Al Mishraq Stage 1 MC - Master Queries R1

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Misk City Development


Attachment Document
TQ Ref. Originator Date Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Response

Below Folders are Empty, Kindly provide the missing documents. Refer to the provided Design Information MC-PH01-D02-
Volume 3 - Existing Design
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 12_MICROCLIMATE 02A001-CRK-RPT-DES-000008_VOLUME 2 in the
Information Tender information (Reports).
Project currently with DGDA (the municipality having
jurisdiction over Misk City) for Concept Design approval.
please provide us with civil defence approval on the design package if its This is pre-requisite for submission to the various
agencies, among which Civil Defence, The Architect of
Volume 3 - Existing Design available otherwise kindly confirm that civil defense approval on design is
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 Record (original lead designer) will be responsible to
Information the client-lead design consultant's responsibility and will be provided to support the Contractor with any design document
the contractor in due course required to obtain the permit. The actual application for
permit will be submitted by the Contractor to Misk, who
will liaise with DGDA
as per 2.1 Fidic Red Book - Particular Conditions January 2022 contractor
responsibility is limited to construction activities without any liability on
2.1 Fidic Red Book -
design, where the IFC package is going to be delivered to the contractor
Particular Conditions
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 at the award stage. therefore, the contractor will not be liable for any As per the provisions of the Contract
January 2022 (Clean) Al
design error, missing information, or un-coordinated design, where such
issues will be raised to the client via RFI in order to be corrected by the
main design consultant. please confirm

Reference to bid documents where we received sustainability and LEED
guidance for overall Miskcity so kindly advice the LEED certificate There is no LEED certification required. The direction is
category required for each building within Al Mishraq and provide us with that both design and construction are sensible to
a detailed scorecard and the project LEED design report. sustainability requirements to the extent that, should the
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 LEED and sustainability also, we wish to have confirmation that the contractor LEED and Employer elected to apply for any certification in the
sustainability scope will be limited to complying and implementing the future, the process would be facilitated and no abortive
requirements as provided by the client LEED consultant where the design work would be required. Essentially, the building will
and construction review submission to USGBC will be client-consultant have to be 'certification-ready'
responsibility as well as obtaining any certification.

kindly confirm that the LEED Commissioning Agent (LEED Cx) will be an There is no LEED certification required, hence no "LEED
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 LEED and sustainability independent party and it will be hired from the client-side and contractor Commissioning Agent" is required. There will still be a
scope limited to coordinate and fulfill their requirements requirement to commission all systems and plant.

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Attachment Document
TQ Ref. Originator Date Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Response

006 Volume 2 - Conditions of The LGs format is in line with SAMA regulations except for the below
Contract points

2.1 Fidic Red Book - • PB:

Particular Conditions A- Clause no 4 be read now instead of existing: This guarantee shall
January 2022 (Clean) Al remain valid and in full force and effect up to the end of the……day of……
Mishraq of the year…….. provided that it is a condition of this guarantee that, in
the event you give the Guarantor on or prior to the said expiry date of
this guarantee (or any subsequent extension of that expiry date in
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 SCHEDULE 2 accordance with this provision) signed written notification requesting an As per issued ITT documents
LETTER OF GUARANTEE – extension, the Guarantor will (i) automatically extend this guarantee for
PERFORMANCE BOND such period (not exceeding 365 days) from that expiry date or extension
as you may specify in that notification or (ii) pay the amount of the

007 Volume 2 - Conditions of The LGs format is in line with SAMA regulations except for the below
Contract points

2.1 Fidic Red Book - • APG:

Particular Conditions A- Clause no 4 be read now instead of existing: This guarantee shall
January 2022 (Clean) Al remain valid and in full force and effect up to the end of the … day of ….
Mishraq of the year …. provided that it is a condition of this guarantee that, in the
event you give the Guarantor on or prior to the said expiry date of this
guarantee (or any subsequent extension of that expiry date in
SCHEDULE 3 accordance with this provision) signed written notification requesting an
LETTER OF GUARANTEE – extension, the Guarantor will (i) automatically extend this guarantee for
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 ADVANCED PAYMENT such period (not exceeding 365 days) from that expiry date or extension As per issued ITT documents
BOND as you may specify in that notification or (ii) pay the amount of the

B- Clause no 6 to be deleted” We acknowledge that you may assign,

charge or transfer this bond without our prior consent, and agree that we
shall not attempt to assign, charge or otherwise transfer this bond”.

008 Inherent Defects Insurance As per the Authority circular (copy attached), Inherent Defects Insurance
is mandatory for “non-governmental” construction projects. Please
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 confirm whether the same is applicable to Al Mishraq Main Contractor Shoud comply with KSA laws

Pease provide us the exact TIE in point location (coordinates) for MV Co-ordinated shop drawings for all service tie-ins will be
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 forwarded with the following addendums. All jointing,
MC-PH01-D02-02A00B- cable routing. And Please clear the scope of civil work and cable joints
splicing and trenching is by the Al Mishraq contractor
SDC-DWG-ELE-110800v responsibility

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Attachment Document
TQ Ref. Originator Date Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Response

010 Load management to ensure that the power draw for the
EV stations is limited so as not to exceed the overall
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 development maximum demand. if there is high usage
MC-PH01-D02-02A00B- Please Clarify the scope of the Electrical Load Management system as within the development the number of EV chargers is
SDC-DWG-ELE-610511-00 mentioned in EV CHARGING SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM. reduced or the power to them is reduced
Pease provide us the exact TIE in points locations (coordinates) for IT Co-ordinated shop drawing for all service tie-ins
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 attached. All Trenching, cable paths, cables and splicing
MC-PH01-D02-02A00B- cable routing. And Please clear the scope of civil work and cable splicing
are by the Al Mishraq contractor from the tie-in location.
SDC-DWG-ICT-110100-01 responcibility
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 Confirmed
MC-PH01-CRTKL-REP-SEC- Please confirm that the security report related to MISK (ALMISHRAQ) not
00-P00-00001-Rev 0C QIDDIYA as mentioned on the cover page

Please provide us with missing SLD for all security systems (example as
The Drawings will be forwarded with the following
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22 MC-PH01-D02-02A001-CRK-DWG-SEC-1000004 Addendums
Volume 3 - Existing Design MC-PH01-D02-02A001-CRK-DWG-SEC-1000007
Information\07_SECURITY\ MC-PH01-D02-02A001-CRK-DWG-SEC-1000008
371 – Security MC-PH01-D02-02A001-CRK-DWG-SEC-1000010
02 CRTKL_Spec Section 28 The Drawings will be forwarded with the following
Contractor 3 29-Aug-22
31 00 INTRUSION Addendums
DETECTION Please provide us with INTRUSION DETECTION System drawings.
Kindly provide us Plumbing System Schedule Of Equipment as mention below :
UT-WSP-01; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-01; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-02; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-03; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-04; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-05; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-06; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
UT-WSP-07; 3.15L/s Flow; 2.2KW 3.0HP power input; 105KG weight
BS01-OI-01; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
BS01-ST-01; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection Equipment Schedules provided in drawing references
AW-ST-01; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection MC-PH01-D02-02A00B-SDC-DWG-PLU-600005a
Contractor 11 31-Aug-22 Basment-Drawing AW-ST-02; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection MC-PH01-D02-02A00B-SDC-DWG-PLU-600005b
AW-ST-03; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection MC-PH01-D02-02A00B-SDC-DWG-PLU-600005c
AW-ST-04; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection MC-PH01-D02-02A00B-SDC-DWG-PLU-600005d
AW-ST-05; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-06; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-07; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-08; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-09; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-10; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-11; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-12; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
AW-ST-13; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection

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Attachment Document
TQ Ref. Originator Date Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Response


Kindly provide us Plumbing System Schedule Of Equipment as mention below :

B00-OI-01; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-03; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-04; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-05; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-06; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-07; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-08; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-OI-09; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
B00-SSP-01; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-02; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
Equipment Schedules provided in drawing references
B00-SSP-03; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-04; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
Contractor 11 31-Aug-22 Basment-Drawing MC-PH01-D02-02A00B-SDC-DWG-PLU-600005b
B00-SSP-05; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-06; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-07; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-08; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
B00-SSP-09; 6.31L/s Flow; 9.2KW power input; 176KG weight
BS02-OI-07; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
BS02-OI-08; 2.2L/s Flow; 79L Capacity; 80mm pipe connection
BS02-ST-01; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
BS02-ST-07; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
BS02-ST-08; 3.15L/s Flow; 454L Capacity; 100mm pipe connection
B01-RWCP-01; 14.20L/s flow; 4KW power input; 300KG weight
B01-RWCP-02; 12.62L/s flow; 3KW power input; 300KG weight
WR01-HWCP-01; 0.32L/s flow; 0.25KW power input; 24KG weight (1Duty and 1Standby)


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Attachment Document
TQ Ref. Originator Date Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Response


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Query Tracker

Commercial Closed 23
Updated: 6-Nov-17 Technical & Commercial Open 9
Contractual TQ Total: 32
- JLL Reference only -

TQ Batch Tenderer TQ TQ Batch Response Action Respond

No TQ Ref. TQ Origin Batch No: Series: TQ received: Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Category Action By from AECOM TQ Response JLL Comment Attachment Document Reference Status Date: Date to Issue Comments
(48hrs) Tenderer:

BATCH 01 - 04
01 004 03 18-Sep-17 Dewatering Please provide us details of dewatering contractor. Commercial JLL Following redesign of shoring and piling works, JLL will issue all JLL to provide details of dewatering contractor. GM Closed 10/26/2017 9/27/2017
necessary drawings and information in due course. JLL issued
drawings to tenderers on 25/10/17 via email/web link.
Multiplex 02

01 061 Ali & Sons 01 35 20-Sep-17 n/a Please provide the approved Civil defence drawings. Technical AECOM 25-Sep-17 Approval in progress Closed 10/24/2017 9/27/2017
Issued 01/11/17
02 099 Ali & Sons 02 02 9/24/2017 n/a Please provide us the missing Specification for Locker and bench in Changing Rooms. Technical AECOM Subject to Operator requirements. AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 9/26/2017

02 102 Ali & Sons 02 05 9/24/2017 BOQ Refer to BOQ page 3L/1, please provide drawing details and specification for Loading Dock Equipment. Commercial / JLL / AECOM Subject to Operator requirements AECOM to confirm if loading dock equipment is required. Closed 10/24/2017 9/26/2017
Technical GM
AECOM's response: "Requirement tbc by Operator"

02 114 ALEC 03 01 9/25/2017 BOQ Toilet Cubicles : Reference to BOQ 4K/3 D & E Cubicle partitions; please provide relevant specifications and Technical AECOM 2-Oct-17 No toilet cubicles in the drawings, all toilet cubicles are blockwalls AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 9/27/2017
detail drawings. with tiles JLL to issue BOQ copy for reference. Cubicle partitions
to be agreed with the Operator

02 115 ALEC 03 02 9/25/2017 BOQ Toilet Cubicles : Reference to BOQ 3K/4 C Urinal dividers code TP-01; please provide relevant specifications Technical AECOM 2-Oct-17 Subject to Operator requirements. PLEASE PROVIDE AS AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 9/27/2017
and detail drawings. SUITABLE PRODUCT & SPECIFICATIONS IN THE TENDER JLL to issue BOQ copy for reference. Urinal dividers
SUBMISISON. specs to be agreed with Operator

03 132 Multiplex 06 14 9/27/2017 External lighting installation With reference to the Bill no 5, External lighting installation, Item (A To E) Lighting measured in the bill, but Technical AECOM 4-Oct-17 EXTERNAL LIGHTING TO BE INCLUDED AS PROVISIONAL SUM AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 10/12/2017
same was not showing in the anywhere drawings, so please provide the external lighting layout and lighting Please provide AECOM with BILL 5.
specification for the same.

03 133 ALEC 04 01 9/28/2017 Please provide following details for lift (Conveying System) Technical AECOM 5-Oct-17 Subject to Operator requirements AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 10/12/2017
a. Specification Lift details, specification and finishes to be agreed with the
b. Equipment schedule Operator
c. Lift cabin Interior finishes schedule / drawing details GT: MC to respond
d. landing door finishes schedule / drawing details

03 135 Multiplex 07 01 10/1/2017 Enabling works drawings Please provide enabling works drawings. Contractual JLL Following redesign of shoring and piling works, JLL will issue all Closed 10/25/2017 10/12/2017
necessary drawings and information in due course. JLL issued
drawings to tenderers on 25/10/17 via email/web link. ALL

03 136 Multiplex 07 02 10/1/2017 Minute of meetings Please provide previous correspondence held with RTA. Contractual JLL JLL are gathering all necessary information and will issue in due Closed 11/1/2017 10/12/2017

03 148 Multiplex 09 11 10/3/2017 Specifications Please provide specifications for Floor Drain (FD-01). Technical AECOM 6-Oct-17 Please refer to Mechnical Specs. With CSI Section no. 221000 AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 10/12/2017
Please clarify this item
03 166 Multiplex 10 14 10/4/2017 BOQ Bill 3 Page 3F/2 Please indicate the location of item H of page 3F/2 "hostess desk" Technical AECOM 6-Oct-17 Hostess detail refer to drawing no. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6004-00 AECOM Response Closed 10/24/2017 10/12/2017
JLL to issue information for reference

04 183 ALEC 05 03 9/28/2017 Please provide details for access panel for cistern enclosures (BoQ items 3F/1 K-N, etc.) Technical & AECOM & JLL Refer to drawing no. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6109-00 detail no. 6 AF: AECOM to provide. Closed 10/24/2017
04 184 ALEC 06 01 10/8/2017 Mirror: With reference to TQ.02.116. Technical & AECOM & JLL Refer to AR&ID specs Section 088300 AF: AECOM to provide Closed 11/6/2017
Reference to BOQ 3K5 A Mirror code MI05: please provide relevant specifications and detail drawings. The Commercial
Specs. Section 088300 does not mention this mirror code.

04 197 Multiplex 11 06 10/5/2017 BOQ BOQ, item FS-04 Mesh screen was reflected deleted. In line with this, Tender Response no. 2 item 94 you Technical & AECOM & JLL The mesh screen is currently under design review; details to be AF: The mesh screen had been deleted from the BoQ as Closed 11/6/2017
corrected the query that it is FS-04. Please clarify if it is still included in the items or not. Commercial finalised and provided in due course. THE MESH SCREEN HAS instructed by Gary (page 4E/4, item A). Howver this item
BEEN REMOVED FROM DESIGN AS OUTLINED DURING MID- still shows on the Tender drawings. Garry to advise.

04 199 Ali & Sons 04 02 10/5/2017 Please provide Tender Bond/Security specimen Contractual JLL A FIDIC format will be used as speciment for Tender Bond. See AF: Matt/Gary to advise Attachment: TQ.04.199 FIDIC Tender Closed 11/6/2017
attached. Bond Specimen

04 213 ALEC 08 01 10/10/2017 Façade waterproofing: Please provide the specification for waterproofing system on the external walls of the Technical AECOM 15-Oct-17 Please refer to Façade Specs : 8.2 Appecdix B-Façade System GM: Not responded to. Closed 10/24/2017
façade behind the GRC and aluminum cladding. Requirements

04 224 ALEC 09 11 10/10/2017 Drawing ref. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6115- Please provide the location on plan where wall guard is required. BOQ 2K/1 item C Commercial JLL JLL has provided an item allowance in the BOQ as the wall guards ME: AECOM to provide exact location of wall guards on Closed 11/1/2017
00 locations are not specified in the drawings; Exact location of wall plans
guards on plans will be provided in due course

04 226 ALEC 09 13 10/10/2017 Further to above query, please provide the specification for Car Park Boom Barrier. Technical & AECOM & JLL Please refer to Electrical specs Section 281646.3 Parking Gates arms AECOM Response: Please provide BOQ Closed 10/24/2017
Commercial system

04 276 ALEC 10 10 10/15/2017 Please provide the location of the following on the plan; Technical AECOM Corridor (GR-205) to delete in shedule AECOM to provide locations of the following rooms Closed 10/24/2017
- Corridor (GR-205) Corridor(GR-211)- located Grid E & 4-5 Corridor to office mentioned
- Corridor (GR-211) FAHU Room(GR-309) to delete in schedule
- FAHU Room (GR-309) Masonry Plenum (P2-304) to delete in schedule
- Masonry Plenum (P2-304) Elec. Room(P3-302) to delete in schedule
- Electrical Room (P3-302)

04 277 ALEC 10 11 10/15/2017 ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6119-00 Rev. B Refer to Drawing ref. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6119-00 Rev. B, the floor finish for Service Lift Lobby (GR-208), Technical AECOM Confirmed AECOM to confirm assumptions made by contractor Closed 10/24/2017
Corridor (GR-212 and GR-214), and BOH Corridor (GR-213) is FF-50 (Epoxy Resin – Heavy Duty). We assume
the skirting finish of the said areas to be SK-72 (Epoxy Resin Paint) instead of SK-71 (Polyurethane Render
Cove) since as per response to query no. 55 from TQ Response 1, skirting should match the floor finish. Please

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TQ Batch Tenderer TQ TQ Batch Response Action Respond
No TQ Ref. TQ Origin Batch No: Series: TQ received: Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Category Action By from AECOM TQ Response JLL Comment Attachment Document Reference Status Date: Date to Issue Comments
(48hrs) Tenderer:

04 292 ALEC 10 25 10/15/2017 Kindly provide the location of speed humps at podium level. Technical & AECOM & JLL JLL has provided an item allowance in the BOQ as the podium speed ME: AECOM to provide exact location of speed humps on Closed 10/24/2017
BOQ ref. 3K/3, item B Commercial hump locations are not specified in the drawings; Please provide at plans
driveway along Grid 14-V&W & Grid D-6&7

04 301 ALEC 10 34 10/15/2017 Please provide layouts and schedule for the piles. Contractual JLL Refer to TQ.01.004 GM: AECOM to provide contrator's required information Closed 10/25/2017

BATCH 05 - 07

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Updated: 13-Nov-17 Technical & Commercial
- JLL Reference only -

TQ Batch Tenderer TQ TQ Batch Response Action Respond

No TQ Ref. TQ Origin Batch No: Series: TQ received: Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Category Action By from AECOM TQ Response JLL Comment Attachment Document Reference Status Date: Date to Issue Comments
(48hrs) Tenderer:

05 316 ACC 03 01 10/17/2017 BoQ Finishes schedule Merino laminates DL Code are not matching from the Merino laminate reference – Please Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 This query is under review and a response will be issued in due AECOM: Please provide location and BOQ Open 10/26/2017
advise if we can consider Merino plain color and wood gain laminate course.

05 329 ALEC 13 05 10/19/2017 Refer to BOQ page 3K/4 item M, mirror at Gym area. Please provide details and fixing details for the mirror. Technical & AECOM & JLL 14-Nov-17 This query is under review and a response will be issued in due ME:AECOM to provide fixing details and drawings to Open 10/26/2017
Commercial course. walls at gym areas

05 335b ALEC 13 11b 10/19/2017 (b) BOQ page 4G/1 Technical & AECOM & JLL 14-Nov-17 This query is under review and a response will be issued in due ME: AECOM to provide response from above item Open 10/26/2017
Commercial course. which is related to the following query item

05 349 ALEC 13 25 10/19/2017 ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6114-00_Rev B. Refer to BOQ item ref. 2J/1/A, please confirm that quantity is for screed to BOH areas instead of car park raised Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 This query is under review and a response will be issued in due AECOM: JLL to share BoQ to AECOM Open 10/26/2017
islands since mass filler is provided as per BOQ item ref. 2J/1/B. course.

05 362 ALEC 13 39 10/19/2017 ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6009-00_Rev B Refer to BOQ page 3J/16 item D, steel tube feature decoration. Please provide more detail sections since steel Technical & AECOM & JLL 14-Nov-17 This query is under review and a response will be issued in due ME: AECOM to provide contractor required information Open 10/26/2017
tube varies in length and bending details. Commercial course.

05 400 ALEC 14 28 10/19/2017 ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6024-00. Please provide the BOQ item for DB cabinet (ONU cabinet; including wooden frame, 15mm thick MDF panel Commercial JLL This query is under review and a response will be issued in due ME: Thease are the items, which need to be updated Open 10/26/2017
door and air holes) to serviced and residential apartments. course. base on the Tender drawings. Matt/Gary to advise

05 404 ACC 04 02 10/22/2017 Please confirm that the drawing “ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6006-00” shows “Vanity counter comprising stone top and Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 Please provide BOQ. Open 10/26/2017
facia with type SS-04 are not measured in the BOQ

05 405 ACC 04 03 10/22/2017 "Reference to Tender Query Response Batch No.04, item 238 states ""please refer to sanitary schedule, Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 Sanitary Schedule to be provided in due course. AECOM to provide sanitary schedule as per previous Open 10/26/2017
provided separately. Please find attached"" response
However, the subject document not attached with Tender Query Response Batch No.04. Please provide"

06 435 ALEC 15 16 10/23/2017 Referring to TQ.04.274a, the response seems not in line with the query. Please clarify. Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 Noted. Query to be updated in due course. GM: Query clearly states that it is batch 04 Open 11/6/2017

06 455 ALEC 17 01 10/26/2017 ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-5164-00_Rev B Refer to drawing ref. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-5164-00_Rev B. Please clarify if the clouded items are part of our Technical & AECOM & JLL 14-Nov-17 For the details refer to drawing no. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6500-01 AECOM: As per BOQ, JLL to clarify. For the details refer to Open 11/6/2017
scope. If so, please provide details/specifications and location in the BOQ. Commercial drawing no. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-6500-01
Tenderer to adjust the BoQ items/quantities as necessary in
accordance with the Tender Drawings and Specifications. Please JLL: Thease are the items, which need to be updated base
use additional item pages for necessary adjustments. on the Tender drawings. Matt/Gary to advise

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TQ Batch Tenderer TQ TQ Batch Response Action Respond
No TQ Ref. TQ Origin Batch No: Series: TQ received: Tender Document Reference Tender Query TQ Category Action By from AECOM TQ Response JLL Comment Attachment Document Reference Status Date: Date to Issue Comments
(48hrs) Tenderer:

06 458 ALEC 17 04 10/26/2017 Refer to Interior Design Schedules (page 6 of 43) and drawing ref. ALS-RT-AEC-A-DG-5151-00_Rev B. Please Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 The clouded item is a bench and specification section FXG-111 was Open 11/6/2017
clarify what is the specification section for FXG-111 (LM-15). not in the specs code. Specs code for the bench to be added in due

06 483 Multiplex 16 16 10/29/2017 It is assumed the Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) has been Technical AECOM 14-Nov-17 Query under review and will be issued in due course. Open 11/6/2017
submitted & approved by Dubai Muncipality. Please confirm.

06 489 Multiplex 16 17 10/29/2017 Refer to drawing no ALS-RT-AEC-MW-DG-1020-00 Rev C shows 2 No’s potable GRP Commercial JLL Query under review and will be issued in due course. Please refer to BOQ items 4Q/10/E&F for the watertank Open 11/14/2017
water tank. Same items not shown in BOQ. Kindly clarify to us. numbers
Please take note that there is a discrepancy between
drawing nrs. MW-DG-1020 (floor layout) and MW-DG-
4000-03 (Schematic) for the revised tank capacity; AECOM
to confirm which shall govern

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