Sales and Customer Relation Management - Module 1 Reviewer

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Module 1

Lesson 1: Scope & Importance of Customer Relationship • CRM is an integrated information system that is used
Management to plan, schedule and control the pre-sales and post-
sales activities in an organization. CRM embraces all
• CRM helps businesses build a relationship with their
aspects of dealing with prospects and customers,
customers that, in turn, creates loyalty and customer
including the call centre, sales-force, marketing,
retention. It also helps businesses learn about their
technical support and field service. The primary goal
customers, including who they are and why they
of CRM is to improve long-term growth and
purchase your products, as well as trends in
profitability through a better understanding of
customers' purchasing histories. From sales processes
customer behaviour. CRM aims to provide more
to marketing campaigns and business analytics as well
effective feedback and improved integration to better
as customer data, CRM automates and streamlines
gauge the return on investment (ROl) in these areas. ⑱
these processes for businesses.
• CRM is a business strategy that maximizes profitability,
• The term Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
revenue and customer satisfaction by organizing
has only been in use since the early 1990s. Since then
around customer segments, fostering behaviour that
there have been many attempts to define the domain
satisfies customers and implementing customer-
of CRM.
centric processes.
• Information technology (IT) companies have tended to SOAC
Different Types of CRM
use the term CRM to describe the software
Some of the differences of opinion in its definition can be
applications that automate the marketing, selling and
explained by considering that a number of different types
service functions of businesses. This equates CRM with
of CRM have been identified:
1. Strategic
• CRM is an information industry term for
• It is the core customer-centric business strategy that
methodologies, software and usually Internet
aims at winning & keeping profitable customers
capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer
relationships in an organized way. 2. Operational
• It automates and improves customer-facing and
• CRM is the process of managing all aspects of
customer supporting business processes. Software
interaction a company has with its customers,
applications enable the marketing, selling and service
including prospecting, sales and service. CRM
functions to be automated and integrated.
applications attempt to provide insight into and
improve the company/customer relationship by 3. Analytical
combining all these views of customer interaction into • It’s concerned with capturing, storing, extracting,
one picture. integrating, processing, interpreting, distributing,
using and reporting customer-related data to enhance
• CRM is an integrated approach to identifying,
both customer and company value.
acquiring and retaining customers. By enabling
organizations to manage and coordinate customer 4. Collaborative
interactions across multiple channels, departments, • The term used to describe the strategic and tactical
lines of business and geographies, CRM helps alignment of normally separate enterprises in the
organizations maximize the value of every customer supply chain for the more profitable identification,
interaction and drive superior corporate performance. attraction, retention and development of customers
Defining CRM CRM Constituencies
• CRM is the core business strategy that integrates
internal processes and functions, and external
• Early adopters were larger companies in financial
networks, to create and deliver value to targeted
services, telecommunications and manufacturing, in
customers at a profit. It is grounded on high quality
the USA and Europe. Medium-sized businesses are
customer-related data and enabled by information
Chunking the Definition of CRM
• CRM influences customer experience, it can impact on
CRM is the…
customer satisfaction ratings and influence loyalty to
• core business strategy – create and deliver value to the supplier.
targeted customers.
• that integrates internal processes – allows • Vendors sell licenses to companies, and install CRM
department within the business to dissolve the walls software on the customer’s servers either directly or
that separates them. through system integrators. The client’s people are
trained to use the software.
• and functions, and external networks, to create and
deliver value to targeted customers at a profit. It is 4. CRM APPLICATION SERVICE PROVIDERS (ASPS)
grounded on high quality • The ASP vendors deliver and manage applications and
other services from remote sites to multiple users via
• customer-related data – allows selling, marketing and
the Internet.
service functions to be aware of each other’s
interactions with customers. 5. VENDORS OF CRM HARDWARE &INFRASTRUCTURE
• Hardware and infrastructure vendors provide the
• and enabled by information technology – utilization of
technological foundations for CRM implementations.
computers and other applications.
They supply technologies such as servers, computers,
handheld devices, call center hardware, and
telephony systems.

• They can help companies implementing CRM in
several ways: systems integration, choosing between
different vendors, developing implementation plans
and project management
Lesson 2: Benefits of CRM & Professional Selling in 4. Cloud Support
Tourism & Hospitality Industry • your CRM application is stored on a remote server and
is easily accessible anytime, anywhere
Benefits of CRM to Tourism Industry
• with a cloud-based CRM solution, you only pay for the
• The travel industry has witnessed a major downfall services you use (monthly/annual payments)
over the past several months, in the wake of the • get unlimited storage access with an added layer of
COVID-19 pandemic. Today, with several vaccination security through secure user authentication and
programs underway, the process of reviving the travel authorization techniques
industry is on the cards. However, despite the
5. Reporting and Analytics
strenuous efforts of the authorities, the fate of many
• gives you access to powerful business intelligence,
travel companies is still up in the air.
data analytics tools, and reporting features
• CRM software development services has become • travel companies can gain real-time insights into their
increasingly important for the travel and tourism customer data
industry. As the business grows and expands, it • extract valuable information about their customers’
becomes critical to upgrade your CRM software to likes, preferences, and buying habits
keep pace with the technologies. • companies can use this data to optimize their
marketing campaigns and deliver personalized travel
Benefits of Developing CRM for Tourism Industry

experiences to their customers
1. Improved Customer Interactions CRISI
S 2. Smooth Information Flow Benefits of CRM to Hotels

↓ 3. Improved Customer Service Management 1. Enhances the Customer Experience PAGE

4. Cloud Support
5. Reporting and Analytics
* 2. Provides a Centralized Hub
3. Automate Communication
4. Grow Loyal Customers
1. Improved Customer Interactions
• include the use of chatbots and virtual assistants to 1. Enhances the Customer Experience
automate customer interactions • CRM solutions enable hotels to store historical data
• facilitates smooth conversation flow • if the hotel wants to enhance their guests’ experience,
• capable of addressing customer basic queries without they usually refer to their customer data in the hotel
any human assistance CRM
• ensures round-the-clock availability to customers • CRM will help you to achieve your goal when it comes
belonging to different segments to guest satisfaction through guest review
2. Smooth Information Flow 2. Provides a Centralized Hub
• facilitates easy information sharing between • data can include guest’s financial data, conversation
customers and travel agents data, etc.
• enables travel agents to seamlessly connect with • hotel’s staff can segment guests as they want for easy
various prospects and assist them with bookings, assessment
reservations, and help them prepare travel itineraries • Hotel sales representatives, hotel front desk, and hotel
customer service representatives will need the guest’s
3. Improved Customer Service Management
data from the hotel CRM to do a perfect job.
• the core functionality of customer relationship
management software.
• manage their customer services in the best possible
way and aids in delivering maximum customer
• significantly reduces human effort by enabling
automation across the most critical business areas
• as a result, travel agencies can focus on improving
their core business processes
3. Automate Communication Knowledge & Skills Developed in Professional Selling
• automated reminders send to guests on their bookings • Communication & Collaboration 32
usually will leave a good impression on the guest • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
• automated emails to your previous guests about the • Information literacy
event they had attended before telling guests that you • Leadership & Responsibility
miss them • Productivity & Accountability
• CRM can also automate a thank you message to your • Creativity & Innovation
guests for staying at your hotel • Flexibility & Adaptability
4. Grow Loyal Customers • Initiative & Self-direction
• CRM data can help a hotel to understand their guests • Media literacy
and make customer and staff communication more • Social and Cross-cultural Skills
efficient How to Overcome Sales Objections PR
• CRM data not only help hotels land new guest, but it 1. Practice active listening. VALSA
also helps hotels to retain its guests and grow their 2. Repeat back what you hear.
loyal customers 3. Validate your prospect’s concerns.
• With CRM, sales reps already know which account and 4. Ask follow-up questions.
guest need extra attention and which business to focus 5. Leverage social proof.
on 6. Set a specific date and time to follow-up.
7. Anticipate sales objections.
In conclusion, a good hotel CRM also helps to create:
• personalized up-selling opportunities • Every prospect you speak to has sales objections or
• optimize sales activities reasons they're hesitant to buy your product. Why are
• customize and personalized pricing sales objections unavoidable?
Professional Selling Skills • Because if the buyer didn't have reservations about
• In BIE (Before Internet Era), business purchases were your solution's price, value, relevance to their
made by decision-makers who needed to buy stuff for situation, or their purchasing ability, they would have
their operations, and they almost always needed help already bought it.
with technical questions, innovations, pricing,
availability, delivery, etc. • Objection handling is a natural part of selling, but it can
• There are three key components to PSS: overcoming be a significant roadblock when you're trying to move
objections, closing skills and probing. OCP prospects through the pipeline.

1. Overcoming objections 1. Practice active listening.

• Probably one of the first obstacles you will encounter • using active listening skills
in the professional sales world • listen to understand, not respond
• avoid interrupting them while they are speaking
2. Closing skills
• The achievement of the desired outcome, which may 2. Repeat back what you hear.
be an exchange of money or acquiring a signature. • repeat back what you heard to ensure you are
understanding correctly
3. Probing • help your prospect feel heard and valued to gain trust
• This is designed to get your prospect to reveal
information that you can use to facilitate closing and 3. Validate your prospect’s concerns.
cooperation. • acknowledging that their concern is valid
• offering a solution to
• mitigate their fears

4. Ask follow-up questions.

• Don’t ask questions that can be answered with a
simple "yes" or "no“
• ask open-ended questions
5. Leverage social proof.
• sharing the story of another customer who had similar
• share relevant information about your prospect’s
competitors and any success they’ve seen from
overcoming a similar objection.

6. Set a specific date and time to follow-up.

• give them the time and space to weigh their options.
• offer to answer any questions they have in the
meantime as they deliberate

7. Anticipate sales objections.

• the most effective strategy for handling sales
objections is to anticipate them
• having a set of neutral recommendations to offer
prospects when objections arise can keep sales

Lesson 3 Customer Insights and Lifetime Value

• Lesson 3 was designed to introduce you to the

importance of customer insights to create a lifetime
value for your product. Customer insights is about
analyzing your customer data to better understand
who your customers are, and what they want from
your brand, to help you to make better decisions about
how, when and what to sell them. These insights allow
marketers to improve their customer experiences,
optimize their campaign results and increase
profitability. By using their customer insights to make
data-driven decisions, they can achieve the same
results with less money, by ensuring that their
campaigns are reaching the right people, on the right
channel, at the right time. Therefore, it’s paramount
that every business starts to use customer insight to
tailor their marketing.

• On the other hand, Lifetime Value estimates how

much revenue a customer represents a business over
the life of that relationship. Also called customer
lifetime value (CLV, or CLTV), this is a critical metric for
a company trying to gauge the cost efficiency of
acquiring new customers and supporting them over
time. More than just a simple exchange of goods for
money, CLV is a measurement of how valuable a
customer is to your business over time. Of course, not
all customers are valued equally. And because it’s less
expensive to keep existing customers than it is to find
new ones, keeping your CLV high can be essential to
the success of your business. After all, a higher CLV
means that you have more loyal customers.

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