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Physics - Chapter 6 - Electric Fields

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Chapter 6

Electric fields
Worked examples
Practical 1: Investigating electric fields
Practical 2: Investigating Coulomb’s law
End-of-chapter test
Marking scheme: Worksheet
Marking scheme: End-of-chapter test
permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85 10–12 F m–1
elementary charge e = 1.6 10–19 C

Intermediate level
1 State two possible SI units for electric field strength. [2]

2 A +5.0 10–8 C point charge experiences a force of 1.5 10–3 N when placed in a
uniform electric field. Calculate the electric field strength. [2]

3 Calculate the force experienced by an oil droplet with a charge of 3.2 10–19 C
due to a uniform electric field of strength 5.0 105 V m–1. [2]

4 The diagram shows two parallel plates separated by 3.0 cm connected to a supply
of 600 V.

+ 600V

+ + + + + + +

charged oil
droplet 3.0cm

– – – – – – –

a Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field between

the plates. [3]

b What is the nature of the electric field between the plates? [2]

c An oil droplet of weight 6.4 10–15 N is held stationary between the two plates.

i State whether the charge on the droplet is positive or negative.

Explain your answer. [2]

ii Determine the charge on the oil droplet. [2]

5 Draw the electric field patterns for the electrodes shown.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ +

+ + ––
– –
+ + + – –
– – – – – –

– – – – – – – –
a b c
[2] [2] [2]

6 Electric fields © TPK61

6 Calculate the electrical force between a proton and an electron separated by a
distance of 5.0 10–11 m. [3]

7 The electric field strength E at a distance r from a point charge Q may be

written as:

What is the value for k? [2]

Higher level
8 The diagram shows a point charge +q placed in the electric field of a charge +Q.

+Q +q


The force experienced by the charge +q at point A is F. Calculate the force

experienced by this charge when it is placed at points B, C, D and E. In each case,
explain your answer. [9]

9 A spherical metal dome of radius 15 cm is electrically charged. It has a positive

charge of +2.5 C distributed uniformly on its surface.

a Calculate the electric field strength at the surface of the dome. [3]

b Explain how your answer to a would change at a distance of 30 cm from the

surface of the dome. [2]

10 The diagram shows two point charges. + 20 C X + 40 C

The point X is midway between the charges.

a Calculate the electric field strength at

point X due to:

i the +20 C charge; [3]

ii the +40 C charge. [2]

b Calculate the resultant field strength at point X. [2]

11 Describe some of the similarities and differences between the electrical force
due to a point charge and the gravitational force due to a point mass. [6]

62 © TPK 6 Electric fields

12 The diagram shows two point charges.
Calculate the distance x of point P from
charge +Q where the net electric field strength
is zero. [6]

+Q P + 3Q


13 Show that the ratio:

electrical force between two protons
gravitational force between two protons

is about 1036 and is independent of the actual separation between the protons.
(Mass of a proton = 1.7 10–27 kg; gravitational constant G = 6.67 10–11 N m2 kg–2.) [5]

Total: ––– Score: %


6 Electric fields © TPK63

Worked examples
Example 1
+ + + +
The diagram shows two parallel plates dust
separated by 3.0 cm and connected to a high- particle
E 4.8kV
voltage supply. Calculate the electric field
strength between the plates. What is the
force experienced by a dust particle with a
– – – –
charge of – 8.0 10–18 C between the plates?

The electric field between the plates is uniform and its strength is given by:
E= d

E = 4.8 10–2 =1.6 105 V m–1
3.0 10
Since by definition E = , the force F experienced by the charged dust particle is:

F = EQ = 1.6 105 (–8.0 10–18) The minus sign means that the force experienced
–12 –12 by the dust particle is in the opposite direction to
F = –1.28 10 N –1.3 10 N
the direction of the electric field.

Example 2
charge = +5.0 C
The diagram shows a charged isolated sphere of radius 40 cm. +
The charge of +5.0 C is uniformly distributed on the surface + +
of the sphere. What is the electric field strength at the surface 40cm
of the sphere? Calculate the distance from the centre of the + +
sphere at which the electric field strength is 70 kV m–1.
+ +
For an isolated charged sphere, the electric field strength is given by:
4 0 r 2

The surface electric field strength is:

The electric field created by the sphere
Q 5.0 10–6 is equivalent to that due to a charge of
4 0r2 4 8.85 10–12 0.402 +5.0 C at the centre of the sphere.
E= =
E = 2.8 105 V m–1 (280 kV m–1)
At a distance r from the centre of the charged sphere, the electric field strength is 70 kV m–1.

3 5.0 10–6 Note that electric field strength

4 0r2 decreases by a factor of four when the
10 =
distance is doubled.
5.0 10–6
r= = 0.80 m
4 8.85 10–12 70 103

It is vital to substitute correctly into the equations, taking
particular care with prefixes like (10–6) and k (103).

64 © TPK 6 Electric fields

Practical 1
Investigating electric fields
The usual safety rules apply when using an e.h.t. supply. These experiments are best
done as teacher demonstrations. Teachers and technicians should follow their school
and departmental safety policies and should ensure that the employer’s risk assessment
has been carried out before undertaking any practical work.
• e.h.t. supply
• metal sphere (football covered with aluminium foil)
• two large parallel capacitor plates
• polythene strip (or plastic ruler)
• gold leaf
• adhesive tape
• crocodile clip
• connecting leads

The nature of the electric field between two charged parallel plates is described in some
detail on pages 58 and 59 of Physics 2. The short experiments described here give you the
opportunity to investigate the factors that affect the electric field strength for two
different arrangements of conductors. A charged gold leaf attached to a polythene strip
is used to gauge the strength of the electric field at different points around the charged

Charged parallel plates
1 Set the plates with a separation of about 5.0 cm.
insulating rod
2 Connect the plates to a potential difference of 3.0 kV.
3 Charge the gold leaf by touching it to the positive plate.
4 Use the charged gold leaf to investigate the nature of the – +
electric field between the parallel plates. The electric
field between the plates should be uniform. Is it? – + + 3.0kV
5 Is there an electric field outside the plates? +
– +
6 Change the separation between the plates. How does the
electric field strength depend on the separation between
the plates? – +

7 Change the potential difference between the plates. gold leaf

How does the p.d. between the plates affect the electric
field strength?

6 Electric fields © TPK65

Charged sphere
1 Use a crocodile clip and a connecting lead
to connect the sphere to the positive
electrode of the e.h.t. supply. nylon
2 Set the e.h.t. supply to 3.0 kV.
insulating rod
3 Charge the gold leaf by touching it to the
positive sphere.
4 The electric field strength should decrease + +
with the distance from the centre of the gold leaf
sphere. Is this the case? + + +
+ 3.0kV
5 What happens to the electric field strength
+ +
at a given distance as the charge on the +
sphere is decreased? (Decreasing the setting plastic football covered
on the e.h.t. supply decreases the charge with aluminium foil
on the sphere.)

66 © TPK 6 Electric fields

Practical 2
Investigating Coulomb’s law
The usual safety rules apply when using an e.h.t. supply. To minimise the risk of
electrical shocks, tape the flying lead to an insulating rod or a plastic ruler when
charging the spheres. Teachers and technicians should follow their school and
departmental safety policies and should ensure that the employer’s risk assessment has
been carried out before undertaking any practical work.
• digital scales (± 0.001 g)
• 30 cm ruler
• two tennis balls coated with conducting paint
• two insulating rods
• clamp stand
• e.h.t. supply
• flying lead on an insulating rod
• connecting leads

The Coulomb’s law experiment is described on page 64 of Physics 2. In this experiment
you investigate the variation of the force between two charged spheres with their
separation. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in the diagram.

insulating rod

charged spheres

‘flying lead’

g e.h.t. supply

digital scales

1 Place one of the insulating spheres on the digital scales and then zero the balance.
2 Place the other sphere directly above the sphere on the balance and as close as
possible to it without the spheres touching.
3 Measure the separation r between the centres of the spheres.
4 Set the e.h.t. supply to 5.0 kV.
5 Using a flying lead connected to the positive of the e.h.t. supply, charge each sphere
by touching it momentarily with the flying lead.
6 Record the mass m displayed on the scales.

6 Electric fields © TPK67

7 Calculate the force F between the charged spheres using F = m 9.81, where m is the
reading on the scales in kilograms. Repeat the experiment for a range of
separations and record your results in a table.

r (m) m (g) F (N) (m–2)

8 Plot a graph of F against . This should be a straight line through the origin if
Coulomb’s law is correct.

9 How can you use the graph to estimate the charge on each sphere?

Guidance for teachers

Electrostatic experiments are very sensitive and charges are easily discharged through
the air or surface moisture on the insulating rods. It is therefore sensible to use a
hairdryer for about 2 minutes to remove any surface moisture from the apparatus prior
to the experiment.

68 © TPK 6 Electric fields

End-of-chapter test
Answer all questions.
permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85 10–12 F m–1
elementary charge e = 1.6 10–19 C
1 a Define electric field strength at a point in space. [1]
b The electric field strength close to a charged plate is 5.0 105 V m–1. A droplet of
paint carrying a charge of – 4.8 10–19 C passes near to the charged plate.
i the force the paint droplet experiences due to the electric field; [2]
ii the number of excess electrons on the droplet. [2]
2 The diagram shows the nucleus of a gold atom.

a Draw the electric field pattern for the nucleus. [2]

b The radius of the nucleus is 6.8 10–15 m and it has a charge of + 1.3 10–17 C.
Calculate the magnitude of:
i the electric field strength at the ‘surface’ of the gold nucleus; [3]
ii the force experienced by an -particle of charge + 3.2 10 C at a distance
of 1.4 10–14 m from the centre of the gold nucleus. [3]
3 The diagram shows two identical point charges situated in air.

5.0cm 5.0cm

+ 20nC + 20nC

a Calculate the magnitude of the electric field strength at point P due to one of
the +20 nC charges. [3]
b On the diagram above, draw the direction of the field at point P. [1]
c Show that the resultant electric field is 2 times greater than your answer
to a. [2]
Total: ––– Score: %

6 Electric fields © TPK69

Marking scheme
1 The two units are: V m –1 [1] and N C–1. [1]
–3 [1]; E = 3.0 104 V m–1 [1]
F 1.5 10–8
2 E= =
Q 5.0

3 F = EQ = 5.0 105 3.2 10–19 [1]; F = 1.6 10–13 N [1]

V 60 0
4 a E= = [1]; E = 2.0 104 V m–1 [1]
d 3.0 10–2
The field acts towards the negative plate. [1]
b The electric field is uniform between the plates (except at the ‘edges’). [1]
The electric field is at right-angles to the plate. [1]
c i Since the droplet is stationary, the electric force electric
on the droplet must be equal and opposite to force
its weight. [1]
The electric force must act upwards, so the of field
charge on the droplet must be negative. [1] –

ii E=
Q = F = 6.4 10 4 [1]; Q = 3.2 10 –19
C [1]
E 2.0 10

+ + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ +

+ + ––
– –
+ + + – –
– – – – – –

– – – – – – – –
a b c
Correct field patterns [1] 3
Correct field directions. [1] 3
Q 1Q2
6 F= [1];
4 0 r 2

1.6 10–19 1.6 10–19

F= [1]
4 8.85 10–12 (5.0 10–11)2

(magnitude of charge on both proton and electron = e)

F 9.2 10–8 N [1]
Q 1 1
7 E= so k = =
8.85 10–12
4 0 r 2 4 0

k = 8.99 109 m F–1 9.0 109 m F–1 [1]

70 © TPK 6 Electric fields

8 The force between the charges obeys an inverse square law with distance, that is:
F  12 [1]

Point B: The distance is the same.

The force between the charges = F [1]
Point C: The distance is doubled.
The force between the charges decreases by a factor of 4. [1]
The force between the charges is . [1]

Point D: The distance is trebled.

The force between the charges decreases by a factor of 3 2 = 9. [1]
The force between the charges is . [1]

Point E: The distance between the charges E

is 8 R. [1] 2 (2R)2 = 8R
The force between the charges decreases
by a factor of ( 8)2 = 8 [1]
The force between the charges is F . [1]

9 a E= [1]
4 0 r 2

2.5 10–6
E= [1]; E = 9.99 105 V m–1 1.0 106 V m–1 [1]
4 8.85 10–12 0.152

b The distance from the centre of the dome increases by a factor of 3.

The electric field strength decreases by a factor of 32 = 9. [1]
1.0 106
Therefore: E= = 1.1 104 V m–1 [1]

10 a i E= [1]
4 0 r 2

20 10–6 80
E= (r = = 40 cm) [1]
4 8.85 10–12 0.402 2

E = 1.124 106 V m–1 1.1 106 V m–1 [1]

40 10–6
ii E= [1]
4 8.85 10–12 0.402

E= 2.248 106 V m–1 2.2 106 V m–1 [1]

(The electric field doubles because the charge is doubled, E  Q.)
2.2 106 V m–1 1.1 106 V m–1

b Net field strength, E = 2.2 106 – 1.1 106 = 1.1 106 V m–1 [1]
The field acts to the left. [1]

6 Electric fields © TPK71

11 Similarities Differences
• Both produce radial fields. [1] • Electrical forces can be either
attractive or repulsive, whereas
gravitational forces are always
attractive. [1]
• Gravitational forces act between
masses, whereas electrical forces
act between charges. [1]
mass positive charge

• Both obey an inverse square law

with distance, that is:
F  12 [1]

• The field strengths are defined as force

per unit (positive) charge or mass. [1]
• Both produce action at a distance. [1]

12 The electric field strength due to the charge + Q is equal in magnitude but opposite
in direction to the electric field strength due to the charge + 3Q. [1]
Q 3Q
2= (where R is the distance between the charges = 10 cm) [1]
4 0x 4 0 (R – x)2

1 3 R–x
= [1]; so = 3 [1]
x2 (R – x)2 x

x(1 + 3) = R so x= = 0.37R [1]
1+ 3

x = 0.37 10 = 3.7 cm [1]

e2 / 4 0r2
13 Ratio = (where m = mass of proton and r = separation) [2]
Gm2 / r2

ratio = [1]
4 0Gm2
The r2 terms cancel and so this ratio is independent of the separation. [1]
(1.6 10–19)2
ratio = –12 [1]
4 8.85 10 6.67 10–11 (1.7 10–27)2

ratio 1.2 1036

72 © TPK 6 Electric fields

Marking scheme
End-of-chapter test
1 a Electric field strength at a point in space is equal to the force experienced per
unit positive charge. [1]
b i F = EQ = 5.0 105 4.8 10–19 [1]
F = 2.4 10–13 N [1]
4.8 10–19 4.8 10–19
ii Number = = [1]; number = 3 [1]
e 1.6 10–19

2 a Radial field shown. [1]

Correct field direction. [1]

b i E= [1]
4 0r 2
1.3 10–17
E= [1]
4 8.85 10–12 (6.8 10–15)2

E = 2.53 1021 V m–1 2.5 1021 V m–1 [1]

ii F= [1]
4 0 r 2

1.3 10–17  10–19

F= [1]
4 8.85 10–12 (1.4 10–14)2

F = 191 N 190 N [1]

3 a E= [1]
4  0r 2

20 10–9
E= [1]
4 8.85 10–12 (0.05)2
E = 7.19 104 V m–1 7.2 104 V m–1 [1]
b Correct direction shown
(judged by eye). [1]

7.2 104 V m–1 7.2 104 V m–1

c Net electric field strength E = 2 (7.2 104)2 [1]

E = ( 2) 7.2 104 V m–1 [1]

6 Electric fields © TPK73

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