Thermal Analysis of Petrochemicals
Thermal Analysis of Petrochemicals
Thermal Analysis of Petrochemicals
This application handbook presents selected application examples. The experiments were conducted with the
utmost care using the instruments specified in the description of each application. The results were evaluated
according to the current state of our knowledge.
This does not however absolve you from personally testing the suitability of the examples for your own methods,
instruments and purposes. Since the transfer and use of an application is beyond our control, we cannot of
course accept any responsibility.
When chemicals, solvents and gases are used, general safety rules and the instructions given by the manufac-
turer or supplier must be observed.
® TM All names of commercial products can be registered trademarks, even if they are not denoted as such.
Thermal analysis is one of the oldest analysis techniques. Throughout history, people have used simple heat
tests to determine whether materials were genuine or fake.
The year 1887 is looked upon as the dawn of present-day thermal analysis. It was then that Henry Le Chatelier,
the famous French scientist, carried out his first thermometric measurements on clays. Just a few years later in
1899, the British scientist William Roberts-Austen performed the first differential temperature measurements
and so initiated the development of DTA. Commercial instruments however, did not appear until the early
1960s. Since then, thermal analysis has undergone fifty years of intense development.
Thermal analysis is the ideal technique for determining material properties and transitions and for character-
izing materials.
This application booklet contains a number of different thermal analysis application examples taken from the
petrochemical industry.
The applications were previously published in various issues of UserCom, our bi-annual application magazine
(, or in one of our application handbooks (
From crude oil to gasoline, diesel, liquid petroleum gas, lubricants, polymers and many other end products,
petrochemicals are ever present in our lives. The number of standards and regulations for analysis further
reflects the importance and variety of petrochemical raw materials and products. In today’s competitive en-
vironment, expectations are high when it comes to meeting quality and regulatory requirements, improving
yield, and reducing downtime, corrosion and waste.
Thermal Analysis is therefore an extremely useful tool for the quality control and analysis of petrochemical
We hope that the applications described here will stimulate your interest and make you aware of the great
potential that thermal analysis methods have in the field of petrochemistry.
Dr. Angela Hammer and the editorial team of the METTLER TOLEDO materials characterization group:
Nicolas Fedelich
Samuele Giani
Dr. Elke Hempel
Ni Jing
Dr. Melanie Nijman
Dr. Rudolf Riesen
Dr. Jürgen Schawe
Dr. Markus Schubnell
ysis techniques can be used to analyze In DTA, the temperature difference be- eas (transition and reaction enthalpies),
polymers and in particular to study the tween the sample and an inert reference determine temperatures that character-
behavior of thermoplastics, thermosets substance is measured as a function of ize a peak or other effects, and measure
and elastomers. temperature. The DTA signal is °C or K. specific heat capacity.
Previously, the thermocouple voltage in
The chapters describe many interesting millivolts was displayed. 1.6 TGA
examples that illustrate the power of Thermogravimetric Analysis
thermal analysis for measuring physical 1.4 SDTA TGA measures the weight and hence the
properties, different types of transitions, Single DTA mass of a sample as a function of tem-
aging, the effect of fillers and additives, This technique was patented by METTLER perature. Previously, the acronym TG was
and the influence of production condi- TOLEDO and is a variation of classical used for this technique. Nowadays, TGA
tions. DTA that is particularly advantageous is preferred in order to avoid confusion
when used in combination with thermo- with Tg, the glass transition temperature.
The experiments were performed using gravimetric analysis. The measurement TGA allows you to detect changes in the
three different types of plastic materials, signal represents the temperature differ- mass of a sample (gain or loss), evaluate
namely a thermoplastic (PET), a thermo- ence between the sample and a previously stepwise changes in mass (usually as a
set (KU600), and an elastomer (W001). measured and stored blank sample. percentage of the initial sample mass),
and determine temperatures that char-
1.2 Important Thermal Analysis DTA and SDTA allow you to detect endo- acterize a step in the mass loss or mass
Techniques thermic and exothermic effects, and to gain curve.
The following sections give a brief expla- determine temperatures that character-
nation of some of the important thermal ize thermal effects. 1.7 EGA
analysis techniques. The four main tech- Evolved Gas Analysis
niques, DSC, TGA, TMA and DMA used in 1.5 DSC EGA is the name for a family of tech-
this handbook are often complementary. Differential Scanning Calorimetry. niques by means of which the nature
Sometimes however, only a combination In DSC, the heat flow to and from a sam- and/or amount of gaseous volatile prod-
of all four techniques provides a full in- ple and a reference material is measured ucts evolved from a sample is measured
sight into the sample. as a function of temperature as the sam- as a function of temperature. The most
ple is heated, cooled or held at constant important analysis techniques are mass
This is illustrated in Figure 1 which temperature. The measurement signal is spectrometry and infrared spectrometry.
shows the measurement of a sample of the energy absorbed by or released by the EGA is often used in combination with
polyamide 6 using DSC, TGA and TMA. sample in milliwatts. TGA instruments because TGA effects
involve the elimination of volatile com-
Figure 1.
The techniques pounds (mass loss).
used to measure
polyamide 6 show
1.8 TMA
different thermal
effects. DSC: melt- Thermomechanical Analysis
ing peak of the TMA measures the deformation and di-
crystalline part;
TGA: drying and
mensional changes of a sample as a
decomposition step; function of temperature. In TMA, the
TMA: softening un- sample is subjected to a constant force,
der load.
an increasing force, or a modulated
force, whereas in dilatometry dimen-
sional changes are measured using the
smallest possible load.
from petroleum or crude oil. Petroleum low boiling fractions, e.g. gasoline (pet- problem, especially for the storage of
is primarily a mixture of 6 different rol), aviation gasoline, naphtha; higher diesel and heating oils.
classes of substances. The composition boiling fractions, e.g. fuel or heating oil 2. Crystallized material is retained in
of the mixture is specific to the region and diesel; and high boiling fractions filters, which can lead to blockages.
where the oil occurs and consists of (heavy oil and lubricating oils). The resi- 3. Bitumen (asphalt) products are mainly
• straight-chain n-alkanes (CnH2n+2) with due after distillation is known as bitumen used for surfacing roads. Crystalli-
molar masses between 16 and 300 g/mol (or asphalt). zation causes the surface to become
• branched-chain alkanes (iso-alkanes) brittle and results in the formation of
• cycloalkanes In the liquid state, the distillate appears cracks.
• aromatics macroscopically as a single-phase mix-
• sulfur-containing compounds ture. On cooling, crystals are formed, i.e. Hydrocarbon distillates consist primarily
• polycyclic and heterocyclic resins as a multiphase mixture is obtained. The of complex hydrocarbon compounds and
well as bitumens with molar masses separation of crystalline material is unde- crystallizable fractions. The former are
of about 1000 g/mol. sirable and leads to a number of problems: partially liquid at room temperature and
exhibit a glass transition at low tempera-
Figure 1.
DSC curves of tures. The glass transition temperatures
different petroleum of the liquid constituents depend on the
petroleum distillate. Typical values are
–30 °C for bitumen, –130 °C for diesel
and –150 °C for gasoline.
2.2 Characterization of
petroleum products with DSC
Petroleum products are usually char-
acterized by their glass transition tem-
perature and their melting behavior.
The measurement of these parameters
is easily performed by DSC. A typical
temperature program for the analysis of
petroleum derivatives begins by cooling
the sample at 10 K/min from room tem-
perature to 100 °C (for heavy hydrocar-
bon compounds) or to –150 °C (for light
hydrocarbon compounds, e.g. kerosene,
ture, volatile compounds, chemically ized thermog ravimetric procedure is start is automatically measured by deter-
bound carbon, and ash content has long nowadays used to determine the content mining the starting weight on reaching
been used to determine the quality and of elastomers, thermoplastics and ther- 110 °C. This is done by measuring the
economic value of different types of coal. mosets, as well as lubricants [16, 17]. weight of the sample and the crucible
High ash content is undesirable for the during the sample preparation, which is
operation of thermal power stations Conversely, procedures developed for the in fact normal in the manual procedure
because inert material increases trans- determination of carbon black in rubber [1–10]. Buoyancy effects are compensat-
port and waste disposal costs, and also [17] are used for the analysis of brown ed in the TGA measurement by subtrac-
means that the heat exchangers have to coal, lignite and or other renewable fossil tion of a blank curve.
be cleaned more frequently. To make sure fuels [e.g. 18].
that assays can be properly compared, Besides this, oxygen is used instead of
the analysis procedures have been stan- 5.2 Speeding up the TGA air, resulting in much shorter combus-
dardized and described in many standard procedure tion times. One must of course make sure
methods [1–10]. As already indicated, the standard meth- that coal particles are not blown out of the
ods for coal analysis are laborious and crucible by the rapid generation of gas.
Quite early on, measurement routines often time-consuming.
were developed for thermogravimetric This can manifest itself for example in
instruments that enabled faster and more To determine the moisture content ex- widely differing measurement values for
automated analyses to be performed. actly, the measurement is usually started the ash content. As with all analytical
These techniques have been compared at room temperature, or slightly above. methods, it is essential that the coal sam-
with the standard manual methods This leads to long cooling times before ples are homogeneous and representative
[11–14]. the next sample can be measured, which if one, for example, wants to characterize
in turn limits the throughput of samples. one hundred tons of coal. Vaporization,
TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) The METTLER TOLEDO STAR e system degassing and combustion proceed more
is, however, also very useful for coal allows the analysis time to be reduced by rapidly when shallow, open crucibles
research, e.g. to compare combustion half compared to the ASTM E1131 stan- are used and small sample weights are
profiles or to determine the nature of vol- dard method. analyzed.
atile components with TGA-MS. Even the
lime deposits (fur) formed in hot water sys- In this case, the measurement is start- 5.3 Experimental details
tems have been investigated with TGA [15]. ed directly at 110 °C (or even higher), A METTLER TOLEDO TGA /SDTA851e
The determination of moisture, vola- which means the otherwise long cool- with the small furnace (up to 1100 °C)
tile content, soot, ash or fillers is also ing time down to 30 °C is avoided. The was used for the measurements. The sys-
tem was automated with a TSO800RO
Figure 1.
TG curves showing sample robot and a TSO800GC1 gas con-
two measurements troller for gas switching.
of each of the three
types of coal. At
10.9 min the purge The balance was purged with 40 mL/min of
gas was switched nitrogen as protective gas. During the
from nitrogen to
oxygen. One of the
measurement, first 80 mL/min of nitro-
measurements of gen, and afterward 80 mL/min of oxygen
Coal A (continuous were used as reactive gas.
curves) was used
to evaluate the
weight loss steps. The following samples were used as
The uppermost examples for coal analysis:
horizontal curve is
a measurement 1. Coal A with a particle size of 65 µm to
without a sample 90 µm,
(i.e. a blank curve). 2. Coal B with a particle size up to
1 mm,
3. Coke, finely powered, manufactured
from petroleum oil.
shortened by up to 50% without affect- 3. DIN 51720 Analysis of solid fuels – “The thermogravimetric behavior
of coal”, Thermochimica Acta, 57
ing the accuracy by using the METTLER determination of the content of volati-
le components. (in German) (1982) 253-272.
TOLEDO STARe system and adapting the 13. F. S. Sadek, A. Y. Herrell, “Proximate
4. ASTM D3172 Standard Practice for
temperature program. In automated op- Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke. analysis of solid fossil fuels by
5. ASTM D3173 Standard Test Method thermogravimetry”, American
eration, this allows at least 35 analyses to Laboratory, March (1984) 75–78.
for Moisture in the Analysis Sample
be performed per day. of Coal and Coke. 14. Danny E. Larkin, “The development
6. ASTM D3174 Standard Test Method of a standard method”, ASTM STP
for Ash in the Analysis Sample of 997 “Compositional analysis by
The TGA curves show whether degas- thermogravimetry”, C.M. Earnest, Ed.,
Coal and Coke.
sing and combustion are complete. This 7. ASTM D3175 Standard Test Method American Society for Testing and Ma-
is necessary in order to optimize the for Volatile Matter in the Analysis terials, Philadelphia (1988) 28–37.
Sample of Coal and Coke. 15. Paul Baur, “Thermogravimetry
method and for the control of routine speeds up proximate analysis of
8. ISO 11722 as well as BS 1016-104.1
measurements. Thermogravimetry, in Methods for analysis and testing of coal”, Power, March (1983) 91–93.
addition, allows drying and combustion coal and coke. Proximate analysis. 16. ASTM E1131 Standard Test Method
Determination of moisture content of for Compositional Analysis by
behavior to be investigated and different Thermogravimetry.
the general analysis test sample.
coal types to be characterized. 9. ISO 562 as well as BS 1016-104.3 17. ISO 9924 Rubber and rubber products.
Methods for analysis and testing of Determination of the composition
coal and coke. Proximate analysis. of vulcanizates and uncured com-
Inhomogeneous samples must be well pounds by thermogravimetry.
Determination of volatile matter
ground to achieve a high degree of repro content. 18. M.C. Mayoral, et. al., “Different
10. ISO 1171 as well as BS 1016-104.4 approaches to proximate analysis
ducibility. If necessary, larger amounts by thermogravimetry analysis”,
Methods for analysis and testing of
of sample can be measured thermogravi coal and coke. Proximate analysis. Thermochimica Acta, 370 (2001)
metrically in 900 µl crucibles. Determination of ash content. 91–97.
A and B at a reaction temperature of two oils are 0.62 (oil B) and 0.45 (oil A).
195 °C. The OIT of both oils decreases First, we assume that the presence of oxy-
with increasing pressure, whereby the The general validity of the potential law gen is necessary for the oxidation reac-
OIT values of oil B are always greater and the meaning of the exponent q must tion. The oxygen enters into the sample
than those of oil A. first be considered before the results can through diffusion from the atmosphere.
be assessed in more depth. This was done This process depends on the difference
In Figure 3b, the values have been plotted by performing OIT measurements on a in concentration, the size and the nature
in a double logarithmic presentation in number of different polymers. Some of the of the surface of the sample and the tem-
order to analyze the relationship between results obtained are shown in Figure 4. perature-dependent diffusion constants.
OIT and oxygen pressure more easily.
Different reaction temperatures were At the same time, the effective oxygen con-
In this presentation, the measured points chosen for each polymer so that the OIT centration is reduced through reaction of
lie on straight lines. values were all in a convenient time the oxygen with stabilizers or the sample.
frame (between 20 and 300 min). This
It follows that the relationship between facilitated the analysis of the pressure de- Diffusion (production) and reactions
OIT (tOIT) and the oxygen pressure (p) pendence of OIT for the materials tested. (consumption) are competing processes
can be described by a power law: that determine the oxygen concentration.
The diagram shows that in double loga- A relationship can therefore be derived
tOIT = A p (1) rithmic presentation the relationship is for the relative oxygen concentration in
linear for all the polymers investigated. the sample as a function of time.
Taking logarithms of both sides of the The exponent q here lies between 0.6
equation shows the linear relationship in (linear low-density polyethylene, LLDPE), Similar to the situation in crystallization,
the double logarithmic presentation: and 0.3 (polypropylene, PP). it can be concluded that the oxidation re-
action begins on nucleation points such
Figures 3a (left)
and 3b (right). as surface damage (e.g. microfissures) or
Linear plot of the inhomogeneities (internal stresses or con-
OIT of two synthetic
centration differences of inhibitors) and
motor oils as a
function of oxygen then spreads from these reaction nuclei
pressure at 195 °C into all parts of the sample.
(left). Double loga-
rithmic plot (right);
the slope of the If, in addition, the pressure dependence
straight lines is –q. of the gas concentration in the sample is
taken into account, the power law eq (1)
Figure 4.
Dependence of for the OIT can be derived from kinetic
the OIT on oxygen considerations. The exponent, q, depends
pressure for differ-
to a large extent on the mechanism for
ent polymers. The
reaction tempera- the formation of nuclei for the oxidation
ture is given in the reaction.
diagram. The slope
–q corresponds
to the exponent in To confirm the assumption that the oxi-
eq. (1). dation reaction spreads out from nuclei
requires a method that can measure
the reaction locally at high resolution.
Chemiluminescence is an excellent tech-
nique for doing this.
The pressure dependence of OIT obeys (e.g. microfissures) or where there is a thin samples with defined surface areas.
a power law. The exponent q is mainly greater concentration of radicals. This The author would like to thank his col-
influenced through oxygen diffusion nucleation mechanism in the oxidation leagues Dr. R. Riesen, M. Zappa and
processes and radical formation in the reaction can be measured by chemilu- Dr. M. Schubnell for valuable help and
material under test. Materials with small minescence. discussions.
exponents tend to oxidize more readily
than those with large exponents. The pressure dependence of OIT provides
additional information on the stability,
The power law dependence of OIT on previous damage, and inherent tendency
pressure presupposes a nucleation pro- for oxidation of materials.
The instruments of Thermal Analysis meters and pH meters meet the require-
Excellence are compliant with relevant ments of respective standards by ASTM,
standards for the analysis and character- IP and other standard owners.
ization of petrochemicals.
Balances and scales form the backbone
Analytical instruments such as poten- for various weighing tasks in the labora-
tiometric titrators, Karl Fischer titrators, tories, in production and tank farming
dropping point instruments, density as well as for vehicle weighing.
Written for thermal analysis users with background information, theory and practice, useful tables of material
properties and many interesting applications.
The Tutorial Kit handbook with twenty-two well-chosen application examples and the corresponding test
substances provides an excellent introduction to thermal analysis techniques and is ideal for self-study.
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