1. What is RPC Algorithm? Implement RPC algorithm (using Python /Java)
2. What is Bankers Algorithms?Implement Bankers algorithm (using Python /Java) 3. What is torrent file? Create and distribute a Torrent file to share a file in LAN Environment 4. What are the steps performed in Demonstration and assessment of the above implemented algorithms 5. Use Google collaboration tools: Create Google Docs, Sheets and Slides and share it with other users. (Write down the steps) 6. Explore public cloud services like Amazon, Google, Salesforce, Digital Ocean etc 7. Quizzes on different service models and deployment models. Report submission - Comparison of various services provided by different Cloud Service Providers (configuration of VM, cost, Network bandwidth etc.). 8. Create a simple web service using Python Flask/ Java/ any language: Client - Server Model should be implemented using socket/http 9. Install Oracle Virtual Box / VMware Workstation & create a chat application 10. Review web services implementation - Proper Connection should be established between the client and server to make use of the service offered by the Server. Review the working of application in virtual environment. 11. Use Security tools like ACUNETIX, ETTERCAP to scan Web Applications on the Cloud 12. Explain Cloud Networks for finding vulnerabilities, verifying leakage of information to an unauthorized third party 13. Report Submission: Generate a detailed report describing vulnerabilities along with the suitable action that can be taken to remedy the loopholes 14. Install and configure OpenStack all-in-one using DevStack/Packstack. Write down the steps . 15. Launch VMs in OpenStack through Dashboard 16. OpenStack Dashboard should be accessed through Web Browser. Verify the working of the instance by logging or pinging the instance.