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Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

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Food Chemistry: X
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Recent advances in characterizing the physical and functional properties of

active packaging films containing pomegranate peel
Aida Soleimanzadeh a, Shabnam Mizani b, Ghazal Mirzaei c, Elham Taheri Bavarsad d,
Mehdi Farhoodi a, **, Zahra Esfandiari e, Mohammadreza Rostami c, f, *
Department of Food Science and Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, Food Science and Technology,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Science, Collage of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
Division of Food Safety and Hygiene, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Nutrition and Food Security Research Center, Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Nutrition and Food Science, Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Food Science and Nutrition Group (FSAN), Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran.


Keywords: In recent years, food and packaging industries have worked together to minimize food wastes. Fruit and vege­
Active packaging table by-products, which are known to be among the most abundant food wastes and a great source of bioactive
Fruit by-products compounds, have the potential to improve food product packaging properties. The antioxidant and antimicrobial
Pomegranate peel
properties of pomegranate peel in food active packaging have been the subject of numerous studies. Pomegranate
Physical property
Antioxidant property
peel has an impact on the films’ microstructure and physical properties, such as thickness, water vapor
Antimicrobial property permeability, mechanical properties, optical properties, and thermal properties. Moreover, pomegranate peel
incorporated films demonstrate great antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Reviewing current advancements
in the physical and functional properties of active packaging films containing pomegranate peel is the goal of this

1. Introduction radicals that can impair food quality, from the packaged food (Hanani,
Yee, & Nor-Khaizura, 2019). Antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds
Active packaging which is developed by intentionally adding certain which are considered as active agents, can be added into or on the
compounds such as natural extracts into packaging system, is an inno­ surface of the packaging material to extend the shelf life of the packaged
vative food packaging concept. In order to enhance the sensory prop­ food (Nur Hanani, Aelma Husna, Nurul Syahida, Nor Khaizura, &
erties of food, ensure food safety, and maintain food quality, this Jamilah, 2018). On the other hand, many recent studies have shown that
promising technology enables interaction between the packaged food, different components of fruits and vegetables like leaves, seeds, peels
its packaging, and the interior and exterior environments. It is designed and unused pulps which are considered as wastes, can be valuable and
to release active components into the environment surrounding the food rich sources of polyphenols, flavonoids, tocopherols, pigments or
or absorb components like oxygen, carbon dioxide, moisture and free essential oils which possess several bioactivities, so all of these

Abbreviations: PPE, Pomegranate peel extract; PFE, Pomegranate flesh extract; PPP, Pomegranate peel powder; CS, Chitosan; CH-S, Chitosan-starch; CSNPs,
Chitosan nanoparticles; TEO, Thymus kotschyanus essential oil; CEO, Cinnamon essential oil; MEO, Melissa officinalis essences; TBHQ, Tert-butyl hydroquinone; PG,
Propyl gallate; SD, sodium dehydroacetate; BHT, Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHA, Butylated hydroxyanisole; DPPH, 2,2′-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl; TBARS, 2-thi­
obarbituric acid substances; AAPH, 2,2′-azobis(2-methylpropionamidine) dihydrochloride; ABTS, 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid); RO, Reac­
tive oxygen species; WVP, Water vapor permeability; TS, Tensile strength; EAB, Elongation at break.
* Corresponding author at: Division of Food Safety and Hygiene, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
** Corresponding author: Department of Food Science and Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences,
Food Science and Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Farhoodi), [email protected] (M. Rostami).

Received 13 March 2024; Received in revised form 23 April 2024; Accepted 24 April 2024
Available online 26 April 2024
2590-1575/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

compounds can be applied in active packaging uses (Kehili, Choura,

Zammel, Allouche, & Sayadi, 2018; Putnik et al., 2017; Settanni et al.,
2012). The ability of these compounds to enhance the functional prop­
erties of packaging materials is the primary reason for the growing in­
terest in the utilization of natural active compounds derived from waste
and by-products of the food industry. On the other hand, they are
inexpensive sources that eliminate the need for artificial preservatives
(Nur Hanani et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2024).
Punica granatum, also known as pomegranate, is a fruit that origi­
nates from the Middle East, India, China, Iran and the Mediterranean
regions and has been effective as a natural medicine since 3000 BCE. So
it has been considered as an important fruit (Cui, Surendhiran, Li, & Lin,
2020). This blessed fruit which is a member of the punicaceae plant
family, has become a functional food all around the world because it is
rich in tannins, polyphenols and anthocyanins. Also, it is known as na­
ture’s power fruit, which has notable health improving properties. In
Fig. 1 the weight percent composition and specific bioactivities of
pomegranate different parts is shown. Pomegranate peel makes up about
43% of total fruit weight and is reported to have more antioxidant ac­ Fig. 2. Pomegranate peel bioactive compounds.
tivity than juice (Charalampia & Koutelidakis, 2017; Pirzadeh et al.,
2021). The phytochemical makeup of PPE consists of hydrolyzable and fresh-cut fruits, meat and meat products, dairy, seafood, and bakery
tannins, such as punicalin, pedunculagin, and punicalagin, as well as food items(Kharchoufi et al., 2018; Khojah, 2020). It should be noted
gallic acid (GA) and ellagic acid (EA). These compounds are found in that apart from its uses in food, food packaging, medicine, and cos­
varying amounts ranging from 27 to 172 g/kg. Moreover, PPE is rich in metics, PPE may also be helpful in lowering the concentration of heavy
flavonoids, namely catechins, anthocyanins, and other intricate flavo­ metals like arsenite and chromium, as well as basic dyes, in contami­
noids. It also includes several organic acids, including citric, ascorbic, nated water. This is because PPE acts as a low-cost bioabsorbent
malic, fumaric, acetic, tartaric, oxalic, and lactic acids. PPE contains (Andishmand et al., 2023). PP and PPE are considered for all applica­
alkaloids such as piperidine and pyrrolidine, minerals including mag­ tions due to their antioxidant properties, but one of their most important
nesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, as well as features is their absence of toxic substances, non-toxicity, and versatility
complex polysaccharides(Gaharwar et al., 2022). The use of PP has been in a variety of food applications, particularly food packaging(Andish­
shown to include bioactive molecules, namely phenolic compounds, that mand et al., 2023).
have remarkable biological activity and have the potential to enhance Pomegranate skin is a waste product that humans typically do not
disease indicators. This part is also a major and beneficial by-product in consume and is not edible. Due to the presence of many phenolic com­
the food processing. Pomegranate peel is an excellent source of com­ pounds in this part, which has shown a lot of antibacterial and antiox­
pounds like flavonoids, complex polysaccharides, minerals, and hydro­ idant potential, its non-toxicity, cost-effectiveness, and high availability,
lysable tannins which have been shown to be biologically active (Fig. 2). researchers have used this waste part in active packaging film in many
Bioactive parts in pomegranate peel have antibacterial, antioxidant and research studies. Different studies have also evaluated the important
phenolic activities. It has been confirmed that the main phenolic anti­ parameters of a packaging film containing PPE (Vargas-Torrico, Aguilar-
oxidant in pomegranate peel is ellagic acid (Firuzi et al., 2019) and has Méndez, Ronquillo-de Jesús, Jaime-Fonseca, & von Borries-Medrano,
shown a high radical scavenging activity and reducing power (Hayes, 2024). In this review study, the aim is to explain the use of pome­
Allen, Brunton, O’Grady, & Kerry, 2011). Numerous studies have granate peel extract in packaging films and the effects that this extract
demonstrated that pomegranate cultivar, fruit part, and level of ripeness has on their antibacterial, antioxidant, and other physicochemical
all affect the amount and type of polyphenols (Liu et al., 2020). Pome­ properties.
granate peel extract (PPE) which can be obtained by extraction with
many several solvents, also contains polyphenolic compounds that 2. Physical properties
produce significant levels of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity (Ko,
Dadmohammadi, & Abbaspourrad, 2021; Maroufi, Tabibiazar, Ghor­ 2.1. Thickness
bani, & Jahanban-Esfahlan, 2021). Prior research has used pomegranate
peel extract in edible packaging to prolong the freshness of vegetables Because it directly affects the properties of the packaging, such as gas

Fig. 1. Specific bioactivities linked to pomegranate parts.

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

and water vapor permeability, light transmittance, the release of active hydrophobic compounds like lipids or essential oils are typically used to
compounds, and protection against insects and microorganisms, the reduce WVP (Yuan et al., 2015). Likewise, incorporation of PPE and
thickness of the film is regarded as an important physical characteristic Tymus kotschanus essential oil (TEO) into the chitosan-starch film was
of the film (Carvalho et al., 2014; Murmu & Mishra, 2017; Rossi- tested: Mehdizadeh et al. (2020) observed that in applying PPE and TEO
Márquez, Han, García-Almendárez, Castaño-Tostado, & Regalado- to chitosan-starch film alone, there were no significant differences in
González, 2009). In addition, the uniformity, structure, mechanical WVP with control, but combination films containing PPE and TEO
strength, and microstructure of the films are influenced by this physical showed significantly lower water vapor transmission rate. Studies
property (Yadav, Kumar, Upadhyay, Pratibha, & Anurag, 2021). Various showed that the role of hydrogen groups in creating hydrogen bonds
studies have been performed to examine the thickness of different films with water can be reduced by hydrogen and covalent bonds between
containing pomegranate peel. phenolic compounds and the chitosan network, which reduces the ten­
Liu et al. (2020) produced k-carrageenan films infused with pome­ dency of layers toward water. Generally, it has been noted that the WVP
granate peel by utilizing a variety of PPE concentrations (1, 2 and 4 wt% values of films are affected by the differences in the strength and the
on k-carrageenan basis). The thickness of the film increased as a result of nature of the bonds within the additives (Mehdizadeh et al., 2020). Also,
the inclusion of PPE, according to measurements. Because the dispersed in Hanani et al. (2019) PPP was incorporated into fish gelatin films at
extract increased the interstitial spacing between polymeric chains in concentrations ranging from 1% to 5% (w/w based on gelatin weight).
the film’s matrix, the thickness property of the k-carrageenan-PPE films The WVP values of these films demonstrated that increasing the pro­
also depended on the amount of extract (Liu et al., 2020). Also, it was portion of PPP by 1% and 2% produced a remarkable improvement;
proved by Mehdizadeh, Tajik, Langroodi, Molaei, and Mahmoudian however, increasing the proportion of PPP by 3% to 5% produced no
(2020) that the thickness of chitosan-starch layers containing PPE significant difference in WVP values. SEM analysis revealed that bubbles
increased significantly because the hydrophilic and hydrophobic con­ and incomplete PPP dissolution in gelatin films increase the WVP, which
tents of PPE formed a spongy structure and caused an increase in film is effective on removing strong bonds that affect the transmission of
thickness (Mehdizadeh et al., 2020). On one hand, Yuan, Lv, Yang, Chen, water vapor through the film. Also, the presence of starch and soluble
and Sun (2015) who developed chitosan active films, found that adding fibers in pomegranate peel can affect WVP because it has been suggested
10 g/l PPE and 10 g/l PPE in addition to 10 g/l carvacrol did not notably that the water absorption by gelatin was facilitated by the hygroscop­
increase the film thickness (Yuan et al., 2015). Also, application of 10 g/l icity of starch under normal atmospheric conditions (Hanani et al.,
PPE, and 10 g/l cinnamon essential oil in addition to 10 g/l PPE into the 2019). In a novel approach, Moghadam et al. (2020) created antioxidant
chitosan active films did not cause considerable difference in thickness edible films with pomegranate peel and mung bean protein that also had
as observed by Yuan, Lv, Zhang, Sun, and Chen (2016) (Yuan et al., PPP concentrations of 0, 2.5, 12.5 and 25% (weight based on dry protein
2016). Nur Hanani et al. (2018) observed that applying 1% pomegranate content). There was no significant difference in WVP compared to the
peel powder (PPP) did not significantly alter the thickness of the gelatin/ control mung bean protein film after adding 2.5% of pomegranate peel
polyethylene bilayer film, but further enhancement in peel powder extract to the films. On the other hand, adding 12.5 and 25% pome­
concentration notably increased the film thickness. This might have granate peel to the film dramatically boosted WVP. Due to the high
been due to the soluble and insoluble fibers of peel powder which pre­ concentrations of pomegranate peel, it seems that certain voids and
vent them from fully solubilizing in the gelatin emulsion. Also, SEM agglomerated particles were produced on the surface of mung protein
images showed that solid particles were placed on the surfaces of active films, which caused an increase in WVP (Moghadam et al., 2020).
films that contained fruit peels (Nur Hanani et al., 2018). Moghadam, Munir, Hu, Liu, and Xiong (2019) showed that in edible films containing
Salami, Mohammadian, Khodadadi, and Emam-Djomeh (2020) claimed surimi enriched with pomegranate peel extract in different concentra­
that incorporation of pomegranate peel in varying amounts (0, 2.5, 12.5, tions (2, 4% and 6% protein weight by weight), an increase in the
and 25% w/w based on protein weight) into mung bean protein films, concentration of PPE leads to a decrease in WVP. Several studies proved
resulted in an increase in the thickness of the films. This outcome ob­ that hydroxyl groups (OH) as well as the connection between phenolic
tained from an interaction between the functional agents of the compounds and proteins can directly affect the WVP of films. (Munir
biopolymer and the pomegranate peel’s phenolic hydroxyl groups, et al., 2019). Hu et al. (2017) observed that adding 1.5% (w/w) of PPE to
which are capable of increasing the thickness of a film (Moghadam et al., polyethylene (PE) resin resulted in a film with significantly higher water
2020). vapor transmission rate than PE film. The reason for this increase can be
related to the polarity of polyphenols and water molecules as well as the
2.2. Water vapor permeability increase in the gaps between polymer chains formed by PPE aggregation
(Hu et al., 2017).
Water vapor transmission rate through the food packaging films is a
key factor because it directly affects the packaged food safety and shelf 2.3. Mechanical properties
life due to its effect on water activity of the food product. Preventing the
transfer of water vapor in films used for food packaging is dependent on The mechanical qualities of edible films refer to their ability to
the film characteristics and external factors including temperature and withstand the typical stress that might arise during the transportation
humidity of the environment. Water vapor permeability (WVP) is and handling of food packed with these films, in order to preserve their
expressed as the transmission rate of vapor which pass through a square integrity and properties. Two main factors in the discussion of me­
meter of a flat material of unit thickness. Generally, permeability of the chanical characteristics of food packaging films are tensile strength (TS)
film is influenced by numerous properties of film matrix including the and elongation at break (EAB) which generally determine as the film
hydrophobicity of the film material as hydrophobic nature of some capability to retain the integrity of packaged food products in food
material reduces the WVP. On the other hand some other structural supply chain and during storage (Yuan et al., 2015). In fact, TS dem­
factors are also important, like presence of cracks or voids, and steric onstrates the maximum tensile stress that the film can withstand and
hindrance and tortuosity (Matta, Tavera-Quiroz, & Bertola, 2019). reflects the mechanical resistance, while EAB represents the flexibility
Yuan et al. (2015) who added carvacrol and PPE (10 g/l of each) to and maximum resistance of the film to elongation before breaking (Yuan
chitosan and produced active films based on chitosan, came to the et al., 2016). Film matrix properties, utilized materials, their composi­
conclusion that compared to the control sample, addition of 10 g/l PPE tion, and intermolecular interactions between them during the prepar­
alone had no effect on the WVP, but the combination of 10 g/l carvacrol ing process, in addition to preparation conditions play an important role
and 10 g/l PPE significantly decreased the WVP of the films. These re­ in tensile properties of packaging films (Siracusa et al., 2018; Yadav
searchers discovered that chitosan films present high WVP. Therefore, et al., 2021). Packaging materials should have sufficient strength and

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

stiffness in order to be self-supporting and withstand handling damage resulted in a structure with decreased mobility, flexibility, and fracture
(Khalid et al., 2018). As can be seen from Table 1, pomegranate peel has resistance (Yuan et al., 2015). In another study, Yuan et al. (2016)
been extensively investigated for this aim. carried out an experiment by addition of cinnamon essential oil (CEO)
PPE was found to significantly improve the mechanical resistance and PPE in to the chitosan film. The results showed that adding 10 g/l
(tensile strength) and flexibility (elongation at break) of k-carrageenan PPE did not cause significant changes in TS and E% but incorporation of
films when Liu et al. (2020) studied the process of preparing active and 10 g/l CEO with 10 g/l PPE caused a notable enhancement and reduc­
intelligent packaging films by adding PPE to the k-carrageenan matrix. tion in TS and E% of chitosan films, respectively. The presence of CEO,
As a matter of fact, the abundance of hydroxyl groups led to form the which has a strong interaction with the polymer and reduces the poly­
hydrogen bonds between PPE and k-carrageenan chains and increased mer’s free volume and molecular mobility, could be the cause of these
the compactness of k-carrageenan based films. On the other hand, the changes in TS and EAB. (Yuan et al., 2016). Pirsa et al. (2020) who
dispersed extracts in the film matrix also increase the interstitial spacing created a biodegradable antibacterial film from chitosan (CS)/PPE and
between k-carrageenan chains (Liu et al., 2020). Mehdizadeh et al. Melissa officinalis Essences (MOE), concluded that the TS increased when
(2020) reported that the chitosan-starch (CH-S) films including both PPE PPE and MOE were added to the chitosan films. Among all the films, CS/
and thymus kotschyanus essential oil (TEO) showed lower TS and PPE0.03%/MOE0.0% and CS/PPE0.03%/MOE0.5% had the highest TS
elongation values than CH-S films with no considerable variation in respectively (Pirsa et al., 2020). The uniform dispersion of PPEs within
films only containing PPE or TEO, but TS decreased in PPE and TEO the polymer matrix may be the outcome of this improvement in TS.
treated samples, in the composite film of PPE and CH-S which enriched Chitosan and PPEs interact strongly through ion bonding, and chitosan/
with TEO for packing beef. The levels of deacetylation and molecular essential oil and pomegranate extracts can form new, strong bonds
weight of chitosan, affect the TS of chitosan films (Mehdizadeh et al., (Dehnad, Mirzaei, Emam-Djomeh, Jafari, & Dadashi, 2014). PPE and
2020). Also Fan et al. (2013) who produced an antioxidant chitosan film MOE contain numerous compounds, including steroid compounds,
enriched with PPE (0%, 1%, 2% and 3% (w/v)), concluded that when the monoterpenes, amino acids, polyphenols, and phenolic aldehydes. Some
PPE concentration was 1, 2 and 3%, TS decreased about 23%, 32% and links in the structure of the film are created by these compounds, which
48% respectively. This might be due to the presence of some compo­ have a high molecular weight. As a result, the film’s softening decreases
nents like phenolic constituents in PPE likewise hydrophilic properties while its resistance to tensile stress increases (Pirsa et al., 2020). Also,
of that which might have caused the higher EAB and flexibility of the the humidity of film decreases because of the hydrophobic character of
film (Fan et al., 2013). The research carried out by Yuan et al. (2015) MOE and PPE which leads to increase to tensile stress and tear (Dehnad
showed that incorporating 10 g/l PPE into the chitosan did not result in et al., 2014). It has been shown that the chitosan film has the highest
a significant difference in the TS and EAB of the chitosan films. This was EAB and flexibility but adding MOE and PPE decreases the EAB, may be
probably due to the interaction between the chitosan matrix and the due to the uniform distribution of the PPE (Pirsa et al., 2020). He et al.
phenolic compounds found in pomegranate peel. However, the TS and (2019) used electrospinning to incorporate PPE and sodium dehy­
EAB of chitosan films were significantly reduced when 10 g/l PPE was droacetate (SD) into an active film made of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). He
combined with 10 g/l carvacrol. These modifications may have occurred et al. then investigated how the ratio of PPE to SD affected the me­
as a result of the film’s incorporation of hydrophobic agents, which chanical properties in a consistent total mass fraction of 5% in the film-

Table 1
Effects of PPE on mechanical properties of manufactured films.
Film matrices Concentrations of PPE in film Mechanical effects References
forming solution
gelatin-carboxymethylcellulose 150, 300, and 450 mgl− PPE improved TS and EAB (Vargas-Torrico et al., 2024)
TS was decreased and the EAB was increased by ~63% and ~
carboxymethyl cellulose 20 mg/ml (Khalid et al., 2024)
25%, respectively
Polylactic acid- starch 5–20% (w/w%) PPE improved Young’s modulus, TS (Li et al., 2024)
pomegranate (5% w/v) and orange peel pomegranate (5% w/v) and orange as reducing the particle size the mechanical properties were (Karakuş, Ayhan, & Haskaraca,
powders (2% w/v) peel powders (2% w/v) improved 2023)
Chitosan/gelatin 1 mg g− 1 TS increased by 15 mPa (Bertolo et al., 2022)
starch, poly butylene adipate-co-
1–3 (g 100 g− 1) reduction in TS and increase in EAB (Flores Fidelis et al., 2022)
polylactic acid 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 wt% Increase EAB and TS decreased (Dai et al., 2022)
(Esfahani, Mohammadi Nafchi,
cassava starch 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% w/w A minor reduction in mechanical properties
Baghaei, & Nouri, 2022)
1, 2 and 4 wt% on k-carrageenan
k-carrageenan PPE improved TS and EAB (Liu et al., 2020)
Compared to control, no significant changes in films containing
Chitosan-starch 0.5 and 1% (w/w) (Mehdizadeh et al., 2020)
PPE alone combination of PPE and TEO decreased TS and EAB
(Pirsa, Karimi Sani, Pirouzifard,
Chitosan 0.01 and 0.03% (w/v) PPE increased TS and decreased EAB
& Erfani, 2020)
Zein 10% improved the EAB and TS (Cui et al., 2020)
(He, Lan, Ahmed, Qin, & Liu,
Polyvinyl alcohol PPE to SD 1:0, 1:0.5, 1:1, 0.5:1, 0:1 Compared to control, PPE decreased

Surimi 2, 4, and 6% w/w protein content (Munir et al., 2019)

PPE increased TS and decreased EAB
Polyethylene resin 1.5% w/w PPE had no significant effect on TS but decreased EAB (Hu et al., 2017)
PPE alone had no significant effect on TS and EAB.
Chitosan 10 g/l (Yuan et al., 2016)
Combination of PPE and CEO increased TS and decreased EAB.
PPE alone had no significant effect on TS and EAB.
Chitosan 10 g/l (Yuan et al., 2015)
Combination of PPE and carvacrol decreased TS and EAB
(Fan, Zhang, Qin, Zhao, &
Chitosan 1, 2 and 3% (w/v) PPE decreased TS and increased EAB
Cheng, 2013)

PPE: Pomegranate peel extract, TS: Tensile strength, EAB: Elongation at break, TEO: Thymus kotschyanus essential oil, CEO: Cinnamon essential oil, SD: sodium

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

forming solution. The PVA film without any additive had the highest TS Moghadam et al. (2020), the opacity and color properties of films made
of 10.38 MPa and an EAB of 48.44%, according to the findings. The from mung bean protein that contained pomegranate peel were
mechanical properties were weakened by the high PPE content (up to assessed. The findings demonstrated that pomegranate peel integration
5%). Similar effect was also exhibited by SD content. It was found that raised the films’ a* and b* values as well as their opacity. While the
the addition of PPE and SD altered the neatness of the PVA film mo­ brightness (L* value) dropped with increasing pomegranate peel content
lecular organization. The incorporation of PPE decreased the TS and in the matrix of film samples, these parameters increased noticeably.
increased the EAB, resulting in a flexible and stretchy film. Adding SD to These alterations in the mung bean protein film’s darkness, yellowness,
the PPE containing film (sample ratio 1:1), significantly reduced EAB and redness can be attributed to the anthocyanins which are found in the
compared with the PVA film only containing PPE (sample ratio 0:1) and pomegranate peel (Moghadam et al., 2020). Kumar et al. (2019) who
applying PPE and SD to the PVA film together improved the TS signif­ prepared chitosan-pullulan blended edible films enriched with PPE,
icantly (when the PPE to SD ratio was 1:1). Briefly, PPE and SD showed a observed that the incorporation of PPE had no effect on transparency
synergistic effect on the mechanical properties of the PVA film and films property of developed edible films (Kumar et al., 2019). Munir et al.
containing both PPE and SD (sample ratios 0.5:1, 1:1, 1:0.5) showed an (2019) reported that the lowest L* values were related to the silver carp
increase in TS and a decrease in EAB, which indicates their synergistic surimi-based edible films containing pomegranate peel. Moreover, this
effect (Davar, Majedi, & Mirzaei, 2018; He et al., 2019). Also, Munir parameter decreased with increasing the concentration of PPE. How­
et al. (2019) prepared silver carp surimi-based edible films in which ever, the b* values increased with the concentration of PPE. The high
various amounts (2%, 4%, and 6% w/w protein content) of pomegranate color pigment concentrations in PPE led to an increase in the b* value of
peel under acidic conditions were incorporated. The results indicated the films with increased PPE content, and the pigments effectively
that the film incorporated with PPE showed higher TS and lower EAB reduce light transmission. PPE-enriched surimi films had less trans­
than the control film (Munir et al., 2019). Covalent and non-covalent parency than the control film, and it got worse as the PPE concentration
bonding between the phenolic compounds in films containing increased. (Munir et al., 2019). In a recent investigation, He et al. (2019)
phenolic compounds, led to the films with improved rigidity (Prodpran, came to the conclusion that PPE considerably decreased the lightness
Benjakul, & Phatcharat, 2012; Rattaya, Benjakul, & Prodpran, 2009). On (L*) of all PVA films, and that increasing the extract’s concentration
the other side, incorporation of extracts lead to greater rigidity of films causes the lightness to drop. Due to the electrospinning technique, PVA-
due to the reduced plasticizer effects through the interactions between based films had very low transparency, and adding PPE to the films had
surimi proteins and phenolic compounds (Li, Sinclair, & Li, 2011). no noticeable impact on that transparency regardless of the concentra­
Additionally, EAB values were reduced by increasing concentrations of tion of PPE (He et al., 2019).
PPE, thus it can be concluded that the phenolic compounds affected the
TS and EAB of manufactured films, relating to the source and concen­ 2.5. Thermal properties
tration of PPE (Munir et al., 2019). Hu et al. (2017) observed that the
incorporation of 1.5% (w/w) PPE into the polyethylene (PE), signifi­ In food packaging films, thermal properties which indicate their
cantly increased EAB. This could be related to the presence of low mo­ ability to withstand decomposition at high temperatures, determines the
lecular weight compounds in pomegranate peel that penetrate the space melting temperature of the film (Zhang et al., 2019). Common tech­
created by the amorphous phase of the polymer structure and act as niques which are used in measuring this important characteristic are
plasticizing agent. Polymer-polymer interactions were weakened thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry
following the increase in PPE level and penetration of the PPE agent into (DSC) (Yong & Liu, 2020). In the TGA technique, the weight changing is
the crystalline region. These changes resulted in destroying the crys­ represented as a function of temperature or time in the form of thermo-
talline structure of the film. On the other side, little effect on the TS of grams (Piyada, Waranyou, & Thawien, 2013), while a DSC measurement
the polyethylene film was observed by the incorporation of 1.5% PPE can determine the temperature profile and energy changes during
(Han, 2005; Hu et al., 2017). continuous heating and cooling. Also, crystallization temperature (Tc),
melting temperature (Tm), and glass transition temperature (Tg) can be
2.4. Optical properties found by this technique (Jafarzadeh & Jafari, 2021).
The thermal properties of zein/CSNPs/PPE nanocomposite film and
The color parameter and transparency can affect product appeal, neat zein film were examined in a study by Cui et al. (2020), and it was
appearance, and consumer acceptance and is therefore an important discovered that the thermal deterioration of neat zein film occurred in
feature of the film (Jridi et al., 2019; Kumar, Neeraj, & A., & Singh, R., two stages. Due to the loss of water and other volatile substances from
2019; Ojagh, Rezaei, Razavi, & Hosseini, 2010). Moreover, reducing the zein film, the first stage occurred at a temperature between 100 and
light transmission is desirable in order to protect and preserve food, 150 degrees Celsius. A drastic weight loss was evident at temperature
meanwhile UV light leads to destructive effects like nutrient losses, off- between 200 and 250 degrees Celsius, which was attributable to the
flavor, and discoloration, which are often caused by lipid oxidation. thermal breakdown of the primary protein components in the zein film.
Various additives have ability to change the film primary color and In comparison with thermal breakdown of the neat zein film, the addi­
transparency by linking to the structural composition of them. More­ tion of the CSNPs/PPE improved the thermal stability of the nano­
over, it has been proven that the type and concentration of extracts composite film. At nearly 200 ◦ C, the first weight loss occurred, and at
directly affect the color, as well as it has been suggested that light 300 ◦ C, the second. Furthermore, DSC was used to examine the thermal
transmission varies according to the variety and quantity of phenolic behavior of the zein/CSNPs/PPE nanocomposite film and neat zein film.
compounds (Moradi et al., 2012; Munir et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2024). A large endothermic peak (Tg) in the region of 50–150 ◦ C was found in
Yuan et al. (2016) investigated that how CEO and PPE affected the the zein film. (Cui et al., 2020). Luís, Domingues, and Ramos (2019)
color and transparency of chitosan films. When CEO and PPE were claim that, the evaporation of volatile substances like water is deter­
added to chitosan films, the films’ L* (lightness/darkness) values mined by the presence of these peaks. The TGA is in line with this result.
notably decreased, but their a* (redness/greenness) and b* (yellowness/ In addition, the highest endothermic peak was observed at 271 ◦ C. Due
blueness) values increased in comparison to control samples. This could to the intermolecular interactions between CSNPs and zein molecules,
be because the peel of pomegranates contains polyphenols. (Yuan et al., which improve the thermal stability of the nanocomposite film, the heat
2015; Yuan et al., 2016). Also, the transparency of the films with the flow steadily increased after the CSNPs/PPE matrix was added (Luís
addition of PPE and combination of CEO and PPE was remarkably et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). Munir et al. (2019) investigated the
reduced comparing with the control sample, which can be related to effect of PPE on thermal properties of silver carp surimi-based edible
polyphenols existence in the films (Yuan et al., 2015). In a study by films. All films (control film and PPE incorporated films containing 2, 4,

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

and 6% w/w extract) indicated four weight loss stages. All films expe­ pomegranate peel incorporated in the films might cause white spots on
rienced weight loss during the first stage between 140.2 ◦ C and 150.2 ◦ C. the surface of the films. Cross-section images of all films showed com­
The film’s ability to absorb both free and bound water led to weight loss pressed and uniform structure with no pore. In control films, unlike films
in this range. Additionally, films containing PPE lost less weight than enriched with pomegranate peel, some layers were detected. So, films
control films. This may be because surimi films contain less water formed in the presence of pomegranate peel have more compact struc­
because PPE phenolic compounds are more hydrophobic. Proteins ture which could be caused by the formation of intermolecular forces
which have low molecular weight and structurally bound water and (like hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions) between the pro­
glycerol (a plasticizer) loss were directly associated with surimi film’s tein chains and the bioactive molecules present in the pomegranate peel
second stage weight loss, which occurred between 200.1 and 215.3 ◦ C. (Moghadam et al., 2020). According to Liu et al. (2020) the surface of k-
(Hoque, Benjakul, & Prodpran, 2011; Munir et al., 2019). Weight loss carrageenan film was homogenous and plain, indicating the film-
and thermal degradation temperature values if films containing PPE at forming components were suitable and phase segregation did not
different concentrations, were less than control films. The film’s lower happen, while the incorporation of PPE markedly enhanced the surface
glycerol content as a result of the extract’s inclusion may be the cause of roughness of k-carrageenan film. Also, the results showed that the sur­
this decrease in weight loss. The next stage weight loss appeared about face roughness increased at higher concentrations of PPE (Liu et al.,
onset of 310.3 ◦ C- 350.5 ◦ C for all surimi films. This was attributed to 2020).
degradation or breakdown of higher interacting protein portions. At the
final stage, weight loss of the films was seen between 425.6 ◦ C and 4. Antioxidant activity
455.3 ◦ C. This phase was possibly linked to loss of compounds that are
stable at high temperatures. Furthermore, Weight loss and thermal One of the essential chemical elements which is very important in the
degradation temperature were enhanced in incorporated films and it metabolism of aerobic organisms is oxygen, but it can also cause adverse
was suggested that the stability of the films can be affected by the reactions. Free radicals, which are reactive oxygen species (ROS), often
addition of PPE. at high temperature because of phenol-protein in­ react with different molecules such as proteins, lipids, DNA, and RNA
teractions which led to a stable and compact microstructure resulting in and can damage them(Fig. 3) (Augustyniak et al., 2010; Carocho &
thermal stability improvement of incorporated films (Wu et al., 2013). Ferreira, 2013; Lobo, Patil, Phatak, & Chandra, 2010; Lü, Lin, Yao, &
Following the DSC test, Kumar et al. (2019) observed that adding Chen, 2010; Valko et al., 2007; Valko, Rhodes, Moncol, Izakovic, &
different concentrations of PPE to the chitosan-based edible films, Mazur, 2006; Xiong et al., 2022; Xiong et al., 2022). They can also cause
reduced the glass transition temperature of the films and the highest diseases such as cancer (Valavanidis, Vlachogianni, Fiotakis, & Loridas,
glass transition temperature was for the pure chitosan film. Also, the 2013; Valko et al., 2006), arthritis (Hadjigogos, 2003), diabetes,
findings demonstrated that the thermal stability of the film samples, arthrosclerosis (Rajendran et al., 2014), neurodegenerative diseases
which is dependent on the glass transition temperature, decreases with (Wojtunik-Kulesza, Oniszczuk, Oniszczuk, & Waksmundzka-Hajnos,
the increase in the amount of PPE. (Kumar et al., 2019). 2016), and premature aging (Getoff, 2007). In addition to the human
body, oxidation reactions occur in many food products that are exposed
3. Microstructure properties to oxygen, light, or heat, leading to reduced shelf-life and nutritional
value of products, as well as changes in their taste and color. Antioxi­
The microstructure of the films which is frequently characterized dants can protect cells by various mechanisms such as forming non-
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), can determine the arrange­ radical species from ROS and reducing oxygen concentration, thus
ment of the various components of the film and help to better under­ being very important in maintaining the quality of products (Carocho,
stand the film physical characteristics. Generally, a compact and Barreiro, Morales, & Ferreira, 2014; Dorman, Peltoketo, Hiltunen, &
homogenous structure which is free from voids and cracks, is an Tikkanen, 2003; Jayaprakasha, Singh, & Sakariah, 2001; Oroian &
advantage for mechanical and physical characteristics of the films (Yong Escriche, 2015). Food products are not available to consumers for con­
& Liu, 2020). sumption immediately after production; rather this process takes time
The microstructures of zein film, zein/CSNPs/PPE nanocomposite and these products must maintain their original quality and be safe
film, and plasma-treated zein/CSNPs/PPE nanocomposite film were when consumed (Caleja et al., 2015a). Since oxidation affects product
recently examined using SEM by Cui et al. (2020). The nanocomposite quality, delaying the oxidation of biomolecules by antioxidants is an
film produced fine dispersion of the CSNPs/PPE matrix on the surface of effective strategy in maintaining product quality and can be used as a
the film, whereas the zein film had a plane surface structure. However, protective mechanism in food storage (Peschel et al., 2006). Synthetic
the plasma treatment’s etching effect completely modified and rough­ antioxidants such as tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), propyl gallate
ened the surface of the zein/CSNPs/PPE nanocomposite film. (Cui et al., (PG), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and butylated hydroxyanisole
2020). Ali et al. (2019) conducted another study in which revealed that (BHA) have been used excessively in the food industry due to their
the surface morphology of starch films incorporated with PPP concen­ higher stability and performance, low cost, and availability (Saad et al.,
trations of 2% and 10% showed a smooth surface, while PPP marks were 2007; Xiu-Qin, Chao, Yan-Yan, Min-Li, & Xiao-Gang, 2009). However,
clearly visible on the surface of the starch matrix. Additionally, no gap recent studies have shown that their long-term use can cause skin al­
was seen between the starch matrix and PPP particles, which repre­ lergies, gastrointestinal tract problems, cancer (Bleve et al., 2008; Bot­
sented good compatibility. Moreover, higher concentrations of pome­ terweck, Verhagen, Goldbohm, Kleinjans, & van den Brandt, 2000;
granate particles were found to cause their agglomeration in the starch Engin, Bukan, Kurukahvecioglu, Memis, & Engin, 2011; Jeong, Kim,
matrix (Ali et al., 2019). Moghadam et al. (2020) observed the images of Kang, Ku, & Cho, 2005; Randhawa & Bahna, 2009), premature aging,
the surface and the cross-section of mung bean protein films filled with and DNA damage (Kornienko et al., 2019). Natural antioxidants can be
0, 2.5, 12.5, and 25% of pomegranate peel and revealed that there was a good alternatives to synthetic antioxidants. They are mostly extracted
continuous microstructure with no void and crack in the surface areas of from plant materials such as vegetables, spices, fruits, and herbs (Bansal
any film samples. The surface morphology of the control mung bean et al., 2013; Dimitrios, 2006; Jiang & Xiong, 2016); they are classified
protein film was uniform and smooth, and the addition of pomegranate into three main categories: phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and vi­
peel at a concentration of 2.5% did not cause any significant change in tamins (Dorman et al., 2003; Elżbieta, Cieslik, & Topolska, 2008;
this surface morphology. However, films containing high concentrations Jayaprakasha et al., 2001). Some studies have reported that non-edible
of pomegranate peel had more heterogeneous microstructure with more parts of fruits often have higher bioactive contents than edible parts (da
permeability toward moisture and were determined by observing white Silva, Nogueira, Duzzioni, & Barrozo, 2013; Freitas et al., 2015; George,
dots on the surface of the films. The undissolved particles of Kaur, Khurdiya, & Kapoor, 2004; Gorinstein et al., 2001). Pomegranate

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

Fig. 3. Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of PPE.

is a fruit rich in antioxidants; with each ton of pomegranate juice pro­ the product container (Fang, Zhao, Warner, & Johnson, 2017; Gómez-
ducing 9 tons of by-products that are a good source of functional com­ Estaca, López-de-Dicastillo, Hernández-Muñoz, Catalá, & Gavara,
pounds (Diamanti, Igoumenidis, Mourtzinos, Yannakopoulou, & 2014). To measure the antioxidant capacity, the oxidation rate of
Karathanos, 2017). Pomegranate peel, which is considered as an agri­ chemicals such as DPPH (2,2′-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), TBARS (2-
cultural waste, is a great source of bioactive compounds and has several thiobarbituric acid substances), AAPH (2,2′-azobis(2-methyl­
health benefits due to its polyphenolic components such as tannins and propionamidine) dihydrochloride), and ABTS (2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethyl­
flavonoids, anthocyanins, alkaloids, and organic acids (Malviya, Arvind, benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) which are exposed to antioxidants is
Jha, & Hettiarachchy, 2014). These natural antioxidants, which are determined (López-Alarcón & Denicola, 2013). According to the points
found in various parts of the plants including leaves, roots, stems, fruits, mentioned above, it is important to prevent oxidation of food products
seeds and peels, should be extracted for further uses (Shah, Bosco, & Mir, where pomegranate peel extract (PPE) have been demonstrated to be a
2014). The most common method is extraction with organic solvents good source of antioxidants and can be used in active packaging.
(Azmir et al., 2013; Naczk & Shahidi, 2004). Other methods such as Table 2 reports the results of recent studies on antioxidant properties
extraction with supercritical fluids, microwaves, high hydrostatic pres­ of biopolymer films containing PPE. Liu et al. (2020) compared the
sure, and ultrasound can also be employed (Oroian & Escriche, 2015). antioxidant activity of k-carrageenan-pomegranate flesh extract (PFE)
Utilization of antioxidants in the food industry as preservatives can and k-carrageenan-PPE films via DPPH radical scavenging method. K-
be in food matrices, food packaging coatings, and films (Caleja et al., carrageenan film revealed the lowest DPPH radical scavenging activity
2015b; López de Dicastillo, Rodríguez, Guarda, & Galotto, 2016; Wang due to its low hydrogen donation ability. Adding PFE or PPE to the films
& Gao, 2013). High amounts of oxygen transfer in the packaging cause significantly enhanced their DPPH radical scavenging activity. At the
oxidation and affect the taste, color, as well as texture of the food same amount of extract addition, films containing PPE showed signifi­
product. As a solution, antioxidant active packaging can remove oxygen cantly higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than those containing
from the head space or release antioxidants into the package. This type PFE due to higher total phenol in PPE (Liu et al., 2020). Similar con­
of active packages can be in the form of independent antioxidant devices clusions were reached by Gull et al. (2021) who added PPE to nano­
(sachets, pads, or labels with antioxidant agents) or antioxidant pack­ chitosan coatings and investigated the antioxidant activity of apricots.
aging materials which can be placed into the walls of the films or inside Apricots treated with chitosan and PPE had higher DPPH radical

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

Table 2
Effect of PPE on antioxidant activity of manufactured films.
Type of Biopolymer Matrix Concentration of PPE Food Applications Antioxidant Activity References
− 1
gelatin-carboxymethylcellulose 150, 300, and 450 mgl raspberry fruit 82.76% to 89% DPPH (Vargas-Torrico et al., 2024)
0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, and 0.1 g/ prolonging the shelf life of
jackfruit seed starch 87.35 ± 1.64% DPPH (Bodana et al., 2024)
mL white grapes
(Nabeel Ahmad, Yong,
shelf life of beef up to 3
Carboxymethyl cellulose/gelatin 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% v/w 84.15 ± 0.12% DPPH Wang, Munawar, & Zhu,
The pomegranate (5% w/v) and The pomegranate (5% w/v) and
food packaging 97% DPPH (Karakuş et al., 2023)
orange peel powders (2% w/v) orange peel powders (2% w/v)
500, 1000, 5000, 10,000,
low-density polyethylene active food packaging 48.46 to 74.43 ± 2.50% DPPH (F, A, G, Z, & N, 2023)
15,000, and 20,000 ppm
chitosan, gelatin 1 mg g− 1 strawberries preservation – (Bertolo et al., 2023)
96.2 ± 0.8% and 93.1 ± 0.5% based on
polylactic acid 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 wt% Food Packaging (Dai et al., 2022)
(Saroha, Khan,
polyvinyl alcohol 79.4 PPE (mg GAE) Food Packaging 74.82 ± 0.18% DPPH
Raghuvanshi, & Dutt, 2022)
monitoring lamb meat
3% w/v of cassava starch 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% w/w 70% DPPH (Esfahani et al., 2022)
Cress seed gum chitosan chitosan: PPE ratio of 1: 0.50 (w/
Food Packaging 23.3–69.9% DPPH (Soltanzadeh et al., 2022)
nanoparticles w)
80.66% for DPPH, 56.81% ABTS, and
Taro starch-casein composite (0, 10, 25, 50, 100 wt%) Food Packaging (More, Pegu, & Arya, 2022)
33.84 mg GAE/g of film for FRAP
− 1 photoinactivation of
chitosan/gelatin 0.5–5.0 mg g 56.90 ± 3.17% DPPH (Dias et al., 2022)
from~20% to~28% (after 15 days 23 ͦ C
Chitosan-Pullulan 5% Tomato (Kumar et al., 2021)
from~30% to~36% (after 15 days 4 ͦ C
(Qu, Xiong, Wang, Li, &
Tuna skin collagen-chitosan 0.5 g/L – 50–60% DPPH
Zhang, 2022)
from~38% to~47% (after 30 days
Nanochitosan 0.5, 0.75 and 1% (w/v) Apricot fruit (Gull et al., 2021)
from~18% to~50% PPE (DPPH)
k-carrageenan 1, 2 and 4 wt% – (Liu et al., 2020)
from~15 to~38% PFE(DPPH)
from~5% to~65% (DPPH)
Mung bean 0, 2.5, 12.5 and 25% (w/w) – (Moghadam et al., 2020)
from~29% to~98% (ABTS)
5% (different ratios of PPE and
Polyvinyl alcohol – from~2% to~48% (DPPH) (He et al., 2019)
from~59.74% to~71.82% (DPP)
Fish gelatin 1–5% (w/w) active packaging (Hanani et al., 2019)
from~48.40% to~80.02% (ABTS)
from~74.5% to~79% PPE (DPPH)
Fish gelatin/polyethylene 0–9% (w/v) fruit peels – (Nur Hanani et al., 2018)
from~1.5 μg/g to~4 μg/g PPE (ABTS)
from~0.17 mg/kg to~1.2 mg/kg
Chitosan 0, 1, 2 and 4% (w/v) Rainbow trout (TBARS) from~0.17 mg/kg to~0.69 (Berizi et al., 2018)
mg/kg (TBARS)
− 1
Zein 0, 25, 50 and 75 mg g Himalayan cheese from~40% to~80% (DPPH) (Mushtaq et al., 2018)

DPPH: 2,2′-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, ABTS: 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), SD: sodium dehydroacetate,TBARS: 2-thiobarbituric acid sub­
stances, ABTS: 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid).

scavenging activity compared to the control sample. The low antioxi­ had the lowest antioxidant activity, while the films containing PPE had a
dant activity of control sample was because of fruit senescence and higher antioxidant activity (He et al., 2019). Enhanced antioxidant ac­
higher respiration or degradation of phenolic compounds (Gha­ tivity is mainly influenced by polyphenols. Polyphenolic structures of
semnezhad, Shiri, & Sanavi, 2010). Fruits coated with chitosan and PPE PPE are polar hydroxyl groups and punicalagin. Punicalagin is a high
indicated the highest antioxidant activity, which can happen for these molecular weight polyphenol of pomegranate peel (Nasiriboroumand,
reasons; barrier properties of coatings and modifying internal atmo­ Montazer, & Barani, 2018) and its high antioxidant activity is due to 16
sphere or scavenging free radicals as well as chelating metals by dissociable O–H groups (Kaderides, Papaoikonomou, Serafim, & Goula,
phenolic compounds of PPE (Gull et al., 2021). The effect of adding 2019; Shin et al., 2017; Zhuang et al., 2019). Kumar, Neeraj, and Traj­
different concentrations of pomegranate peel on the characteristics of kovska Petkoska (2021) added PPE to chitosan-pullulan edible coating
mung bean protein films were investigated by Moghadam et al. (2020). and studied its effect on the quality and shelf-life of tomato for 18 days at
Pomegranate peel contains phenolic compounds (catechins, punicalin, 23 and 4 ◦ C. The total phenol content of the samples and as a result their
pedunculagin, punicalagin, gallic acid, and ellagic acid) resulting in antioxidant activity diminished, while the storage time increased. The
production films with a higher total phenol content compared to the chitosan-pullulan coating containing PPE retained the phenolic com­
control sample (Smaoui et al., 2019). The results revealed a significant pounds of the tomato during storage and significantly controlled the
improvement in the antiradical activity and reducing power of the films reduction of antioxidant activity in the treated samples (Kumar et al.,
by elevating the concentration of pomegranate peel thus increasing the 2021). This was due to the coating’s ability to delay phenol oxidation
amount of total phenol (Moghadam et al., 2020). and enzymatic activity, as well as to reduce ethylene production and
Elsewhere, He et al. (2019) prepared active composite films of respiration rate (Dong, Cheng, Tan, Zheng, & Jiang, 2004). As a new
polyvinyl alcohol with different ratios of PPE and sodium dehy­ packaging, zein films with different concentrations of PPE were pre­
droacetate via electrospinning. The antioxidant activity of films was pared for packing Himalayan cheese (Kalari/kradi) by Mushtaq, Gani,
measured by DPPH method. According to the results, pure polyvinyl Gani, Punoo, and Masoodi (2018). The study showed the control films
alcohol films and polyvinyl alcohol films with sodium dehydroacetate that did not contain PPE had a low phenol content and lacked

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

antioxidant activity, but the films containing the extract revealed a effect with each other (Dey et al., 2012). Following terpenoids, poly­
higher phenol content and antioxidant properties, which rose with phenols are the largest group of secondary plant compounds and have
increasing the amount of extract. The results indicated that there were aromatic rings containing hydroxyl groups (Singh et al., 2016). Poly­
interactions between extract’s polyphenols and zein, where polyphenols phenols are linked with proteins in bacterial cell walls, which break
such as ellagic acid, punicalagin, and gallagic acid caused antioxidant down the cell wall structure. They also disrupt bacterial metabolism
activities in the films. Thus, the use of these films in Himalayan cheese through combination with sulfhydryl groups of soluble proteins (Akhtar,
packaging significantly delayed the oxidation reactions during the Ismail, Fraternale, & Sestili, 2015). The hydroxyl groups in polyphenols
storage period (Mushtaq et al., 2018). also lower the pH around the bacterial cell membrane and disrupts the
Berizi, Hosseinzadeh, Shekarforoush, and Barbieri (2018) incorpo­ process of bacterial metabolism ultimately causing the death of bacteria
rated PPE into chitosan coatings and prepared coated rainbow trout. (Pisoschi et al., 2018). According to the studies of Vaquero & De Nadra
They observed that the samples subjected to chitosan and different (2008), it was concluded that some flavanols from the group of flavo­
concentrations of PPE had less peroxide and TBARS values during noids such as quercetin in PPE can enhance cell membrane permeability
storage than the control sample. PPE contains phenolic compounds, in bacteria such as Escherichia coli and affect the production of ATP. They
proanthocyanidins, and flavonoids, so it has antioxidant effect and can interfere with the growth and multiplication of bacteria. Tannins also
inhibit superoxide hydroxyl and peroxyl, which are effective in the reduce the adhesion of microbial cells and decrease the mineral con­
oxidation of fats (Berizi et al., 2018). Chitosan reduces lipid oxidation sumption of bacterial cells forming complexes with bacterial poly­
through chelating ferrous ions and preventing peroxide activities of saccharides and inhibiting bacterial growth (Asadishad, Hidalgo, &
ferric ions (Fan et al., 2009). In Berizi’s study, chitosan with 4% loading Tufenkji, 2012).
level of PPE acted as an antioxidant during 6 months of fish storage Costa et al.(Costa et al., 2020) was conducted to make films using a
(Berizi et al., 2018). Another study by Hanani et al. (2019) examined the combination of poly(vinyl alcohol), starch, poly(acrylic acid), and PPE.
effect of pomegranate, papaya, and jackfruit peel powder on properties PPE is a bioactive chemical known for its antibacterial and healing
of gelatin/polyethylene films. They noticed that the total phenol content properties, making it suitable for use as a bioactive wound dressing. The
of the films increased significantly with the addition of 1% fruit peel minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the PPE was first examined
powder where pomegranate caused the highest amounts of total phenol using an in vitro methodology. Antimicrobial activity was shown in
content in the films (Nur Hanani et al., 2018). The antioxidant property films with a lower concentration of PPE against both Staphylococcus
of the films was due to the presence of large amounts of polyphenols in aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis(Fig. 4).
the pomegranate peel (Emam-Djomeh, Moghaddam, & Yasini Ardakani, In a study, crude pomegranate peel extract was used to prevent
2015; Yang, Lee, Won, & Song, 2016). Also, by inhibiting free radicals bacterial proliferation. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Pseu­
and chelating metals, it could reduce oxidation and delay the quality domonas aeruginosa were inhibited at concentrations of 0.062 and 0.25
deterioration of the product (Contini et al., 2014). DPPH levels increased mg/ ml of peel extract respectively (Foss et al., 2014). Another study
in the films containing the extract, which indicates the antioxidant ac­ evaluated the antibacterial properties of PPE. Based on the obtained
tivity of the film. Also, the control films had DPPH radical scavenging results, this compound is able to prevent the growth of a wide range of
activity, which could be due to the presence of gelatin and its antioxi­ bacteria, specially gram-positive ones such as Bacillus subtilis and
dant activity, since amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and Staphylococcus aureus, and gram-negative ones like Escherichia coli and
tryptophan can react with radicals by their phenolic side chain (Wang, Klebsiella pneumoniae. PPE was used at concentrations of 0.2 to 0.78 mg /
Hu, Ma, & Wang, 2016). Further, Hanani et al. (2019) used pomegranate ml / l, and all bacteria were inhibited (Fawole, Makunga, & Opara,
peel powder (PPP) in films containing fish gelatin and examined its 2012). Yuan et al. (2015) studied the effect of carvacrol and PPE on
various properties, including the antioxidant property of the films. The chitosan-based films. Regarding antimicrobial properties, the films
antioxidant activity of the films was determined by DPPH and ABTS
methods. The anti-radical activity was significantly enhanced in the
films containing PPP, with the highest antioxidant activity found in the
films containing 5% PPP (Hanani et al., 2019). The reason is the pres­
ence of biologically active compounds such as phenolic compounds,
anthocyanins, and punicalagin, which have the good potential to scav­
enge free radicals and chelate metals (Kalaycıoğlu & Erim, 2017).
Control films had also antioxidant activity, which could be due to
antioxidant peptides in fish protein (Kavoosi, Shakiba, Ghorbani, Dad­
far, & Mohammadi Purfard, 2015).

5. Antimicrobial activity

Antimicrobial compounds are synthetic or natural compounds that

are used to inhibit the growth of spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms.
The presence of these compounds leads to the safety and quality
improvement in food products. In recent years, various studies have
been conducted to extract and utilize plant compounds as agents to
prevent food-borne diseases and to prevent spoilage in food. Plant
compounds are usually safe and easily decomposed, and do not harm the
environment. Many fruits and vegetables have potential chemical
compounds that can act as antimicrobial agents in food (Singh, Singh,
Kaur, & Singh, 2019). According to Fig. 3, pomegranate is one of the
fruits that with its greatest antimicrobial effect found on its peel extract Fig. 4. The provided photographs depict the disc diffusion test conducted on
(Alexandre et al., 2019). The antimicrobial effect of pomegranate peel is strains of E. coli, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis. The images represent the
related to the chemical compounds within its structure, including following conditions: a positive control using ampicillin (A), a film containing
polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins PPE at a concentration of 1.25% w/v (B), a film containing PPE at a concen­
(like punicalagins, gallic acid, alginic acid), which have a synergistic tration of 0.25% w/v (C), and a film without PPE (D)(Costa et al., 2020).

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

containing carvacrol revealed a good antimicrobial activity, but the chitosan significantly lowered the number of bacteria. Almost all studied
addition of 10 g / l of PPE in combination with 10 g / l of carvacrol bacteria were killed and this effect increased with raising the concen­
significantly enhanced the antimicrobial resistance of the film, pre­ tration of PPE from 1 to 2%. The most sensitive bacterias to chitosan
senting the greatest effect against Gram -positive bacteria such as films and PPE were Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Coating fish
Staphylococcus aureus and Gram -negative bacteria such as Escherichia fillets with Ch and Ch in addition to PPE can be used as a natural pre­
coli (Yuan et al., 2015). Gram-negative bacteria are usually less sensitive servative to boost the shelf life and maintain microbial safety (Alsaggaf,
to antimicrobial compounds than Gram-positive bacteria. This differ­ Moussa, & Tayel, 2017).
ence is due to the structure of the wall of the cell since its contains Gram- In addition to bacteria, fungi and their mycotoxins can also lead to
negative lipopolysaccharide bacteria that can prevents antimicrobial food spoilage and endanger the health of the consumer while also
groups from affecting the cell cytoplasm (Ouattara, Simard, Holley, causing massive economic damage. PPE, as a natural compound can act
Piette, & Bégin, 1997). In another study, the properties of fish gelatin- as an antifungal agent. High amounts of polyphenolic compounds in this
based films with PPE were investigated. Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria extract have antifungal effects. Tannins also inhibit fungal growth and
monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli were evaluated for antimicrobial high levels of punicalagin in pomegranate peel also present antifungal
properties. Adding 1% of PPE into the films with the base of gelatin had activity (Tehranifar, Selahvarzi, Kharrazi, & Bakhsh, 2011). In a study,
no effect on antimicrobial properties, but upon elevating the concen­ the antibacterial and antifungal activity of PPE, seed extract, pome­
tration to 2% and 5%, the antimicrobial properties increased signifi­ granate juice, and whole fruit was investigated on selected bacteria and
cantly. The greatest antimicrobial effect was on Staphylococcus aureus fungi. The Gram-positive bacteria evaluated included B. coagulans,
bacteria; so this study proves the greatest antimicrobial effect of PPE is B. cereus B. subtilis and S. aureus, while Gram -negative bacteria were
on Gram-positive bacteria (Hanani et al., 2019). Emam-Djomeh et al. E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa. The evaluated fungi were
(2015) performed a study to evaluate the properties of the film based on A. niger P. citrinum, R. oryzae, T. reesei, and M. indicus. The results
sodium caseinate containing pomegranate peel extract. Here, the anti­ indicated that pomegranate peel had the highest antimicrobial activity
microbial aspects of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were than other parts of the fruit. Among selected bacterial and fungal cul­
tested as two Gram-negative and positive bacteria. The antimicrobial tures, the highest antibacterial activity was recorded against Gram-
effect of PPE on gram-positive bacteria was proven where 125 to 25 positive Staphylococcus aureus, while among fungi, high activity was
however, 0 ppm of this compound in the film could inhibit the growth of recorded against Aspergillus Niger (Dahham, Ali, Tabassum, & Khan,
Staphylococcus aureus; however, to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli, 2010). In another experiment, Nair, Saxena, and Kaur (2018) examined
to 250 up to 500 ppm of this compound was used (Emam-Djomeh et al., the effect of PPE on enhancing the shelf-life and preventing the growth
2015). The antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of PPE to determine of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Capsicum. PPE at a concentration
the shelf-life in chicken products was evaluated and compared by of 1% was used in preparing two films based on chitosan and alginate,
Kanatt, Chander, and Sharma (2010). PPE indicated acceptable antiox­ with the antimicrobial properties also investigated. When the PPE was
idant activity in terms of antioxidants, but the seed extract had no sig­ used alone as a treatment, it inhibited the growth of C. gloeosporioides
nificant antioxidant properties. At an inhibitory concentration of 0.01% radial mycelium up to 100%, and this property was also proven in
of PPE, this compound showed high antimicrobial activity against combination with chitosan plus alginate films. When the chitosan-based
Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. Pseudomonas was inhibited at films was used alone, it could significantly (P < 0.05) inhibit mycelial
concentrations above 0.1%, but this amount of extract did not show growth (68.8%) compared to alginate treatment (12.9%). Laboratory
antimicrobial effect against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus typhi­ results showed that the incorporation of 1% PPE to chitosan and alginate
murium. PPE prevented spoilage due to oxidative acidity in poultry coating solutions in the preparation of edible coating could significantly
products and thus increased food safety (Kanatt et al., 2010). Mushtaq boost their antifungal activity against the growth of C. gloeosporioides
et al. (2018) evaluated the packaging of Himalayan cheese (kalari) with up to 100% in Capsicum (Nair et al., 2018).
a zein film containing different concentrations of PPE, and measured
different characteristics of this packaging in their experiment. The 6. Conclusion and future perspective
antimicrobial properties of the films were also evaluated with the bac­
teria studied being Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas perfringens, Micro­ Increasing demands for consumption safe food products had led to
coccus luteus, Enterococci faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, emergence of developed packaging methods. Packaging is one of the
and Salmonella typhi. The control sample that no PPE. PPE showed main processes in food production that is effective in maintaining food
antibiotic properties which was dose dependent, where three different quality and safety, prolonging shelf-life and enhancing its organoleptic
concentrations of 25, 50, and 75 mg of PPE were added to the films. The properties. Active packaging using functional compounds of plants, is a
antimicrobial effect of the film increased with elevating the concentra­ new packaging technology. PPE contains large amounts of phenolic and
tion of the extract where at a concentration of 75 mg all bacteria were bioactive substances that have functional properties such as antioxidant
completely destroyed (Mushtaq et al., 2018). In a similar study and antimicrobial properties. This has been proven many times in
exploring the properties of zein films containing catechins and gallic numerous studies. The presence of these substances has led to the use of
acid on the shelf-life of fresh cheeses, the same antimicrobial results this extract in applications related to human health as supplements and
were obtained confirming the antimicrobial properties of chemical therapeutic properties, as well as use in food science, including food
compounds in PPE, including gallic acid (Ünalan, Arcan, Korel, & packaging. PPE increases the shelf life of meat, dairy products, fruits,
Yemenicioğlu, 2013). In a study, fungal chitosan (Ch) obtained from etc. For this reason, this combination has been used many times as an
Aspergillus niger and PPE were used to prepare the coating layers of effective ingredient in the composition of food packaging films or
Oreochromis niloti-cus fillet where their microbiological and, chemical coatings. This review summarizes the effect of using PPE as a bioactive
properties as well as sensory quality were evaluated. The fillets were compound on the antioxidant, antimicrobial, microstructure and phys­
stored at 4 ◦ C for one month. Fish fillets with films containing 2% chi­ ical properties including thickness, WVP, mechanical properties, optical
tosan with concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% of PPE were coated. properties and thermal properties of packaging films. Results of the
Growth of total aerobic microbes, Psychotropic bacteria, Enterobac­ research indicate that produced films’ properties have been affected by
teriaceae, coliforms, Salmonella, E. coli, yeast, and mold as well as PPE and have been improved in some cases.
Staphylococcus aureus was observed during storage in the refrigerator (at Pomegranate peel is a waste that is not normally consumed by
4 ◦ C) for 30 days. In control samples without chitosan coating and PPE, humans. The analyzes carried out by the researchers have shown that
the number of bacteria increased over time. Adding chitosan to the fish the pomegranate peel waste has materials with suitable properties for
coat reduced the number of bacterial colonies, but adding PPE to use in food packaging. PPE has shown high potential in the production of

A. Soleimanzadeh et al. Food Chemistry: X 22 (2024) 101416

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