255 Detailed Work Methodology

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The contractor has visited the proposed site and familiarized with the location. The Project is
located in Nyandarua and Laikipia Counties of Central Region. The Project Road
starts at Junction A4 Nyahururu and traverses through Mairo Inya and Gwa Kung’u to
terminate at Wiyumiririe approximately 44 Km.



We plan to undertake the following instructed works as shown in our submitted Program of
Works resourced with the appropriate machinery for each construction activity or as shall be
instructed by the Engineer.
All the instructed works are scheduled to be undertaken within the 9 months provided for
completion of the instructed works with technical consideration of the weather pattern of the
project road location area. The scope of instructed works are as follows:

1. Provision of supervisory services

This is facilitation to the supervision team through payments to material testing activities
and allowances as instructed by RE. The contractor shall respond to the instructions
promptly and when required to. The contractor will also provide a supervision vehicle that
meets the required standards and procure miscellaneous items provided for in the contract.
Before the works commence and as per the instructions, the contractor will provide and
erect publicity signs at locations directed by the RE.
2. Site Clearance
This shall include heavy bush clearing as provided for in the contract. The contractor
intends to use manual laborers and the shovel to clear overgrown bushes. The extent of
Bush clearing will follow instructions from the Resident Engineer.
3. Earthworks
This entail Fill in hard and soft material. At pipe culverts, all fill above ground level around
the culverts shall be compacted to density of 100% MDD (AASHTO T.99) up to the level
of the top of the pipes or top of the surround(s), if any and for a width equal to the internal
diameter of the pipe on either side of the pipe(s) or surround(s) as applicable.
At locations adjacent to structures, all fill above ground level up to the underside of the
subgrade shall be compacted to density of 105% MDD (AASHTO T.99).
4. Gabion Protection works
Prior to erection of gabions, the site will be excavated and leveled with any unsuitable soils
removed. Thereafter, assembled boxes shall be position with end, from which work is to
proceed, secured either to the completed work, or by rods driven into the ground at the
corner. Further gabion boxes shall be positioned as required, each being securely laced to
the preceding one along all common corners and diaphragms. Gabion fill shall be a hard
durable & non frost susceptible (rock or stone type) having a minimum dimensions of
5. Culvert and Drainage works
The works entail installation of pipe culverts. The contractor intends to excavate for the
pipe culvert and then cast class 15/20 as blinding with the surround as class 25/20. The
contractor will use a concrete mixer and manual labourers with calibrated batch boxes to
maintain the provided mix design. The provided drawings and instructions by the
supervision team will be adhered to.
6. Passage of traffic
The contractor shall arrange for passage of traffic through the works during
construction and make deviations where necessary. The contractor intends
to use flag men to control passage of traffic. For the sections that require
deviations, the contractor intends to construct a gravel road deviation with
min width 6metres and sprinkle water through the section at least 4 times a
7. Heavy grading
This will entail reinstatement of the carriageway to the camber by removing the high points
and filling up gullies corrugations and wheel ruts to restore smooth running surface The
works will be carried out using a motor grader in such a way to maintain the required
carriageway and camber with adequate shaped side slopes. This works will also entail
watering using a water bowser and compaction of the sections using a single drum vibrating
roller (10 Tons).
8. Shoulder maintenance
The existing surface shall be ripped off, watered and processed using a motor grader, and
compacted using a vibrating roller to a depth of 150mm in readiness to receive gravel layer.
Afterwards, approved gravel material will be dumped using tippers, leveled using a motor grader,
and compacted using a Single drum vibrating roller to a finished level of 150mm per layer.
Before compaction is done, a water boozer will be used to sprinkle the gravel material with water
to standards.
9. Bituminous works
This involves spraying of a prime coat to block the capillary lines of the base layer. MC 30 Cut
back bitumen shall be used as the prime cat and sprayed at a rate between 0.8-1.2 Lts/m2
Thereafter K160 will be applied as the binder tack coat and thereafter laying of AC Hotmix.
Surface dressing will be carried out as the wearing course with straight run bitumen and
precoated chippings compacted using a pneumatic roller.
10. Road Furniture Repair and Maintenance
Erecting standard mandatory and informatory signages as directed by the Engineer. The works
also include roadmarking of white and yellow lines using a paint mixer and applicator.

b) Allocation of machinery/labour in execution the activities

All the required plants/ equipment shall be mobilized immediately after identifying the camp
site. The equipment will be mobilized as explained in (a) above. The following is the
mobilization list of equipment
1. Grader
2. Single drum roller
3. Excavator
4. Water Bowser
5. Shovel
6. Tipper
7. Concrete mixer
8. Chips spreader
9. Bitumen sprayer
10. Paver
11. Pneumatic roller

c) Procedures in quality control of the activities described in BoQs

1) Site Preparation
Basic Survey will be conducted to establish the center line of the road, the width of the
road as well as the extent of the working area. The boundary limits of the road and the
locations of accesses will also be established.

2) Site Setup
Proposed locations for site camps will be identified and shall be used for:
a. Storage of materials and equipment
b. Co-ordination of construction activities

3) Liaison with the supervision team

There will be a regular communication to the clients on the projects progress and
updates. Guidance will also be sought accordingly for effective and timely delivery of
the projects. This methodology will be strictly followed and shared with all

4) Material Sourcing and Quality Control

All the materials for the works will be sourced by the contractor. Prior to sourcing,
the required manufactures certificates will be provided to the engineer for approval.
Quality tests will be carried out to ensure conformity with the requirements and
standards. The tests will be carried out by the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure,
Housing, Urban Development and Public Works (Materials Department). The test
results will be availed to the Engineer and upon approval, the materials will be used
for the road works.
At the start of the works, the contractor shall construct trial sections and coordinate
tests upon the trial sections to ascertain on the correctness of the methodology and the
materials to be used. Only after the Engineer has approved the trial sections shall the
contractor proceed with the works.
The Engineer shall approve quarries and their extent of exploitation.
The quarries shall be shown to the Contractor prior to commencement
of the Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acquisition of
the quarry rights and shall therefore conduct respective negotiations
with landowners and affected communities.

The contractor shall provide a photograph plan to record the condition of the road before and
after works have been done. Photos shall also be used to report on any event that arise that may
affect the quality and progress of works. Besides, they shall also act as proof of quality control
and measurement of works done.
The photos will be taken during the start and end of all processes and works, during material
testing, monthly inspections and during final inspection.

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