Hydrology M.Eng Question

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Landmark M.

Eng Hydrology Questions

Question 1

a. What is hydrology? (5marks)

b. With the aid of a well labeled diagram, examine the various stages and processes of a
water cycle. (5marks)
c. Discuss the importance of learning hydrology at University level. (5marks)
d. Explain the sources of surface flow. (5marks)
e. Discuss any five factors that could control the amount of runoff generated over a
watershed. (5marks)
Question 2
a. Define a hydrograph and examine the usefulness of its limbs in hydrologic analysis.
b. Explain the alternative methods you would use in base flow separation. (6marks)
c. Discuss the significance of infiltration and examine the mechanics of water storage and
movement in the soil. (6marks)
d. Discuss the type of ground water and the factors that control it’s reseeding and
availability. (7marks)
Question 3
a. Explain the differences between infiltration and percolation as related to groundwater
flow. Describe factors affecting infiltration capacity. (5marks)
b. Write short notes on Darcy’s law for measuring velocity of groundwater flow (5marks)
c. Determine K for an unconfined aquifer 10m thick if a well delivers 360 m3/day,
observation well (O1) is sited at 20m from the pumping well and records a drawdown of
6m. Observation well (O2) sited at 600m away and drawdown is 3m, the original water
table was recorded at 12m. (8marks)
d. Define water well and explain 3 methods of constructing wells (3marks)
e. Discuss well completion and all its involvements. (4marks)

Question 4
a. Show that storage in a stream reach can be expressed in terms of inflow and outflow in
the form S=k ¿ (11marks)
b. The inflow hydrograph readings for a stream reach are given below for which the
Muskingum coefficients of k =36 hr and x=0.15 applies. Route the flood through the
reach and determine the outflow hydrograph: (14marks)

Time 0 1 2 36 48 60 72 84 96 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24
(hr) 2 4 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0

Inflo 4 4 8 27 34 28 24 19 16 13 11 90 79 68 61 56 54 51 48 45 42
w 2 5 8 2 2 8 0 8 2 3 0

Question 5
a. Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. Drainage basin (2marks)
ii. Drainage pattern (2marks)
iii. Flooding. (2marks)
iv. Water flow patterns (2marks)
v. Sediment transport. (2marks)
b. Derive the equation for steady radial flow to a well in confined and unconfined
aquifers (15marks)
Question 6

a. The ordinates of a 2-hr unit hydrograph are given below. Derive the ordinate of the 4-
hr hydrograph by S-curve method. Plot the S-curve and the lagged hydrographs

Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 20 22

2-hr 0 12 41 80 92 75 52 32 85 3 0

b. What is a Unit hydrograph? Explain the effects of rainfall characteristic on unit

hydrograph (5marks)
c. A 20cm well penetrates 40m below static water level (GWL). After a long period of
pumping at a rate of 0.03 m3 /s , the drawdown in the observation wells at 10m and
30m from the pumped well are 1.5m and 0.5m respectively. Determine the
transmissivity of the aquifer (10marks)

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