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Rev.B - DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

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DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

ADCO Document No.




Pages 15


1.0 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Equipment................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 REFERENCE DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................5
3.0 BASIS OF CALCULATION..................................................................................................6
3.1 Switchgear Loads....................................................................................................6
4.0 CALCULATION FOR CHARGER & BATTERY SIZING......................................................7
4.1 Specification for Battery Design...............................................................................7
4.2 Selection of Battery Cell...........................................................................................7
4.3 CGS Battery Size.....................................................................................................8
4.4 Charger Size.......................................................................................................... 10
5.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 CDS....................................................................................................................... 11
Attachment 1 110V DC Load List

Attachment 2 110V DC Load Profiles

Attachment 3 Alcad Battery Catalog

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report


1.1 Introduction

ADCO has been chartered by their shareholders to expand sustainable crude oil production
from its current level of 1.4 million barrels oil per day (MMBOPD) to 1.8 MMBOPD.

Accordingly, ADCO has undertaken projects to develop its marginal fields to help achieve this
target, which involves increasing production at existing Bab & North-East Bab oil fields and
putting on production some undeveloped reservoirs in its portfolio, namely Mender.

Mender is a new undeveloped field located about 50 Km east of Qusahwira oil field and
approximately 240 km south-southeast of Abu Dhabi city. The location of Mender field is
depicted in Figure 1-1 below:
Figure 1-1

The development drilling is currently planned to commence in 2015 & full field development
shall be completed in one phase. The development involves Thamama Zones A/B and Lower
Bab Member (LBM). This project will contribute 20 STMBOPD in order to meet the new target
of increasing ADCO overall production by 350,000 STBOPD.

Mender Field Development Project shall have surface facilites to gather and transport
production fluids to Qusahwira CDS. The scope of this project is to carry out FEED activities in
order to address the required gathering and transport facilities required to transport Mender
production fluids to Qw CDS.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

1.2 Scope

This document defines the technical basis and parameters used for the minimum sizing of DC
UPS units for the CGS for Mender Full Field development Pahse-I.
This report shall be revised in depth by EPC Contractor during detailed design incorporating
network data, all supplier data and final load analysis.

1.3 Equipment

Environmental conditions are defined as per Electrical Design Basis. Specific equipment
requirements are defined in the respective equipment specifications and the corresponding
equipment data sheets.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

The design and Installation shall comply with the latest version of the following Codes
and Standards: : Shell DEP – Static DC UPS Supply Unit

IEEE 1115 : Recommended Practice for Sizing Nickel-Cadmium
Batteries for Stationary Applications : Electrical Design Basis
XX.XX.XX.XXX : Power System Consultant Documents: Power System Study-
X Mender -Steady State : Key Single Line Diagram : CGS 415V Switchgear Single Line Diagram : Typical DC UPS Single Line Diagram : Electrical Load Schedule : Specification for DC UPS : Data Sheet for DC UPS

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report


3.1 Switchgear Loads

a) Momentary Load
The maximum momentary load will be imposed on the batteries in the event of
voltage collapse on the incomers of the upstream switchgear. In such case, all
incomer breakers and outgoing breaker fed motor feeders will trip along with the
incoming feeders of all the downstream switchgear.
After the tripping, the spring charging motors will start drawing power to
recharge the springs. Since the two events are sequential, the higher of the
two loads (i.e. breaker tripping or spring charging) has been considered.
These conditions have been considered for duration of 1 minute. The
momentary load has been estimated from these loads in addition to the
continuous load.
b) Continuous Load
Refer to Attachment 1 for listing of continuous loads, which have been
considered for 3 hours.
c) Closing Loads
At the end of 2 hours & 55 minutes, the CBs may need (in addition to
continuous loads) to be closed one by one within span of 5 minutes.
The "pickup" burden of one CB (with the highest closing coil pickup burden) has
been considered and the burden of "hold-on" for all the breakers closed has
been considered during the last 5 minutes of the battery load cycle.
Refer Attachment 1 for DC load list and Attachment 2 for load profile.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report


4.1 Specification for Battery Design

Battery rated Voltage: 110V DC

Design Ambient Temperature: 40°C

Minimum Temperature: 4ºC

Maximum Ambient Temperature: 52ºC

Recharge Voltage / Cell: 1.47V (by Alcad, Attachment 3)

Floating Voltage / Cell: 1.40V (by Alcad, Attachment 3)

Nominal Voltage / Cell: 1.2 V (by Alcad, Attachment 3)

Battery Type: Vented Nickel Cadmium

Battery Recharge Time: 8 Hours

Maximum allowable Voltage: 121 V (110% of 110V)

(110V System)

Minimum allowable Voltage: 99 V (90% of 110V)

(110V System)

Autonomy Period: 3 Hours

4.2 Selection of Battery Cell

On line floating recharge voltage per cell = 1.4 V (by Alcad)

Allowance for block diode voltage drop = 0.85V (estimated by conservative engineering

The number of cells required

= (Max. allowable Voltage + diode voltage drop) / (Recharge voltage per cell)

= (121 + 0.85) / 1.4

= 87 (cells)
The minimum number of cells to be considered shall be 90.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

End of discharge voltage per cell

= Min. Battery Voltage / No. of cells

= (99 + 0.85) / 90

=1.109 Volt

4.3 CGS Battery Size

Following factors have been considered for the sizing of charger & battery.
i) Derating factor 0.91 is for minimum ambient temperature of 4ºC. (by Alcad)
ii) Aging factor of 1.25
iii) Design margin = 110%

The battery sizing calculation is using IEEE 1115 Figure 3 worksheet. Alcad Ni-Cd
battery data has been selected to be used for this calculation, (see Attachment 3).
This calculation shall be revised by using the data provided by vender during detail
engineering to determine the required battery size.

The load profile used for this calculation is for 2 x 100% UPS. Therefore the load
number in the profile shall consider the full load for each UPS in this calculation.

As per 110V DC load profile (Attachment 2),

Step 1 A1 = (22396)/110 = 203.6 A
M1 = (1min)/(60min/hour) = 0.017 h
A1*M1 = 3.4 Ah
Step 2 A2 = (10159)/110 = 92.4 A
M2 = (174min)/(60min/hour) = 2.9 h
A2*M2 = 267.8 Ah
Step 3 A3 = (11121)/110 = 101.1 A
M3 = (5min)/(60min/hour) = 0.083 h
A3*M3 = 8.4 Ah

A1*M1+A2*M2+A3*M3 = 279.6Ah
Choose Alcad model HC305P 185Ah for factor K(t) calculation.
K(t) = Kt2-[(Kt2-Kt1)*(t2-t)/(t2-t1)]

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

Discharge Time t1 Time t2 (1) (2) Factor Kt1 Factor Kt2 Factor
time t from from for t1 for t2
Ampere Ampere K(t) for t
(min) data data
for t1 for t2 (305 / (1)) (185 / (2))
(min) (min)
(A) (A)
1 1 769 0.40 0.40
5 5 517 0.59 0.59
179 120 180 135 92.1 2.26 3.31 3.29
180 180 92.1 3.31 3.31

IEEE 1115 Battery Sizing Worksheet calculation:

Section 1 A1 = 203.6 A
M1 = 1 min
K(1) = 0.40
Temperature derating factor T(1) = 1.25
(A1 – 0)*K(1)*T(1) = 203.6*0.40*1.25 = 101.8 Ah
Section 2 Since A3 is greater than A2, go to Section 3
Section 3 A1 = 203.6 A
M1 = 1 min
A2 = 92.4 A
M2 = 174 min
A3 = 101.1 A
M3 = 5 min

K(M1+M2+M3) = K(180) = 3.31

Temperature derating factor T(180) = 1.11
(A1-0)*K(180)*T(180) = 748 Ah

K(M2+M3) = K(179) = 3.29

Temperature derating factor T(179) = 1.11
(A2-A1)*K(179)*T(179) = -406.1 Ah

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

K(M3) = K(5) = 0.59
Temperature derating factor T(5) = 1.25
(A3-A2)*K(5)*T(5) = 6.42 Ah

Total Ah = 748-406.1+6.42 = 348.32 Ah

The maximum Ah of all sections is 348.32Ah
The Uncorrected Size = 348.32Ah
Required battery size
= 348.32 * 1.25(aging factor) [Design Margin has been already considered within load
= 435.4Ah
The Alcad HB460P 460Ah batteries or equivalent shall be selected for use. There
shall be two sets of these batteries.

4.4 Charger Size

Each charger shall be rated at 100% (i.e. be sized to charge the 2 x 100% batteries)

The following equation is used to select a charger:

A = (AHR*1.1/T + L) *K2/K1


A: Ampere capacity of charger

T: maximum recharging hours

L: continuous load

AHR: Ampere-Hour removed from battery (from 4.3)

1.1: charger conversion factor (to be verified during detail engineering)

K1: temperature derating factor, 0.91 (to be verified during detail engineering)

K2: design margin,1.25

A = (279.6*1.1/8+56.3)*1.25/0.91 = 130.1 A

The minimum size of charger shall be 200 A.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

The EPC contractor is to update this calculation considering the following information.

5.1 CGS
As per the above calculation there will be 2 Chargers, each rated 200A or larger.

Per above calculation there will be 2 sets of batteries each rated 460Ah or larger, with
a minimum of 90 cells.

The EPC contractor shall verify that the 100% battery can supply the initial momentary
load for 1 minute.
The DC loads mentioned are only indicative and shall be verified by the EPC contractor
and it shall be the contractor’s responsibility to provide adequately sized DC UPS
system considering that the selected sizes and quantity as per item 5 shall be the
minimum acceptable sizes.

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

Attachment 1
110V DC Load List

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

Attachment 2
110V DC Load Profiles

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

Attachment 3
ALCAD Battery Catalogue

Document Title:

DC UPS Sizing Calculation Report

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