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Full Download Designing Controls For The Process Industries - Ebook PDF Version PDF
Full Download Designing Controls For The Process Industries - Ebook PDF Version PDF
Designing Control Loops for Linear and Switching Power
Supplies: A Tutorial Guide – Ebook PDF Version
viii Contents
8. Controller Theory........................................................................................241
8.1 On/Off Control..................................................................................241
8.2 PID Control.........................................................................................243
8.2.1 Proportional Response Control...........................................246
8.2.2 Integral Control.....................................................................248
8.2.3 Derivative Control................................................................250
8.2.4 Combined PID Control Algorithm.....................................251
8.3 Modifications to Minimize Derivative Kick...................................252
x Contents
xiv List of Figures
Figure 2.6 ressure vessel used to blend two fluids into a single
Figure 2.13 Mixing drum with a ratio controller for fluid A........................59
Figure 2.14 Neutralization drum with a ratio controller for fluid B........... 60
List of Figures xv
Figure 2.17 ypical control scheme for the overhead system for a
distillation column employing a partial condenser and a
fixed speed reflux pump...............................................................63
Figure 3.2 A more advanced pump curve for a variable speed pump......85
Figure 3.3 basic fixed speed pump control using: (a) flow or
(b) pressure as the dependent (measurement) variable.............86
Figure 3.4 fixed speed pump control with a simple minimum flow
Figure 3.5 pump and piping manifold to send liquid from the
upstream process steps to two different downstream
process steps at different flow rates and/or pressures..............87
Figure 3.6 control scheme for a pump and piping manifold to
send liquid from the upstream process steps to two
different downstream process steps at different flow rates
and/or pressures with fixed speed pumps.................................88
Figure 3.7 n on/off control scheme for a fixed speed pump used
to remove liquid from a drum based on the activation of
low- and high-level switches.........................................................90
Figure 3.10 control scheme using outlet flow and outlet pressure
for a compressor with a steam turbine driver............................93
Figure 4.8 xchanging energy between the inlet and outlet streams
of a reactor in a cross exchanger.................................................123
xviii List of Figures
Figure 4.13 rocess and control configuration for the heat exchanger
system for the example of vaporizing a hexane stream
and cooling a weak acid stream where the hexane stream
has the smaller duty requirement..............................................128
Figure 4.17 sing a hot inert gas to directly heat a solid with bulk
dryer temperature control...........................................................131
Figure 4.18 cheme showing one way to control a hot inert gas used
to directly heat a solid with weigh-in-motion solids flow
rate used as a feed forward input to the hot gas flow
rate control loop (WIM, weigh-in-motion solids flow
Figure 4.19 sing a hot inert gas to directly heat a solid via
Figure 4.20 sing an external heat exchanger to vaporize liquid
separated out of a gas stream.....................................................134
List of Figures xix
Figure 4.21 U
sing an electrical resistance heating coil to vaporize
small quantities of liquid accumulating in a surge drum......135
Figure 4.22 ontrol scheme when heating a process fluid in a direct
fired heater.....................................................................................136
Figure 4.23 irect fired heater with both primary and secondary
process fluids; adding additional tube banks increases
the amount of energy that can be recovered from the
fired heater.....................................................................................136
Figure 4.24 eating a process fluid in a direct fired heater with
excess heat routed through two secondary sections to
heat two additional fluids...........................................................137
Figure 4.25 eating a process fluid in a direct fired heater with
excess heat used to generate utility grade steam.....................138
Figure 4.26 simple heat exchanger fouling/scaling monitoring
system using a XA, a calculated alarm block...........................139
Figure 4.27 bank of parallel heat exchangers with four in service
and one serving as an installed spare........................................140
Figure 4.28 cheme to monitor heat exchanger fouling or scaling and
automatically swap in the spare for the fouled exchanger.....141
Figure 5.1 ontrol scheme for an adiabatic flash drum with a liquid
level pot using the analysis of a key component and flow
rate as the dependent variables. ................................................ 148
Figure 5.2 ontrol scheme for a two-phase separator where the
organic phase has a lower density than the aqueous
phase...................................................................................... 150
Figure 5.3 Vapor-liquid traffic in a trayed distillation column................151
Figure 5.4 he bottoms system with adequate liquid level
to provide pressure for the vapor to return to the
distillation column.......................................................................152
Figure 5.5 The overhead system for a distillation column........................154
Figure 5.6 ontrol scheme for the overhead portion of a distillation
system employing a total condenser, having a reflux
ratio ≥1.0, and two independent pumps with variable
speed drivers. HK is the heavy key...........................................159
Figure 5.7 he bottoms system of a distillation column with a
partial forced reboiler system (employing a pump to
provide the pressure to get the vapor back into the
column) and bottoms product transfer pump.........................161
xx List of Figures
Figure 5.8 ontrol scheme for the distillation bottoms system with
a partial thermosyphon reboiler and a mass ratio of
reboil vapor to bottoms liquid product greater than 1.
LK denotes the light key..............................................................162
Figure 6.4 fixed bed reactor for an exothermic reaction with two
reactants, both of which are preheated.....................................198
Figure 6.5 ontrol scheme for an isothermal (using cooling tubes)
fixed bed reactor with an exothermic reaction and two
reactants, both of which are preheated.....................................200
Figure 6.6 ypical safety system for a fixed bed reactor with an
exothermic reaction and two reactants, both of which are
Figure 6.7 two-stage CSTR reactor system with an intermediate
distillation product purification step.........................................205
Figure 6.8 ypical controls for a two-stage CSTR reactor system
with an intermediate distillation product purification step...... 206
Figure 6.9 Typical batch cycle for biological reaction systems.................208
Figure 6.10 ypical seed reactor configuration for the production of
lactic acid......................................................................................210
Figure 6.11 ontrol scheme for the first stage of a semi-batch seed
reactor configuration for the production of lactic acid...........212
Figure 7.1 sing CALC blocks to correct a flow rate reading for
Figure 7.2 sing CALC blocks to determine the correct rate of
blending of two variable streams...............................................222
Figure 7.3 An alternate CALC block configuration...................................223
Figure 7.4 Another alternate CALC block configuration..........................224
Figure 7.5 Another alternate CALC block configuration..........................225
Figure 7.6 blend system where B is premixed with an inert fluid
prior to mixing with fluid A to increase the stability of
the overall control system to changes in composition or
flow of either fluid........................................................................226
Figure 7.7 ystem to monitor the heat transfer efficiency in a
heat exchanger prone to fouling or scaling where the
temperature of one or more of the inlet streams varies
Figure 7.8 n alternative system to monitor the heat transfer
efficiency in a heat exchanger prone to fouling or scaling
where the temperature of one or more of the inlet
streams varies widely...................................................................228
xxii List of Figures
Figure 7.10 xample of how to depict a soft sensor that uses multiple
laboratory-generated input data................................................230
Figure 7.11 sing the quantity of cooling water consumed per unit
quantity of reactant A to infer the optimum quantity of
reactant B to feed to a reactor......................................................231
Figure 7.12 ymbols for (a) low select and (b) high select CALC
Figure 7.14 verride control scheme to insure that the flow of slurry
through the pump meets or exceeds the settling velocity
of the solids in the slurry. OR denotes an override
Figure 7.15 se of a split range controller to improve control under
two drastically different flow conditions..................................234
Table 1.1 S
equential Logic Table for the Process Scheme Shown and
Described in Figures 1.12 and 1.13................................................21
Table 1.2 A
More Complete Sequential Logic Table for the Process
Scheme Shown and Described in Figures 1.12 and 1.13.............24
Table 1.3 C
ommon Control and Instrument Symbols for Process
Table 1.4 Measurement Parameter Designations.........................................31
Table 1.5 Device Type Designations...............................................................32
Table 1.6 M
athematical Symbols Used in Control System
Information Boxes............................................................................33
Table 1.7 C
ommon Higher-Level Control System Symbols for
Process Drawings.............................................................................35
Table 3.1 Sequential Event Table Associated with Figure 3.19.................106
Table 5.1 T
he Sequential Events Table for the Semi-Batch Fixed Bed
Adsorption Control Scheme Shown in Figure 5.20...................186
Table 6.1 S
equence of Events Table for SLC-100 for the First Stage
of a Semi-Batch Seed Reactor Configuration for the
Production of Lactic Acid.............................................................213
Table 8.1 An Example of Regional Gain Scheduling.................................257
Table 9.1 C
lassification of Treatment Regions within a Metal Curing
Table 11.1 I mportant Differences between Continuous and Batch
Table A.1 L
aplace Transforms for Commonly Used Process Dynamic
Table B.1 P
ID Controller Settings Based on the Ziegler-Nichols
Ultimate Gain and Period.............................................................376
A few years ago, I finally had the opportunity to take over a one semester
senior (fourth year) course entitled “Process Dynamics and Controls.” I was
looking forward to this as I had developed substantial applied controls expe-
rience during my 16-year industrial career. During that time, process controls
underwent a complete transformation from electronic instruments to digital
distributed control-based systems. I was excited to see new textbooks that
reflected this “revolution” in process controls.
Imagine then my disappointment when I found that all the major text-
books in this field were still following the same format and with essen-
tially the same content as textbook published in the 1960s and 1970s!
These books emphasize simplified mathematical descriptions of process
dynamics using time-dependent linear ordinary differential equations
(ODEs) and their analytical solutions using Laplace transform solution
The primary goal of these textbooks appears to be to help the reader under-
stand the dynamics of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller
mathematically, so that the stability of control loops could be properly evalu-
ated. This was an appropriate approach to the subject matter when process
control was performed using a suite of stand-alone electronic controllers but
is much less important now that control is most commonly performed using
sophisticated, integrated distributed control and automation systems. While
stability analysis is still of some interest to process control engineers, modern
control system algorithms have reduced the importance from primary to sec-
ondary for control engineers.
Another big gap in the current literature is a lack of coverage of batch pro-
cesses and, more importantly, the integration of batch unit operations within
continuous processes (such a step being known as a semi-batch unit opera-
tion). Of the 17 most common textbooks that I reviewed, only one gave this
topic any coverage at all. Yet almost every continuous commercial process
pathway includes at least one semi-batch step, and batch processing rep-
resents a sizeable minority of process pathways employed (particularly in
certain industries such as pharmaceutical).
“Designing Controls for the Process Industries” was conceived to address
these deficiencies in the currently available literature. The goal is to com-
pletely transform chemical engineering process control and process dynam-
ics education to focus on those aspects that are most important for process
engineering in the twenty-first century.
Instead of starting with the controller, the book starts with the process and
then moves on to how basic regulatory control schemes can be designed to
achieve the process’ objectives while maintaining stable operations. Without
xxx Preface
a deep understanding of the process itself, the power of the modern plant
automation system cannot be fully enabled.
As much as possible, I have tried to follow the International Society of
Automation’s (ISA) guidelines for process control and instrumentation doc-
umentation. Some adjustments to the ISA guidelines were made where these
improved the clarity of the concepts presented in the text. Most importantly,
all of the process control schemes assume that field signals will be converted
into digital form at the field device and that control will be accomplished in a
distributed control system or programmable logic controller module(s).
In addition to continuous control concepts, I have embedded process and
control system dynamics into the text with each new concept presented.
I have also included sections on batch and semi-batch processes within new
concept areas where appropriate. Finally, sections on safety automation are
also included within concept areas.
The four most common process control loops—feedback, feed forward,
ratio, and cascade—are introduced in Chapter 2, and the application of these
techniques for process control schemes for the most common types of unit
operations is provided in Chapters 3 through 6. For the practicing engineer,
these chapters may prove to be the most useful for designing new control
schemes or to help troubleshoot existing process instabilities. By compar-
ing the schemes in these chapters to an existing situation, the engineer may
be able to identify poorly designed control schemes. Modification of poorly
designed control schemes may be an easy and cost-effective way to solve
process instability problems. This is often a better approach than to try to
“tune” your way out of a problem.
More advanced and less commonly used regulatory control options are
presented in Chapter 7 such as override, allocation, and split range control-
lers. These techniques provide additional ways to increase the overall safety,
stability, and efficiency for many process applications.
Chapter 8 introduces the theory behind the most common types of con-
trollers used in the process industries. For those instructors that prefer to
start with a “what’s inside the box” approach, you might want to go through
Chapters 1 and 2 and then jump to Chapter 8 prior to Chapters 3 through 7.
For those instructors who are uncomfortable making a complete transition
from the older course formats to that presented in this text, Appendix A pro-
vides content on how to solve simple linear ODEs using Laplace transforms,
while Appendix B provides information on PID controller tuning.
Chapters 9 through 12 provide various additional plant automation–related
subjects. An instructor in a one semester course is unlikely to be able to use
all of this material but has the opportunity to emphasize those aspects that
they feel are most important. Personally, I use Chapters 9 and 10. I then use
Chapter 11 in a capstone design course. Chapter 12 is probably more appro-
priate for a graduate-level class in process dynamic modeling or as part of
an advanced transport phenomena course. However, instructors who want
to emphasize process modeling in their course may wish to use this material.
Preface xxxi
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
It was not without reason that Philo, the famous Graeco-Jewish
scholar of Alexandria, regarded Aaron’s rod, which “was budded,
and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded
almonds,” as an emblem of his race. Torn from the stem that bore
and from the soil that nourished them, and for nearly twenty
centuries exposed to the wintry blasts of adversity and persecution,
the children of Israel still bud and blossom and provide the world with
the perennial problem now known as the Jewish Question—a
question than which none possesses a deeper interest for the
student of the past, or a stronger fascination for the speculator on
the future; a question compared with which the Eastern, the Irish,
and all other vexed questions are but things of yesterday; a question
which has taxed the ingenuity of European statesmen ever since the
dispersion of this Eastern people over the lands of the West.
“What to do with the Jew?” This is the question. The manner in
which each generation of statesmen, from the legislators of ancient
Rome to those of modern Roumania, has attempted to answer it,
forming as it does a sure criterion of the material, intellectual and
moral conditions which prevailed in each country at each period,
might supply the basis for an exceedingly interesting and instructive,
if somewhat humiliating, study of European political ethics. Here I will
content myself with a lighter labour. I propose to sketch in outline the
fortunes of Israel in Europe from the earliest times to the present
day. It is a sad tale, and often told; but sufficiently important to bear
telling again. My object—in so far as human nature permits—will be
neither to excuse nor to deplore; but only to describe and, in some
measure, to explain.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Jews have been in Europe
for a longer period than some of the nations which glory in the title of
European. Ages before the ancestors of the modern Hungarians and
Slavonians were heard of, the keen features and guttural accents of
the Hebrew trader were familiar in the markets of Greece and Italy.
As early as the fourth century b.c. we find the Hebrew word for
“earnest-money” domiciled in the Greek language (ἀρραβών), and
as early as the second century in the Latin (arrhabo)—a curious
illustration of the Jew’s commercial activity in the Mediterranean
even in those days. And yet, despite the length of their sojourn
among the peoples of the West, the majority of the Jews have
remained in many essential respects as Oriental as they were in the
time of the Patriarchs. A younger race would have yielded to the
influence of environment, a weaker race would have succumbed to
oppression, a less inflexible or unsympathetic race might have
conquered its conquerors. But the Jews, when they first came into
contact with Europe, were already too old for assimilation, too strong
for extermination, too hardened in their peculiar cult for
propagandism. Even after having ceased to exist as a state Israel
survived as a nation; forming the one immobile figure in a perpetually
moving panorama. The narrow local idea of the ancient Greek state
was merged into the broad cosmopolitanism of the Macedonian
Empire, and that, in its turn, was absorbed by the broader
cosmopolitanism of Imperial Rome. But the Jew remained faithful to
his own olden ideal. Monotheism superseded Polytheism, and the
cosmopolitanism of the Roman Empire was succeeded by that of the
Roman Church. The Jew still continued rooted in the past. Mediaeval
cosmopolitanism gave way to the nationalism of modern Europe. Yet
the Jew declined to participate in the change. Too narrow in one age,
not narrow enough in another, always at one with himself and at
variance with his neighbours, now, as ever, he offers the melancholy
picture of one who is a stranger in the land of his fathers and an
alien in that of his adoption.
The upshot of this refusal to move with the rest of the world has
been mutual hatred, discord, and persecution; each age adding a
new ring to the poisonous plant of anti-Judaism. For this result both
sides are to blame—or neither. No race has ever had the sentiment
of nationality and religion more highly developed, or been more
intolerant of dissent, than the Jewish; no race has ever suffered
more grievously from national and religious fanaticism and from
intolerance of dissent on the part of others. The Jewish colonies
forming, as they mostly do, small, exclusive communities amidst
uncongenial surroundings, have always been the objects of
prejudice—the unenviable privilege of all minorities which stubbornly
refuse to conform to the code approved by the majority. The same
characteristics evoked a similar hostility against primitive Christianity
and led to the persecution of the early martyrs. No one is eccentric
with impunity. Notwithstanding the gospel of toleration constantly
preached by sages, and occasionally by saints, the attitude of
mankind has always been and still is one of hostility towards dissent.
Sois mon frère, ou je te tue is a maxim which, in a modified form,
might be extended to other than secret revolutionary societies. The
only difference consists in the manner in which this tyrannical maxim
is acted upon in various countries and ages: legal disability may
supersede massacre, or expulsion may be refined into social
ostracism; yet the hostility is always present, however much its
expression may change. Man is a persecuting animal.
To the Jews in Europe one might apply the words which Balzac’s
cynical priest addressed to the disillusioned young poet: “Vous
rompiez en visière aux idées du monde et vous n’avez pas eu la
considération que le monde accorde à ceux qui obéissent à ses
lois.” Now, when to mere outward nonconformity in matters of
worship and conduct is superadded a radical discrepancy of moral,
political, and social ideals, whether this discrepancy be actively
paraded or only passively maintained, the outcome can be no other
than violent friction. It is, therefore, not surprising that the “black
days” should vastly outnumber the “red” ones in the Jewish Calendar
—that brief but most vivid commentary on the tragic history of the
race. The marvel is that the race should have survived to continue
issuing a calendar.
At the same time, a dispassionate investigation would prove, I
think, to the satisfaction of all unbiassed minds, that the degree in
which the Jews have merited the odium of dissent has in every age
been strictly proportionate to the magnitude of the odium itself. Even
at the present hour it would be found upon enquiry that the Jews
retain most of their traditional aloofness and fanaticism—most of
what their critics stigmatise as their tribalism—in those countries in
which they suffer most severely. Nay, in one and the same country
the classes least liable to the contempt, declared or tacit, of their
neighbours are the classes least distinguished by bigotry. It is only
natural that it should be so. People never cling more fanatically to
the ideal than when they are debarred from the real. Christianity
spread first among slaves and the outcasts of society, and its final
triumph was secured by persecution. We see a vivid illustration of
this universal principle in modern Ireland. To what is the enormous
influence of the Catholic Church over the minds of the peasantry
due, but to the ideal consolations which it has long provided for their
material sufferings? Likewise in the Near East. The wealthy
Christians, in order to save their lands from confiscation, abjured
their religion and embraced the dominant creed of Islam. The poor
peasants are ready to lay down their lives for their faith, and believe
that whosoever dies in defence of it will rise again to life within forty
days. It is easy to deride the excesses of spiritual enthusiasm, to
denounce the selfish despotism of its ministers, and to deplore the
blind fanaticism of its victims. But fanaticism, after all, is only faith
strengthened by adversity and soured by oppression.
Jewish history itself shows that the misfortunes which fan bigotry
also preserve religion. Whilst independent and powerful, the Jews
often forgot the benefits bestowed upon them by their God, and
transferred the honour due to Him to the strange gods of their
idolatrous neighbours. But when Jehovah in His wrath hid His face
from His people and punished its ingratitude by placing it under a
foreign yoke, the piety of the Jews acquired in calamity a degree of
fervour and constancy which it had never possessed in the day of
their prosperity. The same phenomenon has been observed in every
age. When well treated, the Jews lost much of their aloofness, and
the desire for national rehabilitation was cherished only as a
romantic dream. But in times of persecution the longing for
redemption, and for restoration under a king of their own race,
blazed up into brilliant flame. The hope of the Messianic Redeemer
has been a torch of light and comfort through many a long winter’s
night. But it has burnt its brightest when the night has been darkest.
If at such times the Jews have shown an inordinate tenacity of
prophetic promise, who can blame them? They who possess nothing
in the present have the best right to claim a portion of the future.