Final Paper
Final Paper
Final Paper
Abstract—This document is a review report on the and validation demonstrates its potential for effective
project made in the field of machine learning to provide deployment in real-world scenarios.
a streamlined and efficient approach for the traffic
police department to monitor traffic activities and take Keywords—machine learning,CNNs,motion tracking,GUI,
prompt actions against violators. The system's primary CCTV camera footage.
focus is on accurately detecting and tracking vehicles,
ensuring the detection of any potential violations with
precision. The report proposed the results and solutions Traffic signal violation is a significant problem in today's
world, leading to road accidents and fatalities. The increasing
on the limited implementation of the various techniques
number of vehicles on the roads and the inability of drivers to
that are introduced in the project. Whereas the follow traffic rules has made the situation worse. To address
implementation of the project gives the real-world idea this issue, a project of traffic signal violation detection has
of how the system works and what changes can be made been developed. Project aims to develop a computer vision-
to improve the utility of the overall system. Utilizing based system that can detect when a driver violates traffic
signals, such as running a red light, making an illegal turn, or
advanced computer vision techniques, the project driving in the wrong lane. The system will use real-time
leverages cutting-edge technologies to achieve its video footage captured by cameras installed at traffic signals
objectives. The system employs state-of-the-art to identify the vehicles and analyze their behavior.The
algorithms for vehicle detection and tracking, enabling system employs various computer vision and machine
the accurate identification of vehicles from the CCTV learning techniques such as object detection, tracking, and
image processing. It will train the system to recognize
camera footage. These algorithms utilize sophisticated different types of vehicles, traffic signals, and violations.
image processing and object recognition techniques, such When the system detects a violation, it generates alerts that
as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and motion can be sent to law enforcement authorities or traffic
tracking algorithms, to analyze the visual data and management centers.Overall, the traffic signal violation
extract relevant information.Different types of violations detection project is an essential step towards creating safer
roads and reducing the number of accidents caused by
are identified using specific algorithms tailored to each reckless driving.
violation category. These algorithms utilize machine
learning and pattern recognition techniques to assess
various factors, including speed limit compliance, red
light violations, illegal turns, and other traffic rule
infringements. By employing these advanced
technologies, the system ensures a high level of accuracy
and reliability in violation detection.The user interface of
the system incorporates graphical elements and
interactive features to provide an intuitive experience for
the traffic police personnel. The Graphical User
Interface (GUI) allows users to monitor the traffic
footage in real-time, receive instant violation alerts, and
view captured images of the offending vehicles.
Additionally, the GUI enables users to take swift action
and initiate appropriate measures through its user-
friendly controls.By harnessing the power of computer
vision and machine learning technologies, this project
revolutionizes the traditional traffic monitoring process.
It empowers traffic authorities with an automated
system that efficiently detects violations, thereby
improving road safety and optimizing traffic
management. The project's successful implementation
Fig 1:High Level Design.
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We express our gratitude to our project guide Prof. Nithin
Image 1 Ticketing of Cars Ramakrishnanl, Associative Professor, Department of
Engineering, who always stood behind us and supported us
in every step of this project .