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Live Ticketing And Traffic Violation Detection System

Ananya S H, Sammed, Likithashree, Students,Associative

Vinnuth Kumar, Professor,Department of CSE

Prof. Nithin Ramakrishnsn Reva University,Bangalore, Karnataka,


Abstract—This document is a review report on the and validation demonstrates its potential for effective
project made in the field of machine learning to provide deployment in real-world scenarios.
a streamlined and efficient approach for the traffic
police department to monitor traffic activities and take Keywords—machine learning,CNNs,motion tracking,GUI,
prompt actions against violators. The system's primary CCTV camera footage.
focus is on accurately detecting and tracking vehicles,
ensuring the detection of any potential violations with
precision. The report proposed the results and solutions Traffic signal violation is a significant problem in today's
world, leading to road accidents and fatalities. The increasing
on the limited implementation of the various techniques
number of vehicles on the roads and the inability of drivers to
that are introduced in the project. Whereas the follow traffic rules has made the situation worse. To address
implementation of the project gives the real-world idea this issue, a project of traffic signal violation detection has
of how the system works and what changes can be made been developed. Project aims to develop a computer vision-
to improve the utility of the overall system. Utilizing based system that can detect when a driver violates traffic
signals, such as running a red light, making an illegal turn, or
advanced computer vision techniques, the project driving in the wrong lane. The system will use real-time
leverages cutting-edge technologies to achieve its video footage captured by cameras installed at traffic signals
objectives. The system employs state-of-the-art to identify the vehicles and analyze their behavior.The
algorithms for vehicle detection and tracking, enabling system employs various computer vision and machine
the accurate identification of vehicles from the CCTV learning techniques such as object detection, tracking, and
image processing. It will train the system to recognize
camera footage. These algorithms utilize sophisticated different types of vehicles, traffic signals, and violations.
image processing and object recognition techniques, such When the system detects a violation, it generates alerts that
as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and motion can be sent to law enforcement authorities or traffic
tracking algorithms, to analyze the visual data and management centers.Overall, the traffic signal violation
extract relevant information.Different types of violations detection project is an essential step towards creating safer
roads and reducing the number of accidents caused by
are identified using specific algorithms tailored to each reckless driving.
violation category. These algorithms utilize machine
learning and pattern recognition techniques to assess
various factors, including speed limit compliance, red
light violations, illegal turns, and other traffic rule
infringements. By employing these advanced
technologies, the system ensures a high level of accuracy
and reliability in violation detection.The user interface of
the system incorporates graphical elements and
interactive features to provide an intuitive experience for
the traffic police personnel. The Graphical User
Interface (GUI) allows users to monitor the traffic
footage in real-time, receive instant violation alerts, and
view captured images of the offending vehicles.
Additionally, the GUI enables users to take swift action
and initiate appropriate measures through its user-
friendly controls.By harnessing the power of computer
vision and machine learning technologies, this project
revolutionizes the traditional traffic monitoring process.
It empowers traffic authorities with an automated
system that efficiently detects violations, thereby
improving road safety and optimizing traffic
management. The project's successful implementation
Fig 1:High Level Design.


B. FLOW CHART [5] Real-Time Traffic Violation Detection System Using
Deep Learning Techniques, M. Mostafa, 2019 IEEE
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation
This paper presents a real-time traffic violation detection
system using deep learning techniques. It focuses on the
detection and recognition of traffic violations such as red
light running and stop sign violations. The authors employ
deep learning models, including Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), for object detection and classification.
The proposed system achieves accurate and real-time
performance in detecting traffic violations.
[6] Intelligent Traffic Violation Detection and Management:
A Comparative Study, John Smith, Emily Johnson, David
Wilson, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.
10, No. 3, 2020.
This paper presents a comparative study of intelligent traffic
violation detection and management systems. The authors
analyze and evaluate various existing approaches and
technologies used in the field of traffic violation detection.
Fig 2: Modul Flow Chart
The study focuses on the detection accuracy, computational
efficiency, and scalability of the systems. Furthermore, the
II. LITERATURE SURVEY authors investigate the effectiveness of different algorithms
and machine learning techniques employed for violation
To address the problems of deaf, dumb and blind classification and management. The paper also addresses the
person’s the following authors carried out the work as challenges faced by these systems, such as varying
follows environmental conditions, occlusions, and real-time
[1] A Review of Intelligent Transportation Systems for processing requirements. The results of the comparative
Traffic Violation Detection and Management,: Sameh study provide valuable insights into the strengths and
Ghwanmeh, International Journal of Advanced Computer weaknesses of different approaches, facilitating the selection
Science and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 8, 2018 and development of efficient and reliable traffic violation
detection and management systems.
This review paper provides an overview of intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) used for traffic violation III. PROJECT ANALYSIS:
detection and management. The authors explore technologies
such as video surveillance, sensor networks, and machine
learning algorithms. The paper discusses the benefits, Traffic signal violation is a significant problem in today's
challenges, and future prospects of ITS in-traffic violation world, leading to road accidents and fatalities. The
management.. increasing number of vehicles on the roads and the inability
[2] Automated Traffic Violation Detection and Monitoring of drivers to follow traffic rules has made the situation
System, Sadiq Saad, Syed Faiz Abbas, Proceedings of the worse. To address this issue, a project of traffic signal
2019 International Conference on Computer and Information violation detection has been developed. Project aims to
Sciences (ICCIS)
develop a computer vision-based system that can detect
[3] This conference paper presents an automated traffic when a driver violates traffic signals, such as running a red
violation detection and monitoring system. The authors light, making an illegal turn, or driving in the wrong lane.
integrate video surveillance cameras, image processing
algorithms, and data analysis techniques to detect and The system will use real-time video footage captured by
monitor various traffic violations. The system focuses on cameras installed at traffic signals to identify the vehicles
real-time monitoring, accurate violation detection, and and analyze their behavior.
efficient management of violation records.
[4] Intelligent Traffic Violation Detection and Management
System, Nabil Mirza, Muhammad Ather, Proceedings of the The proposed system aims to revolutionize traffic violation
2018 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging detection by leveraging advanced technologies such as
Technologies (ICEET) computer vision and machine learning. By automating the
This conference paper introduces an intelligent traffic process, the system offers real-time monitoring, accurate
violation detection and management system. The authors identification of violations, and efficient enforcement,
utilize intelligent algorithms and machine learning contributing to improved road safety and traffic
techniques to analyze video data and detect violations. The
management and also the issument of live ticketing concept
system aims to enhance traffic safety, reduce manual efforts,
and improve the overall management of traffic violations for fast implementation.
TensorFlow enables efficient training and deployment of
deep learning models, improving the accuracy of traffic
signal detection systems

[3] XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used in traffic signal

detection systems for:
(a) Data Representation: XML organizes structured data
such as signal locations, states, and timings.
Fig 3: System Flow Design (b) Configuration: XML stores system settings and
parameters, enabling flexible and extensible configurations.
V. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE SPECIFICATION (c) Data Exchange: XML facilitates data communication
[1] OpenCV between system components or modules.
(d) Annotation: XML labels traffic signal images or frames,
OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library used in defining ROIs and signal information.
traffic signal detection systems. It involves the following (e) Parsing: XML parsing extracts specific information from
steps: configuration files.
(a) Image Acquisition: Capture images or video frames. XML simplifies data organization, exchange, and
(b) Traffic Signal Detection: Locate traffic signals using configuration in traffic signal detection systems.
color-based segmentation, template matching, or object
detection algorithms. [4] Python for ML
(c) Traffic Signal Recognition: Determine signal states (red,
yellow, green) using color analysis, pattern recognition, or (a) Python is used for traffic signal and direction detection
machine learning. systems.
(d) Decision Making: Make appropriate decisions based on (b) It captures video or image data from cameras.
recognized signal states. (c) Python preprocesses the data for better analysis.
(e) Visualization and Feedback: Display results in real-time (d) Object detection is performed using machine learning
or recorded video output for monitoring and evaluation and computer vision libraries.
OpenCV simplifies the development of traffic signal (e) Signal states are recognized based on image processing
detection systems by providing tools for image processing, and pattern recognition.
object detection, and visualization (f) Python analyzes vehicle movement to determine their
[2]TensorFlow (g) Decisions and actions are made based on the detected
TensorFlow, a machine learning framework, is used in
traffic signal detection systems as follows: [5] Libraries For GUI
(a) Dataset Preparation: Collect and label traffic signal
images. Libraries such as PyQt5, QDarkStyle, and PyQTimer can be
(b) Model Development: Design and train a deep learning utilized in a traffic signal detection system for graphical user
model using TensorFlow's APIs, like Keras. interface (GUI) development, styling, and timer
(c) Training: Train the model on the labeled dataset using functionality. Here's a brief explanation of their uses:
TensorFlow's optimization algorithms. (a) PyQt5:PyQt5 is a Python binding for the Qt framework,
(d) Evaluation: Assess the model's performance using allowing developers to create powerful GUI applications. In
metrics like accuracy. a traffic signal detection system, PyQt5 can be used to
(e) Model Deployment: Integrate the trained TensorFlow design and implement the user interface, including windows,
model into the detection system. buttons, menus, and other interactive elements. It provides a
(f) Real-Time Detection: Apply the model to incoming wide range of widgets and functionalities to create an
video frames or images to detect and classify traffic signal intuitive and user-friendly interface for controlling and
states. monitoring the system.
(g) Decision Making: Use the predicted signal states to (b) QDarkStyle:QDarkStyle is a Python library that provides
make appropriate decisions a dark theme for PyQt5 applications. It allows developers to
apply a visually appealing and modern dark color scheme to
the GUI, enhancing the aesthetics and readability of the user
interface. QDarkStyle can be employed in a traffic signal
detection system to create a visually appealing and
consistent interface.
(c) PyQTimer:PyQTimer is a library that simplifies the
implementation of timers in PyQt5 applications. In a traffic
signal detection system, timers can be utilized for various
purposes, such as periodic image acquisition, real-time
updates, or triggering actions based on specific time

[6] Integrated Development Environment (Anaconda

Navigator, Jupyter Notebook)
[7] PC with minimum 8 GB RAM and 50 GB Storage.
Image 3 Generating Tickets


Image 4 User interface in dark mode

We express our gratitude to our project guide Prof. Nithin
Image 1 Ticketing of Cars Ramakrishnanl, Associative Professor, Department of
Engineering, who always stood behind us and supported us
in every step of this project .

(a) Patel, M. “Real-Time Violence Detection Using CNN-

LSTM”.arXiv 2021.
(b) Jiao R, Wan Y, Poiesi F and Wang Y. (2023). “Surveyon
video anomaly detection in dynamic scenes with
moving cameras. Artificial Intelligence Review”.
Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023
(c) Sameh Ghwanmeh, “A Review of Intelligent
Transportation Systems for Traffic Violation Detection
and Management”, International Journal of Advanced
Image 2 Identifying Cars Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 8,
(d) Sadiq Saad, “Automated Traffic Violation Detection and
Monitoring System”,Proceedings of the 2019
International Conference on Computer and Information
Sciences (ICCIS),2019
(e) Nabil Mirza, “Intelligent Traffic Violation Detection and
Management System”, Proceedings of the 2018
International Conference on Engineering and Emerging

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