4th Grading FINAL EXAM For Printint

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Republic of the Philippines



SY. 2023-2024

Name: _________________________ Section: _____________ Score: ____________

Direction: Read and analyse the questions carefully. Write your answer on the space provided before the

______1. What do you call the three-dimensional representation of the spherical shape of Earth?
A. Globe B. Direction C. Equator D. Map

______2. What do you call the two-dimensional drawing which can be used on flat surfaces and is easily
A. Map B. Globe C. Direction D. Equator

______3. What do you call the Great Circle of the globe?

A. Equator B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Prime meridian

______4. What do you call the latitude between Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle?
A. Eastern temperate zone C. Northern temperate zone
B. Western temperate zone D. Southern temperate zone

______5. What is the climate experienced by countries that are located within or near the Tropic of Cancer and
A. Equatorial B. Polar C. Temperate D. Tropical

______6. Which of the following is the latitude of the equator?

A. 0 degree B. 90 degrees N C. 90 degrees S D. 90 degrees E

______7. What do you call the line of the globe that runs from north to south?
A. Equator B. Latitude C. Longitude D. Prime meridian

_____8. What do you call the opposite longitude of prime meridian?

A. Equator B. Latitude C. Meridian D. Antemeridian

_____9. It is the unit used in measuring the latitude and longitude of the globe.
A. Degree B. Kilometer C. Meter D. Miles

_____10. Which of the following DOES NOT describes latitude?

A. Lines do not meet or intersect.
B. B. Lines are parallel to each other.
C. Lines that run vertically from north to south.
D. Lines that run horizontally from east to west.

______11. In a report presented by Ethan, he explained that the Philippines experiences a colder climate for it is
just nearly above the equator. Do you think Ethan is correct about his explanation?
A. Yes, because the closer the area to the equator, the colder the climate.
B. Yes, because the farther the area from the equator, the warmer the climate.
C. No, because areas that are closer to the equator will experience colder climate.
D. No, because areas that are nearly above the equator will experience the tropical climate.

______12. Which of the following describes a longitude?

A. Its reference point starts at the equator.
B. It is an imaginary line that runs from east to west.
C. It is an imaginary line that runs from north to south.
D. It is horizontal line that divides the earth into north and south hemisphere.

______13. Which of the following BEST differentiates latitude from longitude?

A. Lines of latitude do not runs vertically from north to south
B. Lines of latitude do not form circles while longitude lines do.
B. Lines of latitude do not meet while longitude lines meet at the poles.
D. Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator and to each other while longitude lines are not parallel to
each other.

______14. How can you locate the exact places on the earth?
I. Use the lines of latitude only.
II. Use the lines of longitude only.
III. Use the parallel lines to describe the location.
IV. Use the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
A. III only B. IV only C. I and III only D. II and III only

______15. EJ discussed with his classmates that to locate the exact places on the earth, one must look ONLY at
the latitude lines. Is he correct about his explanation?
A. Yes, because it gives us the north or south location of an area.
B. Yes, because it helps us in determining the west and east location of an area.
C. No, because one must look at the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
D. No, because one must look at the non-intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.

______16. Our environment has many bodies of water and landforms. The things that we take and use from the
environment to survive are called _______.
A. raw materials B. chemical energy C. natural resources D. rocks and minerals
______17. Resources that can be replaced after using them again and again are called _______.
A. non-renewable B. recyclable C. renewable D. reusable
______18. The following natural resources can be replaced easily, EXCEPT______.
A. animals B. coal C. plants D. water
______19. Which of the following resources takes a very long time to replace?
A. Crops B. Oil C. Trees D. Water
______20. What do you call the resources that require long years before they can be replenished?
A. Non-renewable B. Recyclable C. Renewable D. Reusable
______21. Which of the following is correctly matched?
A. Coal: Renewable C. Cotton: Non-renewable
B. Aluminium: Renewable D. Minerals: Non-renewable
______22. Which of the following practices will help protect our environment?
A. Burning of wastes C. Reusing paper bags
B. Dumping trash in rivers D. Using too much fertilizers
______23. What do you call the practice of using resources wisely without wasting or using them up completely
so that the future generations can benefit from them?
A. Availability B. Biodiversity C. Productivity D. Sustainability
______24. What does conservation of natural resources mean?
A. We should waste them. C. We should use them wisely.
B. We should destroy them. D. We should use them without limits.
______25. What are you practicing if you are using our natural resource wisely?
A. Conservation C. Deforestation
B. Regulation D. Restoration
______26. Mikaela was playing in their backyard when she saw pieces of paper cups, soda cans, Popsicle
sticks, and an old leather shoe scattered in one corner. Which of the following materials were made from
renewable resources?
A. Paper cups, soda cans and old leather shoe
B. Soda cans, popsicle sticks and old leather shoe
C. Paper cups, popsicle sticks and old leather shoe
D. Paper cups, soda cans, popsicle sticks, and old leather shoe
_______27. Which of the following is the best reason why Philippines is rich in natural resources?
A. Philippines is surrounded by many bodies of water.
B. Philippines is a large archipelago with many endemic plants and animals.
C. Philippines is a home of many species of animals living in the thick forests.
D. Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all year round and rainfall is abundant.
______28. Plants and animals are renewable resources because they can be replaced easily. If coal, crude oil,
and natural gas are formed from decayed plants and animals, why are they considered as non-renewable
A. It will take a very long time to produce them.
B. We need to import them from other countries.
C. Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are very expensive.
D. Extracting them from the depths of the Earth is very dangerous.
_______29. What is the best example of using resources wisely?
A. Throwing old clothes
B. Burning cardboards and papers
C. Collecting rainwater for cleaning purposes
D. Turning on the electric fan for the whole day

_____30. Which of the following DOES NOT show conservation of natural resources?
A. Mr. Agustin uses too much chemical fertilizers in his farm.
D. Elna turns off her car’s engine when idling longer than 15 minutes.
B. Chiara opens the windows instead of turning on the air conditioner.
C. Mrs. Perez fills a bucket while showering and use it to water her plants.
_____31. In which layer of the atmosphere where nearly all weather phenomena occur?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
_____32. Which layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Troposphere D. Ozone layer
_____33. What are the most abundant gases in Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen and Oxygen B. Nitrogen and Hydrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen D. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
_____34. What is meant by ‘trace’ gases?
A. They are not harmful. B. They are emitted by trees.
C. They are naturally occurring on Earth. D. They are present in very small amounts.
_____35. What is the correct order of Earth's atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
_____36. What is the greenhouse effect?
A. The thinning of the ozone layer
B. The heating of a solid, such as a rock
C. The cooling of Earth due to air pollution
D. The warming of a planet due to trapped radiation
_____37. Which of the following is described as the gradual increase in temperature?
A. Radiation C. Global Warming
B. Greenhouse Effect D. Ionization
_____38. Which of the following activities contributes the most to carbon emissions globally?
A. Agriculture C. Respiration
B. Deforestation D. Burning fossil fuels
_____39. What do you call the certain gases in the atmosphere such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane
and nitrous oxide which help maintain the Earth’s temperature?
A. Solar gases B. Ozone gases C. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) D. Greenhouse gases
_____40. Why is the presence of ozone important for the survival of living things on Earth?
A. It helps in cloud formation.
B. It warms Earth’s surface.
C. It makes jets flying more comfortable.
D. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
_____41. Life on Earth would be impossible without the presence of atmosphere. Is the statement correct?
A. No, because even without atmosphere living things can still survive.
B. Yes, because most of the carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere.
C. No, because life has existed on Earth even before the formation of the atmosphere.
D. Yes, because it protects life on Earth by absorbing UV radiation and regulating the planet’s
_____42. Which of the following does NOT causes global warming?
A. Planting new trees B. Burning fossil fuels
C. Building new factories D. Having too many farm animals
_____43. Which of the following may happen without greenhouse gases?
A. Earth would catch on fire.
B. The atmosphere would leave.
C. Earth would heat up drastically.
D. Overnight temperature would drop.
_____44. Which of the following may happen to planet Earth without the greenhouse effect?
A. It will die. C. It will stay normal.
B. It will become warm. D. It will become very cold.

_____45. National government has been looking for ways to help solve the issue on global warming. Is planting
trees one of the best ways to help solve the problem? Why or why not?
A. Yes, because trees give us shed and protects us from the heat of the sun.
B. No, because trees only to the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere.
C. No, because trees only gives off oxygen as it’s by products in the photosynthesis.
D. Yes, because trees help in absorbing the carbon dioxide, one of the gases that traps the heat in the
_____46. What kind of breeze occurs during daytime?
A. Day breeze B. Sea breeze C. Land breeze D. Sea land breeze
_____47. Which of the following occurs during night time? LOTS
A. Sea breeze B. Land breeze C. Night breeze D. Sea land breeze
_____48. What type of monsoon occurs during the month of July?
A. Northeast monsoon C. Northwest monsoon
B. Southeast monsoon D. Southwest monsoon
_____59. What does I.T.C.Z stands for?
A. Inter-tropical Convergent Zone C. Inter-tropical Convergence Zone
B. Inter-tropical Continental Zone D. Intra-tropical Convergence Zone
_____50. Based on pictures 1 and 2, what happens to the warm air?
For items 50-51, refer to the following pictures below

A. rising B. sinking C. blowing D. not moving

_____51. The two pictures show the reverse movement of air from land to sea or from sea to land. Do you think
the land and sea have the same pressure at the same time?
A. Yes, because the air blows in one direction at a time
B. Yes, because there is a reverse movement of air on land and water
C. No, because the air always moves from an area with higher pressure to lower pressure area.
D. No, because the air always moves from an area with lower pressure to higher pressure area
_____52. During daytime, what happens to air above the sea?
A. It will rise and sink C. It will move towards land surface
B. It will flow everywhere D. it will move away from land surface
_____53. Your teacher explained that the wind direction during the day is usually the reverse of wind direction
at night. Which of the following statements will support your teacher?
A. There is more water in the sea than on land.
B. This is an indication of the change in our climate.
C. The water temperature’s remains the same all throughout the day.
D. The land heats up faster during day and it cools down quickly at night than water.
_____54. What is the result of the Earth’s rotation?
A. Seasons B. Eclipses C. Moon Phases D. Day and Night
_____55. What causes night time and daytime on Earth?
A. Sun rotating on its axis C. Earth revolving around the Sun
B. Earth rotating on its axis D. Moon revolving around Earth
_____56. What is the tilt in degrees of the Earth’s axis?
A. 12.5 B. 23.5 C. 25.3 D. 90
_____57. What causes there to be longer number of hours of light during the summer? LOTS
A. Earth revolves slower in summer
B. Earth is closer to the sun in summer
C. Earth is tilted away from the sun in summer
D. Earth is tilted toward the sun in summer
_____58. Why does length of daytime vary from month to month?
A. Earth is nearest to the sun.
B. Earth revolves around the sun.
C. Earth’s axis is very perpendicular.
D. Earth’s axis is tilted by 23.5 degrees.
_____59. Is the axis of the Earth NOT perpendicular to the plane of its orbit?
A. Yes, because its orbit is tilted.
B. Yes, because its axis is not tilted.
C. No, because its axis is tilted by 23.5.
D. No, because its axis and orbit are tilted.
_____60. Is it warmest at the equator?
A. Yes, because it is closest to the sun.
B. No, because it has no cloud formations.
C. Yes, because it receives direct sunlight.
D. No, because it has little precipitation and rain.

-Honesty is the best policy.-

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