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Phase 1 – Initial activity

Adriana Marcela Soto Vega

Code: (1090534410)

Tutor (a): Maria Alejandra Mideros


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Inglés

CCAV Cúcuta

Septiembre 2022

Step 1- Answers to the questions step 1.

1. What is the difference between method and approach?

Approach and Method are two words that are often confused due to the appearing
similarity in their meanings. Approach refers to an act of approaching as in the
expression ‘made an approach’. On the other hand, a method is word that means “a way”
or perhaps a “process”.
One example could be that you approach a problem with a view to tackle it. On
the other hand, you resort to a method with a view to solving it.
I become easy to confused they both because they are very similar, that´s why we
have to be very carefully when we refer to them.

2. Have you had bad experiences in your English learning process?

In my whole English learning process, I have been blessed with great English
teachers and classmates, but a teacher in my Elementary grade. I guess I was around 12
years old and I did not like her classes at all, she used to talk by her cellphone during the
entire classes and just write on the board the topic of the day, gave the papers to do the
exams and pick them up from desk. It was awful the way she used to give her classes and
that´s one of the reasons why I did not like English at the beginning, however, when I
started studying English at a colleague, I have to admit that everything changed. My
teacher was wonderful, his experience as an English speaker is great and never used his
cellphone in class. Then, I started loving this new language and so far, I like everything
related with English learning and teaching process.

3. Do you consider that a teacher can use more than one English teaching
method? Why?
I could say that in English learning methodology we should keep in mind skills
each student has so, also, it is up to the attitude of students and desire they have in

learning process. In my opinion, a teacher may use all the methods in order to strengthen
the students’ learning, depending on levels and steps of each one.

4. What do you know about English teaching methodologies? What’s your

favorite one?
Teachers can use many methodologies to teach a foreign language, in fact, there
are two of them that I guess they are my favorite ones. The first one is the Natural
approach, which has an important role in learning process, where students can develop
naturally all the knowledge, they have learned by themselves, so, it helps to be more
confident, active and practice most of the time. The next one is the Total Physical
Response (TPR), which helps students to improve languages in a didactic way. A clear
example is teaching commands to students so, they can ask and answer by this method.

5. What do you think should be the role of the teacher inside the classroom?

Inside and outside the classroom, a teacher must be a guide for students, a friend
for helping them during the English learning and teaching process, not for scores, it is
more important they can learn and be in love with the process. Also, a teacher must be a
mediator when sometimes they have a situation, they can solve by themselves, so, that´s
when a teacher has to show the capabilities in solving situations.

6. Why do materials used in the English classes play an important role in the
teaching process?
I consider materials are a resource teachers use in class to provide experiences to
students into a didactic way to identify real life situations like immersions, videos,
interactive speaking seasons, etc.
It is not the same a student sees a board full of information than to explore a Flash
Card where he/she can complete, select, fill out or even build all kind of sentences by

7. How is motivation related to the English learning methodology applied by

the teacher in the classroom?
Learning circumstance contains a lot of components like classroom environment,
teacher, teacher’s motivation, educating techniques, and teacher identity. However, the
part of teacher motivation on the students’ accomplishment should not be overlooked.
Teachers can play as facilitator, helper and supporter in a dialect classroom. These parts
can be considered as powerful figures accomplishment of a second dialect.

8. What are your expectations about this course?

To be honest, I am very excited for sharing this new part of the journey with all of
you. I hope we can learn a lot of new things, achieve our goals as a group and also as an
individual way, practicing all we have learned in our English Teaching and Learning

Step 2 - Screenshot of your answers to the VLO.


Step 3 - Screenshots of the feedback you gave to your classmates.

Step 4 - Screenshot of the process to get the ARL certificate.



Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). The nature of approaches and methods in
language teaching. In Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge
Language Teaching Library, pp. 18-35). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001) A brief history of language teaching. In

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library,
pp. 5-17). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi-

Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001) The Audiolingual Method. In Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 50-70).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi-

VIMEP. (2020). Instructivo para la usabilidad de Normas internacionales de

citación APA 7a Edición [PDF]. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.

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