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Today’s world is a world of information and it is difficult to know where to begin when making a

decision Therefore, carrying out research is critical and an essential part of decision-making, as it
helps researchers gather information, identify options, evaluate potential outcomes, and provide a
foundation of empirical data that can help professionals assess the potential impacts of their
decisions and choose the most effective course of action. ‘’Research provides the data and context
required to assess options, weigh pros and cons, and ultimately arrive at a well-reasoned
choice’’(Ami, 2023). So research provides a strategy for making decisions when action needs to be
taken, as it is grounded in methodological rigor. According to Hattie (2009), "research-based
practices lead to improved outcomes by identifying strategies that have been proven to work across
various contexts." By relying on research, professionals can make informed decisions that are not
only more likely to succeed but also better justified to stakeholders and this evidence-based
approach minimizes the risk of failure and enhances the likelihood of achieving desired results.

Moreover, using research supports accountability and transparency in decision-making processes,

particularly in professional environments involving public or stakeholder funds. Daniels and Sabin
(2008) highlight that frameworks such as "Accountability for Reasonableness" ensure that decisions
are made fairly and can be defended through clear, evidence-based rationales. This approach
improves trust among stakeholders, helps organizations avoid biases, ensures that decisions are
made equitably, and is aligned with ethical standards and best practices. Also, research offers the
information and proof needed for decision-makers to make wise decisions, particularly in unclear or
complicated situations, and learning about a variety of options and their consequences facilitates
understanding and identification of them so experts can evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of any
choice, which reduces the impact of prejudices and personal beliefs on evaluation. "Professionals
can use research to make sure that judgments are based on trustworthy, unbiased information
rather than personal biases or views." (Elkhyer et al., 2022).

In the field of education, teachers' decision-making in the classroom setting is required and when we
want to set classroom instructions or prepare lessons, etc., we always do research, which helps
provide students with reliable information and enhance a good teaching and learning environment.
‘’Teachers can strengthen instruction and protect their students’ valuable time in school by
scientifically evaluating claims about teaching methods and recognizing quality research when they
see it.’’ (What Is Scientifically Based Research? A Guide For Teachers | Reading Rockets, s. d.). Also,
we have to keep an eye on several operating procedures at once, like delivering a wide range of
programs, interacting with a wide range of people in a wide range of situations in a variety of
settings, building feedback loops, reflecting on our daily routines, and so forth, as part of our work.
Applied research is necessary to test a hypothesis in real life and as a result, this approach takes into
account the particulars of each situation while still offering quick solutions for classroom problems,
so administrators, principals, and teachers may all benefit from performing research. In sum,
incorporating research into decision-making processes leads to better outcomes, fosters
accountability, and ensures efficient use of resources, making it an indispensable practice in
professional settings.

Ami, C. (2023, août 23). The Importance of Research in Decision Making - Coursera AMI. Coursera
AMI. https://www.ami.sch.id/the-importance-of-research-in-decision-making/

Elkhyer, H., Jones, J., & Singh, S. (2022). Research in Practice: Ensuring Objectivity and Reducing Bias
in Professional Decision-Making. Journal of Professional Practice, 45(3), 215-230.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement.

What is scientifically based research? A guide for teachers | Reading Rockets. (s. d.).Reading Rockets.

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