Guide To VAV Selection 1
Guide To VAV Selection 1
Guide To VAV Selection 1
Variable Air Volume (VAV) terminal units control the zone temperature, ensure the minimum
ventilation air is delivered to the zone, and significantly impact fan energy consumption. A project
may have hundreds of VAVs, each with its unique zone load and ventilation profiles. Therefore,
properly selecting VAVs is imperative for a cost-effective, code-compliant, and energy-efficient
project. Additionally, it is important to remember information from various ASHRAE guidelines and
standards, including 62.1, 90.1, and 36. These complications can make selecting VAVs time-
consuming and tedious. Approaching VAV selection with a methodical process already set up can
allow quicker and optimal VAV selections and enable the selections to be automated; that process is
described in this paper.
Forward: engineer, and building operator so that the purchase,
As our industry continues to adopt more advanced Building installation, balancing, commissioning, and operation of the
Information Modeling (BIM) techniques, manufacturers are optimal VAV can be completed in a timely, energy efficient,
beginning to produce cloud-based selection software which and cost-effective manner. This information is typically
can be driven by an Application Programming Interface conveyed with mechanical equipment schedules.
(API). The BIM model can now be directly linked to
manufacturers’ selection software, allowing HVAC ASHRAE Guideline 36, High-Performance Sequences of
designers to automatically get size and performance data Operation for HVAC Systems2, was created to develop and
for HVAC equipment inside Revit. maintain best-in-class standardized HVAC control
sequences. ASHRAE Guideline 36 reduces energy
Combining these technologies is a force multiplier for the consumption, cost, and system downtime with more
HVAC designer’s productivity. Now, not only can an HVAC resilient systems, control sequence compliance, and
designer automate heating and cooling load calculations, diagnostic software3. It allows engineers to reduce
but those load calculations can be fed directly into a engineering time by adapting standard sequences already
manufacturer’s selection software to automate the proven to perform. It minimizes programming and
selection and layout and diffusers and VAVs. All these commissioning time for contractors. The control sequences
automated functions (load calculations, diffuser layout, and developed by ASHRAE 36 should be used wherever
VAV selection) are combined in the Ripple HVAC Toolkit, possible, including for VAVs. To use ASHRAE 36, certain
which can be downloaded for free at the Autodesk Revit information must be conveyed in the schedules, as
App Store1 or at described in this document.
The automated load calculations were validated in a paper ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor
presented in the July 2022 issue of the ASHRAE Journal. Air Quality4, dictates many aspects of VAV selection
The automated diffuser selection and layout procedure was because the minimum airflow in all conditioning
described in the December 2022 issue of the ASHRAE configurations must deliver at least enough outdoor air to
Journal. This paper describes the engineering procedure for ventilate the space adequately. 62.1 can also have an
selecting VAVs that the Ripple HVAC Toolkit follows. impact on the maximum discharge air temperature. The
However, these processes can be followed manually, with Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Table 6-4 increases the
or without BIM. And in fact, this is the last time BIM will be required outdoor air by 20% if the heating air is supplied
mentioned in this article. and returned from the ceiling because the assumption is
that 20% of the air will bypass the space due to the
Introduction: buoyancy of warm air. 62.1 removes this penalty if the
warm air is supplied less than 15 °F above the Space
The intent of selecting VAVs is so that information can be
temperature (85 °F at a 70 °F space temperature) AND the
conveyed to the mechanical contractor, controls
space air distribution is designed for the air velocity to be
contractor, balancer, commissioning agent, electrical
150 fpm within 4.5 ft of the floor which can introduce draft 6) Heating Maximum Airflow: This is the airflow that
related comfort issues. meets the heating load of the zone at some discharge
air temperature.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1, Energy Standards For Buildings
Excluding Low Rise Residential Buildings5, dictates, or at From these values, ASHRAE 36 expects the controls
least attempts to dictate, certain aspects of VAV Selection. contractor to calculate the following values:
90.1 G3.1.3.13 states: “Minimum volume set points for VAV
reheat boxes shall be 30% of zone peak airflow, the 1) The VAV Controllable Minimum, VCM, is the minimum
minimum outdoor airflow rate, or the airflow rate required airflow the VAV controller can read. Below this value,
to comply with applicable codes and standards”. Section it would be impossible to tell if adequate ventilation air limits simultaneous heating and cooling unless the is being delivered to the space. The VCM is calculated
volume reheated is the minimum as dictated 62.1. section by taking the VAV airflow sensor’s amplification factor, limits reheat supply air temperature set point to F (unitless), inlet Area, Ai (s.f.), and minimum readable
20 °F above the space temperature set point. In general, velocity pressure, VPmin (in. W.C.) using the following
when selecting VAVs, most of ASHRAE 90.1 can be ignored equation6:
by setting VAV minimums to what is required by ASHRAE
62.1. However, it is essential to limit the maximum
discharge air temperature to 20 °F above the space = 4005 ∗ ∗ Ai
temperature setpoint (90 °F at a 70 °F space temperature).
If the owner decides to sacrifice comfort for upfront costs, With these considerations in mind, a hot water coil
VAVs with no coils have a low pressure drop. These can selection process can be described as follows:
often be selected based simply on the maximum allowable 1) Set the following values:
NC. a. Maximum DAT, typically 85 °F or 90 °F.
b. Maximum discharge and radiated NC rating,
Heating Water Coil Selections: typically 50.
c. Maximum air pressure drop (APD) for the
VAV heating water coils are not built to order; there are
assembly, typically 0.5 in W.C.
only a handful of standard coil configurations that can be
d. Maximum water pressure drop (WPD), typically 5
supplied. Therefore, only one performance parameter can
ft W. C.
be set, and the rest are calculated. Typically, fluid flow
2) Calculate Heating Maximum Airflow as the required
rate, discharge air temperature, leaving water
airflow to meet the heating load at the maximum DAT.
temperature, OR capacity can be used.
3) If Heating Maximum Airflow is lower than the Heating
Minimum Airflow, set the Heating Maximum Airflow
ASHRAE Standards are most concerned with the VAV’s
equal to the Heating Minimum Airflow and calculate
discharge air temperature (DAT). ASHRAE 90.1 limits the
the required DAT to meet the load at the Heating
DAT to more than 20 °F above the space temperature
Minimum Airflow.
setpoint. ASHRAE 62.1 introduces a penalty if the DAT
4) Set the EWT and desired maximum LWT based on the
exceeds 15 °F above the space temperature setpoint. For
heating water system, ideally 125 °F and 100 °F.
this reason, VAVs should be selected based on DAT.
5) Select the water flow rate (GPM) under which the
However, this does not mean that the other coil
maximum LWT will be ignored, typically 0.25 GPM.
parameters are unimportant. The leaving water
6) Pick the smallest size VAV with the fewest rows that
temperature is also important for the following reasons:
meet the max APD requirement at the cooling max
airflow. If this VAV meets the LWT and NC
1) Condensing boilers operate more efficiently with a
requirements, select this VAV.
lower inlet temperature.
7) Otherwise, increase the coil rows and or/fin density
2) Low return water temperatures decrease the lift on
and check APD, LWT, and GPM. If the max APD is
heat pumps and dedicated heat recovery chillers that
exceeded, increase the VAV casing size and start with a
may be incorporated into the heating water system.
one-row. Continue until the APD, LWT, and GPM
3) Pumping power is reduced with the reduction of water
constraints are satisfied.
flow that comes with a higher waterside delta-T.
8) If the VAV Controllable Minimum Airflow is higher than
the Heating Maximum Airflow, set the Heating
Because the selections are already being set based on DAT,
Maximum Airflow equal to the VAV Controllable
the exact leaving water temperature will not be able to be
Minimum Airflow, recalculate the required discharge
specified exactly. However, coil rows can be increased until
air temperature and restart the selection procedure.
a maximum LWT (or a minimum waterside delta-T) is met.
For example, even though the heating load may be met
with a two-row coil, it may be beneficial to increase to a Electric Coil Selections:
three- or four-row coil to attain a lower leaving water Electric coils have a few different considerations than
temperature. heating water coils. Capacity modulation for coils is
typically achieved by staging or a Silicon Controlled
Rectifier (SCR). Staging allows the coil capacity to be electric coils below 4 kW at 277/1 and above 4 kW
applied in a certain number of stages. For example, a 6 kW, at 480/3, and disregard 120/1 and 480/1:
3-stage coil can apply 2, 4, or 6 kW depending on the space
load. SCRs allow the capacity to be regulated infinitely.
As described in this paper, VAV selection is a complicated
and time-consuming process. Thankfully, this process was
combined with Price Industries’ cloud-based selection
software and automated for BIM projects. Check out the
free plugin at
Table 1: VAV Airflow Schedule
Airflow Information