Anthropology476 CultureMedicineandtheBody
Anthropology476 CultureMedicineandtheBody
Anthropology476 CultureMedicineandtheBody
Contact Information
Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Denny 407, TBA
Required: Michel Foucault: The Birth of the Clinic Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish Annemarie Mol: The Body Multiple Susan Sontag: Illness and its Metaphors Course Reader* (local print shop- TBA) *All readings for this course are available either in print or online through the UW library system. You are not required to purchase the course reader, but if you choose not to purchase it, you are responsible for accessing and reading all assigned materials on your own.
quotations, and should directly address the readings for that day. Appropriate content for these responses include questions that have arisen from the readings, critiques of the authors methods or arguments, and further thoughts relating the readings to other course materials, to content or lessons from other classes, or relevant current events. Responses must be posted by 12pm PST on the day of class when those readings are due in order to be counted for credit. Students are encouraged to engage in online discussion and respond to each others postings. Expectations for scholarly conduct in the classroom extend to this on-line forum.
Extra Credit
Extra credit assignments may be given at the discretion of the instructor. If the instructor specifies a due date for an extra credit assignment, no extensions will be allowed, and the assignment will not be accepted after that date.
Grade Disputes
The University of Washington has procedures in place to handle grading disputes and appeals. This and other information about grading policies can be found online at
is submitted and is unreadable or in anyway corrupted, the assignment will be considered incomplete and late penalties will apply until a proper, functional document is submitted.
Academic Honesty
I take academic honesty very seriously. When flagrant cheating or plagiarism occurs, it is an insult to me, to the students in this course, and to the guilty student. It is an insult to the time we spend here teaching and learning from each other. Academic instruction, particularly in the liberal arts, is unique in its focus on intellectual fluency and collaborative effort rather than task-based competition and self-promotion. Your college education does not consist of a collection of hoops that you need to get through. This course requires you to engage with course materials, with other students, with the instructor, and with the greater academic community in a productive and innovative fashion. Academic dishonesty defeats the purposes of this class and of this institution, and it will not be tolerated. Especially in a discipline that requires you to be able to engage with the ideas of others and to cite multiple unique sources, plagiarism is an incredibly self-defeating activity. Plagiarism is, at the very least, grounds for a zero grade for that assignment. If a student is suspected of deliberate plagiarism on an assignment, that student will be reported to the Dean Representative on Academic Conduct in accordance with UWs Academic Honesty Policy. More information on UWs academic honestly policies can be found online:
Course Schedule
WEEK 1 - Introduction to a Medical Anthropology of the Body Tuesday: Thursday: Introduction to the course Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Margaret Locke. The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1(1): 6-41].
WEEK 2 - The Body as Object Tuesday: Thursday: Michel Foucault. The Birth of the Clinic. Chapters 1 and 2 Michel Foucault. The Birth of the Clinic. Chapter 7 and Conclusion Beverly Ann Davenport. Witnessing and the Medical Gaze: How Medical Students Learn to See at a Free Clinic for the Homeless [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 14(3): 310-327] WEEK 3 - The Body as Subject Tuesday: Thursday: Michel Foucault. Selections from Discipline and Punish Philippe Bourgois. Disciplining Addictions. [Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 24(2): 165-195.] Franz Kafka. The Penal Colony WEEK 4 - The Body as a Signifier Tuesday: Michel Foucault. The Birth of the Clinic. Chapter 6 Nancy E. Schoenberg and Elaine M. Drew. Articulating Silences: Experiential and Biomedical Constructions of Hypertension Symptomatology [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 16(4): 458-475] Thursday: Tina Moffat. The Childhood Obesity Epidemic. [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 24(1): 1-21] Eugenia Kaw. The Medicalization of Racial Features: Asian American Women and Cosmetic Surgery [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 7(1): 74-89]
WEEK 5 - The Body as Metaphor Tuesday: Thursday: Susan Sontag. Illness and Its Metaphors S. Lochlan Jain. Cancer Butch. [Cultural Anthropology 22(4): 501-535.]
WEEK 6 The Body as Commodity and the Body as Gift Tuesday: Nancy Scheper-Hughes. The Tyranny of the Gift: Sacrificial Violence in Living Donor Transplants. [American Journal of Transplantation 7: 807-811] Sharon R. Kaufman, Ann J. Russ, and Janet K. Shim. Aged Bodies and Kinship Matters [American Ethnologist 33(1): 81-99] Thursday: Leslie A. Sharp. Commodified Kin: Death, Mourning, and Competing Claims on the Bodies of Organ Donors in the United States. [American Anthropologist 103(1): 112-133]. Donald Joralemon. Organ Wars: The Battle for Body Parts [Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9(3): 335-356] Two-page final paper proposal due in class on Thursday. WEEK 7 - The Body as Landscape Tuesday: Thursday: Pamela L. Geller. Bodyscapes, Biology, and Heteronormativity. [American Anthropologist 111(4): 504-516]. Charles D. Laughlin. Body, Brain, and Behavior: The Neuroanthropology of the Body Image. [Anthropology of Consciousness 8(2-3): 49-68]. Janelle S. Taylor. Sonographers and the Making of the Public Fetus. [in The Public Life of the Fetal Sonogram: Technology, Consumption, and the Politics of Reproduction. Rutgers University Press. ] WEEK 8 and 9 The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice Tuesday: Thursday: Tuesday: Thursday: Annemarie Mol. The Body Multiple. Chapters 1 and 2. Annemarie Mol. The Body Multiple. Chapter 3. Annemarie Mol. The Body Multiple. Chapters 4 and 5. Annemarie Mol. The Body Multiple. Chapter 6.