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CH-13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

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CH-13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Magnet : A substance that attracts iron or iron like substances.

Properties of Magnet

• Every magnet has two poles i.e. North and South.

• Like poles repel each other.
• Unlike poles attract each other.
• A freely suspended bar magnet aligns itself in nearly north-south direction, with its north poles
towards north direction.

Magnetic Field : The area around a magnetic in which its magnetic force can be experienced.

• Its S.I unit is Tesla (T).

• Magnetic field has both magnitude and direction.
• Magnetic field can be described with help of a magnetic compass.
• The needle of a magnetic compass is a freely suspended bar magnet.

Characteristics of Field Lines

• Field lines arise from North pole and end into South pole of the magnet.
• Field lines are closed curves.
• Field lines are closer in stronger magnetic field.
• Field lines never intersect each other becouse if they do so there will be two direction of magnetic
field at the point of intersection which is impossible.
• Direction of field lines inside a magnet is from South to North.
• The relative strength of magnetic field shown by degree of closeness of field lines.

Right Hand Thumb Rule

Imagine you are holding a current carrying straight conductor in your right hand such that the thumb
is pointing towards the direction of current. Then the fingers wrapped around the conductor give the
direction of magnetic field.

Magnetic Field due to Current Through a Straight Conductor

• It can be represented by concentric circles at every point on conductor.

• Direction can be given by right hand thumb rule or compass.
• Circles are closer near the conductor.
• Magnetic field ∝ Strength of Current
• Magnetic field ∝ 1/ Distance from conductor

Magnetic Field due to a Current through a Circular Loop

• It can be represented by concentric circle at every point.

• Circles become larger and larger as we move away.
• At the center the field appears to be a straight line. (uniform)
• The direction of magnetic field inside the loop is same.

Factors affecting magnetic field of a circular current carrying conductor

• Magnetic field ∝ Current passing through the conductor

• Magnetic field ∝ 1/ Distance from conductor
• Magnetic field ∝ Number of turns in the coil

Solenoid : A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in a cylindrical form.

• Magnetic field of a solenoid is similar to that of a bar magnet.

• Magnetic field is uniform inside the solenoid and represented by parallel field lines.
• Direction of magnetic field

i) Outside the solenoid: North to South

ii) Inside the solenoid: South to North

• Solenoid can be used to magnetize a magnetic material like soft iron.


Force on a Current carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field

Andre Marie Ampere suggested that the magnet also exerts an equal and opposite force on a current
carrying conductor.

• Force is maximum when the direction of current is at right angle to the direction of magnetic field.
• Direction of force is reversed on reversing the direction of current.
• Direction of force depends on direction of current and direction of magnetic field .
• Direction of force can be determind by using fleming’s Left Hand Rule.

Fleming’s Left Hand Rule

If the forefinger , thumb and middle finger of left hand are stretched mutually perpendicular to each other
such that the forefingre points along the direction of the magnetic field and middle finger indicates the
direction of current , then the thumb points towards the direction of force acting on the conductor.

Domestic Electric Circuits

There are three kinds of wires used:

(i) Live Wire (positive) with red insulation cover.

(ii) Neutral wire (negative) with black insulation cover.

(iii) Earth wire with green insulation cover.

• The Potential difference between Live and Neutral wire in India is 220 Voltage.

• Pole → Main supply → Fuse → Electricity meter → MCB → To separate circuits

Earth Wire : Protects us from electric shock in case of leakage of current especially in metallic body
appliances. It provides a low resistance path for current in case of leakage of current.

Short Circuit : When live wire comes in direct contact with neutral wire accidentally.

• Resistance of circuit becomes low.

• Can result in overloading.

Overloading : When current drawn is more than current carrying capacity of a conductor, it results in

Causes of Overloading :

• Accidental hike in voltage supply.

• Use of more than one appliance in a single socket.

Safety devices :

• Electric fuse
• Earth wire
• MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker)

ELECTRIC MOTOR : An electeric motor is a rotating device that converts electrical energy to mechanical
energy. electric motor is used as an important components in electric fans, refrigerators, mixers, washing
machines,computers etc.

PRINCIPLE - when a coil carrying current is placed in a magnetic field it experinces a force which roates
the coil.


• Armature : The armature ABCD consists of a large number of turns of insulated copper wire wrapped over
a soft iron core.
• Magnets : Provide the magnetic field
• Split rings or commutator (P & Q) : These are fixed to the coil and there main function is to reverse
direction of current flowing through the coil after every half rotation, due to this coil continues to rotate
in the same direction.
• Carbon brushes ( X & Y) : They constantly pass the current to the armature through the commutator P
and Q.
• Battery : Provides the current to the armature.


• Let us suppose that the battery send the current to the armature in the direction as shown in the figure.
• Applying fleming left hand rule the arm AB experiences a force which is acting inward and arm CD
experinces a force which is acting outward .
• This couple make the armature rotate.
• After half a revolution the direction of current in the arm AB and CD is reversed , now arm CD experiences
an inward force and arm AB experiences an outward force.
• The armature thus continue to rotate.

Electromagnetic induction : The phenomenon of inducing the current in a circuit due to change in
magnetic flux linked with it is called electromagnetic induction.

• Direction of induced current can be determined using fleming’s right hand rule.

Fleming right hand rule : If the forefinger,thumb and middle finger of right hand are stretched mutually
perpendicular to each other such that the forefingre points along the direction of the magnetic field and
thumb in the direction of motion of the conductor then the induced current in the conductor is in the
direction of the middle finger.

ELECTRIC GENERATOR - An Electric generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy .

PRINCIPLE – The electrical generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction that is when a
straight conductor move in a magnetic field , then current is induced in the conductor.



• Suppose axle is rotated clockwise , so coil is also rotated clockwise , Side AB of Coil moves up and
side CD Moves down , Applying Fleming R.H.L on side AB force is upwards , magnetic field is left to
right , So , current flows into the paper i.e from A to B .
• And applying Fleming R.H.R on side CD , force is downwards , magnetic field is left to right , So current
flows out of the paper i.e from C to D .
• Hence current flows into Brush B2 , moves along galvanometer and finally enters B1 Hence we say
current flows from B2 to B1 in the external circuit .
• After half a rotation , side CD Comes on left side and AB Comes on Right Side .
• Now on left side CD comes down , Applying Fleming R.H.R on side CD, force is downwards , magnetic
field is left to right , So current flows out of the paper i.e from D to C .
• And on right side , AB comes up, Applying Fleming’s R.H.R on side AB force is upwards , magnetic
field is left to right , So current flows into the paper i.e from A to B.
• Hence our circuit is now DCBA and current moves in the opposite direction
• Hence we say current flows from B1 to B2 in the external circuit .
• Thus , after every half rotation , direction of current changes , hence alternating current is produced.



Q1. Why don't two magnetic,field lines intersect each other? (1)

Q2. State Fleming's right-hand rule. (1)

Q3. Explain the principle and workihg of ‘Electric Motor’ by drawing its labelled diagram. (3)


Q1. The area surrounding a magnet where its force can be detected , is called (1)



Q1. Define electromagnetic induction . (1)

Q2. a. State fleming’s left hand rule . (2)

b. Give two differences between alternating current and direct current .


Q1. The device used for generating electric current is called (1)

Q2. What is the principle of working of electric generator ? Name two sources of direct current . (2)

Q3. Explain the principle and workihg of ‘Electric Motor’ by drawing its labelled diagram. (3)

Q4. A positively charged particle projected towards west is deflected towards north by a field . What will
be the direction of magnetic field ? (2)


Q1. In which direction a freely suspended bar magnet rest ? (1)

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