RPS 08
RPS 08
RPS 08
SECTOR – 16, 18, 20 & 22D
Applications are invited for allotment of residual residential plots to be developed on the land under
possession of Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority along the Yamuna
Expressway. The proposed site is in Sector – 16, 18, 20 & 22D The land on which the plots would
be developed has been acquired by the Authority.
Size of
Number of plots* Registration amount
Sl. No Farmers Industry/ General
(in Total-
category- Institutional Category- SC/ST Others
sq.mtr.) Plots
17.5% commercial units 77.5%
Category- 5%
1. 120 84 15 04 65 155400 310800
2. 162 77 13 04 60 209790 419580
3. 200 03 01 0 02 259000 518000
4. 300 131 23 07 101 388500 777000
5. 500 40 07 02 31 647500 1295000
6. 1000 18 03 01 14 1295000 2590000
7. 4000 08 01 0 07 5180000 10360000
TOTAL 361 63 18 280
*N.B. So, at the time of allotment, the number of plots in each category may increase or decrease. In
this regard, the discretion of the Authority shall be final and binding, without assigning any
reason thereof.
Note:- Some left out/ Cancelation plots are also add in this Scheme. which are already registered in
RERA Registration No. is UPRERAPRJ282078, UPRERAPRJ8756, UPRERAPRJ205883,
a) Out of the plots reserved for Institutional functional units/establishments and farmers of whose
land has been acquired by YEIDA/ JEWAR AIRPORT, 21% and 2% plots will be reserved
for SC/ST applicants respectively.
b) Keeping in view the provision under section 43 of THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES
ACT, 1995 & 2016 and decision taken by the Authority that a total 4% horizontal reservation
shall be kept in other reserved categories as defined above and in unreserved (general)
categories as well.
c) It was decided by the Authority that there will be reservation for handicapped applicants of
Uttar Pradesh. This shall be 4% of Total plots. The allotment among this category shall be
through draw of plots and in the draws of lots 1% reservation (out of 4%) shall be kept for
visually impaired applicants.
e) After allocation to all applicants in reserved category, the remaining plots if any shall be
transferred to General Category at the time of draw of lots.
f) If under this category the applicants are less than the number of plots reserved, then the leftover
plots shall be included in the draw for general category.
• The rate of the land in residential plot under this scheme is 25900.00 per sq.. mtr.
• Revised rate shall be payable by the allottee in case the Authority makes any revision/change in
the rate of residential allotment. If acquisition cost/compensation/ex-gratia is increased by the court
or by the State Government or by Authority, then allottee shall bear the proportionate increased
cost of acquisition.
All payments can be made online on the website of Yamuna Authority i.e.
www.yamunaexpresswayauthority.com /Online Property accounts system through payment
gateway. No offline payment will be accepted.
(vi) it is further clarified that Preference for allotment during draw of plots shall be given to the
applicant who choose option-1, if even after allotment for applicants opting for option-1
payment plan plots remains un-allotted then second preference will be given to the applicant
who choose option-2. Payment plan similarly if even after allotment for applicant’s option-2
payment plan plots remains un-allotted then draw shall be conducted for the applicant who
choose option-3.
(i) In the case of successful applicants, the registration money shall be adjusted against the total
payable premium of the plot.
(ii) In the case of unsuccessful applicants, the registration money shall be refunded without any
interest, if period of deposit of such registration money with the Authority is less than one year
from the date of draw. However, if the period of deposit is more than one year, prevailing
simple interest rate of saving A/c in SBI shall be paid for the period of deposit exceeding
1(one) year.
(iii) The applicants, must mention their mobile phone numbers, Bank Account Numbers, Bank
name, IFSC code and address of the Bank along with cancel Cheque for the same account in
the application form so as to facilitate the issuance of the refund NEFT/RTGS by the
registering banks.
The following options are available to Allottees for depositing the land premium
Option 1:
➢ 100% of the total premium (including registration fee) to be paid within 60 days from the date
of issue of allotment letter. and GST additional if Applicable.
Option 2:
➢ 50% of the total premium (including registration fee) to be paid within 60 days from the date
of issue of allotment letter. and GST additional if Applicable.
➢ Remaining 50% of total premium shall be payable in two equal half-yearly instalments
calculated from the 61st day from the date of allotment. This shall be calculated with interest
@ 10.00 % p.a. on reducing principal amount at the end of half year.
➢ It is clear that in case of default in payment as per schedule, an additional penal interest @ 3
% compounded half yearly with applicable GST shall be payable along with 10.00% + 03%
=13.00 % p.a. on the defaulted amount and for the defaulted period. It shall be the
responsibility of the allottee to deposit the due installment on due time. If the last date of
deposit is a bank holiday, then the allottee shall deposit the installment on the next working
day and it shall be treated as last date of deposit.
Option 3:
➢ 30% of the total premium (including registration fee) to be paid within 60 days from the date
of issue of allotment letter. and GST additional if Applicable.
➢ Remaining 70% shall be payable in Ten equal half-yearly instalments calculated from the 61st
day from the date of allotment with interest @ 10.00 % p.a. on reducing principal amount at
the end of each half yearly.
➢ It is clear that in case of default in payment as per schedule, an additional penal interest @ 3%
compounded half yearly with applicable GST shall be payable along with 10.00 %+ 03% =
13.00 % p.a. on the defaulted amount and for the defaulted period. It shall be the responsibility
of the allottee to deposit the due installment on due time. If the last date of deposit is a bank
holiday, then the allottee shall deposit the installment on the next working day and it shall be
treated as last date of deposit.
(i) Interest rate will be floating rate and will be revised on 1st January and 1st July each
year. As per G.O No- 1561/77-4-20-36,u/20 date:- 09, Jun 2020
(ii) Those Applicant not able to Confirm Payment Option in application Form are
Considered as Payment Option-1.
All payments shall have to be made within the time specified and no extension in time for making
allotment money shall ordinarily be granted. However, in extraordinary circumstances, time for
making payment can be extended by the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer authorized
by him in this behalf for a maximum period of 30 days. Such extension of time, if granted, shall be
subject to payment of an interest 10.00 % + 03% @ 13.00 % p.a. compounded half-yearly on
outstanding amount for such extended period on pro-rata basis. Any delay in payment after due
date as mentioned in allotment letter shall lead to automatically deemed cancelation, no further
delay in terms of payment shall be entertained, applicant are advised to adhere to the payment time
line mentioned in the brochure.
(i) Allotment of plot to Allottee shall be done on lease for a period of 90 years from the date of
lease deed.
(ii) The allotment of plot will be given to the Allottee on a lease of 90 years and lease rent shall
be payable at one time in lump sum at the rate of 10% of the total cost of the plot before
execution of Lease deed.
In some cases, the area of plot allotted may slightly vary, (increase or decrease) at the time of
handing over possession of the plot. In such cases, the premium of the plot will stand varied
proportionately. If variation in area is less than or equal to 10%, then on such basis the Allottee
shall have no right to surrender the plot. However, if such variation is in excess of 10% of the area
allotted, then it would be open to the Allottee not to accept the allotment and he/she can exercise
the option of surrender. In such cases of surrender, after deduction of a token amount of Rs. 10000/-
as a processing fee, the rest of the amount paid by the allottee shall be returned without any interest
After getting lease plan, in case additional area of the plot, is upto 10% of the total plot
area, then applicable fee with respect to the additional area will be charged with simple
interest in the form of 2 half yearly installments (date of issue of Check list). However, incase
additional area of the plot, is more than10% of the total plot area, then applicable fee with
respect to the additional area will be charged with simple interest in the form 4 half yearly
The plots will be allocated and accepted by the Allottee on “As-is Where-is basis” unconditionally.
(i) On the basis of availability of land, the number of plots available for allotment may be
increased/reduced at the discretion of the Authority.
(ii) In this scheme the allotment shall be done by manual draw. The tentative date of draw shall be
20-09-2024 Any change in the date of actual draw shall be informed to the applicants by
means of publication in daily newspaper and will also be available at the website of YEIDA.
(iii) Allotment letters to the successful applicants shall be sent within 30 days from the date of draw
by registered post on the address mention by applicant in the application form.
(iv) The authority shall offer possession of allotted plots after completion of development which
take approximately five year time. The possession will be offered only after deposit of Money
According to Payment Plan mentioned in Allotment Letter.
(v) Allottees shall have to get construction done after getting building plan sanctioned according
to the Lease Deed and Building Regulations of the Authority applicable at the time of
(vi) The Lessee/Allottee shall not be entitled to divide the allotted plot or to amalgamate it with
any other plot.
(vii) Allotee or family member should not already have a Residential plot/ flats allotted by YEIDA
any existing plot allotted earlier by YEIDA shall debar any applicant if it is successful in the
present draw or applies for the present scheme, family means his/her spouse or his/her minor
dependent children. .
The Allottee/ Lessee will have to complete the construction as per YEIDA building regulations and
obtain occupancy certificate from the Authority within three years from date of execution of Lease
Deed. In case the Lessee does not construct the building within prescribed time period, the
extension of time can be granted on payment of extension charges at the following rates:
A. General Category:
(i) The applicant / Co- applicant should be competent to contract and have attained the age of
majority (18 years). on the date of issue of the scheme.
(ii) All Indians/Non-Resident Indians who are neither in any way prohibited by the Government
of India nor by U.P. Government under any specific rules to purchase any immovable property
in U.P., shall be eligible to apply.
(iii) Eligible persons can only apply for one plot under this scheme of any category. Those who
have been already allotted residential plot/ flat in any scheme are not eligible to get allotment
under this scheme. If it is found at a later stage that an applicant/ Co applicant, his/her spouse
or his/her minor dependent children has obtained more than one plot, then all his / her
application / allotment will be cancelled and the total deposit money shall be forfeited by the
(iii) Applicant can apply in joint name (Co- Applicant) only if it is immediate family
(mother/father/brother/sister/ son/ daughter/ husband/ wife) with proof of family relation.
Other than these relations cannot apply.
(iv) Applicant his/ her spouse both can participate in the scheme. In case both of them are allotted
plots, then, within one month of date of allotment, one of the plots should be surrendered by
the applicant husband or wife. If after one month of allotment it is found that the applicant
husband and wife are in allotment of more than one plot, and they have not surrendered the
extra plot allotted the spouse then allotments of both husband or wife shall also stand
cancelled for reason of deliberately hiding fact. No further communication of request shall be
entertained then, the plots which has allotment number with higher numeric value will be
cancelled and registration fee submitted against it will be forfeited. reaming amount without
interest will be refunded.
(i) The applicant/ Co- applicant should be competent to contract and have attained the age
of majority (18 years). on the date of issue of the scheme.
Bonafide institution fulfilling the under mentioned conditions on or before closing date of the
scheme will be eligible:
(ii) The institutional establishment has cleared all payable dues of the Authority up to
date on account of premium, lease rent, interest etc. by the closing date of scheme.
Applicant has to enclose No Dues Certificate issued by the Authority with the
application form.
(iv) In case applicant is made by the Educational Institution, the names of their Directors
/ Trustees / Chairman / Vice-Chairman / Executive Members should have been taken
on record of the Authority on or before closing date of the scheme. An institution is
eligible to submit only one application.
(vi) The eligibility for allotment of plot shall be for one plot only either in the name of
institution or its Bonafide Managing Director/Whole-time Director/Trustee/
Executive Member, irrespective of number of premises in possession of the
(vii) Charitable/Religious institution and its members/trustees are not eligible for
allotment of residential flat.
(viii) The applicant company shall submit its Resolution to the effect that the company is
applying in its name or Sole owner/Partner/Managing Director/Full time Director and
the same is authorized (name & designation) to apply and sign the application form.
(ix) If under this category the applicants are less than the number of plots reserved, then
the leftover plots shall be included in the draw for general category.
(x) Under this category, successful applicant/allottee cannot transfer the allotted plot up
to five years from the date of allotment.
The detailed eligibility conditions and the procedure for allotment under this category
are enumerated as follows:
(i) Only those farmers are eligible to apply under this scheme, whose land has been
acquired/purchased and unhindered/without encroachment possession has been taken
in Jewar Airport.before closing date of this scheme. (Undertaking-I on Stamp Paper
of Rs. 100/- is to be given by the applicant farmer as per Performa given in the
If the farmer (whose land has been acquired/purchased) has died, then all
the legal heirs will give consent in favor one legal heir and will also provide the death
certificate and legal heir certificate of the farmer. Only one plot will be allotted by
the authority
(ii) In case a land owner/ his legal heirs has been already allotted residential plot/ built
up flats in his/ her name or his/her spouse/dependent children, in any of the residential
schemes of the Authority, he/ she shall not be eligible to apply under this scheme.
(iii) The applicant farmer should have received the compensation of his/her acquired land
on or before closing date of this scheme. Those farmers who have encroachment on
any acquired land of authority or have filed any writ/suit against authority are not
eligible for allotment in this scheme.
(iv) In case there is more than one joint-khatedar, all joint khatedar can apply under this
scheme. Draw between all such eligible joint khatedar of a khata shall be made and
one successful applicant, out of all joint- khatedars, shall be selected and will be
included in the final draw of lots.
(v) Under this category, successful applicant/allottee cannot transfer the allotted plot up
to five years from the date of allotment.
(vi) No encroachment should have been done by the applicant on land acquired/purchased
by Yamuna Authority irrespective of acquired land or any other land against which
the application for allotment is being made in this Scheme. A declaration to this effect
shall have to be given on Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- by the applicant farmer as per
Performa given in the application form (Undertaking-II).
(vii) The applicant has received entire compensation of the land acquired without any
contest/litigation. The applicant has to submit Form-11/ certified Benama Copy
issued by the Competent Authority with the application.
(viii) The applicant farmer and all Khatedars, shall submit an affidavit stating that they
shall not file a legal case in any court for enhancement of compensation or claim of
additional land.
(ix) If, on verification or at any stage it is found that there is a violation of any of the
above mentioned conditions then the application will be rejected and registration
money will be refunded without any interest.
(x) If under this category the applicants are less than the number of plots reserved, then
the leftover plots shall be included in the draw for general category.
(i) The application can be Only submitted online on the website of the Yamuna authority i.e.
www.yamunaexpresswayauthority.com through payment gateway/ net banking.
(ii) The application form can be collected on payment of Rs. 600 from online on the website of
the Yamuna authority i.e. www.yamunaexpresswayauthority.com through payment gateway
net banking.
(iii) The application form duly completed and signed along with the required registration money
and all the required annexures shall be submitted to online i.e.
www.yamunaexpresswayauthority.com through net banking on the page of this brochure on
any working day during the period between the date of opening and the date of closure of this
(v) If the application is incomplete in any respect whatsoever or if any column is left blank or if
the photo is not pasted at the designated place or mentioning an incomplete or untrue address
or no signature or thumb impression found on the declaration or entered wrong details in
application form, the application shall not be considered at all.
(vi) Financing option available at ICICI BANK Ltd Branches subject to necessary
qualification. Terms & Conditions of the financing bank will apply. (The Applicant
Contact From respective Bank listed below:-)
ICICI Bank Ltd, Ground Floor, No. 2, Court Of Wards Compound, Agra
26 Aligarh
Road, Opp. Gandhi Park, Aligarh
ICICI Bank Ltd, Municipal No. 107 108, Old Number 193194, Civil Lines,
27 Bulandshahr
Tehsil And District Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh
ICICI Bank Ltd, Rajlok, 4, Civil Lines, Boundary Road, Near Bsnl Telephone
28 Meerut
Exchange, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.
29 Ghaziabad ICICI Bank Ltd, R1/88, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
ICICI Bank Ltd, No 6,8- 13,Ground Floor , Shanta Tower, Sanjay Place,
30 Agra
ICICI Bank Ltd, Mahatta Towers, 54, BBlock, Community Centre, Janakpuri,
31 Janakpuri
New Delhi
ICICI Bank Ltd, Plot No 7, Community Centre, S.D. Tower, Sec8, Rohini,
32 Rohini Sec 8
33 Saket M Block ICICI Bank Ltd, M42,MANDIR MARG ,SAKET
34 Kishangarh ICICI Bank Ltd, 158 B3, Kishangarh, Vasant Kunj,Delhi - 110016
35 Dwarka Sec 20 ICICI Bank Ltd, Plot No.16, Sector20, Dwarka, New Delhi
36 Connaught Place ICICI Bank Ltd, 9A, Phelps Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi
Netaji Subhash ICICI Bank Ltd, 1st Floor, Unit No. 106,107,108,109, Plot No. C9, Pearl Best
Palace Height II, Netaji Subhash Place Delhi.
ICICI Bank Ltd, 4 B/5, Rajinder Nagar, Opp. Ganga Ram Hospital, New
38 Rajinder Nagar
39 Tagor Park ICICI Bank Ltd, 302, Tagore Park, Model Town, Delhi.
ICICI Bank Ltd, Express Building,910,Bahadur Shah Zafar
40 Bahadurshahzafar
Marg,DelhiIto,New Delhi
VideoconTowers ICICI Bank Ltd, E-3/1 Jhandewalan Extension, Dist-Central Delhi,
FARIDABAD- ICICI Bank Ltd, Booth No. 104105, District Centre, Sector 16, Faridabad,
SECTOR16 Haryana.
43 FARIDABADMAIN ICICI Bank Ltd, Sco 145146147, Sector 21C, Faridabad
ICICI Bank Ltd, 28/10, Ashok Marg, Hazratganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh -
44 Hazratganj
45 Aliganj ICICI Bank Ltd, Ground Floor, 39, Chandralok Colony, Aliganj, Lucknow
Bank having payment gateway/ collection account of YEIDA may also finance 90% of
EMD. These financed EMD amount must be deposit in scheme A/C on or before the last date of
the scheme
In case of registration money is financed by any bank, the refund of the unsuccessful
applicant money will be sent to bank only, and in case where these applicants are successful then
issued allotment letter will be sent to the financing bank address only. And a copy of the address
as mentioned by applicant in his application form by registered post.
(i) Once the application form is submitted, only change of address is allowed.
(ii) Change in address, if any, may be communicated to the Authority by registered post to
Residential plot department, YEIDA. The applicant shall make arrangement to get letters
redirected to the changed address, respectively for undelivered letters. However, date of
allotment letter shall hold good for payment of allotment money and instalment, in case of
delay in receipt of letter due to change in address. as mentioned by applicant in his application
(i) In case of surrender before draw of lots, the entire Registration Money deposited shall be
refunded without interest.
(ii) No withdrawal of application will be entertained after final publication of eligibility list.
(iii) In the case of withdrawal of the application by applicant before any allotment letter is issued,
then after deducting an amount of Rs.10000/- from the registration money, the balance shall
be refunded without any interest thereon, to the account of the applicant as mentioned by him
in his application form.
(iv) In the case of surrender at any time after allotment but before expiry of due date and deposit
of allotment money then after deducting 10% of registration amount the balance shall be
refunded without any interest thereon.
(v) In case of surrender at any time after due date of deposit of allotment money but before
execution of lease deed then after deduction of amount equivalent to registration money, the
balance if any shall be refunded without any interest thereon.
(vi) In the case of surrender at any time after the execution of lease deed then out of the deposited
amount, an amount 30% of the total premium of the plot shall be deducted, and the balance
shall be refunded without any interest thereon.
(vii) Application for withdrawal of the application or surrender of the application shall be either
sent by registered posts with acknowledgment due OR by personally at the reception office of
the Authority against stamped receipt. The date of withdrawal/surrender shall be the date of
which the application along with the required documents is actually received in the office of
the Authority. No claim on the basis of postal certificate will be entertained.
(viii) Along with the application for surrender the allottee shall have to attach the originals of the
receipt of the registration form, allotment letter, his Bank Passbook Photocopy/ Cancelled
Cheque bearing name, Account Number, & IFSC Code and name of bank and branch.
(ix) The signature of the applicant is a must on the application for withdrawal /surrender and a self-
attested photograph should also be pasted on it.
The date of surrender in the above cases shall be the date on which application (With
Photo, Cancel Cheque, Original Allotment Letter, Original Form Slip, & Id Proof ) is
received at the YEIDA Authority’s office. No subsequent claim on the basis of postal &
other certificate will be entertained.
The Authority / Lessor shall be free to exercise its rights of cancellation of allotment/lease in the
following cases:
(i) Allotment / lease having been obtained through fraud, misrepresentation, mis-statement, or on
account of suppression of material facts.
(ii) Any violation of directions issued, or rules or regulations framed by the Authority or by any
other statutory body.
(iii) For breach, violation of the terms and conditions of registration / allotment / lease and / or non
deposit of amount payable to the Authority as per the schedule prescribed in the letter of
allotment / lease as the case may be, on the part of the applicant / allottee/ lessee.
(iv) In case default any three consecutive instalment, the allotment may be cancelled.
(v) In the event of cancellation, under sub- clause (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), above, the entire deposits
till the date of cancellation shall be forfeited and possession of the plot shall be resumed by
the Authority/ Lessor with structures thereon, if any, and the allottee/ lessee will have no right
to claim any compensation thereof. Without prejudice to the aforesaid, the Authority shall also
have the liberty to initiate legal action against such allottee/ lessee.
(vi) The amount forfeited under clause (iv) above shall not exceed the amount lying in deposit with
the authority. No separate notice in this regard shall be issued.
(vii) If any allottee pays part of the allotment money and the liability of allotment money remains
on him, then the allotment of the plot allotted to him will be cancelled after deduction of
amount equivalent to registration money, the balance if any shall be refunded without any
interest thereon.
The CEO can restore the cancellation of plot if the Allottee applies for restoration within 6 months
of cancellation and deposits entire arrear amount due till that date. The Authority will also charge
10% of the total current premium amount of the plot as restoration charges.
The Lesser reserves the right to all mines, minerals, coals, washing gold, earth oils, quarries in or
under the plot and full right and power at any time to do all acts and things which may be necessary
or expedient for the purpose of searching for, working and obtaining, removing and enjoying the
same without providing or leaving any vertical support for the surface of the building or for the
structure time being standing thereon. The Lessor shall make reasonable compensation to the
Allottee/Lessee for all damages directly occasioned by exercise of the rights hereby reserved. The
decision of the CEO on the amount of such compensation will be final and binding on the
(i) The possession of the allotted plot will be handed over after five years from issue of allotment
letter. The date on which the lease is approved will be treated as the date of possession.
(ii) The allottee will be required to enter into legal documentation (execution and registration of
lease deed) and take possession of the plot within a period of 180 days from the date of offer
of possession/intimation to do so. In the event of failure to do so, allottee shall be liable to pay
administrative charges at the rate of 1% of the total premium for the extension of one year
from the due date given for the execution of legal documents. If the allottee fails, to execute
legal documents within the extended time, action for cancellation of allotment and forfeiture
of deposited money shall be taken.
(iii) The allottee shall be granted a maximum of 180 days after the issuance of checklist, to
complete the execution of lease deed. if the Allottee fails to execute lease deed in stipulated
time, then time extension for the same should be allowed with following conditions:-
A. For the first year, 1% (one percent) of the total premium amount shall be paid by the allottee
as the extension charges for the particular year. The charges shall be proportionately divided
and paid in a quarterly manner.
B. For the second year, 2% (two percent) of the total premium amount shall be paid by the allottee
as the extension charges for the particular year. The charges shall be proportionately divided
and paid in a quarterly manner. After two years, the penalty will be given under prevailing
policy of YEIDA.
(iv) Stamp charges, registration charges and all other expenses payable on the execution of the
above document shall be borne by the allottee.
The cost and expenses of preparation, registering the legal documents including the cost of stamp
paper and all other incidental expenses will be borne by the allottee. He will also pay any other
duty or charges that may be levied upon him by any Authority empowered in this behalf.
Documentation charge will not Refunded by authority.
Any Lessee, with the previous written permission of the lessor or any officer authorized in that
behalf, may mortgage the lease plot (i.e. after execution of the lease deed) for the purposes of
procuring a loan from any bank/financial institution. In the event of grant of permission to mortgage
the Authority shall have first charge over the mortgaged plot. All other terms and condition on
which mortgage is permitted shall be binding on the allottee.
Upon the death of the Allottee/Lessee transfer of plot to the Allottee’s/Lessee legal heirs will
be allowed with prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer or any officer
authorized by the CEO in this regard, subject to the fulfilment of prescribed conditions which
are prevalent as on the date of grant of permission. No transfer charges are payable in case of
transfer by succession.
No transfer of the allotted/leased plot to any person, other than legal heir of the Allottee/Lessee,
shall be permissible except on a written request made by the Allottee/Lessee followed by prior
written permission of the Chief Executive Officer or any officer authorized by the Chief
Executive Officer. Such permission may be granted subject to payment of transfer charges
AND compliance of such other terms and conditions which may by imposed by the Chief
Executive Officer or any officer authorized by the CEO in accordance with the policy of the
Authority existing on the date of grant of permission to transfer. The permission to transfer
shall be effective only after deposit of the transfer charges as may be in force at that time and
fulfilment of all other requirement as may be set out in the permission for transfer. The power
to reject or accept such request for transfer by an allottee/lessee shall vest in the Chief
Executive Officer or any officer authorized by him in this behalf.
III. In Case Plot Alloted to the company/ Pvt. Ltd. Firm if any Change in Constitution/
Shareholding of the company will be Applicable According to the current policy of YEIDA
The allotted/leased plot shall be used only for residential purpose and for no other purpose
whatsoever. The allottee shall not indulge/carry out any activity on or from the premises which
may amount to change in land use or likely to cause pollution or nuisance. Use of plot for any non-
residential purpose like shop, office, clinic, nursing home, school, crèche etc. would amount to
breach of the terms and conditions for which the allotment/lease would be cancelled and the
Authority would be free to seal/re-enter the demised premises. The lessee shall not display or
exhibit any posters, statues and other articles which are indecent or immoral.
The allottee / lessee shall be liable to pay all charges, taxes, fee assessment of every description in
respect of the allottee / leased plot as may be imposed by the Lessor or any other competent
(i) The Chief Executive Officer or any officer authorized by him in this regard reserves the right to
makes such additions/alterations or modifications in the terms and conditions of allotment from
time to time as he/she may consider just or/and expedient and the same shall be binding on the
(ii) In case of any clarification on interpretation regarding these terms and conditions the decision of
the Chief Executive Officer shall be final and binding on the applicant/allottee/ lessee.
(viii) The allottee shall have to comply with the provisions of the UP Industrial Area Development
Act, the Rules and Regulations and bye laws made there under or directions issued from time to
time by the Authority or any officer authorized in this regard with respect to the maintenance of
land, building and surrounding areas etc.
(iv) `If due to any “force majeure” or any circumstances beyond the control of the Authority, the
Authority is unable to make allotment or hand over the possession of the allotted plot, the entire
deposit amount will be refunded along with prevailing simple interest rate of saving A/c in SBI. It
is clarified that the month of deposit and the month of refund shall not be counted for the purposes
of calculation of interest.
(v) Any dispute between the Authority/Lessor and allottee/lessee shall be subject to the territorial
jurisdiction of the civil courts of Gautam Budh Nagar or the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at
(vi) In case the Authority has to pay enhanced land compensation/acquisition cost/no litigation
incentive/ex-gratia amount as per the order of the Court or by the State Government or by the
Authority, the Lessee/Allottee shall have to pay such enhancement as demanded by the Authority.
(vii) All dues payable to the Authority shall be recovered as arrears of land revenue.
(viii) Mere deposit of registration amount would not constitute a right to allotment of a plot.
(ix) The Authority has undisputed right to withdraw/amend the scheme at any time without assigning
any reasons thereof. Registration fee
(x) If the registration amount deposited is less than the registration fee, then the application will
automatically be rejected.
Manager (Relationship)
(Property : RPS-08/2024, Residential Plot Scheme)
;g fd esjs }kjk vf/kxzfgr Hkwfe dk leLr izfrdj fcuk fdlh vkifRr ds djkj@lgefr ds
vk/kkj ij izkIr dj fy;k x;k gSA ;g fd esjs }kjk izkf/kdj.k ds lkFk vFkok lg [kkrsnkjksa ds lkFk
dksbZ fookn U;k;ky; esa yafcr ugha gS] vksj esjs vFkok esjh iRuh ds uke ls ;equk fodkl
izkf/kdj.k esa dksbZ vkoklh; Hkou@ Hkw[k.M vkoafVr ugha gS] tqaa p`aiQakrNa ;k
tsoj ,;jiksVZ kI Aija-t BaUima pr maoro Wara kao[- Aitk`maNa nahI ikyaa gayaa hO.
vkosnd ds gLrk{kj
izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd vkosnd }kjk fn;k x;k mijksDr fooj.k izkf/kdj.k
fjdkMZ@tkudkjh esa lp o lgh gSA
vkosnd ds gLrk{kj
;g fd esjs }kjk izkf/kdj.k ;k tsoj ,;jiksVZ dh vf/kxzfgr Hkwfe ij dksbZ vfrdze.k ugha
fd;k x;k gSA
esjs }kjk izkf/kdj.k ;k tsoj ,;jiksVZ dk dksbZ fodkl dk;Z ckf/kr ugha fd;k tk jgk gS
vkSj u gh fdlh Hkwfe ij vfrdze.k fd;k x;k gSA
vkosnd ds gLrk{kj
izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd vkosnd }kjk fn;k x;k mijksDr fooj.k izkf/kdj.k
fjdkMZ@tkudkjh esa lp o lgh gSA
Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development
1st Floor, Commercial Complex, P-2, Sector Omega -1,
Greater Noida City- 201308, Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.)
Note:- (In case of registration money is financed by any bank, the refund of the unsuccessful applicant money will be sent to
bank only, and in case where these applicants are successful then issued allotment letter will be sent to the financing
bank address only.) and applicant’s address as as mentioned by applicant in his application form.
2. Category applied for (General/ SC/ ST/ Institutional/ Commercial/ Industrial/ Handicapped) ______________________
3. For Institutional/ Commercial/ Industrial Unit its Sole Proprietor/ Partner/ Managing Director / Whole Time Director/
4. For applicant whose land has been acquired/ purchased by YEIDA/ JEWAR AIRPORT Before 01-01-2024 under
FARMER categories.
Name of Village Khata Khasra Area in Date of Date of Date and amount
Owner Name No. No. Acre acquisition/ possession receipt of full
purchased compensation
___________________________________________________________ Pin Code ___________________
7. Please ( ) appropriate.
(i) Marital Status Single_____ Married _____ (ii) Sex M_____ F _____(iii) Age ____/____/________
8. Category of Plot and Payment plan (please Tick only one option as ( ) applicable).
9. Details for Refund Cheque to be sent to Unsuccessful Applicant/ Surrender of Plot: (Mandatory to fill) (copy of
cancelled cheque to be attached along with application form.
IFSC Code:_________________________________________________________________________________
10. Whether applicant is SC or ST under the Prescribed Reserved Category Yes / No.
(if yes, enclose certified copy of caste certificate) (Pl. refer note of Clause 3 of the Brochure
1. 2.
3. 4.
I hereby declare that the above said information is correct, true and complete to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been
concealed/distorted. I further declare that, I fulfill the eligibility condition contained in the Brochure and I have carefully read
and understood the terms and conditions of the scheme (RPS- 08/2024) and hereby agree to abide by the same.
Stamp of the Institution/ Industry/ Commercial - if applicable Name of the Signatory :____________________
Note: A person who is all Indian Citizen and is competent to contract can apply. If anybody apply in his or her minor child name,
than he can do so with the condition that till he/ she minor child attains the age if major, he will do all necessary formalities and
shall be liable for payment, agreement etc.
Signature of Applicant