


Auto mobility is one of the key features of a multi-terrain robot. Detecting harsh environments
which can contain hazardous gases such as carbon monoxide, methane. Detection of fire or high
temperatures in the environment. Detection of obstacles which can cause hindrance in the
movement of the robot. A pi camera device which is mounted on the robot which provides live
streaming of the environment or click images and record videos of the environment is also

• Design & Development

The model is designed to be a simple four wheeled vehicle which can be traversed through rough
topographies. The chassis or the body of the robot is the heart of the robot where various types of
sensors a micro computer and a surveillance camera is mounted. The wheels have an outer layer of
rubber material which provides them a better grip when on uneven and the surfaces which are not

• Sensor Selection
The selection of the sensors is based on the functionality of each of them. Here in this model, we
have cumulated the requirement of the sensors based on the surrounding environment. So according
to the necessity of the locality we have adapted the use of the following sensors:
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor (3.3V-5V)
- Infrared sensor(5V)
- Gas detection sensor(5V)
- Temperature sensor(5V)

• Communication & Control

The detection of the sensors is recorded and the movement of the robot is programmed in a
regulated manner which allows the robot to record the data of the environment and also move
forward stating that the surrounding is cleared and is accessible for human beings.
- Raspberry pi 3(5V)
2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 5.0, Gigabit Ethernet
For the collection of the data provided by sensors and displaying the data provided.
- L298N dual H-bridge DC motor driver(4.5V-38V)
received power from a 3-pin 3.5mm-pitch screw terminal.

• Software Requirement
- Coding language: Python
- Operating system: Windows 10
- Processor: Intel 5 processor
- RAM: 8GB

• Surveillance & Data Processing

-Thingspeak: this software is used for the featuring the data recorded by the sensors when the robot
is in the mobile state.
-VNC viewer: this software is used for interfacing the raspberry pi with other sensors. It is also used
for the visual display of the environment through live streaming, recording videos or capturing

- Implementation process for windows10:

• Installation of VNC viewer in the system.
• Importing all the necessary libraries.
• Importing thingspeak website URL which includes API keys for interface &
• Compiling the source code for the robot.
• Testing the program for errors.

- Implementation process for Raspberry pi:

• Upgrade Raspberry pi.
• Mounting USB on the Raspberry pi for installation of the program & for interface of it with
the sensors.
• Interfacing Pi camera to it.
• Compiling and testing the program for the prototype.
• Run the source code using python IDE.

Fig-1: Hardware Model

Fig-2: Block Diagram


• Initiating the robot system, switching the robot on and determining the location of the robot or the
target area where the robot is.
• If the robot is in the target area the process ends and the robot is ready to move to the next area.
• If the robot is not in the target location, then identifying the robot location and commanding the
robot to move towards the goal area.
• If the robot finds any obstacles in the path such as, heavy moisture in the soil or the terrain is
rough or any hindrance in its path.
• The message is sent back to the monitoring system and the robot is commanded accordingly.
• Once it seems that the path is clear, again the robot is ready to move forward.

Fig-3: Process flow diagram


1. Start
2. Initialize system (OS, drivers, sensors, actuators)
3. Read inputs from sensors (HC-SR04, IR Sensor, Gas sensor)
4. Run obstacle avoidance algorithm
5. Read user inputs
6. Run servo motor control algorithm
7. Read user inputs (motor control commands)
8. Run motor control algorithm
9. Provide feedback to the user
10. Stop.


The multi-terrain automation model can perform the actual allotted task like moving forward,
backward, turning left and right.
Active rugged mode can be performed by the robot using its four wheeling which can be used to
move through rough topographies.
Detection of obstacles is also a feature performed by the robot ad it can sense any obstacle in front
of it and move forward by avoiding the obstacle.
Detection of high temperatures & smoke in the environment.

Fig-4: Data collected by sensors

images captured by the pi camera


A lot of factors determined the accuracy of the robot we designed. These factors were the
environmental phenomenon in which the robot was tested such as the number of obstacles present
making the test space crowded or relatively less crowded the type and shape of the obstacle. These
factors majorly affected the sensors. The accuracy of the robot is dependent on the sensors used.
Thus the nature of the sensor and its accuracy defined the accuracy of the robot.
In summary, multi-terrain robots are an exciting and rapidly developing technology that holds great
promise for improving productivity, safety, and efficiency in various industries.

➢ O. Olakanmi and M. Benyeogor, “Internet based tele- autonomous vehicle system with beyond
line-of-sight capability for remote sensing and monitoring,” Internet of Things, vol. 5, pp. 97–115,
➢ A Review of Multi-Terrain Mobile Robots, by F. Aviles, F. Becerra, M. Alvarado, M. Ortiz, M.
Vazquez, and J. Escareno. IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 2022- 2037, 2018.
➢ Development of a Multi-Terrain Robot with Real-Time Terrain Classification System, by NK.
Dissanayake, C. S. Jayasooriya, and D. P. Chandima. International.73-82, 2021.
➢ .Multi-Terrain Mobile Robots: From Concept to Implementation, by S. R. Das, A. Rodriguez,
and F. T. Ramos. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
➢ Design and Development of a Multi-Terrain Autonomous Robot for Surveillance and
Exploration, by S. Kar, S. K. Poddar, and S. K. Sarkar. Journal of Robotics, vol. 2019, Article ID
1326461, 2019.
➢ A Review of Multi-Terrain Mobile Robots: Design Challenges, by C. P. Lim, S. S. Keerthi, M. W.
K. Ho, and S. L. Tang. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 141-157,
➢ Y. Sun, Y. Yang, S. Ma, and H. Pu, “Design of a high- mobility multiterrain robot based on
eccentric paddle mechanism,” Robotics and Biomimetics, vol. 3(8), pp. 1–11, 2016.
➢ K. Kozlowski and D. Pazderski, “Modeling and control of a 4-wheel skid-steering mobile robot,”
Intl. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, vol. 14

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