Mea Polybit Tds Polybit Polyprime WB en Mea
Mea Polybit Tds Polybit Polyprime WB en Mea
Mea Polybit Tds Polybit Polyprime WB en Mea
► Economical
► Solvent free
► Anti corrosive
► Cold applied. Easy to apply
► Binder for dust particles
TDS_Polyprime WB_GCC_0519
Polyprime WB is an emulsified bitumen based primer
designed for applications as a primer and sealer coat.
Polyprime WB is used as a primer coat prior to the
application of torch applied bituminous waterproofing
membranes and oxidized bitumen. COVERAGE
The application temperature should be between 5°C to HEALTH & SAFETY
55°C. Application procedures may vary slightly depending
As with all Bitumen products caution should always be
upon site conditions. The general recommended guidelines
exercised. Protective clothing such as gloves and goggles
for the application of the bitumen coating is as follows:
should be worn (see packaging for specific instructions.
Surface preparation Treat any splashes to the skin or eyes immediately with
The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly of all contaminants fresh water. Should any of the products be accidentally
like dust, traces of curing compound, oil and grease. All swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call for medical
surface imperfections, protrusions, structurally unsound assistance immediately. Ensure that the container is
and friable concrete must be removed and repaired with a available for medical attendant to examine any relevant
suitable Polycrete* concrete repair mortar. instructions and content details.
The surface must be dry before priming with Polyprime WB.
thoroughly mix the contents of the drum so that the there is The pails and drums must be stored in a covered area,
no settlement due to storage. The primer can be applied by away from direct sunlight, UV and other sources of heat.
brush or roller @4-5 m²/L/coat. For dry and porous surfaces The shelf life of the product is up to 12 months if stored
apply a second coat. The second coat shall be applied only as per recommendations. Excessive exposure to sunlight
after the first coat dries off completely. The primer should be an UV will result in the deterioration of the quality of the
allowed to dry naturally before the application of subsequent product and reduce its shelf life.
layers. SUPPLY
Polyprime WB 20L pail & 200L drum
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant
guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as
ROPERTIES VALUES TEST STANDARDS well as the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based
on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible
Form Thick viscous - uses which go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our
liquid written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material
temperature of +23°C and 50 % relative air humidity at laboratory conditions
Color Brown - Black - unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions
hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
Density, [g/cc] 1.00+0.05 ASTM D 1475 The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the
handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience.
Solid content, As materials and conditions may vary with each intended application, and
[% by wt] 40+ 5 ASTM D 1644 thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each
case sufficient tests are conducted to check the suitability of our products
Tak free time 1 for their intended use. Legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the
approx. [hours] contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given, unless there is a case
of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This technical data sheet
Applications supersedes all previous editions relevant to this product.
temperature, [°C] +5 to +55
All values given are subject to 5-10% tolerance
TDS_Polyprime WB_GCC_0519