Review Test-2 JA

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1) In the figure shown, a balloon is pressed against a wall. It is in equilibrium and maximum
compressed state. = force of balloon on hand of man ; = force of balloon on wall ; = friction

; = weight of balloon. Choose the correct statement.

(A) and are action reaction pairs.

(B) and are action reaction pairs.
(C) and are action reaction pairs.
(D) and gravitational force exerted by balloon on earth are action reaction pairs.

2) An object of mass M is dropped from a height H above the ground. The object falls on sand and
comes to rest by entering a distance of H/2 into the sand. Assuming that air resistance is negligible,
what is the magnitude of the constant force exerted by the ground on the object while coming to


(B) Mg
(C) 2 Mg
(D) 3 Mg

3) The ratio of tensions in the string connected to the block of mass m2 in figure-(a) and figure-(b)
respectively is (friction is absent everywhere) : [m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 8 kg and F = 50 N].

(A) 7 : 9
(B) 9 : 7
(C) 2 : 7
(D) 7 : 2

4) A block is placed on a rough plane, whose angle of inclination (θ) with the horizontal can be
changed. Initially the plane is horizontal. The angle of inclination is increased and normal reaction N
from the plane on the block; force of friction f between them and net force F on the block down the
plane are measured. In the given figure three curves I, II and III are shown. Curves I, II and III
respectively show variation in forces ………………. with angle of inclination.

(A) N, F and f
(B) F, f and N
(C) F, N and f
(D) f, N and F


1) In the system shown, coefficient of static friction between all the surfaces in contact is 0.2. For
which sets of values of masses M and m, there is no slipping anywhere?

(A) 4 kg and 1 kg
(B) 4 kg and 2 kg
(C) 3 kg and 1 kg
(D) 10 kg and 2 kg

2) Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 connected by a spring of spring constant k1 are kept on a plank
which in turn is kept over a frictionless horizontal surface as shown. Coefficients of friction between
masses m1 and m2 and plank are μ1 and μ2, plank is given a horizontal acceleration of magnitude a.

(A) elongation may take place in spring if μ2 > μ1

(B) compression may take place in spring if μ1 = μ2
(C) elongation may take place in spring if μ2 < μ1
(D) there will be no elongation or compression in the spring if μ1 = μ2

3) The upper end of the string of a simple pendulum is fixed to a vertical z-axis, and set in motion
such that the bob moves along a horizontal circular path of radius 2 m, parallel to the xy plane, 5 m
above the origin as shown. The bob has a speed of 3 m/s. The string breaks when the bob is
vertically above the x-axis, and it lands on the xy plane at a point (x, y), then

(A) x = 2m
(B) x > 2m
(C) y = 3m
(D) y = 5m

4) A particle is projected from ground at an angle θ. At a certain instant the velocity vector of
particle makes an angle a with horizontal.


Modulus of

Radius of curvature is
(D) Magnitude of radial acceleration is g cosα

5) Angular displacement of an object moving on a circle of radius 2m is given by where

θ is in radian and t is in s. For a time duration of t = 0 to t = 1s :

Average angular velocity is rad/s

Average angular velocity is rad/s

Average velocity is m/s
(D) Average velocity is 2 m/s

6) A small block of mass 1kg is kept at the point P on a rough hemispherical surface of μ = as

shown and released :-

(A) For θ = 30°, friction on the block is 5N

(B) For θ = 37°, acceleration of the block is zero
For θ = 45°, friction on the block is

For θ = 45°, acceleration of the block is



1) Two blocks of mass 2 kg each are connected by a spring of spring constant 1000 N/m. Initially,
the spring is at the natural length. A force of 10 N is applied to the 1st block. At 0.1 sec, the
extension in the spring is seen to be 1 cm. If the displacement of the block A is xA (in cm) till that

time as seen from ground. Then find the value of 4xA.

2) A marble bounces down a long flight of stairs in a regular manner, hitting each step vertically at
the same speed and distance from the edge, and bouncing up to the same height above each step, as
shown in figure. Each stair has the same height and width ℓ as shown. The horizontal component of
velocity Vh is unaffected, but the stairs have the property that e = 0.6 is a constant. Find the value Vi
(in m/s). Ignore the size of the marble and air resistance. Assume the trajectory of the marble lies in
plane of the paper. [Given : ℓ = 0.8m]

3) Consider two small balls of masses m and 3m attached with a string and are released from some
height as shown in figure. The balls may collide head on or obliquely. After a certain time mass m is
at (9 cm, 20 cm) while mass 3m is 25 cm above the x axis and the strings is taut. The balls always

remain in x-y plane. If the length of string is L (in cm) then find the value of .

4) Four blocks of masses 1kg, 2kg, 4kg and 8kg are connected with three ideal springs. The whole
system is released from rest on a frictionless horizontal surface. After some time the acceleration of
1kg and 4kg are found to be zero while the middle spring is found to be compressed by 0.1 m. At the
same instant of time the ratio of acceleration of 2kg and 8kg block is :

5) Two masses, 3m kg and m kg, start simultaneously from the intersection of two straight lines with
velocities 5 m/s and 15 m/s respectively. It is observed that the path of their centre of mass is a
straight line bisecting the angle between the given straight lines. Find the magnitude of the velocity
of centre of mass (in m/s). (here θ = 74° angle between the lines)

6) In the figure shown, the spring is compressed by x0 = 4cm and released. Two blocks A and B of
masses m and 2 m respectively, are attached at the ends of the spring of force constant 4 N/m.
Blocks are kept on a frictionless horizontal surface and released. Find the work done by the spring

(in mJ) on A by the time compression of the spring is reduced to .

7) A long thin pliable carpet is laid on the floor. One end of the carpet is bent back and then pulled
backwards with constant unit velocity just above the part of the carpet which is still at rest on the

floor. Speed of centre of mass of the moving part is 2 × x mm/sec. Then find ?

8) Two particles A and B of mass m each are connected together by a rigid massless rod of length 20
cm. Initially rod is vertical and particle A is given velocity V horizontaly. While particles B is at rest.
Consider the adjacent figure. Find the minimum value of V(in m/s) for which particle B loose contact

with ground immediately after giving velocity V. (Take g = 10 m/s2)



1) An oxidising agent react completely with 100 ml of acidified 0.1M KI (aq.) then for which of the
following oxidising agent, moles used will be least -
(A) KMnO4
(B) K2Cr2O7
(C) MnO2
(D) KIO3

2) Solubility of AgCl in pure water is 10–5 mol/litre at 25ºC then caluclate solubility of AgCl in 0.1M
aqueous solutions of KCl at 25ºC

(A) 10–9 mol/litre

(B) 10–5 mol/litre
(C) 10–7 mol/litre
(D) 10–4 mol/litre


Out of following how many mixtures are buffers solution

(i) NaCN (0.5 mole) + HCl (1 mole)
(ii) NaCN (0.5 moles) + HCN (0.5 moles)
(iii) NH3 (1 mole) + NH4Cl (1 mole)
(iv) CH3COOH (1 mole) + NaOH (0.75 moles)
(v) NH4Cl (1 mole) + NaOH (0.75 moles)
(vi) CH3COONa (0.5 moles) + HCl (0.25 mole)

(vii) H2CO3 (1 mole) + NaOH (1.5 moles)

(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7

4) Find EMF of Cell

Pt | |H+(pH = 5) || H+ (pH = 7) | | Pt given that

(A) 6
(B) –0.06 volt
(C) –0.12 volt
(D) 7


1) For the following reaction

C6H5NO2 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + N2
Choose the correct statement (s)

(A) Number of electrons lost by one molecule of C6H5NO2 are 25

(B) One mole C6H5NO2 required 11.2 mole oxygen atoms for complete oxidation.
(C) One mole C6H5NO2 on combustion give 22.4 litre N2(g) at 1atm and 273K
(D) One mole of C6H5NO2 on combustion give 22.4 litre H2O(l) at 1 atm & 273K

2) When a equimolar mixture of Cu2S and CuS is titrated with Ba(MnO4)2 in acidic medium, the final
products contain Cu2+, SO2 and Mn2+. If the mol. mass of Cu2S, CuS and Ba(MnO4)2 are M1, M2 and M3
respectively then :

Eq. mass of Cu2S is

Eq. mass of CuS is

Eq. mass of Ba(MnO4) is
(D) Cu2S and CuS both have same equivalents in mixture


Which of the following is/are correct regarding 0.4M(aq.) solution of weak acid HA at 25°C

(Ka of HA = 4 × 10–5, ln2 = 0.7)

(A) pH of solution is 2.4
(B) pOH of solution is 2.4
(C) [H+] from water is 2.5 × 10–12 M
(D) Percentage of unionised HA molecules is 99%.

4) When PbF2 is shaken in pure water at 25ºC, the solubility is found to be 2 × 10–3. The value of Ksp
can be calculated by two methods, first by solubility i.e. ksp = 4s3 and was found to be 3.2 × 10–8,
second by concentration of ions i.e. ksp = [Pb2+] [F – ]2 and was found to be 2 × 10–8 , correct options
are -

(A) Corrrect value of ksp is 3.2 × 10
(B) Corrrect value of ksp is 2 × 10
(C) While calaculating ksp from solubility we have assumed that PbF2 dissolved is 100% dissociated.
While calculating ksp from solubility we have assumed that dissolved salt exist only in Pb2+ and

5) In a voltmeter, mass of a metal deposited in 30 seconds in 200 gms. Analyse the current v/s time

graph shown below and identify the correct statement(s):

(A) Electrochemical equivalent of the metal is 100 g/coulomb

(B) 33.33 grams got discharged in the first 10 seconds.
A constant current of 66.66 mA would also discharge approximately the same amount in same
(D) 100 gms of metal got discharged in the first 15 seconds

6) Some standard electrode potentials at 298 K are given below:

Pb2+/Pb –0.13 V
Ni /Ni –0.24 V
Cd /Cd –0.40 V
Fe2+/Fe –0.44 V
To a solution containing 0.001 M of X2+ and 0.1 M of Y2+, the metal rods X and Y are inserted (at 298
K) and connected by a conducting wire. This resulted in dissolution of X. The correct combination(s)
of X and Y, respectively, is (are)
(Given: Gas constant, R = 8.314 J K–1 mol–1, Faraday constant, F = 96500 C mol–1)

(A) Cd and Ni
(B) Cd and Fe
(C) Ni and Pb
(D) Ni and Fe



100 ml of H2O2 solution is oxidised by 300 ml of 1M KMnO4 in acidic medium. What volume (in ml) of
1M KMnO4 in basic medium will oxidise 100 ml of same H2O2 solution.
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit answer.

2) 0.98 g of the metal sulphate was dissolved in water and excess of barium chloride was added. The
precipitated barium sulphate weighted 0.95 g. Calculate the equivalent weight of the metal.
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit

3) 5.00 mL of 0.10 M oxalic acid solution taken in a conical flask is titrated against NaOH from a
burette using phenolphthalein indicator. The volume of NaOH required for the appearance of
permanent faint pink color is tabulated below for five experiments. What is the concentration, in
molarity, of the NaOH solution ?

Exp. No. Vol. of NaOH (ml)

1 12.5

2 10.5

3 9

4 9

5 9

4) A solution is a mixture of 0.06 M KCl and 0.06 M KI. AgNO3 solution is being added dropwise till
AgCl starts preciptating (Ksp AgCl = 1 × 10–10 and Ksp AgI = 4 × 10–16). The concentration of iodide
ion at this instant will be nearly equal to x × 10–7 M. Give x.
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit

5) 40 ml of 0.05 M solution of sodium sesquicarbonate (Na2CO3.NaHCO3. 2H2O) is titrated against

0.05 M HCl. "X" ml of HCl is used when phenolphthalein is the indicator and "Y" ml of HCl is used

when methyl orange is the indicator in two separate titrations. Hence, value of is


For the cell reaction :

Hg2Cl2(s) + 2Ag(s) → 2Hg (l) + 2AgCl(s)
temperature coefficient of cell emf is found to be 0.02 VK–1. Find ΔrSº for cell reaction in kJ mole–1

7) ^oeq BaCl2 = 160 cm2 eq–1ohm–1

^oeq K3PO4 = 140 cm2 eq–1 ohm–1
^oeq KCl = 100 cm2 eq–1 ohm–1
Then calculate Ksp of Ba3(PO4)2.
Given : Ba3(PO4)2 is a sparingly soluble salt
K = 12 × 10–6 ohm–1 cm–1 for Ba3(PO4)2
(Express your answer in the power of 10–25)
Fill your answer as sum of digits (excluding decimal places) till you get the single digit

8) The solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt A2X3 is 1.1 × 10–23. If specific conductance of the
solution is 3 × 10–5 S m–1, the limiting molar conductivity of the solution is x × 10–3 S m2 mol–1. The
value of x is __________.



1) The range of is-




2) Find the value [x] + where [.] denotes greatest integer and {.} denotes fractional part

(A) x


(C) 1
(D) –x


If 2 < x2 < 3 , then the number of positive roots of {x2} = , (where {x} denotes the fractional
part of x) is

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

4) is






1) If 0 < x < 1, then is equal to




2) If and , then





3) The value(s) of ' x ' satisfying the equation

(A) 1
(B) –1



4) For if are in harmonic progression then the value of x can not be equal to
(where [.] greatest integer function {.} fractional part function)





5) Which of the following statement are true for the function ƒ defined for –1 < x < 3 in the figure


(B) does not exist


6) If sin–1 x + 2 cot–1 (y2 – 2y) = 2π , then

(A) x + y = y2
(B) x2 = x + y
(C) y = y2
(D) x2 – x + y = y2


1) If (where m and n are coprime), then the value of (m – n).

2) If x and y are positive integer satisfying

then find the number of ordered pairs of (x, y) is ________

3) Let and then value of 44k is

4) The number of integral values of m for which is

bijective is______.

5) If exist and equal to 2 then value of is equal to

6) If , where a, b ∈ R, then the value of |a + b| is

7) If ; find the value of A.

8) The least integral value in the range of is




Q. 1 2 3 4
A. D D A C


Q. 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. A,D A,D A,C A,B,D A,D A,B


Q. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A. 7 5 2 4 6 2 5 2



Q. 19 20 21 22
A. B A C C


Q. 23 24 25 26 27 28
A. A A,B A,C,D B,C,D A,C,D A,B,C


Q. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
A. 5 7 0 6 8 4 9 3



Q. 37 38 39 40
A. D A B C


Q. 41 42 43 44 45 46
A. A,B,C A,D C,D A,C,D A,C,D C,D

Q. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
A. 7 6 2 6 2 3 5 2



a = 2g
F-mg = ma hence F =3mg


(a) 80 – T1 = 8a
T1 – 50 = 2a
T1 = 56

(b) 80 – T2 = 8a
T2 – 70 = 2a
T2 = 72


N = mg cosθ ; f = mgsinθ till it slips then f = mmgcosθ and F = 0 till it slips then F = mgsinθ –


T ≤ μN N = T + Mg

T = mg

From the frame of the Plank.

Net Acceleration of M1 and M2 are a– M1g and a– M2g
Elongation takes place when a1 > a2, μ1 < μ2
Compression takes place when a2 > a1, μ2 < μ1
No compression or elongation a1 = a2, μ2 = μ1


For x direction
u=0, ax=0, ∴sx=0; , xf=2
For y direction u=3, ay=0, t=1
∴syt=3 ⇒ yf – yi=3
For z direction:

u=0, a2=10, s2= 5, 5 = (10)t2 ⇒ t=1


Average angular velocity =

average velocity =


Total displacement xA = 1.75 cm ⇒ 4xA = 7


and ℓ = 0.8 m;

xcm = 0
x of 3m = 3


Let the speeds of the blocks A and B at the instant compression is be vA and vB respectively as
shown. (ℓ0 is natural length)

Since, No external force acts on the system in Hz direction, therefore applying linear momentum
conservation in Hz direction.
0 = m (–vA) + 2m (vB) or
Now, By conservation of energy,

From (1) and (2) we get

Using work energy theorem,

W.d. by spring on A = change in K.E. of A

or WS =


Coordinates of centre of mass after time t is xCM =



When normal contact force approaches zero

In C.M. frame for particle A

and for particle B in ground frame

particle B will break off when



gm equivalent of oxidising agent = gm equivalent of KI

moles × n factor = gm eq. of KI = 0.1 × 1

moles ∝


Ksp = [Ag+] [Cl–]
Ksp = s2
Ksp = (10–5)2 = 10–10

10–10 = [Ag+] [0.1]
[Ag+] = 10–9
s' = 10–9


(ii) NaCN (0.5 moles) + HCN (0.5 moles)

(iii) NH3 (1 mole) + NH4Cl (1 mole)
(iv) CH3COOH (1 mole) + NaOH (0.75 moles)
(v) NH4Cl (1 mole) + NaOH (0.75 moles)
(vi) CH3COONa (0.5 moles) + HCl (0.25 mole)
(vii) H2CO3 (1 mole) + NaOH (1.5 moles)

Ecell = E cell – log10Q

=0– log10

= –0.06 log10 = –0.12 volt

23) C6H5NO2 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + N2

⇒ Balance the above redox reaction:

Oxidation-Half Reduction-Half

# C6H5NO2 → CO2 + N2 O2 → H2O

Balance the main atoms
2C6H5NO2 → 12CO2 + NO2 + N2 O2 → 2H2O
# Balance the O-atoms by adding H2O
⇒ O2 → 2H2O
⇒ 20H2O + 2C6H5NO2 → 12CO2 + N2
⇒ Balance the H-atoms by adding H+ ions. +
+ ⇒ 4H + O2 → 2H2O
⇒ 20H2O + 2C6H5NO2 → 12CO2 + N2 + 50H

# Balance the charge by adding e .
20H2O + 2C6H5NO2 → 12CO2 + N2 + 50H+ + 50e– …(I) ⇒ 4e– + 4H+ + O2 → 2H2O …(II)
⇒ Now add both half reactions; By cancelling the e–
(Reaction – (I) × 2) + (Reaction – (II) × 25)
⇒ 4C6H5NO2 + 25O2 → 24CO2 + 2N2 + 10H2O
(A) In oxidation-Half
Per molecules of C6H5NO2 : Number of e– lost = 25

(B) 1 mole C6H5NO2 required = = 6.25 mole of O2

moles of oxygen atoms required = (6.25 × 2) = 12.5 mole
(B → incorrect)

(C) 1 mole C6H5NO2 gives → moles of N2

∴ Vol. of N2(g) = ℓt
at (1 atm, 273K)
(C → incorrect)
(D) ⇒ incorrect (H2O is a liquid not a gas at given condition)


Cu2S + CuS + Ba(MnO4)2 + H+ → Cu2+ + SO2 + Mn+2
n-factor = 8 6 = 10


26) PbF2(s) PbF2(aq.)

PbF2(aq) PbF +(aq.) + F– (aq.)

PbF +(aq) Pb2+(aq.) + F– (aq.)


PbF2(s) Pb2+(aq.) + 2 F– (aq.)

The dissolved part of PbF2(s) exist not only in Pb2+ (aq.) but also in PbF2(aq.) and PbF+ (aq.)
along with F– (aq.)


Total charge passed = i.dt. = =

Amp. sec. = 2 Amp. sec. = 2 coulomb
(A) w = z.Q , z = electrochemical equivalent

(C) Total charge needed = 2 coulumb

= coulumb = 2 coulumb.

(D) w = (100 gm / coulumb) ×

= 100 gm


x(s) —→ x+2 (0.001 M) + 2e¯ (anode)

y+2 (0.1 M) + 2e¯ —→ y (s) (cathode)

Ecell = E°cell log

Ecell = E°cell + 0.06
(A) Cd and Ni E°cell = + 0.4 – 0.24 ; Ecell = 0.22
(B) Cd and Fe E°cell = – 0.04 ; Ecell = 0.02
(C) Ni and Pb E°cell = 0.11 ; Ecell = 0.17
(D) Ni and Fe E°cell = – 0.2 ; Ecell = –0.14
since in (A) (B) (C) Ecell is positive hence answer is (A) (B) (C).


gm eq. of H2O2 = gm eq. of KMnO4 (acidic)

gm eq. of H2O2 = gm eq. of KMnO4 (basic)

⇒ =1×
V = 500 ml


Now, 233 g BaSO4 ≡ 96 g

∴ 0.95 g BaSO4 ≡ or 0.39 g

∴ Mass of metal in metal sulphate = 0.98 – 0.39 = 0.59 g
Now, eqmetal =

Emetal = 72.61


Volume of NaOH consumed = 9N

Eq. of H2C2O4 = Eq. of NaOH

5 × 10–3 × 0.1 × 2 = 9 × 10–3 × x × 1

x = = 0.11 molar
molarity of NaOH = 0.11 molar

32) When AgCl Starts precipitating

at that time conc of [I–]


Given millimoles of salt/compound = 40 × 0.05 = 2 mms

(i) Using Hph (phenolphthalein)
2 mms of HCl consumed to convert only Na2CO3 portion to NaHCO3.
(ii) Using MeOH (Methyl orange)
6 mms of HCl consumed to convert entire salt to H2CO3.



ΔS = nF = 2 × 9.6500 × 0.02 = 3.86 kJ mole–1 4 kJ mole–1


Ba3(PO4)2 = BaCl2 + K3PO4 – KCl

= 160 + 140 – 100

Ba3(PO4)2 = 200 cm2 eq–1 ohm–1

Ba3(PO4)2 = 6 × 200 cm2 mol–1 ohm–1


1200 = 12 × 10–6 ×
s = 10–5
Ksp = (3s)3 (2s)2
Ksp = 33 22 s5
Ksp = 108 × 10–25


(2s)2(3s)3 = 1.1 × 10–23





Now let

⇒ at log2x = 5 ⇒ y = 2
at log2x = 7 ⇒ y =
at log2x = 9 ⇒ y = 2

⇒ range of log2y is


39) 2 < x2 < 3

2 2 2 2
⇒ {x } = x - [x ] = x - 2
Also, <x<


Hence, x2 - 2 =
or x2 - 2x - 1 = 0
or (x + 1) (x2 - x -1) = 0

∴ (∵ x > 0)


This can be written as :


⇒ tan–1 (n + 4) + tan–1 (n + 3) + tan–1 (n + 2) – tan–1 1 – tan–1 2 – tan–1 3 =

41) Let





Write as tan–11 and simplify.

47) We have

= tan–1(3n + 2) – tan–1(3n – 1)

∴ Sum of first 10 terms

Hence, (m – n) = 7

49) Given ....(A)
Now replace x → 1 – x

Now Add (A) and (B)

Now put




above limit exist only when

a–b–c=0 ...(i)

a+ +c=0 ...(ii)

∴ from equation (ii)


⇒ a = –2

⇒ b = –1
|a + b| = 3



L = 50-L ∴


Let (ex)2 + 1 = t

where t > 1
minimum value = 3 – 1 = 2

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