Solved Exercise Class 9th Computer Unit-01

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i. What is the function and significance of Napier’s Bone in early computing?

Napier's Bones were a calculating tool invented by John Napier in the early 17th century.
They were used to perform multiplication, division, and extraction of square roots through
the manipulation of rods inscribed with numbers. This invention was significant because it
simplified and sped up complex calculations, laying the groundwork for future mechanical

ii. How did Charles Babbage's Difference Engine differ from the Analytical

The Difference Engine was designed by Charles Babbage to automatically compute and
print mathematical tables using the method of finite differences. It was a mechanical
calculator. In contrast, the Analytical Engine was more advanced and conceptualized as a
general-purpose computing machine. It included features like a control unit, memory, and the
ability to perform any calculation, making it a precursor to modern computers.

iii. What is the primary goal of fifth-generation computers?

The primary goal of fifth-generation computers is to advance computer technology

through artificial intelligence. These computers aim to be more intuitive and capable of
understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, learning from experience, and making
decisions, thus mimicking human thought processes.

iv. Name the three types of memory mentioned on the motherboard in the
Von Neumann architecture?

In the Von Neumann architecture, the three types of memory commonly mentioned are:

1. RAM (Random Access Memory): Used for temporary storage of data and
instructions that the CPU needs while performing tasks.
2. ROM (Read-Only Memory): Stores critical startup instructions and firmware that
remain unchanged.
3. Cache Memory: A smaller, faster type of volatile memory that stores copies of
frequently accessed data for quick retrieval by the CPU.

v. Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile memory.

Volatile memory (e.g., RAM) loses its data when the power is turned off. It is used for
temporary storage while the computer is running. Non-volatile memory (e.g., ROM, flash
memory) retains its data even when the power is off, making it suitable for long-term storage
of essential programs and data.

vi. Show memory hierarchy with the help of a diagram.

Copy code
| Registers | (Fastest, most expensive, smallest capacity)
| Cache |
| Main Memory (RAM)|
| Secondary Storage|
| (Hard drives, |
| SSDs) | (Slowest, least expensive, largest capacity)

vii. Why is the word size of a processor important, and how does it affect the
computer's performance?

The word size of a processor (e.g., 32-bit or 64-bit) determines the amount of data it can
process at once and the size of the memory addresses it can handle. A larger word size allows
for faster data processing, handling larger amounts of memory, and improved overall

viii. What is pipelining, and how does it improve the efficiency of a CPU?

Pipelining is a technique in which multiple instruction phases are overlapped within a CPU.
By dividing the execution process into stages (fetch, decode, execute, etc.) and processing
multiple instructions simultaneously, pipelining improves the efficiency and throughput of
the CPU, leading to faster execution of instructions.

ix. Imagine you are building a custom computer for a friend. Give three
considerations you would take into account when choosing the type and size of
memory for this computer.

When choosing the type and size of memory:

1. Usage Needs: Consider the primary use (gaming, graphic design, general use) to
determine the required memory size.
2. Budget: Balance performance needs with the budget to choose an optimal memory
type (e.g., DDR4 vs. DDR5).
3. Compatibility: Ensure the memory is compatible with the motherboard and CPU,
including the correct speed and capacity support.

x. You are a computer technician tasked with upgrading an older computer

with a slow CPU. How might you improve its performance without replacing
the entire CPU?

To improve performance without replacing the CPU:

1. Upgrade RAM: Increasing the amount of RAM can reduce bottlenecks and improve
2. Install an SSD: Replacing the hard drive with a solid-state drive can significantly
speed up boot times and application loading.
3. Optimize Software: Remove unnecessary programs, update the operating system,
and ensure all drivers are up-to-date.

xi. Your school is planning to purchase new printers for the computer lab.
Give three advantages and disadvantages of impact and non-impact printers
to help them make a decision.
Impact Printers:

• Advantages: Can print on multi-part forms (carbon copies), typically more durable,
often cheaper to maintain.
• Disadvantages: Noisier, slower, lower print quality compared to non-impact printers.

Non-Impact Printers:

• Advantages: Quieter, faster, higher print quality (suitable for graphics and photos).
• Disadvantages: Generally more expensive to purchase and maintain, can't print on
multi-part forms.

xii. Define "protocol" in the context of data communication.

A protocol in data communication is a set of rules and standards that define how data is
transmitted and received over a network. Protocols ensure that devices can communicate
effectively, handling data formatting, error checking, and signal timing.

xiii. Define simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex modes of communication

with one example each.

• Simplex: Communication in one direction only. Example: Radio broadcasting.

• Half-Duplex: Communication in both directions, but not simultaneously. Example:
• Full-Duplex: Communication in both directions simultaneously. Example: Telephone

xiv. What are start and stop bits, and where are they used in data

Start and stop bits are used in asynchronous serial communication to signal the beginning
and end of a data packet. The start bit indicates the start of data transmission, while the stop
bit signifies the end, allowing the receiver to recognize and properly interpret the incoming

xv. How does a switch differ from a hub in a network?

A switch intelligently routes data to specific devices on a network by using MAC addresses,
reducing collisions and improving efficiency. A hub simply broadcasts data to all devices on
the network, leading to more collisions and less efficient data transmission.

xvi. How does asynchronous transmission differ from synchronous

transmission, and in what situations are they typically used?

Asynchronous transmission sends data one byte at a time with start and stop bits, suitable
for low-speed communication like keyboards and serial ports. Synchronous transmission
sends data in continuous streams with synchronized clocks, used in high-speed
communication like network data transfer.

xvii. Explain the concept of a peer-to-peer network and its limitations

compared to a client/server network.
A peer-to-peer (P2P) network allows all devices to act as both clients and servers, sharing
resources directly. Its limitations include less security, scalability issues, and less efficient
resource management compared to a client/server network, where dedicated servers provide
resources and management, offering better security, scalability, and centralized control.

xviii. Compare and contrast the star and ring network topologies.

• Star Topology: All devices are connected to a central hub. Advantages include easy
troubleshooting and isolation of faults. Disadvantages include dependency on the
central hub, which if fails, can bring down the entire network.
• Ring Topology: Each device is connected to two others, forming a circular data path.
Advantages include equal access to resources and simple data packet routing.
Disadvantages include difficulty in troubleshooting and if one device fails, it can
affect the entire network unless a dual ring is used.

xix. Why is mesh topology considered the most reliable but also the most
expensive to implement?

Mesh topology is reliable because each device is connected to every other device, providing
multiple paths for data to travel, which ensures network redundancy and robustness.
However, it's expensive to implement due to the high number of connections and cables
required, making it complex and costly.

xx. What is the role of the Application Layer in the OSI model?

The Application Layer in the OSI model provides services directly to end-users and
applications. It handles application-specific functions like email, file transfer, and network
resource access, facilitating communication between software applications and lower network

Q1. Describe the evolution of computer generations from the first generation
to the fourth generation, highlighting the key technological developments and
their impact on computing.

The evolution of computer generations can be divided into four distinct phases:

1. First Generation (1940s-1950s):

o Technological Developments: The first generation of computers used vacuum
tubes for electronic components and relied on punched cards and magnetic
tape for input/output.
o Impact: These early computers were large, expensive, and consumed vast
amounts of power. They were primarily used for scientific and military
purposes, such as calculating ballistic trajectories and codebreaking.
2. Second Generation (1950s-1960s):
o Technological Developments: The second generation introduced transistors,
replacing vacuum tubes. Magnetic core memory was also developed,
providing faster and more reliable storage.
o Impact: Computers became smaller, faster, and more reliable, leading to
increased commercial use in business and government. Batch processing and
time-sharing systems emerged, allowing multiple users to access a computer
3. Third Generation (1960s-1970s):
o Technological Developments: The third generation saw the development of
integrated circuits (ICs), which further reduced the size and cost of computers.
Operating systems and high-level programming languages like COBOL and
FORTRAN became widespread.
o Impact: Computers became more accessible to businesses and individuals,
leading to widespread automation of tasks such as payroll processing and
inventory management. Minicomputers and mainframes dominated the
4. Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s):
o Technological Developments: The fourth generation saw the development of
microprocessors, which integrated thousands of transistors onto a single chip.
Personal computers (PCs) became commercially available, and graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) were introduced.
o Impact: The emergence of PCs revolutionized computing, enabling
individuals to perform tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, and desktop
publishing. Networking technologies like Ethernet and the Internet laid the
groundwork for global connectivity and information sharing.

Q2. Discuss the importance of categorizing and understanding different types

of systems, both natural and artificial, and provide examples of each type.

Understanding different types of systems, both natural and artificial, is crucial for several

• Analyzing Complexity: Categorizing systems helps in understanding the intricate

relationships between components and their interactions.
• Problem Solving: By recognizing patterns and structures common to various
systems, solutions can be applied across different domains.
• Prediction and Control: Understanding systems allows for predicting behavior and
implementing control mechanisms to achieve desired outcomes.

Examples of natural systems include ecosystems, biological organisms, weather patterns, and
the human brain. Artificial systems encompass engineered systems like computer networks,
transportation systems, economic markets, and social networks.

Q3. Explain the characteristics and potential challenges associated with fifth
generation computers that aim to understand natural languages and possess
thinking capabilities. What are the implications of such advancements in
computing on society?

Fifth generation computers are characterized by their ability to understand and respond to
natural language, mimic human thought processes, and perform tasks requiring reasoning and
decision-making. Potential challenges include:

• Complexity: Developing systems capable of understanding natural language and

reasoning requires sophisticated algorithms and vast amounts of data.
• Ethical Concerns: As computers become more autonomous and capable of decision-
making, ethical dilemmas arise regarding accountability, bias, and privacy.
• Security Risks: Intelligent systems may be vulnerable to exploitation and
manipulation, leading to privacy breaches and cybersecurity threats.

The implications of fifth-generation computing on society are profound, ranging from

improved productivity and efficiency to potential job displacement and societal
transformation. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to
revolutionize healthcare, transportation, education, and many other sectors, but they also raise
concerns about job automation, algorithmic bias, and the ethical use of AI technologies.

Q4. Explain the fundamental components of network communication, and

how do they work together to facilitate data transfer?

The fundamental components of network communication include:

• Sender: Initiates the transmission of data.

• Receiver: Receives and processes the transmitted data.
• Message: The data being transmitted.
• Protocol: Rules and standards governing communication.
• Medium: The physical or logical pathway through which data travels.
• Encoder/Decoder: Convert data into a format suitable for transmission and reception.
• Channel: The medium through which data is transmitted (e.g., wired or wireless).
• Noise: Interference that disrupts communication.

These components work together to facilitate data transfer by ensuring that data is encoded,
transmitted, received, and decoded accurately and reliably. Protocols govern the format,
timing, and error detection/correction mechanisms of data transmission, while the medium
provides the physical pathway for data to travel between sender and receiver.

Q5. Describe the roles of common communication devices like hubs, switches,
routers, and gateways in data communication. How do they contribute to the
functionality of a network?
• Hubs: Act as central connection points for devices in a network, broadcasting data to
all devices.
• Switches: Direct data to specific devices based on their MAC addresses, reducing
collisions and improving network efficiency.
• Routers: Route data between different networks, using IP addresses to determine the
most efficient path.
• Gateways: Convert data between different communication protocols or network
architectures, enabling communication between disparate networks.

These devices contribute to the functionality of a network by facilitating data transmission,

managing traffic, and ensuring that data reaches its intended destination efficiently and

Q6. Discuss the advantages and limitations of different network topologies,

including bus, star, ring, and mesh. When should each topology be used in a
network design?

• Bus Topology: Advantages include simplicity and cost-effectiveness, but limitations

include susceptibility to single points of failure and difficulty in scaling.
• Star Topology: Advantages include centralized management and fault isolation, but
limitations include dependency on the central hub and increased cabling requirements.
• Ring Topology: Advantages include equal access to resources and simple data packet
routing, but limitations include difficulty in troubleshooting and the potential for
network downtime if one device fails.
• Mesh Topology: Advantages include redundancy and reliability, but limitations
include high implementation costs and complexity.

Each topology should be used based on specific network requirements, such as scalability,
fault tolerance, and cost considerations. For example, a bus topology may be suitable for
small, simple networks, while a mesh topology may be preferred for critical applications
requiring high reliability and fault tolerance.

Q7. What is the OSI model, and how does it help in understanding the process
of data communication? Explain each of the seven layers and their functions.

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework that standardizes
the functions of a communication system into seven distinct layers. It helps in understanding
the process of data communication by breaking down the complex task of communication
into smaller, manageable layers, each responsible for specific functions:

1. Physical Layer: Handles the physical transmission of data over the communication
2. Data Link Layer: Provides error detection and correction, as well as framing and
flow control.
3. Network Layer: Routes data between different networks using logical addressing (IP
4. Transport Layer: Provides reliable end-to-end data delivery and error recovery
through segmentation and reassembly.

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