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KPMG, TAX SHELTER, TAX FRAUD, CHRISTMAS, DEATH, DECEIT, KPMG Hey KPMG merry Christmas, hope you guys are happy, I am dead and will never see another Christmas again or see my daughter celebrate Christmas again, who cares though KPMG is doing great notwithstanding all the lies, deceit, threats and theft purveyed by KPMG which caused me to kill myself. Good work KPMG and its malevolent partners like Dennis Malloy (the lying thieving Mormon bishop), Erin Collins (the malicious deceitful IRS Lawyer), Joseph Loonan (the KPMG Hangin Lawyer).you guys caused me to kill myself in a disgusting painful manner so you could go on lying and stealing to make millions, too bad for my daughter though, thanks to you guys, now she has nobody. Beware if you work at KPMG or do business with KPMG, if any of all the fraud continuously perpetrated by KPMG comes to light, regardless if you had anything to do with the fraud, if convenient (or just plain advantageous) KPMG will hire a firm like Skadden Arps with lawyers who will lie and cheat on behalf of KPMG like Peter Morrison , to make any deal it can with the U.S. Government such that your loved ones will kill themselves, become drug addicts and alcoholics and suicidal every waking moment after the horrors of the U.S. Government are purveyed upon you and your family due to the lies and deceit perpetrated by KPMG (which will include ass raping, suicide and armed gunmen invading your home and threatening your family not to mention severe public humiliation). Merry Christmas KPMG

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Issues-In-Depth: 2011 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments
By KPMG LLP | Dec. 14, 2011 From the Financial Reporting Network and the IFRS Institute
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1. How Does the Conflict Minerals

Provision of the Dodd-Frank Act Affect Your Company?

2. CFO Financial Forum Webcast:

FASB Financial Instruments Project Update 3. CFO Financial Forum Webcast: Goodwill Impairment

Quality financial reporting is critical to our financial markets. Representatives of the SEC, PCAOB, FASB, IASB, CAQ and AICPA addressed quality financial reporting from a number of perspectives, including accounting, audit, and regulatory, at the 2011 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments on December 5-7, 2011 in Washington, D.C. The major themes of the Conference were convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS, preparer and auditor responsibilities related to the use of pricing services to measure fair value, and audit quality and the role of the audit committee. Areas of attention included recommendations for preparers related to providing transparent disclosures, the SECs filing review process, financial reporting observations from reviews of registrants filings, and accounting and auditing standard-setter priorities. As always, speakers stated that their views are their own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of their respective organizations. As a matter of policy, the SEC, PCAOB, FASB, and IASB disclaim responsibility for any private publication or statement made by members or staff. Read Issues-In-Depth: 2011 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments

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Accounting Changes Business Combinations Consolidation Employee Compensation Error Corrections Fair Value Measurements Financial Instruments Financial Statement Presentation IFRS Income & Other Taxes Interim Financial Reporting Leases Pensions/Other Benefits Revenue/Inventory/Deferred SEC Reporting & Disclosures Segment Reporting

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2011 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. ... 12/20/2011

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