Evolution of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Al-Killed Stainless Steelmaking
Evolution of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Al-Killed Stainless Steelmaking
Evolution of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Al-Killed Stainless Steelmaking
The evolution of non-metallic inclusions (> 10 lm) for the Al-killed steel in the stainless
steelmaking is described. The effects of the slag basicity at the AOD/VOD process, Ca
treatment, raw materials (dolomite and spent refractory), reoxidation and vacuum condition on
the evolution of the non-metallic inclusion were investigated using the thermo-chemical
program (FactSageTM) and the SEM-EDS analysis of the non-metallic inclusions sampled at
each process (AOD/VOD-ladle treatment-tundish-continuous casting) and discussed for the
beneficial modification of the non-metallic inclusions to obtain better surface quality of the steel
in the secondary refining process. The phase stability diagram of the inclusion newly developed
from the analysis results and the mechanism for the evolution of non-metallic inclusion in
Al-killed stainless steel was suggested.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2021
calculation using FactSage were confirmed to be much the deoxidation products and the change of the equili-
smaller than the other components. Thus, in the present brated soluble oxygen with various chromium contents
study, the contents of FetO and Cr2O3 in the inclusion when the initial contents of aluminum and oxygen are
were negligible for analyzing the evolution of the given as 0.1 wt pct and 0.06 wt pct at 1700 C (based on
inclusion in the stainless steelmaking process. 100 tons). It should be noted that the equilibrated
The metal and slag samples were prepared for the soluble oxygen would be much lower than the soluble
chemical analysis. The contents of major components oxygen with the activity of Al2O3 = 1 because the
such as chromium, nickel, silicon, manganese, total CaO-Al2O3 slag is formed to refine the molten steel and
titanium and total aluminum were analyzed by optical absorb the alumina inclusion in the process. As Fig-
emission spectrometry, and the contents of dissolved ure 2(b) shows, the amounts of corundum (Al2O3)
aluminum, calcium, magnesium and titanium were reduce from 125 to 110 kg and the soluble oxygen
determined using a inductively coupled plasma spectro- increases from 10 to 78 ppm in the range of 0 to 30 wt
scope (ICP-AES, IRIS Advantage [REG], Thermo pct Cr at 1700 C. Thus, the molten stainless steel is
Electron, Waltham, MA). The oxygen contents were better able to keep higher soluble oxygen levels (< 10
analyzed by fusion and the infrared absorption method ppm at 1700 C) compared to the ultra-low-carbon
after very careful ultrasonic cleaning treatment. The steel, and it has more beneficial effects on the surface
composition of the slag was analyzed by an x-ray quality of the products against the reoxidation of the
fluorescence spectroscope (SRS 3400, Bruker AXS, molten steel in the process.
Cheshire, UK).
For the thermodynamic calculations, the FactPS
B. Effect of the Slag Basicity on the AOD/VOD Process
database was used to evaluate the formation of gases.
The major solution databases considered in the calcu- For the Al-killed stainless steelmaking process, the
lations were FToxid-SLAG (slag), FToxid-SPIN (spinel deoxidation and desulfurization are simultaneously
solution of MgAl2O4-MgCr2O4-MgTi2O4-FeAl2O4-Fe- performed with the addition of Al pellets or FeAl alloys
Cr2O4-FeTi2O4-Fe3O4-, etc.), FToxide-MeO (monoxide at the reduction stage of the AOD/VOD process.
solution of CaO-FeO-MgO-, etc.), FToxid-aC2S Figure 3(a) shows the effect of the slag basicity of the
(Ca2SiO4 solid solution), FToxid-CORU (corundum AOD/VOD process on the soluble oxygen and the
solution of Al2O3-Cr2O3-Fe2O3-Ti2O3) and the private activity of components in the slag at 1700 C. The data
database (liquid steel) developed at POSCO. points for the soluble oxygen obtained from 430 grade
STS show fair agreement with the calculated soluble
oxygen. It should be noted that the total oxygen
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION analyzed from the fusion and the infrared absorption
method was evaluated as the soluble oxygen because of
A. Effect of the Cr Contents in the Al-Killed Stainless the high solubility of the oxygen in the Cr-containing
Steel molten steel. As Figure 3(a) shows, the soluble oxygen
decreases in the range of 0.4 to 1.0 for the slag basicity
Figure 2(a) shows the deoxidation relation between
while the soluble oxygen slightly increases in the range
soluble aluminum and oxygen with various chromium
of 1.0 to 1.4. The soluble oxygen in the molten steel
contents in the molten Fe-Cr-Al-O system at 1700 C.
should be controlled as low as possible so that the
As Figure 2(a) shows, the soluble oxygen equilibrated
amounts of the deoxidation products such as Al2O3
with soluble Al = 0.05 wt pct changes steeply from 8 to
formed with decreasing temperature can be minimized.
70 ppm in the range of 0 to 30 wt pct Cr because of the
On the one hand, the activities of CaO and Al2O3 in the
strong interaction between chromium and oxygen.[9,10]
liquid slag vary with the change of slag basicity. As
Figure 2(b) shows the calculated results for the change
Figure 3(a) shows, slag with basicities > 1.0 can lower
of corundum (activity of Al2O3 = 1) contents formed as
the activities of Al2O3 in the slag with the addition of
Fig. 3—(a) Effect of slag basicity (CaO/Al2O3, CaF2 = 5 wt pct) on the soluble oxygen with the data points obtained from 430 grade (16 wt pct
Cr) and the activity of the components at 1700 C. (b) Effect of slag basicity (CaO/Al2O3, CaF2 = 5 wt pct) on the Ls (S distribution) at
1700 C with the data points obtained from 430 grade (16 wt pct Cr) and the change of liquidus temperature of the slag.
CaF2 = 5 wt pct so that the liquid slag can absorb the liquidus temperature changes to a W-shape with the slag
deoxidation products such as alumina. Figure 3(b) basicity (CaO/Al2O3). The melting points show the
shows the effect of slag basicity on the melting point minimum points at 0.6 and 1.4 (1500 C and 1400 C) in
of the slag with the addition of CaF2 as 5 wt pct. The Figure 3(a). They also show the relation between slag
Fig. 6—SEM analysis of the inclusions obtained from the process of AOD to tundish in the Al-killed steel with the addition of MgO-rich spent
The composition of the liquid phase and the average implies that the addition of the Al pellet, CaO and CaF2
composition of the inclusion are separately plotted in at the reduction stage dissolves the MgO-containing
the phase diagram of the CaO-Al2O3-MgO system in refractory, and some undissolved MgO(s) particles
Figure 7(b). Notably, the average composition of the remain because of the low solubility of MgO in the
inclusion is mainly located in L + monoxide (MgO-rich molten CaO-Al2O3-CaF2 system. After tapping, the
solid solution) or L + monoxide #1 + monoxide #2 slow kinetics of the dissolution of MgO(s) particles in
(immiscibility gap between CaO-rich and MgO-rich the entrapped inclusions will keep the MgO(s) particles
monoxide solid solution) while the composition of the in the process. The remained MgO(s) particles can
liquid phase in the inclusion containing < 4 wt pct MgO precipitate MgAl2O4 spinel phase in the inclusion with
is located in the fully liquid region. Figure 8 shows the decreasing temperatures because of the high activities of
enthalpy of the mixing in the binary system at 1700 C. Al2O3(s) and MgO(s) in the inclusion. Park et al.[14]
Mostly the main slag system in the AOD process investigated the dissolution behavior of MgO particles
consists of CaO-Al2O3-MgO or CaO-SiO2-MgO sys- in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slag system using a high-tem-
tems. Comparison of the enthalpy of mixing for the each perature confocal scanning laser microscope and
binary system at a certain temperature could give observed the ring-like structure of MgAl2O4 spinel
qualitative estimation for the meltability or solubility phase locally equilibrated with the liquid slag and the
of MgO(s) in the slag more or less. As Figure 8 shows, MgO(s) particles. The composition of the liquid slag
the CaO-SiO2 and the CaO-Al2O3 systems show much phase located between the MgO(s) particles, and the
stronger solution forming behaviors than the MgO-SiO2 ring-like structure of MgAl2O4 showed a co-saturation
and the MgO-Al2O3 systems. Especially the enthalpy of state with the MgO(s) and MgAl2O4 phase. These results
mixing between the CaO-SiO2 and the MgO-Al2O3 correspond to the results of the present study. After all,
systems shows a large difference as 41100J/mol. This the undissolved MgO(s) particles in the entrapped
Fig. 10—Effect of the vacuum on the evolution of non-metallic inclusion: (a) change of the MgO contents in the inclusion at each process; (b)
SEM analysis of the inclusion in the sample obtained from tundish.
simultaneously occurs under the vacuum condition (< inclusion. Figure 10(a) shows the change of the MgO
300 mbar) with decarburization at the oxygen blowing contents in the inclusion with the SEM analysis results.
stage. At the degassing stage, the total pressure is The contents of MgO significantly increase from VOD
controlled below 60 mbar under oxygen blowing to departure to tundish (+21 pct) in the inclusion. The
reduce the carbon contents under 100 ppm. Tempera- precipitated spinel (MgAl2O4) and MgO(s) in the sample
ture of the molten steel is changed in the range of obtained from tundish are shown in Figure 10(b). This
1550 C to 1750 C in the process. Plenty of Cr oxides unique increase of MgO contents in the inclusion is not
formed from the oxygen blowing stage to the degassing observed for the steel grade finished with only the AOD
stage are reduced with the addition of reducing agents process (see Section III–C and Figure 5). Figure 11(a)
such as Al- or Si-containing alloys. At the reduction shows the calculated standard Gibbs free energy for the
stage, for the Al-killed stainless steel, the CaO-A- formation of Mg gas by soluble Al and the amounts of
l2O3-MgO slag system is formed by the addition of the Mg(g) with the change of the total pressure at
CaO, dolomite (CaO-MgO) and Al pellets. During the 1700 C. The formation of Mg(g) occurs abruptly below
reduction stage, many slag droplets are entrapped in the 10-3 atm as the total pressure. Thus, as shown in
molten steel and become the origin of the non-metallic Figure 11(b), the added Al can reduce the MgO from
in Figure 12(b). It should be noted that the liquid mechanism for the evolution of inclusion in the Al-killed
inclusion of the MnO-SiO2-CrOx system could form as stainless steel as shown in Figures 13 and 14 is believed
the soluble oxygen is > 480 ppm in the austenitic to be as follows. Cr oxidation significantly occurs under
stainless steel containing 18 pct Cr-8 pct Ni-1.1 pct oxygen blowing in the decarburization process, and
Mn-0.4 pct Si. As Figure 12(a) shows, most of the data CrOx is reduced by the addition of Al pellets in the
points obtained from the industrial plant are distributed deoxidation process. The deoxidation products for the
on the Al2O3(s) + spinel, Mg[Al,Cr]2O4 stable region. Al-killed stainless steel are different from the Al-killed
Most inclusions, as shown in Figure 5(a), are evolved carbon steel because of high amounts of chrome. The
from the CaO-Al2O3-MgO system with the liquid phase equilibria for the Al-deoxidation for Fe-25 pct Cr-2 pct
with formation of spinel or Al2O3(s) with high potential Si-0.7 pct Mn and Fe-20 pct Cr-10 pct Ni melt in the
of the soluble Al with decreasing temperatures. Fig- temperature range of 1550 C to 1600 C, which was
ure 12(b) shows the newly developed phase stability studied by Heinz[22] and Fischer and Janke,[23] respec-
diagram with Ca treatment (Ca = 5 ppm) under the tively. These authors[22,23] reported the deoxidation
assumption that the inclusion would evolve from the product was the Al2O3-Cr2O3 solid solution (corundum)
entrapped calcium aluminate inclusion containing a few phase. Figure 13(a) shows the change of soluble Cr, Al
wt pct of MgO in the molten steel, which is suggested to and oxygen contents with the addition of Al pellets in
take into account the stable phase with the given soluble the deoxidation process. As Figure 13(a) shows, the
Mg, Al and oxygen. The measured data points obtained soluble Cr completely recovers with the addition of Al
from the Ca-treated molten steel are located on L + pellets when the soluble Al and the soluble oxygen at
spinel, the Mg[Al,Cr]2O4 stable region, and are in good 1700 C are 152 and 95 ppm, respectively. The soluble
agreement with the analysis results obtained using the oxygen decreases by 64 ppm with the soluble Al = 550
SEM-EDS as shown in Figures 12(a) and (b). ppm for complete deoxidation at 1700 C. Due to ideal
solution behavior between Al2O3 and Cr2O3,[24] the
Cr2O3 reduces linearly with the addition of Al pellets as
H. The Mechanism for the Evolution of Inclusion
shown in Figure 13(b). To decrease the activity of Al2O3
in Al-Killed Stainless Steel
formed in the deoxidation process and the equilibrated
Many authors[12,13,17–21] believed that non-metallic soluble oxygen as mentioned in Section III–B, CaO or
inclusions in Al-killed stainless steel evolve on the dolomite (CaO-MgO) is added to form the CaO-A-
formation route of singular spinel consisting only of l2O3-MgO slag system at the AOD or VOD process.
MgAl2O4. However, in the present study, the analysis During the tapping at the AOD or the reduction stage
results using Auto-SEM confirmed that most inclusions during the VOD process, at first, numerous slag droplets
(> 99 pct) were calcium aluminate (CaO-Al2O3) with are entrapped into the molten steel because of the strong
some amounts of MgO and evolved to precipitate the turbulence between slag and molten steel. Due to the
spinel (MgAl2O4) or CaAl2O4 phase in the inclusion vigorous stirring by Ar gas at the reduction stage, the
depending on the conditions of the process. The equilibrium between molten steel and slag could reach a
certain level of soluble Al, Mg and Ca in the molten 1. AOD/VOD process: slab basicity, tapping tempera-
steel. These soluble elements (Ca, Al, Mg) react with the ture and vacuum condition
entrapped inclusions. It should be noted that the soluble 2. LT arrival: impurities (Al, Ca, Mg, O) from the
Al for the Al-killed stainless steel could be higher than coolants and ladle glazing on the casing ladle, raw
the several orders of magnitude compared to soluble Ca material usage (high-MgO containing refractory)
and Mg. Thus, the reactions in Eqs. [3] and [4] are 3. LT departure: Ca treatment (Ca-containing material
predominant between the molten steel and the inclusion and bubbling time)
with decreasing temperature. The contents of soluble 4. Tundish: reoxidation (air suction from the shroud
Mg would depend on the amounts of MgO in the slag nozzle, ladle filler and any oxygen source)
and the tapping temperature at AOD. Especially, the 2Al + 3(MgO)Inclusion = (Al2 O3 ÞInclusion þ3Mg ½3
soluble Mg could significantly increase under the vac-
uum condition because of the reaction in Eq. [5] in the
VOD process as mentioned in Figures 10 and 11.
Soluble Ca could be supplied from CaO or CaF2 in 2Al + 3(CaO)Inclusion = (Al2 O3 ÞInclusion þ3Ca ½4
the slag or from the Ca treatment at ladle treatment as
shown in Figure 5. After Ca treatment, soluble Ca
increases and reacts with Al2O3 and MgO in the 2Al + 3(MgO)Refractory = (Al2 O3 ÞInclusion + 3Mg(g)
inclusion as described in Eqs. [6] and [7]. Thus, proper
Ca treatment could have a diluting effect on the ½5
amounts of Al2O3 and MgO in the inclusion so that
the precipitation of MgAl2O4 or Al2O3 phase in the
inclusion could be suppressed. 3Ca + (Al2 O3 ÞInclusion = 3(CaO)Inclusion þ2Al ½6
Figure 14 describes the mechanism for the evolution
of non-metallic inclusions observed from the present
study. In conclusion, we suggest that the following
Ca + (MgO)Inclusion = (CaO)Inclusion þMg ½7
factors are important to control the evolution of
non-metallic inclusions in the Al-killed stainless steel-
making process
Raw material effect : Dolomite and MgO-rich spent refractory ȥ Presence of MgO
Soluble Al and Mg : Slag basicity (wt% MgO in Slag) and Tapping temperature
Fig. 14—Mechanism for the evolution of non-metallic inclusions (> 10 lm) and the critical factors at each process in the Al-killed stainless steel.