The 'No Impact' Family.

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Short term plan

Term 1
School: BIL
Unit 1 "Our world"
Teacher’s name: Ikran Arailym

Grade: 8 “A, B, C” Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Reading: The 'no impact' family.

8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.
8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular
objectives(s) that
this lesson is
8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
contributing to
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts.
All learners will be able to:
● Identify the meaning of the text about a family that wants to reduce its
impact on the environment.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives
● Synthesize information from the reading passage for a discussion.
Some learners will be able to:
● Discuss and give their opinions about an alternative lifestyle using own
Being environmentally conscious/friendly, actively providing solutions to global
Value links
Cross curricular
Previous learning Everyday objects vocabulary, numbers, expression of quantity.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing
Use of ICT
the audio files.
Intercultural Perception of different global problems, such as impact on the environment, in
awareness learners' own country and around the world.
Health and Safety Breaks and physical activities used.
Part of Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning Organization moment: “I wish….” method helps At the CD player
of the 1.Greeting. to start the lesson with organization Microphone
lesson Ask about the weather. telling supporting words to moment T tries to cards
Warming- Open the envelop and each other. award active Ss.
up ask students to take the The aim: To develop Ss «The praise»
Team cards with numbers. speaking skills and create method is used to
work They should find their friendly atmosphere evaluate Ss with
3 min. team according to the Efficiency: By telling the phrases like:
number:1 First 2. Second wishes they show their “Good job!
3.Third appreciations . Well done!”
In differentiation part
«Magic cards» method
was used to encourage
them to identify the
numbers. And find
his/her team.
35 min The lesson greeting. Warm up. T praise active Ss Whiteboard
The teacher sets the Ex.1 p.10. Prediction with phrases such Pupils
lesson objectives, lettingbased on the title, pictures. as: “Good job! Book
students know what to True/false statements. Well done!” Poster
anticipate from theAnswers: “One more time,
lesson. 1) True please”
2) False
3) True
4) True
5) False
6) True
Ex.2 p.10. Text Answers: T praise active Ss Whiteboard
completion. 1) b with phrases such Pupils
2) e as: “Good job! Book
3) c Well done!” Poster
4) a “One more time,
Ex.3 p.10. Word Answers: T praise active Ss Whiteboard
formation activity. 1) shopping with phrases such Pupils
2) bed as: “Good job! Book
3) washes Well done!” Poster
More compound nouns in “One more time,
the text: please”
Toilet paper, dishwasher,
light bulb, bathroom,
shampoo bottles,
toothpaste, second-hand
things, plastic bags,
takeaway food, plastic cub,
plastic pots, lifestyle.

Ex.4 p.10. Gap-filling. Answers: T praise active Ss Whiteboard

1) ice with phrases such Pupils
2) birthday as: “Good job! Book
3) shopping Well done!” Poster
4) washing “One more time,
5) kitchen please”
6) chicken
Ex.5 p.10. Discussion task.
Giving the hometask. Two stars and a wish. T praise active Ss Whiteboard
WB p.12. ● You did a really with phrases such Pupils
Peer-assessment. good job on ... as: “Good job! Book
● I really like how Well done!” Poster
you ... “One more time,
Maybe you could ... please”
End of the The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson. used as a reflection. T show their knowledge Speak on the Pupils
asks Ss to stick their according to the lesson theme “My day”, Book
stickers to the Success Green- I understood -can describe Poster:
Reflection Ladder. Yellow-I have some classroom with Success
questions prepositions of Ladder.
Red-I need a help. place
Individual -can use ordinal
work: Aim: To know how many numbers -
5 min. Ss got the theme. 2points.
Ss can use colors to show Ss evaluate each
how much do they other and
remember. encourage
Differentiation: classmate with
«Conclusion» method is phrases like:
used to finish the lesson. Well done!
Brilliant! Good
job! I like it!

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