Acas Dismissal
Acas Dismissal
Acas Dismissal
1 . What dismissal is
A dismissal is when an employer ends an employee's contract. It usually means the same as being sacked or fired.
It's important that an employer uses a fair and reasonable procedure to decide whether to dismiss someone.
believe they have a valid reason – read about types of dismissal and reasons to dismiss someone fairly
follow a full and fair procedure, usually in line with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures
make a decision that's balanced, consistent and as fair as possible
The procedure an employer follows will be taken into account if an employee claims for unfair dismissal and the case reaches an
employment tribunal.
An employer must put the reasons in writing for an employee who's pregnant or on maternity leave, regardless of how long they've
been employed.
Other employees have the right to ask their employer for a written statement giving the reasons for their dismissal if they have:
If an employee asks, their employer must give them the reasons in writing within 14 days.
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If the employer does not follow a fair and reasonable procedure the employee might be able to make a claim for unfair dismissal, even
if the reason for dismissal was valid.
Settlement agreements
A settlement agreement is sometimes used when an employer and employee agree to end their employment relationship because they
both agree it's no longer working. This can include some dismissal situations.
If you're thinking about using a settlement agreement, you should get legal advice.
2. Types of dismissal
By law (Employment Rights Act 1996), the following are potential reasons to dismiss someone fairly:
conduct – when the employee has done something that's inappropriate or not acceptable
capability – when the employee is not able to do the job or does not have the right qualifications
redundancy – when the job is no longer needed
a legal reason – when the employee cannot do their job legally, for example a lorry driver who's banned from driving
'some other substantial reason' – a term used for a wide variety of other situations
Gross misconduct
Gross misconduct is when an employee has done something that's very serious or has very serious effects.
physical violence
serious lack of care to their duties or other people ('gross negligence')
serious insubordination, for example refusing to take lawful and reasonable orders from a supervisor
Your organisation might have its own policy or rules with other examples of gross misconduct.
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Gross misconduct will usually only be relevant in dismissals related to conduct – in other words, an employee's behaviour at work.
An employer must still follow a fair and reasonable procedure if someone is accused of gross misconduct.
Redundancy is usually a type of dismissal when a role is no longer needed. Employers should only consider making redundancies if
part or all of the organisation is:
If an employer has concerns about an employee's conduct or performance, they need to follow a disciplinary or capability procedure.
Dismissal because of long-term illness would usually be a capability issue. This means it would depend on whether or not the
employee is able to do their job.
Employers must investigate fully and have a valid reason for dismissal. The employee could make a claim to an employment tribunal if
they think they've been unfairly dismissed.
Dismissing someone because they're disabled (this includes some long-term health conditions) could be discrimination.
Notice pay
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In most cases, the person who's been dismissed is entitled to the same pay they'd normally get if they work their notice period.
The employee's final pay may be different from their usual monthly or weekly pay because of things like:
They may need to get paid other outstanding money, for example bonuses or pay for working overtime.
Find out more about final pay when someone leaves a job
leave immediately
do not have a notice period
do not get paid notice pay
There are some things the employer must still pay them for. These include:
The employer may also need to pay them for other work benefits, unless their contract says something different.
4. Unfair dismissal
It's important to understand what unfair dismissal is by law. This is because different rights might apply depending on the
It might be unfair dismissal if an employee worked for their employer for at least 2 years and any of the following apply:
The fair procedure must follow the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, if it's to do with:
If the dismissal is because of another reason, it's a good idea to use the Code of Practice to inform the fair procedure.
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If someone is dismissed before they have worked for their employer for 2 years, they will need to check what rights are available to
them. This is sometimes known as 'short service dismissal'.
Depending on the reason for the dismissal, one of the following might apply:
Appealing a dismissal
If an employee thinks their dismissal was unfair and wants to challenge it, they can appeal through their employer's appeal process.
The employer should tell them how to appeal.
Being able to appeal a dismissal is also part of the Acas Code of Practice.
The employee may want to speak to their trade union if they have one or get legal advice.
These include:
An employee does not need 2 years' service to claim automatically unfair dismissal.
reasonably believe being at work or doing certain tasks would put them in serious and imminent danger
take reasonable steps over a health and safety issue, for example complaining about unsafe working conditions
inform their employer about a health and safety issue in an appropriate way
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their employer reduces their hours
they experience bullying
they experience harassment
their employer turns down their training requests without good reason
they are overlooked for promotions or development opportunities
If an employee is dismissed and one of these health and safety issues is the main reason, it might be classed as 'automatically unfair'.
Non-union members have the same rights as union members not to be dismissed if they take part in legal, official industrial action.
After 12 weeks, employees could be dismissed for taking part in industrial action if the employer has tried to settle the dispute. For
example, the employer may have asked Acas to help find a solution.
Constructive dismissal
If an employee feels they have no choice but to resign because of something very serious their employer has done, they might be able
to claim for 'constructive dismissal'.
An employee usually has the right to make an unfair dismissal claim to an employment tribunal if:
If they've been dismissed for an 'automatically unfair' reason it does not matter how long they've worked for their employer.
If someone thinks they've been unfairly dismissed because of race, sex or another 'protected characteristic', this could be
discrimination. They could make a claim to an employment tribunal for both discrimination and unfair dismissal.
For the discrimination claim, they do not need to have worked for their employer for 2 years.
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When to make a claim
There are strict time limits for making a claim to an employment tribunal. Someone has 3 months minus 1 day from the date their
employment ended.
Wrongful dismissal
A 'wrongful dismissal' is when an employer has breached an employee's contract. It's usually to do with notice or notice pay.
If an employee wants to make a claim for wrongful dismissal, it does not matter how long they've worked for their employer.
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5. Constructive dismissal
If an employee feels they have no choice but to resign because of something their employer has done, they might be able to claim for
'constructive dismissal'.
regularly not being paid the agreed amount without a good reason
being bullied or discriminated against
raising a grievance that the employer refuses to look into
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making unreasonable changes to working patterns or place of work without agreement
If you've already tried to resolve things informally you can raise a grievance. This is where you make a formal complaint to your
Settlement agreements
A settlement agreement is sometimes used to end an employment relationship in a way the employer and employee both agree with.
If you sign a settlement agreement, you cannot make a constructive dismissal claim to an employment tribunal.
If you resign
In your resignation letter you should explain clearly your reasons for leaving.
If there's been a serious breach of contract you may want to leave your job straight away instead of working your notice period.
Doing this could be a breach of your employment contract but it can be justified sometimes. You should get legal advice.
There are strict time limits for making a claim to an employment tribunal. In most cases, you have 3 months minus 1 day from either:
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