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A Thesis Presented to the Graduate Education Faculty

St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc.
Tagum City, Davao Del Norte


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Degree Master of Arts in Education
Major in English



June 2022



prepared and submitted by KENNY FAYE F. LOGROÑO, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree, Master of Arts in Education Major in English, has been examined and hereby
recommended for approval and acceptance.




APPROVED by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of PASSED.




Member Member


Member External Member

ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree,
Master of Arts in Education Major in English.

Comprehensive Examination: ______

Oral Examination:


Dean of Graduate Education


This qualitative-phenomenological study aimed to explore, understand and

describe the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in the
pandemic context. This study is gleaned towards the Philippine law that was
enacted during 1991, the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. According to Republic
Act 7079, campus journalism aims of unifying the freedom of the press even at the
campus level and promote the progress of campus journalism as means of
strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and
developing moral character and personal discipline of the Filipino youth. The data
were taken from the fourteen (14) participants through in-depth interview and were
analyzed using thematic analysis. In terms of the lived experiences of seasoned
advisers in campus journalism in the context of pandemic, six (6) themes
emerged: being challenged, feeling frustrated, difficulty of choosing student
writer, financial problem, problem of internet connection, and having rested.
Moreover, with regards to how the seasoned school paper advisers cope with the
challenges in handling campus journalism in the context of pandemic, five (5)
themes emerged from the answers: being optimistic, managing time properly,
being adoptive to changes, prioritizing, and being resilient. Furthermore, from the
insights and hopes of the seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism
that they wish to share with others, four (4) major themes emerged. These are
seeking help from others, sharing knowledge, never stop learning, and provision
of knowledge. The result of the study shows the real experiences and problems of
seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism in the context of pandemic

Keywords: seasoned school paper, pandemic, teachers, seasoned school paper

advisers, lived experiences


I would like to express my deepest thanks to all the people who contributed a lot

for the completion of this study.

Praises and thanks to our worthy God, for His constant guidance and love

that strengthened me throughout my research work and helped me endure all the

challenges to complete this study successfully. Achieving this goal would not be

possible without His mercy.

To Dr. Socorro L. Neri, my thesis adviser, for her wide intellect, patience, genuine

concern, and earnest effort in checking my manuscript;

To Dr. Minerva T. Albis, Schools Division Superintendent of Agusan Del Sur, for

permitting me to conduct my research study to two (2) municipalities of Agusan Del Sur;

To the Principals of different schools in the municipalities I conducted, for giving

me wise thoughts in continuing my study and also allowing me to conduct their

respective schools;

To Dr. Perla C. Padro, the dean of the graduate education of St. Mary's College

of Tagum, Inc., for the words of encouragement and guidance shared throughout this

research endeavor.;

To Dr. Gina Oracion, my thesis writing professor, for her sincerity, invaluable

ideas, compassion, patience, and advice that motivate me in pursuing this study;

To the members of the panel of examiners ;

The same gratitude is extended to the members of SMCT-REC headed by Dr.

Maria Lalaine P. Chieng for checking the ethical soundness of my research;

To my participants, for their willingness to share their thoughts, experiences, and

be part of my study. Through them, I was able to gather the valuable data needed for my


Finally, I wish to thank Fe Logroño my mother, Kester, Jethro, John Jade and

Rafael, my brothers for their love and undying support. They give me strength and

determination that whatever comes God will always be with me. To Jumaic Sawan, my

partner in life, for staying with me all the way, for cheering me up of the thought of

pursuing the study I long to finish.

To everyone, my sincerest gratitude.










Purpose of the Study 3

Research Question 3

Theoretical Lens 3

Importance of the Study 5

Scope and Limitation of the Study 5

Definition of Terms 6

Organization of the Study 6



Research Design 20

Research Participants 21

Role of Researcher 22

Data Sources 23

Data Collection Procedure 24

Data Analysis 26

Trustworthiness of the Study 27

Ethical Consideration 31



Implications for Teaching Practice 82

Recommendations for Further Research
Concluding Remarks



A. Endorsement Letter from the Dean 101

B. Permission Letter to Conduct the Study 103

C. Informed Consent 114
D. Validation Forms 125
E. Certificate of Member Checking 129
F. Audit Trail 135
G. Ethics Clearance
H. REC Endorsement for Final Defense
I. Editor’s Certificate

Chapter 1


An educational shift from old normal to new is a dramatic situation to all

educators in the world. From a traditional form of teaching to online platform; from talking

in front of the students to printing modules all day; from seeing the students daily to

greeting the parents weekly for the releasing and returning modules. English teachers

handling school paper is a job that has two sides; subject loads to instruct and campus

journalism to carry out. Teachers would say they have loads to accomplish, but some

barely noticed that there are still things needed to sort out in campus journalism. From

the old normal, there are indeed changes to the teachers especially to the adviser of a

school paper for it is crucial to the overall success of the school’s newspaper. What else

could you think more given that the school paper is handled by a seasoned educator in

this time of new normal?

In today’s pandemic , school having seasoned school paper adviser, managing

the write ups of the students, taking online trainings, seminars and coping the changes

of education is a job that requires a determination. Recently, many teachers found this
education in new normal a very challenging to do. Researchers would say some

seasoned school paper advisers are leaving their profession because there are some

who could not accept and conform with the changes of education in times of today’s

happenings (Hess, 2020).

In Canada, a lot of seasoned school paper advisers already left their profession

because of the many facets that affect their learning as a teacher and hinder their

acquaintance of supervising the young journalist of this present time (Hargreaves, 2021).

In Vietnam due to today’s crisis, Vietnamese which entails the changing work

environment pushes some of the seasoned school paper advisers to have an early

retirement which affected the progress of every school, leaving it behind and exchanging

them with the new teachers (Hoang, et al. 2020). Meanwhile in Iran, Iranian seasoned

teachers are highly affected with the pandemic outbreak for the reason of school closure

is mandated nationwide. Thus, many underlying effects that this closure might bring to

the school especially to the school newspaper. Some Iranian seasoned teachers do not

feel secure in their place’s safety precaution and so they have taken their leave of

absence or retire early on the job (Tajik & Vahedi, 2021). All in to say, global issues see

this phenomenon as a big concern since most of the seasoned school paper advisers

are quitting their jobs or being replaced by another new teachers.

There have been several studies in the Philippines which speak about

journalism in this time of pandemic. The said studies are repeatedly saying that campus

journalism is creating its step into making the school known. That is why during 2020-

2021 school year, most of the schools here in the Philippines temporarily closed the said

organization and which hopefully the campus journalism will continue by the next school

year. Filipinos are very much alarmed with this, that is why during the starting of school

year 2021-2022, there is a decreased number of students; and few of the teachers

retired early from their age (Naruto, 2021). However, there have been no study, yet

which speak about the lived experiences of seasoned school paper adviser in campus

journalism in the context of pandemic specifically in Agusan Del Sur.

Furthermore, the study is of social relevance since the result will bring awareness

to other seasoned school paper advisers of the things they ought to have and will enable

them to echo their voices to the administrative officials. The study is urgent since the

result will seek answers to their difficulties since the old normal and new vary much from

differences. From those 10 years and above of their experiences, we will know the

reasons why those experiences mean a lot to them given in today’s context which is


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore, understand and

describe the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism

in the context of pandemic. In addition, this also aimed to investigate how the seasoned

school paper advisers cope with the challenges in handling campus journalism in the

context of pandemic as well as the insights and hopes they wish to share with others.

At this stage of research, seasoned school paper adviser is generally defined as

school paper adviser who have served in campus journalism for 10 years, have been

well trained as an adviser and have experienced challenges in their work in today’s


Research Questions

1. What are the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in campus

journalism in the context of pandemic?

2. How do the seasoned school paper advisers cope with the challenges in

handling campus journalism in the context of pandemic?

3. What are the insights and hopes of the seasoned school paper advisers in

campus journalism that they wish to share with others?

Theoretical Lens

This study is gleaned towards the Philippine law that was enacted during 1991,

the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. This aims of unifying the freedom of the press even

at the campus level and promote the progress of campus journalism as means of

“strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking and developing

moral character and personal discipline of the Filipino youth” (Republic Act 7079). The

growth of the students learning also depends on how dedicated and responsible their

teachers are. In furtherance of this policy, the state shall undertake various programs

and projects which aimed at improving journalistic skills of students concerned and

promoting responsible and free journalism.

This theory is highly applicable to my study since seasoned advisers should

exercise this act and instill all the time to the students and not just on the beginning.

Every adviser should have this law introducing them on how important their creation is

may it be editorial, feature, news, or cartoon. This should aim to write everything relevant

since freedom is drilled and freedom is highly encouraged even in our nation. The law

simply states how important seasoned school paper advisers are in the lives of our

young journalists. They are the ones who mold their writing skills making them a better

journalist in their future careers. This student and the teacher connection do not only aim

at upholding freedom of the press, but it also makes stand to what they believe is right.

Another theory is the theory of Brown (2012) which set forth the main principle of

a Theory of advising. The theory holds advising to be a fundamentally a learning activity

in which students and reflectively integrate their academic learning into an education that

is a coherent whole. This model of advising holds that the academic advisor tells the

student what to do, and the student does it.

This theory will hold applicable on this study for it entails the hardships of the

adviser versus the learning of the students. In today’s pandemic, we cannot really say

the teachers hold advantageous to these changes. The education and learning of the

students are at risk if the teachers are not doing what is beyond to their job description.

Teachers are not honestly good if their student cannot pass an article from time to time.

Meaning, their advising skill are not good, and they could have loads to carry and in

facing a contest means facing a big problem. The theory of advising is basically a

learning activity that falls under the hold an adviser and student. If the teacher is doing

its triple best under this new normal, then the student as well. If the student is good,

press conferences are always good to wait. It will not appear to the teacher as


Importance of the Study

To contribute to the existing body of knowledge is the goal of every research.

With this study, the results will benefit to the following:

This will be beneficial to the school paper advisers for they will be made

aware of the experiences they have with their co adviser in a school paper.

This will also be beneficial to the students for they will know the experiences of

their school paper adviser and learn to value it.

This could also serve as an eye opener to the school administrators.

Whatever is the result of this study would be a great help to the school advisers if ever

they will conduct in-service training or seminar.

Lastly, this study may prove to be helpful to future researchers who wish to craft

their own studies which relate to this inquiry. In this way, this research will serve as

guide to what and to whom are they going to do with that research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study covered the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers

during the context of pandemic. The participants of the study are fourteen (14) identified

seasoned school paper adviser with 10 years or more experience as a school paper

adviser in campus journalism in the municipality of Trento and Loreto, Agusan del Sur in

the academic year 2021-2022. This study was conducted from February 2022 to May

2022 of the school year 2021-2022.


Moreover, during the conduct of the study, I experienced a lot of weaknesses

because it was conducted during the context of pandemic and interviews were done

through online. Results were limited only to the answers of the participants via online


Definition of Terms

In this study, the definition of key concepts and ideas are presented

conceptually and operationally.

Seasoned School Paper Advisers are those teachers who are already in their

ten (10) years being a school paper adviser working in public school (Epler, 2019). In

this study, they are the experienced advisers of the campus journalism. This seasoned

adviser would be opposite to novice. They are the ones whose experiences are being

acquired and narrated based on their capabilities being a school paper adviser.

The Context of Pandemic is defined as the time where the virus COVID-19

exist. The students in the old normal can have face to face classes but recently, in the

context of pandemic, students are not allowed to go to school (Akojie et al.,2020). In this

study, this refers to the time when the seasoned school paper advisers experienced a lot

of challenges related to campus journalism.

Organization of the Study

Chapter 1 presents the situation that justifies the study. It shows how the study is

conceptualized. Moreover, it presents the introduction and background of the study, the

purpose of the study, the research questions that were used as guide in conducting the

study, the theoretical lens, the scope and limitation of the study, and the importance of

the study. Lastly, the definition of terms used in this study is conceptually and

operationally defined for the readers to be guided with the general idea of the study. To

sum it all, this chapter revolves around introduction, theoretical lens, urgency, scope and

limitations, importance and definitions of terms that I used during the research process.

Chapter 2 deals with the review of related literature (RRL). It is the part of the

study where common research works and theories were outsourced from the internet,

books and articles written by trusted authors and experts. This part supports the findings

Chapter 3 presents the research design of the study, research participants and

the role of the researcher. This part also discusses the data sources and how it was

collected and analyzed and the data gathering procedure. Moreover, the trustworthiness

of the study and ethical consideration was also presented.

Chapter 4 discusses the results of the study based on the research questions.

The data gathered were carefully studied and analyzed using thematic analysis. The

results were themed and further explained with the core ideas based on the participants’

response in the in-depth interview. These were presented in a table form. Furthermore,

the readers may have a glimpse of the answers to the research questions.

Chapter 5 includes the discussions supported by articles from various authors,

the implication of the study, recommendations for further research and the concluding


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature. This is where I

acknowledge the authors and cited their claims, theories, and propositions. The sources

which were collected from this section were books, internet, journals, publications, and

magazines to reflect credibility and establish truthfulness in my study.

Seasoned School Paper Advisers in the field of Journalism

Seasoned teachers are those who are in the field 10 years and above. They are

the ones who already experienced, done and achieved many despairs and

accomplishments. They are regarded as opposite to the new teachers by which in

generation today, new, and young teachers of the industry (Epler, 2019). According to

Mahmoudia and Özkan (2015), seasoned school paper advisers are those who have

experienced teaching 10 years and above. Those who have clearly known the students

and can do a lot of things better from the new ones. Melnick and Meister (2008)

explained there were such a huge comparison to new ones or novice and seasoned

teachers. Teachers in the beginning stage are new graduates or they are the ones new

to the profession they are in although teaching is already a job for them since then

(Hargreaves, 2021). a which I see the reason why they do not have yet enough skills to

handle school paper and their experience are new unlike the seasoned school paper

advisers which have the experience enough to handle the campus journalism.

Experts reveal they are those who can think more effectively about problems. As

defined by Mashau and Maphosa (2014), teachers who are in the seasoned stage

defined as the teachers who experienced a lot more skills and the year of stay is

incomparable to the new one. Although there are few seasoned school paper advisers

who left their teaching profession, there are still teachers who venture teaching as their

main source of income. There is also a study that tells the successful advisers in

campus journalism today is mostly seasoned school paper adviser (Estroga, 2019).

Aside from their enough skills and knowledge with regards to journalism, they can

respond well to the problems that the school with account for having a student journalist.

Maclellan and Soden (2003) appeals that being a seasoned school paper adviser

is a job well done for they cannot arrive there if not with the students. It helped them

mold their individual capacity be able to enhance well their professional well-being.

There is one time I attended an online seminar of all journalism advisers and I observe

all the speakers are in 10 years and the facilitators while I am just a new teacher that

time. During the seminar, they have tackled the times they were once new to the field.

Seasoned school paper advisers compared to the new ones are different in terms of the

learning one could earn through experience (Hargreaves, 2021).

Campus Journalism

Campus journalism is a crowning piece of every schools worldwide. It holds the

backbone of every school making the high school student’s alma mater achieve a little

bit more from the past. Coming from (Elumba, 2019), campus journalism is defined as

an enjoyable activity with a different obligation to every student member of the staff in

the campus paper. This obligation pertains to organization, presentation news, writing

editorials, columns, features and literary articles, taking pictures, cartooning, copy

reading, proofreading, and writing the headlines. The gathering for this is not that simple.

The advisers must take part some trainings and seminars that the teachers may be able

to help and support the students all throughout writing and making the piece. Campus

Journalism during our time as high school student is like a climax of our school years.

Every rising action demands to have a writer that is equipped and clever into his words.

We all know that in a campus journalism, there call to be under different talents and my

talent is speaking and talking. For the reason I am assigned as broadcaster specifically

infomercial. The adviser during that time is a very competitive lady. Both English and

Filipino would bring trophies every after-press conference. Both are seasoned and I am

going to interview one of them.

In addition, according to Omay (2021), in her study with regards to Campus

Journalism, education has always been immersed with new ideas. The issues and

concerns of the school changes as time passes by. Seminars and trainings are done to

ensure timeliness regarding the view of the school paper advisers to journalism

(Goodman & Steyn, 2017). These things are given to continue the learning of every

teacher assigned to journalism. After these trainings and seminar, this would basically

re-echo to the campus journalist. The write-ups of the students are given for the students

and teachers. Meaning to say, campus journalism is school based newspaper made by

the students and for the students. The school and the teachers try their hardest in

looking for possibility on how to make the campus journalism a more authentic way

based on how students gather news and stories (Natividad, 2020).

The functions of Campus Journalism which gotten from Jarrar (2020) is by

means of promoting community welfare in the campus. Their functions to influence and

mold the public opinion and amuse or entertain the public. The basic movement of the

campus paper is to aid to the students, provide an opportunity for interesting writing, and

give students the opportunity to learn how to read newspapers, act as a stimulus to

better work, develop students’ power of observation and discrimination. The role of the

campus paper in every school is to educate the community as to the work of the school,

publish school and community news, create & express school opinions, make known the

achievements of the school to the community. The sections of the campus paper are

news Section, editorial Section, features/literary sections, columns: sports, fashion, and

review. A journalist is supposed to put aside personal biases and should not let his

emotions cloud his judgment. To be conscientious is a required feeling to each campus

journalist students. A journalist is not supposed to use his influence to meet personal

objectives and should be aware of the consequences that may result from his actions.

From the beginning of their years serving the campus journalism, advisers have been

told them the dos and don’ts. Example of it would be the specific skills are to articulate,

confidence and good at working to strict guidelines.

It is quite hard to be a student journalist. The experience of me being a high

school journalist was fun yet exhausting. Fun during the time of practice, since I am one

of those broadcasters, and exhausting during our deadlines. Being a student and a

journalist is tough but being the adviser of school’s milestone is quite tougher. The duties

and responsibilities are not simple, and I can say all the seasoned advisers of school

paper are the persons worthy of commendation and applaud. Simple to look at but they

are struggling what to do next (Landes, 2020).

School Paper Advising

According to Mook (2020) the roles of school newspaper advisers are getting

more complicated year by year. Every year is every journey to accomplish. Even at

today’s context, school paper teachers are encountering difficulties we will know about

all throughout this paper. This study which is about the lived experiences of seasoned

school paper advisers is simply about the experiences, the difficulties, and challenges

they have experienced at the pandemic context. From the statistics coming from Luzon’s

datum of study, 230 teachers resulted the number of most advisers in campus

journalism. 40.43% only are 1 to 4 years are the teachers handling school paper. 30.

87% of them served the program from 5 to 9 years, while 13.91% of the participants

already served in the program from 10 to 15 years. 8.26% participants handled the

program below 1 year and 3.48% of the respondents served in the program from 15 to

19 years, while there are 74% respondents who served for 20 to 24 years in the

program, the 2 respondents (0.87 %) served in the program for 25 to 29 years. Lastly, 1

of the respondents already served as SPA for 30 years and above (Natividad & Gapasin,

2021). Meaning to say there were 28.7% of seasoned school paper advisers in Luzon

area. Those low percentage I can say is very dedicated and very responsible in terms of

handling students in campus journalism. Those teachers may have experience

hardships and challenges, but they continued to handle journalism. They can have many

reasons of giving up yet there is light that handling them is a commitment to do.

Seasoned teachers are those who are in the field 10 years and above service

experience (Epler, 2019). They are the ones who already experienced a lot of things and

veteran teachers to be exact. They are regarded as opposite to the new teachers by

which in generation today, young teachers of this context. Furthermore, Sapungan

(2013) also declares that seasoned school paper advisers are those who have

experienced teaching 10 years and above. Those who already know the students more

and can do better compared to the new ones. Model guidelines: job description for public

advisers (2022) explained there were such a huge comparison to new and seasoned

teachers. It almost state there that the new teachers do not have the requisite

knowledge to understand at first the complexity of the management specifically the

Department of Education’s teaching guidelines. Teachers in the beginning stage are new

graduates which I see the reason why they do not have yet enough skills to handle

school paper and their experience are new unlike the seasoned school paper advisers

which have the experience enough to handle the campus journalism. They are veterans

in their job and advisory they assigned in (Wu, 2020).

Experts reveal they are those who can think more effectively about problems. As

defined by Torres (2020), teachers who are in the seasoned stage defined as the

teachers who experienced a lot more skills and the year of stay is incomparable to the

new one. Although there are few seasoned school paper advisers who left their teaching

profession, there are still teachers who venture teaching as their main source of income.

There is also a study that tells the successful advisers in campus journalism today is

mostly seasoned school paper adviser (Estroga, 2019). Aside from their enough skills

and knowledge with regards to journalism, they can respond well to the problems that

the school for having a student journalist. Problems like finances and internet connection

(Arriaga et al., 2021). Most of the seasoned teachers nowadays are adoptive to the

environment. As the environment changes, their performance and exertion to a particular

job also changes. The time of old normal, face to face classes is conducted however,

this new normal, module and online classes are the most recent modalities that the

Philippine education could offer. Thus, Filipinos are very much alarmed with this the

starting of school year 2021-2021, which there is fewer students and few of the teachers

retired early from their age due to the requirement of learning and teaching (Naruto,

2021). There are things seasoned teachers could not abide maybe because of their

expertise. In today’s context, most teachers are required to do online and make soft

materials for teaching and unquietly, those things are not the skills of seasoned teacher

(Reimers, 2022).

Estroga (2019) appeals that being a seasoned school paper adviser is a job well

done for they cannot arrive there if not with the students. It helped them strengthen their

individual capabilities and be able to enhance well their professional well-being. There is

one time I attended an online seminar of all journalism advisers and I observe all the

speakers are in 10 years and the facilitators are in new in service. During the seminar,

they have tackled the times they were once new to the field. Seasoned school paper

advisers compared to the new ones are different in terms of the learning one could earn

through experience. They experienced challenges and that challenges I will discuss for

the next one chapter left (Boody, 2020).

Another focused under school paper advising set forth the main principle which is

Theory of advising (Brown, 2012). The theory holds advising to be a fundamentally a

learning activity in which students and reflectively integrate their academic learning into

an education that is a coherent whole. This model of advising holds that the academic

advisor tells the student what to do, and the student does it. The theory simply tells that

it basically means the teacher and student association. I have chosen theory of advising

as one of the theoretical lenses in this study because that theory is basically what the

teacher needs in case that teacher is undergoing hard times given that that they are

seasoned. According to Reimers et al. (2021) what the school paper advisers’ needs are

their students and in today’s pandemic, students are only required to come often in the

school. They are not required to report physically, and I think that is the hard part of the

teachers (Impact of COVID-19 on Education- School Closures and Education).

In today’s pandemic, we cannot really say the teachers hold advantageous to

these changes. The education and learning of the students are at risk if the teachers are

not doing what is beyond to their job description. Teachers are not honestly good if their

student cannot pass an article from time to time. Meaning, their advising skill are not

good, and they could have loads to carry and in facing a contest means facing a big

problem. The theory of advising is basically a learning activity that falls under the hold an

adviser and student. If the teacher is doing its triple best under this new normal, then the

student as well. If the student is good, press conferences are always good to wait. It will

not appear to the teacher as disadvantage (Van Fleet, 2020).

One of the edges for us teachers this pandemic closure has been brought is the

maximizing the dates that is lock down in consideration for the other jobs and of course

for the students (Reimers, 2020). The old normal has been brought us a lot of time

constraints that 24 hour a day is not enough to complete all the given task. It has

become an advantage for this short time to renew the minds of our seasoned adviser

and given a time to arrange the works and organize the plans they have not done during

the old normal.

Challenges in School Paper Advising

Philippine statistics reveals that there are 835, 944 teaching personnel in the

country and 452,526 is in secondary schools. Among those secondary schools, there

are 25% from the remote areas where publishing a school paper output is least of their

concerns. Meaning to say 75% are those in accessible area. From those 75%, 15% are

those who cannot join contest because of school and teacher factor (Llego, 2021). Thus,

there were only 50% of teachers teaching secondary who could only join press

conferences. Part of social relevance for this study is the emergence of those

percentage of the newly hired educators. What could be the positive and negative things

they encountered during their publication?

According to Chaudhury (2020), there are many serious classroom problems that

majority of the teachers experienced. The main case for this is the teacher-student

relationship. Many teachers see this as a problem especially when that teacher is new to

the field. They have experienced consciousness and in a long run, cannot do well with

the matters assigned being a school paper adviser. In a count of time, they will

eventually need the assistance and guidance of the teachers who are in the service for

quite some time now for they know the school better, and they know how and when such

things needed. New teachers can be a good way to make them an adviser of school

paper but choosing what is better is the best thing any heads would do.

There are also many undertakings teachers must put their minds to: teaching

loads and teaching time; their relationship with their colleagues; planning of lessons;

effective use of different online teaching methods; awareness of the school rules;

determining level of students, most especially if you are assigned in a small school

where sections are indigenously arranged; and knowledge of subject matter, the

makings of paper work, and relationship with principal (Pagsuyoin & Rosales, 2021).

New teachers are ventured towards this path. It is not a chance that they have got to that

but given to them as a job to perform it all. Given that they are assigned to school paper

adviser, it would be so hard for them because they still have many responsibilities to be

taken care of. The reason why most of the teachers cannot do well with their specific

advisory it is because the loads of teaching and the numerous activities given to them is

countless. In fact, it is not new to teaching industry since a lot of teachers in Canada are

slowly leaving their profession (Hargeaves, 2021). It has become a normal day to them

seeing one of the advisers of every section getting busy for papers because they situate

this action at the last run. It became normal but in the first place it never should be.

Educators were all started from being a new teacher. There are also newly hired

that were even assigned to a far-flung area. The experiences they have caught with

regards to dealing with people may not be the same but the teaching to the students and

experiences on how to manage them is equal. In Trento and Loreto Agusan del Sur area

is such a two different place yet it made place in my educational journey. Trento is my

native place where I graduated from elementary and secondary. Loreto is the place of

the school where I am assigned in the current years of teaching. These two places may

be away from each other but the one thing I initially observed, the school paper advisers

there is seasoned, and I cannot tell yet their experiences of handling such since I have

seen no research about it neither talked about.

It is already a fact that all schools here in the Philippines are experiencing a lot of

challenges brought by the effect of this pandemic. Most of the private schools are now

doing their limited face to face class yet on public schools, some are doing so but some

other schools most especially to the far places are not yet in movement because their

students and teacher who have not taken the vaccine. The rapid changes on the

teaching and learning modality added burden and pressures to the school industry.

Some of the School paper advisers are not functioning due to this shifting of modalities

The NSPC turned into online. There are many problems faced by the school paper

advisers in this era and we need to find out how they did overcome those things and

what are their words to the beginners who are about to become a teacher-adviser.

Another challenge that our seasoned adviser would shoulder is the after effect of

today’s pandemic. Westfall (2020) declares that this pandemic has led the people to

many obstacles that of course the teacher should face. A teacher has been an advisory

to a particular online platform that for them unfamiliar to operate. Seasoned advisers are

foreign towards chatting the students. One more thing also is their management of

students output where in fact this pandemic is requesting for the parents instead of the

students to go to school. They cannot have an output without the students, and they still

be needing their presence inside an online meeting or transaction.

With all those challenges, it is still a must for every seasoned school paper

adviser to accept the changes of campus journalism brought by pandemic (Bond, 2020).

One should never stop learning new things and embrace the things that are new in this

new normal. Even if it is hard, even if it is difficult, teachers should abide to their duties

and responsibilities as a teacher to the community (Meyers, 2020).

Problems Seasoned School Paper Adviser


Encountered during pandemic

One of the main problems the seasoned advisers experienced this school year

2021-2022 is really the difficulty in screening a new journalist (Mittan, 2020). Most of the

seasoned school paper advisers experienced the difficulty during this time of pandemic.

Advisers are significantly challenged of resources to use when it comes to teaching the

school’s journalists. Moreover, the submission and workloads to do are really stressing

them out. Most school adviser can hardly perform a detailed task given the inadequate

resources. Indeed, seasoned school paper has a passion of fulfilling their duty every

day (Robosa et al., 2021).

The other problem of this pandemic towards education is the teacher and student

contact with each other (Huck & Zhang, 2020). Online is good, but what about those

schools which are situated to a far area where the learning modality is through modules.

The same with my assigned district which is the basic strength of signal is through piso-

vendo. Without electricity we cannot connect to the internet that is why our modality is

through module alone. Teaches cannot talk to the campus journalist unless a parent

would go to the school.

Choosing what is more priority is sometimes one of the problems seasoned

teachers might come across (Estroga, 2019). Teachers are certainly defined as a man

with many talents. They have the ability of a designer, they could also be a dancer,

singer, host, carpenter, nurse, doctor, engineer, janitor and many more. With all of this,

how can a seasoned school paper teacher could give a prime concern if some of this

piece of business would come consequently. Seasoned advisers are getting weary if

they cannot still act with campus journalism because the students are not allowed to

come to school. For that reason, that this task is provided at second priority.

There is really a big responsibility being a seasoned school paper adviser.

Republic Act 7079 which tells that “An act Providing for the Development and Promotion

of Campus Journalism and for other Purposes” (Republic Act. No. 7079). In the

Philippines, the thrust of developing campus writers among students in both public and

private schools is clearly stated on the act I previously mentioned.

This Campus Journalism Act of 1991 was enacted into law on July 5, 1991. It

aims “to uphold the freedom of the press even at the campus level, to promote the

development and growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical

values, encouraging critical and creative thinking, and developing moral character and

personal discipline of the Filipino youth” (Republic Act 7079). “The legal basis in the

promotion of the campus journalism and the implementation of this law inspire this

research to be conducted in our local places”. “Equally significant motivation in

conducting this study is to determine the level of writing competence of school paper

writers who the researchers believe are the future chroniclers of truth and justice in the

communities” (Goodman & Steyn, 2017).

The above-mentioned review of related literature provides a mind-set of a

seasoned school paper adviser of a campus journalism having experienced all the

challenges and problems they have come to undergone. However, none of them

presented an in-depth story of the living experiences of a seasoned school paper adviser

in campus journalism in the context of pandemic. Certain issues related to seasoned or

experienced advisers to campus journalism which have not been explored in detail. My

tasks all throughout will be knowing, describing, analyzing, and justifying the lived

experiences of a seasoned school paper adviser in campus journalism in the context of

pandemic My fourteen (14) participants will going to share to us their sentiments as well

as their hardships why for 10 years they have come to manage the school paper

publications successfully.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in this study. This

section also pointed the utilization of the qualitative method. Further, it also discusses

the roles of the researcher, the research participants, data sources, data collection

procedure and the data analysis. Finally, it discusses trustworthiness of the study and

the ethical considerations.

Research Design

In this study, a qualitative method was employed. According to Denzin and

Lincoln (2015) the research design carries a vital influence on the dependability of the

results that a study will attain. Taking decisions and making choices on the different

methods of analysis to be used to realize the study’s objective are one of the targets of

this type of study. As cited by Creswell (2013), the qualitative approach is focusing on

the individual’s opinions, feelings, and experiences and is geared towards the discovery

of unanticipated occurrences. In addition, Denzin and Lincoln (2015) defined qualitative

research as the kind that provides finding based on the collected actual data where the

phenomenon unfolds naturally. Also, this research design refers to the meanings,

concepts, definitions, characteristics, and descriptions of things. It is conducted in the


field where the certain phenomenon is happening. It allows direct interaction with the

individual being studied to easily identify if the person involves is being honest in his

answers. Thus, the qualitative research design is a suitable method in obtaining detailed

understanding on the lived experiences of the seasoned school paper adviser in campus


Further, phenomenology is known to be an educational qualitative research

design (Creswell, 2013). As posited in Creswell (2015), phenomenological study

describes the meaning for several individuals. It also describes what the participants

have in common as they experience a certain phenomenon. Whereas some

methodologies strive to identify generalizations through proving hypotheses, a

phenomenological approach seeks to explore contextual meaning through the lived

experiences of those being studied. Hence, the aim of a phenomenological study is to

gain a profound understanding of human experience. Thus, the phenomenological

method is considered as the best fit for the conduct of this study to unfold natural lived

experiences of the seasoned school paper adviser in campus journalism.

To sum it up, this is a qualitative phenomenological study. In this study, I

gathered data through in-depth interviews about the lived experiences of seasoned

school paper advisers from old normal to new context. All the data were used to

interpret, analyze, understand and explore the phenomena of seasoned teacher

handling a campus journalism advisory and how they deal with it.

Research Participants

The participant of this study were 14 seasoned school paper advisers in

campus journalism in the locality of Trento and Loreto Agusan del Sur. There were eight

(8) seasoned school paper teachers from Trento and six (6) from Loreto. The 14

participants underwent In-depth interview (IDI). These the study’s participants were in

accordance to Creswell’s (2013) recommendation that for a phenomenological research,

five (5) to twenty-five participants are sufficient in the conduct of this study.

From this study, purposive sampling was used in identifying the research

participants by which according to Gutterman (2015), the participants will be selected

purposely based on the objective of the study. In addition, this is also in accordance with

Sergeant (2012), where purposive sampling is a finest way to reach the ones who could

deliver and respond best to the research questions and provide sufficient understanding

of the phenomenon being studied. Therefore, purposive sampling method was

appropriate in this study. Through this, the participants were chosen with the purpose, to

gather data answers that this research is seeking. They are selected to capacitate us

with information with regards to their lived experiences being seasoned school paper

adviser in campus journalism in the context of pandemic. Further, the data gathered

from the participants underwent content and thematic analysis. I made sure the

trustworthiness and ethical standard is highly observed.

Furthermore, the fourteen (14) participants were selected based on the following

inclusion criteria: a).an English Campus Journalism adviser; b.) in the service for at least

10 years and above; and c.) from Trento and Loreto Agusan del Sur.

Role of the Researcher

In phenomenological-qualitative research, the researcher personified different

roles in conducting it. The researcher is someone who ensures the ethical conduct of the

study and someone responsible for making sure that the procedures in conducting

research are followed and fulfilled such as creation of the concept, interviewer,

transcriber, data analyst, encoder, and reporter. It will be their responsibility to consider

some proceedings and measures in conducting the qualitative research.

First, as someone who ensures the ethical conduct of the study. I made sure that

this study is ethical sound thus, I submitted my protocol to the Research Ethics

Committee (REC) for their proper review and ask clearance from the said office. Along

with this, I was the one who conceptualized this study.

Second, as an interviewer in the in-depth interview, I was the one who did the

interview. Prior to the interview, I asked permission from the participants to record the

whole interview session for the participants to be aware. Recording the session is an

important way for the researcher during the interview in order not to miss single

important information. In asking various research questions to the participants, it is a

must to politely extract information in connection with the study and wait for the

individual’s response patiently. There is no need to meddle the participants in answering

the questions for them to express their ideas comprehensively.

Third, as the transcriber, the recorded interviews were transformed into written

text. The transcribing was done attentively and repeatedly while listening carefully to the

recorded session to secure the precision and to avoid misconception of data.

Fourth as a translator, I was the one who translated the transcript into standard

English. The participants were free to use any language they are comfortable with it so,

it cannot be avoided that the participants expressed their ideas using their mother

tongue. Thus, their responses from mother tongue were translated to standard English

format. Through translation, it is easy to use the transcribed data in the discussion part

of the study.

Fifth, as a primary data analyst. In order to have a comprehensive analysis of the

experiences of the participants, it was my task to be a primary data analyst who is

exclusively in-charge with the data collection processes.

Sixth, as an encoder, I was the one who encoded all the results. I made sure that

everything is taken from the results of the interview.

Finally, as the one who facilitate the member checking. After transcribing and

encoding of the participants’ response, it is a must to let the participants validate their

response if it is in accordance with their actual response. Since some of the responses

are confidential, it is a must that the researcher must be the sole facilitator in the

member checking to protect the anonymity of the participants. It is a way to ensure the

credibility of the result. As a researcher this is what I did to get confirmation from the

participants that what I have written are all correct.

Data Sources

According to Creswell (2013) data sources can be collected in several ways. The

commonly known basic types of gathering qualitative data are conducting interviews,

observations, and documentation of audio and visual materials. In the context of this

study, the source of data is the in-depth interview. Ten (10) public seasoned school

paper advisers to campus journalism were all subjected to Individual In-depth Interview

(IDI). I followed Onwuegbuzie, et. al, (2009) wherein to gather important data from the

participants, it is better to ask pre-set open-ended questions.

An in-depth interview is a technique where the participants were encouraged to

talk in-depth about the topic and respond to open-ended questions based on their

perception of experiences (Denzin & Lincoln, 2015). Participants' responses provided a

recorded data that will be transcribed. Moreover, Creswell (2013) states that in-depth

interview is a technique designed to produce a clear picture of the participant’s

standpoint on the research topic. It is considered that the person being interviewed is

proficient about the research topic, and the interviewer is considered the curious one to

learn the topic.

In the context of my study, the participants during the in-depth interview are

allowed answer the questions in their own words and in accordance with what particular

language they can easily express their ideas. They have the freedom to express what

they want to express. Meanwhile, if the answers do not suffice the main idea of the

study, asking additional questions were used to probe for the greater details of

information and to clarify the given answers. Thus, these techniques served as valuable

insights to discover the real story that can support certain themes.

Also, according to Estroga, (2019) secondary sources of data will support the

findings of the study. Those secondary sources include articles, journals, and books that

present various opinions, findings, and data from different authors. I, as the researcher,

will use these secondary sources of data that can support the research topic of my

study. Moreover, the goal of this research is to gain insights, views, and opinions of the

lived experiences of a seasoned school paper adviser in campus. Furthermore,

gathering the needed information for data analysis and to get the intended meaning of

the participants’ views is important to discover certain themes needed in the study.

Data Collection Procedures

Qualitative data collection is labor-intensive, focused, and complex. According

to Creswell (2013) there are steps to be used in collecting the data and information

before conducting the study. Thus, I took his recommendation.

First, I secured an approval from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of St.

Mary's College, Inc. which I did by submitting my manuscript together with my validated

questionnaire for ethical review. After it was reviewed thoroughly, approval was given.

As soon as I was given the ethics clearance, I sought an endorsement letter from the

Dean of the Graduate School of St. Mary's College, Inc. The said endorsement letter

was forwarded to the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Agusan del Sur

to also ask permission to conduct the study.

Second, I identified the research participants for the In-Depth Interview (IDI) in

both schools. The research participants were identified with the implementation of

purposive sampling technique.

Third I secured consent from participants. Each participant from the participating

school was given an Informed Consent Form (ICF). The use of ICF is to inform the

participants about the important information of the study and its purpose, specifically

their participation. The ICF was distributed and retrieved with the information needed

through Facebook messaging and other online platforms. One important purpose of the

ICF was to ask permission from the participants to record the actual in-depth interviews

through Google Meet, Zoom and Messenger application or whatever is available. I used

different online platform because I considered the participants’ convenience as well as

its safety. I conducted the interview based on participants’ choice. As the researcher, I

was dependent on the participants’ time and the mode of application they are

comfortable with. Their points of emphasis, views, and opinions were kept confidential.

Fourth, after the recorded interview, I transcribed the recordings word-for-word.

The transcriptions were subjected to scrutiny and are grouped according to its content or

main idea. This was also the process of the identification of the emerging themes. When

the transcription was done, thematic analysis then followed.

Data Analysis

According to Sargeant (2012), the main purpose of qualitative analysis is to

gather and interpret data based on the existing phenomenon. After finishing the conduct

of the IDI, the voice recordings will be transcribed and all the responses to specific

questions will be put together in a tabular presentation. In addition, qualitative research

data analysis involves preparation and organization of the gathered data. It needs to be

analyzed to reduce the data into themes using coding and condensing codes. Finally,

the presentation of data and figures in table and/or discussion is needed to easily

analyze the data (Creswell, 2015).

In my study, the interpretation of data started with the organization and

preparation for analysis. This phase involved the transcriptions of the recorded interview

proceedings. Furthermore, it involved sorting and arranging of different types of data,

depending on the information sources.


The second thing which I did was focusing on the reading and analyzing all data.

This step involved getting the overall use of information and avenue of reflecting on the

general meaning of data.

The third phase emphasized the coding of all data. This step is defined as the

process of forming the gathered data into chunks and put it into words that represents

category. It includes taking text data protected during collection of data, partition of

sentences into groups, and labeling those groups with a term. (Onwuegbuzie et. al,

2009). In this study, I group the gathered data according to similarities, made some

partition of sentences and labelled those groups with a term.

The fourth phase centered on the use of a coding process to generate a

description and theme. This process involved the detailed inclusion of the information

about the subject under study. The analysis was significant to design detailed

descriptions. Coding is used to generate themes.

The fifth phase stressed the representation of themes in the qualitative manner. It

involves the arrangement of events in chronological sequence, the thorough discussion

of some themes including subthemes, illustration, various perspectives from persons

and citations or a discussion related to themes.

The sixth and final phase highlighted the formulation of interpretation. This study

did not end up with generating themes, but with rendering interpretation and implications

from the findings. Eventually, the output of this study would mark the essence of the

lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism in the

pandemic context.

The aim was to establish common themes, patterns, terms, or ideas to obtain a

deeper understanding of the issues while enunciating a rich description on the lived

experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism.

Trustworthiness of the Study


To generate trustworthiness in the conduct of this research, the study has

followed the accounts in lined by Lincoln and Gulba (1985), as cited by Shenton (2005).

It includes the study's credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. These

four constructs are valuable to measure the trustworthiness of the study.

Credibility is an assessment of the research finding. It thoroughly characterizes

a ‘credible’ theoretical interpretation of the data from the actual responses of the

participants (Lincoln & Guba, 2000). Moreover, credibility ensures that the study

measures or tests what is intended. It deals with the congruency of the findings with

actual and lived realities. To address credibility in my study, I used Individual In-depth

Interview (IDI) in gathering my data, member checking, iterative questioning, and

adopted a well-established research design.

I employed IDI to promote freedom and ease among participants. According to

Elo, (2014), this will make participants provide a detailed account of their

experiences and insights. Here, this study ensured that the participants were

comfortable enough to disclose the truth about their experiences during this time of


In my study, credibility was one of my highest concerns. Thus, another measure

that I used to ensure credibility of my study is member checking. This means feeding

back data, analytical categories, interpretations, and conclusions to members of those

groups from whom the data were originally obtained. It strengthens the data, especially

because researcher and respondents look at the data with different eyes. In addition,

member checking is also done as suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) that it is the

single most valuable provision that can be made to aid a study’s credibility (Lincoln &

Guba, 1985).

Member checking is a very important strategy to ensure credibility. On this

strategy, all transcripts of the interviews were sent to the participants for feedback. In

addition, halfway through the study period, a meeting was held with those who

participated in either the interviews enabling them to correct the interpretation and

challenge what they perceived to be ‘wrong’ interpretations. Finally, the findings were

presented to them in another meeting to confirm the theory.

Iterative questioning was also used to ensure credibility of the study. Iterative

questioning is one of the techniques employed by the researchers in analyzing

qualitative data. This area may include the use of probes to elicit data in which the

researcher returns to matters previously raised by an informant and extracts related data

through rephrased questions (Kekeya, 2016). The iterative questioning was done

through the use of probe questions. As the interviewer, I also asked follow-up questions,

especially in cases where the responses of the participants were somehow lacking.

Additionally, I ensured that the information gathered are sufficient and relevant to the

focus of investigation by rephrasing the research questions before asking our


Finally, I adopted a well-established research design as another measure to

ensure credibility. In this study qualitative-phenomenology approach was a good fit to

gather enough data for this research.

In qualitative research, dependability is the stability of data over time and over

conditions (Loiselle, 2007). It is an assessment of the quality of the integrated

processes of the data collection, data analysis and phenomenological explanation. The

meeting of the dependability criterion is difficult in qualitative work, although researchers

should at least strive to enable a future investigator to repeat the study (Shenton, 2004).

I ensured dependability of this study by describing in detail the research design

and the data collection methods. In addition, in addressing dependability of my study, I

sought help from various experts, panel of examines, my research adviser and read

other relevant studies. Dependability emphasized the need for me as a researcher to

account for the changing context in which the research occurred because dependability

is concerned with the stability of data over time and under different conditions. Through

this, future researchers may be able to repeat the work, if not necessarily to gain the

same results.

Confirmability is defined as the degree to which a research study is authentic to

the experiences of the participants and not the bias of the researcher (Lincoln & Guba,

1985). As cited by Shenton (2005) Guba suggested the following criteria made by

researchers to ensure confirmability: Triangulation to reduce the effect of investigator

bias, acceptance of the researcher's views and assumptions, in-depth methodological

clarification to allow the credibility of research results to be studied, and the creation of

an audit trail.

To meet this term, I provided methodological description to enable the reader to

determine how far are the data gathered from the teacher-participants’ responses and

constructed emerging category and theme from it. It was important in this study as it gave

any future researcher chance to trace the step-by-step course of this research. This gave

a transparent overview of the research steps taken before the interview, during the

interview and after the interview. In addition, I also prepared an audit trail appended in the

appendices part for the reader to check as to who says what themes. The audit trail is of

more importance in this study as it gives any future researcher to trace the step-by-step

course of this research. This would have transparent overview of the research steps taken

in the development and reporting of results about the lived experiences of seasoned

school paper advisers in campus journalism.

Furthermore, to address the issues confirmability in this study, all the data that

were gathered were kept confidential. I saved the soft copy of the responses of the

participants wherein their identities were treated with confidentiality. After transcribing

audio recordings, the hard copy of the text was given back to the participants for

authentication. After such, they were asked to sign a verification form. Transparently

describing the research steps taken from the start of a research project to the

development and reporting of the findings. The records of the research path are kept

throughout the study. As a researcher for this study, I assured the confidentiality of the

documents that were gathered as well as the agreement between me and my


As to transferability, it relates to which qualitative research findings may be

generalized or applied to other contexts or settings – it is the interpretive equivalent of

generalizability (Shenton, 2004). This the degree to which the results and effect of

qualitative research can be placed to other contexts or settings with other respondents.

Transferability, as stated by Lincoln and Guba, (1985) cited by Creswell (2013) is “the

degree to which the findings of this inquiry can be applied or transferred beyond the

bounds of the project”. This is supported by Lincoln and Guba (1985), as cited by

Shenton (2004), who emphasized that it is the responsibility of the researcher to provide

readers with evidence that the findings of the study could be applicable to other

contexts, situations, times, and populations.

Thus, in my study, I addressed the issue of transferability through providing thick

descriptions of my method and phenomenon, including my study’s baseline

understanding, the collection methods that were employed, the number and length of the

data collection sessions and the period over which the data were collected; and assured

that the data were filed accordingly. I described not just the behavior and experiences,

but their context as well, so that the behavior and experiences become meaningful to the

reader of this study.

To comply with transferability, I have a detail and thick description on the lived

experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in the context of the pandemic. Data

were kept on file by attaching the approved forms, interview guide, and audit trail to

justify the reliability and transferability of this study. I also made sure that the interview

guide questions helped me obtain detailed data about the experiences and challenges of

the seasoned school paper advisers during this time of pandemic.

Ethical Consideration

In the Belmont Report (1979), the Commission summarized and identified the

basic ethical principles during its discussions and considerations. Based on this report,

there are three fundamental principles which are pertinent to the ethics of research

involving human subjects, including those widely accepted in our cultural tradition: the

principles of respect for persons, beneficence and justice.

As stated above, in the Belmont Report, the first basic principle is Respect for

Persons. This was addressed through regarding the teacher participants as

independent individuals which means that they are self-governing, autonomous, and

capable of making decisions if they are provided with enough data and information to

create those decisions. The said principle is the main basis of the use of informed

consent (Creswell, 2015).

I informed my teacher participants about the informed consent, in which the

provisions of my study were specified. It consisted of the details about the benefits and

risks that is covered within my research. I gave them freedom to decide whether they

would participate or not. As stipulated within the consent, I included and emphasized the

right of the participants to withdraw from the conduct of the study if they learn that they

are already uncomfortable regarding their being as a person, as to the study’s focus and

methods, the confidentiality of the statements, and the signature of both the researcher

and the participants.

Additionally, I had assured that my research participants involved themselves in

this inquiry due to their own willingness, without any means of coercion and undue

influence. Also, the participants were represented through code names so that the

confidentiality of their responses and their identity will be kept.

Moreover, respect for my participants was shown through having interview

transcripts, interpretations, and conclusions reviewed and checked first by them. I

presented to them the findings of my study. I made sure that those would provide

benefits and not harmful effects to them.

Since COVID-19 pandemic is a serious public health threat, I ensured that this

study would cause no harm to the participants. Thus, I strictly followed the memorandum

stipulated by the province of Agusan del Sur to comply with this mandate and the safety

of teacher participants, it was assured that all procedures involving the participants were

done through a virtual platform.

I observed proper handling of data through archiving the recordings of our virtual

IDI files, documents and the data obtained in a password protected computer with a

password protected folder to protect the privacy of my participants, their statements, and

well-being based on all their disclosed information. Assuredly, no unauthorized persons

were given access to those archived files. In addition, I, as the researcher and the

gatekeeper had exercised mutual obligations by securing the confidentiality of the

information gathered and disclosed in relation to this inquiry.

Beneficence, on the other hand, is about treating the participants in an ethical

manner not only by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, but also

by making efforts to secure their well-being. Moreover, Creswell (2015) considers that

the key to ensure beneficence is in making sure that the benefits and risks of the

research are in balance, since these are inevitable in any study. According to Belmont

Report (1979), two general rules have been formulated as complementary expressions

of beneficent actions in this sense: (1) do not harm and (2) maximize possible benefits

and minimize possible harms.


Hence, upon the conduct of this study, I assured the anonymity of the

participants by giving them pseudonyms for the in-depth interviews. Their personal

identity and all their responses were given with high confidentiality. Moreover, with

utmost respect for my participants, the ethical actions were highly and strictly observed. I

made it sure that the principle of beneficence will occupy justifying role in many areas of

my research.

Finally, to ensure justice from this study, I put high level of scrutiny in the

selection of participants. I guaranteed that the qualities of vulnerability, fairness and

impartiality were addressed to safeguard the rights and privacy of participants.

Moreover, the participants were also given the results of the study and the ample

explanation of it to ensure the concept of justice.

The final principle which the Belmont Report sets out is the principle of justice.

This principle will be fulfilled without creating groups and categories of individuals

regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc. They will be seen to be equal in both the

possible gains and harms of the study. Thus, the individuals are included or excluded for

the purpose of obtaining answers to this research (Miles & Adams, 2013).

As stated, I had ensured that my participants obtained equality based on the pre-

inclusion criteria in the selection process, which the provisions are free from malicious

intent or any prejudice. The results of this inquiry were presented to the chosen

seasoned teachers for review and for clarification of the themes according to the

actuality of the phenomenon to give appropriate meanings and interpretations as far as

their remarks disclosed are concerned.

As the researcher, I had verified that all the rules were properly observed and

applied to produce the best outcomes and benefits for my research participants under

the strict compliance of the guidelines for the ethics of my study. The same with my

adviser, who is a Doctor of Philosophy, truthfully state we have undergone deep scrutiny

to make this output successful one. I have taken all the necessary measures to make

this research a successful one with the aid of my adviser.

It is also adequate for the choice of facilities and location since the conduct my

in-depth interview will be through online. This is in adherence to the safety and possible

risk of contaminating COVID-19. Their safety is my most concern.

In carrying out this research, which is consistent with the research protocols and

ethical provisions, I valued the principles referred to above as my main priorities.

Finally, I truthfully complied the principle of data protection in the Philippines, as

stipulated in R.A 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012. This research was restricted to its

provisions on protecting all types of information, be it personal, private, or sensitive as it

meant to include both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of

personal information (National Privacy Commission, 2012).

For this reason, personal data were kept under strict confidentiality and would be

used for declared purposes only as indicated in the informed consent given to the parent

participants. Any limitations on data rights would be only to the minimum extent

necessary to achieve the purpose of this phenomenological study.

I was sensitive to the rights of my participants to set boundaries on their research

involvement. During IDI, the teacher participants were given the right to refuse in

answering certain questions. In the first place, the informed consent that they signed did

not obligate them to answer all questions since it was their right to decide what to be

disclosed and what to be kept private.

In addition, to protect privacy, this study had followed the anonymization of data.

This was done through encrypting or excluding information from data sets that is

personally identifiable, so that the individuals described by the data remain anonymous.

This also included the securing of the audio recorded interviews, along with the copies of

the transcripts and informed consent in a password-protected electronic folders to

maintain the confidentiality of the selected parent participants. I was the only person who

had to those files.

The right to withdraw was expressed clearly to the chosen parent participants. It

is because transgressions of that right for the sake of research are not considered as

acceptable. It is deemed to be a violation if the participants are not given the opportunity

refuse invasions of their privacy.

As a researcher, I verified that all the rules were properly observed and applied

to produce the best outcomes and benefits for my research participants under the strict

compliance of the guidelines for the ethics of my study. In carrying out this research,

which is consistent with the research protocols and ethical provisions, I valued the

principles referred to above as my main priorities.

Finally, I truthfully complied the principle of data protection in the Philippines, as

stipulated in R.A 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012. Basically, an injustice occurs when

some benefit to which a person is entitled is denied without good reason or when some

burden is imposed unduly. Another way of conceiving the principle of justice is that

equals ought to be treated equally. However, this statement requires explication. Who is

equal and who is unequal? What considerations justify departure from equal

distribution? Almost all commentators allow those distinctions based on experience, age,

deprivation, competence, merit, and position do sometimes constitute criteria justifying

differential treatment for certain purposes. It is necessary, then, to explain in what

respects people should be treated equally. There are several widely accepted

formulations of just ways to distribute burdens and benefits. Each formulation mentions

some relevant property based on which burdens and benefits should be distributed.

These formulations are (1) to each person an equal share, (2) to each person according

to individual need, (3) to each person according to individual effort, (4) to each person

according to societal contribution, and (5) to each person according to merit (Belmont

Report, 1979).

In abidance to the Republic Act 10173 also known as Data Privacy Act of 2012,

there is an essentiality to confirm that the data given considered for the firm agreement

which protects the identity of participants from unauthorized person who will process

personal information in which the identity of an individual is easily identified. Therefore,

as one of the measures of identity protection, the name of the participants is hidden by

pseudonyms. This was made clear during the conduct of the interview. Thus, the

participants were fully assured of the confidentially of their responses and it was assured

that the elicited knowledge from the participants are kept confidential and would only be

common to the people who attended the interview. No information will be leaked outside

the group or outside the premise of the interview hall. Therefore, the participants are

retold to keep the conversed data confidential.

In addition, to protect privacy, this study followed the anonymization of data. This

was done through encrypting or excluding information from data sets that is personally

identifiable, so that the individuals described by the data remain anonymous. This also

included securing of the audio recorded interviews, along with the copies of the

transcripts and informed consent in a password-protected-electronic folder to maintain

the confidentiality of the teacher participants. I am the only person who have those files.

The right to withdraw was expressed clearly to the chosen teacher-participants. It

is deemed to be a violation if the participants are not given the opportunity refuse

invasions of their privacy. I declared to protect the privacy of personal details relating to

them and to address properly all concrete measures stated above.


Chapter 4


Presented in this section are the results of the data gathered from the responses

of the participants through virtual in-depth interview. Results were a product of

careful analysis and presented in a form of themes and supported with core ideas.

Lived Experience Seasoned School Paper Advisers in Campus

Journalism in the Context of Pandemic

After interviewing the participants, the researcher arranged and categorized the

study’s background. The transcripts were documented in depth to ensure its authenticity,

veracity of its translation, and analyzing of ideas into themes. Repeated listening is done

to attain to this. Ensuring careful analysis of the responses of the seasoned school paper

advisers in campus journalism in the context of pandemic, six (6) major themes

emerged: (1) being challenged (2) feeling frustrated (3) difficulty of choosing student

writer, (4) financial problem, (5) problem on internet connection, and (6) having rested.

Table 1 shows the lived experiences of the seasoned school paper advisers in

campus journalism in the context of pandemic.

Table 1
Major Themes and Core Ideas on the the Lived Experiences of Seasoned
School Paper Advisers in Campus Journalism
in the Context of Pandemic


 challenged due to students’ lack of interest
in writing
 challenged in guiding students through
Being Challenged social media
 challenged due to the absence of students
 struggles to have trainings due to no face-
to-face encounter

 frustrated due to unmet expectation

 having trouble in gathering necessary
Feeling Frustrated  having Difficulty to the use of technology
 being disappointed due to unreached

 having difficulty of choosing student writers

due to the learning modality used
 difficulty of reaching out students
 student journalist as requirement for campus
Difficulty of Choosing journalism
Student Writer

 having existing payable amount in the

printing press due to unstable finances
 challenged to have a fund due to no
Financial Problem collection policy
 lacking funds due to pending budget

 students’ struggles in availing a signal

 decrease of student’s journalist due to
internet connection
Problem on Internet Connection  postponement of online activities due to
Internet stability

 enjoying the rest at the same time absorbing

new learning that pandemic brought-
 having rested due to absence of journalism
Having Rested in school
 feeling good due to the absence of activities
in and outside school

Being Challenged

The participants who are school paper advisers shared that the lockdown

brought challenge to them, and this became even true when classes were resumed with

no face to face instruction. They are then challenged because the students were not

interested more in writing.

Participant IDI_1 stated that …

“… students in our school are not that fond in

writing… They rather make videos, dance on
TikTok, and expose themselves in different
platforms on social media. Mao nang it’s really a
challenge for me to produce a quality school paper
especially this time of pandemic…”

(Students in our school are not that fond in writing.

They rather make videos, dance on TikTok, and
expose themselves in different platforms on social
media. That is why it is really a challenge for me to
produce a quality school paper especially this time
of pandemic).
In addition, Participant IDI_3 said that,

“…challenged in guiding students through social


Moreover, Participants IDI_8 shared that she was also challenged due to the

absence of the students. She stated there that…

“…as day passes by the things that we have come

to experience changes day by day. And for today's
pandemic, I could say that being a seasoned
school paper is a big challenge for us especially
the students are not allowed to go to school.

(As day passes by the things that we have come to

experience changes day by day. And for today's
pandemic, I could say that being a seasoned
school paper is a big challenge for us especially the
students are not allowed to go to school.)

In addition, the challenge of the seasoned teachers is not only related to having

no students in school as they said. They also have struggles into training due to no face-

to-face encounter. As a matter of fact, participants IDI_11 mentioned that…

“…: it was really struggling to conduct trainings for

the student-writers since face-to-face encounter
was not allowed…’

(It was really a struggle to conduct trainings for the

student-writers since there was no face-to-face
encounter allowed.)

Seminars this time is limited. On the other hand, seasoned teachers are longing

to gather students, but the internet connection is slow. Thus, they are stationed to

limited face to face.

Feeling Frustrated

The pandemic era has affected many jobs in the world. It had brought frustrations

to many employees particularly to teachers.

Participant IDI_4 mentioned h/she felt frustrated when thing do not go as

expected. H/She pointed that…

“… I considered my frustration in attaining

something in the field of journalism as a

disadvantage being a seasoned school paper

adviser. Staying longer in the service makes my
expectation higher that's why I fail I get frustrated.
Sometimes I am lax in doing my duties as coach of
the campus writers…”
Teachers are at times organized and when they felt that the present

step was not achieved, frustrations come.

Participant IDI_6 also have troubles in gathering necessary documents, that is

why h/she cannot stop him/herself from feeling that way since it has been a decade for

being an adviser under campus journalism. He added …

“…the disadvantage being a seasoned adviser is

the technology related teaching. We are not good in
there. The sense that the new normal taught us to
use technology, we have no say…”
As what I have said, seasoned teachers are more inclined to traditional teaching.

They are more to teaching rather than host an online seminar. With this notion I have

presented, it is really a disadvantage to their part. Frustration on how to cope with are


Being disappointed due to unreached desires is a notion claimed by Participant

IDI_8. H/She stated…

“…akong negative experience is I get disappointed

kada time di nako ma reach my desired objective
within a quarter. Sometimes I think it might be
helpful if someone is going to replace me with
someone who is energetic and intelligent and let
me train the novice…”
(My negative experience is I get disappointed
whenever I did not reach my desired objective
within a quarter. Sometimes I think it might be
helpful if someone is going to replaced me with
someone who is energetic and intelligent and let
me train the novice).

A decade teaching and adviser to campus journalism is already a big

achievement that a teacher could ever boast. Hence, there are times that tiring, and

weariness occur and would ask the school heads for replacement.

Difficulty of Choosing Student Writer

Majority of the seasoned school paper advisers I interviewed affirmed that they

have difficulty of choosing a student writer since lately, pandemic has brought changes

in school. Most of the public schools here in Agusan del Sur still adapting to modular

learning, thus, no student are around.

Participant IDI_1 noted s/he had difficulty in choosing student writers, it was
noted that…
“One of the negative experiences I can share is that
I find it more difficult to choose the student writers
since the learning modality in our school is
Also, seasoned teachers are finding it hard to reach out to students because of

the modality. Participant IDI_4 mentioned that …

“ Since I availed the attendance to different

trainings and seminars provided via online
platforms,Obligado ko nga mo join ug contests
conducted. With this, I really struggled in keeping in
touch with the campus journalists for their training. I
adopted online training. However, not all the writers
have access to broadband connection at home that
is fast enough for online training and not all of them
have their gadgets to be used in their training.”

(Since I availed the attendance to different trainings

and seminars provided via online platforms, I am
obliged to join contests conducted. With this, I
really struggled in keeping in touch with the campus
journalists for their training. I adopted online
training. However, not all the writers have access to
broadband connection at home that is fast enough
for online training and not all of them have their
gadgets to be used in their training).

The participants struggled to start the campus journalism knowing that students

are not yet allowed to go to school was clearly noted by a participant during the

interview, and this was duly supported by participant IDI_9 when h/she mentioned that.

As a seasoned campus journalist adviser, my main

problem is that how to do this when it requires a
student journalist. Compared to other teachers who
were assigned in another field, I cannot do this

(As a seasoned campus journalist adviser, my main

problem is how to do the work when it requires
student journalist. Unlike teachers in the other field,
I cannot do this alone.)

Financial Problem

Educational finances became the great concern now that is pandemic. Seasoned

teachers are worried about the expenses of their current advisory. This ‘No Collection’

policy must take over the school’s responsibility to the own hands of the advisory

whether to spend their own expenditures or gather the parents and ask for a donation.

Participant IDI_4 stated during interview that they are having crisis due to the

existing payable amount in the printing press, h/she mentioned that…

“…the sudden close of the school has affected

our financial stability in the school publication. The
school publication office has an existing payable
amount in the printing press for the printing of the
school paper...”

Even though students are not responsible for this happening, some seasoned

teachers are appealing to their school heads about this matter. Moreover, Participant

IDI_4 even mentioned about the ‘no collection’ policy. H/She stated that …

“…raising funds to pay our remaining balance in

the printing press becomes a great challenge for
us. We are not allowed to collect the publication fee
during this time of pandemic since to "No collection
policy" is strictly implemented…”

With those words, from another Participant IDI_6 concluded that ...

“…lacking funds due to pending budget…”

Accordingly, this sentiment agrees to what has previously said.

Financial difficulty among school is common especially to campus journalism

organization. Particularly this time of pandemic, where minors are not

allowed to enter to school, they really have a hard time collecting funds

because of the ‘no collection’ policy.

Problem on Internet Connection

Some areas in Agusan del Sur have weak internet connection. However, they

have Peso Wi-Fi machine although the moment of no electricity, it also shuts down.

Thus, the seasoned teachers in far areas are visiting the students and sometimes, the

limited face to face have their chances to ask them report in school alternately.

Participant IDI_7 is a living example of the poor internet connection in the school
areas. H/She affirmed that
“…the internet connection nga kinahanglan nako
ma avail in order to reach out campus journalism
student. However not all students have internet

(I need to avail an internet connection in order to

reach out campus journalism student. However not
all students have internet connection).
Sometimes we cannot deny the fact that being a teacher is a door opened to

many possibilities. Seasoned teachers are in total desperation to acquire this for this

shall mend their overflowing responsibilities.

Participant IDI_8 even said that,

“… the internet connection and the decrease of

student journalist switch off…”

Meaning there is a wide decrease of student writers for the reason of internet

connection in place. Even from the previous claim that seasoned teachers find it hard to

look for a signal, even the students appealed the for same reason.

The succeeding Participant talks about postponement of online activities due to

Internet stability. This IDI_11 said…

“…since our means of communication was through

online platforms, scheduled online activities were
postponed due to power interruptions, or if not,
others did not have a stable internet connection
since all the writers including me just used peso
Fi vendo to be able to connect to the internet…”

The participants expressed those activities online has been affected due to slow

internet connection. Although the use of Peso WiFi machine is the only applicable

means, they cannot control the electricity and the signal being passed to them.

Having Rested

According to the participant, while it is true that pandemic has brought many

challenges in their being a school paper adviser, they also have positive experience

since the pandemic gives the them opportunity to rest for a while. It is a joy to have

rested especially during vacation. Now that is pandemic, most of the jobs are adjusting

to some changes.

Participant IDI_4 mentioned that they enjoy the rest at the same time absorbing

new learning that pandemic brought. H/She mentioned that…

“…pandemic does not hinder me to continue

learning and growing in the field of journalism. The
new normal brings new learnings to me. The
existing situation cannot stop me, and the other
school paper advisers promote journalism…”

The new normal can indeed bring new learning for everybody. Another thing that is

mentioned also from Participant IDI_10 h/she have rested due to absence of journalism in

school. According to him/her…

“…the positive experienced that I encountered is a

long breathing for a while. During the old normal,
everything was busy with regards to school paper,
and today that is pandemic, it is like a long vacation
since the campus journalism is stopped for a while.
Stopped but not gone…”
Seasoned teachers are resting for quite a while since the closure of the school

took a year. However, this rest is never a ‘no work’ to the teachers since they have many

responsibilities to do. The most particular thing that is not around during school closure

is the students.

Participant IDI_14 said it felt good due to the absence of activities in and outside

school. Moreover, h/she said…

“…the positive experience is during the time where

everything is locked down and we do not have
anything to do. This made me feel good but I know
and I understand there are people who dislike this.
This WFH took my decade of working a rest…”

Thus, the positive experience which was shared by most of the teachers is that

they have rested due to students’ absence and they could use the time for doing

paperwork and doing advisory thing.

Table 2
Major Themes and Core Ideas on the How the Seasoned School Paper
Advisers Cope with the Challenges in Handling Campus
Journalism in the Context of Pandemic


 loving what one is doing
 avoid negative attitude in everything you
 having positive mindset to do things

Being Optimistic  lessening frustration

 managing life by always thinking the
 staying calm and relax
 doing what is best to be effective
 dealing with challenges in a positive
 using negative thoughts to achieve more
 conditioning the minds in the presence of

 organizing schedule of activities

 working overtime to cope with the
 allotting time for every grading
Managing Time Properly  giving of lesser load for proper
 setting priorities to manage time
 managing time by doing proper

 taking one at a time

 taking things as part of the work
 avoiding things irrelevant to your
 focusing on what is important

 embracing the changes of the new

 adjusting to the new situation by
Being Adaptive to Changes integrating ICT
 making use of online platform to
understand instructions
 adapting online school to sustain skill
 learning ICT for teaching and learning to
become advance

 pursuing the greatest job

 facing my job by doing what is
Being Resilient
ought to do
 adjusting work by learning the new

Being Optimistic

Many people nowadays have lots of negativity in school, job or in home.

However, for seasoned advisers though they have many things to do in school, they

chose to be positive. For them being optimistic is a choice. It is rather a chance not to

miss by the most. For in doing so, allot of things could have accomplish making not a big

deal of one’s negativity.

Participants IDI_3 noted that …

“…despite the situation, I made sure the
participants in campus journalism because I love
writing, and I love what I am doing…”

”I made sure that there are participants in campus

journalism because I love writing and I love what I
am doing.”

From the answers of the participants, it was emphasized that being a teacher is

not the end of learning, in fact for them it opens new door to a lot of opportunities and

knowledges to be earn. According to them, when a disadvantage come, they always

think of positivity that maybe such thing happened for a reason, and they must wait and

look for it. Optimism is a choice preferred by a responsible individual.

In confirmation to this, participant IDI_4 even mentioned that They avoided

negative attitude in everything they do and mentioned additionally that …

“…avoid negative attitude in viewing things and in

dealing with problems encountered. The best thing
to do is facing the problem without fear of what
might be the result…”

Optimism can sometimes made you to love what you were doing. This was again

reiterated by Participant IDI_4 who stated that…

“…believe in the power of positivity. So, when I

encounter difficulty, I deal it with positive attitude.

Instead of complaining, I considered it as an

opportunity for me to learn…”
Seasoned school paper advisers are facing this time a responsible job.

Whatsoever the outcome, it is already contemplated beforehand.

Having positive mindset to do things is also highlighted by Participant IDI_6.

H/She mentioned that…

“…positive mindset. That I can do, what I need to


Additionally, lessening the frustration of every seasoned school paper is mostly

needed in a school. Confirming to participant IDI_7, h/she said that…

“…gina lessen niya ako frustration ug gina add niya

ako progress when it comes to handling a campus

(Positive mindset lessens my frustration and adds

my progress when it comes to handling a campus
Furthermore, IDI_8 also mentioned that the main area where the seasoned

school paper adviser needs to enhance is the skills today’s context. H/She added…

“…it manages my life as an adviser to be more

competitive campus journalist and it focuses more
on my development since now that is pandemic…”
In addition to that, most of the seasoned school paper advisers are accountable

individuals. That is why everything they do and decide, h/she always ask the affirmations

of the parents, stakeholders, and school head.

Participant IDI_8 cited always look forward. H/she revealed that…

“… I came to manage myself through this

pandemic we are experiencing in a way of looking
forward and do not think that everything ends in a
bad way. Think positive do your job, but do not
forget to rest…”

This was supported by IDI_9 who mentioned that one’s negative mindset could

be used to achieve a little more. H/She states that…

“…always be positive. Neglect negative mindset but

rather use that to accomplish more…”
Participants admitted that We cannot deny the fact that sometimes, negative

mindset could consume them but they can use it to move forward, learn from your past

doings, and achieve a little bit more. No one can hinder us but by our own thinking.

In addition, IDI_9 also uttered to condition the mind about the presence of

hardship. H/She mentioned that…

“…always condition your mind that hardships will

always take place and with regards to your campus
journalist students, always exercise your

Indeed, positive mindset is needed to accomplish anything. Seasoned school

paper adviser really needs such mindset to have a successful conception.

In relation to this, IDI_10 also mentioned that,

“… It lessens my frustration for more than a decade

before for now, the students are not interacting with
us which brought a high advantage and of course
disadvantage to us…”
In addition to that, IDI_9 said,
“… I manage myself through not thinking of it
always. As long as I concluded a problem, there is
no need for me to think more of it because of the
fact that I still have many things to do…”
This simply means always look forward and do not always think of the present

situation. Seasoned school paper advisers are on its way to greatness and the thing that

would probably stop them is their mind set. If they are affected with what is happening in

the present, it will affect the things that may come.

Student cannot interact with teachers because they are not allowed to report to

school. This instance is an advantage for teachers however disadvantage to some jobs.

Additionally, some participant also talked about the duties and responsibilities as

a seasoned school paper adviser. IDI_11 noted that…

“…as a teacher and campus journalism adviser, I

believe that it is my duty and responsibility to
always do my best for my student-journalists to be
effective in writing articles that promote awareness
on critical societal issues and influence changes in
the community…”

H/she also stated that in dealing with challenges you must do it in a positive

manner. H/she added…

“…I have to put in mind that challenges are

inevitable. I just have to deal with these challenges
in a positive manner….”

Seasoned school paper advisers known what are these that is why many of them

are trying hard to be on top. Hence, every stakeholder and even the school head tries

their best to provide for the school paper’s contribution.

Participant IDI_9 also stated that having these negative thoughts could help you

achieve more. H/She uttered that…

“…always be positive. Neglect negative mindset but

rather use that to accomplish more.…”
Additionally, Participant IDI_9 also stated that…
“…always condition your mind that hardships will
always take place and with regards to your campus
journalist students, always exercise your

Negativity may sometimes invade our mindset and because of that our works

are affected. Always remember that trials and hardship sometimes come our way

however, it is in us if we will face it positively and professionally.

Managing Time Properly

According to the participants, this pandemic has taught them many things in life

and how to manage time is one of the most important lessons that was taught to all

people having a job.

Participant IDI_1 mentioned that h/she organized schedule of activities. Further

than that, h/she noted that…

“…maka manage ko sa akong time as a subject

teacher and a seasoned adviser in campus
journalism adviser in this time of pandemic by
organizing first my schedules and the activities I will
employ. I will set plans so that my allotted time in
my ancillary activities will not conflict to my time in

(I can manage my time as a subject teacher and a

seasoned adviser in campus journalism adviser in
this time of pandemic by organizing first my
schedules and the activities I will employ. I will set
plans so that my allotted time in my ancillary
activities will not conflict to my time in teaching...”

School paper advisers are advisable to enrich this skill because in today’s

pandemic especially with the closure of the schools, time really is important. On what

was said, IDI_1 will set first h/her schedule of activities, so that it will not conflict his/her

time of preparing things for his/her teaching Another point that was mentioned is about

working overtime to cope with the task. Participant IDI_4 stated that…

“…time management is very important in this time.

The overlapping activities sometimes makes me
neglect my other functions being a subject teacher
and a school paper adviser. I always do overtime to
cope with the tasks given to me…”

We sometimes overlooked teaching as simple, but the real thing is it is a very

tiring thing and to obtain the obstacles, one should be responsible. Seasoned school

paper advisers are a time conscious individual that is the reason they are respected in

many ways. Another point submitted by a participant; seasoned school paper advisers

should be given time for every grading period. IDI_6 said…

“…give time in every grading period, meet for

instruction, meet for submission and editing then
This seasoned adviser pointed out from her response that every seasoned

school paper adviser should be given enough time, every quarter perhaps, to complete

all the papers to have every quarter release. Having proper time management is

important. However sometimes, it is not followed due to the loads handled by the

seasoned advisers. IDI_7 mentioned that…

“…as a 10-year adviser of campus journalism, our

school head understood that time is hectic and time
management is important. Thus, I am given less
subjects to teach so that I have more time to carry
out the campus journalism…”

To teach with proper time acquired is good. To teach and to serve campus

journalism is challenging. That is why, if possible, h/she noted that if ever less subjects

load would be given, there will be an enhanced campus journalism that is to be open


Setting also priorities in order to manage time is mentioned by IDI_9. H/she said


“…priorities and time management are important

especially you are employed in a school…”

Being employed in a school is job that requires responsibilities. It makes you

choose your priorities and involves your time management. Seasoned school paper

advice, whatever may come in front of you, always chose your priority. Another notion by

Participant IDI_10 added that through managing one’s time one can have a better

scheduling of activities. H/she added that…

“…as a seasoned adviser, I can budget my time

this pandemic context is through dividing my day
with the activities assigned to me and my advisory.
Every morning, I am going to print everything for
our module, compute grades and everything
allocated for my subject advisories. during the
afternoon, it is time to carry out the campus
Managing one’s time is important because nowadays, this pandemic might

bring us to a more challenging times of teaching.


Priorities come the moment you thought about your duties and responsibilities.

Once you have your responsibilities, all your priorities would change, and it depends on

everything from your duties. Take the participant IDI_5 as an example who stated that…

“…accomplish and attain one by one as part of the

campus journalism…”
In addition, Participant IDI_6 also states that…
“…just take it as normal and part of the work…”
Setting your priorities has also become part of your job. Given that students are

still limited, do all the possible way on how to teach them, and place this task as your


Another point revealed by IDI_7 who stated that avoiding things irrelevant to your

job is another way on how to prioritize the things that comes the first. It is mentioned


“…avoid things that aren’t relevant for your job. Aside

its time consuming, it also leads your time to
something else…”
On the other hand, another Participant who state that always focus to what is

important. IDI_10 further mentioned…

“…by thinking straight and don’t think sideways.

Focus on your goal and don’t give your precious
time to something that is not important…”
Seasoned school paper advisers should avoid irrelevant job and start think

straight. Always focus on the goal and you will succeed in time.

Being Adaptive to Changes

Making yourself productive behind all the things happening right now is a full

fulling part of a seasoned adviser. Being adoptive to changes is the key to a productive

life. As the world changes the education change as well. That is why every seasoned

school paper need not to worry because in campus journalism, you can use that key to

open a new possibilities and chances.

Participant IDI_4 mentioned that when the best way to overcome challenges is to

improve one’s performances. H/She state that…

“…to overcome challenges, I embrace changes and

look for the best way to improve my performance...”

According to IDI_4, with the use of integrative ICT, the seasoned school paper

adviser can adjust to this new situation. H/She stated that…


“…the new normal makes use of the technology in

teaching and learning. I have to unexpectedly adjust
to a novel situation. Sa pamamagitan nito
makabibigay sila nang assistance in integrating ICT
in teaching and learning process and learning to
use the different application online platforms in
order to cope and not be left behind…”

(The new normal makes use of the technology in

teaching and learning. I have to unexpectedly adjust
to a novel situation. With this I seek for assistance in
integrating ICT in teaching and learning process and
learning to use the different application online
platforms in order to cope and not be left behind).
Adjusting from old normal to new is such an exhausting job for us teachers.

Thus, it is very commendable that the seasoned school paper advisers are really doing

their best to not left behind. Move forward and never let the present situation tells you to


Participant IDI_4 said that making use of online platform to have instructions is

also advisable. H/She mentioned…

“…to cope with the changes in this new normal, I

moved activities online to allow instructions
continue despite school closure…”
Furthermore, h/she also said that adopting online school to sustain will enhanced

your skill as a teacher. H/She stated…

“…karun nga new normal, I adapted online

schooling as an important tool to sustain skill
development. I learn to incorporate technology
effectively into teaching practices…”

(In this new normal, I adapted online schooling as

an important tool to sustain skill development. I
learn to incorporate technology effectively into
teaching practices).
Online schooling despite the school closure is evident today. Moreover, online

schooling for skill development is also on the list of every school paper adviser.

In addition, learning ICT for teaching and learning for advance journalism is also

obvious to IDI_7’s response. H/She said…

“…I must learn ICT and technology in teaching and

learning so that I could make this campus
journalism advance…”
Moreover, IDI_4 also states that they must embrace the changes of new

normal. H/She states fully that…

“…despite this difficult situation we are in, we will

continue to do our job to keep journalism alive in the
school. Never stop learning new things and embrace
the changes in this new normal…”
This advancement to campus journalism is not easy as it said. Seasoned school

paper advisers must learn and be trained to technology. It is not easy for a seasoned

adviser thus, they really put into mind all things they needed to accomplish.

Being Resilient

From years of being a teacher, exercising resiliency is already a must for them

that is why most of the interviewed seasoned school paper advisers in my study really

have this resiliency especially now that is pandemic. According to Participant IDI_5 to

begin your day, it is very important of beginning your day with an amount of resiliency.

H/She mentioned…

“…being motivated to pursue the great


Another participant noted that facing his/her job is the thing that is more required

to do. IDI_10 also stated that…

“… as a seasoned adviser teaching in a decade, I

have come to a point where everything is done not
by accident but by chances. This chance is not an
accident, and this pandemic Is ought to happen. I
faced my job with what is required to do…”

This pandemic is ought to happen. You might wonder why teachers are still on

the go with all the trials they are facing mainly because, they know, and they are

motivated to move forward. They are not insensitive, but they look on the brighter side

that this pandemic will take us some learning.

Participant IDI_11 noted that there is learning behind this closure of school and

lockdown of jobs. Meaning to say, h/she said there is a learning behind new normal.

H/She mentioned…

“… I learned to adjust with the new normal way of

teaching and training my student-writers to be
effective and responsible writers…”
Accepting the fact that the life before is different from what we have now is the

first step of resiliency. From the moment you accept it, all the things that come will be

faced with great purpose and be acquired with splendid learning.

Table 3
Major Themes and Core Ideas on the Insights and Hopes of The
Seasoned School Paper Advisers in Campus Journalism
that they Wish to Share with Others


 letting the parents and stockholder involve
 decreasing subject loads
 strengthening the school paper by asking
 asking full support for campus journalism
Seeking Help from Others  meeting with parents to ask for financial
 asking support by giving more time to
carry out the school paper
 asking financial assistance from school

 Share by conducting writing activities.

 Give orientation about campus journalism
Sharing of Knowledge
 Enhanced by current mindset
 Emphasize learning is part of our life

 Keep on learning new things by attending

 Do what you ought to do for campus
Never Stop Learning journalism.
 Continue what you have started in
campus journalism

 Allocate budget for school paper activities

 Request for MOOE
Provision of Budget
 Ask budget for the campus journalism

Seeking help from others

Seeking help from other people and other organization is one way of improving

the ways of seasoned school paper advisers. In one way or another, accepting help from

other people is an overwhelming fact that to feel.

Participant IDI_2 said that in a campus journalism, parents and stakeholders

should be involved. This is what she stated,

“… I would surely get the parents and stakeholders

involved by letting them understand how crucial a
student-writer would be esp. during the training. Moral
and financial (resources) supports are what they could
Understanding the student writers would be a great help for the school paper

adviser. Moral and financial support is a lot better.Participant IDI_2 appeal noted that

decreasing subject loads would be a good thing to receive to have time in monitoring

more campus journalism. H/She further state that…

“… I would report him about the search for new set

of staffers or writers and that if he could help me to
de-load some of my duties to function well being an
adviser in the SP…”
Seasoned school papers advice is to de-load some of the subject assigned to

them for they cannot do well if seasoned school paper adviser have more to think of.

Another point from Participant IDI_4 is to strengthen the school paper in the context of

pandemic. H/She noted that…

“…to strengthen the embodiment of the school

paper in the context of pandemic, I would ask for
the meeting of the stakeholders to seek for
Meeting from stakeholders is important to strengthen the school paper making it

achieve more from the past.

In addition, Participant IDI_4 has stated that the school should also give their full

support for campus journalism. H/She stated that…

“…I will tell the school principal that the school

publication needs the full support of the
administration in order to sustain its implementation.
The administration should recognize the importance
of the school publication in the implementation of
the school – based management...”
Any implementation on the changes that will bring campus journalism, they

should be the first one to support. School paper has been the greatest achievement to

any school.

Seasoned school paper advisers also requested the school to help them with the

financial funds according to Participant IDI_9. H/She mentioned further that…

“…meeting for parents and stakeholder for support.

As of now it is really uncertain and difficult because
of the situation today that is pandemic. Many unpaid
businesses and many proposed things under
journalism that needs financial funds but still
Many unpaid business that is to be settled for our school paper advisers now

since the closure of school is impeding. That is why parents and stakeholders are really

needed for their help for the betterment of our school’s campus journalism community.

Additionally, Participant IDI_9 also states that…

“…kada start sa school year, I always make sure

that I do my responsibilities as an adviser to
campus journalism. Pero, my time allotted to
campus journalism is not enough given that I did
what is beyond my responsibilities. So mao to nga
ang, school head should provide any assistance on
regards to this because school paper has already
become an edge to any school…”
(Whenever the school year starts, I always make
sure that I do my responsibilities as an adviser to
campus journalism. However, my time allotted to
campus journalism is not enough given that I did
what is beyond my responsibilities. Thus, the school
head should provide any assistance with regards to
this because school paper has already become an
edge to any school).

Giving more time to carry out the school paper is a request from our seasoned

school paper adviser. Providing any assistance would be gladly accepted by them.

Seeking for monetary assistance is also appealed by Participant IDI_10. H/She

states that…

“…I would ask the financial assistance from the

school and a kind of support from my co-

Sharing of Knowledge

Seasoned school paper’s knowledge is priceless that many students wanted to

be a student writer. Shared knowledge by the seasoned adviser is something you could

not replace. Once they talk, information and data are on it.

Participant IDI_4 mentioned about the sharing of knowledge through a conduct of

writing activities to students. H/She further noted that…


“…ang akong best practice that I could share is

enhancing the skill of the campus journalists
through seminars and trainings and then write

(The best practice that I could share is enhancing

the skill of the campus journalists through seminars
and trainings and then write shop).
Seminars and trainings are one way to enhance the level of the young journalist.

In addition to that is the knowledge of the facilitator and the seasoned teacher. On the

other hand, Participant IDI_6 noted about orienting minds about campus journalism.

H/She mentioned that…

“…orient-give tasks-gather information- editing-

production- in the context of pandemic…”
Another Participant IDI_7 who said that it is a big help for a seasoned adviser in

enhancing their current mindset. H/She states that…

“…my best practices I will share is my knowledge

and skills on how my campus journalist have
enhanced their current mindset towards writing for a
Participant IDI_11 uttered about learning is part of our life. H/She mentioned
“…things around should be learned. I am still learning.
Every student and every people should learn. This is
the best practice I am sharing as a seasoned school
paper adviser…”

Every people are learning. Let us learn more through educating the minds of our

young journalist. This may not be an easy accomplishment but seeing your students

learning, they could make something new to the campus journalism world.

Never Stop Learning


The words we should always put in our minds are the words ‘never stop

learning’. Learning does not stop when you teach. It continues to grow with a lot bigger


On the same spot, IDI_4’s advice to the newly hired teacher is keep learning new things.

H/She added…

“…to the newly hired teachers who are assigned as

school paper adviser, they should have enough
patience in learning the basics in journalism. They
should keep on learning new things by attending
seminars and trainings related to journalism and
find means to enhance their skills…”

Learning does not end in a particular spot. Teachers should not let our learning

to be just the same from the moment we become teachers. We must be trained and

attend seminars. It is supported with the idea of IDI_5 who also states that advisers will

do what they ought to do. H/She cited…

“… newly assigned campus journalism just do what

you ought to do for the fulfillment of campus
For the fulfilment of the campus journalism, seasoned school paper advisers

should not stop from learning because in everything we do, we know it would not be put

in vain.

Another cites by Participant IDI_5 said that school paper adviser should continue

the campus journalism they are handling. Specifically, h/she cited…

“…continue what you have started as campus

journalism, and you will harvest it later. Think of it
as a challenge. Think of it as a learning task that if
were done, you could be able to learn from it…”

The same with the life of the students, teachers shall also live the life they have

started. Seasoned school paper advisers to be exact, are just one of those competing

individuals that when they lose, they must strive again and be a better competitor.

Provision on Budget

Campus journalism has become inactive this time of pandemic however, they are

hoping it will not a reason for giving them low budget. Adjusting from old to new is hard

and they are still on the process of recovery. On the other hand, allocated budget for

school paper activities is the appeal of Participant IDI_1. H/She mentioned that…

“…hopefully, there is an allocated budget exclusive

for school paper activities (including trainings and
printing of school paper...”

Moreover, Participant IDI_6 also states that…

“…school head should allot budget from MOOE

because we have no financial support from
Maintenance and other operating expenses or MOOE are a budget given for the

school to buy a school product, produce a school structure and anything else that is

school related. Such Participant are calling the school heads attention to give an amount

good for campus journalism.

Another Participant IDI_11 stated that…

“…there should be budget for the reproduction of

school paper, and for the conduct of trainings…”

There should be budget for campus journalism in the school. School paper

advisers are trying it is best to accomplish with awards now that it is the school’s time to

provide for campus journalism.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the discussions and conclusion drawn from the results of

the study. This also contains the implication for teaching practices, recommendation for

further research and concluding remarks.

The purpose of this study was to explore and understand the lived experiences

of seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism in the context of pandemic. To

gather substantial data, in-depth interview was used using the validated questions given

by the evaluators. All the questions formulated have been answered by the participants

who expressed significant data for analysis.

Lived Experiences of Seasoned School Paper Advisers in

Campus Journalism in the Context of Pandemic

Being Challenged
Seasoned school paper advisers are already on the stage where huge

responsibilities are at hand. Being inline to campus journalism is never an easy job. It

took a lot of hard work to maintain the name and be an achiever in a school paper.

Students are well managed under this. Those who can achieve more become

determination to the seasoned school paper adviser. Being challenged can be

accurately differentiated to difficulty since being challenge is using the happenings as a

tool to learn and an ingredient to succeed. On the other hand, difficulty is having struggle

on something that one is undergoing.

In line with this, Meyers (2020) stated that being challenged is never a

disadvantage to the workplace. Some problems aroused this moment of lockdown but

being seasoned advisers, they used this as a challenge to move forward. This is the time

where many things faced by writers and here you are understanding and encouraging

them. This pandemic may uninterest students however seasoned teachers are doing

their triple best to overcome such situation and bring back the way it has been. This

pandemic may bring a difficulty to both advisers and student writer but always remember

that everything you do will not be in vain at the end (Natividad, 2020).

Another participant who claimed that they are challenged in using social media.

This idea is in adherence to the study of Arriga et al. (2021) who reasoned those

seasoned teachers are inclined to traditional and constructive learning. All school paper

advisers on the other hand must learn in using social media for this is required in this

time. According to Reimers (2022), although it is hard, seasoned school paper advisers

are trying their best to cope with because as the world changes, the form of education

also changes.

According to Reimers et al. (2021), educating students in 20 th century requires

teachers to be trained with the use of technologies. Maybe not true to all but this case

took outside from this study that seasoned school paper advisers are being challenged

into the guiding students with the use of social media.


Seminars this time is limited. On the other hand, seasoned teachers are longing

to gather students, but the internet connection is slow. Thus, they are stationed to

limited face to face and planning to gather the students will be in all to them.

Feeling Frustrated

Participants from this study claims to be frustrated at the start of the pandemic.

The pandemic era has affected many jobs in the world. It had brought frustrations to

many employees particularly to teachers. Some schools right now are in limited face to

face. Some are online and some are modular. There are different modalities to this area

moreover, all of them are required to submit all activities given in a year. Teacher felt

frustration due to the fast-changing technicalities of the school especially when it affects

the prime organization, the school paper.

The participants mentioned they felt frustrated when thing do not go as expected.

This idea is in connection with the study of Boody (2020) which states that at this

changing time of Covid 19, schools are advised to make changes for the betterment of

the school, affecting many students. Many teachers are concerned about these changes

but because of the safety of the young ones, they obliged peacefully.

Another appeal by a participant from this study is the frustration is felt after h/she

cannot obtain his/her expectation on the fixed date. This appeal is in adherence to the

study of Mittan (2020) who states that there is feeling of disappointment of oneself after

failing the task. Seasoned school paper advisers are very victim of this talk since most of

them are just working and failing to achieve something is such a failure. However, many

school paper advisers know how to adjust and using failure as steppingstone to try again

(Naputo, 2021). Teachers become organized and whenever disappointment comes.

Wu (2020) also declares that seasoned adviser sometimes they have troubles in

gathering necessary document that is why frustration comes. As what I have said,

seasoned teachers are more inclined to traditional teaching. They are more to teaching

rather than host an online seminar. With this notion I have presented, it is really a

disadvantage to their part. Frustration on how to cope with are necessary. Thus,

changes are required, and they are really obliged to comply.

Being frustrated due to unreached desires and thinking to be replaced is arising

nowadays (Omay, 2020). A decade teaching and adviser to campus journalism is

already a big achievement that a teacher could ever boast. Hence, there are times that

tiring, and weariness occur and would ask the school heads for replacement. However,

some seasoned advisers did not think this way. Its better to stay positive, continue to do

the job and move on from your frustration.

Difficulty of Choosing Student Writer

The participants of the study have difficulty of choosing student writer this time of

pandemic. Pandemic has brought changes to the jobs and to the education. School

closure is the heavy effect of the pandemic as the seasoned school paper advisers had

trouble of choosing student writer. One of the important regulations that the school

implement this time of pandemic is students eighteen (18) years old below are not

allowed to enter to school. Only parents and guardians are guardians are allowed to

claim modules. Majority of the schools here in Agusan del Sur adopted the modular

system, if required of online class or online transaction, the students and the minor could

attend to. However, this scheme is slowly giving the school paper adviser’s tough ways

to choose student writers because of limited number of students that can be seen

attending. Today’s limited face to face is a measured solution for this difficulty but it is

not the fare solution at all.

This idea is related to Theory of Brown (2012) which states the theory of

advising. This theory is all about the learning of the teacher and the receiver is the

student. At this pandemic time, the students are tough to gather, and limited students

are only allowed to be present. Seasoned school paper adviser is doing some visitations

or do online transactions just to share the information to them.

By the start of the pandemic, many educators are confused and disordered

regarding this matter. The school’s office demanded to not let the students go to given

that it is lockdown. Thankful at heart, many seasoned schools paper advisers are

beginning to worry on how they are going to implement campus journalism given that it

is lockdown. However, for the safety of everybody, they need to accept it and wait for the

upper heads on what is going to change further (Natividad, 2020).

In addition, Boody (2020), limited face to face is the partiality of the Department

of education where minimum number of students are requested to report in school. Such

department have implemented it successfully following still the health protocol. The

seasoned school paper advisers now are now making a way into how to gather students

with a limited number only. Mook (2020) said that the school’s advice is to let the

students participate in campus journalism given to the pandemic strict protocol. The

limited number of the students will truly measure the patience of our seasoned school

paper adviser given that they were given a lot of duties and responsibilities to settle in

the middle of this pandemic.

Furthermore, the students are longing so badly to the activities in the school that

is why no worries for the school paper advisers for some of the students are really

wanted to join campus journalism. There are students also who are in already in the

organization that wanted to improve more their writing skills that is why seasoned school

paper adviser are just going to arrange and settle the activity to give (Wu (2020)

Financial Problem
All schools in the Philippines are experiencing financial difficulty. Especially in

modular modality where they find it hard to print encoded activities due to lack of printing

machines. Furthermore, seasoned school paper advisers are appealing due to lack of

financial funds given to campus journalism. They have still had pending expenses for the

last years school paper, and they cannot step up due to their pending payments.

Financial difficulty is indeed suppressing the department of education’s budget.

This idea is in connection to (Impact of COVID-19 on Education, 2020) who

states that the school is experiencing financial difficulty. Many schools are presently

waiting for the MOOE and they still waiting the department of education what could

further be polished. Another study by Van Fleet (2020) who specified that many schools

are opening its site to accept donations from whoever it came from due to pandemic’s

problem. A lot of teachers have used their own currency for this reason.

Moreover Chaudhury (2020) noted that financial difficulty is one of the results of

pandemic crisis. Educational finances became the great concern now that is pandemic.

Seasoned teachers are having worry about the expenses of their current advisory. This

‘No Collection’ policy must take over the school’s responsibility to the own hands of the

advisory whether to spend their own expenditures or gather the parents and ask for a

donation. Even though students are not responsible for this happening, some seasoned

teachers are appealing to their school heads about this matter.

Financial difficulty among school is common especially to campus journalism

organization. Difficulty in answering the ‘how?’ (Mook, 2020). Particularly this time of

pandemic, where minors are not allowed to enter to school, they really have a hard time

collecting funds because of the ‘no collection’ policy.


Problem of Internet Connection

Participants claimed to have problems with internet connection. There are many

schools here in the Philippines where the main problem is difficulty of internet

connection. Most of them find it hard to trace signals and the other could not find any

signal at all. School paper advisers are in struggle to look for a proper signal and cannot

find any physical way to meet the students in person.

According to Reimers (2020) as time goes by, signals become the basis of

learning. Some areas in the place where I conducted the study have weak internet

connection. However, they have Peso Wi-Fi machine although the moment of no

electricity, it also shuts down. Thus, the seasoned teachers in far areas are visiting the

students and sometimes, the limited face to face have their chances to ask them report

in school alternately.

One participant claimed that their area is in slow internet connection. This idea is

in connection with Meyers (2020) who highlighted that learning without the use of

internet possible however teachers are the very factor of the knowledge earned.

Seasoned school paper advisers are the basis of everything. From the content that is

going to teach, from the contest that is going to follow, from the functions of school paper

members and anything else (Chaudhury, 2020).

We cannot disagree with the fact that being a teacher is a door opened to many

possibilities (Robosa et al., 2021). This possibility maybe is to be assigned in a place

where there is no signal. Seasoned teachers are in total desperation to acquire this for

this shall mend their overflowing responsibilities. According to Torres (2020) teachers

are defined as skillful individuals and they can manage even if there is no internet


Poor internet connection can also decrease the student writers (Westfall, 2020).

Even from the previous claim that seasoned teachers find it hard to look for a signal,

even the students appealed the for same reason. Activities online has been affected

due to slow internet connection. Although the use of Peso WiFi machine is the only

applicable means, they cannot control the electricity and the signal being passed to

them. Connection is important at this context of pandemic.

Having Rested

The participant from this study claimed to have rested due to the closure of the

school nationwide. It is a joy to every teacher to enjoy a rest especially during vacation.

Now that is pandemic, most of the jobs are adjusting to some changes. WFH or also

known as work from home is inserted to every workload of all employees. Having limited

students in school, the time being used is somehow a rest for the teachers and a while

making paperwork.

The participants mentioned that they enjoy the rest at the same time absorbing

new learning that pandemic brought. This idea is in line with the study of Pagsuyoin and

Rosales (2021) which states that from different situation, in different time, learning takes

place. Today that we are in pandemic always put in mind that you may rest awhile but

learning is always there.

The new normal can indeed bring new learning for everybody. One thing that

mentioned by participants is they have rested due to absence of journalism in school

during the time of lockdown. This statement by a participant was referred to the study of

Van Fleet (2020) who mentioned journalism for today may be absent, but the news is

always present, just waiting for the time journalism may came back.

Seasoned teachers are resting for quite a while since the closure of the school

took a year. However, this rest is never a ‘no work’ to the teachers since they have many

responsibilities to do. The most particular thing that is not around during school closure

is the students. The teachers feel rested because of the absence of the students due to

lockdown (Natividad, 2020). The participant said it was good, but they should not be still

for the students will come back every room, the school and the activities shall be

prepared. The teachers have rest due to students’ absence and they could offer the time

for doing paperwork and doing advisory thing (Mook, 2020).

Table 2
Seasoned School Paper Advisers Ways of Coping with the Challenges
in Handling Campus Journalism
in the Context of Pandemic

Being Optimistic
Being optimistic is a being cheerful and positive individual. Behind all the things

that happened in the world today, some people are still smiling, hoping for the exciting

new day. Some people nowadays have lots of negativity in school, job or in home.

Seasoned advisers have many things to do in school, yet they chose to be optimistic.

Being optimistic is a choice. It is rather a chance not to miss by the most. For in doing

so, allot of things could have accomplish and without dealing the other’s negativity.

Optimism can turn positive into this negative world that we have (Torres, 2020).

Optimism can sometimes made you to love what you were doing. This idea was

supported by participant who initially mentioned that being optimistic is dealing about the

hard things with an opportunity to learn at the arising stage. Seasoned school papers

difficulty will always be an opening door to a lot of opportunities and knowledges to be


Being a teacher is not the end of learning, in fact it. When a disadvantage come,

always think of positivity that maybe such thing happened for a reason, and you must

wait and look for it. Optimism is a choice preferred by a responsible individual.

Seasoned school paper advisers can offer students a constructive criticism and help

them improve in ways the skills they possess (Westfall, 2020). Looking for a skilled

writer is tough and equipping yourself to this is not as easy as it looks like. Seasoned

school paper advisers are well-appointed being struggling and searching for a cause.

Moreover, Arriga et al. (2021) highlighted in his study that teacher should avoid

negative attitude in everything you do. Dealing problems without fear and doubt can lead

you to peaceful outcome. Whatever the result is, you can manage to act according to its’

result, may it be positive or negative. Seasoned school paper advisers are facing this

time a responsible job. Whatsoever the outcome, it is already contemplated beforehand.

Your product is basically a result of your perseverance and dedication (Natividad, 2020).

A seasoned school paper advisers without those qualities I have mentioned will never

be authentic and always struggling in everything they do because they are always

negative. Your mindset will always be always accompanied by a product.

Furthermore, society is really concerned with the development of the people

employed to a job. Now that is pandemic, this thing happened through online seminars.

Today, most seasoned advisers are attending trainings and seminars making them a

competitive campus journalist. Seasoned school paper advisers do not be settling for

less (Reimers et al, 2021). They will be attending every year some trainings and

seminars to have a refill of their intelligence that have been used in the areas of campus

journalism. In addition to that, most of the seasoned school paper advisers are

accountable individuals. That is why everything they do and decide, h/she always ask

the affirmations of the parents, stakeholders, and school head.

Managing Time Properly

Time management is done by many successful individuals at this time. Time

management is usually imposed to all employee doing things far from their

responsibilities. This means you must manage your time wisely and effectively to have a

productive day. This pandemic has taught us many things in life. However, managing

time is one of the most important lessons that is taught to all people living in a job.

Seasoned school paper advisers are doing their best in managing their time sensibly.

Some participants are doing their finest to have the campus journalism back however

limited face to face just started a few months and they cannot do this abruptly given they

still have subjects to finish and grades to pass.

On the study of Landes (2020) organized activities come to be teacher’s fulfilling

career. This is connected to seasoned school paper advisers since many times they did

more is according to their job and not with other matters. Most of the participants have

come to the stage of maturity and taking other matters are none of their concern. They

are more focused to what is asked and expected to them after which they are going

home productively.

The best skill a seasoned teacher should have in a school is to have time

management. School paper advisers are advisable to enrich this skill because in today’s

pandemic especially with the closure of the schools, time really is important. Based on

the study of Meyers (2020) teachers with fixed time in mind will not conflict their time of

preparing things for their teaching. Meaning to say, seasoned school paper advisers

with proper time management will not go into cramming because they had prepared the

activities set at hand. To cram is such a big problem with the seasoned adviser because

it affects their attitude pertaining to how to deal with their student writers

Managing one’s time is important to not neglect the seasoned school paper’s

functions (Reimers, 2022). We occasionally overlooked teaching as simple, but the real

thing is it is a very tiring thing and to obtain the obstacles, one should be responsible.

Seasoned school paper advisers are a time conscious individual that is the reason they

are respected in many ways. These are the reason why most of the young teachers or

newly hired teachers are asking them from time to time what to do and how to it.

Furthermore, seasoned school paper advisers should be given enough time to

work out and complete all the papers needed to have (Omay, 2020). This idea is in line

with the participant’s response that having proper time management is one of the most

required necessities to have given that many paper things are required in a job.

However, it is not followed at times due to the loads handled by the seasoned advisers.

Given that you are seasoned teacher, and you are given lots of teaching load is

excessively exhausting. That is the reason why less subjects load is to be given, there

will be an enhanced campus journalism that is to be open aired.


Priorities is making your job the first thing you do, or update is a big sign that

your job is your priority. Priorities come the moment you thought about your duties and

responsibilities. Once you have your responsibilities, all your priorities would change.

Setting your priorities has also become part of your job. The seasoned school paper

advisers’ point of view would be coming from their jobs and that is to educate and train

student to become a better young journalist. They only need to follow the set, one step

at a time. Given that students are still limited, do all the possible way on how to teach

them, and place this task as your priority (Reimers, 2020).

Pagsuyoin and Rosales (2021) pointed that prioritizing your job is an effective

way in avoiding things irrelevant to your job. Seasoned school paper advisers should

avoid irrelevant job and start think straight. Always focus on the goal and you will

succeed in time (Tren, et. al., 2020). Seasoned advisers are making its best to prioritize

the job that is given to them. Based on my participants, majority of them had families to

also prioritize. However, if they did time management, all of them can settle this issue.

School paper advisers should prioritize the student writers and how to make them

improve (Landes, 2020). Press conference are still online at this time, and some school

stopped yet the production of school paper, that is why school paper advisers have

much time to accomplish what is and what will be going to do (Naputo, 2021).

Being Adaptive to Changes


The participants of this study claimed to be adaptive to some changes in

education. They believed that when trying to educate the learner, you should accept the

different forms of teaching because time might change our daily education. Making

yourself productive behind all the things happening right now is a full fulling part of a

seasoned adviser. Being adoptive to changes is the key to a productive life. As the world

changes the education change as well (Mittan, 2020). That is why seasoned school

paper adviser are free to use that as a key to open a new possibilities and chances.

According to Wu (2020) integrating to new from old is the most challenging task of a

teacher. Thus, it is very commendable that the seasoned school paper advisers are

really doing their best to not left behind. Move forward and never let the present situation

tells you to stop.

Moreover, Punzalan (2020) also mentioned it is best to use online platforms at

this time of pandemic given that we do not know when this will end. Some of the

participants are really challenged in this current time as they are obliged to do things that

was not encountered during the old normal. Just for instance the use of internet, it is

hard for a seasoned adviser to master the computer and use it as every day. School

paper advisers are needing those skills given that it is a skill for today’s adopting

changes due to pandemic (Mook, 2020).

Furthermore, according to Chaudhury (2020) adopting online school to sustain

and regain the skill as a teacher is an activity that most of the schools do today.

Difficulties arises as this time of pandemic flourished. However, seasoned school paper

cannot stop this complication and rather see this an opportunity to learn more. Online

schooling despite the school closure is evident today. Moreover, online schooling for skill

development is also on the list of every school paper adviser. This advancement to

campus journalism is not easy as it said. Seasoned school paper advisers must learn

and be trained to technology. It is not easy for a seasoned adviser thus, they really put

into mind all things they needed to accomplish.

Being Resilient
Being resilient is being able to recover easily. If you are city person and is

assigned to provinces, adjusting to them easily is a sign of a very resilient individual. To

be flexibly resilient is the responsible potentials that every seasoned teacher could have.

From years of being a teacher, exercising resiliency is already a must especially today

that is pandemic.

According to Wu (2020), accepting a job inline to your course is already an

excessive motivation in pursuing greatness ahead. All my participants are in line with

education and English courses, and I can see they experienced motivation because

aside from they can relate to, they can manage very well the organization. Being

resilient is not just a role but it is an attitude that when it is developed in yourself, you

can face everything, even the difficulty and disappointment (Naputo,, 2021).

Another idea that is connected to this is from Robosa et al. (2021) which

declared that starting your day with full of resiliency, is a day full of positivity. Being

motivated to pursue great challenge is already being resilient. Seasoned school paper is

resilient as they cannot complete the day without a product. They are already in ten (10)

years and above and they are still determined to work hard not just for the sake

themselves but for the students as well (Terada, 2021)).

Furthermore, Reimers (2020) states that change is constant. The only permanent

thing in this world is change. This pandemic is ought to happen. This changes in

education are ought to occur. You might wonder why teachers are still on the go with all

the trials they are facing mainly because, they know, and they are motivated to move

forward. They are not insensitive, but they look on the brighter side that this pandemic

will take us some learning. Being resilient is having to know exact meaning of

adjustment. School paper advisers are adjusting to their job for all we know there are

student writers who are graduating, and some are transferring. They must focus

themselves on looking for a new student writer and in doing that, school paper advisers

must set their mind and establish their proper attitude.

Accepting the fact that the life before is different from what we have now is the

first step of resiliency. From the moment you accept it, all the things that come will be

faced with great purpose and be acquired with splendid learning.

Table 3
Major Themes and Core Ideas on the Insights and Hopes of The Seasoned School
Paper Advisers in Campus Journalism that they
Wish to Share with Others

Seeking help from others

Participants from this study is currently seeking help from other people and other

organization is one way of improving the ways establishing a school paper’s association.

In one way or another, accepting help from other people is an overwhelming fact that to

feel. The part of helping by stakeholders and parents are already a big achievement

being handled by a seasoned school paper adviser. This crucial time of every seasoned

adviser is such a big load to step and in making and accepting the help offered is of

great assistance.

Landes (2020) said that in continuing campus journalism, parents and

stakeholders should be always. Understanding how vital a student writer especially if

they have trainings, moral and financial supports would be a big help.

Another participant from this study who noted that decreasing subject loads

would be a good thing to receive to have time in monitoring more campus journalism.

This appeal is in lined to the study of Wu (2020) who stated that teachers who hold a

heavy coordinator can be more effective if h/she has enough more time in handling

such. Seasoned school papers advice is to de-load some of the subject assigned to

them for they cannot do well if seasoned school paper adviser have more to think of.

Chaudhury (2020) emphasized that strengthening the school paper in the

context of pandemic is a challenge that the school had. The support for this kind of task

will be needed that is why seasoned school paper advisers are very much in plea.

Meeting from stakeholders is important to strengthen the school paper making it achieve

more from the past. The school should also give their full support for campus journalism

(Boody, 2020). Full support from the administration to have success in school-based

management. Any implementation on the changes that will bring campus journalism,

they should be the first one to support. School paper are the greatest achievement to

schools. Some small schools do not have school paper yet the huge schools never

neglect of having such because this one of those crowning glory that the school has

brought in the past history (Impact of COVID-19 on Education- School Closures and


Sharing Knowledge
Seasoned school paper advisers shared knowledge are priceless. Mostly the

reasons behind the students wanted to be a student writer is the ways seasoned

advisers teach. Shared knowledge by the seasoned adviser is something you could not

replace. Once they talk, information and data are on it.

Participant from this study mentioned about the sharing of knowledge through a

conduct of writing activities to students. This idea is in accordance with the study of

Landes (2020) which states school paper advisers are the very important persons in the

conduct of seminars to student writers for their knowledge about campus journalism is

credible and there is a learning that they wanted to share from the seminars they have

attended. The product of learning to both the school paper adviser and student adviser is

a way to accomplishing great things ahead (Llego, 2021). Seminars and trainings are

one way to enhance the level of the young journalist. In addition to that is the knowledge

of the facilitator and the seasoned teacher.

Natividad (2020) mentioned that it is necessary to orient the minds of the young

journalist on what really is campus journalism. The notion provided is in connection to

the participant who states that it is important to manage the student writers with proper

orientation about campus journalism. To share knowledge is also a way to learn

(Pagsuyoin & Rosales, 2021). That is the reason why seasoned school paper advisers

are always continuing to enhance their learnings.

Every people are learning. Good for us teachers because we are still learning.

Let us learn more through educating the minds of our young journalist. This may not be

an easy accomplishment but seeing your students learning, they could make something

new to the campus journalism world. Seeing them fully equipped with ideas and

knowledge you have shared is nothing more than a great feeling (Model Guidelines: Job

Description for Public Adviser, 2022)

Never Stop Learning

Participants from this study whom I interviewed are continuing to engage learning

in different forms. From the past few months of doing their life work despite pandemic,

they are still on the process of learning and teaching student writers in every modality

that is possible.

Seasoned school paper advisers should always put in our minds are the words

‘never stop learning’. According to Boody (2020), learning does not stop when you

teach. Mentioned also is the seasoned school paper advisers learning took place every

day and it continues to grow with a lot bigger concepts. To enhance the skill and to teach

young journalist, seasoned adviser must attend training and seminars in developing their

talents and abilities (Why Campus Journalism is a Student Necessity in 2022, 2021)

School paper advisers should keep learning new things. Emphasized by

Natividad (2020), learning does not end in a certain place. Teachers should not let our

learning to be just the same from the moment we become teachers. One must be trained

and attend seminars. The same with doing a learning task, we are going to learn from it

in the end no matter how hard it is (Pagsuyoin & Rosales, 2021). For the fulfilment of the

campus journalism, seasoned school paper advisers should not stop from learning

because in everything we do, we know it would not be put in vain. School paper advisers

must not lose hope and continue what has been started.

We cannot deny the fact that sometimes, negative mindset could consume us Its

natural for us people to feel discouragements and disappointments in times of pandemic,

yet it is gratifying to overcome those (Punzalan, 2020). On the other hand, we could use

that mindset to move forward, learn from your past doings, and achieve a little bit more.

No one can hinder us but by our own thinking. Seasoned school paper advisers should

always have in mind that difficulties are always on the track. Once we are already on it,

let use it as our tool to learn. We should never stop learning. The participant is very

confident that they are opted to follow this.

Provision on Budget

In every organization in the schools, budget is the most discussing topic. Budgets

are really needed by the school as this moment. Budget for production of modules,

budget for trainings and seminars, budget for school supplies and budget for

enhancement activities for teachers. Seasoned school paper advisers are asking for

budgets as well. Campus journalism has become inactive this time of pandemic

however, they are hoping it will not a reason for giving them low budget. Adjusting from

old to new is hard and they are still on the process of recovery.

According to Torres (2021) shared that it is really a must in allocating a budget

for school paper. The maintenance and other operating expenses for school should have

at least provide a financial support according to some participants. The school have

enough budget for school structure, school product and anything else yet they should

provide budget to school given that this this is the main reason why the school are on

top (Reimers 2022). Thus, the seasoned school paper advisers are calling the school

heads attention to give an amount good for campus journalism.

Another participant pointed out that the school and administration should provide

a budget for the reproduction. This idea was related to Meyers (2020) where it stated

that budget for the school is in according to its size and number of students. School

paper advisers are trying it’s best to accomplish with awards now that it is the school’s

time to provide for campus journalism (Arriga, Estevas, Pavlova and Picarra, 2021)

Implications for Teaching Practice

The findings of the study have shown the real experiences and problems of

seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism in the context of pandemic.

These findings can be used to draw conclusions that could lead to future solutions to the

undergoing difficulties of seasoned school paper advisers. The following are further

explanations for the study's implications.

To begin with, the result of the study shows the crucial things needed for the

seasoned school paper advisers providing them aspects that could make teaching under

school paper a more fulfilling one. The result also showed the importance of providing

quality education of the students under journalism. Thus, making a more meaningful

learning activities to the students who are under journalism

Second, the result of the study shows how much seasoned school paper

advisers tried their ultimate best in assisting them under journalism in the context of

pandemic. It further reveals the essential and influential role of seasoned school paper

advisers to the lives of the students under journalism.


Third, to the teachers, the study can be an eye-opener for the teachers who are

teaching together with the seasoned adviser to the school. Having a school paper is a

challenging subject for every school and the school paper advisers highly need a

support from their co-worker. Teachers could offer help to any matters. Moreover,

teachers could find help with regards to time management.

Fourth, to the principals/ school heads, the results of the study could be the basis

of making an action plan in support to the involvement of parents and other

organizations in school paper with the fact it was held by a seasoned school paper

adviser. This will make the campus journalism active and to some students who would

want to enter this edge. This will lead the principals/school heads to develop proper

interventions that promotes campus journalism which leads as a positive advantage to

our seasoned school paper advisers. If the heads of the department become dedicated

to their job and resourceful to their respective endeavor, high possibility of developing

campus journalist and the also the adviser.

Fifth, the DepEd officials, the results of the study may give a clearer view on the

events happening in the field specifically to those seasoned school paper advisers.

Thus, making it possible to construct more concrete framework of ideas that may lead to

making campus journalism efficient even to those students under this.

Lastly, to the future researchers, this study may become one of their references

in the conduct of their study. They may have a follow up study that will determine the

significant relationship between the advisory performance of the seasoned school paper

and the possibility of replacing them with new teachers.

Recommendations for Further Research

It has been evident that this research study was able to attain its main purpose

which was to explore the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in

campus journalism in the context of pandemic. This study navigated the perspectives of

seasoned teachers in ten (10) years and more being an adviser to campus journalism.

However, the result of this qualitative investigation was limited only on the experiences

of the selected public secondary schools in the two (2) municipalities of Agusan del Sur.

It was also recognized that the findings of this study rely more on the descriptions and

experiences, wherein it does not go further from that. The findings of this study were

limited only to few participants who have experienced hardships being in line to the

context of pandemic.

To gather more substantial answers on the queries raised in this study, it is

recommended to conduct further research study using greater number of participants

and should cover a wider range of schools. It is further recommended to have more

participants from different areas to be able to gather more data and ideas.

Moreover, research may also be done by conducting some re-interview with the

same participants to find out if their views and insights on the experiences have not

changed over time. In that way, the concepts that they have presented in this study will

be enhanced and become even more comprehensive, thus, having more variety of

themes. It will also give a chance to the participant to disclose the thoughts that they

might have not shared during this study.

Furthermore, it is also recommended to research further about the experiences

of the seasoned school paper advisers in handling the said organization. In this way,

other teachers who has the same struggles will be informed of the strategies applied by

other teachers that may have succeeded in their journey as a school paper adviser.

Lastly, since the findings of this study were viewed from the lens of the seasoned

school paper advisers, research may be conducted to determine the untold stories of

the students, teachers and school heads as they are teaching and learning during the

pandemic using modular approach.


Concluding Remarks

Teaching and learning are a process in which we must take for life. Teachers,

however, are the professional individuals who first took this challenge, offering their

remaining years to teach. Seasoned advisers are the kind of teachers who are really

determined and strong-minded person, adopting to the changes that this pandemic has

brought us. Seasoned school paper advisers this time of pandemic are a lot challenging.

This research study is conducted supposed to be conducted through face-to-face

interview with the participants to make it easier to take note of details and responses of

the participants. Yet in my present case, I have conducted an online research interview

since the pandemic is kept occurring in all moments we do not know. This was done to

avoid the risk. Virtual interview is truly complicated since not all participants have the

access to strong internet connection.

Despite of the challenges brought by the pandemic in the conduct of this study, it

turns out to be a success. It paves an avenue for me to conduct this study though I

encountered challenges along the way. The participants’ responses through in-depth

interview which convinced me to really deepen my understanding on the study that I

have chosen. I have understood the hardships and successes they have overcome.

Along the conduct of this study, I took all the necessary measures to make this

research a successful one with the aid of my adviser. It is certainly a demanding task

because it required time, patience, and determination to be able to gather quality and

relevant data that will support my study. However, this endeavor enabled me to become

aware of the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in campus journalism

in the context of pandemic.

Other teachers may give support regarding the issues brought to us by the

pandemic that leads us, the Department of Education, to pursue classes using the

modular approach. As a teacher myself, I can say that being supportive means giving

my wholehearted support in all aspects. I must also act in giving beneficial advice and

learning for the improvement.

Therefore, seasoned campus journalism adviser is a teacher with so much

dedication. They were able to do their job accordingly which is being an adviser of

school paper and at the same time a subject teacher of different loads. The Department

of Education will hopefully do their task as a department to take charge will with the

overall hardships that the adviser is about to experience.


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Appendix A
Endorsement Letter from the Dean

Appendix B
Permission Letter to Conduct the Study

Appendix C
Informed Consent

Faith • Excellence • Service


National Highway, Tagum City, 8100 Davao del Norte, Philippines
Email Address: [email protected]
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education




I, KENNY FAYE F. LOGROÑO, a graduate student of St. Mary’s College of

Tagum, Inc. taking up Master of Arts in Education major in ENGLISH. I am currently
conducting my research study entitled LIVED EXPERIENCES OF SEASONED

I am asking for your written and duly signed informed consent to this research
study. The purpose of your participation in this research study is to help the principal
investigator to explore, understand and describe the lived experiences of seasoned
school paper advisers. You are chosen as a possible participant in this research study
based on the following criteria: a) you must be in 10 years in service and above being
seasoned school paper advisers; b) must be teaching within Trento and Loreto Agusan
del Sur; and c) must be an adviser in English campus journalism.

Please feel free to read the following information carefully and feel free to ask the
above-named principal investigator if there is anything that is not clear to you or if you
need more information and guidance. You must be eighteen (18) years of age or older
to participate in this research study.


There is nobody except you is required to sign the consent form to signify your
participation in the research study. However, if you are unable to read and/or write, you
may select somebody to accompany you during the reading and explanation of the
informed consent form and sign the same in your behalf.

No witness is required in order for the consent form to be binding nor is a proxy
content allowed. But if you are below eighteen (18) years of age, a parental informed
consent from your parent or legal authorized representative and your informed assent
are needed before you can fully participate in this research study.


The purpose of the study is to explore, understand and describe the lived
experiences of seasoned school paper advisers. At this stage of research, seasoned
school paper advisers in the context of pandemic will be generally defined as school
paper adviser who have been well trained as an adviser but have experienced
challenges in their work as a school paper adviser especially now that is pandemic. This
study aims to identify positive and negative experiences of being an adviser particularly
on how they have overcome the problems faced during this pandemic time. This study
will all be beneficial to the seasoned school paper advisers, students, school
administrations and future researchers.



Prior to the conduct of this study, I submit my protocol to the Research Ethics
Committee (REC).

If you agree to participate in this research study, the following will occur: The
main purpose of this qualitative analysis is to gather and interpret data based on the
existing phenomenon. The Participants also will be 14 seasoned school paper advisers
in the context of pandemic in the locality of Trento and Loreto Agusan del Sur. There will
be four (8) seasoned school paper teachers from Trento and six (6) from Loreto. The
fourteen (14) participants will be selected based on this following inclusion criteria: a) 10
years in service and above being seasoned school paper advisers; b) teaching within
Trento and Loreto Agusan del Sur; c) Adviser in English campus journalism. The 14
participants shall all undergo In-depth interview (IDI) and it should not exceed 1 hour.
This study will be in accordance to Creswell (2013) recommendation that for a
phenomenological research, five (5) to twenty-five participants are sufficient in the
conduct of this study. The conduct of the IDI is required in order to collect the information
needed from this study. There is also voice recordings that will be transcribed and all the
responses to specific questions will be put together in a tabular presentation.

The title of this research will be “Lived Experiences of Seasoned School

Paper Advisers in Campus Journalism in The Context of Pandemic: A
Phenomenological Inquiry.”. The research problem will be asked through my research
guide questions. My research question will be all about positive and negative
experiences of being an adviser particularly on how they have overcome the problems
faced during this pandemic time.

I will also will facilitate the member checking. After the transcribing and encoding
of the participants’ response, it is a must to let the participants validate their response if it
is in accordance with their actual response. Since maybe some of the responses are
confidential, it is a must that the researcher must be the sole facilitator in the member
checking to protect the anonymity of the participants. Moreover, any sensitive personal
information that I ask will remain confidential. It is a way to ensure the credibility of the


Your decision whether or not to participate in this research study is completely

voluntary. It is up to you whether or not you decide to participate. If you decide to
participate, you will be required to sign this informed consent form. After you sign this
consent form, you can still withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any
time and without giving a reason. In the event that you withdraw from the study before
data collection is completed, rest assured that your data be destroyed in a manner
prescribed by law.

There is also a provision for adequately addressing issues of coercion prior to the
issuance of ethical clearance,



There are no known risks in participating in this study. There are no direct
benefits to participation in this research study, however, your participation will help
contribute to the existing body of knowledge is the goal of every research. With this
study, the results will benefit to the school paper advisers for they will be aware of what
are those experiences with their co adviser in a school paper and will receive any help
from higher authorities. This will also give benefits to the students and teachers. For
participating in this study, you will also be given a simple token of gratitude for the time
you spent as a participant in the study. You will also be recompensed of whatever
expenses that you may have incurred in the conduct of the study. (Travel expenses,
compensation for loss of income, meal expenses, internet load, cellphone load, etc.).


The principal investigator should state the scope and limitation of the study, i.e.,
the number and kind of participants and the procedures (IDI, FGD) of gathering
information. In the event that there will be occurrence of potential harm (e.g.,
psychological, emotional, financial, or social), as the principal investigator, how do you
deal with these adverse situations during the actual conduct of the research study (i.e,
IDI, FGD)? This concerns the responsibility of the principal investigator to ensure that
mechanisms on how to address the occurrence of any type of harm during the research
study shall be dealt with accordingly.

It is, therefore essential that I, as principal investigator (a) behave according to

appropriate ethical standards; (b) consider how my research might negatively affect my
participants; and (c) protect myself, my adviser, and my institution from placed in
situations in which individuals could make claims of inappropriate behavior, resulting in
public criticism or even being sued. (Polonski, 2004, p. 53)

In order to avoid the occurrence of any potential type of harm (i.e.,

psychological, emotional or social) during the conduct of this research study, I will
provide you in advance with information on counseling matters or services or appropriate
support bodies (if necessary) dealing with the issue. But in the event that interaction
with you may inadvertently harm you in some unintended way, I will take responsibility to
address the issue.


The Research Ethics Committee and other regulatory bodies be given direct
access to the information and data of the participants for the purpose of verification and
validation of the procedures and data.

Your privacy is of paramount importance, and thus, it is protected by conducting

the research in private setting and/or other space consideration or security measures will
be properly observed for online research/survey platforms. Equally, you should not be
forced to reveal any personal information to the researcher that you do not wish to

Rest assured that the data or information you provide will be treated with
complete anonymity and utmost confidentiality by means of discrete coding. No

individual identities will be used in any reports, presentations or publications resulting

from the research study. All research data or information will be kept in locked files at all
times (for material copies) or password protected folder (for electronic copies). Only the
principal investigator will have access to the files.

After the research study is completed, the data collected will be retained for three
(3) years and be destroyed immediately thereafter in a secure manner that would
prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure to any other party or the public or in a
manner prescribed by law.


Any medical treatments are available if injury occurs and, if so, what they consist
of, or where further information may be obtained. Consent forms cannot include any
exculpatory language that which the subject is made to appear to waive any legal rights
or releases the researcher or institution from liability for negligence.


You may have access to your own data. After the analysis of all the data for this
research and you wanted to be informed of the results, you will be provided with a free
copy of the results.


The data collected from this research study will be used solely for the
attainment of the intended purposes. It may be presented at any research fora and/or
published in journals or used for any other legitimate purposes, which St. Mary’s College
of Tagum considers proper in the interest of education, knowledge, or research. This
study entitled Lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers will be given to the
participants school for the purpose of legitimacy.

I am the principal author of this study and my thesis adviser, Doctor Socorro
Neri, is the corresponding author for purposes of paper presentation in a public/scientific
forum and publication in a peer-reviewed journal. I also declare that there is no ghost
and gift authors in this study.

I declare no conflict of interest.


Results of the study may be submitted for publication. The study may be
presented in a scientific forum or published in a journal, but in a manner where your
personal identity will not be revealed.


If you have questions about the study, please feel free to contact the above-
named principal investigator by calling 09107688826 or email him/her at
[email protected]. You can also contact the Chairperson of the SMCT
Research Ethics Committee, Dr. Maria Lalaine P. Chieng at 0992448449 with any
questions about your rights as a research participant or any related research concerns

or contact the Data Protection Officer, Mr. Erwin L. Sabornido at 09324858115 or email
him at [email protected] or [email protected] for concerns
regarding your data privacy rights.

Thank you very much.


Appendix D
Validation Forms


National Highway, Magugpo East, Tagum City, 8100 Davao del Norte, Philippines
Email Address: [email protected] QTIME
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education Faith • Excellence • Service





Name of Researcher: KENNY FAYE F. LOGROÑO

Rating: Number of Yes Marks

( ) 10 Very Good ( ) 6-7 Fair (maybe upgraded or revised)
( /) 8-9 Good ( ) 0-5 For revalidation

To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item.

Items Yes No
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration of the interview, way of /
conduct) and closing components (additional comments) are provided.
2. Consent form with conformity to ethical standards is included.
3. Script is included/built in so, interviewer can introduce, guide and conclude /
the interview in a consistent manner.
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of getting /
rich and detailed stories, narratives and descriptions.
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses, avoiding close /
ended questions which are answerable by “yes” or “no”.
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative. /
7. Probing questions are provided with clarity and grammatical correctness. /
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority questions first. /
Follow-up questions were appropriate and adequate.
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms. /
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes of interview, not /
exceeding five (5) open-ended items (probes excluded) for every research
questions, except for special cases.
Copyright: G.P. Gempes, Ed.D. DM

Remarks: Please revise the interview guide questions and incorporate the suggestions.

Name and Signature of Validator: DR. GINA M. ORACION Date of Evaluation: February 24,

Educational Qualification: PhD in Education Major in Applied Linguistics



National Highway, Magugpo East, Tagum City, 8100 Davao del Norte, QTIME
Philippines Faith • Excellence • Service
Email Address: [email protected]
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Education





Name of Researcher: KENNY FAYE F. LOGROÑO

Rating: Number of Yes Marks

( ) 10 Very Good ( ) 6-7 Fair (maybe upgraded or revised)
( /) 8-9 Good ( ) 0-5 For revalidation
To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item.
Items Yes No
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration of the interview, way of conduct) and /
closing components (additional comments) are provided.
2. Consent form with conformity to ethical standards is included.
3. Script is included/built in so, interviewer can introduce, guide and /
conclude the interview in a consistent manner.
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of getting /
rich and detailed stories, narratives and descriptions.
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses, avoiding /
close ended questions which are answerable by “yes” or “no”.
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative. /
7. Probing questions are provided with clarity and grammatical correctness. /
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority questions first. /
Follow-up questions were appropriate and adequate.
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms.
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes of interview, /
not exceeding five (5) open-ended items (probes excluded) for every
research questions, except for special cases.

Copyright: G.P. Gempes, Ed.D. DM

Remarks: For utilization!

Name and Signature of Validator: EXELSIS DEO A. DELOY, PhD Date of

Evaluation:03/2/2022 Educational Qualification: PhD in Education major in Applied


National Highway, Magugpo East, Tagum City, 8100 Davao SMCTI
del Norte, Philippines QTIME
Email Address: [email protected]
Faith • Excellence • Service
Quality Transformative Ignacian Marian Educatio





Name of Researcher: KENNY FAYEF. LOGROÑO

Rating: Number of Yes Marks
( ) 10 Very Good ( ) 6-7 Fair (maybe upgraded or revised)
(√) 8-9 Good ( ) 0-5 For revalidation
To the Evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item.
Items Yes No
1. Introduction (purpose, confidentiality, duration of the interview, way of conduct) and closing √
components (additional comments) are provided.
2. Consent form with conformity to ethical standards is included. √
3. Script is included/built in so, interviewer can introduce, guide and conclude the √
interview in a consistent manner.
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of getting rich √
and detailed stories, narratives and descriptions.
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses, avoiding close √
ended questions which are answerable by “yes” or “no”.
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative. √
7. Probing questions are provided with clarity and grammatical correctness. √
8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority questions first. √
Followup questions were appropriate and adequate.
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms. √
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60 to 90 minutes of interview, not √
exceeding five (5) open-ended items (probes excluded) for every research
questions, except for special cases.
Copyright: G.P. Gempes, Ed.D. DM


Thank you for addressing the previous remarks. You may still add questions (or follow-up
probes, if necessary). Congratulations!

Name and Signature of Validator: DR.JOCELYN A. MATILDO__ Date of Evaluation: Feb. 23,
2022_ Educational Qualification: _Doctor of Education____

Appendix E
Certificate of Member Checking

Appendix E
Participant’s Certification

Appendix F
Audit Trail



1.What are the lived experiences of seasoned school paper advisers in the
context of pandemic?
Being Challenged IDI-08

Feeling Frustrated IDI_07

Difficulty of Choosing Student Writer IDI_09

Financial Problem IDI_04
Problem of Internet Connection IDI_11

Having Rested IDI_14

2. How do the seasoned teachers cope with the challenges they encountered
being a seasoned school paper adviser in the context of pandemic?

Being Optimistic IDI_04


Managing Time Properly

Prioritizing IDI-07

Being Adoptive to Changes IDI-04


Being Resilient IDI_11

3. What are the insights of seasoned school paper advisers on campus

journalism that can be shared to others?

Seeking Help from Others IDI-04

Sharing Knowledge IDI-06

Never Stop Learning

Provision of Budget IDI-06

Appendix G

Ethics Clearance



SMCTI-REC Clearance Letter Approval Date:

June11, 2021
for Implementation
June11, 2021

This is to certify that the study entitled LIVED EXPERIENCES OF SEASONED

candidate of Master of Arts in Education Major in ENGLISH of St. Mary’s College of
Tagum, Inc. (SMCTI) has been examined by the St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc.
Research Ethics Committee as FULL BOARD for the initial review and has been
evaluated to have adequately complied the requirements for the research ethics protocol
and is therefore, cleared for conduct of the study using the school’s accepted scientific
procedures and internationally accepted ethical guidelines.

Given this 19th day of April 2022 at St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc. Research Ethics
Committee Office, Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines.


Chair, Research Ethics Committee

Appendix H

REC Endorsement for Final Defense


Appendix I
Editor’s Certificate



[email protected]


Post-Graduate Studies: N/A

Graduate Studies: Master of Arts in Education Major in English

St. Mary’s College of Tagum City
National High Way, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Tertiary: University of Southeastern Philippines-Tagum

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Apokon, Tagum, Davao del Norte

Secondary: Trento National High School

Trento, Agusan del Sur

Elementary: Trento Central Elementary School

Trento, Agusan del Sur

Licensure Examination for Teacher 9/27/2015


Inclusive Dates: June 17, 2017 – present

Position Title : Teacher I
Company : DepEd Agusan del Sur

Inclusive Dates: November 2015-May 2016


Position Title : Instructor

Company : Computer Research Network Inc.

Inclusive Dates: June 30, 2016 – May 25, 2017

Position Title : Instructor (Contract of Service)
Company : Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology



Date : OCTOBER 07-09 2021


Date : JULY 18-20 2019


Name and signature of the researcher

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