SQL Practice Set

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Consider the following schema of a relational database:

Customer (cust-id, cust-name, annual-revenue, cust-type) [cust-id needs to maintain a sequence
starting from 100 and cust-type must be manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or distributor]
Truck (truck-no, driver-name)
City (city-name, population)
Shipment (shipment-no, cust-id, weight, truck-no, start-city, destination-city). [start-city &
destination-city both refers to city-name of City table]

Create table through appropriate SQL commands. Define all integrity constraints and enter sufficient data.

Write SQL commands for the following queries.

a) Give the details for those shipments where the start-city and destination-city are same.
b) Give the driver names who participated in maximum numbers of shipments
c) Give the name of the city never appears in destination-city.
d) Give the name of the cities whose population is more the average of all the cities.
e) Give the shipment details where the starting character of customer name and the last character
of driver name is ‘A’;

2. Consider the following schema of a relational database:

Employee (empno, emp_name, salary, hiredate, city)
Department (deptno, dname, city)
Manager (mgrno, deptno, manger_name, salary, hiredate,city)
Empmgr (empno, mgrno)

Create table through appropriate SQL commands. Define all integrity constraints and enter sufficient data.

Write SQL commands for the following queries.

a) Give the employee names who earn more than their manager.
b) Give the name of the managers who have no employee under his supervision from the same
city as of him.
c) Give the name of the manager who has maximum number of employees under his
d) Give the name of the employees who have been hired in the year 2006.
e) Give the name of the city where no manager is located.

3. Consider the following schema of a relational database:

Employee (empno, empname, city)
Project (pno, pname)
Part (partno, part name, color)
Use (pno, partno)
Works (empno,pno)
Create table through appropriate SQL commands. Define all integrity constraints and enter sufficient data.

Write SQL commands for the following queries.

a) Give the name of the employees who are working on more than 1 project.
b) Give the name of the city where the maximum employees are located.
c) Give the part names, which are used in all the projects.
d) Give the name of the projects in which no employees are working whose name start with ‘S’.
e) Give the name of the project which use maximum red part
f) Give the name of the projects, which has used exactly 3 parts

4. Consider the following schema of a relational database:

Branch (branch_name, branch_city, assets)
Customer (customer_name, street, city)
Loan (branch_name, loan_no, amount)
Borrower (customer_name, loan_no)
Account (branch_name, account_no, balance)
Depositor (customer_name, account_no)

Create table through appropriate SQL commands. Define all integrity constraints and enter sufficient

Write SQL commands for the following queries.

a) Give the customer name who has account but not any loan
b) Give the name of the customer who has either (10000-20000) or (30000-40000) in their account.
c) Which branch has issued maximum amount of loan?
d) Give the name of the customer who has maximum balance in their account.
e) Give the name of the customer who has opened an account in a city in which he is not

5. Consider the following schema of a relational database.

Aircraft (aid, type)
Flights (flno, aid, company)
Employees (eid, ename, salary)
Certified (eid, aid)
Schedule (eid, flno, source_city, destination_city, date)

Create table through appropriate SQL commands. Define all integrity constraints and enter sufficient

a) Give the name of the employee who has certification on more than 1 type of aircrafts.
b) Give the name of the employee who has no certification.
c) Give the name of the city where from maximum flight takes off (source_city)?
d) Give the name of the company, which spend maximum salary for their employees.
e) Give the name of the company which has maximum types of flights.

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