Postoperative Recovery Profile of The Patients Undergoing Conventional and Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy
Postoperative Recovery Profile of The Patients Undergoing Conventional and Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy
Postoperative Recovery Profile of The Patients Undergoing Conventional and Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy
of treatment for individuals who have grade III and grade IV Exclusion Criteria:
hemorrhoids and they do not show any positive result of any
other treatment (Anh et al. 2024). Surgery is not the only BMI greater than 35 kg/m2.
option and it should be better to avoid this for hemorrhoids ASA grade III or more.
of the first and second degree. However, the most often used Age more than 50 years.
surgical procedure for treating third and fourth degree weight more than 80 kgs.
hemorrhoids is the Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy, Active bleeding disorders or those on anticoagulants.
regarded as the precious method today. It continues to stand Inflammatory bowel diseases.
over the years due to its lower rate of complications after the
surgery, affordability, and better long-term outcomes.
Fergusons' conventional hemorrhoidectomy has garnered Pre-Anaesthesia Checkup:
significant attention in several areas of the world due to its
Pre-anaesthesia care included a thorough clinical
reduced post-operative pain, which is thought to be caused
history and assessment of the patient, as well as the ordering
by the mucosa's cut edges closing, quicker wound healing,
of standard tests such as blood sugar, hematocrit, liver
and excellent patient adherence (Nallajerla & Ganta, 2021).
function testing, renal function testing, coagulogram, ECG,
The treatment of stapled hemorrhoidectomy is a good
and chest X-rays. Before surgery, all the patients were
technique for treatment as it has a low chance of advised to not to take anything orally before the 8 hours of
complications and requires a few days stay in hospital yet it
surgery (NPO).
is an expensive procedure of treatment. The open
hemorrhoidectomy which is a traditional procedure to treat
hemorrhoids is relatively more affordable than stapled,
however, it causes discomfort and pain after the surgery and On arrival into the operation theatre, all the patients
also creates other complications in the patient (Chhikara,
were cannulated and Ringer’s Lactate 10-15 ml /kg (500-
Bharti, & Sethi, 2020).
1000 ml) was started preoperatively. All the intravenous
fluids administered were stored at room temperature. All
Objectives of the Study
the routine monitors (ECG, Pulse Oximeter, NIBP) were
applied and the baseline vitals were recorded. The
To compare the time of ambulation in both groups. temperature in the Ot was adjusted in between 22-25°C.
To evaluate the duration of hospital stay of all the Under all aseptic precautions guidelines the SA was given to
patients. patients in the sitting position by using Quincke’s needle
To differentiate the incidence of surgical site infection in (25G) into the L3-L5 space. Injection Bupivacine Heavy
both groups. was injected in subarachnoid space after observing free tech
To access in postoperative analgesic requirement in both flow of CSF through spinal needle. After the sensory and
the groups. motor blockade was achieved Patient was then giving
lithotomy position. Proctoscopy examination was done. A
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS transparent anal dilator was gently inserted.
The study entitled “A study on the comparison of In the open hemorrhoidectomy an artery forcep was
postoperative recovery profile of the patients undergoing placed over one haemorrhoidal pedicle and suture ligature
conventional and stapler hemorrhoidectomy” was carried was made at the apex of the haemorrhoidal pedicle. The
out at Florence Hospital between January 2024 to June hemorrhoid was cut and removed; the wound was left open
2024, located in Chanpora, Srinagar, J & K, Bharat, after to heal. The procedure was repeated for the remaining
receiving the approval from the hospital ethical committee. hemorrhoid pedicles, and hemostatic dressings were plugged
into the anal canal. This technique was formulated by Drs.
A total of 60 patients between the age group 20 to 50 Milligan and Morgan in the year 1937 and is currently
years, of weight 45-80 kgs, with ASA grade of I and II who recognized as the gold standard in the surgical management
were diagnosed with grade III and IV hemorrhoids, were of hemorrhoids because of its flexibility in the achievement
divided into two groups equally. Group- I 30 Patients of complete excision of hemorrhoids (Pata et al. 2021).
operated under Open hemorrhoidectomy/Milligan Morgan
and Group-II 30 Patients operated under Stapler In the stapler hemorrhoidectomy it involves making the
hemorrhoidectomy circular, hollow cylinder pass through the anus and then
surrounding the internal hemorrhoids by making a stitch at a
Inclusion Criteria: higher level. A circular stapler was inserted through the
tube, secures and trims the free margin of the open wound at
ASA category I and II. the upper and lower ends simultaneously. This technique
Age group between 20-50 years. aims at repositioning the hemorrhoidal tissue has less post-
weight 45-80 kgs surgical pain than in the open method and has a shorter
BMI < 35 kg/m2. recovery time (Fišere et al. 2023). This technique of stapler
Patients with ability to provide informed consent. haemorrhoidectomy is encouraged predominantly on the
Hemorrhoid grade III and IV advanced forms of hemorrhoids or the higher grade
hemorrhoids where excision of the tissue is favoured as In post operative period, pain at surgical site was
compared to mobilization. checked as soon the patients reaches in post operative
area. After then the pain assessment was done at 6th ,6th
Parameters were Recorded: and 12th hour intervals as per the duties of nursing staff.
Visual analog scale 10cm was used for scoring of pain.
Demographic (age, weight of the patients, gender of the At vas score more than 5 parenteral analgesic was given
patients, and total duration of surgery). to the patients.
In open hemorrhoidectomy (pain, surgical site infection The surgical site infection (SSI) was checked at the time
(SSI), total time taken for the ambulation and total of dressing of surgical site every time.
hospital stay duration) were recorded. The time of Ambulation were noted when the patients
In staple hemorrhoidectomy (pain, surgical site infection walks to washroom to pass urine.
(SSI), total time taken for the ambulation and total
hospital stay duration) were recorded. The duration of hospital stay was calculated from the
time of admission of the patient in hospital till the time
The data is mean ± SD for all the demographic features of both the groups.
The demographic variables, age, weight, gender, were comparable in both the groups.
Table 2: Shows the Comparison of the Total Surgery Duration among the Groups
Surgical Duration Group I Group II P value
(minutes) 61.33 ± 4.21 47.16 ± 4.33 < 0.0001
The data is mean ± SD for comparison of surgical Table 2 shows that, the duration of surgery in Group I
duration in both the groups. was 61.33 ± 4.21 minutes and 47.16 ± 4.33 minutes in
Group II and when compared statistically using student’s t-
P <0.05 – significant (NS) test, the difference in the duration of surgery in both the
groups was significant (P < 0.05) (Table 2)
Table 3 shows that mean vas score in group I after 12 The time taken for the ambulation in group I was 12.6
hour after surgery was 4.46 ± 0.86 and 2.43 ± 0.868 in group ±1.438 hours and 8.43 ± 0.86 hours in group II and when
II and when compared statistically using student’s t-test, the compared statistically using student’s t-test, the difference in
difference in the vas score of the patients in both the groups the ambulation of the patients in both the groups was
was significant (P < 0.05) (Table 3) significant (P < 0.05)
33.33% of patients possessing surgical site infection in The comparison of hospital stay in group I was 4.3
group I and none of the patients in group II possessing ±0.851days and 2.5 ±0.454 days in group II and when
surgical site infection and when compared statistically using compared statistically using student’s t-test, the difference in
student’s t-test, the difference in the percentage of surgical the hospital stays of the patients in both the groups was
site infection of the patients in both the groups was significant (P < 0.05)
significant (P < 0.05)