Understanding Racism and The Role of Identity Politics in Anti-Racism Movements in America

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL1607

Understanding Racism and the Role of Identity

Politics in Anti-Racism Movements in America
Nguyen Thuy Anh
University of Tsukuba

Abstract:- The matter of racism is a complex issue The general objective of this research is to determine the
concerning various humanities problems such as inequality effective strategies and goals that can be applied in anti-racism
in human rights, unfair treatment and unequal access to movements:
material resources. This dilemma has existed in various
multicultural communities, for example America, where The specific research objectives consist of:
racial diversity is directly proportional to racist crime,  To define racism and the context in which racism occurs;
which is among the highest in the world. According to The  To analyze the challenges and obstacles that current anti-
FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, the racism movements encounter;
number of hate crimes with racial or ethnic-related  To suggest solutions that can improve the effectiveness and
motivation accounts for 60 percent of incidents occured in minimize the adverse effects of anti-racism campaigns.
2020 in Ameria. The fight against racial injustice is a
challenging battle that demands long-term involvement and According to Stokely and Charles (1967), institutional
systematic change, starting from both the advocates and the racism is the most impactful and systematic type of racial
community. Therefore, strategic goals and methods are injustice which represents itself in the implementation of
essential to providing effective campaigns against racial policies that disregard ethnic equality. Bonilla Silva (2001,
discrimination. In this case, advocates and leaders must be 2003) stated that racism can take even more subtle form which
aware of the challenges that lead to the ineffectiveness of is colour-blind racism, resulting in racist actions being more
current anti-racism movements and increase the quality of complicated and ambiguous to regconize.
those advocating campaigns. Using qualitative methods,
this research study seeks to answer that problem through The result could be summarized that racial discrimination
the investigation of the origin and definition of racism with represents itself in various ways. As racism can appear to be
the aim of further understanding the issue and defining the subtle and implicit, identifying and combating racism is
cause of ethnic inequality. Moreover, analysis of different gradually transforming into a more complicated and
types of racism and colour-blind theories is also provided, challenging process. In that case, it is important to determine
which helps determine the outcome and long-term strategy the ultimate goals and priority that guide anti-racism
for improved campaign organization. Combating against movements, which is concentrating on solving institutional
racism is a complex process that can only be influential if racism with a combination of systematic and appropriate
campaign leaders, politicians and activists come up with a approaches.
productive and sustainable strategy that can oversee the
ultimate goal of promoting race equality. II. LITERATURE REVIEW

Keywords:- Racism, Combating, Anti-racism, Movements,  A European Primitive Approach to Ethnic Difference
Identity, Politics, Equality. The Bible played a major role in shaping the intellectual
perception of the Euro-American population, including the
I. INTRODUCTION matter of ethnic difference. In some chapters, it did mention the
differences of man but maintained that humans were made alike
This research paper analyzes different causes of racism as people derived from the same origin. The phrase “made of
thus determining the most effective and strategic approaches to one blood” stated by the author of Acts 17:26 reinforced the
fighting against racial injustice. Starting from investigating belief that God “hath made of one blood all nations of men for
various types of racism and identifying the challenges of current to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the
anti-racism work, foundational insight and contextual times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation”
understanding about the matter can be provided, thus improving (Perry, 2007).
the quality of anti-racism movements.

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL1607

Notions about this matter also appeared in European “Institutionalized racism manifests itself both in material
classical literature during the first few centuries of the Christian conditions and in access to power. In the case of material
Era (C.E.). It held a strong belief that even though humans were conditions, examples include differential access to quality
made different in colours, movements or shapes, there was education, sound housing, gainful employment, appropriate
always an underlying sameness in our beings. Fictional tales medical facilities, and a clean environment. Regarding access
described people in various parts of the world with three heads, to power, examples include differential access to information
cloven hooves, tails, or one eye in the middle of their chests. (including one's own history), resources (including wealth and
Despite this peculiar appearance, all the writing persisted that organizational infrastructure), and voice (including voting
humans all shared mutual attributes, which is called common rights, representation in government, and control of the media”
humanity. Namely, in the fifth century C.E, Augustine, a (Camara, 2002).
renowned theologian and prolific writer, argued that:
 History of the Word “Racism”
“Whoever is anywhere born a man, that is, a rational, Benedict (1940), was the first sociologist who put the
mortal animal, no matter what unusual appearance he presents concept of racism into her book "Race: Science and Politics"
in colour, movement, sound, nor how peculiar he is in some (New York: Modern Age, 1940). Since the notions of the
power, part, or quality of his nature, no Christian can doubt anthropology of race were misleading at that time, she defined
that he springs from that one protoplast.” (Perry, 2007). the term "racism" in her book as "the dogma that one ethnic
group is condemned by nature to congenital inferiority and
 Definition of Racism another group is destined to congenital superiority’”
Carmichael and Hamilton (1967), the authors of Black
Power: The Politics of Liberation in America viewed racism as  Types of Policies that Promote Race Injustice
‘the predication of decisions and policies on considerations of There are four common groups of policies that perpetuate
race for the purpose of subordinating a racial group and institutional racism:
maintaining control over that group’ (Stokely and Charles,
1967). Policies that permit segregation of resources and risks.
These include policies that mandate public resources that allow
According to Camara (2002), the global definition of segregation or unfair treatment towards different groups of
racism is considered as: “Racism is a system of structuring people based on ethnicity and race, including but not limited to
opportunity and assigning value based on phenotype ("race"), residential resources, public education, or health care, etc.
that: unfairly disadvantages some individuals and communities,
unfairly advantages other individuals and communities, The second type is policies that create inherited group
undermines the realization of the full potential of the whole disadvantage (or advantage). This leads to the lack of social
society through the waste of human resources” security for children, limits in reparations for historical injustice.

Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton supposed that The third type includes policies that favour the differential
there were two types of racism: individual and institutional. valuation of human life by race, which results in curriculum
However, to their opinion, the first type was rather redundant, policies that teach certain histories and not others.
and the second form was much more essential, as racism only
“originates in the operation of established and respected forces Lastly, policies that limit self-determination. These
in the society”. 30 years later, a thorough definition of include policies that “affect representation on school boards,
institutional racism was introduced by a British judge who policies that result in disproportionate incarceration and
conducted the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. He stated that : subsequent disenfranchisement, and "majority rules" as the
only mode of decision-making when there is a fixed minority”
Institutional Racism is made up of the consistent failure of (Camara, 2002).
the government in providing fair treatment due to their colour,
culture or ethnic origin. Prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness,
and racist stereotyping are possible consequences of
institutional racism that disadvantage ethnic minority people.
These attitudes and behaviors can perpetuate a system of
discrimination (Banton, 2018).

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL1607

 Color–Blind Racism and Unintentional Reproduction of advocates can cross the line and repeat the behaviours of the
Race Barriers enemies they are fighting against (Gielen, 2020).
According to Bonilla Silva (2001, 2003), "color-blind
racism" is what scholars consider as the denial of racial III. DISCUSSION
privilege. The fundamentals of colour-blind racism are based
on the ground of fundamental equality in all racial groups, in  Ethnic Difference and the Origin of Racism
terms of rights and experiences, and that anti-racism programs Even though it is generally assumed that the root causes
only reinforce racial divisions (Andersen 2001). This of racism lie in the difference of ethnic, races or colours, the
perspective promotes an understanding of whiteness that reason behind race inequality actually derives from the
assumes its content is like that of any other racial group and that continuation of unfair policies and the governmental system
racism is now largely a thing of the past. (Hughey, 2007) that allows such policies to be implemented. The idea of racism
didn’t naturally occur but was enforced and passed on
Color-blind racism explained the continued second-class generations by a government, thus made racism repeated itself
status of African Americans as a natural occasion, an inherent several times in history (Perry, 2007).
phenomenon without appearing traditionally "racist." These
arguments mask anti-black racism and support fallacies that There has always been a underlying sameness in our being
race no longer matters. (Hughey, 2007) and human nature is to connect to each other. The difference in
colours wouldn’t be a problem if it was not implied as a
The perception of color-blind theories, which ensures that standard to divide resources and provide opportunities
everyone is treated equally regardless of race, permits unfairly (Perry,2007).
disparities. This is an attempt to remedy the continnued social
and economic deprivation of blacks and other minority group  Racism has Become Systematic and Institutionalized
members. This version of equality ignores the context in which Racist actions can happen anywhere and anytime in our
the problem of inequality has existed in this country, thus surroundings which may include racist words, disrespectful
allows the discrimination in the opportunities and advantages remarks or shaming statements about race (Stokely and
available to people of different races, and ultimately endangers Charles, 1967).
our democratic institutions ( Wright, 1980).
However, those were just the surface of the problem.
 The Impact of Identity Politics on Political Movements Racism continued throughout history and still existed now was
The power of identity politics is that it promotes the urge because of the institutionalization of racism that was permitted
for civil fights and generates political aspirations, whether it is by the government in charge. Institutionalized racism
racial or nationalistic quarters. When one feels that their represents itself in unequal access to material conditions such
identity is not respected or acknowledged, the act of articulation as quality education, welfare and medical facilities. Consistent
and identification is likely to happen. The slogan of “Black policies that ignore race equality and promote injustice are also
Lives Matter” also function likewise, when it concentrates on a considered as a part of systematic racism (Banton, 2018).
group of ethnicity and reflects the demand to signify that ethnic
group. This generates a transition of unclear feelings or motives The impact of these systematic actions is enormous. Not
to a collective passion in articulating and signifying one only does it perpetuate the notion of racism in the public, but it
representative group (Gielen, 2020). also normalizes racism into the society. When racism is made
common knowledge and acceptable, it wouldn’t appear to be
Karl Max (1974), explained this matter as the unusual because people start to perceive it as an ordinary
transformation of Klasse an sich (class-in-the-making) to event (Banton, 2018).
Klasse fur sich (class-for-itself), in the area of class revolutions,
that Klasse an sich can only liberate from unpleasant Institutionalized racism limit the development and life
circumstances by first recognizing and expressing its own standards of people coming from specific races in a long-term
identity. period. In health care and public service, they are discriminated
in terms of considerate treatment and that my cause dangers and
 Drawbacks of Identity Politics problems to their health or life expectancy. In education, they
Much as clarifying the fundamental difference in race and have less opportunities and that will create barriers in mindset
defining the discrimination is essential to achieve balance and and future career development. Social welfare are sometimes
equality, there exist risks of conservative drawbacks. As the not distributed equally and that leads to limited access to the
significance of one’s identity be solidified, it can be rights and social benefits that the people deserve as any citizen
misinterpreted into “our-own-people-first” perception. In that of a country. All of these are allowed to continue due to the lack
case, collective communities can turn into gated communities of regard of race equality coming from policy-makers and
and antiracist can transform into racist antiracist. The line political system in charge. The problem hence becomes more
between such scenarios can be very thin and antiracism complex to handle and changes are more difficult to

IJISRT24JUL1607 www.ijisrt.com 3133

Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL1607

implement. Should changes be made, they should start first in Moreover, inappropriate approaches to anti-racism
the mind of leaders and governors, and demand a systematic activism can also be dangerous. Stressing too much on racial
change in order to face institutionalized racism (Camara, 2002). difference can cause the “our-own-people-first”
misinterpretation or extreme reactions towards minor
 Color-Blind Theories Reproduce Racism symptoms that only address the surface of racism issues. This
According to Bonilla Silva (2001, 2003), racism can may end up creating more barriers and discrimination among
become more subtle when it changes its representation, one of races and anti-racism can become racist anti-racism. Therefore,
them including color-blind racism. It starts from the belief that it is vital that anti-racism campaign leaders keep sight of what
there was fundamentally no inequality or discrimination among really matters: influencing the race conscious system and
race and racism was just a thing of the past. preventing institutionalized racism (Gielen, 2020).

Color-blind racism ignores the fact that inequality already  Policies Regarding Race Equality
existed and denies racial priviledge. Pretending like racism There should be more campaigns and policies that
never existed doesn’t mean that there was no sign of racism in promote race equality and prevent racism. Regarding this
the community, and this approach merely solve the problem but matter, there can be two types of policies:
rather dolging or averting it. Even worse, it can be used as
excuses against certain ethnic minorities rights and Firstly, policies that address equal segregation of public
movements (Wright, 1980). resources regardless of race or ethnic, including campaigns that
detect and minimize acts of unfair treatment or distribution of
These subtle and indiscreet forms reproduce racism resources in public health care, security, and social
without appearing traditionally racist. They should be taken into welfare. (Camara, 2020).
consideration and analyzed thoroughly or else the root of racism
will remain untouched (Hughey, 2007). Secondly, educational policies or media campaigns that
raise awareness about institutionalized racism or educating
 Redefining the Priorities in Combating Racism young generations about diversity and cultural understanding.
Much as protecting and advocating for racial rights is Educational campaigns can contribute to spreading knowledge
essential, it can be ineffective or turn out to be about solidarity instead of discrimination, teaching students
counterproductive if inconsiderate methods are taken. The most about diverse cultures and guide them to respect
impactful form of racism is institutionalized racism, so the others regardless of colours. (Camara, 2020).
priority in combating against injustice should be addressing the
policies and system that allow unfairness regarding race and IV. METHODOLOGY
ethnic. This is not a simple and effortless goal but rather a
sophisticated one that require strategic and systematic approach. The methodology of this paper was based on qualitative
That process and movements should be planned and evaluated research. Accumulation of scholarly articles, textbooks, and
thoroughly, political movements should have insight in the research papers adds up data and formulates the foundational
origins of racism and the perpetuation of racism within the context of this research project.
society, thus figuring out solutions to create a widespread
impact in the system or a change in policies that have long-term This research included a literature review and further
prospects (Hughey, 2007). analytical discussions on the matter of racism. Insight about the
historical background and context in which racism occurred as
Anti-racism campaigns that lack specific goals well as the advantages and drawbacks of current anti-racism
or strategies can cause more problems rather than preventing movements were provided. There was also given information
them. One obvious consequence is that those campaigns focus about institutional racism and policies that perpetuate racism,
on the wrong priority and may lead to confusion among the color-blind theories that unintentionally reproduces racism,
advocates. Instead of concentrating on changing policies on a and the role of identity politics in the political movements for
big scale, the advocates might get too fixated on the symptoms racial rights.
of racism such as daily language, individual behaviors and
viewpoints (Gielen, 2020).

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL1607

The hypothesis stated that among all types, systematic and Objective 3 stated: to suggest solutions that can improve
institutionalized racism is the most complicated and influential the effectiveness and minimize the adverse effects of anti-
form of racism that promotes injustice among ethnic groups. racism campaigns. It is essential that anti-racism campaigns
However, there had not been sufficient methods or political recognize the most influential form of racism is institutional
campaigns that effectively combated institutionalized racism. racism, thus defining the first and foremost priority as
Some current anti-racism approaches even had a possibility of addressing the policies and system that allow unfairness
worsening the problem and ended up not being able to solve regarding race and ethnic. Once the ultimate goal and the
systematic racism thoroughly. Insightful understanding of priority has been identified thoroughly, campaign leaders can
racism and objective analysis of recent movements can help proceed to coming up with effective strategies and appropriate
create more productive and impactful policies that prevent approaches for campaign organizations.
institutionalized racism.
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